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FourFour member presser

@Tomen: I never actually knew the member associated with Eduard Selich was you until like the finals of the playoffs. I always wondered who the man was behind the SMJHL stud and it’s cool to know it is you. I have seen a lot of work put forth by yourself in the SHL community, namely in the updater section which I am very appreciative of since you help get those updates in on time. Good luck with the Stampede, hopefully you can be one of the pieces to help lead Buffalo into the playoffs for the first time, and to help them become level with the rest of the league.

@Crutchfield: MY DUDE, I actually forgot about you while you were in Manhattan with me, that shit was so dead that I never really knew anyone there except for Jorec since he brought me in, but I am glad to be back on a team with you. Your love for Harambe is by far the best I have seen IRL and on this site, and you have made a dope ass defender and I hope to play with you on the ice and physically ;Wink serious tho next time you drive down to Calgary meet up famo, and snap me sometime bitch boy don’t be like Ragnar and snapchat DM that some pussy shit

@NJBadApple: I think I saw the other day that you were requesting out of Toronto, well I would love to play with you and add another graphics man to the Panthers so consider that. I think a while back you made a couple of graphics for me but I don’t remember what they were for. You seem to have been pretty successful on the ice with Falk, and hopefully you find a good fit soon. Thanks for posting I guess I don’t really know you that well either :lol:

@Dangles13: Shit man you were in my draft class with Pelle and now you have like 1000 more TPE than me like how the fuck does that happen I am supposed to be the TPE whore on the SHL, well I didn’t update for a season and a bit so I guess it makes sense, but ANYWAYS you made a shitty move naming @McJesus as your co-gm, he sucks shit as doing anything believe me. Good luck with the Steelhawks, they MAY be an upcoming destination for myself in the future if the team starts to build a better team, and if LAP just goes to shit, which I don’t think will happen but WHO FUCKING KNOWS MAN.

@LatvianBastard: I remember when you left the site because you hated gay people or something, but I am glad you are back, you seem to be a nice dude and have not really done shit around the forums to be indicative of your past behavior. I think I watched a few of your podcasts with Joggy and you have a deep as fuck voice (I think) I don’t actually remember when the last time I listened to a podcast was. Pejonis is good guy, makes me think of penises, are you sure you aren’t gay and you were just covering up something with that other plot before :-? All jokes my dude, keep being you

@The_Mazais: Oh mazais, how I love you so much. I remember when you were in Texas with Smulander and left because you felt you did not belong  makes me sad still to date. I hope you are doing well with Calgary, I also wish for you to come back to LA some day and we can be teammates again because you seem like a dece guy and I feel bad for what happened in Texas so long ago.

@Avakael: I actually have no fucking clue as to who you are, I assume you are a new draftee judging by your join date, and you have a significant amount of TPE. I am sorry you have had such shitty luck with GMs and you had WannaBeFinna and Danky pants in juniors, and now you have @Cuffy in the SHL like shit how bad can your luck get Wink good luck, hopefully you put up some good numbers in the SMJHL, and hopefully your career is gonna be long and healthy as Portland needs a good batch of players to be honest.

@Ballerstorm: Waddup bruh, you are a chill dude, Randleman seemed like he played like 15 seasons in the SMJHL before he even made the jump, but it was only three which is weird as to why it felt so long, maybe it was because you had like 900 TPE coming into the SHL like wtf dude. I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE YOU CHANGED THE NAME OF THE IMPACT TO THE MILITIA LIKE BRUH WHAT THE FUCK I WAS ACTUALLY HEATED AS FUCK AND STILL AM. But you seem to be doing a good job with the team, and I look forward to working with you this season as the simmer, hopefully you lose every game for changing the name Angry oh yeah where is the NHL stream of the all star games bring that back

@Bojo: Thank you for hosting my SMJHL files, other than that f u too bitch boy <3. I was just gonna leave it at that, but I need more money so I should probably keep going. You got a cute cat, he reminds me of those angry cat memes but that’s cool too. The shit you have programmed for the site is actually cool as fuck, I love the Bojo machine it was so cool seeing FourFour’s stats on that little career thingy shit and you have been a great member in the league. Also one of my greatest picks in the SMJHL EVER.

@SethTrollins: Yes you are right, we have never crossed paths, but you seem like a dece dude. I see you have been here a while, and its weird we have never actually crossed paths. Oh shit you even had two players what the fuck guess I am blind. Good luck with Hamilton, you will need it since @McJesus is a Piece of shit and you will hate him

@GCool: Oh G man, I remember when I always brought up the tampering case against you anytime you had an argument against me. I talked to you more and you are a really chill dude, you just fucked over Portland, but hey, happens to the best of us. I wonder if Foster will ever reach Killington potential or not, but still, hope for the best of you buddy.

@easymoneysniper: oh god the king bug just fucking posted in here. You have been a good friend of mine on this site since you joined the Renegades, I just connect with you and you are a REALLY chill dude, but you got this hard on for Drake which is okay, but kinda weird, but I mean gotta rep the six bruh. Your girl is actually nice af, good catch my guy. Sorry I went AWOL on SBA, just got busy with shit and couldn’t handle another league on top of this and simming here. Maybe I will return one day, Akash Curry is still the goat tho. Snap me sometime and not snap DM like that bitch Ragnar does, real snaps bro.

@[Gifter of Bikes]: I never got to play for you which sucked, but you were always a respected GM in my mind, and I would have loved to play for you if the occasion ever arose. I Just never found a fit with either of my players at the time, with FourFour, my heart was in texas and nowhere else, and with Pelle I just found a nice fit in LA and never wanted to let it go as it was starting to develop into something that was close to what I had in texas. I read a bit of your book I think a while back, and listened to a few of your podcasts and you seem like a really chill and laid back dude. Hope the life of not being a GM treats you well, and hope you remain active within the community.

@EuroCap: Do what I dare me to do what? I don’t know what you are talking about. I seen you posted in here like a million times so you wanna tell me whats up like do you got a hard one for me there bud?? You got a good player, another one of my good draft picks, wait what the fuck you in Edmonton now, when did that happen shit man, well maybe we can be teammates one day, or maybe not really depends on if I like you that day or not Wink when the fuck are you gonna retire too like get it over with your player sucks now too do it pussy

@Tylar: are you afraid of weed is that why you are questioning this? I talked to you a bunch before and you are a chill dude, would love to have played with you sometime with you as our goalie, but ya know I guess drugs are something to be scared of Wink. Good luck with Manhattan, hopefully you can deal with McZ being a dum dum all the time and hopefully his shitty ass speaking won’t rub off on you soon.

@KleslaR: ya I got no fucking clue as to who the fuck you are, but you seem like a pre dece dude, should be a stud soon in the league. I am sure that I tried to draft you but you went like the pick or two before ours, in Colorado, but hey that’s whatever. Shit man you got drafted to the Wolfpack, good luck my friend if you ever need a way out, head towards the coast and find the Panthers looking to reel you in from the danger you are about to go into.

@GroupMeIsKindOFOkay: you was a good GM partner for the short time I was a part of management with you. I really only wanted to do it to be in the HO and see what shit goes down there lmao, but now im there as the simmer and I can see it all. Firing me and that shit was pretty funny when I look back on it. We should reunite again sometime, I see you are a GM again with Texas, so maybe the reunion is possible. No group could ever be better than the one we had in S20, the OG Renegades will always be the best there was in Texas. Hopefully Reed calls Gibby or something soon haven’t heard from him in a while :-?

@r1c3bowl22: Ricey rice, damn I thought you were a girl when I first met you, but you just some short Asian dude which is okay too. Good guy been friends with on the site for a long time, I think since you came into the SHL which is pretty dope that you stuck around. Made some pretty cool tracks as well which is something I could never do. You did a good job with Sweden, and did a great job with the Mammoths last season when Jason was AWOL. Hopefully that continues this season, and I hope you have a good time on Buffalo, I am surprised you didn’t come back to LA I thought you wanted to be with me </3

@Kit: Buddy you are drunk like 366/365 days of the year, I see a “kit drunk prssr” like every other day it’s fucked man. Muller has been shit for the last few seasons, or maybe it’s just you I don’t really know dude. I haven’t heard much of you in a while, I guess your still around since you have the federation head mask on, or maybe they just didn’t remove it no clue still. What team are you even on now, I saw you got traded I just don’t remember where to. PM me sometime bro let’s catch up on everything

@dankoa: who you calling handsome, handsome? You a cute ass dude no homo, good guy love to have you in Los Angeles, one of my favorite dudes on the team and on the site right now to be honest. Nice lil brit, you post some nice candid shit on IG and it looks fire as fuck, but yeah love watching the stories from big old Dan, and snap me more bro i love seeing drunk snap stories and receiving them. Karlsson/Pelle are gonna kill it this season on the first line now that I am not a scrub anymore, hopefully we make the playoffs this season so we don’t sit around in the locker room doing shit all for 4 weeks as we have for the last fucking 8 seasons. Stay real my guy

@[701 AKA YUNG GUAP GOD]: I can’t believe you keep leaving me everytime we are together. First you left me when I was in texas with FourFour and you had Thomaz, and now WE ARE TOGETHER AGAIN AND YOU LEFT ME FOR FUCKING SHITTLE LIKE BRO WHAT THE FUCK FRIENDSHIP MAN. Nah all jokes asidem I am happy that you finally got a GM opportunity, and taking over Seattle will be nice for you. Maybe one day we will reunite again if Seattle builds a very good team and if I ever leave Los Angeles. We also have a lot of history dating back to when I entered the league via the Winnfield vs Fourfour rivalry that was my first ever real rivalry in this league. It was short lived as you quickly retired, but it was fun facing off against you repeatedly in the finals of the SMJHL. Keep in touch dude, I don’t have that kik shit anymore but snap me more bro.

@ToeDragon84: Oh boy you know what I want right now? Some of that action your avy is giving out to that ghost in your avy, he looks like he is having fun, and she looks like she can suck dick well. Anyway, I thought you were someone I knew in real life because I have a buddy with the last name Visser, but you weren’t. I knew you would be a stud, I could just tell from the day of the draft, but you got picked up rather quickly by the Whalers which sucked, but at the same time, you got a good team to draft you, and you also got picked up by the oldest franchise in the SHL, even under new management. So hope you enjoy WPG and hope you enjoy the SHL and SMJHL in your sophomore season. It’s always better than the first especially with a maxed build.

@Blues: Hi multi boy, I am surprised nothing actually slowed down your stride after you got caught for having NOT ONE BUT TWO MULTIS LIKE BOY I ONLY HAVE TIME TO UPDATE ONE PLAYER YOU WERE THE ORIGINAL QUINN LIKE GTFO NOBODY PUT YOUR HEAD ON A STAKE LIKE HIM THO. Anyway, yeah you made a hella good player, and then Toronto killed it, because everyone knows that JmanPenis makes the worst fucking teams ever, and makes the best players turn into dogshit just like yourself. Hopefully you find a good amount of production back in Minnesota, you will be one of the starts there. When are you recreating? I hope soon. You and Clitsome should stick together forever you were a good match. Hopefully I can play with the beautiful Griffin Simons before he retires.

@BigtittySmitty: What up big faggo smitty? You were a good co-GM to me when I was with Vancouver so long ago, and that’s where we really met and I liked you the day I met you sexually and on the internet Wink. I can’t believe you left LA u fucking pussy like god damn what wrong with you, and then you left me in Texas too which was like umm are you okay Davey boy why you switching around so much. AND NOW YOU RETIRED LIKE GOD DAMN FEELS LIKE ASBJORN FAGGOTSEN was only like 4 seasons old, but hey old guys gotta quit while they ahead I guess. Let’s team up again okay?

@belgarat: The grandfather of the SHL, I did my fucking homework now shut up please. I’m pretty sure you ask me if my homework is done more than my parents do which is scary af Im not even your kid and my parents are brown so auto strict its kinda weird and creepy. Renes all time stats getting updated in like 80 years so be patient pls. When you retiring Lidstrom is almost as old as you sheesh.
@Eurocap: Stop posting bitch boy I already did yours

@Allen: Ya that 55 guy was actually a very nice dude, he was much better than 44 that lousy scrub faggo, oh god, now I sound like McZ. I wonder if he posted in here. Anyway, Allen bae, you just got married which is fuckin crazy because I can’t even think about getting married right now, mainly because im just a wee little lad, and you are a nice grown dude with a wife to fuck, I mean cuddle every night. You the GM of my beloved Renes, and keep the team well pls would hate to see my Renes get FUCKED by some soft piece of shit they gotta stay hard and be the most hated like they always was, but I guess new England is fucking some of that shit up right now, but hey whatever. Bring me back to texas before I retire so I can retire a Rene just like FourFour even if I am dogshit. Good job on naming Alex Co, that was a smart move, and it will work out for you. I will come by GroupMe and talk to you guys again, I miss most of you, not all of you tho mainly you tho <3

@JPL: I feel like you have retired and recreated like a million times over the last few seasons, maybe I am wrong, maybe not. I feel like you are not around as much, and that’s pretty shitty since you once were a dece member of the forums. I don’t even know what team you are on, I am gonna guess STL but I think you already got drafted just dunno where tf you even got drafted to. I think you like anime so you automatically are a faggo whos life sucks balls, but anyway, three cups already shit that’s more than me maybe I am the scrub, oh boy theres the inner McZ in me coming out again.

@Raven: Congrats on the cup win in New England, and let’s be honest, I am the better simmer Wink. Simming wasn’t that bad for the playoffs, I can see how the SMJHL is a little easier with 8 teams to update and less games to worry about, but still it’s pretty lit and I like it so far, can’t wait until my first full season. You are one of the select few members I like on the Wolfpack, so keep it up Rave buddy. Do you ever rave? It’s in your name so I would suppose you would do something of the sort. Maybe not, but that’s okay not everyone raves. Do you like Ravens tho, how the fuck did you come up with Raven is that like anime or some shit idk man you tell me.

@formx: the meme god, and the dude who loves harambe maybe slightly more than Crutch, but it’s been nice to be teammates with ya bra, ya fucking surrey jack I don’t know how to talk like one, but hopefully you will teach me one day. I think @Waters wants you to make a fucking presser but your too much of a bitch to even do so, but you are brown so am I so we have to interconnect on that solely even if we hate each other which is some unwritten rule in some book some dudes made some time ago in some shit hole in some place so yeah anyway keep it real form daddy.

@rabidsponge21: Nah I am better than Raven, I am the best SMJHL simmer there is and ever will be. I simmed the results of what I think of you and it’s a huge fucking beauty, good defenseman outta Vancouver, got great puck handling and can really show teams what a offensive/defensive defenseman can really do. He’s got a little bit of a mouth on him, but the guy can really skate well and he can show people that he is ready for the spotlight. Call him the next Chuck Goody or Frederik Wastlund, because this kid is ready for the show and I’ll put money on it.

@TML99: Wait, did you get traded before or after you made this post. I have no clue, but anyway, maybe it was fate you landed in Los Angeles. I haven’t reallt gotten to know you, but you seem to have a good player and we should be playing on the same line together this year so hopefully we gel well and can produce some good quality points for the team and lead us into the playoffs because that’s really what everyone wants and needs especially in LA. Hopefully you like your time here, and sign on for longer during your contract year.

@Nereus: congrats on the WPG GM gig my guy, well Co-GM but nice to see WPG finally have a Co-GM after 30 seasons without one! It’s a good team to manage, and Fleming is more than up to the task of doing so. Not really sure what else to say about you since I don’t really know you but good luck in Winnipeg and hopefully we meet in the playoffs so I can beat you guys

@Slappydoodle: Good guy, I swear you make memes, not really knowing anything else about you, I think you got a grinder like player no fucking clue man

@schultzy: You fucker drafted FourFour and then traded him away to Edmonton, and then he became a Hall of Famer WINNING BACK TO BACK CUPS AGAINST THE STEELHAWKS LIKE you fucked up there. James Reimer who??? Exactly.

@ThatDamnWalrus: Plate is still broken sorry won’t fix it.

@JumpierPegasus: Sucks you aren’t Portland GM anymore. I wanted you to originally draft Pelle and help Portland be god again, but that sucks that your success in STL didn’t translate into the SHL. I know the tampering scandal set you guys back, but yeah the firesale was a bit too much, you guys could have recovered but hey, it was a learning strides and it’s hard to build a team from scratch not many guys have done it. So good on ya dude.

@Storm: Thank god you left softpack land and joined the hard boy in Texas. Ciarelli is good, but not FourFour good. Im still waiting for the goalie to try and break his records in Texas. Maybe I will recreate as a goalie and break my own records that way it’ll be way harder for people to even break my records I set lol. Good luck famoso.
@mpc: You have the worst fucking suggestions I have ever seen, some of them are borderline stupid as like why did you even think of that, while others are meh but still stupid as fuck. Good member, atleast you came back from your sudden hiatus.

@argarbargar: no argay I don’t wanna I don’t have the time meanie pants argay bitch boy, that’s all you get for the response fuck you

@incitehysteria: I wanted you so bad to be the goalie in Colorado, I was hoping you would drop to us in the second round or maybe it was the third, but still when you got picked a little of me died inside. I am happy you are the goalie of the future in LA, and the battle between yourself and Jacob will be fun to watch over the next few seasons!

@HabsFanFromOntario: How did you feel when Subban was traded? I am not even a Habs fan and I felt so bad about it since he fit so well in Montreal and I never imagined a black dude in mustard yellow ugly Nashville. Anyway we rubbed each other off on the forums (shit that sounded sexual as fuck) anyway, yeah you a commish I guess not really sure how or why, but it is what it is.

@McJesus: man we go way fucking back, back to like Vancouver S13. We haven’t been teammates for a while, and we only were in Texas for a few seasons before you fled away and won a cup like 80 seasons later, but we broke the curse for you and that’s what matters. I know you wanna bring me to Hamilton, and maybe that’ll happen soon but I am poor and need money so give me money pls

@Eichelele: one of my favorite rookies in Colorado, you put up fantastic number with the limited icetime you had, and really turned out to be a steal for us in the long run. Excited to see how you play this season on a greater role with the team, and hopefully your SHL career will pan out great with the fuck I don’t even know where you got drafted. Anyway, good luck fam.

@Kinsler: did you even go to any of the restaurants that I recommended when you came through Calgary like god damn I put so much time into finding some place good for ya, jk I didn’t I just thought of some off the top of my head. Anyway, Kins bae has been texas all his life and never lost for so long, but now he hasn’t won in a long time, but that’s okay he will win soon. Good luck Kins daddy

@EuroCap: Fuck off stop posting pos

@Waters; why do you have a hard on for Formx so much, like how the fuck do you do that. Anyway, you came off as a prentious prick when you first joined, but you toned it down and now are with the Steelcocks so maybe you and Hallsy can be together forever since you act kinda the same. Good luck with Waters this season.

@WannaBeFinn: Snap me you bitch boy pls I love talking to your cute ass, good guy, he is all LA and lasted with them through the entire playoff drought, now good for you dude.

@o4L: the dude who brought me into the league, sucks you aren’t around more, but it’s nice to see you posting in here. I can’t believe you drew me away from the GM Connected league I created and shifted everything to the SHL. Crazy how that happened, and without you I would have never found the league, Texas would have never won two cups, VAN wouldn’t have won two cups and nothing would have happened so I credit everything I have today to this man 

(4517 words)

Akashi SixNine Jr. Updates


Hi ;Wink

[Image: KSelich.gif]
Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)


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Waddup new simmer

F u

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Not sure we've seriously crossed paths but always interesting to see these.

O hullo

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