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S30 Championship Week


What are you thinking??? An angry Edmonton fans post about his team that just won the Conference Finals.

Yeah, yeah, I know we just won a series against one of the best teams in the league in convincing fashion and now go on to play in the Challenge Cup finals... But seriously, what the fuck Edmonton management & coaching staff? In his very last year in the league, you let goaltending legend Jakub Aittokallio ride the bench during the most important part of the season? Oh sure, Jakub, being the great teammate that he is, has been telling both the fans and the media that he is fine with the decision, that it's time for the youth to step in now and blah blah blah. But trust me, whatever Jakub says, he can't be happy with it and neither are we, the fans. Nothing against Brett Broadway, he is a good goaltender with a very bright future but if your team has a chance to win the cup and you have the best goaltender of all time on your roster then you fucking play him, no questions asked! Do we still have a decent chance to beat New England with Brett in net? Sure, and I wish him all the best, but if Jakub keeps riding the bench and we don't win the cup then you better be prepared for some of us fans to get our pitchforks ready...


Who is my MVP for these playoffs? I don't think it's very surprising that it comes down to Nathan Russell or Jakob Tanner who both aren't just great players, but great members of this site as well. But this is about stats, not character, so let's take a loot at the numbers...

Nathan Russell finished the post-season with the most points (19) and best +/- (+18) and also showed his versatility by finishing second in both goals (7) and assists (12). What might be even more impressive is that as a forward, he led all players in hits by a good margin (71 vs. the guy in second place with 52). This combination of great offensive performance and stalwart defensive and physical play elevates Nathan Russell above all other skaters, there is no question, but then there also is this goalie...

Jakob Tanner dominated his peers in goal even more than Russell dominated the skaters. Out of 14 games he played he lost only two and both his save-percentage (92.9%) and goals against average (2.25) were far and away the best among goalies. With a team as dominant as the Wolfpack this off-season it is somewhat tough to say how much of these numbers can be attributed to Tanner's own play and how much is thanks to his teammates. But then again, in the past goalies on good teams often saw their own stats suffer a bit due to the fact that they didn't face as many shots as their peers that allowed them to boost their numbers, so I think it would be unfair to hold that against Tanner, especially since Russell benefited from those awesome teammates just as much.

So for me the MVP is...

Jakob Tanner!


Seattle Riot vs. Calgary Dragons

Two very respected and very consistent teams met in the first round of the playoffs this season and while most people had considered the defending Champions out of Calgary to be the favorites in this one, it was Seattle who had the better start to the Series. The Riot quickly took a 2-0 series lead thanks to great performances by young goaltender Michael McFadden and their very balanced core of forwards. But Calgary wouldn't be the Champs if the couldn't bounce back from a subpar start like that and by game three, they had started to figure out McFadden and with some adjustments to their lineup, the really started to do some damage now. Within three games, they turned a 0-2 into a 3-2 but Seattle wasn't beaten just yet. A 5-3 win for the Riot sent the series to game seven and boy was it a nailbiter! Calgary took a quick lead just 38 seconds into the game only for Seattle to turn the game around within just six minutes and taking a 2-1 lead themselves thanks to a goal and an assist by David Benson. Afterwards the game calmed down a little but Calgary also started to take more and more control of this affair. Shane Gagner and Chris Johnson scored for the Dragons to turn the game around once again until David Benson sent it to OT with his second goal of the night. Overtime lasted only 106 seconds until Michael Boychuck capitalized on a powerplay opportunity after Jack Burton had been called for hooking, sending Calgary on to round to and a very brave Riot team back to Seattle to start their off-season.


New England. The Softpack. The Ponysquad. The #lilluminati. There have been many hated teams in the past, the Renegades of the SHLs teen years or the second Edmonton dynasty, but this time. the hate was different. When in the past teams had been hated because their players were too cocky, too abrasive or too selfish, this time the hate seemed to stem from the fact that they were... too nice, I guess? Oh all this sugary sweetness that some people claimed to see really rubbed those people the wrong way but the Wolfpack didn't care and guess what: At some point, the hate started to fuel them, just like every other hated team. And in the end, they won it all.

New England actually didn't change too much over the course of this season as they are a team that likes to build from within. One key player they did bring in prior to this season though was Jakob Tanner and as you can read above, he is my playoff MVP as well. Tanner finally gave stability to a team that had often lacked reliable goaltending in the past. And that's... basically it. Every other player on the cup winning roster is a homegrown product or has been on the team for more than a season, with most players being original New England draftees. So congratulations to the New England management on doing a great job building and developing their team!

BONUS: Theo Kane

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

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Place holder
Task 3:
Season 30 recently came to a close and New England is basking in the glory of victory. Looking back on the post season there were some impressive performances by the Wolfpack with a ton of options for a playoff MVP. From the offensive side to the back end, there were stand out players in just about every position. If I had it my way this year’s playoff MVP would the New England net minder, Jakob Tanner. Tanner led all goal tenders in saver percentage (.929), goals against (2.25), and second in average saves a game (34.1). While there has been a lot of talk about the incredible line combinations that the Wolfpack put on the ice, it’s undeniable that regardless, Tanner was giving his team a chance to win every night. He has been one of the most consistent goalies in the SHL this year proving himself to be an elite goaltender in the league. Tanner deserves the MVP hands down in this year’s final with his performance. The Wolfpack will lean on him again next season if they hope to repeat any of the success they had this season.

Task 4:
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Task 7:
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Task 8:
Well is seems these days that all anyone can talk about is the New England Wolfpack. They have been an up and coming team through the past few season in the SHL but this season they surprised everyone by making it to the finals and sweeping the Edmonton Blizzard in four games. They started off a bit rocky but squeaked into the playoffs by just a few points. Their success in the post season can be attributed to a few things. One thing was the signing of their net minder Tanner. He has lead this team defensively all year and gave the young group of players a chance to win every night. Another huge point to make is the emergence of some of their young players like Raven, Jones and Talo. They have all had terrific seasons and showed tremendous improvement all year. Throughout the post season they were extremely competitive against some of the top players in the SHL. GM Pb had stepped down this past season but had handed the gift of some impressive drafting over the years to the newly announced GMs in New England. The chemistry that this team has developed is impressive and shows just how far a team can go when they work together on building a solid line up.

BONUS: <s>Nathaniel Russel</s> Tim Buckner Cheers

After any Challenge Cup game, the locker room is always chaos--a huge celebration where the players let loose, drink champagne, smoke cigars, and sing jubilantly while making a gigantic fucking mess. And while champagne and singing both feature prominently in the Pack's victory celebrations following that fateful second sweep, some parts of it more closely resemble a toddler's birthday party. Defenseman Jasper Clayton's locker has been stuffed with My Little Pony souvenirs, there is an enormous cake which the players seem to be eating/throwing with their bare hands, and someone's wrangled in an inflatable pool and filled it with plastic green and white balls. The comedic aspect of this impromptu ballpit is that it's definitely big enough for maybe one and a half hockey players at any given time, and yet there seem to be at least three Pack members in it throughout the evening, throwing balls at each other with one hand and chugging champagne with the other. An immature celebration? Maybe. But it's their cup, they can have a ballpit if they want to.

Nathan Russell gets the MVP award as far as this author is concerned, and it's not even close. Not only is he the team's top scorer (7G and 12A), but he's also the league's postseason top scorer, despite playing fewer games (14) than his next closest rival (Sarantez, 16 pts in 15 games). But even more astounding than those points is Russell's hits: an incredible 71 in 14 games, or, put another way, one hit every five minutes of gameplay (Russell averaged about 25MPG over those 41 games). But a more intangible reason to give that trophy to Nathan Russell is his leadership, which, as the face of the franchise for many seasons now and the newly-appointed captain, is a huge part of why the Wolfpack achieved success again after all this time. After all, Russell's management counterpart drafted the vast majority of the current Wolfpack roster; relatively few players have been brought in through trade or free agency (the largest exceptions being Bure, Lundberg, and Tanner). The #PlayforFun ethos that has the Wolfpack so reviled by the rest of the league is remarkably good at keeping a core together, and that all started with Russell himself.

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The most common narrative in the SHL world is that the New England Wolfpack are a shitty team full of shitty players who only lucked into success when they brought Jakob Tanner on board. It is, of course, beyond argument that Tanner's playing abilities and coaching abilities were a significant part of the Wolfpack's meteoric rise to success this season--but is the rest of the team really as terrible as everyone says?

In a word: no. Referencing Tomen's SHL master spreadsheet, let's run some numbers. New England's average TPE (across the whole team) is 783, and their average skater TPE is 861. Compared to their first round opponents, the Minnesota Chiefs? The Chiefs' average TPE is 763, with an average skater TPE of 830. Now, yes, Minnesota had much better defense, averaging 1152 as compared to the Wolfpack's 845, but the Wolfpack's forward corps had an average of 869 TPE as compared to Minny's 715. It's pretty clear here that the Wolfpack's secret is their depth: they have fewer superstars than most teams, with just one player over 1500 TPE, but their roster is crazy deep--they can play 10 forwards who all have 600+ TPE and when they call up their current prospects, that number only grows. It takes time to figure out chemistry with that many possible combinations, which is why the Wolfpack struggled a little during the regular season, but now that they have? Take note, SHL: just 5 players on the Wolfpack are regressing. Get used to that green banner, because the best is yet to come.

Bonus: Raven Silverwing!

Task one

200+ words

The day the cinderella story waved it's good bye.

West Kendall, FL

There's nothing more exciting than a game 7, this time we had the West Kendall Game7 versus Manhattan Rage. Manhattan, who's season was a surprise in it's self, was on the brink of eliminating the perennial contenders, West Kendall Platoon. It was set to be a hard fought match, but the end result said other wise.
The game started out pretty aggresively, with Zalleras Szlerchek getting a slashing minor just 0:37 in to the match. The goal scoring finnaly oppened after a Mikko Linna goal at 10:27. The pressure did not stop there, Oliver "sort of an inactive cunt" Pettyfer doubled WKP's lead to 2 before the 1st period was over.
The 2nd period was a horror story for some, mainly Rage and their three fans. WKP scored three more goals to make the score 5:0. After 39:05 of being shutout, Magnus Jakobsen had enough and put Manhattan on the board. There we're some hopes of a comeback, but after WKP's sixth goal, scored by the best line ever at 3:43, it was all but over. Manhattan scored one ore goal, but who cares, WKP IS GOING TO THE SECOND ROUND BISHES.

Bonus: Blake Sherill

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Still version:
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The New England Wolfpack have been hunting for a cup ever since their last win in Season 23 and the rebuild that followed. The Pack has had a few turbulent seasons along the way, but they've slowly built back up to a solid base that's only going to improve in seasons to come. This season, the last pieces all slotted into piece for the Pack. Notable events along the way include another extremely strong season from veteran team captain Nathan Russell, a large number of extremely promising rookies and second year players making their presence known on the ice - all scoring well above .5 P/20 in the playoffs - and a couple of key acquisitions. Jonathan Lundberg joined the team as a free agent this offseason, helping to shore up the team's lack of center depth, and the team found a replacement for Earnest Ciarelli (who left them for Texas in the offseason) in veteran goaltender Jakob Tanner. Tanner's excellent performance in goal was huge for the team, but it's impossible to downplay how the Pack gained from having the veteran in the locker room and on the ice helping to coach not only rookie goaltender Mikke Laukkanen but the rest of the team as well. The team struggled slightly at the beginning of the season, but when they finally found their chemistry on the ice they were nearly unstoppable, and now they have a Challenge Cup to show for it.

BONUS: Russel, because why not (is this even still open? I have no idea)

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Who scores the cup winning goal? Tim Buckner

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#40 Niclas Wastlund - W - VANCOUVER WHALERS Whalers / MINNESOTA MONARCHS Monarchs
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231 words

After missing the playoffs in S29, the New England Wolfpack were back again for the Challenge Cup race in S30. But it would be no easy come back for them, because in the first round they would met one of the most dominating teams recently - the Minnesota Chiefs. But they have been led by some of the older wolves like Tanner & Russell, they weren't an easy prey for the Chiefs. And game one showed everyone that the Wolfpack was ready for the fight. They defeated the Minnesota Chiefs in OT with a score of 3:2. In the first two periods nothing big happened, both teams played a solid but restrained game. The Chiefs have missed many power play opportunities in this periods, but with the beginning of the third they opened the scoring in this game with a power play goal by Lord Pretty Flacko. More than half way through the period they went up by two after a goal by Asbjørn Alexandersen. But the Wolfpack fought back and Jasper Clayton scored one for his colors. The clock was ticking down and Minnesota was hoping for the victory, but Blake Sherrill had something different on her mind when she scored the equalizer less than a minute in the game. Game went to overtime and in the second one Raven Silverwing scored for the Wolfpack and took home the victory.

162 words

My candidate for playoff MVP this season is Jakob Tanner. His regular season stats aren't as good as last year with Hamilton, but they are still good. He is one of the best in the game and every team would be happy with him in net. He has so many finale appearances and cup wins that this experience is unaffordable. His stats in save pct have improved slightly compared to the regular season from a 0.910 to a 0.916. That's not a big jump, but it is a jump at the end of the day. His goal against average also increased a little bit. From a solid 2.48 to a still solid 2.63, but no goalie would like this increase. In the regular season he managed to get 3 shootouts, in the playoffs there is still a big zero. It's not only his goalie performance what makes him so great, it's his talent to lead the guys in front of him. Wink

245 words

Game 4 of the Challenge Cup finals. Edmonton Blizzard versus the New England Wolfpack. The New England Wolfpack went into this game by a comfortable series lead of 3:0. This game was the first of three chances to win the championship for them. On the other hand, there are the Edmonton Blizzards, who hoped to create the turnabout and do what the Calgary Dragons have done a few years ago. Coming back from a 3-0 residue and win that cup. As we already know this kind of Cinderella story is something very rare and special and the Wolfpack showed them that dreams often remains as dreams. So what did happened.

Period one:
The Wolfpack dominated the first period and outshot the Blizzards with 13-7. From the above number of shots they could also do something countable. Tim Buckner scored at 14:09 and opened the score. Jasper Clayton and Mia Landvik with the helper.

Period two:
Everybody was expecting a firework from the Blizzards, but the Wolfpack continued to dominate the game. They had a phenomenal start in this period, scoring three more goals in the first 4 minutes. Tim Buckner with his second of the night, captain Nathan Russell and the finish flash Mainio Makinen scored goals.

Period three:
With a 4:0 lead after 40 min, the Wolfpack turned down a gear. But Edmonton wasn't able to make a profit out of them. The Wolfpack indeed scored one more goal in person of Jonathan Lundberg.

220 words

Hockey is a team sport and it is very hard to say which signing, trade or performance, was the missing puzzle to capture a challenge cup. But we will try it. It starts with some amazing moves in the offseason, the Wolfspacks gm duo signed and traded for some great players, bringing in the veteran top goaltender Jakob Tanner and center Jonathan Lundberg to young and hungry team to strengthen it further. It goes on with finding the right chemistry in the team, the wolfpack had a rough start in the season and struggled a little bit. But they had a tremendous second half and captured the last playoff spot in the east. They have found their rhythm and they managed to take him into the playoffs. And of course, when your team is playing well, there are always players with an outstanding season performance. Nathan Russell, the New England Wolfpack's captain had another good season scoring 16 goals and 37 assist for a total of 53 points. Jakob Tanner with a S% 0,910 and a GAA 2,482 along with 3 SO. Or the performance of defender Jasper Clayton with his best season so far. But the most impact had Bure Patrikov with an outstanding season. He finished the season with 60 points and personal high in goals and assists.

BONUS: Who scores the cup winning goal?
Nathan Russell

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Alexander Wachter, RW, S51
Carolina Kraken - Texas Renegades - Winnipeg Aurora 
Player Page // Update Page

Write a blog post about any post season game of S30. Can be a game preview, a recap, something silly like a review of what colour laces a player is wearing. Must be 150 words

Coming into Game 4 in New England, no one would have though that the Wolfpack had a shot at sweeping the 1st place Minnesota Chiefs in the 1st round of the playoffs. Yet here we are. The game actually started with Lord Pretty Flacko scoring to make it 1-0 Minnesota at 51 seconds of the 1st. However, Mikael Talo scored about 30 seconds later to make it a tie game. 13 minutes after that Raven Silverwing scored to make it 2-1.

Mainio Makinen and Nathan Russell scored their first goals of the series to make it a 4-1 game after 2 period of play and all hope seemed lost for the Chiefs.

Nathan Russell scored again to make it 5-1 and basically sealed the 2nd round ofr the Wolfpack. The goal was scored at 5:30 then a huge fight ensued at the following faceoffs at 5:31. Jonathan Lundberg and Chernikov Banananov fought to a draw while Mainio Makinen and

Who is your MVP candidate for these playoffs and why? Must be 150 words and have 3 stats minimum.

Write 200 words on any series match up and what you think will happen, what actually happened or what should have happened.

Take one Cup finalist and talk about how they made the playoffs (free agent signings, trades, outstanding rookies, a career season from someone). Must be 200 words

BONUS: Who scores the cup winning goal? Jasper Clayton

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idgaf lol
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Since I joined the League, the New England Wolfpack have been in rebuilding mode. They were fresh off a Challenge Cup win but things went south pretty quickly for them. Seven seasons after, here they are, Champions again.
They were able to get a few good players in free agency but also lost some. I think their success came from their impeccable drafting, no matter what everybody thinks of their players personally. Building a good team is hard. Keeping your players active is even harder. The Wolfpack was able to do that. The players they drafted are loyal to the franchise and make an impact on the league by being one of the most highly employed team in the SHL. They are also one of the teams that have the most players updating weekly, which means they are consistently improving. It's also worth mentioning that very few of their players are close to regression. The job thing I mentioned earlier also means that the salary cap will be less of a problem for New England, since their players have steady salaries that help cover their training. Also, while other teams might have problems with their stars requesting more ice time and request trades when they're not getting it, I don't picture any of the Wolfpack player as one of those. Each know their place and it allows their GMs to pretty much do whatever they want with the lines until they find combos that work.

BONUS: Tim Buckner o:-)

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Quote:Originally posted by enigmatic@Sep 15 2016, 12:03 AM
Make a graphic matching up a "Player To Watch" on each team in the finals. Must have 3 stats minimum, two player renders and team logos

Create a game ticket for any playoff game in S30. Must include the home team's logo.

Make the Championship banner that goes across the top of the site, must include the team name, logo and at least one render

Take one Cup finalist and talk about how they made the playoffs (free agent signings, trades, outstanding rookies, a career season from someone). Must be 200 words

BONUS: Tim Buckner o:-)

All-time New England Wolfpack scorer
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Write a blog post about any post season game of S30. Can be a game preview, a recap, something silly like a review of what colour laces a player is wearing. Must be 150 words

Game 3 Chiefs vs Wolfpack

It was a crucial moment in the series and a "what could have been?" moment for the Chiefs especially. After game 1 and 2, both came as shocking losses to the Chiefs, they were on the brink during game 3, this was a must win to try to stay alive. The game was perfect early on for the Chiefs as they managed to score 2 goals in the opening 10 minutes of the game, before the 1st period ended though, Bennett Jones managed to score one with 2 minutes left to cut the lead down to 1. The Chiefs had a good pep talk afterwards as they scored right off the gate less than 30 seconds into the 2nd period. They managed to heavily outshot the Wolfpack this period too and eventually in the 2nd period, the Chiefs manged to make the lead 4-1 with 5 minutes left in the 2nd. The Chiefs didn't learn their lesson from period 1 however as Jonathan Lundberg scored in the dying seconds of the 2nd period reducing the lead to 2. Finally in the 3rd period, the Chiefs looked like they would finish the game as they scored once again to make the score 5-2, all they would need is to hold the door for about 18 minutes. The Wolfpack stormed back though as 2 goals from Patrikov Bure would soften the lead down to 1, 26 seconds after Patrikov's 2 goals, Blake Sherrill would tie the game up at 5-5 a piece, which dragged it back to another OT. This was definitely not where they would want to be as they lost their previous 2 OT games. It held true as Raven Silverwing scored his 2nd OT winner of the series and would drive the dagger into the Chiefs

Who is your MVP candidate for these playoffs and why? Must be 150 words and have 3 stats minimum.

The most valuable player for the New England Wolfpack during the playoffs is Nathan Russell aka Captain of the New England Wolfpack as he led his team to the Challenge Cup. Nathan led his team in multiple categories, he scored the most goals with 7, he led the team in points with 19 points in 14 games, and he was the best two way player on the ice with a impressive 71 hits and a staggering +18 throughout the playoffs, it makes sense why he lifted the Challenge Cup first. He does have some competitors though such as Jasper Clayton and JACOB Tanner. Jasper Clayton scored 3 times and had the most assists with 13 in the playoffs. He was also their best defenseman as he had the most shots blocked and logged the most minutes. On the other hand, Jacob Tanner's playoff run was equally as impressive as he held a 12-2 record as well as a shutout in the finals. I still give the nod to Nathan Russell though as he had many key goals to finish off games and was an all around player for the Wolfpack

Write 200 words on any series match up and what you think will happen, what actually happened or what should have happened.

Make the Championship banner that goes across the top of the site, must include the team name, logo and at least one render

Design a Challenge Cup Champions hat or shirt. Must include team logo.

Take one Cup finalist and talk about how they made the playoffs (free agent signings, trades, outstanding rookies, a career season from someone). Must be 200 words

BONUS: Who scores the cup winning goal?
Im too late anyways

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Thanks to Enigmatic and Crutch for the beautiful signatures
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Chiefs against Wolfpack, game 2. The Chiefs are coming off a hard overtime loss, and start the game strong with goals from Chernika Banananov and Asbjorn Alexandersen midway through the first period. The Wolpack would score their own late in the first period from a Bennett Jones goal to make it 2-1 after one period. Minnesota would once again come at it with Michael Gerrard and Chernika Banananov scoring goals, but New England once again would score their own late from Jonathan Lundberg. After two periods, the score was 4-2 Minnesota. The Chiefs would add another one early in the third to make it 5-2 when Kian Hamilton scored, but the Wolfpack rallied back with two goals from Patriov Bure and a goal from Blake Sherrill to tie things up I nthe third period 5-5. Overtime did not last that long, as the Wolfpack got a goal midway in the overtime period from Raven Silverwing to take a 2-0 lead in the series.


Jasper Clayton should be the MVP of the S30 playoffs. He has been about as good as you can be for them, scoring 3 goals and 16 points in 14 games. Nathan Russell had a great finals with 19 points, but Clayton was just overall the best in every aspect of the game. The biggest thing to point out for Jasper Clayton is the number of blocked shots he had with 24. That is an insane number for 14 games. Also keep in mind that he had the second most penalty kill minutes among Wolfpack players and was tied in the team lead in powerplay points. He did everything well except for Russell who only seemed to do offense well, which is why he deserves to be chosen as the MVP over him. The one thing that goes against him is hits and shooting percentage but I don’t think the voters are going to use that against him, personally.


The Minnesota Chiefs and the New England Wolfpack matched up in the first round, and many pegged the Wolfpack getting taken to pound town because of all the weapons that the Chiefs had at their disposal going into the series. The predictions were off the charts for the Chiefs, and really only the Wolfpack players believed in their team. What actually happened? The opposite happened. New England won three overtime games and won the fourth off a major blowout and took the Chiefs in a four game sweep. Wow. Who expected that to happen? Not really anyone, and it may go off as the greatest upset in SHL history if the Wolfpack don’t actually win it all, in which case it will be kind of an explanation as to why the Chiefs lost in that series. Either way, it shows that the Chiefs as they currently are only are pretenders and the Wolfpack despite the lack of talent are the real contenders in this league. Will Chiefs management actually make changes or will they keep with the status quo and not actually win playoff games in the future? Time will tell, but props to the Wolfpack for what they did in that series, it was amazing.


The New England Wolfpack made the playoffs despite nobody thinking they could do so. How did they do it? One acquisition is all that matters. Jakob Tanner. Not only is Tanner one of the best and clutchest goaltenders to ever play in the SHL, the goaltender has a hand in the coaching staff and determining lines, which was a major factor in the Hamilton Steelhawks winning their two Challenge Cups. Tanner helped out with the lines towards the latter part of the season and the team never looked back. They dominated play and took the final playoff spot, and it was one of the greatest underdog stories going into the playoffs that we have ever seen. With that, the team continued to use their hot streak to their advantage, and going into the finals only lost two games, both of which to the same team. Is Jakob Tanner the greatest winner that ever has been or ever will be? Time will tell, but right now I think the answer is yes and it is not even close. Jakob Tanner will be the reason that the New England Wolfpack win the Challenge Cup if they end up finishing off the Edmonton Blizzard.

BONUS: Who scores the cup winning goal?
Tim Buckner. There was no deadline so fuck u

Alonzo Garbanzo Final Tallies (Among Defensemen):
2nd in Goals (208), All-Time Assists Leader (765)*, All-Time Points Leader (973), 3rd in Hits (2587), All-Time Blocked Shots Leader (1882)*
*All-Time Leader Among All Skaters
Player Profile | Update Thread
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Place Holder

Write a blog post about any post season game of S30. Can be a game preview, a recap, something silly like a review of what colour laces a player is wearing. Must be 150 words

#1 :Recap of everything in S30 playoffs summed up in 150 words GO!

first off the Wolfpack won the cup congratulations to them and the code breather eggy216.
The West Kendall Platoon lost in 6 games to wolfpack despite being over powered in TPE numbers.
STHS is bipoar to the maximum S30 Playoffs
Toronto could not make the playoffs this year.
Manhattan loses first round in 7 games
Edmonton gets killed in 4 games instant broom sweeping action
Texas gets elimnated by Edmonto in 6 games
Calgary elimantes Seattle in 6 games.
Clagary Loses to edmonton in 6 games
Big Z Commits to losing for the rest of his career in West Kendall
lil gets suspended for banking mistake
lil gets unsuspended as bankers mistake realized
eggy216 gets arrested for dacing with the cup in public places disturbing the public with his horrid dance moves.
Jaytee rages as he cannot get his 8th cup so he attempts to destroy the cup so no one can have it
Jaytee is unsuccessful and destroys the Stanley cup by accident
STHS gets offended when it gets called out and punches eject good teams button.
S30 ends and everyone leaps for joy because this season blew
the end

200 words

Who is your MVP candidate for these playoffs and why? Must be 150 words and have 3 stats minimum.

#3 MVP: The MVP for this playoffs is Nathan Russel because he lit it up in the playoffs He is the reason Jasper Clayton even has points. Clayton only has 3 goals and then 16 secondary assists but Nathan Russel has 7 goals 12 primary assists. He lit the lamp up way too much to not be noticed. He also had 71 hits. that is fantastic as he can do it all score points and throw his body. a Brad Marchand of the SHL as you may call it. although on the down side he hijacked all of the ice time for example he played anywhere from 25- 30 mins a game. RIP rookies.

In conclusion He was a beast on the ice I congratulate him and the New England Wolfpack for winning the challenge cup hopefully you get destroyed and stopped next season because honestly I want to win plz Tongue

150 words

Write 200 words on series match up and what you think will happen, what actually happened or what should have happened.

#5 The west Kendall platoon go on and defeat the manhattan rage in a long and hard fought battle in 7 games. All of manhattan is injured and they relocate to jamaica. Second round starts and the west kendall platoon face the new england wolfpack and defeat them instantly giving them a broom smack down body slam of the ages in 4 games. New england rages and quits like the flint birds and the team is forced to relocate to alaska. The finals start the west kendall platoon face the edmonton blizzard, get this, in not a blizzard but a edmonton heat wave! Their stadium melts and edmonton sweats put their energy collapse after one period of ball hockey and are forced to hand over the cup to the platoon and they win their first cup since the dinosaurs were alive in 70 bc. Now problem is that never happend they got destroyed in the second round in 6 games. A apocolypse happend and eggy won a cup. The SHL is now in horror because macs prediction was wrong and tge salt intensified. The thunder dome has died super hard and the shit posting is at an all time low. Please help us save the league by donating to the platoon 4 better players. Please and thanks

200 words

Take one Cup finalist and talk about how they made the playoffs (free agent signings, trades, outstanding rookies, a career season from someone). Must be 200 words

#8: The New England Wolfpack have made the finals, How you ask? well they have jasper breathe the SHL, Jasper Clayton. you see he has the time to inhale some of the code into his nostrils. This means when he is confident enough he will somehow squeak away with the win 9/10 times. He and his team then become dominant and then win the cup 0 to 100 real quick The New England Wolf pack do have an significant amount of fire power and legends that have been around since S8 and are old enough to be the grandfathers of the S31 draftees. Just saying. that mixed with the magical have the time to deal with a suspension and look for 17 hours to get them unsuspended once again is a Eggy term for SHL breathing. <3 All hail the eggy216

In conclusion if your team is dedicated on updating and STHS is going your way, You will evidently win the cup due to a certain amount of luck. STHS is not about how good a team TPE is wise it is about luck. No skill involved it is have good players and pray. and that is the problem with anything. You just never know the outcome.

200 word

Bonus: Japser Clayton

Game 7 between the surprise team of S30, the Manhattan Rage and the West Kendall Platoon was a good one. The Platoon were up 3-2 in the series before the Rage tied it up to force a game seven. The Platoon opened the scoring 10 minutes in with a goal from former Knight Mikko Luna. Minutes later the Platoon went up 2-0 on the Rage with a goal by Oliver Pettyfer. The Rage were still in the game though by getting some good chances and shots. Then in the second period, the tires began to fall off for the Rage, who were not even expected to make the playoffs by many. The Platoon went onto break the game open with 3 straight goals in the second period and just before the period ended the Rage got on the board but were down 5-1, which seemed to totally take the sails out of the Rage. They got out shot heavily 17-7 in the second period. The third was much of the same with the Platoon scoring again early in the third making it 6-1 pretty much putting the nail in the coffin for the Rage. The Rage would get a goal back with 30 seconds left in the game to make it 6-2 but were heavily out shot 24-4 in the period and their season was over.
226 words

Who is your MVP candidate for these playoffs and why? Must be 150 words and have 3 stats minimum.

The playoff MVP for S30 for me is New England Cheatpack goaltender Jakob Tanner. He lead the Cheatpack to their cup this season with a 12-2 record, 2.25 goals against average and a stunning .925 save percentage. He also had 1 shutout and only let in 34 goals in 14 games which is pretty damn good. The fact the New England Cheatpack only lost two games in the entire Challenge Cup playoffs is pretty amazing for any team, and especially the Cheatpack. No one would have guessed the Cheatpack would be making it to the Finals never mind going through their competition so easily. For me Jakob Tanner is easily the Playoff MVP this season. Without the amazing play of Jakob Tanner, the Cheatpack more than likely are not in the finals and do not even win the Challenge Cup. There is some argument for forward Nathan Russell of the New England Cheatpack but the stats Jakob Tanner put up won them the Challenge Cup.
165 words - 5 Stats used

The Challenge Cup Finals came down to the New England Cheatpack and Edmonton Blizzard. The Cheatpack ended up winning the series in a sweep, but what should have happened? The Edmonton Blizzard are a SHL powerhouse really that should have beat the Cheatpack. But getting sweeped seems unheard of and odd. The Cheappack got extremely lucky throughout the play-offs and basically won via a good goalie and someone taking over the coaching duties from the main coaches. So what should of happened? The Edmonton Blizzard should have beat the New England Cheatpack in 6 or less games. The Blizzard in general are a better team. The Edmonton Forwards are better, then defenseman are better and Broadway played pretty well during the season but is not better TPE wise than Tanner. Its confusing to see how the Wolfpack managed to win the Challenge Cup in a sweep nevermind even getting past to West Kendall Platoon. Although seeing them beat the Chiefs was pretty funny as the Chiefs kind of choked again but this years play-offs had some weird results to them and this season in general. Topping it all off is having the New England Cheatpack being the Challenge Cup Champions over a team that has been contenders for a long time now.
212 Words

So how did the Edmonton Blizzard end up getting to the Challenge Cup Finals? First of all the play of Pedro Sarantez. Sarantez in the regular season scored 55 points in 50 regular season games. Then in the playoffs he recorded 16 points 15 games. Another reason is the play of first year goaltender Brett Broadway. Broadway recorded a 29-10-2 record with a .917 save percentage, 2.46 goals against average and 4 shutouts. His play in the regular season gave them a boost coming into the playoffs. In the playoffs Brett Broadway played pretty well with a 8-6 record and .914 save percentage with a 2.83 goals against average. Without Tanner's spectacular playoff performance, these numbers from youngster Broadway probably wins the Blizzard the cup, so it for sure was not his fault the Blizzard lost in the final. The Blizzard traded for struggling Dean Colt from the Hamilton Steelhawks at about the midway point in the season. He only had 13 points in 26 games for the Hawks but in Edmonton he went a point per game with 24 points in 24 games and was a main reason the Blizzard were a top team. In the playoffs Colt put up 12 points in 15 games.
206 words

BONUS: Who scores the cup winning goal?
Tim Buckner

[Image: tylard13.gif]
Made by Rindiee, rum_ham & Carpy

Jacob Mueller S5-S
Julien Dupont S6-S13
S9 Challenge Cup - Calgary Dragons
IIHF Gold - Germany
Rufus Reinhart S13-S24
S14 Challenge Cup - Texas Renegades
Christoffer Björnsson - S25-S35
S25 Four Stars Cup
S26 Tom Corcoran Trophy - SMJHL Top Goalie

Sami Owens - S36-S52
S38 IIHF Bronze - Canada
S39 IIHF Gold - Canada
S42 IIHF Silver - Canada
S51 Challenge Cup Champion - HAM

Liam Slate - S54-Present
S53 WJC Bronze - British Isles
S54 WJC Silver - British Isles
S55 Four Star Cup Champion - Newfoundland Berserkers
S57 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S58 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S60 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S61 IIIHF Gold - Great Britain
S67 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
S68 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
Triple Gold Club


Task 1:

Last month, Puck Bunny Insiders reported on Mikko Linna's game day superstitions, notably that he has a habit of wearing one of former teammate Mia Landvik's gloves during warmups. Supposedly, this is a tradition that Linna has carried over from juniors, but we've noticed that Landvik's hands have been planted firmly in her own gloves since transitioning to the SHL. After tonight's first series 2 matchup between the Platoon and the Wolfpack, we've come up with a few theories about why Linna has been carrying on the tradition alone.

Theory 1: Hockey Hex! Is this the hockey version of a voodoo doll? Is Linna wearing the glove to bring bad luck upon Landvik? After tonight's Platoon win, we think it could be working!
Theory 2: Bad Breakup? Although there is no evidence to suggest Linna and Landvik were an item when the two played on the Knights together, could it be possible that they were and that a bad breakup is the reason Landvik stopped carrying on her half of the tradition? Is Linna still holding on to hope of rekindling things with his old flame?
Theory 3: Linna's teammates are more tolerant of his superstitions than Landvik's? Did Landvik's Wolfpack teammates insist that she stop bringing enemy gear into the locker room?

Share your favorite fan theories on twitter using the hashtag #Lindvik

wordcount 224

Task 4:

[Image: aFXuxYU.jpg]

Task 6:

[Image: FMRkL0v.jpg]

Task 7:

[Image: vJCrNBX.jpg]


Nathan Russell

[Image: 45029_v.gif]

Sigs by: King, Tweedledunn, Me
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