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S30 Regular Season PGS Thread

<div align="center">[Image: 2dttbns.jpg]

Game 196 of Season 30 the SMJHL....

Colorado Mammoths VS Halifax Raiders
1 Mammoths VS raiders 3 Goal</div>

[There’s a lot of noise, like someone’s fiddling with the microphone -- maybe moving it to a different height -- before a tentative voice speaks out into the darkness of the WFAN radiowaves.]

UNKNOWN: H-hello? Is this -- Les, can you give me a thumbs up from the control booth if this is broadcasting?
UNKNOWN: We are? You sure?
[another pause]
UNKNOWN: OK, thanks. And -- uh, hi. Out there. Welcome to Cooter and Barton’s SMJHL Post-Game Show. I’m -- well, obviously, I’m not Cooter. Or Barton, for that matter. I’m Arnie Jacquoeuf, intern here at -- uh -- at WFAN. Coots and Barts are on the road for tonight’s game in Vancouver, the last game of Halifax’s regular season, so I’m uh -- here doing an abridged version of their regular morning show. Hopefully nobody calls in threatening my life. [quietly, as if the mic is covered] Les, can you roll the music queue for the game stats please?
JACQUOEUF: What do you mean, there’s no music queue -- do they not --
[there is a weird honking noise that plays over the air without explanation]
JACQUOEUF: That was -- that was a fucking Canada Goose, Leslie. Do you have nothing --
[suddenly a dramatic newsdesk music begins to play, and an equally dramatic announcing voice… that sounds just like Arnie’s except modulated to a ridiculously low timbre… come over the air]

BEN DOVER and MAVERICK O’DOOLEY... first out for the defense!
And TARO EICHELELE &copy;, SIM BROWSKI (LW), and FRONTDOOR MCGRAW (RW) … as your starting offense, for the

<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>COLORADO MAMMOTHS Mammoths

BLAKE BATTLE and COLIN BANNING... first out for the defense!
And JEAN-LUC REFLIEUX &copy;, CLEO GREEN (LW), and REED LAING (RW)... as your starting offense, for the


[The music ends as abruptly as it started.]

JACQOEUF: Right. Well. [clears throat] On to the summary of the game! The first period found the Raiders steamrolling the Mammoths right out of the gate, both in terms of face-off wins, puck control, and shots -- as the Raiders clocked a whopping 11 shots to the Mammoth's paltry single shot during the duration of the period. The discrepancy was reflected in the scoring as well, as Halifax tucked away two goals, the first thanks to Joey Ryan at the 7:21 mark, the second courtesy of the Halifax captain extraordinaire, JLR Himself at what was almost the 19th minute. Neither goal was a powerplay conversion, despite Colorado giving up a minor early in the period, and the episode of fisticuffs between Blake Battle and Martin Svensson, fought to a toughed-out draw three-quarters of the way through the period. The second period had the only Colorado goal of the game, punched in by Eichelele on the powerplay at just around the 15 minute mark. The period itself was rife with sin-bin offenders, Colorado picking up two minor penalties for the period. Not to be out-done, however, Halifax put up three minor penalties throughout the period themselves, including the hooking call on Alexsander Komarov that netted the Mammoth's the powerplay goal. The third period was an exercise in goonery on both sides, something that Halifax has a storied history of excelling at, much to Colorado's demise this game. 12 total PIMs in the third period, no majors -- although enough on Colorado's part to allow Halifax a two-goal lead which eventually secured them the game. The third goal, on a powerplay, belonged to Halifax's rookie Alex Reed, who took full advantage of Tord Yvel's time-out to knock one into the net at 7:39. The Raiders thoroughly out-shot, out-hit, and out-tricked the Mammoth's players into giving up the game on Raider's home ice.

<div align="center">[Image: cartsred1.gif]

Quote:Brought to you by Scotia Bank, our Game #196 highlight of the night was Komarov's incredible powerplay goal -- where he threaded and swooped his way past a middling and exhausted Colorado defense. Available only online for our webcast blog users this morning!

JACQOEUF: I guess -- uh. I guess we can check the Coots and Barts Twitter hashtag now to see if there are any folks looking to ask us questions this morning? I -- what, Leslie, I turned the headset off, can you --
JACQOEUF: Well, I'm sure they can't be that bad, just put them on the screen for me to read, and let me be the judge of that, yeah? I -- just, put the first one you can find up, OK, I'll deal with it when -- when I read it, is this? OK, this is the first one? From Twitter user @JLRLVRBOI, who writes --

Quote:"Who the fk r u asshole and how fking suk must it be to know u were born a jack-off hahaha #CootsandBarts" -- JLRLVRBOI

JACQOEUF: ... Well, Mr. JLR... Lover... Boi. Uh. That's pretty fucking rude of you to say, to be honest. The interns here make this shit-house of a radio show, I'll have you know, and -- yeah, OK, Les, just. Just give me another one please.
JACQOEUF: This message is from Twitter user @BlueLineBeaut, who writes --

Quote:"Aww u sound so cute, are you in high school? I didn't know it was bring your kids to work day at WFAN #CootsandBarts" -- BlueLineBeaut

JACQOEUF: For your information, I'm a 24-year-old Masters of Broadcast Design student at Dalhousie University, and you, Miss or Mister BlueLineBeaut, can fuck right back off to the Bible Hill Estates trailer home you came from. Give me the next one, Leslie.
JACQOEUF: Give. Me. The. Next. On -- thank you, Leslie. Twitter user @hotdogfrank5 writes --

Quote:"Vancouver fucking rules bitch! Eat dixxxx 8=====D~~~~~" -- hotdogfrank5

JACQOEUF: The Raiders didn't even play the Whalers -- that's tonight. Also, there's no #CootsandBarts hashtag in this tweet Leslie, did you think I wouldn't notice that shit? I swear to Christ, you know my blood pressure is sensitive, this is why I'm a producer on this show, not a goddamn broadcaster. If you want to finish the full 30 minute segment, you get your ass down from the booth to do it, because I am fucking done. Don't think I don't see you laughing in there Les -- you can mute your mic, but you can't hide your fucking face from me --

[The show suddenly cuts to commercial break.]

<div align="center">[Image: 2dttbns.jpg]

197 of Season 30 in the SMJHL, Last Game of the Season for the Halifax Raiders

Halifax Raiders VS Vancouver Whalers
3 raiders VS Whalers 10 Goal</div>

COOTER: Well, we’re live from Vancouver -- surprisingly enough Jackson agreed to budget this trip for us, which I don’t know if you know how much tickets into Vancouver cost when we bought them last weekend, but that’s super big bucks for WFAN.
BARTON: Yeah man, it was almost two grand, and we flew coach! Can you fucking believe it?
COOTER: Well, this season there’s been a resurgence of the interest in the SMJHL not in small part due to one of the contenders this evening --
BARTON: Hah. Contender. Right.
COOTER: As the Halifax Raiders’ outreach and media teams have done a truly fantastic job reorienting their fanbase with the bold new faces -- some newer than others -- of the franchise that hasn’t seen anything but waning ticket sales and middling hockey achievements since season 26 when Halifax took the Four Cup Home after thoroughly trashing Kelowna in a short but sweet 4 game series.
BARTON: Yeah, well, all that build up for a 10 to 3 loss against the Whalers, the game closed out not even 10 minutes ago -- Vancouver fans ecstatic here tonight.

[As if to punctuate Barton’s point, a group of people passes by the vicinity of microphone chanting “GEEET FUUUUCKED HAAAALIFAAAAX” in half-delirious and drunken joy.]

COOTER: Classy.
BARTON: You can understand why they’re happy though, the Vancouver captain Jon Ross has been talked about fairly openly in major media now, he’s not likely to return back down to Vancouver after the season he’s had -- instead staying up in Buffalo with a permanent position on their lines.
COOTER: This game was one hell of a book-end to Ross’ juniors career, the man himself had a beast of a game, with four goals, four assists -- yes, no really, eight points -- 20 out of 29 face offs in his favor, and blocked shot and a hit tossed as party favors.
BARTON: That was a world class performance from him tonight, it really, really was.
COOTER: Very hard to argue that.

[From somewhere in the distance, “Brass Bonanza” can be heard -- oddly enough, it sounds like it’s actually being played live; not with a full band, but it doesn’t sound like it’s a recording. The sound of the music track gets louder and louder, the instruments weirder and weirder.]

COOTER: In case you're wondering what you're -- ah, what you're hearing here, it appears to be --
BARTON: Thirty members of the Whalers Boosters Club playing Brass Bonanza on kazoos, with a full complement of paint bucket drums. Can't argue their team spirit.
COOTER: Nope. That's definitely not in question. Are you done getting your hot-dog, by the way? We need to try to get to get downstairs to the visiting lockerooms before everyone clears out.
BARTON: You can't rush a man's hot dog.
COOTER: You can, actually, if you just refuse to put that much goddamn relish on the thing -- but, anyway, how about that game, huh? Halifax, outshot 40-fucking-6 to 12 by Vancouver, a hat-trick a piece for Conklin Owen and Jon Ross --
BARTON: I mean, honestly, the three goals -- one a piece a period -- scored by Halifax felt more like the team trying to piss into a canyon than anything else, their defensive game completely deserted them tonight.
COOTER: So much so that it was, at times, hard to watch the Raiders struggling to maintain their composure in the face the Whalers simply playing another class of hockey tonight.

[The ambient background noise gets much quieter, and much more echo-prone, as it sounds like Cooter and Barton are walking down a stadium stairwell.]

COOTER: Just a heads up here, in case we loose you all on the podcast, we're just heading downstairs to hopefully chat with some of the Raiders players before they leave the building -- if we do cut out because we're deep in the concrete of the Pac Arena here, we'll resume short -- as we -- hope but it's impossible to say --
BARTON: -- disgraceful attempt at maintaining the net -- playing like a pee-wee ---

[WFAN's Cooter and Barton theme music cuts in for about a minute, before resuming live audio.]

BARTON: Did she just --
COOTER: I think we're broadcasting again, Barts.
BARTON: Well, once again we’re live from -- from the last game of Halifax’s regular season and Georgette Pel has just stormed away from us.
COOTER: Don’t make her seem so dramatic, man --
BARTON: There’s -- I’m not, she legit told us “no fucking comment,” and then walked away from the press only area.
COOTER: You’re maligning her character.
BARTON: She’s the big girl using the big girl words --
COOTER: Give her some leeway, it was a terrible way to end the season -- your last game a record loss, with only 20 starts for the season, five goals against not even half-way through the second period, and she’s still just a teenager man, like --
BARTON: This is still a professional league, when is the last time you heard someone curse at us like that during an interview?
COOTER: Probably Monday, when Ieuan Llewellyn called into the show pretending to be a fan, telling us we'd won the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes grand prize of fifty cocks in our mouth --
BARTON: OK -- that, that’s a fair point, oh -- fuck, dude, grab Hocolate he’s --

[Halifax goaltender Richard C. Hocolate exits the locker room looking suave, well put-together, and completely unaffected by the game. Barton dashes towards him, ducking under boom mics and through recording crowds of reporters who seem appropriately annoyed at his intrusion. He gets to Hocolate just before he leaves the press area, and grabs him by the elbow -- pushes his mic into Hocolate’s personal space when he turns around.]

BARTON: Richard, I’m Marty Barton, of the Cooter and Barton Juniors Review on WFAN, could I have a few words?

Quote:[b]RCH: Yeah su-Wait, your last name is Cooter? Are you just asking for people to laugh at you?[/b]

COOTER:How do you explain the abysmal end to Halfiax’s season?
BARTON: This can’t have been how you wanted things to end for you here in Nova Scotia -- any particular target for your frustrations?

Quote:[b]RCH: that's a dumb question. Hali’s season ain't fucking over. This is just the beginning. Playoffs where it really counts, and we’re coming to win that shit![/b]

BARTON: After the showing she had tonight, how safe to you feel leaving Halifax in Georgette Pel’s hands?

Quote:[b]RCH: She ain't getting rid of me yet. I'm still eligible for one more season down here in the minors before hit the big stage with Calgary. By the time I’m gone, Pel will be the best damn goalie you've ever even in the SMJHL, you can book that.[/b]

COOTER: How is tonight’s loss gonna affect your play in the upcoming run for the Four Star Cup? Do you think your team can pull it together in time?

Quote:[b]RCH: one game isn't gonna make or break us, come on. We've been playing well of late besides this, and added some very good pieces for a playoff run. We've been ready.[/b]

COOTER: You offer a unique view regarding team performance sitting crow’s nest in the crease -- what did you see happen during your half of the game tonight? Could this points slaughter have been prevented?

Quote:[b]RCH: Well, I can tell you that I was still a little buzzed from my pre-game, so I don't remember much until the third period. But really it just seemed like we were taking it really easy. It's one thing to rest for the playoffs, but we still gotta show up.[/b]

BARTON: Do you think Halifax has a snowball’s chance in hell of being Detroit?

Quote:[b]RCH: Well our chances are a lot better than the chances of you getting laid, let's just say that.[/b]

BARTON: Hey now, my wife is a perfectly satisfied lady I'll have you --
COOTER: Dude, just fucking stop. Mr. C. Hocolate, is a rematch against Vancouver something you’d like to see? Is redemption something you want this team to reach for, and if you guys are given another shot at Vancouver -- ostensibly in the finals -- how do you hope to beat them?

Quote:[b]RCH: We really don't care here in Hali. Everyday is a new day, forget the game last night and go forward. Whoever we win the cup against is fine with us. As for how I wanna beat them? Fucking shutouts, boi! That's always the goal.[/b]

BARTON: [sounding deeply sarcastic] Your suave give-no-fucks attitude has heralded in a whole fresh wave of Halifax fans this season, despite your arguably sub-par performance --
COOTER: He’s -- shut up Barts -- you wanna say anything inspiration to the disappointed fans out there listening in tonight? Any final words of wisdom?

Quote:[b]RCH: Sub-par???? You calling the goalie who got a shutout in his first ever SHL start sub-par??? You calling the goalie who tied the record for most shutouts in an SMJHL season sub-par?? How the hell did you get a job, man? Anyways, all I can say to the fans is keep up hope and wait for the playoffs, because when we play Detroit we’re gonna bend them over and I’ll stick this whole goalie stick up McSieve’s ass![/b]

BARTON: Are you worried that your chirping could be construed as...
COOTER: Well, I guess he's not, if him also now walking away from us is any indication. You have a way with the goalies, Barts.
BARTON: How is this my fault?

[Image: kb4wyDA.gif]

COOTER: You could generally try and antagonize them less, especially two of them with as much of a reputation for being characters as Pel and Hocolate do.
BARTON: Some of the greatest journalistic exploits in history, Coots, began with boys who had the balls to fuck with the greatest hockey characters of our time.
COOTER: Just don't yell for help when Hocolate finally snaps and decides to actually light you on fire and stuff you back in the dumpster you crawled out of.
BARTON: If Dicky Chocolate knows where my mom lives, I've got bigger problems that than that -- what --

[Loud groaning can be heard.]

COOTER: You're fucking disgusting, and this broadcast is going to commercial.

<div align="center">Game 153 Link

</div><b><div align="center">Scarecrows St Louis Scarecrows 2 at 4 Kelowna Knights Knights</div></b>
<div align="center">Mack - Westbrook - Kurczewski
Foster - Targaryen

Yanovich - Dominique - Otto
Justice - Kasparek

The Prospera Place was packed tonight as the Knights were set to face off against the Scarecrows. It was the 4th meeting of the season between these two teams, with the Knights winning 2 of the 3 previous games.

Period 1

Knights Goal - Justs Sirmais from Horvat and Burrows
The Knights came flying out of the gates in the first period. Horvat was able to catch the Scarecrows sleeping. He set up Sirmais for a one on one with Wahlgren, beating him and giving the Knights the early lead. 1 - 0 Knights

[Image: DecimalFaintAmericanredsquirrel.gif]

Knights PP Goal - Justice from Sirmais and Horvat
The Crows were forced to take a penalty because of the Knights constant pressure. The Knights took full advantage of this opportunity. Dominique was screening Wahlgren who could not see Justice launch a rocket towards the goal. It beat Wahlgren glove side to give the Knights a 2 - 0 lead.

Knights Goal - Trevor Wilson from Bent
The Knights were not holding anything back in the 1st. Trevor Wilson was able to expand their lead to 3 goals with a beautiful snipe. Bent was able to spot him set up on the left hash marks and Wilson made no mistake with pass. 3 - 0 Knights

Scarecrows Goal - Geoff Reine from Erichsen and Celej
Finally the Scarecrows were able to show some life in this game. Rookie defenseman Reine buried his 4th goal on the season. Aittokallio was unable to see the shot from the point as he was being screened by Erichsen. 3 - 1 Knights

Knights Goal - Justs Sirmais from Shirobokov
Sirmais had an amazing first period in this game. He was able to score his 2nd goal of the period on a goal that Wahlgren wished he could have back. Sirmais was able to beat Wahlgren glove side after walking through the Crows defense. Wahlgren was not happy with his teams performance. 4 - 1 Knights

[Image: EquatorialGrimyHound-size_restricted.gif]

Scarecrows decided to pull Wahlgren from this game. Replacing him was Kasper Haapanen. Hopefully this will give the Scarecrows the spark they need.

[Image: SpryObviousCommongonolek-size_restricted.gif]

Period 2

The 2nd period was a much calmer period compared to the 1st. The Knights deployed a much more defensive tactic because of their 3 goal lead. There was only a total of 9 shots in this period, 5 for the Crows, 4 for the Knights. Both goalies were able to stop the shots with ease.

The Scarecrows would need a monster 3rd period to come back in this game.

Period 3

Scarecrows Goal - Jason Visser from Escobar
Visser was able to bring the Scarecrows within 2 goals of the Knights. But this was the case of it being too little, too late. The Knights were easily able to ride out their amazing first period to victory. Beating the Scarecrows 4 - 2.

Three Stars

1st Star
Justs Sirmais was by far the best player of the game. Putting up 2 goals and an assist in the first period. He finished with a +2 and 5 shots on goal. He buried the Scarecrows in a hole that they were not able to climb out of.

2nd Star
Vasily Horvat had a solid outing tonight. He put up 2 assists along with a +2 and 2 hits. He played 14:50 solid minutes.

3rd Star
Fedor Shirobokov had a solid night defensively. He played a total of 17:28 minutes while putting up an assist and 3 hits. He was a rock for the Knights tonight.

[Image: TommyWestbrook.jpg]
[Image: UznKCpb.png]

<div align="center">Game #147</div>
<div align="center">Vancouver Whalers Whalers <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>1 @ 3 Falcons Detroit Falcons </span></div>
<div align="center">]Game link[/URL]</div>
<div align="center">Detroit, Michigan</div>

In game 147 of the SMJHL regular season the Falcons took on the Whalers. The series between these two at the time were tied at 1-1, so both were looking to take the advantage in the series. The game turned out to be not the highest scoring one, but the Falcons showed a great 2nd period- they scored 3 goals in it- and that allowed them to get this W at home.

<div align="center">Starting lineups</div>
<b><div align="center">Detroit Falcons Falcons</div></b>
<div align="center">LW Hans Moleman - C Nucky Toohoots - RW Alex Berkis</div>
<div align="center">D Prince Daniel James - D Jari Sinikka</div>
<div align="center">G Sivy McSieve</div>

<b><div align="center">Vancouver Whalers Whalers</div></b>
<div align="center">LW Conklin Owen - C Jon Ross - RW Ace Redding</div>
<div align="center">D Theodore Graham - D Connor Macdonald</div>
<div align="center">G Triforce Link</div>

<div align="center">Long(er) breakdown of the game</div>

1st period
First period didn't see much action besides some penalties, and the go ahead goal, which turned out to be the only goal for the Whalers.
Ace Redding initiated the attack after the Falcons dumped the puck into the zone, saw an opening in the Falcons defense , he passed to already accelerating Conklin Owen, who used his advantage to its fullest and managed to get away from the defender who after few seconds had to watch Owen and teammates celebrating. 1-0 for Vancouver.
[Image: masonbreak.gif]

2nd period
Second period was when Falcons showed their firepower.
Very shortly after it started, Hans Moleman initiated their attack by laying a niiiiice hit on Theodore Graham, Sinikka collected the puck and passed to Alex Berkis who shot it in the top corner.
[Image: 9g0S9T7.gif]

Falcons showed a good positional attack later in the 2nd when Alexis Metzler and Kaspars Berzins set up Wiljian Zjang who slap shotted from the slot and beat Link for the second time in this game.
[Image: 2detroit3.15.15.gif]

In the 16th minute of the game the Falcons showed that they can build an attack from a good defensive play as well. Henrik Vikstrom intercepted a pass by Theodore Graham, and afterwards passed to Konstantinov who alongside with E. Berzins and Muller set up Zach Evans for a goal.
[Image: detgoal3.gif]

3rd period
Although the Whalers outshot the Falcons 13-6 in this period, in the end they couldn't find the net anymore and didn't even take Link off, probably already preparing notes for the next training.
3-1 the final score.

<div align="center">3 stars</div>

3. Hans Moleman. (Detroit) (0P, 4 hits)
Why Moleman? He hasn't got a good statline! Let me tell you, one of those 4 hits initiated the breakaway early in the second period which definitely gave a spark to the Falcons. He is a key piece in the Falcons offense. He didn't score, but he always helps the team.

2. Willian Zjang (Detroit)(1G, +2, 12/22 FO, 1 shot)
Wiljian scored the game winning goal with his only shot of the game. Is that enough to be the 2nd star? I think so.

1. Sivy McSieve (Detroit) (20/21 SV)
McSieve definitely showed his fast hands today. That one goal could be on defense's shoulders not his. He definitely deserves the 1st star name by.

<b><div align="center">Unsung hero</div></b>
Marc Leclerc
6 hits and a +2 rating is really good, eh? Leclerc definitely showed why is he a defensive anchor and probably will be one of the best defenders in the whole SMJHL soon. These stats often go unnoticed, but he makes the impact which is needed for a successful team.

<div align="center">Game 199: Montreal Militia @ Colorado Mammoths
[Image: zucc-so-goal.gif]
Militia winger Wesley Wells dekes Ekaterina Rudnikova in the shootout for the game winner</div>

Colorado and Montreal's last regular-season matchup would start out fast, with a goal before the 9 minute mark and 2 more (split one a piece) within seconds of each other 5 minutes later, but an early 3rd period goal would force extra time. Neither team could break the seal, and the goalie battle went to Montreal as Ekaterina Rudnikova let in 3 goals to Stephen Harris's 2.

<div align="center">Mic'd Up: Ekaterina Rudnikova
[Image: belyak1.jpg]</div>

It feels like you got robbed of a victory here tonight, how important is the goalie battle to a game's outcome?
I think it’s the most important thing. If both goalies are playing well, than it truly comes down to the skaters on the ice, and that is what makes a good game. Without both goalies fighting to be better than the other, the game will be far more boring.

You had a great save percentage, but a lot of shots on goal, even with your defense's 13 shots blocked. What can your squad do differently to keep the puck out of your end?
We need to tighten up on the back end, and really go out there and give it our all every shift. I know my guys are trying, but it’s hard to consistently step into net and know we will be outshot every game. I think working harder on playing a more shut down style on both ends of the ice is what’s important, and just possessing the puck a little bit more.

Which would you rather have: the loser OT/SO point or a decision in regulation? This marks the 8th OTL/SOL recorded by you this year.
Well, clearly I’d rather have the win in regulation. But throughout the season, especially when we’re fighting for every point, I’ll take the loss in extra time. We haven’t had the best track record with games like that, but any points are better than none.

Describe what was going on through your head as Viatcheslav Orlov, Zach Zyvleski, and Wesley Wells came your way during the shootout? What changes headed to your next shootout?
I was hoping they would miss. Near the end of the shootout, though, I was really just trying to find whatever focus I had left - it was a marathon. I think for my next shootout, I need to be more confident in my own abilities to stop the shots in close, and not second-guess myself. I hesitated on a lot of those, even the ones that I saved, and I think I just need to trust in myself.

Who would you say was your best friend in the defensive zone tonight? Is that usual for that person?
Tonight, Yvel really stood out to me. He really worked hard in our end, and I think he had like, three or four blocked shots? And then assisted on both of our goals, so it was pretty nice to have him around tonight. And yeah, I think he’s usually more of a difference maker than people realize, so it’s not totally unusual.

Who was your worst enemy on the Militia offensive charges? Is there anything you learned about the play style that you can work on changing moving forward?
For me personally tonight, it felt like Forbrook was everywhere. I really think we need to be better at shutting down a team’s top players, because I was getting massive amounts of shots from the same people over and over again. We’re starting to mesh more as a team, though, and I think we’re in a good place heading into the postseason.

<div align="center">Stat of the Night: Shots</div>

Militia - 71 Shots, 21 Shots Missed the Net (29.58%), 50 Shots on Goal (71.42%), 13 Shots Blocked (26%), 3 Hit the Post (6%), 32 Saves (64%), 2 Goals (4%), 8 Shootout Shots, 2 Missed the Net (25%), 3 Saves (37.5%), 3 Goals (37.5%)
Mammoths - 35 Shots, 12 Shots Missed the Net (34.29%), 23 Shots on Goal (65.71%), 5 Shots Blocked (21.74%), 1 Hit the Post (4.35%), 15 Saves (65.22%), 2 Goals (8.70%), 8 Shootout Shots, 1 Missed the Net (12.5%), 5 Saves (62.5%), 2 Goals (25%)

There's no doubt who the winner is if you look at the shot clock. Montreal had almost as many missed shots as Colorado did ones that were on target, and that large discrepancy usually results in a blowout. This stat really shows some of the value of Ekaterina Rudnikova, as she was able to stop the shots that made it her way in such a high volume, but it was the shootout that separated the teams, not regulation. While Harris's effort was decent during 3 periods and extra time, his effort in the shootout, fresher than Kat due to a smaller workload, was spectacular. The Militia couldn't keep it on goal, but were able to make the shootout dangles that did make it on net count, while the Mammoths could only muster a few good chances off their on-target shots. Had the Mammoths outshot the Militia by the same margin, the result would be a landslide victory for the home team. Instead, the Militia ride out road warriors with the win.

<div align="center">Scrub of the Game: Jaylor Toast</div>

Oh boy, where to begin? Toast got 18 minutes of ice time and utterly wasted them. One minute was spent fighting off the penalty kill, which is somewhat decent, but he only registers two stats the rest of the time. His one hit came in the middle of the 3rd period immediately after a faceoff, trying to wear down the Mammoths center, but Toast couldn't even remove Olson Stuart from the puck! His 2 shots were no success either, with one at the end of the 1st being an easy leg deflection and the other in the middle of the 2nd a safe glove save. This can be counted as a truly forgettable performance.

Militia - 3
Mammoths - 2

[Image: gDUQZVC.png]
<div align="center">Game 164 of the SHL Regular Season.</div>

<div align="center">Pre-Game</div>
Tonight saw the 41st match of the season for the Colorado Mammoths and the Detroit Falcons.

So far this season, it appears that the Mammoths’ management has had a firm policy of not paying for overtime. Colorado did not see an extra time minute the entire first half of the season, and only ventured past the 60 minute mark in their 25th game. They wouldn’t find their way to a shootout until the 28th game. All of this was probably for the best, as the Mammoths have now dropped 3 overtime games and 5 shootout losses in their past 13 matches alone!

Unfortunately, the lack of endurance may not be surprising given the amount of youth that Colorado ices every night. The Mammoths have split their last four matchups with Detroit, winning two in regular time and losing two in shootouts.

On paper, Detroit looks like the stronger team, but the Mammoths were looking for a late season turn around that could propel them into more than a spoiler during the playoffs. Let’s take you to the 1st period highlights to see how this one played out.

<div align="center">1st Period</div>
Shortly after winning the opening face-off, the Falcons played an aggressive dump and chase into the Mammoths zone. O’Dooley is the first to the puck and receives some jarring pressure from Nucky Toohoots, turning the puck back over to Detroit. O’Dooley takes issue with the check and returns the favor seconds later, catching Toohoots in the mouth with his stick. That’s Toohoots with a hurt tooth and two minutes in the sin booth for O’Dooley.

The ensuing advantage, the Falcons get off a barrage of shots. Berkis shoots and kicked away by Rudnikova, Moleman fires the rebound back but Rudnikova’s blocker pushes it wide. Toohoots collects the errant puck and blasts one top shelf – Rudnikova’s with a flailing swat and another save! Sinikka, pinching in to the rebound and before the Mammoth’s backstop can regain her feet snaps one towards the opposite corner. Rudnikova can only reach back in vain as the goal siren sounds for Sinikka’s sixth of the season. 1-0 Detroit[Image: G0AL.gif] Jari Sinikka 6 (Nucky Toohoots, Hans Moleman) at 1:36 (PP)

Too many shots and too many rebounds for Ekaterina Rudnikova.

Five minutes later, the Mammoths 4th liners looking to answer. Evgeny Yakikov wins the puck off the Detroit zone draw and sends it back to Goddard. But he is immediately pressured and loses the puck out of the zone. As his team cycles back onside, he regains control and abruptly shifts direction on a forechecking Erik Muller, eludes the defender and finds Serj Kovalchuk streaking back into the zone. He feeds Kovalchuk a blue platter special and Serj claps one by the sliding McSieve. 1-1 Tied Score[ [Image: G0AL.gif] Serj Kovalchuk 5 (William Goddard) at 6:14

Not to be done in by Colorado’s checking line, the Detroit 2nd liners immediately turn up the heat. Wiljian Zjang, Rising Hippo, Kaspars Berzins, and Alexis Metzler play a game of keep away. When Matthew Leetch attempts to intervene, Berzins catches him out of position and sets up a give and go tic tac toe goal with Metzler providing the support. 2-1 Detroit[Image: G0AL.gif] Kaspars Berzins 12 (Alexis Metzler) at 7:00

After that impressive goal, Detroit has regained their swagger. They are shooting from every angle, but the Mammoths’ blueliners are starting to come together. Tord Yvel blocks a Moleman shot and then Goddard gets in front of an Evans snipe. And the shots that do get through, Rudnikova is now holding on to. With renewed spirits, Colorado’s staunch third line pairing of Yvel and Legend set up shop at the top of the Detroit zone, playing cat and mouse with the Falcons’ forwards in an attempt to draw an opening. What they draw instead, is the impatience of Alec Derin who recklessly swings his stick high while trying to clear the puck. It’s a double minor for him, and Colorado is going to have their first and second man-advantage of the night.

Right off the bat, Colton Hagan puts a devastating hit on Hippo and I’m not sure he’s rising up from that one. The Mammoths step into the zone and cycle the puck to O’Dooley who takes a wicked slapper just wide. Eichelele quickly tries to stuff the loose puck by McSieve, but the veteran goalie quickly smothers the puck. The second unit pf Svensson, Browski, and Renninger comes on and continues the pressure. After a few neutral zone battles, Goddard emerges with the puck and finds Browski with a seam into the opponent’s zone. Browski draws the defender and as he pulls back to shoot McSieve quickly sidles out towards him to reduce the angle, but at the last second Browski fakes the shot and flips it to Jacob Renninger who is wearing Metzler like a prom dress, but still manages to get some tape on the puck and put it behind McSieve. 2-2 Even Stevens[Image: G0AL.gif] Jacob Renninger 6 (Sim Browski, William Goddard) at 10:30 (PP)

The final 2 seconds of Derin’s first penalty is wiped out, and the Mammoths had two more minutes to find a lead, but can only manage a pair of icing restarts and no more shots before the advantage ends. At 16:29, Colorado again on the power play, but the Falcons’ penalty kill again holds strong as the Mammoths struggle to hit their target. The see-saw period draws to a close with the teams tied at 2.

<div align="center">2nd Period</div>
The second period was plagued by a bunch of sloppy play from Detroit as they gave up 4 power plays yet still managed to outshoot Colorado 7 to 6. Colorado maintenance teams will be working overtime to touch up the sponsor banners behind each goal as both teams combined to take 17 errant shots this period.

<div align="center">3rd Period</div>
The script was flipped in the third as Colorado’s defensemen were flagged for 3 penalties to Detroit’s one. But again, defense was stout and no further goals were meant for regulation.

<div align="center">Overtime</div>
The five minutes of overtime saw a renewed effort for scoring that seemed to be lacking in the previous two periods. Colorado had two excellent chances to win it, first on a breakaway feed from McGraw to Hagan which McSieve shuts down with a fantastic glove save, and then 30 seconds later on an Eichelele shot that was deflected by McGraw past McSieve but was ultimately denied my Metzler diving across the goal line. This game was going the distance.

<div align="center">Shootout</div>
Taro Eichelele’s first career penalty shot wasn’t fooling McSieve and was easily turned away. Hans Moleman responded with a double move, but Rudnikova held her ground and foiled the attempt.

Sim Browski provided the second Mammoths’ attempt and he would beat McSieve stick side with a mid-stride wristshot. Clearly McSieve was expecting something more involved from Browski. Cikgnar Konstantinov took his place, showed a forehand getting Rudnikova to drop to her knees before sliding back to his backhand at the last second to flip it towards the open post, but Rusnikova butterflies keeping the right pad flat to the iceand closes the gap – no goal!

McGraw, the most experienced forward on the team, takes his run to the net but McSieve either guesses correctly or always knew that McGraw would try to go five hole, and he shuts it down. Alex Berkis to take Detroit’s 3rd shot, skates directly at Rudnikova waits until she reaches out to poke at the puck, and pulls it back out of reach, while punishing her positioning with the equalizing goal .
<div align="center">[Image: GVVRquq.gif]
Berkis Baits Russian Backstop</div>

With each round now sudden death pairings, Colorado’s skipper then defies conventional wisdom and bypasses the team’s 4 remaining top scorers in Dover, O’Dooley, Goddard, and Renninger to give rookie Colton Hagan the anchorman role. McSieve has the psychological edge after stoning Hagan's breakaway in overtime.

Colton takes the puck at mid-ice and skates in along the right side. He finally cuts back towards net, but this angle isn't giving him much chance. Wait, McSieve has dropped his stick in front of Hagan's path and my goodness, it looks intentional! Hagan takes a wide berth around the prone stick (has McSieve pushed him too far wide?!Wink but as he finally circles McSieve he slides it past the stickless wonder!!

It’s a goal and it’s glorious! And Hagan responds to McSieve's tomfoolery with a mocking strut past the Falcons' bench.
<div align="center">[Image: vWOlkX.gif]
Colton Hagan Mocks McSieve</div>

Wiljian Zjang will have give Detroit another chance to prolong the game, but right now tempers are flaring on both benches as each team is accusing the other of poor sportsmanship. It's going to take a minute before we can continue play, so let's take a look at the regulation and overtime stats so far while the goaltenders change positions...

Inside the Numbers:
Colorado Mammoths - Hits : 22 - Faceoff Wins : 26 - Blocked Shots : 13 - Penalty Minutes : 8 &nbsp;Shots : 18
Detroit Falcons - Hits : 14 - Faceoff Wins : 48 - Blocked Shots : 10 - Penalty Minutes : 16 &nbsp;Shots : 33

While Detroit dominated the faceoff circle, Colorado played a physical but clean game, out-checking their opponents and getting whistled at a far lower rate for it. Despite being shorthanded twice as often as the Mammoths, the Falcons still nearly doubled Colorado in shots on net. This has become the disturbing trend for the Mile High club since trading away future star Steven Stamkos. Their answer so far, at least, has come in the form of a Russian tank.

Goaltender Stats
Ekaterina Rudnikova (COL), 31 saves from 33 shots - (0.939), W, 14-19-7, 65:00 minutes
Sivy McSieve (DET), 16 saves from 18 shots - (0.889), OTL, 19-11-5, 65:00 minutes

Rudnikova has stopped twice as many shots as McSieve tonight, how many more will it be?

Alright, we're back with Zjang skating in on the young Russian netminder. Zjang takes a more conventional approach down the middle but then shifts to his left and tries to beat Rudnikova to the same spot that Hagan just scored, but she instinctively flares her pads wide and...


<div align="center">[Image: Pickard-Happy5894.gif]
Zjang Goes Unchained</div>
...Denied!! ...just like that, Colorado has won their first extra-time game and first shoot-out of the season!

Players Stats for Colorado Mammoths
Player Name &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;G &nbsp;A &nbsp;P &nbsp;+/- PIM S &nbsp;H &nbsp;SB GA TA FO &nbsp; &nbsp; MP &nbsp; &nbsp; PP MP &nbsp;PK MP &nbsp;
Ben Dover &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;2 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp;23:33 &nbsp; 8:05 &nbsp; 2:40
Cash Money &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;3 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp;12:58 &nbsp; 0:00 &nbsp; 0:00
Colton Hagan &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;-1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 3 &nbsp;4 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;2/7 &nbsp; &nbsp;18:59 &nbsp; 7:35 &nbsp; 3:35
Evgeny Yakikov &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;5/7 &nbsp; &nbsp;10:22 &nbsp; 1:10 &nbsp; 0:24
Frontdoor McGraw &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;2/3 &nbsp; &nbsp;23:41 &nbsp; 7:13 &nbsp; 3:35
Jacob Renninger &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;-1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/1 &nbsp; &nbsp;13:46 &nbsp; 7:13 &nbsp; 0:00
Martin Svensson &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;-1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;5/15 &nbsp; 15:31 &nbsp; 7:16 &nbsp; 0:18
Master Maguku &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 2 &nbsp;2 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp;13:54 &nbsp; 0:00 &nbsp; 0:34
Matthew Leetch &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 3 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp;21:31 &nbsp; 6:43 &nbsp; 2:25
Maverick O'Dooley &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;4 &nbsp; 3 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp;23:20 &nbsp; 8:05 &nbsp; 2:02
Olson Stuart &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;4/16 &nbsp; 16:43 &nbsp; 0:03 &nbsp; 3:20
Poon Slayer &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/1 &nbsp; &nbsp; 8:28 &nbsp; 0:22 &nbsp; 0:00
Serj Kovalchuk &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;1 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/1 &nbsp; &nbsp; 8:56 &nbsp; 0:00 &nbsp; 0:00
Sim Browski &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;0 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;1 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;2 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/2 &nbsp; &nbsp;22:15 &nbsp; 6:28 &nbsp; 3:38
Taro Eichelele &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;8/21 &nbsp; 19:52 &nbsp; 7:13 &nbsp; 0:00
Tord Yvel &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;5 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp;18:35 &nbsp; 0:03 &nbsp; 2:18
Trev Legend &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;2 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;2 &nbsp;2 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp;16:50 &nbsp; 0:03 &nbsp; 0:08
William Goddard &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;0 &nbsp;2 &nbsp;2 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;2 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp;23:01 &nbsp; 6:43 &nbsp; 3:55

Players Stats for Detroit Falcons
Player Name &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;G &nbsp;A &nbsp;P &nbsp;+/- PIM S &nbsp;H &nbsp;SB GA TA FO &nbsp; &nbsp; MP &nbsp; &nbsp; PP MP &nbsp;PK MP &nbsp;
Alec Derin &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;4 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp; 7:51 &nbsp; 0:00 &nbsp; 0:00
Alex Berkis &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 4 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;1/2 &nbsp; &nbsp;14:53 &nbsp; 3:12 &nbsp; 0:00
Alex Kepka &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;1/3 &nbsp; &nbsp; 4:21 &nbsp; 0:00 &nbsp; 0:00
Alexander Odegaard &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/1 &nbsp; &nbsp; 5:54 &nbsp; 0:00 &nbsp; 1:33
Alexis Metzler &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;1 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;2 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp;23:18 &nbsp; 3:34 &nbsp; 7:32
Chadathy Brodangleschlon 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;2 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp; 7:51 &nbsp; 0:00 &nbsp; 0:00
Cikgnar Konstantinov &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;-1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 2 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;8/14 &nbsp; 13:33 &nbsp; 0:00 &nbsp; 0:00
Edvins Berzins &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;-1 &nbsp;2 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp;11:18 &nbsp; 0:00 &nbsp; 0:47
Erik Muller &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;-1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp;13:05 &nbsp; 0:00 &nbsp; 2:33
Hans Moleman &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;1 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 5 &nbsp;2 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/2 &nbsp; &nbsp;26:05 &nbsp; 3:04 &nbsp; 7:59
Henrik Vikstrom &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;-1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 5 &nbsp;2 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp;13:33 &nbsp; 0:00 &nbsp; 0:00
Jari Sinikka &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;1 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 3 &nbsp;2 &nbsp;2 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp;23:38 &nbsp; 3:39 &nbsp; 7:39
Kaspars Berzins &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;1 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 3 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;1/3 &nbsp; &nbsp;15:02 &nbsp; 4:01 &nbsp; 0:00
Marc Leclerc &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;4 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp;20:53 &nbsp; 3:34 &nbsp; 5:09
Nucky Toohoots &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;1 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 4 &nbsp;2 &nbsp;3 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;18/24 &nbsp;23:31 &nbsp; 3:12 &nbsp; 8:16
Prince Daniel James &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;2 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/0 &nbsp; &nbsp;22:00 &nbsp; 3:39 &nbsp; 6:02
Rising Hippo &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;2 &nbsp; 2 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0/1 &nbsp; &nbsp;20:41 &nbsp; 4:01 &nbsp; 5:40
Wiljian Zjang &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;18/23 &nbsp;23:54 &nbsp; 4:01 &nbsp; 6:14
Zach Evans &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;-1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp; 1 &nbsp;1 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;0 &nbsp;1/1 &nbsp; &nbsp;13:41 &nbsp; 0:08 &nbsp; 0:00

<div align="center">Three Stars
[Image: com.revesoft.mobiledialer.star_net.star_gold_80x80.png]
[Image: CSyq632.png]
Colton Hagan <a href='index.php?showuser=2281' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>CampinKiller</a>
Led the Mammoths in hits (4), contributed 3 shots, played more than 11 minutes on special teams combined, and showed veteran poise in ending the game with his first shootout goal.

[Image: com.revesoft.mobiledialer.star_net.star_gold_80x80.png][Image: com.revesoft.mobiledialer.star_net.star_gold_80x80.png]
[Image: 0u0DZIt.png]
Ekaterina Rudnikova <a href='index.php?showuser=2240' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>mel24</a>
Turned away 31 of 33 shots in regulation and overtime (good for a .939 save%) and only allowed a single shootout goal. Was partially responsible for the high number of shots as she struggled to control rebounds (5 in the 3rd period), however, her superior reflexes held the day.

[Image: com.revesoft.mobiledialer.star_net.star_gold_80x80.png][Image: com.revesoft.mobiledialer.star_net.star_gold_80x80.png][Image: com.revesoft.mobiledialer.star_net.star_gold_80x80.png]
[Image: oWZzYvH.png]
Nucky Toohoots @Gaia Mormont
Led the team in penalty kill time (8:16) and shots blocked (3), won 18/24 faceoffs, contributed 4 shots, 2 hits, and assisted on the opening PP goal.

Honorable Mentions:
William Goddard Assisted on both of the Mammoth goals in regulation and chipped in with 23 minutes, including 10 minutes of special teams play

Prada Clutch Player of the Game
[Image: JaBgYlk.jpg]
[Image: bVaAbRR.png]
Colton Hagan <a href='index.php?showuser=2281' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>CampinKiller</a>
Hagan narrowly missed winning the game outright at 2:25 of overtime when McSieve robbed him on a breakaway. Pressed into center duty during the 4 on 4, he won the ensuing faceoff allowing Legend to have a solid look at the net. 10 minutes later he found his revenge, beating McSieve with a beautiful deke to capture the 2 points for Colorado.

The shot opened up to display, for perhaps the first time in recap history, the pair of Jay Onrait and Dan O’Toole looking quite prepared and pleasing to the eye. Jay jostled a few papers in his hands, and then nodded at the camera.

Jay: Let’s get right down to business tonight, Dan. We’ve had a talking to from SMJHL officials, and they’d prefer us to spend more time on the actual hockey content, and not our usual ‘hokey’ way of doing business.

Dan: Nothing hokey here tonight – only HOCKEY. Jay and Dan - we add the C in hockey.

Jay: Jesus Christ Dan…

Dan: Well we’re Canadian. C? Get it, that’s the C in hockey?

Once again the fancy SMJHL logo flashed on the screen, with smaller versions of the Whalers and Raiders logos crashing into each other to symbolize the war that was about to come.

<div align="center">Game 88: Vancouver Whalers Whalers vs Halifax Raiders raiders

Whalers 3 - 2 (SO) raiders</div>
Jay: Seems like we only call Raiders highlight packages now. Oh well – I love pirates so that’s fine by me!

Dan: I always wanted to be a pirate growing up. Just living on the sea, going from port to port, pillaging wherever you could. These Raiders certainly have been doing that a lot this season, they’re tops in their conference right now!

Jay: And I have it on good authority that they’ve been pillaging that sweet sweet booty whenever they’re on the road!

Dan: Pirate booty?

Jay: ALL the booty.

<b><div align="center">First Period</div></b>
Dan: Lets pick this one up about seven minutes into the first frame, and Brynjar Tusk collects a missed shot from behind the Raiders net, and quickly wraps it around into the far corner to put the Whalers up by 1 early!

Jay: G-G Pel caught looking the wrong way there, damn. Looks like she was distracted by Stamkos Jr’s booty that time.

<b><div align="center">1. Vancouver Whalers, Brynjar Tusk 1 (Frankie Latta, Ludwig Koch Schroder) at 7:15

Vancouver 1 – Halifax 0</div></b>
Dan: Not much else happening that frame aside from a constant assault from the Whalers that saw them outshoot the Raiders ten to three.

<b><div align="center">Second Period</div></b>
Jay: The domination continues into the second, with Pel reverting to usual stellar form, until my boy Alex Reed coughs up the puck to Brooksey on the half wall, who fires a perfect pass to … uh … this guy with like 4 L’s in his name – who rifles it top shelf to put the Whalers up by two!

Dan: Reed can definitely pick up the pair of goat horns on his way back to the bench. And he better check for his wallet too because Brooks just fleeced him.

<b><div align="center">2. Vancouver Whalers, Ieuan Llewellyn 1 (John Brooks) at 12:48

Vancouver 2 – Halifax 0 </div></b>
Jay: This Whalers team is playing like a team possessed, and honestly if not for Pel this one could be out of reach. Shots after two are 19 to 7, yikes!

<b><div align="center">Third Period</div></b>
Dan: But there’s a funny thing about this Raiders team, no matter how much they got down, as evidenced by last season’s championship run, they never give up. They always show that Pirate spirit!

Jay: In fact they were down early to Prince George in the 4-star dragonball cup finals, two to nothing, and raged back to win the game 3-2!

Dan: And right on cue, eighteen seconds in, Kosonen notches his seventh of the season after a beautiful save by Wehner off De Bruin, just tapping it home!

<b><div align="center">3. Halifax Raiders, Toivo Kosonen 7 (Leif De Bruin) at 0:18

Vancouver 2 – Halifax 1</div></b>
Jay: Paging Mr. Goat. Paaaaging Mr. Goat – ah, there you are. Oh yeah, you remember that Brooksey guy who just picked your pocket and set up a big goal in the second? Oh, he’s seemed to have blocked a shot and the puck is sitting right there, yes, right there in his feet. And go ahead and steal that back, well done. Reed picks up the puck and snaps it home short side. Tie game!

Dan: And throw those goat horns away. What a big goal with under four minutes to go in the third – the Raiders have done it again!

<b><div align="center">4. Halifax Raiders, Alex Reed 3 (Sepp Reiter, Colin Banning) at 16:34

Vancouver 2 – Halifax 2</div></b>
Jay: Raiders close the period strong, but can’t bang in the game winner. We’re off to some bonus hockey!

<b><div align="center">Overtime</div></b>
Dan: Five minutes just wasn’t enough, some excellent end to end rushes and chances, but no goals!

Jay: Can someone explain why they are playing four on four when the REAL WORLD is playing three on three?? LEAGUE OWNERS – WTF??

<b><div align="center">Shootout</div></b>
Dan: Wow … holy shit Jay. This is … this is …

Jay: Kill me. Seriously, can anyone hit the net on a penalty shot?? DOES ANYONE HAVE OVER A 40 IN PENALTY SHOOTING??

Dan: Ok – Ross just fluttered it on in from the blue line - that counts as a shot on goal. And Bustkova – she actually lost control and the goalie had to stop it. Two in a row were on net!

Jay: Uh … now we’re in … round 15? Holy shit this is bad. Here comes Mbb. Uh – is that a typo? Mbb? Alex Mbb??? That can’t be a real name, what the heck guys. OH WAIT HE SCOREZORS!

Dan: Call him whatever he wants to be called, thank God someone has put one in! And Johnson was stopped with a poke-check, this one is over! Whalers win! What an … epic(?) shootout!

<div align="center">Penalty Shot by Conklin Owen for Vancouver Whalers - Shot Misses the Net
Penalty Shot by Sepp Reiter for Halifax Raiders - Stopped by Maximilian Wehner
Penalty Shot by Steven Stamkos Jr. for Vancouver Whalers - Shot Misses the Net
Penalty Shot by Isaac Kaiser for Halifax Raiders - Shot Misses the Net
Penalty Shot by Jon Ross for Vancouver Whalers - Stopped by Georgette Pel
Penalty Shot by Pietra Volkova for Halifax Raiders - Stopped by Maximilian Wehner
Penalty Shot by Yason Vassilios for Vancouver Whalers - Shot Misses the Net
Penalty Shot by Niklas Flower for Halifax Raiders - Stopped by Maximilian Wehner
Penalty Shot by Dusty Cox for Vancouver Whalers - Shot Misses the Net
Penalty Shot by Reed Laing for Halifax Raiders - Stopped by Maximilian Wehner
Penalty Shot by Ieuan Llewellyn for Vancouver Whalers - Stopped by Georgette Pel
Penalty Shot by Leif De Bruin for Halifax Raiders - Stopped by Maximilian Wehner
Penalty Shot by John Brooks for Vancouver Whalers - Stopped by Georgette Pel
Penalty Shot by Cleo Green for Halifax Raiders - Stopped by Maximilian Wehner
Penalty Shot by Alex Mbb for Vancouver Whalers - Goal!
Penalty Shot by Hunter Johnson for Halifax Raiders - Stopped by Maximilian Wehner

Final Score (Shootout)

Vancouver 3 – Halifax 2

Three Stars: 1. Brynjar Tusk (1G) 2. Alex Reed (1G) 3. Toivo Kosonen (1G)
Jay: Christ, they should have given the Mbb’er all three stars for that. But I guess Tusk, Reed and Kosonen didn’t fuck up a shot in the shootout, so they’re decent choices. Sixteen shooters?? Five of the first nine missed the net?? That’s especially bad considering the first shooters ARE PROBABLY YOUR BETTER SHOOTERS.

Dan: I’m just happy that we called a very professional highlight package for once.

Jay: You actually think we did?

Dan: One hundred percent ‘hoke’ free. BUT NOT HOCKEY FREE! WE CANADAINS PUT THE ‘C’ IN HOCKEY!

Jay: Sigh. I’m always amazed we’ve lasted this long on the air, Dan.

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