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Worst way you have injured yourself?

I can't decide which is worse so I leave it up to you.

One time I was rollerblading with some buddies and saw a down ramp and thought that I could get some crazy speed by going down it. My buddies tried to convince me that I wouldn't be able to stop and I would hit the door at the bottom. I told them I would jump and brace myself with my arms. One 3 inch gash above my eye and a new shirt(because of the blood) later I had to admit I may have made a bad choice.

Another time I was camping and we were roasting marsh mellows which was amazing but I was bored and was seeing how long it would take for a marsh mellow to completely melt and my aunt caught me and told me to take it out. I pulled my stick up to my face to blow the fire out and it melted off the stick and stuck to my hand and after some vigorous shaking it feel onto my leg. I still have a nice scar on my hand the size of a penny.

TL;DR Dangles is dumb and likes pain.

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when i was 5, we were all playing soccer, and i stepped on the ball fell backwards, put my hands out to stop me and broke my arm. good times.

Dankoa, not sure being wasted counts. But Ill allow it as long as that person then went down the hill in said cart.

Hexx, dominant wrist?

Lizzy, you will now be known as Lizzy Who, Marked By Dandellions. In seriousness though, jesus, that sounds painful. I have gotten fryer oil on my fingers before and that sucked but splashed on your arm? :(

Ruutu, friend of mine somehow someway grew up in the country and doesn't have a single scar, but you are a close second. Did you never play sports or jump off a roof?

CGool, considering your a chemist, I imagine you have a few stories. My science teacher in 7th grade, I remember his left hand having scarrnig on the back, apparently something got on his hands that was stored above head level and it caused burning of his skin. His comment on it? "My hand, not my eyes"

[Image: CamNosreh.png]

Me and my friend were wasted and we're demonstrating to each other how to punch up against a fence. We did this for a while, I eventually threw a open palm uppercut strike at the fence, there was a nail sticking out of the fence with the butt-end of it sticking out about an inch. My hand went through the back of the nail and I was literally stuck to the fence for like 5 minutes. Eventually my friend told me he was going to count to 3 and slowly pull me hand off.. he said one and yanked my hand off. My girlfriend was crying, there was literally flesh on the fence. I soaked my hand in iodine, wrapped it (repeated this of course) and avoided a hospital trip.

Nice little scar Smile

[Image: Piastri2.png?ex=65ba64d4&is=65a7efd4&hm=...462889f09&]
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One time I walked into a knife at work.

Another time I cut the end of my thumb off.

I got concussed getting kneed in the head (and then concussed again like 4 days later playing hockey)

I broke both my wrists at the same time falling off a child's scooter.

I dropped the fifth Harry Potter on my foot and broke my pinkie toe.

I could go on and on and on, guys.

Addendum: not me, but my roommate got headbutted by our dog a couple months back and she had a fat lip for her boyfriend's graduation photos

[Image: 57817_s.gif]

Quote:Originally posted by Private Snowball@Jun 27 2016, 03:11 PM

Hexx, dominant wrist?
Yeah. The cast for the middle finger didn't allow me to write, but the wrist cast at least allowed me to write.

Sven Holmberg

[Image: hexx55.gif]

[Image: mitochondriafigure1.jpg]
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Probably more stupid than it is funny, but I have a scar that runs above my eyebrow down through my eyebrow from not wearing glasses while weed whacking. Never injured myself outside of sports though.

[Image: cDMBWce.png]
[Image: 0tCQttQ.png]
LA Panthers Goaltender

Oh, there is always the classic "touching the electric fence", or getting bit by a horse, or kicked by a horse, or trampled by a horse. Never been thrown from a horse, though, so I guess I have that

Sven Holmberg

[Image: hexx55.gif]

[Image: mitochondriafigure1.jpg]
Player Page | Update Page


when I was 11 and took ice skating lessons I thought it was a good idea to run into the boards for some reason and sprained my wrist in the process.

Other than that, I was a victim of a roundhouse kick to the nuts.

In grade 3 while away at camp we were playing game of manhunt at night, I fell in the dark and didn't bother to put my hands out to catch myself so I landed straight on my chin... knocked myself out and split my chin right open. 6 stitches and concussion later I was all good to go.

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[Image: qp9sjzw.png] [Image: QPhJjnn.png] [Image: cz7Q1LV.png] [Image: RapExQb.png] [Image: sXGJ3Yn.png]
[Image: aasdAwo.png]

Canada Update Thread | Player Page Canada

Wiffed soccer ball ended kicking toe into ground breaking it

when i was kid i got hit in the head with a putt putt club, because i thought it was safe for putt putt.

skated down a giant hill on a skateboard and wobbled my way off of it going very fast. Layers of skin left behind

got destroyed in the face with a soccer ball from a few feet away for a concussion.

was pulled down by another skater falling by the pants and hit the back of my head for a concussion.

nothing like super crazy exciting though.

[Image: JbAlQ9E.png]

I work at a summer camp and today a kid with a rocket nailed me in the nuts during a soccer game. Hurt like a mother fucker. I made the stop tho.

[Image: SigStorm.png]
[Image: QHLWtic.png?1]
san francisco group of cats - mikael koskinen
quebec city citadelz  - mikael koskinen

Quote:Originally posted by TML99@Jun 27 2016, 01:21 PM
In grade 3 while away at camp we were playing  game of manhunt at night, I fell in the dark and didn't bother to put my hands out to catch myself so I landed straight on my chin... knocked myself out and split my chin right open. 6 stitches and concussion later I was all good to go.

Ill quote myself as I realize I went through a couple month span as a kid where I had to go get stitches three times.

on top of falling I was standing too close to my friend taking a slap shot with a full sized wood stick in his basement.... lets just say my forehead lost that one.

I guess I didn't learn my lesson because couple weeks later I was standing too close to my neighbor hitting a drive on their front lawn in a subdivision... I don't think either of us were very smart.... Anyways I took another shot to the chin and split my chin open across the first scar I got from falling so I have a plus (+) sign of scars on my chin and beard hair doesn't grow their :(

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: qp9sjzw.png] [Image: QPhJjnn.png] [Image: cz7Q1LV.png] [Image: RapExQb.png] [Image: sXGJ3Yn.png]
[Image: aasdAwo.png]

Canada Update Thread | Player Page Canada

Quote:Originally posted by The_Mazais+Jun 27 2016, 04:05 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' id='QUOTE-WRAP'><tr><td>QUOTE (The_Mazais @ Jun 27 2016, 04:05 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I am really clumsy in real life so injuries isn't anything new for me.
Most of my injuries are from playing football or floorball.
I broke my hip while trying to reach a ball, fucked my knee while playing floorball with cheap knee pads. At that time all those pads seemed the same for me. And most recent one is I fucked my shoulder in January and never visited a doctor about that. Also no one could say what exactly is wrong with my knee. Yea that's about it.
Ou yea, when I was like 4-5 years old I thought that it is good idea to jump from stairs and hit my head to concrete and since then I am almost blind with one eye.[/b]

Quote:Originally posted by LatvianBastard@Jun 27 2016, 04:07 PM<br />While playing basketball, jumped for a rebound, got it and fell on my friends foot, stumbled and hit my head on the pole. Got a concussion, now I feel a bit weird all the time.


Are all of our Latvians suffering brain trauma?

Quote:Originally posted by Hoovuh@Jun 27 2016, 04:06 PM<br />Tore my lower back and left hamstring by pushing a 200lb+ toolbox on ice trying to get to a jet to fix it. Slipped on the ice and that tore my lower back. Then the toolbox fell on top of my leg and pinned it, tearing my hamstring. Still feeling it nearly 3 years later.

I recall you mentioning way back you screwed up your back, it fucking fell on top of you after though and injuring your leg as well I didn't, that's messed up. Still feeling as in? Like days you cant put your socks on or days your just stiff?

Quote:Originally posted by Dangles13@Jun 27 2016, 04:08 PM<br />I can't decide which is worse so I leave it up to you.

One time I was rollerblading with some buddies and saw a down ramp and thought that I could get some crazy speed by going down it. My buddies tried to convince me that I wouldn't be able to stop and I would hit the door at the bottom. I told them I would jump and brace myself with my arms. One 3 inch gash above my eye and a new shirt(because of the blood) later I had to admit I may have made a bad choice.

Another time I was camping and we were roasting marsh mellows which was amazing but I was bored and was seeing how long it would take for a marsh mellow to completely melt and my aunt caught me and told me to take it out. I pulled my stick up to my face to blow the fire out and it melted off the stick and stuck to my hand and after some vigorous shaking it feel onto my leg. I still have a nice scar on my hand the size of a penny.

TL;DR Dangles is dumb and likes pain.

Cringed at the thought of the marshmellow napalm :(

Quote:Originally posted by TheLastOlympian07@Jun 27 2016, 04:11 PM<br />when i was 5, we were all playing soccer, and i stepped on the ball fell backwards, put my hands out to stop me and broke my arm. good times.

Good one Charlie Brown :lol:

Also, are you Latvian? If not I am sorry, but I think you are.

Quote:Originally posted by Toonces@Jun 27 2016, 04:12 PM<br />Me and my friend were wasted and we're demonstrating to each other how to punch up against a fence. We did this for a while, I eventually threw a open palm uppercut strike at the fence, there was a nail sticking out of the fence with the butt-end of it sticking out about an inch. My hand went through the back of the nail and I was literally stuck to the fence for like 5 minutes. Eventually my friend told me he was going to count to 3 and slowly pull me hand off.. he said one and yanked my hand off. My girlfriend was crying, there was literally flesh on the fence. I soaked my hand in iodine, wrapped it (repeated this of course) and avoided a hospital trip.

Nice little scar Smile

... Got that uncomfortable shudder thinking of that nail being pulled back out.

Quote:Originally posted by jjaybs@Jun 27 2016, 04:13 PM<br />
I broke both my wrists at the same time falling off a child's scooter.

Both wrists eh, you frequent reddit by chance?

<!--QuoteBegin-Reynolds@Jun 27 2016, 04:15 PM
Probably more stupid than it is funny, but I have a scar that runs above my eyebrow down through my eyebrow from not wearing glasses while weed whacking. Never injured myself outside of sports though.[/quote]

A few inches difference and you would have to turn your head to read this. Wear them now?

[Image: CamNosreh.png]

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