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LeShaun King : The Biography


The United Kingdom may have their next top defensemen in Leshaun King. The UK shocked the world in S40 finishing 2nd place at the IIHF Championships. The UK has a strong defence building headed currently by Jasper Clayton, but their may be a new face of the UK blue line in a few seasons.

“He’s got size, he uses his reach well and he’s strong on his skates. Definitely more of a pure shut down defensemen right now but there’s opportunity for him to fill out his game a bit, maybe get better at his break out passing. He doesn’t have that nastiness to his game that GM’s like, but he plays smart responsible hockey. Thinking back to a play in midget UK hockey King was skating backwards in his own end with a winger streaking in down the wing. Leshaun had the option to lay this kid out, but instead poked the puck away stopped it up and broke out the other way. He’s definitely not of the mind set of hitting to hurt.”

His former coach, Jason Babich, has seen him mature a lot from when he first began playing for the London Wolves 4 years ago.

“Leshaun is a smart sensible defensemen who takes care of business in his own end and we’ve really tried to nurture that. I think if I can get this kid to really learn the fundamentals, then we can slowly have him open up to break up ice and making plays. We don’t want him worrying too much about the elements of the game that aren’t his strength yet, like scoring. First we want to turn him into a very strong fundamental player, and knowing that he does have that skill there that his raw skill will eventually take over and those elements of his game we’ve taught him to tame will come out.”

Leshaun is a young man of few words and didn’t have much to say when asked about his hopes in coming to North America to play in the SMJHL.

“Right now my goal is just to get drafted this coming year to any SMJHL team that will take me. I know I’ll need to work hard, train hard this off-season and show the scouts that I’m able to play in the Junior leagues.”

Leshaun right now looks to be entering a junior import draft that lacks much depth and Leshaun may be able to fight his way into a first round spot. When asked how import is it to him where he’s drafted?

“A lot of guys will tell you it doesn’t matter, and to some extent that’s true. But where you get drafted is a testament to how much the scouts value you. Sometimes positional needs don’t work out and the team isn’t really interested in taking you yet. But it be a huge honor to go 1st OA and even though my goal is just to get drafted I’m going to work as hard as I possibly can to push myself up as high in the draft order as possible and maybe if I work hard enough I can put myself in that kind of position to be drafted. But we have a long way to go before we can talk about that.”

While King himself may come across as a typical stone faced mundane hockey player, his life story itself is anything but mundane. This five chapter biography will take you through Leshaun’s life from his earliest years until his departure from the UK and to North America.

The Island

If Leshaun does make it to the SHL he will be able to say he’s the only player to do so who grew up in Nauru.

For those who don’t know Nauru (officially the Republic of Nauru and formerly known as Pleasant Island) is an island country in Micronesia in the South Pacific. Its nearest neighbour is Banaba Island in Kiribati, 300 kilometres (186 mi) to the east. With 9,378 residents in a 21-square-kilometre (8.1 sq mi) area, Nauru is the smallest state in the South Pacific and second smallest state by population in the world, behind only the Vatican City. You need not feel terribly uncultured if you haven’t heard of Naura, it’s only real claim to fame was an influenza outbreak in 1920, but Leshaun might be able to change that.

His adoptive mother recalls the day she first met Leshaun. “I come from a small village on the Island known as Amet, which is in the Uaboe district. In our village there is two tribes, Ajamba and Koonsey. The Koonsey were in political power and the Ajamba worked mainly as farmers and merchants. Two decades ago one Ajamba leader began preaching the ways of violence and blood shed and decided that the Ajamba will be oppressed no longer and decided to take over the village from the Koonsey. It was a terrible time, every night you would sleep with out knowing whether you’d wake in the morning. During that small genocide I lost my husband and both my sons, I had lost hope and was just waiting for the night that I to would go and be reunited with them. Then one night as I sat in prayer I heard gunshots near my door and heard a child crying. I ran out and saw a baby lying in the mud and soaked in the rain. I wanted to yell for the parents but feared drawing attention to myself, so I took the child and ran in. Then when back inside my hunt I looked at the young man and realized that this was God giving me a second chance to raise a child again. The Lord taketh and He giveth. I named him after my husband, Luke.”

Leshaun, who was as a child known as Luke, spent the first 3 years of his life living amongst the violence of the tribal wars. “He was born in it, he grew up in it, he didn’t know what a night with out gunfire sounded like until he was able to walk, talk and swim.” His adoptive mother recounts. “Luke would come with me in the mornings when I would go to the lake to clean the clothes for the village. I had no other choice. He came and he’d sit in the water beside me. He took a liking to the water. It was hard for me to take him away after I was done, he’d cry and want to go back. When he was around 3 years old a larger city intervened into the political chaos of our city and we had peace again. I could let Luke go out and play with out worry of him being killed.”

Luke would spend his days running outdoors with the other children of the village and swimming by the islands endless beaches.

A man, 7 years Luke’s elder, recalled how much Luke would swim. “We use to joke that Lu (his nickname) was swimming before he was walking. That boy would dive in and sometimes hold his breath for 5 minutes before coming back up. I don’t know how his lungs could hold so much air.” As was no surprise to anyone Luke would quickly become an incredibly talented swimmer.

“We had one traveling doctor, an Indian man, Dr. Shawn, who would come visit the Island, when he made his rounds he would tell us about this thing called the Olympics, where people would come and swim with each other and the winner would be reward with gold and fame. He told me that maybe my Luke could one day move to Japan and be trained to be a professional swimmer, I laughed at something like that ever happening to my family but Luke began to have hope that maybe one day he could be in the olympics.”

By the time Luke was five he was already 5 feet tall. (Seven inches shy of the guiness world record for tallest five year, 5 feet and 7 inches). The few boys his age were around three and a half feet and so when people would see him play with his parents it looked like an older brother watching his younger siblings. Because he was tall enough the older boys, 10-14 years old would allow him to play with them when they would get together and wrestle.

“I hated to see him wrestle with the older boys, his body was big but he was still only a five year olds and sometimes their fights would get out of hand and these boys three times his age would send him home bruised and bloody.” His mother retells. “He loved it. He loved to be included with the older boys and could tell his friends that he actually one a fight or two against some of the smaller ones. He would never wrestle with boys his own age, I always thought him that “A lion takes no satisfaction in victory over a mouse” and that neither should he.”

One day when Dr. Shawn came he brought with him a collection of doctors who were part of his Doctors with out borders program. They had come to assess his work on the Island. One of Dr. Shawn’s colleagues, Dr. Wang, noticed the boys wrestling outside. He would comment on how it reminded him of the children in his neighbourhood. Dr. Shawn would then go on to say something he would regret for the next 10 or so years. “You know that one lanky boy, the one a lot darker than the rest, he’s only 5.”

Dr. Wang’s eyes would light up. “That boy is five and he can wrestle with boys that much older than himself? We can’t let this kind of physical ability go to waste on this wretched Island.”

Dr. Wang and Dr. Shawn were never two to see eye to eye, Shawn saw Wang as cold and inconsiderate and Wang saw Shawn’s idealistic thoughts on Doctors being servants to all of humanity as ridiculous.

Dr. Wang insisted on speaking to his mother, and spent the day there selling to his mother the idea of Luke going to Japan and training to be a great wrestler, and that he could earn fortune in Japan which he could send back to his family here. His mother refused to even entertain the thought of seeing Luke leave. “I told that terrible man that there was no way I would allow my son to leave me, not after having lost my two others already.”

Dr. Wang was a persistent man, but eventually realized he needed to change his strategy if he was to make any progress. When the plan came to pick up Dr. Wang he told Dr. Shawn and the other doctors to leave with out him and that he wanted to spend another day on the Island. Dr. Shawn was suspicious but left with the other doctors anyway.

Dr. Wang would then go that night and approach Luke. With his devious speech he convinced Luke that his mother had become very sick and that they couldn’t afford the medicine for her to live. He told that his mother would not tell Luke about it because she didn’t want to worry him but was soon to die, and that if he told her the grief of her knowing he knew would only end her sooner. Luke was overcome with grief until Dr. Wang gave him a way out. He told Luke if he left with him tomorrow to come and work for him in Japan he would send a doctor to come take care of her, but that Luke had to leave right away and could not tell his Mother. Luke was hesitant but was manipulated by the older and more intelligent man. Luke agreed and that next morning Luke left the only place he knew as his home and left to Japan to begin his training in wrestling.

The Bujutsu Pit

Luke would remember that feeling of immense loss and loneliness that overtook his body the moment he stepped on the plane that night to leave for Japan. His heart would fight between immense grief and a desire to be strong for his mother, and that he was doing all of this for her.

The flight was long and late the next night they would arrive in Tokyo. Luke had gone from one of the most secluded places in the world to the worlds busiest, the culture shock was massive.

Luke remembers this transition and how overwhelming the city of Tokyo was. “I had never seen a skyscraper before, or a highway, or really any of those things that really characterize Tokyo. It was for a lot of reasons the biggest and most sudden change in my life that I’d ever experience.”

Luke would spend little time in the actual city of Tokyo after his flight landed. He would go straight from the airport into a small taxi and be on his ways outside of the city. The cab drove for a few hours outside of the borders of the city, occasional attempts at pleasantries would be made by the taxi cab driver but Dr. Wang would have nothing of it and brush them aside, the attempts to start a conversation became less and less frequent until they stopped all together and the three of them sat in silence as Luke moved further and further into the mountains that he would call home for the foreseeable future.

Eventually the cab stopped at the base of Mount Kumotori (雲取山Wink. Mount Kumotori stands at the boundary of Tokyo, Saitama, and Yamanashi Prefectures on the island of Honshū, Japan. With an elevation of 2,017 metres, its summit is the highest point in Tokyo. Luke had watched the mountains get taller and taller as they drove and the sight of the ocean getting further and further away. Mount Kumotori separates the Okutama Mountains and the Okuchichibu Mountains, it marks the end of the Ishione (石尾根Wink mountain ridge that begins near the JR Okutama Station, the highest mountain ridge in Tokyo, its remote location amongst a group of mountains from both mountain ranges makes access to Mount Komotori difficult.

The cab stopped at the base of the mountains, the driver handed two massive bags to Luke and Dr. Wang, took his owed sum of money and left. Luke had become progressively more lost and confused as the night slowly ended and the light of dawn rose. In all the chaos Luke was almost too distracted to be thinking of his mother. Dr. Wang passed Luke a loaf of bread handed him a bag and they began to march along a path up the mountain.

The two didn’t travel by foot for very long until they came up to a dense forest with a man standing there. Dr. Wang and the man made some exchanges in Japanese and the man handed Dr. Wang a sealed envelope. The man looked at Luke and ushered him to follow. Dr. Wang said his last words to Luke “Be brave, remember you’re doing this for your mother. You go work with this man and I’ll take care of her.” Luke didn’t know what to say, so instead he said nothing, an action that will become characteristic of Luke as he grew older.

Luke and the man hiked threw the forested mountains until the sun rose and just before the sun began to set until they reached a clearing in the forest and a large pit. The pit was easily 4 km in radius and had a wall of poorly placed bricks clinging to it on the way down. The man turned to Luke and sad “You hold on to me” in a thick accent. Luke did as he was told and grabbed onto the man. The man grabbed a rope and so began there descent into the Bujutsu Pit.

As they went down Luke saw along the walls of the pit were gated doors into different rooms. Some sleeping chambers, a room for eating and many empty rooms. After they reached the end of the rope Luke and the man continued there descent on stairs. As they went down Luke saw many other young boys, mostly japanese, who all looked about his age and height, but there bodies looked strong, the kind of strength you only see on well seasoned men. Eventually the man would passive Luke to a tall and broad male with long black hair held up together in a bun. He was the first man who seemed to speak english with little accent. “Welcome to the Bujutsu Pit. Today your training begins. You have the honor of training amongst other young men who will one day represent our country in both sport and militia. What is your surname.” Luke had never heard of a surname before.

“My name is Luke.”
“I didn’t ask for your name, but your surname.”
Luke stared blanky.
“Your father, his name was Mr. what, or Dr. what.”
At that moment Luke thought back to the Island and the visits Dr. Shawn would make, for a moment he let the sorrow of missing his mom enter his heart before he shut it out and replied...
“Shawn, my surname is Shawn.”
“We don’t use first names here, there is too many who have the same. From this day forward you are L.Shawn. Luke is dead.”
Luke was then shown to his chamber and told he would be awoken in the morning for his first day of training. As he lay on his rug on the floor he thought back to how just three days ago he was free on his home in the Island and began to weep wishing he could go home and hug his mother once more. He began to wish he had never left and his last thoughts before he passed out from exhaustion was regret.

The pit was only lit with candle light, so it was impossible to tell when morning began. L. Shawn was fast asleep when he felt the sudden impact of a wooden sword strike his stomach. L.Shawn instantly woke up, and he watched as the soldier who had awoken him went to each child, passing by the ones who were awake and striking those who were still asleep.

The boys all gathered in the bottom of the pit only to be divided again and sent to different rooms in the pit. Each day would see the children be trained in different forms of physical and mental strength, and each day would end with the children engaging in one on one fights. Some days they would stand holding pales of water with there arms extended straight, other days would be sent repeating basic martial art techniques. With out the rising or setting of the sun it was at first hard to tell when in the day it was.

L.Shawn recounts. “Each day in the pit we’d have a one on one fight with another boy there. If you won the fight, you’d fight someone else, and so forth until one remained. We called this the Bujutsu Clash. Once you lost you went back and trained until the day was over. Everyone was allowed to watch the final match though.”

The days began to seem shorter and shorter as L. Shawn began to in tune himself with the cycles of the days. Over time he began to wake up the exact moment before the guard would come in with his wooden sword, also known as a Bokken. Over his five years in the pit L. Shawn continued to grow and become stronger. While over his first few months he wasn’t able to win a single Bujutsu Clash; over time he began to win a fight or two each day, then a few more, then a few more. Until L. Shawn was consistently one of the final twenty to thirty boys remaining each day, even though he’d never win. As L. Shawns Japanese improved he slowly began to communicate with some of the other boys. Most of them had been taken away from their parents when they were just a bit older than L. Shawn was when he left the Island. It seemed the pit recruited boys between the ages of 7-12 for the most part, and when the boys were around 12 was when they would leave the pit. By the time L. Shawn was 10 he had become quite well known and well liked amongst the pit by his fellow child prisoners, developing a reputation of being kind and merciful to others in the battles. He was almost as tall as most of the 12 year olds at just a bit under 5’11 feet, but was still much thinner. L. Shawn had taken a liking to the Bokken drills and had become the most capable Bokken dueler in the pit. After they would finish the Bokken drills L. Shawn was allowed to practice against the adult guards, he would be beat senseless but took joy in knowing that he was slowly becoming better. Besides being known for his Bokken ability and character L.Shawn had also become exceptional at the one leisure game the boys were allowed to play, Ninuki-Renju, a strategy game that the boys would play to learn to enter their opponents minds and predict their next move, something that would benefit L.Shawn when he would go on to play hockey. On his last full day in the pit L. Shawn almost beat one of the younger and less experienced guards in a Bokken match and later that day would beat the pit champion in a game of Ninuki-Renju. L. Shawn was beaming with pride and couldn’t remember a day more happy than this one. As L. Shawn went to bed that night he thought back to his first day in the pit, and while not a day passed than he didn’t miss his mother just as much as his first night here he realized that he had actually begun to enjoy living in the pit and was hoping he wouldn’t have to leave.

The next day all the boys would be woken especially early, but this time with out a wooden sword, guards rushed into the rooms yelling at the boys to get out of bed, get dressed and be prepared that they would all be leaving the pit today. The boys were confused, leaving the pit only happened when a boy became 12 and was something that would be planned many day in advance.

As the boys rushed out of there dorms and up the stairs they heard a sharp sound unlike anything they had heard before. A sudden tempest of air rushed down the pit, knocking some of the boys and guards off there feet and putting out most of the lanterns. Down the edges of the pit dropped many armed soldiers fully equipped with rifles and army cammo body armor and behind them a helicopter slowly followed. The guards were all hand coughed or shot dead and all the boys were rallied up in the helicopters and lifted out of the pit.

L. Shawn stood and watched as for a second time a place he would call his home would be filled with gun shots and murder.

When it was L. Shawns turn he entered the helicopter and his stomach began to drop as it slowly lifted up. He wafted something that he hadn’t smelt 5 years, the smell of fresh air and pine trees. The boys all were gathered up outside the edge of the pit, the guards who trained them had been taken away in handcuffs, and a few soldiers standing around the boys. Out of the crowd of army men came one who was unarmed and dressed more formally than the rest. And he would be the one to address the boys.

“I know many of you are in shock, but you have nothing to be afraid of any longer. You have all been victims of child slavery and have spent many years being trained as child soldiers for an unnamed Terrorist group. The The UK Army has been looking for the terrorist group that has been behind the Bujutsu Pit for many years now and today we’ve final put an end to there inhumane crimes.”

Shawn was overcome with rage, he wasn’t going to allow another man to come into this life and take his home away from him again.

“This is no prison, this is our home!” L. Shawn shouted. “You can’t take us away from it.”

The General that had addressed the boys came up to L. Shawn, he stood only a few inches taller than him. “Son, we will find you all good homes to live in, parents who will love you and raise you as a child should be raised. This is no home.”

Shawn, for the first time since his first night in the pit feel to his knees and began to weep. The General took a knee and put his arm around L. Shawn, he thought for awhile then looked back at another man dressed similarly to him and said “Hey, this one is coming with me.” The General looked back to L. Shawn. “You’ve had a hard life, but you can come live with me in The UK, I’ll help you put a life together for yourself, that is you want someplace to go.” L. Shawn continued to weep. L. Shawn didn’t know what to say, so instead he just said nothing.

The General put L. Shawn aside and connected all the boys with different soldiers to lead them back to the city and to the proper orphanages. Then the General came back to L. Shawn and walked him over to his helicopter.

“By the way, my name is General King, what’s yours son?”
“L. Shawn.”
“Leshaun? That’s not very japanese. Did I say it right?”
L.Shawn noticed the slight different in how General King pronounced it and thought to correct him, but decided not to. L. Shawn was a boy who lived the in the pit and was being trained to be a child terrorist, that was not who he was going to be.
“Yes, Leshaun.”

Life in the UK
After moving to The UK and moving in with General King and his one daughter the General would do everything he could to try and give Leshaun a normal child hood experience. The General gave him a full year of private tutoring catching filling in the gaps of what he had missed in school from grades one to six, before enrolling him in a private school in grade 7 as a twelve year old. The King family was incredibly wealthy and lived in a lavish mansion, again very different from the cellar Leshaun slept in in the pit.

Leshaun had a hard time adjusting and opening up to General King at first. His first year would consist of waking up as early as the General did and two hours befores his older sister. Training by himself in his room, that was nearly as large as the entire sleeping corridors in the pit, for two hours before having break fast and going off to his private tutoring. He would come home, study, train and eat until the General got home. The General would try to converse with him but the pit had not done much for Leshauns conversational skills. When Leshaun entered grade 7 he had a hard time making friends and relating to the other children in the playground, the General was always worried for Leshaun and despite his best attempts felt like he was failing to give him a normal childhood.

One night as Leshaun was on his way up to his room he noticed the General watching something interesting on Television. He came over and looked over his shoulder. “What type of game is this?” Leshaun asked. The General smiled, “I guess you guys didn’t have this in Japan. It’s called Hockey. This is the SHL” Leshaun sat down on the smaller couch beside the one the General was sitting on and watched the game, Leshauns eyes were glued to the television set mesmerized by the majestic game. The way the players were able to dangle so swiftly with there wooden sticks reminded him of the Bokken fights he use to love. The way the players would sacrifice to block shots reminded him of the morals and lesson the pit had thought him. Seeing the crisp blue ice reminded him of the oceans he use to swim in as a child; And the fights. The fights reminded him of how every day he would look forward to testing his strength against the other boys his age.

The General asked Leshaun if he’d like to play hockey. Leshaun didn’t know what to say, but this time he spoke. “Yes.”

From that day on every night Leshaun would come home and watch hockey with the General, as they began to bond over hockey they began to bond over many other things. Slowly Leshaun told the general about his life in the pit and his friends there. He told him about how the board games he loved and the joy he’d get from Bokken fighting.
Through grade 7 Leshaun slowly began to learn to skate, and began to pick up hockey. The General’s daughter, who was 5 years older than Leshaun, was a figure skater herself and used teaching him how to skate as a way to bond with him. Leshaun eventually enrolled in hockey and quickly became quite good at it. As his skills developed on the ice, so to did his skills off the ice as he started to make friends in school and start to the General and his daughter as his own family.

5 years later

Five years later Leshaun would be entering his last year of highschool. Leshaun had grown a love for math, physics and law. He had finished growing and was an imposing six feet and six inches. His frame had filled out and even as an 18 year old when he stood next to his adoptive father, the general would seem like a small man.

Leshaun was the captain of his city’s rep hockey team and played for his highschool team. Leshaun had entertained some offers from the KHL and from Universities in the states. Leshaun was a late bloomer and was never selected in any of the CHL import drafts. When the time came for christmas break of grade 12 and Leshaun was inching closer to graduating he decided it was time to open up to his dad about one thing he had never mentioned to him before. His mother.

“I remember Leshaun coming home from school after christmas break was over. His sister was home from college and Leshaun walked pretty weird and nervous. So I asked him “Son, what’s the matter?” and he didn’t reply right away. He knows I’m not the kind of guy who likes to wait, so I asked him again “What is it? Is this about a girl?”.” The General laughed as he retold the story. “He tell’s me “Uhm.. Sort of”, and I stood up and barked at him “Leshaun King, I swear to God, if you got a girl pregnant you’re going to march over to her house this instant and get on one knee and make an honest women out of her, you hear me boy?” Leshaun looked shocked and he told me I don’t understand and that it was about a girl, but not in that way.”

Leshaun continued the story. “I remember saying something pretty awkward like “No no no, it’s about a girl but she’s not pregnant, she already had a baby, well no she didn’t have me, well she’s had other babies but not me baby, but she is my...” and I remember Jenny (my sister) looking a mix of confused and worried that the General was going to kill me. And so I took a deep breath and told them. I told them “I haven’t told you everything about my life and what I remember. Before I was in the pit I lived on an Island, Nauru, my mother also lived there and she may or may not have been very sick. I want to see her and see how she’s doing.”

“I gave the kid a hug and told me if he scared me like that again I’d shoot him” The General laughed. “So I did what any dad would do for his kid, I told him this christmas he’s going down there to see his mom, but he’s not going alone, than me and Jenny were coming with him.

“I remember on the way to the Island Leshaun was so scared, and for Leshaun to be scared is something, kid grew up in gang wars and spent his childhood get beat by other kids in a massive hole in the ground.” The General continued. “He was worried that maybe his mom had died, or that even worse, his mom was alive but wouldn’t recognize him anymore, or wouldn’t love him anymore. So I told him, I said “Look Leshaun, your child hood was pretty ****’ed up. And somehow, by the grace of God you didn’t turn into a total piece of ****. Now I’d like to think I had something to do with that, but I didn’t mean you till you were already 10 years old. Your mom raised you to be loving and kind while growing up in the most disgusting place on earth. If she could do that she must be one hell of a woman, and women like that don’t just stop loving their kids.”

Leshauns mother remembers “I use to sit and wash the village clothes, like I did every day, and would imagine Luke coming home to me, not a day older than when he left. It never got easier, not a single day was easier than the last going on not seeing my Luke. Then one day when sitting in the water I looked up and saw a man walking down towards me, and right away I knew that was my Luke.”

“I ran and grabbed him and hugged him, and I was ready to not let go. Then I let go for a second to smack him on the head for leaving, then hugged him again.”

“We both began to cry” Leshaun. continued “I don’t know why I didn’t come back sooner, but I’m just glad I did. The four of us, my mom, dad, Jenny and I sat and spent the rest of the day catching up, I told her all about the pit and life in The UK, and how much I missed her. The first time my mom called me Luke the General and Jenny looked at me like what the hell? Since when is your name Luke. *laughs* At the end of the night came the biggest surprise of my life.”

“I wasn’t sure if I should of asked Jenny or Leshaun first, but the last time I took a random stranger in to live with me it turned out okay” The General recounts “So right then and there I asked his mom to come live with us. Leshaun needs his mother, his mother needs him and I didn’t want to lose Leshaun yet. It took a bit of convincing but it seemed like everyone liked the idea. Plus doesn’t hurt to have a beautiful woman like her around the house.”

In the end Leshauns mother moved with him to The UK and they spent the rest of his grade 12 year together before Leshaun decided he was going to go to North America to play professional hockey. Leshaun’s life has taken him through a lot of highs and low, but every moment, every experience has turned him into the man he is today and prepared him for the SHL. His journey begins with the junior import draft coming up in a few months and know that he will need the same attitude of hard work and discipline that got him through the pit to get him into the SHL.

First Article : Words 6,080 x2

[Image: 7eETdF8.png]

Holy crap, that's a hell of an impressive first article. Cheers

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Norway  Norway  Norway  Norway  Norway  Norway  Norway 
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Coming for that 1st OA B)

[Image: 7eETdF8.png]

Best back story of a player I've read, A+ Cheers

[Image: Richter.jpg]

Wow, this was a book. Not an article... but a book.

Great job!

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