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S41 PT #2 - Gametime

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Shoutout to @adamantium for the sig! <3


The Chiefs gave me two tickets to see the Minnesota United game vs the Philadelphia Union. I’m a huge soccer fan, and I’ve played it since I was a little kid back in New Jersey, and I was good enough that I was captain of my high school soccer team and received scholarship offers from North Carolina and Duke, which I turned down to focus on hockey. My favorite team is AFC Bournemouth in England, but I also follow the MLS, and the Union are my hometown team. So when the Chiefs gave me tickets to a Minnesota United game, I was really happy. But who was I going to give them to? I knew immediately: Jon Tellofsen. I’ve known Jon since his days in the SMJHL, and I know that he’s a huge Newcastle United fan. So I ringed him up and asked if he wanted to come to the game. He said yes, and we went to see the game. The Union won the game 4-3, with Borek Dočkal scoring a hat-trick for the Union and Rasmus Schüller scoring a sublime free kick for Minnesota. It was a day that I really enjoyed, and I hope the Chiefs hook me up with some more tickets soon.

210 words

Armada Monarchs Germany
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Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

Being a Texas Renegade the choice of who to see was incredibly easy. Iam Essellemm went with much of the squad to game 7 of the NBA Western Conference finals, hoping the Houston Rockets could beat the evil Golden State Warriors lead by bitch boy Kevin Durant. Iam is a huge basketball fan and loves watching James Harden. He views them both as pretty similar, as Harden is a good passer, but makes his money scoring (just like Iam). Harden is the presumptive MVP this season and Iam would love almost nothing more than to achieve that level of success at the professional level. Iam left the arena disappointed after the NBA refs blew the game with several bullshit calls giving the game to Dubs over the Rockets. Iam will not be attending any finals games but he is certainly going to be rooting for the Cavs over the Warriors. Lebron is King.

Not quite a team, but I hope it works....

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If I'm going to a sporting event in Seatlle that isn't a hockey game you'd best believe it's football. Football offers far more excitement than the other sports that are available in Seattle (hockey not included). Which football team I would go watch would depend on the year however. If the Oregon State Beavers are playing at Husky stadium then I'm definitely going to that. I'm a huge OSU fan, so it would be fun to rep the orange and black in Seattle. Especially as a well-known Seattle athlete. Wink If it's a year where the Huskies travel to Reser, then I'm going to go to a Seahawks game at Century Link Field. Maybe I can even convince them to let me raise the 12th man flag! Either way, I'm definitely taking my uncle to the game. He's a big Hawks fan and a Huskies fan. In one scenario, he'll be a blast to root against and the other we can root together.

Whenever I get the chance I love to watch a good baseball game! My brothers and I played when we were younger and I have to say it’s my second favorite sport. I like baseball because of the fast action and the use of amazing hand eye coordination which I excel at. Last time I was able to catch a Calgary Vipers Professional Baseball game I took Nicholas Pedersen and his daughter and they were able to pose for a photo which I have included below. We went to the stadium on Crowchild Trail in Calgary and were instantly recognized and thereby given amazing seats. The Calgary Vipers follow the old Calgary Cannons and the Calgary Cardinals who were always fun to watch, they are a part of the Northern league and were started in 2004. If you ever get a chance to come visit Calgary I suggest you come see a great baseball game!

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Mia Landvik likes watching football sometimes (the real football, not American football) because it's a pretty common sport in Norway and she played for a bit when she was younger before she started focusing on hockey, so she wasn't at all put out when she was given tickets to go see the New England Revolution play at Gillette Stadium. She offered her spare ticket in the locker room and ended up bringing along NEW prospect Alex Andani, because he was for some reason in town instead of in Vancouver and for some reason there totally was a football game at the same time, because sports seasons definitely work that way. Patrikov Bure invited himself along as well, which is not something Mia would ever complain about - he's basically the best person to get drunk and yell from the stands with, which is a fun change from being the ones getting yelled at by random fans.

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Calgary doesn’t have a MLB team obviously so I went with Canada’s team

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Tigole Bitties is quite an Overwatch League fan – he games quite often at home, and sometimes even streams his gameplay. Spending much of his time in the New England area, he’s kind of found an affinity towards the Boston Uprising. The Uprising had a fantastic run, going undefeated in the OWL Stage 3, only to fall to New York in the Stage 3 finals. Due to the uh, geeky/nerdy nature of this interest, Bitties tends to follow the Overwatch League from a distance and doesn’t bring many friends or teammates. Supposedly the Overwatch League finals will be played in New York at the Barclays Center, so Tigole is planning an excursion out there to see that play out and may even summon up the courage to invite a few of his Blizzard teammates. Who knows if there’s anyone even from that group that will take him up on his invitation, however.

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RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

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Well living in San Francisco the choices for other pro sports teams to watch is pretty grody. The Giants are disgusting and Niners are bleh and if you count San Jose and Oakland then add the As to bleh and Raiders to disgusting. Sharks are cool I guess and basketball is shit so yeah pretty rough choices. Instead, the tickets were for the inaugural game for the San Francisco Kangaroos, members of the brand new National Cricket League started by <a href='index.php?showuser=2758' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>benholtby</a>. I attended the game with Ben Holtby who came up from Los Angeles for the occasion and to cheer on his team, the Los Angeles Also Kangaroos. It's a good thing we had an off weekend because the game took like 72 hours and I honestly couldn't tell you who won but I can say with definitive authority that bats did hit balls and the weird pole thingies were also hit and also at least one ball was caught.

160 words

Jack Tanner (D) - [Player Page] [Player Updates]

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One sig is tweed's and the other was a karlssens/Copenhagen collab

AC | Bank | Claims

In Colorado, the choice of other sports we can attend is huge since we basically have a team for every other major sports in North America, we even have a professional lacrosse team. However, Anders Christiansen went back to his European root when he decided to go out and watch a sports game last weekend. You probably have guess it by now, but he decided to go see a soccer game and went to Dick's Sporting Goods Park and watch the Colorado Raptors who play in the Major League Soccer, the highest soccer level in the United States. Anders was joined by a friend he met on a night out and who is originally from the Netherlands. What Christiansen likes about soccer is the incredibly high number of different tactics that can be executed by teams to get a winning result. He also likes the quick counter-attack that happens in the sports which remind him for hockey.
157 words

Nor Ge
Norway Citadelles Forge

Salzberger Lillehammersson
Norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
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