Quote:Originally posted by Maxy@Nov 19 2015, 06:17 PM
I can see that, but on the other side of things I don't think he has a problem with the actual ban of the member, he's just sad his team lost the player which is understandable.
Oh of course it's understandable. What I don't understand though is why that seems to be all he cares about here. When Gorlab was suspended I wasn't like "Aw man why are we losing our defender for x games", because I understood why. I understand his anger, I don't understand why he thinks the Riot should be able to keep Karlensons however.
Quote:Originally posted by Witty+Nov 19 2015, 06:17 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='QUOTE-WRAP'><tr><td>QUOTE (Witty @ Nov 19 2015, 06:17 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->
He was signed by St. Louis, but I agree with you on that. Just an awful post.
I probably shouldn't be getting involved in all this as a somewhat new member, but this isn't a place to vent your bigoted opinions.
As for hedgehog, it's too bad that he doesn't get to play goalie for you. Maybe he could have watched what he said. I do kinda think a perm ban is a little harsh, though.[/b]
You absolutely should be getting involved in this. New members are not inferior to older members, especially in situations like this.
That said, I personally disagree that a permaban is harsh
As I said before, if it had been a one off comment it would have been too harsh. But he made multiple posts stating his views, being argumentative towards any members who had problems with it, and was generally like "yeah I'm a racist and I want them all dead, so what". I don't think a permaban is too harsh for that personally.
<!--QuoteBegin-gorlab@Nov 19 2015, 06:18 PM Not agreeing with your countries immigration policy = racism[/quote]
You know good and well that wasn't all he said.
Quote:Originally posted by Caillean@Nov 19 2015, 08:19 PM
Oh of course it's understandable. What I don't understand though is why that seems to be all he cares about here. When Gorlab was suspended I wasn't like "Aw man why are we losing our defender for x games", because I understood why. I understand his anger, I don't understand why he thinks the Riot should be able to keep Karlensons however.
Spur of the moment. The losses this team has had have been huge impacts. If you read his later comments he posts that "yeah you're right" about why Karls will be gone. Someone referenced the same thing has other punishments that have happened. You're honestly making a big deal out of nothing here trying to vilify the Riot makes no sense to me. No worries though, just misunderstandings imo.
Quote:Originally posted by Caillean@Nov 19 2015, 08:22 PM
You absolutely should be getting involved in this. New members are not inferior to older members, especially in situations like this.
That said, I personally disagree that a permaban is harsh
As I said before, if it had been a one off comment it would have been too harsh. But he made multiple posts stating his views, being argumentative towards any members who had problems with it, and was generally like "yeah I'm a racist and I want them all dead, so what". I don't think a permaban is too harsh for that personally.
I read the thread, saw some of his posts. Nova's single was worse in all aspects, tbh.
However, as I said in the first post this isn't a place to be a racist douchebag. If I had to perm one, I'd pick Nova.
Quote:Originally posted by Caillean@Nov 19 2015, 08:01 PM
what do you mean by defending him though? He didn't need defending, he needed to keep his mouth shut and stop being racist.
Does anyone even like him?
Just like I tell Gorlab to shut up when he's being dumb. Even if it doesn't work, it looks better than just ignoring the idiocy and only caring when it affects (effects?) the team.
I'm not denying that he needed to shut up, I'm saying that at least I tried to take the heat of him a little bit. I wasn't ignoring his "idiocy". And yes I liked Hedge. He never bad mouthed me, or anyone in the LR, and I don't think I saw him badmouth anone in any other thread besides the Paris one. The fact that Nova isn't suspended and Hedge is, is absolutely amazingly stupid to me.
Quote:Originally posted by Caillean@Nov 19 2015, 08:15 PM
It wasn't so much that they were supposed to know it would happen as I swear I remembered seeing people in there from the Riot (and apparently I wasn't wrong as Bruinsfan said he was there, defended him, AND pm'd GoB that night informing him of what was going on).
It's more that I feel there's no way the team hasn't heard about the comments and that they hadn't addressed them in any way shape or form before now (not that they should have to of course, but when a member of my team made some similar racist remarks and we heard about them a few of us were quick to denounce what was said in various threads when we found out as well as telling that member to shut the hell up about stuff like that in the future) but some are suddenly are more upset over losing their player than said player's user being a racist asshole... I dunno.
Just all I'm seeing from Leonidas in particular is "Why are we losing our player" while completely ignoring the reason behind the ban. His initial post was "That's my fucking goalie, man".
Just rubs me the wrong way I guess.
I didn't hear about any comments nor did any of the riot members besides Bruins who was there and obviously GoB since Bruins contacted him.
It's not impossible to not hear about something in this league. Your example can't apply to everybody.
He did what he did and got banned. I was upset we lost his player and now I'm over it.
"That's my fucking Goalie..." is me playing around.
Quote:Originally posted by Jesster@Nov 19 2015, 08:23 PM
Spur of the moment. The losses this team has had have been huge impacts. If you read his later comments he posts that "yeah you're right" about why Karls will be gone. Someone referenced the same thing has other punishments that have happened. You're honestly making a big deal out of nothing here trying to vilify the Riot makes no sense to me. No worries though, just misunderstandings imo.