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PT 1 - Insider Knowledge

Congratulations, you just got drafted! As we prepare for the preseason, now is the time to get to know your brand new teammates. You might have heard of or met some of the veterans or other top prospects before, maybe read an interview or two, but being in a locker room with them is a whole different story.


Written Option:
Tell us about three things you've heard or seen in your new locker room that have surprised you. Must include 150 words. (If you can, ask your LR for help - what are their weird pre-game routines? Who has a rivalry or a bromance going on? Which weird alum is always hanging out in a corner for seemingly no reason? etc etc)

Graphics Option:
Create a graphic of your team's locker room. Must include a logo on the floor and a slogan somewhere on the wall.

4 TPE.

Only 42 SMJHL Rookies (43 SHL Rookies) are eligible for this PT.

Do NOT claim TPE for this task until a post has been made in the claim thread.

Saturday, July 14, 11:59 PM Eastern

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Player | Updates

Where to begin? Honestly, it's been absolutely fucked up in Anchorage from the moment I stepped foot in the city.

How about we start with the guy, whatever his name is. I think Geno Nostado. He greeted us all as we came in, and I thought it was going to be a perfectly fine meet and greet. You know the drill, get to know the guys, yada yada. But no. He comes up with a can of spray cheese, which already is disgusting in itself, and sprays it into his belly button. I am about to puke just recalling this. He says one of us is going to have to eat it out, and I am appalled at this point. I have a phobia of belly buttons (real btw), but it just brings mockery when I bring it up so I just shy away as that Eero Niemi guy volunteered. I think I'm going to like him.

So then, I mean what do we do. It's time for the tour. We walk through the locker room, get an idea of our surroundings. It seems perfectly fine, nothing going on. However, we passed a room that they just ignored. It has a sign on it that says "Form's Dogpound." I don't know what's behind that, so I can't exactly explain it. I don't want to know, though. At this point, I am terrified of opening that door and finding out what that means. From the sounds of it, it isn't good. I am, on the other hand, betting $200 to one of my teammates -- I'll probably target Eero, he's a good sport -- that they won't go in there with a blacklight and find out what's going on.

Finally, our tour is over. By this point, initiation should be done and we can get down to business. In a way, we do. Of course, everything is filled with ship puns, but I have no problem with that. I love ship puns, it's a great time. I always enjoyed Pirates, now we hunt them. The issue I found was in the sailor suits that were presented in our lockers. "Where's the jersey?" I questioned, foolishly. No, this is our attire for the meet the team rookie dinner. We're going out as sailors, looking straight out of fucking Popeye and for some reason they even gave us each a gun. I don't get this team, sometimes I miss what my brother used to tell me about Kelowna.

But then again, this is a team of strange personalities and strange people. I've already befriended Eero over the years, and am now getting to know Jonatan Bach. Really, once we got down to it ... I think I'm going to like it here.

Quote:Word Count: 456 .... 7 ... 8 Wink

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
[Image: DOF5tXM.png]
[Image: tjyuut.jpg] 
Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!


The locker room was almost empty when our huge draft class walked in. It couldn't be any different, we're twelve to have been drafted this year, and we'll probably all be on the starting line-up for the first game of the season, that's just how many people they traded to get all the picks to draft us all so high.

The general managers were both there, and very kind to us. Along with another guy who I'm still not sure what he does exactly, they answered avidly, almost greedily to all of our questions. There was also a veteran player, a forward who helped us through the process of getting settled into our new home.

Then, after we'd had our first group training, we had our first shower together. Mr. Faceoffs looked like a kid on Christmas as we were all undressing, and one of the Kovacs was very obviously able to hold on to his soap but yet chose not to. The weirdest part of the shower was definitely the co-GM lurking around and towel-whipping us on the butt as we were getting out.

193 words

I think this is going to be fun.

[Image: lespoils.gif]

Well first of all it's a thrill to be drafted to Montreal and an even bigger thrill to be drafted alongside Mason Hudson who's an old friend. Not many people know that Mason can get a little "handsy" but they quickly learn. As soon as he got into the new locker room he immediately volunteered for initiation hazing. I mean come on, who does that?

Anyway, JR seems to be hanging around looking for new kids to corrupt which I guess is always helpful. Sometimes you need to scare the kids straight by showing them a complete nightmare so they learn their lesson.

Now, I didn't know this but apparently the coach likes to tell the rookies how to play. I'm not sure who this guy thinks he is but if that's his attitude then this isn't going to work. I mean, have you seen me? I'm awesome. I went 13th in the draft for a reason and this guy suddenly thinks he's in charge of me. Someone's got a real ego problem and it ain't me.

177 words

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Riot Player Page Riot
Militia Update Page Militia

It was a very nice feeling to get drafted by the Whalers. when I got the discord to invite the second after I drafted I knew that I was in a good organization. Once I accepted the discord link I was greeted with a bunch of welcomes and friendly faces. I knew immediately that this will be a great LR environment. They told me to scroll up, and when I did, A follow Czech and someone in their LR said that they should draft me and while that person was typing that they were drafting me. So that was nice to see that they had me on their watch. In the LR there were posts of their Doggos and Cattos to see all the cute animal everyone has. So all the rookies post their pets that we have and everyone was having a good time.

Another great thing that happened when I entered is that the veteran was helping up with our builds and how we can improve. I will definitely ask around

173 words

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Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
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First I just wanted to say thanks to Detroit Falcons for taking a shot with me, it's a big honor to play for such a prestegious team.

When o firdt entered the locker room there was one thing that struck me, everyone is so freaking tall. Like one upper body taller then me, I'd expect to be the shortest one but oh my. 
Atleast my upper body is the widest. 
GM and co-GM welcomed us and had everyone talk with each other to get familiar. 
I think this is a pretty sweet group of skater that's going to be able to do really well. 
I got my spot right next to Dank Boija, it was nice seeing a familiar face in this locker room. 

After a while the tour of the facilities started and let me tell you, things are going to be good here. I've seen more gym equipment here then ever seen in all my life. 

I can already tell. This is the start of something big.



As I entered the locker room as an early Raptors pick, the first thing I noticed was that there were a lot of Alumni, but not very many current players on the roster. I thought this was odd at first but then as the huge draft went on I realized that this draft class was going to be making up much of this team. As more and more draftees poured in I realized that maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing sure we might have a season where we are behind everyone else, but surely next season we will have caught up. After all was said and done we had drafted basically 4 new lines of forwards, mostly wingers and nearly no Centers. This allowed me and some other members of the locker room to step up into a role we were initially not ready to do, but I have a good feeling that we will make the most of it. Look out SMJHL, the Raptors are going to be kicking it in a season.

(176 words)
(This post was last modified: 07-09-2018, 02:30 AM by Taxman100.)

With my first impressions of the locker room, I've come to Halifax to be greeted with warm and open arms.
The GM and the co-GM were probably the nicest and best part about coming here, along with being greeted by them, they've also given me a good amount of superficial help and advice towards improving myself and learning my role on the team.
After all that with GMs, I would meet all my teammates and slowly start to learn a few things about them, I also got to meet an old friend of mine... good ol' Crush Cile. I and he go back as 8th grade to HS pen pals, we shared an interest in hockey and would often talk other though games or online, so it was overall refreshing to see him here.

Pretty much so far, things are looking up and I'm happy to see what direction this team goes either good or bad, I'm very glad to be here in Halifax.

Before I can say anything about the locker room for the Montreal Militia, I have to say how thankful to them for giving me a chance to make my mark on the SMJHL, and eventually the SHL. I am honoured that they will take a chance on me, and I will prove to them they made the right decision on drafting me.

The locker room... it was welcoming. I felt as though I was in the right place when I walked through the doors. Now I am new to... I am new to Canada so I don't know about all the delicacies they have here, but I did have myself a plate of... err... I can't quite put my finger on it... pouting? I don't really know how it's pronounced, it was definitely french. Either way, it was just magnificent. I was having that meal when I was coming in, you know, I was very hungry. But as I walked in I got a look at the faces of the dressing room.

Everyone had already started intermingling so I had to set aside the french fries and the gravy and did some greeting of my own. There was a big man, he seemed... rough. I didn't get his name, in fact, I didn't really ask anyone their name. Either way there was the big man, and he was talking to someone else. He seemed like he could beat a lot of people up. I overheard some conversations, they talked about how much they want to focus on getting better, and I can really resonate with the idea of getting better. I talked to a few people, I don't know their names, again.

I had had my stomach grumbling for a little bit, and frankly, talking is cheap, and soggy french fries are expensive. I'd much rather eat then talk, basically. But I stuck it out, I had to be polite and converse with the team. I kept sticking it out until I saw a man on the other side of the dressing room unzip his pants, so I want back to get where I left my food, which is where I saw nothing. Someone in that dressing room had taken my food, and, while I want to say I was surprised, I expect nothing less from the French. I'll be on the look out for the French thief, and I'll be sure to get at least five dollars out of them to get me more food. What they did was simply unforgivable, and as such, they won't be forgiven for it... whoever it was.

[Image: JoseUyE.png]


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First of all, it is a huge honour to be selected by the Raiders 2nd OA. We have a great group and I'm excited to get going.

The first time we entered the locker room our GM's lead the way in and all of us were carrying our gear walking in together. Crush, the Kovac brothers, Pierre, Maximilan, FO , Thommy, Snipperri and Nathan. We came in and most of the stalls were empty. There was a huge turn over so I guess we all knew that was the case but was still a bit of a shock when you came in. Was nice though, felt like we had a chance to build our own Raiders culture.

With that said, one weird and noticeable thing was Archers obsession with chicken parm. I try to eat a clean diet, so breaded chicken covered in cheese isn't something I really eat. So coming in and see a chicken parm placed on each locker room stall with a note "Welcome to Halifax" was a bit odd. I researched to see if this is a Halifax thing? And nope. Archer said it has something to do with someone in Calgary, but I don't get it.

One ritual I'm bringing to the team is I just like to check in with each team mate before each game. Sometimes a simple hey, how's it going, you feeling good? Sometimes if they're on a hot streak or cold streak a little chat about that. Just things to keep the morale up, so my round of the locker room is a ritual I'll bring.

For weird alumni we have Shane and James. They want to hang in the corners, but our locker room is a circle so they're hard not to notice.

All in all, a great feel, a great group of guys, and we're exciting to get going!

310 words.

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(This post was last modified: 07-09-2018, 01:20 PM by SmokedSalmon.)

The Montreal Militias did reach when they drafted me at 20th overall. Not many people knew me going into the draft, and for that I'm grateful being picked so high as I was.
With that said the locker room is nothing like I've seen before. The vets are talking about stuff I don't even know about, but as I walked in the first time I was greeted by them all, I even got two hello's from the same guy!

As soon as the rookie dust had settled everyone was talking again. Inside jokes were swooshing by from the left, right and center! I couldn't keep up, but I'm getting the hang of it now! However, when I or any of the other rookies ask for help there's always someone there to answer our stupid questions.

I was surprised by how good their music taste was!

All in all a great first impression and I'm stoked to put on my gear and head out the ice in Montreal for the upcoming seasons!

(171 words)

Militia Towel 

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Upon getting drafted fortieth overall by my home town team, I felt ecstatic-- like I must have been dreaming. Alas, no. I woke up this morning a member of the Vancouver Whalers. I was jubilantly greeted by my team mates and General Manager. It was great to meet those I hadn't and excellent opportunity to chat in a more official capacity with those I had already had the privilege of speaking with.
If one thing was made clear, it is that this is definitely a team environment that prides themselves on inclusivity and WINNING. Both are very important to me as far as my priorities go .
I learned about the Whalers past successes and failures; we spoke of the future goals for the squad and where we want to be at the end of the year. I received (much appreciated) player build advice. But perhaps most importantly, I was able to meet my teammates cute doggos and cattos.

Hello. I was Drafted to Detroit Falcons in the 4th round as 26th!

Immidietly i got an PM with a discord link to the locker room. I knew the shit was real. Once i joined the discord i felt so much positivity floating through the air. Everyone who was online welcommed me in and i was very happy. As any new player we rookies of course asked about the rivals. One of the team Management said this "We are long lasting rivals with the scarecrows. We are more like blood enemies. Every single match we play against them is a real fight. No saying whose gonna win till the 60th minute hits." I got exicited. I wanted to play in this team. I knew, this was the right team for me. 
The veterans and management people are really helpful and willing to help anyone who needs help. If its with Goalie, Skater, your TPE, General Stuff or even IRL problems. They are there for you.

                                           Finland Update Page  Interview  Player Page  Wolfpack

                                           [Image: Snussu.gif]
                                                 Thanks to everyone made sigs to me!!!! (Gif made by myself)
(This post was last modified: 07-09-2018, 01:19 PM by ThatIrishFellow.)

First of all I want to thank the Scarecrows for drafting me. They were the first to reach out to me after creating my player, so I'm glad I get a chance to interact with them again. 
From the moment I entered the St. Louis locker room, I knew it was going to be a good time. 

The first thing I realized was that the majority of the team will be rookies this season. 
That's not a bad thing in my opinion, starting with a young group and building a core out from there is probably a good idea. 

The second thing I realized, was that there are a ton of alumni in the locker room hanging out. Throwing in little tidbits of advice here and there, passing down their knowledge to the newbies (myself included). It has been super helpful to have them there, answering questions when we have them. 

Lastly, I noticed that everyone seems to have a good sense of humour, and enjoy themselves. The banter has been constant, and there hasn't been a dull moment yet. 

Can't wait to see what the rest of the season brings!


Words: 191

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