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The "I'm Stoned" Check-In Thread

Quote:Originally posted by TML99@Sep 18 2015, 07:03 PM
Flyin high

<object width="460" height="315"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="460" height="315"></embed></object>


Thatta kid!

percocet mmmmmmmmmmmm

oh fuck dudez, i just took a wicked hit from El Bongo and i feel like i can eat everything in siiiiighttttttt, daaaaaam sooooooon

Quote:Originally posted by DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDZ!!!@Sep 18 2015, 11:49 PM
oh fuck dudez, i just took a wicked hit from El Bongo and i feel like i can eat everything in siiiiighttttttt, daaaaaam sooooooon

cant tell if joking about #420 culture or serious Smile)

Hai deedz how are you

Quote:Originally posted by Bün@Sep 18 2015, 10:57 PM

cant tell if joking about #420 culture or serious Smile)

Hai deedz how are you

i jk

and im goooood boooooooon, wbu? whats new

Just ate some percocet and have 6 hours to kill before F1 race. Someone help me decide on something to do in the mean time.

Quote:Originally posted by Bün@Sep 20 2015, 06:12 AM
Just ate some percocet and have 6 hours to kill before F1 race. Someone help me decide on something to do in the mean time.

Percocet could make it difficult to stay awake :lol: Fuck IDK man, good luck making it though!

[Image: Piastri2.png?ex=65ba64d4&is=65a7efd4&hm=...462889f09&]
[Image: or8VMxO.gif]

yoooooo B)

[Image: sIjpJeQ.png]
[Image: KPt6Yuu.png]


Quote:Originally posted by WannabeFinn@Sep 20 2015, 06:27 AM
yoooooo B)

what up man!


[Image: Piastri2.png?ex=65ba64d4&is=65a7efd4&hm=...462889f09&]
[Image: or8VMxO.gif]

[Image: UVtcSk9.gif]

Quote:Originally posted by vbottas17@Sep 20 2015, 02:29 AM

what up man!

i'm up

[Image: sIjpJeQ.png]
[Image: KPt6Yuu.png]



[Image: sIjpJeQ.png]
[Image: KPt6Yuu.png]


What Up Tho?

So, the other day I was browsing the Internet for scary stories (which is how I discovered this amazing site!Wink, and I came across one that hit home in the freakiest of ways. It was about black-eyed children, and I’m pretty sure that I had an encounter with them last winter.

At the time, my husband and I were living in this crappy apartment building that had once been a massive old home. There were two apartments downstairs, and we lived in the only upstairs apartment. The only way to access our apartment was through a staircase located on the back porch of the house. It was really well hidden, and when we invited people over we’d frequently have to meet them down by the street, and then lead them up the stairs. Anyway, once you went up the stairs, there was a thick wooden door that closed off the stairs from the rest of our covered porch. Through that door, there was the rest of the porch, and then the door leading into our house was around a corner… It’s sort of complicated to explain, but the whole building was just laid out weird. I guess the point I’m trying to make is that most people don’t realize that the house is an apartment building, and even fewer realize that there’s an upstairs apartment you can access.

Last year I was sitting around, browsing Tumblr (which is my weakness, I swear). My husband worked until 9 or 10 most nights, and I usually worked mornings or overnight shifts at my job at a tool store, so I was home alone in the evenings quite frequently. It was around 8 or so, and being the middle of winter it was already pitch black outside, when I heard a knock on the door.
I wasn’t expecting anyone, so this freaked me out. It also weirded me out the knock wasn’t on the door next to the stairs, it was the one that led directly into my home. That meant whoever it was bypassed the door by the stairs, and though we usually left it cracked open, people would still knock on that door when they came over. There weren’t really any alarms going off in my head, so I just threw open the door.

Two kids were standing in the doorway, staring at me in the dim porchlight. One was a boy who looked around 12, and the other was a girl who looked to be around 7 (don’t hold me to this, I’m awful at guessing ages). “Can we use your phone? Our mom is looking for us and is probably worried,” the boy asked, and the girl just sort of nodded along. I was instantly freaked out. Why would they have come up the stairs (that were so hidden that the mailman sometimes forgot we existed), when there were two other apartments downstairs? Not to mention, I had been sitting around in the dark, and there were houses with the lights on right across the street.
I didn’t really respond, so the boy repeated himself. “Can we use your phone? Our mom is looking for us and is probably worried,” he said it the exactly same way, the same tone and inflection on his words and everything, like a little robot or something.

“Uh, well, my phone doesn’t have minutes,” I lied quickly, and I moved away from the door, closing it slowly in case they tried to get physical with me or something. It sounds silly, but for some reason I was afraid of these kids, paranoid that they were going to kill me or something.
The children just sort of looked at each other, and I couldn’t really tell what their expressions were since my porch light didn’t do a good job of illuminating their faces. “Oh. My sister needs to use your bathroom. Can we come in? It’s really cold out.” The boy said it in this urgent manner, and I recognized his tone. It was like when my niece was trying to convince me to let her have something, by acting as though she’d die without it. Blatant manipulation.

“No,” I said after a moment. “The next-door neighbors will probably let her use it, though.”
“Please let us in?” He pleaded his weird voice, and his sister let out a whimpering-crying noise next to him.

I turned on my kitchen light, because these kids were starting to legit weird me out, and I was hoping that if they were criminals or something, they would know that I was getting a good look at their face. I nearly screamed; they were pale (paler than what is normal for in the winter), and their eyes were completely black- sclera and everything! My heart started racing, and I felt like I was going to pass out. Dread flooded my veins, and I slammed the door in their faces, locking it.
I just sort of stood there like an idiot, hoping that they would leave, and I watched from the window in my kitchen for them to do so (it was a magnificent view of the world through the screen of our porch. Need I say again that the house was just laid out weird?). But I never saw them leave! Seriously, I stood there until I heard my husband coming up the stairs, and I banged on the window, screaming that there was somebody at our door. He ran around the corner, but came inside moments later, claiming that I must have been seeing things, because there was no one on the porch. I know for a fact that they didn’t leave, because I watched through that window like a hawk, and there was no way for them to open one of the screen windows and jump out the window or something. My husband finally convinced me that they had to have left when my head was turned. I didn’t think much else about the event until I saw that article about the Black-Eyed Kids, and now I know for sure that they were what visited me that night. I really want to know why they chose my house to visit, and why they even appear in the first place, seeing as after a little bit of research, no one seems to have any explanations.


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