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An Open Letter from Schultzy

Quote:Originally posted by InciteHysteria@Sep 27 2016, 11:49 PM

His (<a href='index.php?showuser=537' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-8'>Schultzy</a>) quoting of a specific rule might be wrong but his crusade is not. A lot of us new players are seeing this as complete horseshit. Something needs to be done to prevent this from happening again in the future. They may not have technically broken any rules. To a lot of the newer people here this just looks like you refusing to take action because these people are seasoned members of the site.

This is obviously giving an unfair advantage to one team. And while the evidence may not be overwhelming, it's still at least substantial enough to initiate proceedings to make sure something like this doesn't happen again.

I'm sure there are countless members that will back me up when I say that there needs to be something put in place to fix this from happening again. While not illegal per se, it's sleazy as fuck and requires some action.

So this falls to you, Kez. Do you want to take a stand for what is right? Or do you want to continue this old boys club?


If you think the SMJHL doesn't matter. Than you should take a larger look. We're a developmental league for newer players BUT we are also a league made for integrating newer members along with more seasoned members. We're a league that's purpose is to give newer players a leg up and unite them with people who can do that. Not only that but we are a buffer for a lot of older members that prevent them from getting overwhelming numbers of inactives in the SHL. We weed out the inactives better than any other means. So maybe instead of bitching and whining that the SMJHL doesn't matter and that it's just a terrible league that has no reason for veterans, maybe you should take some action to make the league a better place for newer players so more people want to stick out the long haul and be major members of the society. And a big part of that is being PART OF THE LEAGUE and not disrespecting the system. Who cares if you're on your 4th player? You're just another person on this site. You might have been here longer, your name might be a slightly different color or you might have history with other members. But this certainly doesn't mean you're immune from the same process the rest of the league follows.

I am disgusted by a blatant disregard for the SMJHL. The members involved in this brigading of a team obviously premeditated the occurance. There is no way that you'd all create minutes after each other and than sign shortly after the deadline within 12 hours of creation. This is simply hilarious to assume. You are the same members that are commonly talking about the "SAWFTPACK" brigading and palling around on the same teams. What are you doing that is any different? I wonder if you'll do the same thing for the SHL draft in another few months? Are you going to force the league to let you go to a single team? Will you refuse to sign as a group and flood a single SHL team? Just fucking disgusting.

So what's going to happen? Are we just going to bow down to these guys and let them do whatever they want and set a negative precedence for the site? Or are we going to do what is right? It's up to the community.

Make your decision.

My anus is prepared for the drama but I hope any member that responds to this can be mature.
do you want rep? because this is how you get more rep.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2297' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>InciteHysteria</a>

I care so little about this league that I just gave up my 2 days off to try and finish up all the little things that were left hanging from last season, and prepare for the new season. And I really have to ask myself why. It's not worth it. This is why every commissioner goes inactive.

[Image: dZqcwmW.jpg?format=webp&width=710&height=473]

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Quote:Originally posted by The Night Kez@Sep 28 2016, 02:15 AM
<a href='index.php?showuser=2297' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>InciteHysteria</a>

I care so little about this league that I just gave up my 2 days off to try and finish up all the little things that were left hanging from last season, and prepare for the new season. And I really have to ask myself why. It's not worth it. This is why every commissioner goes inactive.

I never said you didn't care. I'm just saying the way you've went about this shit is so milktoast, middle-ground that all it does is cause more drama.

Nobody has discredited the work you've done with the SMJHL. As someone who as a new member who has worked with you closely in making the Juniors Tournament become a reality. I know all the things you do for the SMJHL. So now when it comes to something this important, why take such a weak stance? Why not use the autority you have to enforce what is RIGHT for the league?

The sleazy journey that this group have embarked on is just going to cause a plague on the SHL as a whole. Why not nip this thing in the bud and figure out a way to prevent loading teams with super actives.

This is like Detroit having 6 early-to-mid first round picks in the SMJHL draft? How do you penalize <a href='index.php?showuser=1485' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>RaiN</a> so heavily for a double traded 3rd round pick but allow something this heinous to continue in the league you're supposed to be the voice in? You obviously applied for the job because you care about the league. Why would you purposesly let it become a trash heap on your watch?

Are you afraid of the way that it will look? You've got more people than you can imagine at your back on this. We care just as much about the SMJHL as you do. These six players obviously don't.

Just think about it.

[Image: 3GSD0dd.gif]
[Image: m1IMt5k.gif]


Quote:Originally posted by InciteHysteria@Sep 28 2016, 01:21 AM

I never said you didn't care. I'm just saying the way you've went about this shit is so milktoast, middle-ground that all it does is cause more drama.

Nobody has discredited the work you've done with the SMJHL. As someone who as a new member who has worked with you closely in making the Juniors Tournament become a reality. I know all the things you do for the SMJHL. So now when it comes to something this important, why take such a weak stance? Why not use the autority you have to enforce what is RIGHT for the league?

The sleazy things that this group have embarked on is just going to cause a plague on the SHL as a whole. Why not nip this thing in the bud and figure out a way to prevent loading teams with super actives.

This is like Detroit having 6 early-to-mid first round picks in the SMJHL draft? How do you penalize <a href='index.php?showuser=1485' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>RaiN</a> so heavily for a double traded 3rd round pick but allow something this heinous to continue in the league you're supposed to be the voice in. You obviously applied for the job because you care about the league? Why would you purposesly let it become a trash heap on your watch?

Are you afraid of the way that it will look? You've got more people than you can imagine at your back on this. We care just as much about the SMJHL as you do. This six players obviously don't.

Just think about it.

I am not afraid to make decisions. See announcements.

[Image: dZqcwmW.jpg?format=webp&width=710&height=473]

Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway


Quote:Originally posted by InciteHysteria@Sep 28 2016, 01:21 AM

I never said you didn't care. I'm just saying the way you've went about this shit is so milktoast, middle-ground that all it does is cause more drama.

Nobody has discredited the work you've done with the SMJHL. As someone who as a new member who has worked with you closely in making the Juniors Tournament become a reality. I know all the things you do for the SMJHL. So now when it comes to something this important, why take such a weak stance? Why not use the autority you have to enforce what is RIGHT for the league?

The sleazy journey that this group have embarked on is just going to cause a plague on the SHL as a whole. Why not nip this thing in the bud and figure out a way to prevent loading teams with super actives.

This is like Detroit having 6 early-to-mid first round picks in the SMJHL draft? How do you penalize <a href='index.php?showuser=1485' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>RaiN</a> so heavily for a double traded 3rd round pick but allow something this heinous to continue in the league you're supposed to be [b]the
voice in? You obviously applied for the job because you care about the league. Why would you purposesly let it become a trash heap on your watch?

Are you afraid of the way that it will look? You've got more people than you can imagine at your back on this. We care just as much about the SMJHL as you do. These six players obviously don't.

Just think about it.[/b]
I think I'm in love.

I moved to this place a month ago! Before creating a player in SHL I played a similar league called LSHL. The main reason I left that place was the dispute between some people and the fact that veterans had this idea in mind that they are somehow more special than newcomers. Came here, enjoyed the stay and did not see any doubt that people in charge are fair and would not put anyone above the rules. Indeed, the rules do not point out nothing about this specific action, but as mentioned, the commissioners are the ones with the final word. That allows the league be prepared to use common sense when a rule is not set, but something wrong is done. I might be new here, but I am not the one placing the concern. It is done by a veteran as well, who has held many positions in this place, not some bimbo, who just joined and does not understand how this league works. If that cannot be respected, then what can?

Do we really have to make a freaking petition? As Schultzy said - everyone knows and understands that it is wrong, but those who have the power to make it official - refuses to do it!

Knights - Player Page - Update Page - Knights

[Image: 47963_s.gif]


Quote:Originally posted by The Night Kez@Sep 28 2016, 01:22 AM

I am not afraid to make decisions. See announcements.
Guess he should have been more clear- not afraid to make smart decisions.

Quote:Originally posted by Caillean@Sep 28 2016, 02:31 AM

Guess he should have been more clear- not afraid to make smart decisions.

[Image: 6Xj1IWG.png]

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[Image: PoQh1Wx.png] [Image: rmu9FS0.png][Image: VxdFjLy.png][Image: QKcW3J4.png] [Image: RoypPRF.png]

This place dropped a lot in enjoyment today. Am I wasting my time here? I really don't want to hate on Kez because this job is hard and there's a ton of pressure, and there's a lot of logic to 'well, we let unsigned UFAs go wherever they want, and it's a group of unsigned UFAs, so we can't deny them' because it's a lot like UFAs in SHL agreeing amongst themselves that they want to go to the same team and take a pay cut.

It's just that it's so obviously a move meant to undermine a league they spent a week trashing. Cool. I'm glad the league is in uproars so a few guys can go jerk each other off about how they're ruining everyones fun for a while.

Old members are choked, new members are choked. Seems like a great hill to die on.

Quote:Originally posted by iOBESE@Sep 28 2016, 02:31 AM
I moved to this place a month ago! Before creating a player in SHL I played a similar league called LSHL. The main reason I left that place was the dispute between some people and the fact that veterans had this idea in mind that they are somehow more special than newcomers. Came here, enjoyed the stay and did not saw any doubt that people in charge are fair and would not put anyone above the rules. Indeed, the rules do not point out nothing about this specific action, but as mentioned, the commissioners are the ones with the final word. That allows the league be prepared to use common sense when a rule is not set, but something wrong is done. I might be new here, but I am not the one placing the concern. It is done by a veteran as well, who has held many positions in this place, not some bimbo, who just joined and does not understand how this league works. If that cannot be respected, then what can?

Do we really have to make a freaking petition? As Schultzy said - everyone knows and understands that it is wrong, but those who have the power to make it official - refuses to do it!

I'm sorry you've jumped from one league having an identity crisis into another. This place has been like a family to me in a lot of ways. The people I've met in the SMJHL have been simply amazing and this is a place I am committed to staying with. I am always going to fight the good fight. I'm tired of drama that just leads into an endless circle of he-said she-said bullshit.

I am extremely disappointed in the direction that Kez is allowing this league to take. I respect the guy but with every bad decision that tarnishes. Why not have the balls to take a stand against these guys? The ones who obviously only care about themselves and how much they can stir the pot. So many of us are here to enjoy the sim but a lot more of us are here just for the friendships we've developed. A lot of us in the SMJHL have bonded over the games played. The skirmishes and close finishes. We've enjoyed the draft process and the free agency process. But this simply taints it for most of us.

To assume that because you're on your fourth player, that you are somehow a special fucking snowflake in the league is wrong. We're all parts of this community and we have many future members that will be part of this community. But all these guys do is propagate bullshit. I have spent a lot of the evening pondering this subject. I have tried to give Merica, Maxy and the rest of the bunch the benefit of the doubt. But in every scenario it just comes out to them being selfish bastards who think they are much better than the SMJHL and the players in it. They expect special treatment because of their "status" and simply don't care about the state of the SMJHL. Only that they are the center of attention.

So as long as Kez continues with his weak/wrong stance, I think the majority of us in the SMJHL will have no confidence in him. I thought better of you Kez. I really did. I thought you were the kind of guy who wanted to make the best league possible.

I see now you're here to just be as invisible as you can. Too bad.

[Image: 3GSD0dd.gif]
[Image: m1IMt5k.gif]


Quote:Originally posted by InciteHysteria@Sep 28 2016, 08:40 AM

So as long as Kez continues with his weak/wrong stance, I think the majority of us in the SMJHL will have no confidence in him. I thought better of you Kez. I really did. I thought you were the kind of guy who wanted to make the best league possible.

I see now you're here to just be as invisible as you can. Too bad.
If you know some backstage shit about Kez, that others, me including, do not, then let's not jump into shaming him for the reason that he refuses to do anything about this situation. Yes I agree with you on this, that a different action should be taken, but you have to understand Kez as well. I do not know his motives, but I can see that he is trying to be as fair as he can be based on rules. That is the issue, because as I have always believed being a mod in many different forums - you cannot blindly follow rules! You have to have that common sense. Rules are there to make your job easier, not to just follow them. There will be situations where based on rules you can easily decide the outcome and there will be the times when rules do not speak about specifics of the situation, like in this case, and you have to use your common sense in making up the decision. Like I said, at this point there is no common sense, just following the rulebook, which does not speak about this specific thing...

Knights - Player Page - Update Page - Knights

[Image: 47963_s.gif]


Quote:Originally posted by BANNING@Sep 28 2016, 03:37 AM
This place dropped a lot in enjoyment today. Am I wasting my time here? I really don't want to hate on Kez because this job is hard and there's a ton of pressure, and there's a lot of logic to 'well, we let unsigned UFAs go wherever they want, and it's a group of unsigned UFAs, so we can't deny them' because it's a lot like UFAs in SHL agreeing amongst themselves that they want to go to the same team and take a pay cut.

It's just that it's so obviously a move meant to undermine a league they spent a week trashing. Cool. I'm glad the league is in uproars so a few guys can go jerk each other off about how they're ruining everyones fun for a while.

Old members are choked, new members are choked. Seems like a great hill to die on.
Same for me, this will more than likely be the first and last player I will create into SHL. I find it really amazing that people put so much effort into recruiting new players, but group of older members can just come and sabotage the whole thing.

Most people don´t post into these threads, but they are watching and they might find something else to do with their time.

Kez not doing anything sends a clear message and that message is that if you find a loophole, feel free to use it.

Can I start now writing all my point tasks in Finnish because there is no rule that says I cant write point tasks in Finnish?

Quote:Originally posted by jRuutu@Sep 28 2016, 02:17 AM
Can I start now writing all my point tasks in Finnish because there is no rule that says I cant write point tasks in Finnish?
Do it

Quote:Originally posted by Caillean@Sep 28 2016, 04:26 AM

Do it
Don´t push me, I´ll do it!

Quote:Originally posted by jRuutu@Sep 28 2016, 02:28 AM

Don´t push me, I´ll do it!

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