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PT 3 - Sizing Up the Competition

Aw what the hell, I gotta compare stats? I don't even understand hockey stats? Ughhh. Okay whatever, I'll play your stupid game but I'm not very happy about it and your elitist PTs. Buck Maverick's biggest rival easily has to be Charlie Schieck. First of all his last name is dumb and involves way too many silent letters. How the hell am I supposed to remember how to spell that? Second of all he was drafted first overall and Buck Maverick was drafted second overall so instantly Buck is out to prove that his manhood is twice the size of Charlie's. And what kind of a wimpy name is Charlie anyway? Charlie is like a 10-year old kid's name. You a grown man now, go by Chuck. All the best names end in -uck.

So let's go ahead and pretend like I know hockey stats. Now we're both defensemen and rookies. Charlie has 11 points. Buck has 12 points. Buck got more points in fewer minutes so he's winning in points per 20 (0.5 vs 0.41) as well. Charlie's whole line also sucks given he is a -8 +/- and Buck is a +2. Finally Buck is better physically too as he has 27 hits and only taken 19 while Charlie has only delivered 12 hits and taken 25. He just doesn't know how to throw his weight around. Buck is better, end of story.

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A Rookie Rivalry is Born... Kind of
Maui’s rivalry with Harvey Danger is still new, and very random to say the least. Danger must have been hammed one night and decided to start running his mouth on social media about how he believes Maui does not deserve to be in the league and is a complete joke. Maui, who is not all that into the whole social media thing, found out about Harvey’s comments during a recent interview and had this to say in response:

<i><div align="center">“I’m sorry what? I’m in Danger? I don’t think I understand the question. Oh, some guy named Danger said that about me? Does he even play in the league, because I’ve never heard of him?”</div></i>

So obviously this rivalry is a bit one-sided for now. Maui did add that he will let his play on the ice prove to this Harvey Danger character that Maui is the best player.

A quick look at the early season statistics can show who is having the better start to their career. When comparing defensemen, the true way to find where their differences lay is to consider some of the more defensively minded stats: plus/minus, hits, shot blocks, and how much defensive responsibility they are being given.

Maui - Raptors
26GP | +7 | 29 Hits | 25 Shot Blocks | 19:23 AVG Ice Time | 64 PK Minutes

Harvey Danger - Militia
27GP | -8 | 34 Hits | 18 Shot Blocks | 16:34 AVG Ice Time | 4 PK Minutes

From just a quick glance of these stats, not only is Maui being giving bigger minutes and more responsibility, he is also outplaying Danger across the board. Sure, Danger has thrown 5 more hits, but he is also -8, a whole 15 points behind Maui. Maui is also being given huge penalty kill minutes and with Colorado’s PK sitting at 81.82%, it appears he is doing his job.

There you have it. Harvey Danger may like to run his mouth, but Maui is the one doing all his talking on the ice.

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<div align="center">Jordan von Matt v.s Buck Maverick
These two players don't necessarily have beef between themselves, but with Buck Maverick playing for a big city market like Vancouver, the fans and the media tend to endlessly compare their own draft picks to the competition's. Today, we compare Buck (2nd overall) to Jordan von Matt, the 8th overall pick at last year's draft. We won't be drawing any major conclusions. We'll let the stats speak for themselves; however, we will provide some insight behind the numbers.


Buck Maverick has the advantage here, with 12 points total (1 goal, 11 assists). Jordan von Matt isn't far behind though, notching 8 total, all of them being assists. Both seem to put a bit more focus on their defensive game, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, considering that they're both defensivemen.

Plus / Minus

One could argue that plus / minus isn't that telling of a stat, but since we don't have Corsi, it'll have to do (if we actually do have Corsi, or any other advanced stat, someone please let me know). Buck has the slight advantage in this category as well, with a +3. Von Matt follows closely with a +2. What's interesting to note though, is Vancouver has a goal differential of +7, which Prince George (von Matt's team) is at -27.

Penalty Minutes

Buck Maverick leads his team in PIMs with 24, while Jordan von Matt only has 6. While obviously penalties are bad, this doesn't always tell the whole story. Being more physical comes with more penalties, and this could potentially highlight a weakness in von Matt's game. We personally feel that staying out of the box is more valuable than being a bit more physical and intimidaing, but other coaches and organizations may feel differently.

Overall, these are two very solid Defensivemen for two teams trying to make a push for the playoffs. Maverick has more points and has a small advantage in +/-, while von Matt is more disciplined, and eats up minutes on a young Prince George team. Hopefully both players hear their name called in the upcoming SHL Draft.

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Nico Wallner vs Buck Maverick

The two rookie hotshots have rushed out to strong starts and both of their clubs have 37 points so far this year. While Maverick was selected second overall, Nico was a fourth round but so far their contributions have been close.

Offensive Stats:

Through 28 games, both of the rookies have been scoring lots. Maverick has one goal and eleven assists for 12 points, and Wallner has two goals and thirteen assists for 15 points. Nico has four assists that have come with the man advantage, while Maverick only has two. Maverick is shooting 6.67%, while Nico's shot percentage is 9.52%. Both of these rooks have been great offensively, and look to be part of the leagues future top defensemen.

Defensive Stats:

Maverick is a +3, while Wallner is a +9. Nico is just short of 22 minutes a night, while Maverick plays around 18. While they are both very strong in their own end, Nico takes a slight edge here as he chews up more minutes and has a higher plus minus. Buck is much better with the body though leading the pair 22 to 9 in hits.


Both of these rookies will look to lead their teams to a deep run in the playoffs, and look for when they play each other to each be trying to outdo the other.

216 Words

For the last few weeks the media had been pushing the rivalry between Montreal player Rafe Ulrich and Prince George player Karl von Wittelsbach. The comparison had been made as the two are tied for the rookie point leader, its an interesting comparison as Rafe is a forward and Karl is a defender. Both sit at 15 points, Rafe with 8 goals and 7 assists, Karl with 3 goals and 12 assists. When asked about the rivalry Karl said "I don't think its a real rivalry more of one that was made for headlines, we are both very different players and play two completely different styles." Despite that we will take a deeper dive with these two player, first lets look at the situations they play in. Rafe plays on the third line in Montreal and has second unit powerplay time as well, Karl plays top pair and some PK time. Rafe with a solid 0.58 P/20 verses Karl's 0.50 P/20, Rafe does that with playing around 17 minutes a night which is impressive with playing third line each game and Karl at 22 minutes. Rafe also out hits Karl while taking less PIMs, Karl does have a better +/- and shots blocked, but that is due to being a defender. Lastly Montreal sits sixth and ten points up on Prince George who have struggled this season. My guess is that the "rivalry will continue as each try to fight for the Rookie of the Year, but come next year no one will talk about it.

Justin Siddals vs Julien Treadway

The two centremen play the centre position on two teams. However, because there aren't many rookie centerman entering the draft this time around, Siddals' has had a difficult time finding opposition. Initially this was going to be an article on Aadu Hero but he changed names and signed with the Kelowna Rockets instead.

When comparing the two rookies, it's black and white. Justin, while not having the hottest start, is majorly outperforming Julien and every other rookie center in the the league at the moment.

Justin Siddals: 4 Goals
Julien Treadway: 0 Goals

Siddals was never a strong scorer, but he finds himself maintaining a lead of four in comparison to Treadway. However, a large part of this is due to the amount of playing time each of them has. Justin gets a lot more in comparison to Julien Treadway. A lot more.

Justin Siddals: 9 Assists
Julien Treadway: 0 Assists

Siddals has always been a pass-first player, and while he has had a disappointing start so far he finds himself miles ahead of where Treadway is. The differences between the two players could not be more noticeable.

Justin Siddals: -2
Julien Treadway: -1

So, we found something that Julien beats Justin in. Treadway beats out Siddals in plus-minus, something that shouldn't be in the negative in any way for Siddals. However, with the incredible difference in playing time, it has to be understood that you have to have realistic expectations with a rookie centerman.

The up-and-coming   ANTONIO HALL
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Previously known as:

Ä’riks Skalbergs doesn't really have many rivals. He wasn't even registered for the draft, so there wasn't much time during the time before and after the draft for the media to make anything up. However, recently the media have really been playing up the rivalry between Skalbergs and Boris Denisovich, who is a winger for the Kelowna Knights. There are a lot of interesting comparisons to make between the two. They're both right wingers and they both have had similar stats this season. On top of that, not only do they play for rival SMJHL teams - the Whalers and the Knights - but they also come from rival countries, with Skalbergs being from Latvia and Denisovich being from Russia. When I asked Skalbergs about this, this is what he said: "I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I've never even interacted with the guy, there is no rivalry here. Stop trying to cook up *censored*."

Now, let's compare their stats from this season. Let's start with what most people probably consider the most important stat - points. In 31 games, Boris Denisovich has 5 points, all of which are from assists. Skalbergs, on the other hand, has 3 points in 21 games, with a goal and two assists. Despite Denisovich having 2 more points, the two are actually very close in terms of PPG since Skalbergs was signed 10 games into the season, so he hasn't played as many games as Denisovich. Denisovich has scored about 0.16 points per game, meanwhile Skalbergs has scored 0.14. While Denisovich has technically been scoring more, the gap is so small it's practically meaningless, plus Skalbergs has scored a goal while Denisovich has gotten all of his points from assists. A stat that's also very interesting is penalty minutes. Skalbergs has only had 4 penalty minutes, which means he's only taken two penalties in over 20 games. Denisovich, on the other hand, has had a total of 8 PIM, twice as many as Skalbergs. +/- wise Skalbergs wins out as well, with a +/- of 3, meanwhile Denisovich is at -4.

Overall, the two players are so close that it's pretty much impossible to tell who is better at this point in time. We'll just have to wait and see how they turn out.

Charlie Schieck going first overall has led to a number of players looking to take a run at him and show him up. His biggest rival out of this might be Buck Maverick who went second overall to the Vancouver Whalers. Charlie spent most of the time leading up to the draft hanging out with two other players: his Militia teammate Rafe Ulrich and the aforementioned Buck Maverick. While Charlie’s friendship with Rafe is well documented, he and Buck formed a rivalry relatively early on when they showed off during the scouting combine. Since then they’ve continued to try and one up each other, but when they play two very different styles on two very different teams it can be hard to choose one as the better. At this stage in the season though they sport similar numbers:

Schieck: 1g 12a -10 14h 42sb

Maverick: 2g 11a +5 27h 34sb

Schieck has the advantage in assists and shot blocks, while Maverick edges him in goals and hits. Schieck is a -10 on a team with an overall -13, Maverick is +5 on a +13 team, so I think you could call that a wash. There’s no question that Vancouver and Montreal both have themselves a stud defenseman with these two guys.

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Highlanders Highlanders

Aurora Argonauts Stars Battleborn Czechia

It’s tough to analyze your statistics when you never make it into a game. I combed through the index in search of a comparable backup goalie, and the only goalie as underutilized as Crawfling is Kyle Davis of the St Louis Scarecrows. Both goalies have appeared in a whopping 2 games, though Davis did get to start a game with the Crows. Crawfling has played 51 minutes to Davis’ 75. During his 51 minutes of stardom, Crawfling has faced an eye popping total of 8 shots, all of which he saved, giving him the GOAT stats of 1.000 sv% and 0 GAA. Beat that suckers. On the other hand, Davis has faced 21 shots and made 19 saves, giving him a sv% of .895 and a GAA of 1.61. Very respectable from the rookie tendy. Crawfling has snagged one win for the Raptors after replacing Wastlund in a game where he had 3 saves on 7 shots. Davis lost his only start in a shootout, after making 2 penalty shot stops. Both of these backup goaltenders show promise, but haven’t had their chance to shine yet. There’s no rivalry between the two, because they’ve never actually met, and the media doesn’t hype it up, because frankly who gives a shit about 2 backup goalies in the SMJHL.

[Image: Crawfling2.png]

Matthew Buffon of Prince George can't help but talk smack about Johannes Bauer. It's quite comical that he's always running his mouth because Buffon hasn't put up a single point on the year while Bauer has 2 goals. Both guys play about 3 minutes a night but Buffon has only managed to muster up 1 shot on goal through 30 games. To make matters worse for Buffon his Firebirds currently sit in second last place in the league while Bauer's Scarecrows are in first. At 6 feet tall and 190 pounds Buffon has 3 inches and 15 pounds on Bauer. His toughness has not shown this year as he has dished out a grand total of 0 hits. The much smaller Bauer on the other hand has dished out a modest 6 hits. It will be interesting to see how their rookie seasons play out given both play in extremely limited roles for their team. As it stands however Bauer holds all the ammunition to chirp Buffon with. Bauer's english language struggles may make this difficult as he still struggles with his subject-verb agreements according to his english tutor. Watch for a possible fight to break out the next time the firebirds and scarecrows meet. Bauer dropped the mitts once during the preseason.

Johannes Bauer Scarecrows
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