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S40 Championship Week

Championship Week is back as the Dragons take on the Chiefs in the S40 Challenge Cup Final!

Each of the following tasks will be worth 3 uncapped TPE. You can do a maximum of FIVE tasks for a total of FIFTEEN uncapped TPE. There is also a bonus question (concerning the Challenge Cup finals specifically) worth 1 uncapped TPE. Feel free to do more than five tasks, but you won't get the credit for anything over five.

[Note: All tasks that are not league-specific can be written/designed for either the SHL or the SMJHL playoffs.]

TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.

Cockey Hommentator: Tonight folk's we've got a special guest for the Kelowna and Detroit 4 Star Cup Finals Game 1. It's none other than Dermot "Moneybags" Lavelle. Welcome to the studio Dermot.

Dermot Lavelle: *incoherent sounds*

Cockey Hommentator: O-okay...How excited are you to be here tonight? If we all recall correctly, you were in this exact situation last year, except you were out there on the ice! When you were playing out there, what was going through your head?

Dermot Lavelle: *burps* Yeah well, all I really remember from that entire series was the hangover from the night after. I really got too smashed to remember the actual games, I just know we bounced the Whaler's domes off the ice over and over again until we ran out winners.

Cockey Hommentator: Great insight, I guess. So we're coming to the end of our time on air before the game starts, who have you taking the cup home at the end of the series?

Dermot Lavelle: *abruptly rips mic off chest* Jerry, why the fuck am I doing this shit? I get paid enough from my big stacks contract with Buffalo, do I look like the fuckin' red cross?

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

I think that a lot of the time people ignore your stats if you aren't at least on the team that takes the cup home at the end of the day. For that reason people aren't even glancing at Flacko Lagerfield, the astounding Detroit rookie. Largerfield finish the playoff outing with 14 points in the total 11 games.

6 goals and 8 assists marked a highly successful breakout season for the rookie who also finished with a 21.43% from his total shots, combined with laying out 8 hits and taking only 6.

When you lead the entire playoffs in assists and come second in total goals, it's pretty tough going. Combining this with the fact that in the end you still get sweeped in the finals by a strong Kelowna team, it's gotta hurt. But I have no doubt Lagerfield will recover and come back even harder for Detroit in the years to come, he's a future stud.

TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals. Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Word Scramble." [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win? Justify your decision in at least 150 words with at least two goalie statistics and one team statistic.

I think Richard D Hocolate will ultimately win the goalie battle for Calgary over the opposing goal tender the Chiefs have, in Koivu. Despite the fact that many consider O'Koivu the better goalie, Calgary are red hot favorites for this cup for the successive season. Currently Hocolate leads the playoffs in save percentage with a .928 percentage over Koivu's .914 just a place below him. Hocolate concedes a slightly better 2.4 goals per game while Koivu concedes just 2.45 goals per game, again following closely on Hocolate's heels who again leads the league. Up to this point in the SHL playoffs, Calgary has scored the most points out of any team with 28, all the while only losing a total of 2 playoff games this entire playoff series.

Realistically I think Calgary clinch this one and they might possibly do it with ease. Calgary are an all time great team who no doubt have their eyes on the prize.

TASK NINE: Trivia! Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Trivia.” [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 for each correct answer.]

Joe kurehchsjsweishki scores winning goal (jkortesi's guy)

TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.
Hellllllo everyone this is Maxim Jean-Claude Poulin but the people of the fucking good USSR will call me Maxim Romanovich Ivanov. Today we are here to bring you the best French commentary on the SHL cup finals because English and Russian are ridiculous languages.

We don’t care about this actual first game. We need to talk about the true amazing time of sweeping the Falcons in the finals. WE WON WE WON WE WON. THE WORLD TURNED UPSIDE DOOOOOWN.


Max: you’ll never get me aliveeeeeee

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals. Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Word Scramble." SENT PM TO PRIS 5/3

TASK NINE: Trivia! Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Trivia.” [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 for each correct answer.] SENT PM TO PRIS 5/3

TASK SEVEN: Design a comical fan sign that you might see in the stands during the Cup finals. Must include one player name, a number, team logo OR team colors, and a slogan or text.

[Image: galatix2.gif]
by @NUCK @QuantumCowboy @engimatic @GLU @FlappyGiraffe @karey

[Image: QhAQn2i.png] l [Image: HuqtOb2.png]

TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.

CARTER: Helllo everybody! I’m drunk… I mean, I’m Carter Manning and welcome to Hockey Night in North America. Tonight we have the f***ing Dragons and the Chiefs or something playing in a series that I’m not part of because I suck and I’m still in the minors and my frickin coach won’t play me on the first line and let me score. Anyways, Ron, did you know that grain alcohol can still get you pretty messed up. I was worried there for a sec because *burp* my vision went away for a bit but it’s back now and I’m feeling fiiiine. Man. Joe Kurczalooski is looking fine out there. I met him once. It was a pretty big deal. We are pretty much friends. He probably doesn’t remember me but I swear we’re friends. I was with my girlfriend at the time. She is such a shitty person. Why would she leave me. I call her all the time, but she just won’t answer. Why won’t she answer Ron…. Be right back. Maybe she’ll pick up this time.
RON: And with that, we are ready for puck drop….. (188)

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

A big part of me wanted to write about Randy Randleman of the Calgary Dinos. The guy is a legend. He's been around the block and then some and he's been playing great for the dinos and has led the team back to the finals. What a legendary career. But looking at the Chiefs roster, I've got to give props to Terrance Nova. The 1st line center for the chiefs has done everything this playoffs from taking on the opposing top line, to penalty killing, and chipping in on the score sheet. His 53.13% in the face-off dot is tops on the team and rivals Joe Kurczewski's 53.4% face-off percentage. Nova has chipped in 10 points in 13 games to anchor that first line, while holding a nice +7. He might not get the attention that all the top scorers get in this series, but he's been performing like the best. (151)

TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals. Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Word Scramble." [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

1. avoopktsmmsia
2. kdiogdaaser
3. cujzirkeekows
4. srkovoobhdfireo


TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win? Justify your decision in at least 150 words with at least two goalie statistics and one team statistic.

Now there’s no doubt that both Richard C. Hocolate and Olli O’Koivu have both been excellent in the playoffs so far, but one goalie has been a little better. Both goal tenders have sub 2.50 goals against average and above 0.900 save percentages. They each have one shutout and so far have been pretty equally matched. That being said, I think Richard C. Hocolate will win the tender battle. His 0.928 save percentage is something we rarely see in this sim. Not to mention that Hocolate has been pumped for over 400 shots in 12 games, while O’Koivu has only seen 382 in 13 games. So to me, it seems like Hocolate is more dialed in right now and when pushed comes to shove and defences break down, Hocolate will be there to bail the Dragons out. I’m not saying O’Koivu can’t, but I’m putting the money on the proven tender through 400 shots with the 0.928 save percentage and the 2.4 goals against average. Go Dinos (167)

TASK NINE: Trivia! Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Trivia.” [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 for each correct answer.]

1. Who is the Minnesota Chiefs’ only historical winner of both the Ron Mexico and Sarmad Khan trophies?
2. Which two Western Conference teams have the Minnesota Chiefs defeated in the Finals to win Challenge Cups?
3. Who were the Dragons’ first two inductees into their team’s Hall of Fame in S6?
4. What is the Dragons’ Jesster Award awarded for?


Bonus question: Who scores the Cup-winning goal? (NOTE: This question will be graded at the conclusion of the winning-game sim of the Challenge Cup Finals, even if that happens before the conclusion of Championship Week.)

The legend Joe Kurczewski

Task 1:

Michael McFadden here with the crew of Team990 ready to broadcast to you LIVE, the first game of the Challenge Cup Finals between the Seattle Riot and, just kidding I just wanted to hear what that sounded like before my retirement, between the Calgary Dragons and the Minnesota Chiefs!

The Dragons seem to always be around when we talk about the playoffs, and the cups. But it has been a little while since weve seen them actually win the cup. Funny enough, since the last time they won it in S32, the team to win it the most is the Manhattan Rage with two championships despite many poor seasons mixed in there.

The Chiefss on the other hand have been here just recently, as they won the cup last season after a very long wait. They are looking to double their money and win back to back championships which hasn’t been done since New England did it in S30-S31.

Task 2:

If we were to name a playoff MVP today, it would be between 3 candidates; Jonathan Lundberg, Sebastien Strange and Richard C. Hocolate. However, if the playoffs ended today, meaning we didn’t factor in the players that have lead their teams to the finals, but just todays stats as we end the semifinal round, our pick for the most valuable player would be Ben Dover.

Dover has been lights out for Hamilton, he has the 2nd most points in the league with 15 points and 3rd in the league in blocked shots. He has generated great offense, especially as a defender, and has been solid in the back.

The winner for the most valuable player will for sure be a player in the finals, and that makes sense, but the MVP as of today would be Ben Dover, and if Hamilton had made it the finals, he would be a shoe in to win it.

Task 6:

The top goaltender in the playoffs this season has been Richard C Hocolate. He has been the major and leading factor to the Dragons being in the finals this season. He has played 12 games and has won 8 of them. He also only let in 29 goals, which is good for a league leading goals against average of 2.40. He has been lights out between the pipes, where the Chiefs have been a great offensively; the Dragons will rely heavily on their stud goaltender to shut down the likes of Sebastien Strange and Jonathan Lundberg. Hocolate has had the league lead in save percentage with .928% which means hes stopped nearly 93% of the shots hes faced. He is miles ahead of the next goaltender and will even be a solid candidate for the most valuable player if he can win this series and keep up his play.

However, I do believe the Chiefs offense will be too much for the Dragons to stop, and Hocolates efforts will not be enough.

Sent word scramble and trivia

Task 1:

Task 2:

Task 6:

Bonus: Randy Randleman

Sent Trivia and World Scramble (for 5 total tasks)

Wolfpack LW - Rainbow Dash - Updates Wolfpack
[Image: zVOLkfl.png] [img=0x0][/img] [Image: zrRa4LD.png]
[Image: zmHxxsq.png] Rainbow Dash Fan S24-Present [Image: zmHxxsq.png]
Shl SHL Commissioner S34-S52 Shl
Wolfpack New England Wolfpack GM S30-S40 Wolfpack
Militia Montreal Milita Co-GM S26-S29 Militia


TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

In my opinion this playoffs unsung hero is Isak Odegaard. (S)he has really broken out this season and despite that the media has been pretty quiet about it. (S)he is playng a lot of minutes, just .17 minutes(23.47) less per game than Garbanzo, who is arguably the best defenseman to ever step on the ice in the SHL. Admittedly he has regressed a lot, but the former 1st overall pick Isak is proving him(her)self a worthy torchbearer of the legacy. Isak has a fair amount of hits at 33, putting him/her 6th on the team. (S)he has the most blocks on the team with 29 blocked shots, and is producing on both the Power Play and in the 5 on 5, putting up a total of 11 points in 20 games (2+2 on the PP). (S)he is really growing into the projected role that comes with a 1st overall pick, (S)he has not disappointed anyone, and i am 100% sure she won't in the future either.

TASK FOUR: Unscramble

TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win? Justify your decision in at least 150 words with at least two goalie statistics and one team statistic.

So, I've always favored goalies in hockey, and i still do think that they're the pillar that holds the entire team together. When we're comparing the two goalies in the finals there is only one clear cut goalie coming out as the winner, not only stats-wise, but also cup-wise. Calgary Dragons won the cup in a Game 7 that became a lackluster, and Richard C. Hocolate did it cooly.

Let's break down the stats.

O'Koivu: 90.9
Hocolate: 92.2

Clear advantage Hocolate here, anyone saying otherwise can't read. more than an entire %.

O'Koivu: 2.79
Hocolate: 2.57

Again, advantage Hocolate, even though we all know that GAA isn't as much of a goalie stat as a team stat, but we'll have to live with it because people doesn't understand how the game works.

O'Koivu: 1
Hocolate: 1

Again, Hocolate wins, because he had 1 less game, so a higher shutout percentage.

Hocolate even had 2 assists.

I don't really need to continue, but the most important number in these playoffs is of course the 12. 12 wins, 1 cup. Sadly one goalie can't do it all himself, sadly this wasn't O'Koivu's season.

TASK SEVEN: Design a comical fan sign that you might see in the stands during the Cup finals. Must include one player name, a number, team logo OR team colors, and a slogan or text.
[Image: cT2cr3I.png]

TASK NINE: Trivia!

Bonus question: Who scores the Cup-winning goal?

Joe Kurczewski

[Image: 41373_s.gif]
[Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: 7WSfxIG.png][Image: nBgNUTY.png]


Task 1:
Task 2: I think it's very hard to pick an unsung hero for a non championship winning team although I think there were definitely a lot of underrated players on both teams but I think my unsung hero has to come from the Challenge Cup winning Dragons The obvious pick for me is Alex Mack who centered the third line for the Dragons and absolutely carried that line. Not only was he used in a shut-down role in the play offs on the third line but he was also able to contribute 12 points over the course of the play-offs with 11 of those being assists and also had 3 PP points to go along with that. Alex Mack was the ultimate play-maker for the Dragons and was also able to shutdown opponents top lines in the post-season when used in those situations and was one of the biggest factors that set this Dragons team apart from other teams in the play offs.
Task 4: PM'd
Task 6: It's interesting to go back and look at the regular season because both Richard C. Chocolate and Olli'O Koivu struggled in major categories even though their teams were among the best in the league, Chocolate was 4th last in SVP while Koivu was 6th last but as soon as the play-offs started both goalies started playing a lot better. Ultimately I think you have to give the nod to Richard C. Chocolate because his stats have been without a doubt the best of any goalie in the post-season. Chocolate's team has allowed the most shots on net in the play-offs with 627 and has still led the playoffs in SVP with 9.22 and GAA with 2.57 while Koivu has a SVP of 9.09 and a GAA of 2.79. I think Chocolate has been by far the best goaltender in the play-offs and will help carry the Dragons to the cup win.
Task 9: PM'd

Bonus Question: Who will score the Cup-winning goal?

Esa Anrikkanen

[Image: 57879_s.gif]
[Image: 37742_s.gif]
[Image: jov7Yk9.png]

SMJHL Commisioner S17-S26
Calgary Dragons GM S14-S23

Task 3:
[Image: oDSpQr2.jpg]

Task 4: PM Sent

Task 5:
[Image: L5rFm5g.jpg]

Task 8:
[Image: 5fYZjqP.jpg]

Task 9: PM Sent

Bonus : Dani Forsberg

[Image: 54855_s.gif]

Knights ||  Patriotes

Whalers|| Renegades ||  Patriotes ||  Finland

Renegades ||Militia ||Canada  

[Image: jearim.gif]

-- TASK THREE: Create a magazine cover showcasing one of the players who will be competing in the finals. Must include at least one player render, player name, a magazine title, and at least one story preview/headline.

[Image: 2qRV9Nv.png]

-- TASK SEVEN: Design a comical fan sign that you might see in the stands during the Cup finals. Must include one player name, a number, team logo OR team colors, and a slogan or text.

[Image: tUhycfp.png]

Bonus Question: Adam Kaiser

TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.

Welcome to da S40 Cahlenge Cup finals. Today I am havin a littl fun an commentatin for today's game featurinn the fuckin Clagary Dragoon's and those god famn Minnesota Chefs. It is actually game seven toniggt whic is a prettty big deal I guess. Also i mighta had a few road pops in my waay to get here to don this show butb I'm alll goood.

Startin lineups for the Dragions aree at center Joe Kushrkdidjrhr or however you say that damn name with Dani "tha mother fucken force" Forsberg beside him. Oh, and alsho Louie "Big sexy" Garrett on thee other wing. On da blue lane is the dragons D pairin of Micheal "the man" Boychuk an Hard hittin Adam Kaiser.

Aaand the starting linup for the Chefs are at center Terrance "super" Nova an besidebhim s Jonathan "Lunar" Lundberg. Also an the wing is Derek "the great lover" Glover. On the chefs blue kine is..,ah shit the games alredy startin an i neeed another drink

167 words

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

My choice for this seasons unsung hero of the playoffs would be Calgary's own Louie Garrett. Garrett quietly put up 22 points this post season, in 19 games played, 9 of those points were goals.

Garrett just had a one year layover in Calgary and it looks like he will be returning to his home town team in Seattle. Even though Garrett's time with the team was short he really made an impact and left a his mark on the team, especially in the playoffs.

While still fairly young, Garrett brought a leadership element in his game that was crucial to the Dragons success this season. Garrett lead by example and played the game properly, and this was proven by his penalty minutes...a whopping 2 minutes total throughout the post season. There are many more reasons why Louie Garrett gets my vote for unsung hero, but these are my main reasons. Good luck with your return to Seattle!

158 words

TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals. Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Word Scramble." [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

1. avoopktsmmsia
2. kdiogdaaser
3. cujzirkeekows
4. srkovoobhdfireo

PMd May 5th

TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win? Justify your decision in at least 150 words with at least two goalie statistics and one team statistic.

The goaltending duel between Dick Hocolate and Olli O'Koivu was a hard fought one and while the playoffs are now over and hindsight is 20/20, I would have chosen Hocolate from the start. Hocolate finished in first place in almost every category including save percentage (.922), GAA (2.57), shots faced (627), and wins (12). He also tied for first in shut outs with 1 and had the second most minutes played for goaltenders in the playoffs, finishing second only to O'Koivu who had an extra game played.

Hocolates calm demeanour really helped the Dragons strong offensive play during this post season and helped them be confident enough to score at a 3.16 goals per game average, beating out the Minnesota Chiefs who came in at 3.15.

I think Hocolates stats speak for themselves and his insanely strong play played a huge part in the Calgary Dragons success this season for sure.

151 words

TASK NINE: Trivia! Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Trivia.” [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 for each correct answer.]

1. Who is the Minnesota Chiefs’ only historical winner of both the Ron Mexico and Sarmad Khan trophies?
2. Which two Western Conference teams have the Minnesota Chiefs defeated in the Finals to win Challenge Cups?
3. Who were the Dragons’ first two inductees into their team’s Hall of Fame in S6?
4. What is the Dragons’ Jesster Award awarded for?

PMd May 5th

Task One: 171 wods

HEY! HEY! HEY! Yeah you camera guuuuy before we go live get me one of those vodka wataaaaaa's I am trying to watch my figure, for that new sports brodcaster jessicaaaaaaaaaaaa ohhhhh she sooooo cute.
- Uhm Ostap you are already live.

IM LIVE, what the shit no one counted me down! Well shit lets start. Every one that is watching on the power of the television, welcome to the opening ceremonies for game 1 of the SHL. Obviously all of you know me, I am oh to the stop maksimovvvvv and I will be doing color commentary for this great event for all of you sucks. Well lemme tell yeah, the calgary dragons are not playing tonight, so there is no real reason to watch this game, the only game you need to watch is with the dragons, since we already know they are going to take the cup. Before the game starts let me plug my social media to these clowns. Follow me every where at @oSTAPLIT , giveaway at 50k!

TASK Two 180 words
The unsung hero for me is easy, and I can bet you it is easy for a lot of other voters as well. Richard C. Hocolate the Calgary dragons goalie was an absolute monster in the post season for the Dragons. It did not matter if it was the first round or the finals, Richard C. Hocolate showed up for every game. He had a post season best .922 SVP, which is 7 points higher then the goaltender in second. He goes on to top this with his post season best GAA posting an insane 2.57, while playing the second most games out of all the goaltenders. The games played is what makes sat very important. If he only played 4 games, the numbers would be rather skewed. You want to know what the kicker is? His two assists that he got in the playoffs. Those two points were more that what Calgary defender Ostap Maksimov registered throughout the playoffs. Not only is Richard C. Hocolate stopping the pucks, hes getting the puck up to the players to make plays.

Task four PM Sent

Task Six 154 words
Well based on my unsung write up, we know who will, and who won the goaltender battle, Richard C. Hocolate was a stud at the back end for Calgary posting an impressive .922 SVP, and 2.57 GAA throughout the entire playoffs. Now don't get me wrong Olli O'Koivu also played a very strong playoffs for the chiefs, however in the finals you could tell that Richard C. Hocolate was on another level. Olli O'Koiv finsihed the playoffs with a .909 SVP which was 4th best among playoffs goalies. His 2.79 GAA was a little bet better, as it ranked third among goaltenders, however when comparing it to Richard C. Hocolate 2.57 GAA it really does not match up. Richard C. Hocolate was a difference maker for the dragons during the playoff run, where Olli O'Koiv seemed to have burned out in the playoffs, and might have cost his team a couple of goals against.

Task Nine Sent

Bonus Question: Adam Kaiser

[Image: Oats.gif]

[Image: 401.png] [Image: S42cup1.png] [Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png][Image: WuTGq5J.png][Image: XUMDqMO.png]

[b]TASK ONE: Your player has been invited to do color commentary for Game 1 of the Finals. (Un)fortunately, your player’s decided to drink a bit before making this guest appearance. In at least 150 words, write a transcript of the opening commentary of the game and your player’s introduction.[/b]

Wellll welllll wellllllllllllll what do weeeeeeeee have here. A bit of hockey eh? Can't say I'm not surprised, I am a hockey announcer afterall. Although, I must admit, I thought the game was tomorrow.

Looking at these two stacked ass rosters makes me live in the past and think of the good ol' days. I'm gonna need another beer, I'm already tearing up rn.

Anyways, I'm liking what the red team (Firebirds? Firepigeons on steriods?) some large flying bird, Its on the tip of my tongue but a few too many Fireball shots for breakfast has my mind a bit fried. They're lookin' good. Beat the Gades and the Jarts on their way here. Not an easy path. Battle-tested, mother approved. Wait, what?

The Chieftans/nice hat club are looking solid too. Damn those uni's are nice. It's always good to have a nice a nice contrast in colors. Even with blurred vision I can see which team has the puck and which team is slackin' while having my eyes half open and my head down

This should be a great series between two, I think, great teams. I need a mimosa.

TASK TWO: Who is your choice for the unsung hero of the S40 playoffs up to this point? Must be at least 150 words and include at least two statistics in support.

Lemme toot my own horn here and say Dani Forsberg is the undisputed unsung hero of the playoffs. My man had 12 goals to lead the entire league in goal scoring in the playoffs as well as having 4 game-winning goals (which doubles 2nd place). You need a big goal? Look no further than the pass-first Dani Forsberg (wait, that can't be right. STHS you crazy). The playoffs in general are a time for your big players to step up and earn their contract and look no further than the top line of the Dragons. Despite Forsberg being the lowest rated shooter on that line, it looks like he has a knack for juicy rebounds and deflections (also missing the net a hilarious amount of times when actually trying to shoot). The clutch factor, the "It" factor, the we need you right now factor are all playing in Dani's favor as well because that's as many game winners in the playoffs as we have seen in a good long time.

TASK FOUR: Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals. Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Word Scramble." [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]


TASK SIX: Both of the goaltenders in the finals have put up a remarkable battle for their teams to get them this far. Between the two starting goaltenders, who wins the goalie battle, and will it be enough for them to bring their team home a Cup win? Justify your decision in at least 150 words with at least two goalie statistics and one team statistic.

I think that Richard C. Hocolate is the easy choice for this one. Despite not being nearly as "gifted" as O'Koivu in the TPE department, he is the hottest goalie in the league right now bar none. It cannot possibly be understated how important having the "hot" goalie in the playoffs is. It seems like every year there is at least one and their team goes real far. He is sporting a sparkling .922 save percentage which is far and wide the best in the league. This isnt through only a few games either, this is through 19 games (!Wink Another boon to his chances is a 2.57 GAA. Combine this with the facts that the Dragons average 3.17 goals per game and you see how the recipe for success for this team is winning close games while relying on their goaltender to make the big save when it matters most. Ultimately, if the Dragons are to win the cup than Hocolate is going to need to be absolutely titanic.

TASK NINE: Trivia! Send the answers to me by forum PM. You will not get credit for posting the answers in this thread. Please make the subject of the message “CW Trivia.” [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 for each correct answer.]


Bonus Question: Joe Kurczewski

[Image: insayne.gif]


Bonus question: Who scores the Cup-winning goal? Randy Randleman

[Image: oPVEBnn.png]
Credit to Wasty
[Image: wolfpack3.png]
Credit to Sulovilen


TASK TWO: My choice for the unsung hero of the S40 Playoffs is none other that Calgary goaltender Richard C. Hocolate. A player who doesn't seek stardom and flies largely under the radar, he was nothing short of spectacular in the playoffs and led the Dragons to the cup finals, ultimately winning game 7 allowing just 1 goal on 30 shots against. You won't see him posting much but he does his work and has created a great goalie who has now become a cup champion as a starter. He now has 3 cups with Calgary, 2 as a back up and 1 as a starter. Without his amazing play this post-season the Dragons would not have won the cup. Hock was the man in two game 7's, holding it down on the biggest stage and giving his team a chance to win. He finishes the post-season with a league leading .922 SV% and 2.57 GAA, with a record of 12-7 including a shutout. The guy deserves a lot of credit and I'm happy to give it to him.


[Image: parmking1111.png]



[Image: parm44.jpg]


Bonus Question: Nicholas Pedersen

---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
[Image: cgv4vCv.png] Goal[Image: 95lCCDx.png]
[Image: parmborg.gif]

[Image: steelhead77.gif]

#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite

Task FOUR - Completed

Task NINE - Completed

Bonus Question: Who scores the Cup-winning goal?

Dani Forsberg Dragons

[Image: Zoone16.gif]

[Image: 9QVaMRC.png] [Image: canybyK.png] [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

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