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S30 Regular Season PGS Thread

<div align="center">Game 66: Halifax Raiders (7-7-2) @ Montreal Militia (4-12-0)
[Image: point1.gif]
Reed Laing the shootout goddess scores the final goal to secure the win

shlpris41 and mpc talk Game 66!
Game 66 Link</div>

Topics Discussed:
- Game Recap
- 8 Thoughts
- Interview between the two of us
- Statistical Analysis
- Montreal MVP of the Game

raiders - 3
Militia - 2

Thanks to <a href='index.php?showuser=2238' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-54'>shlpris41</a> for doing this with me, tons of fun!

<div align="center">Game 134</div>
<div align="center">Kelowna Knights 4 Knights vs Militia 2 Montreal Militia</div>

<div align="center">Game Link</div>

<div align="center">Starting Lineups
LW- Nolan Angello C- Zach Zyvleski RW- Wesley Wells
D- Ilmari Maatta D- Viatcheslav Orlov

LW- Anatoly Yanovich C- Dieter Dominque RW- Geronimo Otto
D- Ty Justice D- Kornel Kasparak </div>

<div align="center">1st Period</div>

The first period was lots of back and forth with both teams posturing to make a strike. Both goalies had lots of opportunities for rest as Montreal had 5 shots on net and Kelowna only 3. Even with only 3 shots in the Fram Kelowna was able to capitalize on 1 late in the period on a Matthew Shea penalty. Justs Simais buried one in the net to make it 1-0 with just over a minute left.

Quote:Justice picks the puck up in his own end after a dump in by Orlov. He feeds an outlet pass to Starosta. Starsota skates over the Militia blue line and puts the puck across to Simais. Simais with the shot, GOAL! 1-0 Kelowna

<div align="center">2nd Period</div>

Beau Bent opened the period with a goal just 2 minutes into the 2nd. Starosta tallied his second point on a beautiful pass that Bent fired home. Just a few minutes later Ty Justice scored to make it 3-0. With the game looking like it was starting to get out of reach Viktor Nerokov scored to get within 2 of the Knights.

Quote:Forbrook with a shot on night. Starosta steps in front of it to block. The puck deflects right back to Viktor Nerokov. No hesitation with that shot, and it's in! 3-1 Kelowna

<div align="center">3rd Period</div>

The 3rd started with lots of minor penalties to get things going. With 5 in the first 10 minuts the most notable was Dominiques back to back minors which resulted with the Militias Johnny Watson potting one in on the PP to get within 1 of the Knights. As the period winded down the scramble was on with the Militia going all out to try and tie the game up. However it was all for naught as with the goalie pulled, the Knights Trevor Wilson put a dagger through the heart of Montreal as he scored an empty netter with 3 seconds left.

Quote:Wilson skates in and gingerly slides the puck into the empty cage. That should be it folks. The game will end 4-2 for Kelowna.

Final score: Kelowna 4, Montreal 2

<div align="center">3 Stars of the Game</div>

3rd Star - Jason Aittokallio Knights - 21 Saves on 23 Shots, .913 SV% - The former 1st overall pick showed why he was picked then. Well by no means his best game of the season he was reliable and consistently bailed out his teams defensive mishaps. The Militia figured out how to put 2 past him, but that's all he was allowing on the night.

2nd Star - Ty Justice Knights - 1G,1A,2P,2S,2H,0SB - Justice played a true 2 way game tonight and helped his team immensely on both ends of the ice. Between his scoring and his physical play, he was the type of player any team would be lucky to have. Ty looked magical on the ice tonight, knowing what plays to make and when.

1st Star - Trevor Wilson- 1G,1A,2P,4S,0H,0SB - Wilson was firing shots all night, while only 4 hit the net, each one looked like a legitimate threat to score. If not for Harris' quick reflexes this could of easily been a hat trick game for Wilson. Any time he stepped on the ice he just looked like he had the confidence that some players only dream of. A great game for him.

[Image: Bk1689.gif]

Quote:Originally posted by bk1689@Aug 18 2016, 05:48 PM
2nd Star - Ty Justice Knights - 1G,1A,2P,2S,2H,0SB - Justice played a true 2 way game tonight and helped his team immensely on both ends of the ice. Between his scoring and his physical play, he was the type of player any team would be lucky to have. Ty looked magical on the ice tonight,&nbsp; knowing what plays to make and when.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2162' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-17'>Justice</a> beating out Orlov again #S30Rival

Quote:Originally posted by mpc@Aug 19 2016, 10:33 AM

<a href='index.php?showuser=2162' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-17'>Justice</a> beating out Orlov again #S30Rival

Lol sorry bud. In my very biased opinion your the #1 star Wink

[Image: Bk1689.gif]

Quote:Originally posted by bk1689@Aug 19 2016, 08:37 AM

Lol sorry bud. In my very biased opinion your the #1 star Wink


Don't listen to the podcast PGS, I threw out there the unthinkable option: trade you for <a href='index.php?showuser=2238' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-54'>shlpris41</a>.... #Bustkova

Quote:Originally posted by mpc@Aug 19 2016, 11:02 AM


Don't listen to the podcast PGS, I threw out there the unthinkable option: trade you for <a href='index.php?showuser=2238' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-54'>shlpris41</a>.... #Bustkova

You just ripped my heart out

[Image: Bk1689.gif]

Quote:Originally posted by bk1689@Aug 19 2016, 09:06 AM

You just ripped my heart out

We both agreed it'd be stupid because bae :-x

I'm sorry, I'll give you money compensation

Quote:Originally posted by mpc@Aug 19 2016, 11:19 AM

We both agreed it'd be stupid because bae :-x

I'm sorry, I'll give you money compensation

Great, well I wasn't to worried about Saturday, but now I'll be sitting at home nervously refreshing the new posts page.

[Image: Bk1689.gif]

Quote:Originally posted by bk1689@Aug 19 2016, 09:29 AM

Great, well I wasn't to worried about Saturday, but now I'll be sitting at home nervously refreshing the new posts page.

Lol like <a href='index.php?showuser=1643' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>Ballerstorm</a> or <a href='index.php?showuser=1622' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>Copenhagen</a> will trade for #Bustkova :ph34r:

Quote:Originally posted by mpc@Aug 19 2016, 11:41 AM

Lol like <a href='index.php?showuser=1643' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>Ballerstorm</a> or <a href='index.php?showuser=1622' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>Copenhagen</a> will trade for #Bustkova :ph34r:

Don't give them any ideas

[Image: Bk1689.gif]

One final time, the shot opened up with the Fox Sports One logo, and then panned back to reveal a mess of a set, specifically the reporting desk that looked like a bomb went off on it. Papers were everywhere, more food messes than you could count, and two half naked Canadians sat holding bottles of ‘the good stuff’, half empty. They looked around glazed over, and then finally Dan O’Toole shouted towards his long-time reporting partner, Jay Onrait.

Dan: I toooooooold you. I tooooooooold you this would make it better.

Jay: Lookee here though, I dooooon’t think that our friends with the SJMJHL LJH? –whassit? N-eways, I don’t think they’re gonna like this recap. I think yer drunk, Dan.

Dan: Nooooooope. I can still do that nose thing.

Dan missed his nose wildly and ended up poking himself in his own eye.

Jay: Clearly, were both a little inebrateddd, but lookee – we have a job to do. And do it we shall. Shull? Shaaaaaaaaaaall.

<div align="center">Game 94: Prince George Firebirds Firebirds vs Halifax Raiders raiders

Game Link</div>
Dan: It’s the flaming birds or something taking on the…er…Pirates? Ok look at all that ice, that looks cold.

Jay: I mean, if you wanted to mix up a few cocktails between periods, the ice is RIGHT THERE. That’s puuuuuurfect.

<b><div align="center">First Period</div></b>
Dan: Ok burds are quickly going to the PP, haha pee-pee, and this guy Eduard Sel-ishe? SEL-ISHE? Selicck? Anyways, he gets the basket in the bisket and PG is up one.

Jay: The president plays on this line?? Obrana?? Hah, that’s pretty patriot-ey but isn’t PG in Canada?? WHAT IS GOING ON.

<b><div align="center">1. Prince George Firebirds, Eduard Selich 5 (Tapper Kottbulle, Barak Obrana) at 3:12 (PP)

Prince George 1 - Halifax 0</div></b>
Dan: It’s really a shame that the Pirate-guys are down a goal after dominating in shots in the first. This goalie Waters, like the water-waters, is pretty good.

Jay: And the perfect addition to your glass of scotch.

<b><div align="center">Second Period</div></b>
Jay: I got this one – another pee-pee in the second and Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarl Huuuuuuuuuuurtzberg gets a quick goal from Tom Sellick and my main man, HUNKY MONKEY. Like – how amazing a name is that? This SHJSML is good league.

Dan: Seeeeee-Hocolate not doing so well in the other net, this might be an early night for him.

<b><div align="center">2. Prince George Firebirds, Karl Hertzberg 9 (Eduard Selich, Hunky Monkey) at 0:37 (PP)

Prince George 2 - Halifax 0</div></b>
Dan: aaaaaand later in this period, the burds are just owning possession and shots, and this one guy makes a sweet pass to this other guy who makes a sweet pass to this other guy, and his puts it through the fiver-hole.

Jay: Guys yeah. Look at these guys, KARL, SVEN, Hylie…Hylighter? Highlighter?? Is that the joke? Why is the R capitalized in his last name?? WHY IS THE HIGHLIGHTER NOT RETURNABLE???

<b><div align="center">3. Prince George Firebirds, Sven Wolf 9 (Hylytyr NoRetornable, Casper Jakobsson) at 16:21

Prince George 3 - Halifax 0</div></b>
Dan: Make it stop for the Pirates, the flamers get another goal – my main guy, Casper Jakobssen scores the top goal of the game. I give him my top star of approval for that shot.

Jay: Lookee Dan, you can’t just say flamers anymore. This is the twentieth century okay?

<b><div align="center">4. Prince George Firebirds, Casper Jakobsson 10 (Sven Wolf, Barak Obrana) at 17:16

Prince George 4 - Halifax 0</div></b>
Dan: PG crushed them that period. CRUSHED them. Like a PG-13 rated beatdown. And seeeeeeee-Hocolate gets the yank which I’m sure he’s fine with. Hell, why would any of them even want to come back for more?

Jay: I’d be drinking in that locker-room if I was the Pirates. Hell, I’ll have one or two for them right now.

<b><div align="center">Third Period</div></b>
Dan: I guess good on those guys for coming back out here, and they finally get rewarded for their bravery with a nice passing sequence and Toivo Kosonen notching his second of the season. Assists to our boys Reed and Banning!

Jay: That was almost coherent Dan, time for a top up.

Dan: I’m coherent?? You’re coherent!

<b><div align="center">5. Halifax Raiders, Toivo Kosonen 2 (Alex Reed, Colin Banning) at 11:13

Prince George 4 - Halifax 1</div></b>
They both pounded back a massive glass of scotch apiece.

Jay: God – it’s so warm. It’s like wrapping yourself in the bestest blanket fresh out of the oven. Oh yeah the game is over. Canada won.

<div align="center">Final Score
Prince George 4 - Halifax 1

Three Stars: 1. Sven Wolf Firebirds (1G 1A) 2. Casper Jakobsson Firebirds (1G 1A) 3. Ben Waters Firebirds (21/22 – .955 SV%)
Dan: Look I might be waaaaaaaasted here but did the winning team just scoop all three stars??

Jay: It’s all a blur to me but wow – it worked! The sim worked!

Dan: What a happy moment in our final game, I’m so glad we got to see-

Suddenly Dan threw up EVERYWHERE. And I mean, everywhere. On the table, on his chair, on the set, on the Fox Sports One logo – even splatters of bits and pieces hit Jay across the desk.

Jay: Well, I think our work here is done. For everyone here at FS1, we cannot tell you how pleased we were to work with the SJH…SML…S…the hockey thingy…and bring you highlights from some great games. I’m sure we won’t be invited back, but thank you for being our sponsor for one season.

Glancing over at his puke-stained, passed-out partner, he shrugged.

Jay: This is why we can’t have nice things, Dan.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2250' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Alex Reed</a> with PGS of the year =D>

Having listened to them, that's perfect lol

If you liked that, seriously, read all his PGSs and PTs and Media stuff. He's a legend writer, and an e-Fed superstar in the forums he and I grew up on. Read it all, tbh, it's always on point.


Falcons 3-2 Mammoths

Game Link

Colorado and Detroit meet one night after the Mammoths picked up a 4-2 win in Detroit behind an absurd goaltending effort from Ekaterina Rudnikova. Rudnikova would again perform well, but Detroit avenges the previous evening's loss with a 3-2 shootout victory.

First Period

Colorado wastes no time in giving the home crowd something to cheer about, as Maverick O’Dooley tallied his eighth goal of the season just twenty seconds into the game.
... And Toohoots is asked to leave the circle, it’ll be Stamkos and Berkis. Stamkos wins it, he slides it to Dover, who goes across the blue line. Dover shuffles it to O’Dooley, who gives it back. Now Dover passes it along the boards to Stamkos behind the net. He surveys, now to his left to Renninger. Renninger feigns, now to O’Dooley at the blue line HE SHOOTS AND SCORES! Well, that didn’t take long! Maverick O’Dooley scores in just 20 seconds, and Colorado leads 1-0!

It took a little bit longer, but Detroit soon leveled with its own first-line goal by winger Alex Berkis.

Quote:... Moleman SHOOTS, it goes wide! Metzler collects the loose puck, now there’s a scrum along the boards. Metzler ... comes out with it, and passes to Moleman, across the crease TO BERKIS AND HE SCORES! And we are tied! Alex Berkis with his 15th goal of the season, and Detroit has tied it at the 3:53 mark of the first period.

Colorado’s Serj Kovalchuk committed a cross-checking penalty with 5:14 remaining in the first period. Detroit capitalized on the power play to take a 2-1 lead to close out the period.

Quote:... Hippo SHOOTS, but Dover gets in the way! Kaspars Berzins with it now, slid back to Hippo behind the cage. Hippo dishes to Zjang, SHOT, he misses the net, BUT HIPPO’S THERE AND HE SCORES!

Second Period

There weren’t any goals in the second twenty-minute frame, but that didn’t mean there was a shortage of excitement. One such moment came four minutes into the period, when Erik Muller started hitting everything that moved wearing a Mammoths jersey.
... Stamkos FIRES but Kaspars Berzins knocks it down. Stamkos retrieves the puck, but Muller knocks him off of it. Dover has it now, he passes to Renninger. Renninger gives it back to Stamkos and Muller levels him again! The puck slides behind McSieve, Colorado will take this chance to change lines and regroup. Zjang takes the puck behind the net, he gives it to Edvins Berzins. Berzins skates through the neutral zone ... and he’ll lose the puck all on his own, Yvel with it now. Yvel across the blue line to Browski, now to McGraw AND HE GETS REAMED BY MULLER! SOMEBODY STOP THE DAMN MATCH!

Third Period

Undeterred by Muller’s bullying, Stamkos, Jr. tied the match seven minutes into the third period.

Quote:Detroit will dump it to change lines, the checking line taking the ice now for the Falcons. Maguku gathers the loose puck, he’ll carry it through the neutral zone. Now into the attacking zone, Maguku FIRES, DEFLECTED BY STAMKOS AND IT’S IN! Lucky number thirteen on the season for Stamkos with 12:59 remaining in the third, we are tied!


This took us to overtime. Detroit dominated the first two minutes of the period, utilizing a power play to generate several shots. However, the Falcons could not convert the opportunity into a game-winner.
Toohoots wins the faceoff, he passes to Moleman. MOLEMAN SHOOTS, BATTED AWAY BY RUDNIKOVA, MOLEMAN WITH THE REBOUND AND IT SAILS HIGH. Toohoots collects the puck, HE SHOOTS AND MISSES THE NET. Now Prince Daniel James with it against the boards, he works himself free, skates into the slot HE FIRES AND MISSES WIDE, MY GOODNESS! JAMES WITH IT AGAIN, WRAPAROUND BUT IT HITS THE POST. Colorado surviving a complete onslaught right now!

As a result, the game went to a shootout after a scoreless overtime. It took nine rounds, but finally Detroit claimed victory thanks to Alexander Odegaard.

Quote:...Perhaps the ninth time is the charm here. Odegaard skates in on Rudnikova ... he fakes right, now backhand OVER RUDNIKOVA’S SHOULDER AND IN. That nifty backhanded top-shelf effort might just give Detroit the two points.

Three Stars

Third Star - Ekaterina Rudnikova, Colorado: The Mammoths goaltender made 32 saves to ensure her team earned a point in the standings.

Second Star - Rising Hippo, Detroit: Hippo tallied a power play goal in the first period, five hits, and a crucial shootout goal, Detroit’s most valuable contributor in the victory.

First Star - Steven Stamkos, Jr., Colorado: The only player in the game to record two points, Stamkos, Jr. scored one goal and assisted on the other for Colorado in regulation.


Working Overtime: Colorado has now lost seven of its last nine games. However, the Mammoths have reached overtime in all seven of those losses, losing twice in the overtime period and five times in a shootout. The team’s last regulation loss? A 5-1 defeat at the hands of Kelowna 15 match days ago.

Falcons on Fire: With the win, Detroit has now won 11 of its last 13 contests. The Falcons have soared to the top of the East Division standings during this hot streak, battling with Kelowna for the overall lead in the SMJHL.

Laying the Boom: The Falcons doubled the Mammoths hit tally in the game, laying 20 checks to Colorado’s 10. Oddly enough, the increased physicality did not lead to more penalties for the visitors. Colorado committed five penalties in the game, while Detroit made just two trips to the sin bin.

Zach Evans[/b] | Player Page | Update Page
Nikolai Evans
| Player Page | Update Page

This PGS is way late, so I'll save you the work and just tell you that this should get a point docked
Militia Montreal Militia Militia 3 at Falcons Detroit Falcons Falcons 6
Game Link
Game summary
Both teams went into this one having started off dissapointingly after coming off very good preseasons. The Falcons used their most likely best in the league offense to come away with this one in what looked like it was never close.
Goal summaries
1st period
Metzler dumps the puck, retrieved by Wesley Wells, OH LOOK AT THAT TOOHOOTS TAKES THE PUCK! Prince Daniel James is given the puck, pass to Sinikka.Montreal has shut down the rush, looks like Detroit will cycle the puck here. Toohoots with it, Moleman now, [b]OH MAGIC BY MOLE- HE SCORES! HE'S DONE IT AGAIN! DETROIT TAKES THE EARLY LEAD ON THE SHORTHANDED GOAL!

1. Detroit Falcons , Hans Moleman 7 (Nucky Toohoots, Jari Sinikka) at 4:08 (SH)
Quote:Moleman retrieves the puck, starts moving it. Makes the pass to Cikgna- oh what a poke check by Bail- OH MY GOD VIKSTROM

2. Detroit Falcons , Zach Evans 4 (Henrik Vikstrom) at 13:55
Quote:And Vas ices the puck. We're going to set up for a faceoff in the Militia zone here. Toohoots wins it, sends it to Berkis, to Moleman. Pass to Toohoots, back to Sinikka, he sends it to Moleman at the- OH HE SHOOT- BLOCKED BY RYAN VAS! [b]JAMES PICKS IT UP, SCORES WITH A TOP CORNER WRISTER![/b]
3. Detroit Falcons , Prince Daniel James 1 (Hans Moleman, Jari Sinikka) at 14:30
Quote:Zjang wins the faceoff agianst Jeziak, passed to Hipp- RUSSETT WITH A LATE HIT! Berzins now has i- AND HE'S SMASHED AS WELL BY ILMARI MAATTA! Jeziak now has the puck, passed to Maatta, passed to Orlov, who moves it back into the neutral zone. He's still skating, he's in the Falcons zone now, passed to Russett, laid off to Maatta in front of the ne- LECLERC WITH
4. Montreal Militia , Laraque Obama 3 (Ilmari Maatta, Nathan Russett) at 14:52
Quote:Hallfredsson receives the pass, moves it into the the Falcons zone. Pass to Zyvleski, he shoots! Deflects off Forbrook and misses the net. James picks it up. passed to Moleman, back to James. James skates into the Militia zone, lays it back off to Moleman as Detroit calms down to go back into the cycle system. Moleman lays it off to Sinikka at the point, over to James, back to Moleman. Moleman skates around, goes back to Sinikka, OH MOLEMAN IN A GREAT POS- IT GOES WIDE! Berkis picks it up, [b]BACK TO MOLEMAN IN FRONT OF THE NET! IT'S A GOAL! KIRKSTONE HAS GOT TO BE DONE NOW!
2nd period
Quote:Harris picks up the loose puck, layed off to Maatta. Ah, he fails the pass, that's icing. Zjang sets up against Granlund in the zone. It's won by Zjang now on Sinikka's stick. passed to James who decides to dump it as coach goes for a line change. Harris retrieves the puck and passes it to Granlund.[b] Passed to Maatta, moves it to Falcons zone, shoots, scores! Maatta with basically a solo goal![/b]
6. Montreal Militia , Ilmari Maatta 3 (Filip Granlund, Stephen Harris) at 3:38 (PP)
Quote:Berzins receives the pass, shoots, gloved easily by Harris. Toohoots sets up against Jeziak in the zone. He wins it, passed straight to Moleman, [b]who finds BERKIS HE SCORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b]
7. Detroit Falcons , Alex Berkis 7 (Hans Moleman, Nucky Toohoots) at 5:49 (PP)
3rd period
Quote:Zyvleski sets up against Toohoots in Falcons' zone. Zyvleski wins the faceoff, passed to Watson, over to Russett, who takes a chance, but it misses. Watson picks it up, goes to Zyvleski, over to Watson, who passes to Wells. [b]back to Zyleski, MAKES A MOVE! SCORES![/b]
8. Montreal Militia , Zach Zyvleski 7 (Wesley Wells, Johnny Watson) at 2:20 (PP)
Quote:Granlund wins the defensive zone faceoff, passes to Maatta. Granlund is hit late by Toohoots, who goes back and STEALS THE PUCK OFF MAATTA! PASSED TO MOLEMAN, OVER TO METZLER. Falcons settle down, Metzler goes back to Moleman, passed to Berkis, and back to Moleman. Moleman finds Toohoots in the slot but the shot is blocked by Maatta. Leclerc retrieves the puck, and shoots, AND ANOTHER SHOT BLOCKED BY MAATTA! [b]Moleman retrieves the puck, sinks it for the hattrick! This game is basically already over.[/b]
9. Detroit Falcons , Hans Moleman 9 (Marc Leclerc, Nucky Toohoots) at 2:58

This game was never in Montreal's hands, but the game pretty much ended when Evans and James scored successively in under a minute. While Obama scored only 25 seconds later, finding yourself in a 3 goal hole at 15 minutes is almost impossible to come back from, as all semblance of momentum fizzled and died as easily as it came.

3rd: Nucky Toohoots
With 3 points, all of them assists, it's hard to deny his place as part of the 3 stars. He had some incredible moments, and won some very important faceoffs to help Detroit win this one without too much of a struggle.
2nd: Alex Berkis
While he only had 2 points, he was influential on the powerplay with 6 minutes played, and took 5 shots. He could have easily had more to say about his production than he actually did, so he deserves a place on this list.
1st: Hans Moleman
Moleman had 5 points. He's pretty good. At the time of writing he leads the league in goals, assists and points and is a lock for the Raymond Lindsay. Moleman absolutely carried this game, and had he not, this might have had a different outcome.

[Image: ili5NZ2.png]

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