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PEI native Jeff Kirkstone looking to land in SMJHL

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-Ready for grading
Jeff Kirkstone Looking to Land in the SMJHL
by Nolan Gaudet

Coming off his second season with his local Charlottetown Crows, Jeff Kirkstone is looking to move up to the SMJHL and compete with the best of his age group. The Crows backstop enjoyed another successful season starting 27 of his teams 40 games and posting a GAA of 3.10 and .910 SV%, both of which lead the league of 8 teams.

“Jeff was a bright light for us this season,” Crows coach Dave Gallant said “I don't think there is a guy on our team that would say we could have (won the championship) without him. The kid is talented.”

A high scoring game can rattle even the best goalies in the world, making it difficult to keep their team in the game. Nothing like that ever effects Kirkstone's game. While Kirkstone's skill makes him an easy player to spot, it's another quality altogether that has scouts talking,

“This league is known for high scores and Jeff always took that as a personal challenge.” Gallant said “He is always cool, calm, and collected. Always focused, nothing could shake him, it was really unbelievable to see that kind of attitude from a kid. Never had to pull him once all year, and honestly I had to fight with him to take a game off.”

His teammates also have high praise for him, “Stoner? The guy is absolutely going to be a household name someday.” Crows Captain Cameron Arsenault said “Anytime I had to rally the boys Jeff was always there getting the boys fired up. We could be down 4-0 and he'd make some crazy save, start hollering at the guys and all of a sudden the momentum would just start swinging.”

It's hard to say for certain if Kirkstone will adjust quickly to going from being a big fish in a small pond but after a short vacation to start his summer Jeff has officially hit the gym preparing to prove himself once again. I had a chance to sit down with the future SMJHL draftee and ask some questions:

Nolan: First of all, Jeff, thank you for taking the time to chat with me. What drove you to become a goalie when you were young, and did you ever want to switch positions?

Jeff: Oh man, the pleasure is all mine, seriously. It's always exciting to get interviewed, at least it still is anyway. Growing up I thought it must be really cool to have someone want to write a story about you and ask you all sorts of questions. But to answer your question, growing up in Charlottetown in the 90s there was a lot of great hockey to watch, and my Uncle always brought me to every game he could. Didn't matter what level of hockey, we both loved it. The first time I went down with the other kids to watch the players go onto the ice, I think it was actually a Crows game, the goalie gave me a little pat on the head with his glove. I spent the rest of the game watching him so intently, I definitely couldn't have told anyone the score afterward. My Uncle told me that night on the drive home all I talked about was being a goalie. I never wanted to change positions because for one: being a goalie is honestly the most fun I can imagine; and two: my Uncle spent a lot of time saving to buy me my first set of gear and I never took that for granted.

Nolan: So, playing goal is just too much fun to give up?

Jeff: Yeah, honestly. People don't always understand the position all the time, and it can be pretty thankless after a bad game, but I don't think I would have as much fun without that pressure.

Nolan: You seem to be driven by that pressure. Would you say that pressure has made you the player you are today?

Jeff: Oh, absolutely. Waking up on game day, going through my routine, getting mentally focused, playing the game out in my mind, I love all that stuff. Every bad goal is just more fuel for the fire in me. I've heard a lot of talk about goalies who are cool and calm, how they forget the bad goals and move on and stay focused. That's not me though, I remember them all, they are all a piece of the puzzle that is me. I move on, I stay focused, but I always remember the bad goals because I want to try to eliminate them altogether. You know, someday I expect people will say that I don't make mistakes in the crease; I may get beaten by a great shot, but I don't make mistakes out there.

Nolan: That level of confidence isn't always present in players of your age group, and especially not goalies. Were you always this confident?

Jeff: A lot of that comes from my family, the people around me who constantly support me through my life. Of course, my Uncle is at the top of that list, but my Mother as well was a major part of it. Growing up I was taught that my best effort was more important than the result of the game, and that being courteous in victory was key. Over time my best effort started bringing victory, and since I already had a positive competitive attitude, I could have the best of both.

Nolan: Surprisingly the big question a lot of people seem to have about you going into this SMJHL draft is your level of commitment to the game and to your training. What do you make of that?

Jeff: Nothing like that surprises me, and nothing like that gets to me. When I joined the Crows two years ago I remember hearing all kinds of rotten things around the rink. How I only got a spot because I was a local kid, how I only got my first start because my Uncle past away and the coach felt bad. One time I even heard the rumour that my mom was dating the coach so that's why I got a spot. What I learned already in my very young career is that people talk, and people say whatever they want or think or want to think. Obviously if anyone is questioning my commitment then they either aren't familiar with me and who I am, or they just have standards above which anyone can reach. The draft is still a week away, and my family always takes a trip this time of year in memory of my Uncle. So no, I haven't been in the gym this past week, and I haven't had a chance to return a few calls, but I will be a presence in the SMJHL, and if the GMs want to pass over me early then one lucky GM will get a steal in the later rounds.

Nolan: Speaking of the draft, have you had a chance to talk to any of the GMs ahead of time, and do you have any preference where you land?

Jeff: Well, playing for Halifax would obviously be amazing since I'd be so close to home, and I'm very familiar with the province of Nova Scotia and how wonderful the people are there. However, my goal is to play hockey, and make it to the SHL, so being close to home and family won't get in the way of that for me. You won't see me pulling some hot shot move telling the other GMs not to draft me because I'll only play for Halifax. That type of attitude really bothers me. I did speak with at least one GM regarding the upcoming draft, it was very brief though and I wouldn't expect it to have any impact on the draft. My agent has me lined up to meet with some GMs and hopefully I can make an impression with them.

Nolan: Okay last question from me and then I'm going to throw you some fan submitted questions. Do you expect to bring home an SMJHL title during your time in the league?

Jeff: Wow, putting me on the spot. All I know is that I always bring my best effort, every game, and if I have the opportunity to start some games for my new team then I will run with that. Can I win a title on my own? Absolutely not. But can I put a good team over the top? You bet. Whoever selects me will be getting the best goalie in this draft, and that should really put them on the path to winning a league championship.

Nolan: First fan question: As a goalie, if you could spend your junior career guaranteed to play behind one defensemen in this upcoming draft who would it be? And why would it be Thor Skarsgard?

Jeff: Haha, sounds like a shameless plug, but great question. I'm going to go in a slightly different direction with my answer though. The goalie/defenseman relationship can have a major impact on the game, and being on a team with someone I connect with is extremely important to me. I want to know that my guys and I are on the same page and always working toward the same goal. Some people think my position is really isolated and lonely, but that's not the case when you and your defenseman have good chemistry on the ice. As for Thor himself, I have heard the name plenty leading up to the draft, and it sounds like he would be a great defenseman to have patrolling the ice in front of me.

Nolan: Name three SMJHL organizations that stand out to you before the draft.

Jeff: Well obviously Halifax has caught my eye, being a Maritime kid I know the team well and have even attended a few games. They seem like a good organization though, they have a good staff, and in my brief discussions with anyone from the team it has been pleasant. Montreal another team that stands out, very strong team right now and going there and learning from the amazing staff and players would be a huge bonus on top of getting to play hockey in such a hockey crazy city. And third, Vancouver would be a nice spot to land, I know at least one guy on the roster who would probably make the transition to the league super easy. Wherever I go though I know there will always be reasons to love the place.

Nolan: Would you rather end up on a great team with an active locker room where you may have to wait your turn in net, or would you rather join a less competitive team and be the starting goaltender right away?

Jeff: Oh man, I would really love if I could have both. I might be too hungry to sit on the bench waiting my turn, you know? I've spent all my life getting to this point and now that I'm so close to breaking through to the SHL I don't know if I'd want to wait my turn so to speak. It's especially hard as a goalie, there are so few jobs to go around that I think wherever I land I will have to wait at least at first. While there are advantages and disadvantages, I have confidence in my ability to gel with new teammates and drive up locker room morale so I guess my answer would be that I want to play.

Nolan: And finally, will you be a 1st round pick in the Season 31 SHL draft?

Jeff: You know, anytime someone has low expectations of me it's because they haven't seen me play. I've never been scouted for a draft before, playing local hockey we never had to experience that type of thing. This is the first time I'm being scouted and the more people see of me I'm sure the more interested they become. I'm not sure if I'll be a 1st round pick in the SMJHL at this point just because of the limited time people have gotten to see me. However, after a year in the SMJHL with people constantly getting a look at me, both on and off the ice, I am absolutely certain I will be a 1st round pick in the SHL.

Ready for grading
Count just over 2000 words

[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Aurora Argonauts Stars Battleborn Czechia

Interview As a goalie, if you could spend your junior career guaranteed to play behind one defensemen in this upcoming draft who would it be? And why would it be Thor Skarsgard?

Go Nova Scotia!


[Image: Piastri2.png?ex=65ba64d4&is=65a7efd4&hm=...462889f09&]
[Image: or8VMxO.gif]

Great article! Ugggggh now to change my own after you post this 😆😆😆

[Image: Wally.png]


Quote:Originally posted by kwahlgren36@Jul 17 2016, 02:20 PM
Great article! Ugggggh now to change my own after you post this 😆😆😆
I was slacking on getting this up, just was out of the house a lot this week (not normal). When I read your post I was like "shit, gotta get moving" so thank you for that

[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Aurora Argonauts Stars Battleborn Czechia

Kirkstone & Wahlgren, solid goalies in the draft


[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Aurora Argonauts Stars Battleborn Czechia

How do you feel about Thor's, may his pagan soul rest in peace, passing?

MWHazard Wrote:i'll playwith anyone
playing with my teammates is part of the intangibles I bring to the table
i play with them a lot.
they didn't like it at first
but after a while, it just felt normal
Justice,Sep 18 2016, 02:09 PM Wrote:4-0 and 0-4 aren't that different tbh
McJesus - Today at 10:38 PM Wrote:FIRE EGGY
[Image: xuHy0EF.png]
[Image: Artermis.gif]

Quote:Originally posted by artermis@Jul 18 2016, 09:59 AM
How do you feel about Thor's, may his pagan soul rest in peace, passing?
Thoughts and prayers go out to his fam

[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Aurora Argonauts Stars Battleborn Czechia

Name 3 SMJHL organizations that stand out to you before the draft.

Would you rather end up on a great team with an active locker room where you may have to wait your turn in net, or would you rather join a less competitive team and be the starting goaltender right away?

Will Jeff Kirkstone end up being a 1st round pick in next seasons SHL draft?


[Image: Piastri2.png?ex=65ba64d4&is=65a7efd4&hm=...462889f09&]
[Image: or8VMxO.gif]

Quote:Originally posted by Toonces@Jul 18 2016, 05:16 PM
Name 3 SMJHL organizations that stand out to you before the draft.

Would you rather end up on a great team with an active locker room where you may have to wait your turn in net, or would you rather join a less competitive team and be the starting goaltender right away?

Will Jeff Kirkstone end up being a 1st round pick in next seasons SHL draft?

Great questions, thank you so much man! I'll get this added after supper

[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Aurora Argonauts Stars Battleborn Czechia

This is set for grading

[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Aurora Argonauts Stars Battleborn Czechia

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