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Task 1 Done
Task 2 Done
Task 3 Done
Task 4
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Task 5
Task 6
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Task 7
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Bonus TP LA Panthers - Brian Morley (Pedersen)

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Oliver Pettyfer / Isaac Cormier Hale / Eva Lykke Aparjode

Task 1 (1 TPE + .5 TPE for each correct) - Predictions

Task 2(2 TPE) - Word Scramble

Task 3(2 TPE) - Trivia

Task 4(3 TPE) - Championship Banner
[Image: 2iv05kg.jpg]

Task 5(3 TPE) - Biggest Game

The biggest game for Montreal was undoubtedly game 7 of their series against Detroit. In a series that, I think, most people favored the Falcons, Montreal came out on top in what was probably the best game of the SMJHL playoffs so far. Detroit’s power play gave them two goals in the first, putting them ahead by one at the end of the period. Detroit scored with less than a minute left in the second, putting them up by two. Montreal scored one of their own off a late penalty, cutting the lead back to one in the closing seconds of the period. In the third, Montreal completely took over. They scored four goals, while Detroit could only manage one of their own. Lord Pretty Flacko scored the go ahead goal, and Buster Killington added another to solidify the Impact’s two goal victory.

Vancouver’s biggest game is less about the game itself and more about the result. Vancouver was the worst team in the league in the regular season. Despite heating up towards the end of the season, they were still considered heavy underdogs against the Kelowna Knights. In game five, Kelowna struck first, but Vancouver answered back quickly and took a one goal lead. The Knights brought the game back even at 2-2 before the end of the first period. In the second period, the Whalers took over. They scored twice in the first 4 minutes of the period, and Kelowna would change goaltenders. The goalie change wasn’t enough to keep Kelowna in the game, as Vancouver scored two more in the second. In the third, Vancouver held on for the victory. Kelowna scored a third goal, but it didn’t matter. Vancouver took the series, upsetting the Knights in just five games.

Written 6 (3 TPE) - Showdown
VAN/MTL top line centers, Ballard and Jesster

The top lines for both Vancouver and Montreal both have outstanding centers. Beau Ballard for Vancouver, Evandrus Jesster for Montreal. The first thing I want to look at when comparing centers who will be lining up opposite one another is faceoff percentage. In the playoffs, Ballard has won 55.3% of his faceoffs, while Jesster has won 49.3%. This is a reasonable advantage in favor of Ballard.

Next, point totals. In 11 games, Ballard has six 6 goals and 5 assists, good enough to average a point per game so far in post season play. Jesster has played 11 games as well, scoring 4 goals, and 5 assists for a total of 9 points. Slight edge here for Ballard again. Looking at +/-, we see that Ballard is a +6, which tells us that when he is on the ice he usually puts Vancouver in a position to win. Jesster, on the other hand, is a -1, which isn’t terrible, but it’s also not ideal. Once again, Ballard gets the better of Jesster. For shooting, Ballard has 20 shots so far in the playoffs, scoring on 6 of those, giving him an outstanding shooting percentage of 30%. Jesster can’t compete with a number like that. On 34 shots, Jesster has 4 goals, giving him a shooting rate of 11.8%, not bad, but Ballard has been so efficient with his shots Jesster didn’t stand a chance in this comparison.

Both players have averaged almost exactly 20 minutes played in 11 post season games, so they are almost ideal candidates for comparison. Ultimately, Ballard has the advantage in this match up, despite being on, in my opinion, the weaker team. Regardless, Jesster is an incredibly talented player, and we should see some great action when these two line up against each other.

Written 7 (3 TPE) - A show of sportsmanship
I interviewed Riko Muerto of the Hamilton Steelhawks.

Interview At the start of the season, did you expect the Steelhawks to be in this position?
"I expected that we would be a playoff team, but the way we took off in the second half was very unexpected. In many ways we are still a team in transition, but everyone really chipped in and exceeded expectations. We were really able to develop some chemistry throughout our lineup and everything just came together at the right time."

Interview Who on Los Angeles presents the biggest challenge for the Steelhawks, and why?
"Well, Morley of course is a fantastic player, but I think our biggest challenge will be getting pucks past their goalie, Weekes. He's had a tremendous year, and is playing with a lot of confidence. He only let in 1 goal against in the 2 games we played during the regular season. It will be nice if we can expose some weaknesses in his game in the first couple down in L.A., give our boys some confidence."

Interview Personally, do you do anything different during playoffs, does your ritual change?
"I am a fairly intense and competitive player, and there's no time to take a game off or a shift off in the playoffs. We will crank up a little more heavier music in the dressing room to get ourselves in a fighting mood! Otherwise it's just make sure we are rested and put the partying on hold until the playoffs are over."

Interview Which player on the Steelhawks will be the most important in helping you beat the Panthers, and why?
"Tanner's going to have to match Weekes save for save, and steal a couple of games for us. We don't anticipate it being a high-scoring series, and we definitely don't want to run and gun with these guys as they have a ton of scoring depth. But he has played solidly so far and come up big when we needed it, and hopefully he'll be on his game for one more series!"

Adam Falk scores, primary assist by Klaus Wagner.

[Image: RichSHL.gif]
Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
Adam Prpich Portal Link

Check out past episodes of Rich and Luke!

<s>Task One:</s> too slow, couldn't do

<s>Task Two:</s> DONE - Pm'd

Task Three:

<s>Task Four:</s> DONE

[Image: faxvu1.png]

I know I could have done WAY better on this, but I noticed the PbP for game seven start literally minutes after I opened up to do it... so I super-rushed it.

<s>Task Five:</s> DONE

Biggest Games

The biggest game for the Montreal Impact was game three against St. Louis, in the opening round of the playoffs. Although it might seem early on, it was in game three that Montreal, already up two games to none against the powerful St. Louis team, was able to prevent St. Louis from any hope of winning back home ice advantage in the series. In a 3-2 win which saw Ciarelli play phenomenally – arguably the difference in the series – the Impact continued to shock the league with their performance. They also forced the Scarecrows to need to win four straight to make their comeback – a daunting prospect, and one which they failed miserably. Your star players have to show up for you in your biggest games, and that happened here, with Ciarelli, Flacko and Jesster carrying the load and giving the Impact their ‘David versus Goliath’ victory. The Impact proved this game that they were far from the weaker team; they may not have shone in the regular season, but they were a playoff contender.

However, if you’re trying to talk about unlikely playoff contenders, you can’t help but go to the Vancouver Whalers who oppose the Impact. From ‘pre-season champions never forget’ to the laughing stock of the league, the Whalers shocked everyone as, despite coming dead last in the league, they were able to mimic last year’s playoff success and return to the finals. Only time will tell if they can undo the loss of last year, but their biggest game in achieving their current slot has to have been their battle against the Kelowna Knights – specifically, game 4. After splitting the series away, the Whalers were able to go up to a 3-1 lead in this game – a game which featured poor play by both goaltenders. Despite talkative forward Abodobe’s two goal effort, the play of Beau Ballard, VLAD McZehrl and Priozhkov was enough to overcome the Knights. This wasn’t the last game of the series, but it was arguably the one that put the knife in the proverbial coffin.

<s>Task Six:</s>

Showdown: Jesster vs Ballard DONE

The showdown at centre comes between Evandrus Jesster, one of the premier prospects expected to go number one overall -- number two at the absolute latest. Jesster took the league by storm this year by hitting the ice with a much more refined set of skills than any first year SMJHL’er has any right to have. Ballard, on the other hand, is a returning veteran who is no stranger to pressure games, having been a member of the Whalers one season prior -- in the Whaler’s losing effort against the Detroit Falcons.

In comparing their statistics alone, Ballard is the more impressive of the two, but it’s by a narrow margin. Ballard is known more as a playmaker while Jesster acts more as a pure sniper - however, their fortunes seem reversed this season as Ballard has six goals compared to Jesster’s four, and they’re tied at eleven points apiece. What gives Ballard the edge is a plus six rating compared to Jesster’s one, and a more physical game. However, Jesster has been the more disciplined of the two -- taking no penalties whatsoever.

Looking at who will prove more valuable in the coming series, the obvious answer would be Ballard -- his play has been narrowly superior to his opposing centre, and his experience in this sort of pressure situation suggests he’ll be able to respond in kind. However, Jesster’s shooting percentage has been miserable and snipers are known to score goals in bunches. I predict that Jesster will find his scoring edge against the Whalers, and very well could be the difference in the series -- taking nothing away from the excellent play of Ballard, but it will be Jesster who takes his team forward. He has more to prove to his critics, more hype to prove he’s worth, and he simply hasn’t been playing up to his usual standard thus far.

<s>Task Seven:</s> DONE

[Image: 140mb60.png]

Evandrus Jesster's Post-Season Signature

<s>Bonus:</s> DONE

Jesster from Ciarelli

[Image: hqBRlWW.png]
Berserkers Blizzard Usa


Task One: Completed

Task Two: sent

Task Three: sent

Task Four:

Task Five:

Task Six:

Task Seven:

Bonus: Goal by Riko Muerto assisted by Griffin Simons

[Image: zNTg4Ew.png]
thanks @suavemente !

Task 1 (1 TPE + .5 TPE for each correct) - Predictions


Task 2(2 TPE) - Word Scramble


Task 3(2 TPE) - Trivia


Task 4(3 TPE) - Championship Banner

[Image: SHL_BANNER.jpg]

Task 5(3 TPE) - Biggest Game

The biggest game of the playoffs for the Montreal Impact was sure as shit game number 7 of the Detroit Montreal series. The favored Detroit Falcons were expected to move on to defend their championship, but Montreal had a different agenda. Sage Tanner scored the first goal of the game for the Impact, but Detroit quickly stepped up the plate scoring 2 goals to take the lead, with one of them being assisted by the very skilled Alex Mack. The Falcons then opened the 2nd period with another goal bringing the game to 3-1. It was looking like Detroit was about to run away with game 7. However a bullshit penalty was called on Brandon Girard for unsportsmanlike conduct and he was ejected. Montreal would then score the next goal by Devon Mack to make it 3-2 and end the 2nd period. Montreal was down by 1 at the start of the 3rd and Detroit was without their best defenseman. Montreal Impact would get goals by Burton, Falk and Flaco with only Pejonis scoring for the Falcons and Montreal ended up coming back to win the game 6-4 and move on to the finals.

The biggest game of the playoffs for Vancouver was game 5 against the Knights. The series was tied 2-2 and Vancouver scored 6 goals and won the game 6-3, making a big statement in the series. Goals by Bure, Jandl, Gibb,s Jordan, Marshall and McZehrl put Vancouver in the drivers seat. Kelowna tried to fight back in the 3rd but ended up losing and going down 3-2 in the series and were not able to recover.

270 words

Written/GFX 6 (3 TPE) - Showdown
[Image: s_HOWDOWN.jpg]

Written/GFX 7 (3 TPE) - A show of sportsmanship
[Image: esa_sig.png]

Goal: Brian Morley, Assist: Nicholas Pedersen

[Image: Depositphotos-46829959-original-1024x602.jpg]

Task 1 - DONE

Task 2 - PM Sent

Task 3 - PM Sent

Task 4 - [Image: zSTrZO8.png]

Task 5 -

Task 6 -

Task 7 -

Task 8 - BONUS: Morley from Boyka.

Task 1: Done
Task 2: Sent
Task 3: Sent
Task 4:
Task 5: The biggest game for the Los Angeles Panthers so far, has got to be the game that brought them into the Finals. In their conference final, they were forced to go to game 7. This is a game which usually can go either way. With the most unlikely of heroes, emerging. In that seventh and deciding game against the Renegades, the Panthers were victorious 4-3, after a late goal by Yuri Boyka. The reason I chose this game, is because if they had lost they would not be in the playoffs any longer. That's the most useless sentence, but it's true. This was the biggest game for the team in the entire playoffs.

The biggest game for the Steelhawks came in the championship round. After losing game 2, by a score of 10-3, the team was demoralized. Many fans were wondering how the hell they made it this far, only to be kicked in the ass by the Panthers. Their most important game would be game 3, of that series. In the game that they needed to respond greatly in, they did just that. They started off on the wrong foot, allowing the Panthers to get the opening goal, but somehow...some way, they find it within themselves to get the win. Granted, it required them to go to over time to get it, but it was a win nonetheless. If they had lost this game, I'm not too sure they would've had the will within themselves to eventually win the Challenge Cup.

253 words
Task 6:
Task 7: Interviewing Pandar (From the Montreal Impact)
Quote:1. Of course everyone wants to win a championship, but at the beginning of the season, did you expect your team to make this far into the playoffs?

2. Can you describe the atmosphere of the LR during your great playoff run?

3. If you could pin point your one favourite moment of these playoffs, what would it be, and why?

1. I thought we could definitely win our first round, and I hoped that we'd make it through the conference finals, but I know that there are so many good Juniors teams right now, that it would have been foolish to just expect it.

2.There was a lot of excitement! We never stopped believing that we would keep winning, and we were thriving on our role as cardiac kids. Especially with our squad being so young, we were just having a blast.

3. My favorite moment of the playoffs had to be our game 4 win to eliminate St. Louis. For us to come back and win that game by scoring 5 goals in the 3rd... it just set the tone for the rest of our playoffs. Plus, it doesn't hurt that I notched two goals and an assist in that 3rd period Wink

Bonus: Morley scores, assist from Bottas.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Please take care of it. Here are some helpful links just in case.

Algonquin College Student Support Services - 613-727-4723
Crisis Text Line - Text 'HOME' to 741741
Distress Centre Ottawa and Region - 613-288-3311
Good2Talk - 1-866-925-5454
Kid's Help Phone - 1-800-668-6868
Mental Health Hotline Ontario - 1-866-531-2600
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255

Click here for a list of crisis centres within Canada
Suicide Prevention Resource Centre
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education

If you have the contact info to your local mental help centres, let me know!

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Player Page | Updates

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1. Here you are

2. PM sent

3. PM sent

4. [Image: 2julp2.png]

5. Biggest game for the Los Angeles Panthers: Western Conference Finals Game 7 against Texas Renegades team. First of all, I was PbPing this game, so I got involved to this game. And as of the second - this match was for the ''strongest of the West'' title. Needless to say that winner of this match have gotten a real chance to get a Challenge Cup, cause both teams were strong enough to win this one. This match was very big - 5 minutes till third period end and LA still trailed by one. They had bad PP and it seemed like Texas is going to face Hamilton once again. But 2 fast goals by LA broke Texas chances to start a dynasty once more. Los Angeles showed big heart this time and they advanced into the finals.

Biggest game for the Hamilton Steelhawks
: Eastern Conference Semi-Finals Game 5 against Manhattan Rage. Before this match the serier were tied - 2:2. So I didn't lie - this was a big match. Three periods of this game have settled nothing and they went into the overtime. 15 minutes of crucial hits, broken nerves and non-stop chanting from hockey fans. In 15:18 Rider Clitsome scored a goal and this may be explanation why Hamilton has won this cup - the both team were equal but this big OT goal crushed Rage coinfidence and they lost game 6 too. Hamilton proved once again that they are clutch team and Tanner has the steel balls.

6. I was about to compare both team goalie, but Weekes is too strong for do this. So let's take a look at defenders. Their primary thing is to help their goalies. So... I am gonna compare both first defensive pairs - from Los Angeles and from Hamilton. Well, who is better?

Fredrik Watlund & Valterri Bottas.

1. 72 points combined: they are good at attacking. Wastlund scored 12 goals in the regular season so it seems like he can shoot from the blue line. Los Angeles wins.
2. Coefficient: +17. This may not be best result ever, but this is still solid play from both defs. I guess Weekes was just too God to collect minuses. Los Angeles wins.
3. 82 PIM total: Not even close to Bojo and Tsizling. Well, they know what the word ''discipline'' means, especially Bottas (26 PIM). Los Angeles wins.
4. 156 hits total: even Morley and Skarsgaard have more than this duo. I am not saying that they are too soft, but they are producing too many hits for defs, that's for sure.
5. 110 shots blocked: It's not a Koskinen and Parker's level, but it's good enough to make Weekes life more easier.

Tyler Stropko & Bubba Nuck

1. 38 points combined: they are stay-at-home defenders, I guess. Well, Muerto and Simons can do their things even without them.
2. Coefficient: -5. Tanner was not a saviour, but this is too bad. It looks like they are not doing their shit properly. Maybe that's why Tanner is not the record breaker. Or Maybe Nuck is still thinking about his junior days when he used to be a center player.
3. 106 PIM total: Nuck has 77 PIM - this is close to Wastlund and Bottas duo. He is still a young guy and he is not disciplined enough, but the bottom line is that Hamilton still believes in Bubba, Well, good luck.
4. 194 hits total: There are some power forwards as well, like Grosberg and Trey, but this defensive pair helps a lot too. Hamilton Wins
5. 113 shots blocked: little bit more than Waslund and Morely. It's just cause Nuck has more blocks that Bottas. Hamilton wins.

In the end: 3:2 - Los Angeles first def pair is slightly better than Hamilton's first def pait. But this don't means that Hamilton will suck. All shit can happen...good luck to both teams.

7. This task ain't shit.

BONUS: CWG - Morley ; assist - Wastlund

Task 1 (1 TPE + .5 TPE for each correct) - Predictions

:impact: in 6 (if I'm supposed to do SHL, that was [url=]here[/ur]

Task 2(2 TPE) - Word Scramble

PM Sent

Task 3(2 TPE) - Trivia

PM sent

Task 4(3 TPE) - Championship Banner

[Image: z6dyDjP.jpg]

Task 5(3 TPE) - Biggest Game

The biggest game for Vancouver was probably their game 5 win over the Kelowna Knights in the Western Conference finals. The Whalers came into the regular season with a lot of swagger: they were the defending 4 Star Cup Champs, and they demolished the competition in their preseason schedule. However, the regular season proved to be a harsh mistress to the Whalers, who actually came in dead last. Many questioned whether or not the Whalers would get the chance to advance past the first round, let alone whether or not they’d actually get the chance to defend the cup. Game 5 versus Kelowna punched their ticket to the Final, and silenced the haters for the duration of the post season. Shutting down the regular season conference champs in 5 games proved that the Whalers are a legitimate threat to repeat as cup champs.

Many people will say that the biggest game for Montreal was either their win in game 6 or 7 versus the Detroit Falcons, but I disagree. I believe it to be their Game 4 win over the Saint Louis Scarecrows in the first round of the playoffs. Montreal lead the series 3 games to none, and going into the 3rd period, they seemingly had nothing to play for, as they were down 4-1. However, Montreal mounted one of the biggest comebacks in recent memory, scoring 5 goals in the 3rd period to win the game in regulation. This game set the tone for the Impacts conference finals against the Falcons. The Impact would come back from being down 2 games to none to tie it at 2 apiece, and then from 3 games to 2 force game 7. Finally, in game 7, Montreal came back from being down 3 goals to 1 to win the game. Montreal has shown resiliency and a never-quit attitude that they have carried not only in each game of the playoffs, but throughout the series as a whole, and this attitude first asserted itself in that game 4 win.

(337 words)

Written/GFX 6 (3 TPE) - Showdown

[Image: wedV8hH.jpg]

Written/GFX 7 (3 TPE) - A show of sportsmanship

[Image: 8ail8Kr.jpg]

G: Evandrus Jesster, primary assist: Vladimir Lidstrom

Isn't this always given a week?

[Image: theziegs.gif]
[Image: buster.gif]


Task 1: 'Ere we are

Task 2: pm'd

Task 3: pm'd

Task 4:
[Image: LcZCXJn.png]

Task 5:
Los Angeles:
Obviously a game 7 game versus Texas is absolutely nail biting. Not only nail biting, but for Los Angeles to go down 3-2 going into a very desperate 3rd period in Texas with the fans all cheering against them, it would take a lot of courage and a lot of heart to pull themselves to the top. But that is exactly what they did. They turned the game around and came out to be the better team in the end, going on and having the play constantly in the Texas zone, scoring two goals, and ultimately winning the game and sending themselves to the Challenge Cup Finals. It was an incredible game and probably the most important game of Wasty’s GM career, and forced a GM change in Texas

It’s usually elimination games that are important. They always end up being the pivotal factor, but Hamilton has gone through these playoffs rather uncontested. But the biggest feat is still an elimination game. But not any elimination game. It takes a lot to knock off previous champs like the Manhattan Rage. The Rage are a team that teams fear in the playoffs as they are ruthless. But without even a care the Hamilton Steelhawks knocked them down and beat them in 6. In that game the Hawks showed their might and shut down the great Rage team that faced them, winning the game on the back of Jakob Tanner and defensive play with a score of 3-1. Hamilton then knocked down Minnesota rather easily and cruised onto the finals

Task 6:
[Image: D0WzCEs.png]

Task 7:
[Image: fFYqnpF.png]

Evandrus Jesster (Lidstrom)

[Image: 8PlNwDd.png]


Task One: Hamilton in seven.

Task Two: PM'd.

Task Three: PM'd.

Task Four: Uncompleted.

Task Five: Uncompleted.

Task Six: For this series one of the biggest battles was Griffin Simons versus Adrian Thomaz. These two were coming off some great series and heading into the finals they were to be playing against one another head to head. Both performed well for their teams, but at the end of the season the Steelhawks were the winners as they came home with their franchise’s second title. There are some that are calling Simons’ performance better because his team came home as champions, which isn’t hard to argue against. However, when you take a look at all the intangibles such as Thomaz’s defensive game compared to Simons’ there’s a huge advantage for Thomaz. Thomaz finished the series with a plus 14 plus/minus rating while Simons finished the series with a minus four plus/minus rating showing that Thomaz was the better defender at times, but his plus/minus could have been boosted with Los Angeles’ 10-3 win earlier in the series. Both players had a face-off percentage higher than 50% while they were both clutch with some game winning goals or game tying goals. I think that Simons and Thomaz were both similar players throughout the series and were both tough competitors, but with Simons taking home the cup he has to come out as the winner of the series’ center battle. A competition that was just as big was who would be the stronger goaltender for both teams and it seems as if neither was better. It came down to the offensive teams winning games for the teams.

Task Seven: Interview with Hamilton Steelhawks' forward, Riko Muerto.

How's the change from Edmonton to Hamilton been for you?
It was a fairly easy transition, the team, management, and fans have been more than welcoming. I've been fortunate to have a couple of seasons playing with some really talented players, last season I was on a line with McKeil and Jakobsen, this season with Simons, so that's been fun!

It's been eight seasons since your last Challenge Cup win, how hungry are you?
I guess after the first 2 seasons in the league with Edmonton, we won the cup both times, so maybe I didn't appreciate how hard it would be. I'm very stoked to be back, I'd love to help bring the Cup back to a great city and great franchise. I feel like if we do win, it would be great to have been a big part of it, rather than just a 3rd/4th liner like I was in Edmonton at the time.

If you won a cup this season that'd make your third in 10 seasons. How much more seasons do you think you've got in the tank?
Not too many more. I'm already starting to think about retirement, but we'll see how it goes after the playoffs.

Hall of Fame or bust?
Somewhere in between. I don't think I've ever had a truly dominant season, never won any trophies, so I would be a bit surprised if I was considered HoF material. But all things considered, I wouldn't say I am a bust either, I've been a consistent scorer and a good team guy I think. Good but not great!

At the end of the career, which experiences were better for you, Edmonton or Hamilton?
Edmonton will always be special, as the team that drafted me and the first experience I had with some truly great guys and a fantastic management team which kept me active and interested. But my experience in Hamilton has been great, and if we do come through with the cup win, that might swing things more in their favor!

Bonus: Riko Muerto off Griffin Simons assist.

Task 1:
Panthers 6

Task 2: sent

Task 3: sent

Task 4: [Image: 25ujqxy.jpg]

Task 6
The Hamilton Steelhawks had a decent season, finishing with 65 points (tied for second in the league) and almost sweeping there conference finals opponents, which I think the entire league did not see coming. Someone who has had a tremendous season on the Hawks is none other then Griffin Simons. Simons leads the Hamilton Steelhawks in regular season points and Playoff points this season. Talk about reaching a new level in your career. I say he is the man of the match today on Hamilton's side as there will be a lot of pressure on his shoulders to get by the Mighty Jackson Weekes. The Los Angeles Panthers had a Godly season. Not only did they finish the season with the Presidents trophy, they swept their first round opponents and played when it counted to beat the Renegades in game seven. This team needs to gather every ounce of energy if they want to beat the Hawks, who are well rested and ready to play. The MVP for this team and possibly the league is the McBride in the making, Jackson Weekes. The man leads the league in save percentage, goals against, shut outs and wins during the regular season. Currently for the playoffs he has the exact same titles except he is tied with FourFour with goals against (1.91) and obviously right now he is tied with wins alongside Tanner. So the showdown comes to who can outplay who. Will the offence be the greater factor and Hamilton cores their way to victory, or will defence win a championship and Jackson Weekes will save the Panthers and get the cup.
271 words

Task 7

(I am an SHL player interviewing and SMJHL player)

Being one of the veterans of the SMJHL, do you have any words of wisdom for your rookies this year?

Just go out there and enjoy it guys, it may never happen again, it may happen again next season, but you never know so go out there and seize the moment. But, at the same time don't let it daunt on you, just play the same way you have and keep playing as a team and the Four Start Cup will be ours. Even if it's not, don't be too upset at yourself or the team. It's an incredibly difficult trophy to win and as such just getting the opportunity is more than enough. Simply but, enjoy your time here. Take it from me, it goes by very quickly.

Did you expect to see the Impact as your finals opponent?

Did you expect to see the Whalers in the finals? Hahaha, to be perfectly honest I doubt very many people had either the Whalers or the Impact making the finals, let alone play each other. We've both proven we shouldn't be taken lightly and that the regular season means absolutely nothing. As such, we also need to realize that the Impact are a great team and we can't take them lightly as St. Louis did.

What do you do to keep yourself under control with the pressure that is on you as a goaltender?

You know, I very rarely, if ever, feel pressure when I'm in net and I owe a lot of it to my parents. They taught me from the very beginning that in the end of it all, it's just a game. I'm getting paid to play a game, and making a darn good living of it. I'm just here to enjoy the moment and my time, no pressure, no nerves.

280 words

Bonus: Riko Muerto off Griffin Simons assist.

Task 1 yerp, done

Task 2(2 TPE) - Word Scramble PM'D

Task 3(2 TPE) - Trivia PM'D

Task 4(3 TPE) - Championship Banner
[Image: CW24_zps7dxyhdhl.png]

Task 5(3 TPE) - Biggest Game

250 words min.

What has been the biggest game so far for each team in the playoffs?

Written/GFX 6 (3 TPE) - Showdown
[Image: post24_zpsoaxdttat.png]

Written/GFX 7 (3 TPE) - A show of sportsmanship
[Image: krugbrumm_zpstc4dz0yv.png]

BONUS - Brian Morley from Fredrik Wastlund

[Image: ho-lee-smokes-iihf.png]
Thanks Jove for my sig

Task 1: Done

Task 2: Done

Task 3: Done

Task 4(3 TPE) - Championship Banner

[Image: 30l2m1k.png]

Task 5(3 TPE) - Biggest Game

For Hamilton, the biggest game of the playoffs came back in the first round against the Manahattan Rage. After winning game one, they lost the next two games, getting shutout 3-0 in game three. The Steelhawks knew they couldn't go down 3-1 against the mighty Rage, so it was a must-win game. Game four didn't start out very well for Hamilton, after scoring the first goal they would give up the next three and trailed 3-1 going into the 3rd period. The Rage added to their lead with a PP goal and the 4-1 lead looked daunting and insurmountable, but a hero would be born. 13 seconds after giving up the fourth goal, Griffin Simons received a pass from Jackson Hauke and got them back in the game. Less than 30 seconds later, Arthur Grosberg scored his first goal of the playoffs. With five minutes left to go Simons tied the game, and in Overtime Simons scored his hat trick and game winning goal. This crazy comeback victory helped propel the Hawks to three straight wins and a six-game series win.

For Los Angeles, it was game seven against the Renegades. The Panthers had fought back from a 2-0 series lead and a 3-2 series deficit to force a game seven. With a trip to the finals on the line, you knew it would be a hard-fought game. LA started the scoring, but fell behind 2-1 after the first period and 3-2 after two. With one period left, they had to find a way to tie the game. Their best chance game when Partlow took an elbowing penalty that put LA on the Powerplay. Fredrik Wastlund got the puck and sniped the tying goal with under 5 minutes to go. The Panthers didn't want to go to overtime and continued pressing...and they were rewarded by scoring the go-ahead goal with just over 2 minutes left in the 3rd period. After that Weekes shut the door and the Panthers were off to the Finals.

334 words

Written/GFX 6 (3 TPE) - Showdown

The most important positions are center, defense, and goalie, and these two teams have their share of studs. I'm going to focus on their 2nd line centermen, both leading their team in playoff scoring. For LA, Adrian Thomaz leads the way on the 2nd line, while Griffin Simons answers for Hamilton.

Adrian Thomaz leads the Panthers with 23 points; 8 goals and 15 assists.
Griffin Simons leads the Steelhawks with 25 points; 8 goals and 17 assists.

Adrian Thomaz had 2 goals and 8 Points on the powerplay.
Griffin Simons had 2 goals and 9 points on the powerplay.

The difference in points is countered by the ice-time differential, but I'll give a slight edge to Simons.

Being an effective center involves more than just offense, but a solid defensive and all-around game.

Adrian Thomaz was a +14, registered 16 hits, had 4SB, and won 52% of FO.
Griffin Simons was a -4, registered 3 hits, had 3SB, and won ~52% of FO.

Adrian Thomaz played 74 minutes on the PK and even scored 2 SHG.
Griffin SImons played 54 minutes on the PK.

Both post similar defensive stats, but I'll give Thomaz the edge due to his superb Penalty killing ability.

Finally, are they clutch?

Adrian Thomaz had 2 GWG and 1 GTG.
Griffin Simons had 1 GWG and 1 GTG.

Both have come up with huge goals, and although Thomaz has one more GWG, Simons almost single-handedly won a game with a hat trick goal in O.T. in an important game.

Overall, both are highly dynamic forces on offense that can score big goals, but are also studs on the defensive side. The winner of this matchup will likely win the series for their team. I think Griffin Simons will be more vital to the success of the Steelhawks because he is depended on to produce much more than Thomaz is, as the Panthers have greater depth scoring.

I look forward to the clash between these two titans.

331 words

Written/GFX 7 (3 TPE) - A show of sportsmanship

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