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PT #4: City Living

Montreal, QUEBEC

If the old phrase about time flying when you're having fun is true, Nolan Angello has had a lot of fun during his time with the Montreal Militia. It seems almost impossible that it's been nearly two years since the youngster first arrived in the city to sign his rookie contract, a tsunami of swagger and self belief that believed himself incapable of doing wrong. During a recent conversation with his SHL GM, it was confirmed that this will be Angello's final season with the Militia as suspected, and he will make the transition to the SHL next season to play for the Buffalo Stampede. Montreal is a city that has shaped Angello in many ways. When speaking to him on the subject, he was very forthright; "I'd heard nothing but great things about Montreal as a city before I came here but I never expected it to become home for me in the way it has. It's just a magical place to live, the city has such an incredible culture, with there being so much to see. So many days I've just found myself exploring the city and taking time to dig a bit beneath the surface and really learn about what a rich history it has. I've never played hockey in anywhere with such a deep love for the sport and even in the SHL I don't think that's something that will change. I think for me though, the thing I've loved about Montreal the most is the people. From the day I signed here, they got behind me in such a caring and supportive way, and they've just pushed me to become the best player I can be every time I step out onto the ice. Whether it's them cheering me on in the arena or stopping me in the street to snap a picture or just say hello, everyone's been so warm to me over the last two years, it's something I'm going to miss so much".

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Raptors Renegades

Excerpt from an interview with Jonathan Lundberg and the halfway point of S30.

Interview Now that you’ve had a little time to settle in, what do you like about living here? Have you found some things to do?

"The thing I like best is easily the weather. The beaches are amazing too. It’s beautiful here, so much warmer than what I’m used to, and it is a welcome change. I haven’t just been spending all my time on the beach, though. I’ve gone out and seen a few things. Biking through Fish Creek Park is really nice and relaxing. Great way to spend a day off. Another fun thing to do on an off day is go see a baseball game at Shaw Park. I don’t actually care much for baseball, but it’s fun to go with some friends, have a few beers, kick back, and enjoy each other’s company. Let’s see, what else? Oh, something I haven’t been able to do, but have been intending to. I want to go see a show on Broadway. It’s just one of those things I feel like I should do, so I can say I’ve done it. I haven’t gotten around to it yet, but I’m sure I will soon."

Interview Are you sure you’re talking about Boston?


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Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
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Living in Boston was something crazy to adjust to at the time of being traded 3 seasons ago. Even now, you'd expect Patrikov Bure to have adjusted by now but nope! He really hasn't, he doesn't quite love living in Boston, it's just been plain frustrating with how everyone talks. Despite it still being English, the accent that people from Boston had irritated Bure, who still struggled with grammar arriving in New England. Bure's first season in Boston was a shitshow and practically never left his own house. During those few days where he went out, Bure struggled to understand what they were saying and was given rude responses "fucking commies". Bure was often involved in street fights as a result leaving these bums in the hospital for these remarks

While the people irritate Bure to no end, there is one thing that New England does very well that anyone can appreciate and is the only reason why Bure likes New England. Their food is simply spectacular, particularly their seafood. New England Clam Chowder a very obvious favorite of Bure but other foods like Lobster Rolls are also delicious.

Perhaps in the future when Bure is riding off in the sunset, he'll come back here to taste the food, but for now, it's time to play hockey in New England

All-time New England Wolfpack scorer
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Wächter was born and raised in a small village in Austria .It was a little cultural shock for him , as he packed his suitcase and leave home for a his biggest adventure. His first stop was in Vancouver, he really liked it there. But when he received the call from the Admirals, he moved on to Portland.
In the following years, he found out that Portland is a great city to live. Because he does not like the hustle and bustle of the big city, he lives in the suburbs where there is a little more comfortable and which reminds him more of his homeland.

Portland has many attractions that you must visit once. There are a lot of parks and gardens you can visit, Wächter visits this place many times, since they are an ideal place for endurance training, the Forest Park is his preferred location. For the reason that he also likes to read a good book, you will find him some times in Powell's City of Books.

He also do some fun stuff, every time it is possible he visits the home games of MLS's club Portland Timbers with his teammates Björnsson and Svensson, because they also like soccer. In the evenings you will find him in one of the many pubs, where he tries to get drunken, mostly in companionship of teammate Steven French, he can't say no to a good beer too.

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Alexander Wachter, RW, S51
Carolina Kraken - Texas Renegades - Winnipeg Aurora 
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Chris McZehrl III - Anchorage Armada
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Challenge Cup Wins:
S18 - Riot Seattle Riot (with Chris McZehrl)*
S23 - Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (with Chris McZehrl)*
S27 - Dragons Calgary Dragons (with VLAD McZehrl)**
S34 - Rage Manhattan Rage (with VLAD McZehrl)
S37 - Jets Winnipeg Jets (with VLAD McZehrl)
S46 - Stampede Buffalo Stampede (with GOD McZehrl)*

*first ever Challenge Cup of Franchise History
**first ever Challenge Cup win after 0-3 in Finals Series

Four Star Cup Wins:
S24 - Whalers Vancouver Whalers (with VLAD McZehrl)
S39 - Scarecrows St. Louis Scarecrows (with GOD McZehrl)

SHL Hall of Fame Members:
S24 - Chris McZehrl Platoon Panthers Dragons Riot Wolfpack *
(GP: 764 | G: 322 | A: 461 | P: 783 | +/-: +109)
S40 - VLAD McZehrl Dragons Riot Rage Stampede Jets Wolfpack *
(GP: 653 | G: 333 | A: 361 | P: 694 | +/-: +141)

*1st Ballot Hall of Famer

small note: GOD McZehrl played at first as Defender and later as Forward!

Raven Silverwing comes from a town in england, where he lived for all his life, before being drafted to montreal and moving there. Now he lives in Boston playing with the New England Wolfpack.
The Boston life is very differnt in comparison to his days in England or Montreal. We asked Raven to tell us about his living life.

'Moving to Canada was a shock in culture for me. See back in England we don't have this many Tim Hortons, Poutine food trucks, Geeses or Mooses. However I got used to the livestyle in Montreal.
After having lived there for 3 years, it was time to move to Boston and let me tell you. I love it here so much!'

'The best thing that Boston has to offer that can't be found anywhere else are the Super Fluffy Soft Wooly sheep found at the nearby farm. These sheep have become a part of my live. I come here on game days and try to spend as much time besides that here actually.
I love every part about them. I love taking care of them, laying around in the field with them. I love the soft ass Jerseys we have which are made with these sheep's wool. It's a miracle I ended up here and am living the life I currently live. I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world.'

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Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

Cara Hohenberg thinks Okenagan Lake is just about the best thing ever. She's had great fun learning to jet ski, wakeboard, and wake surf - she claims to be impervious to cold from growing up in Innsbruck, so she's happy to be in the water even on days when Canadians might hesitate! Watch out or she might explain at length her theory that a jet ski is kind of like a bobsleigh that can go anywhere instead of being confined to a track - the tricks of leaning and shifting weight on each apparently have a lot in common. Hohenberg is a lot better on the jet ski than on the wakeboard, but it's like they say, "fall down seven times, get up eight", or in Hohenberg's case, wipe out forty or fifty times, eventually start lasting a few seconds longer before wiping out. Hohenberg says it's given her an entirely new appreciation of the fact that ice doesn't move.

Other than that, Hohenberg mostly appreciates Kelowna from inside an ice rink or a gym. "Of course playing at home is the most fun, we have the best fans in the SMJHL," Hohenberg says. "Even for practicing it's nice to be in our own building."

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pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride

When Roman Morenov finally got the call to play for the New England Wolfpack, he didn’t know what to expect.

From a small town within Russia, Morenov would now have to uproot and take all of his belongings to a different kind of place, one that involved funny talking people, Boston.

A very proud sports nation, Boston has had a lot to be proud of with their professional sports teams, the Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics, and Bruins. The Wolfpack was on a different kind of scale, but people still filled the rink to watch them play, and you know what? These crazy rough and tough Bostonians fell in love with the big Russian defender, much like they embrace Chara.

A bigger then life character that couldn’t speak much English, but seem to fit in well.

Teammates finally decided to talk Morenov out and show him the town, and he fell in love with the Patriots! He was pretty much the right size to be playing it, and loved American Football so much, he is now a season ticket holder, hope the Wolfpack don’t play too much on Sunday’s!

Other then the sports of course, Morenov has fallen in love with the Boston food! The sea food, oh the sea food! His favourite meal, clam chowder! Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Morenov has consumed too much of this stuff!

227 Words

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Jean-Luc Reflieux wouldn't want to play anywhere else. One of the perks of being drafted by the Panthers is that you get to live in Los Angeles, one of the most iconic city's around the globe. Reflieux has already purchased a home in nearby Manhattan Beach, a city where most of the other Panthers live.

"Yeah, I love Los Angeles. I the beach is great, huge fan of Mexican food, and there's just a lot to do in general. You can spend your entire day at the beach and then head to Hollywood for the night and catch a show or just enjoy the nightlife. The rest of the team is great and everyone lives pretty close. I love Halifax too but I'm definitely excited to eventually move to Los Angeles full-time."


Reflieux is frequently spotted at the beaches along the coast in southern California during the the off-seasons. It's been reported that he has been seen at In-N-Out and Del Taco as well. It's reported that he orders a double double animal style, with animal style fries, and a strawberry shake from In-N-Out. There was a video of a very "stoned" Reflieux ordering 15 chicken soft taco's and eating them all in one sitting at Del Taco.


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A couple of years has passed since Andersson got called up to Minnesota. Any city is big comparred to his hometown of Skellefteå which only hosts about 40k in the central area. Minneapolis, which isn't the biggest city by itself, joins St Paul to become what is known as "the Twin Cities". So surely there is a lot to see. As an example, there are A LOT of museums. Andersson has only been to one though, and that is the "American Swedish Institute", for obvious reasons. Wants to do some Slöjd? Boom. Have a Fika? Boom.

However, Andersson is not much into sightseeing. He knows where some of the parts are in the area, but mostly stick to his favourite spots, being a creature of habit. He usually eat out at the La Belle Vie with the girlfriend.

A couple of times a week the girlfriend has also decided that the two of them should take walks, with the many parks and lakes to see around the area. Which Andersson ofcourse sees as madness, as they are both public figures, she being a worldwide pop-artists and him being a SHL starting goalie, there are a lot of interruptions in these walks for autographs and pictures. God bless her for being patient,

Other than that , Andersson tries to just make the most of his career, working hard everyday in the gym, partying not as hard at the bar. Gotta live a little, eh?

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Mainio Mäkinen, for those who were unaware, was born and raised in Jyväskylä, Finland.. Despite being the largest city in the region, it is home to a mere 137,000 people--which meant that when Mainio initially moved to North America and lived in Kelowna (117,000), he felt right at home. However, moving to Boston, over four times larger at 667,000, was...well, something of a culture shock.

For the first time, he had to deal with actual traffic on a consistent basis! When he was a rookie he got by with public transportation, but it wasn't long before he became a little too well-known for that to be feasible. At that point, he hired himself a driver, because he hates driving in traffic and sometimes likes to go out drinking, and also isn't an idiot.

Although city living was initially difficult for him, Mainio truly loves Boston now. He's become a big baseball fan since moving here and can often be found at Fenway when he's here over the offseason. He also loves the swan boats. There's an amazing tabloid shot of him falling off one and noticing the camera as he does, flashing it two thumbs up--it's framed in the Wolfpack locker room right above his stall. His last favorite thing to do in the area is volunteer at Suomi-koulu, a Finnish school in Lexington. The kids always do get excited to see a famous hockey player turn up, after all.

Born in Edmonton, Alberta, Ty Justice is no stranger to the rocky mountains of western Canada. Being in Kelowna, Ty feels close to home, and comfortable in a place where he can blow off steam by taking part in a variety and mountain sports activities (which he also likes to think doubles as off season conditioning.)

Justice has remarked in multiple interviews that he does not think there is a lot of cities in the world that can compete with the atmosphere Kelowna brings. From the die hard, passionate fan base to the golf courses and everything else, when a player gets drafted to Kelowna you can rest assured that they are going to live comfortably.

Justice has also been noted to be an avid swimming enthusiast, and can often be seen relaxing on the beach in his spare time. While Justice has a busy routine of training, conditioning and mountain sports, he can often be seen at shopping centers where he will often have spontaneous meet ups with fans where he will do anything from autographs, to pictures, to fun competitions.

"Kelowna is my favorite city in the world. No other place has the fans like we do and plus, it is a gorgeous city to live in. I could not be happier to be spending my SMJHL career in a city and on a team like Kelowna."

artermis,Feb 2 2017, 04:11 PM Wrote:9gag pretty lit tho

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