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Getting to Know You: Jason Forbrook

1400 words, ready for grading, first article

Full Name: Jason Robert Forbrook

Position: Right Wing

Hometown: Duluth, Minnesota

What’s the biggest strength in your game right now? My size, for sure. I’m not afraid to get in there, play along the wall and work for pucks. You won’t see me backing down from a puck battle -- that’s where I’m most comfortable.

What areas of your game are you trying to improve? My skating. My balance is good, I’m just running lots of drills to get my speed up, things like that.

How long have you been playing hockey? I started when I was five, so 14 years now. When you grow up in Duluth, or northern Minnesota at all, you’ve usually got skates strapped on your feet before you can even walk, so I was a late starter. But when I got my first pair of skates and Dad got me out on the ice -- there was a park just a few blocks from our house with a little rink -- there was no turning back. I was hooked.

Do you play any other sports? I played baseball through high school, outfield. It was fun, kept me working out in the off-season, but it wasn’t where my heart was.

Did your parents play? My dad skates, but he never really loved it the way I do. He’d get on the ice with me growing up, let me shoot on him, work on my passing, but as far as being on a team or anything, he didn’t really play.

What do you do in the offseason? I like to golf. I’m not very good, but it’s fun to get together with buddies you haven’t seen in awhile and just hit the ball around. I spend a lot of time with my family, too, hang out at the cabin, stuff like that.

What’s your morning routine like? I’m usually up before my alarm. I get up, mess around on my phone for awhile to wake up, return emails or texts or whatever. I don’t like to get out of bed right away, but I don’t wanna lay around all day either. Quick breakfast, usually -- a smoothie or yogurt and a banana -- then go for a run. Shower and a bigger breakfast after that.

What’s your go-to pre-game meal? Usually something simple, like pasta with chicken and white sauce, and plenty of mushrooms -- they’re my favorite. Sometimes I change it up and use shrimp instead.

Do you have a pre-game routine? I like to chill by myself for a bit before getting in with the rest of the guys. Some guys, you know, they’re in the circle kicking the ball around or whatever, shooting hoops in the hallway, and I’ll jump in for a few minutes, but before that you’ll find me at my stall with my headphones on, Usually it’s Eric Church, some good ol’ country rock.

What has been your favorite hockey memory? Definitely winning the state championship sophomore year. It was my first year on varsity and we had an awesome season, just a great group of guys, and just watching the seniors hoisting that trophy, how happy everyone was -- I’ll never forget that moment. I still get goosebumps thinking about it.

What’s your favorite hockey-centric movie? Oh man, that’s a tough one. I mean, I should probably say Slapshot, right? Youngblood? Both good choices, but I gotta go with the Mighty Ducks. I’m a Minnesota boy, after all.

What’s the ultimate hockey goal for you? Honestly, getting drafted is the only thing on my mind right now. So for now, that’s my ultimate goal.

If you weren’t a hockey player, what would you be? A teacher, probably. I help out around the rink back home, do some coaching for the younger kids, and my little cousins are always asking for help on their homework -- they say I do it best, so I must be doing something right.

Who’s your hockey hero? My bantam hockey coach, Coach Nadeau. Best coach I ever had -- tough when he needed to be, but also really passionate about the game and about helping us get to the highest level, even at that age. He was tough on us, but you could just tell how much he loved us, too. He died a few years back -- cancer -- and even in his death he left a legacy. Big chunk of money for a scholarship for kids who want to play but can’t afford it. Just an awesome guy all around. I miss him.

What’s something most people don’t know about you? Oh man, I can’t believe I’m even admitting this, but I’m terrified of spiders. I just can’t handle all those legs. I was camping one summer with my family and there was a huge spider in my sleeping bag -- I think I ran out of the tent and jumped in the lake.

What's your favourite part of a game day? Is it bad if I say the pre-game nap? I'm kidding! I like the build-up to puck drop, when warmups are done and we're all getting hyped in the locker room. Nothing better than stepping onto the fresh ice and hearing the noise from the crowd.

Least favourite? That depends on if we win or lose. Losing, the worst part of game day is how pissed guy are, hearing coach point out what you did wrong, stuff like that. Win, and the best part of game day is the celebration. Nothing like knocking your helmet against your goalie's after a win. Always a good moment.

How do you chill out after an intense game? If we're on the road, I try to grab a window seat on the plane and read a book on my tablet. Just enjoy the quiet. At home, it's the same thing, just with my bed and a real book, try to just decompress. I don't always like to go out after games like some of the guys do, even after wins. Depends on the night, I guess, but I'd usually rather relax after a tough game.

For a forward, your strengths seem to be fairly defensive-minded. With that in mind...have you ever played a defensive position, or given any thought to switching roles? I kind of floated back and forth between positions when I was young. I've always been a bigger guy, so a lot of my coaches wanted to try me out at D, see what I could do. It went all right, I didn't mind it, but I was never as good hanging back than I was playing up, and my varsity coach recognized that, I guess, and stopped moving me from wing. Obviously I'm always gonna wanna do what's best for my team, so if a coach saw something in me that they wanted to try out, I'd give it some consideration, for sure.

The American side of international hockey is fairly crowded; are you hoping to eventually work up to making your mark there, focusing more on regular-season play and less concerned with the IIHF, or do you have a secret second heritage we should know about? No secret heritage here -- born and bread American right here. International hockey is amazing, it's definitely something I've thought about, but if it doesn't happen for me, it doesn't happen. I'm very focused on just making a name for myself in general right now, and if that leads to me to international play, then all the better.

Do you have any superstitions or hard-set hockey routines? I never change the color of my laces -- they're always blue. I don't know if that counts as a superstition, but they've been blue since I put on my first pair of skates and I'd feel weird with anything else. I have a whole stockpile of blue laces -- in my stall, in my bag, stuck in drawers at home. It's a little excessive, I guess, but it's my thing.

Why should teams draft you? I’ve got a killer forecheck and a really strong work ethic. I don’t back down from a challenge, and I’m always pushing myself to be better, both for myself as a player and for my team. I make things happen offensively and bring the strength and size I think a lot of teams are looking for.


What's your favourite part of a game day?

Least favourite?

How do you chill out after an intense game?

[Image: 57817_s.gif]


What's your favourite part of a game day? Is it bad if I say the pre-game nap? I'm kidding! I like the build-up to puck drop, when warmups are done and we're all getting hyped in the locker room. Nothing better than stepping onto the fresh ice and hearing the noise from the crowd.

Least favourite? That depends on if we win or lose. Losing, the worst part of game day is how pissed guy are, hearing coach point out what you did wrong, stuff like that. Win, and the best part of game day is the celebration. Nothing like knocking your helmet against your goalie's after a win. Always a good moment.

How do you chill out after an intense game? If we're on the road, I try to grab a window seat on the plane and read a book on my tablet. Just enjoy the quiet. At home, it's the same thing, just with my bed and a real book, try to just decompress.


-For a forward, your strengths seem to be fairly defensive-minded. With that in mind...have you ever played a defensive position, or given any thought to switching roles?

-The American side of international hockey is fairly crowded; are you hoping to eventually work up to making your mark there, focusing more on regular-season play and less concerned with the IIHF, or do you have a secret second heritage we should know about?

-Do you have any superstitions or hard-set hockey routines?


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