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PT 2 - I Wanna Be Like You
(This post was last modified: 07-17-2018, 01:48 AM by ViN.)

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(This post was last modified: 07-16-2018, 05:19 PM by TMI.)

Growing up I didn't really watch hockey in terms of forming my game after any single person as I learned to craft my game after my own strengths, however, when I did get drafted I did look a bit into some players that were similar to me in style. When doing such a task though I found out quite quickly that my style of play isn't one that is really well represented, at least not in terms of players at the top level of the SHL. I don't know if that is a bad sight or not, but in any even the one player that I look to most model myself after would be Teddy Cuddles. Cuddles is another big strong player like myself and he excels on the offensive end. Teddy also did well enough to win the Aidan Richan Trophy in S40 so I feel like he is a great player to model myself after. He does have a much better grasp on passing and looks to pass a lot more than me, but I still think his game is one I want to try and emulate. I think where he lacks a bit is in the checking game. Right now I'm almost where he's at in terms of checking and I think I'll be a bit more of a physical player, so I think I can lean on his style a bit, but will still be doing a bit of my own. A perfect mix of both our games I feel would be deadly.
(This post was last modified: 07-16-2018, 06:17 PM by Beaty.)

Being an undersized player all his life, Carlo Russo knows what it's like to be told "you're too small", as does Winnipeg Jets forward and star sniper Pietra Volkova @Pris who has been proving people wrong her whole career. Both players are scoring wingers who excel at putting the biscuit in the basket, but they are both also very solid defensively. Both players also share the same three strengths, those being scoring, skating, and puck handling, as well as the same weakness in checking. Volkova has now had four straight 20+ goal season, with her best season being S38 for points where she had 55 points, and S40 for goals, where she had 26. If Russo wants to become the player that Volkova is, he will have to continue to work a lot on basically every aspect of his game because of how good of a player Volkova is. Some key areas though are scoring, skating, and puck handling, as these three skills are areas of the game that are essential to Volkova's success.  It is quite safe to say that if Russo is able to be the player that Volkova is, he will have had a very, very, successful career.

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Kristof Kovacs came into the league as a center who would rather blast pucks and score goals, than drive the play. However, he knew that he had to be more rounded to have success in his career. Unsure, of this play style he looked to players in the Major league, Matthew Auston of the Los Angeles Panthers being one that caught his attention. He is also a center classified as a Sniper and with being almost a PPG player last season, Auston is a great player for him to emulate.

Though they are very different in stature, Auston being taller and bigger, their play styles are very much the same. Both players have high octane scoring as a strength. Kristof currently being 78 as a junior and Auston sitting almost maxed out at 98. Clearly two players that have the scoring touch. However, Kristof’s passing ability being only 52 makes the gap from scoring and passing quite large hurting his and his line-mate's production. He knew that he had to start improving that aspect of his game , looking at  Auston, he currently has his maxed out at 90 , making the gap very reasonable.

Another comparable, are both choosing skating as a strength, something Kristof sees in Auston as one of his biggest assets. Even though he is a big body he is also very fast down the ice and able to allude  on coming checks. Kristof, being smaller, will definitely need to improve this so he can make his offensive zone entries quicker, hopefully taking the other team off guard.

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Roman Augustus of the Calgary Dragons is a mobile, shut down, shoot first offensive defenseman. Sound familiar? It should. When Craig Finley first stepped foot on the ice everyone knew he could score. Not just score, but score multiple ways. As an offensive minded deference its expected of you to be able to shut down opposing forwards and limit the opportunities they have to put the puck in the back of the net as well as having the ability to put the puck in the opposing teams nets.

When deference Craig Finley first joined the league he was asked if their was anyone who he molded his game around and one player stood out among others. Look at the comparisons. Shoot first mentality. Mobile defender. Ability to shut down opposing teams attackers with exceptional positioning all while being willing to lay their bodies down in the line of a slapper if need be. Both players are fearless and willing to put in the work on the ice as well as off the ice. Both players are always looking for that extra edge in the weight room as well as the film room.

You can say that Craig Finley is the mini-me to Roman Augustus. Literally. While Craig Finley stands at 6 foot 1 inch and weighs 210. Roman enters at a towering 6 foot 6 235 pounds. Only one thing stands in the young defensemans way that he doesn't have that Roman has tho. And that's the title of Cup Champion. Its not a matter of if Craig can gain that prestigious title but when he will gain that honor.

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Rage Usa raiders

If there's one player I would try to model my game after, I have to say it would be Otis B. Driftwood of the Calgary Dragons.  I mean what a gigantic human.  I could never literally fill his shoes (at 6'8", 325 he probably wears size 20 US) , but even with that intimidating frame, the man skates like butter, has silky smooth passing, and defends like a true warrior.  
For one, he is incredibly defensively responsible, like a good defenseman should be.  He's not afraid to get that body in the lane of passes, shots, bodies, or whatever is trying to get to his precious goaltender. If I could be half the defender (95) he is, I would call this a fulfilling career (mine is currently 74).  
A somewhat strong passer and skater already, I think I need to really elevate my puckhandling game (40).  Watching highlights of Otis toedragging defending forwards at the blue line is inspiring, and one would think that such a dangling defender (83) would be a high league scorer, but Otis is selfless almost to a fault.  If there's one thing I can say, it's that I could probably rack up a few more goals than Otis, but what does that matter when his defense and passing are so strong.  Anyway,  you could say he was my hero growing up, and if I were to ever make the dragons, I would feel honored to play alongside a great like Otis B. Driftwood.  (250 Words)

You look at Sulak O'Hritea, you see a genetic freak. You see a wrecking ball that demolishes the other teams. He can systematically tear down a team, grinding away at their foundation. The SHL and SMJHL has never seen the likes of him before, which speaks volumes to how dangerous he could be once he gets to the SHL. Think about it like this, you have a forward who likes to hit, fight, pass, play defense, skate, puck handle, ect. This kid basically does everything except shoot and take face-offs. You look me in the eyes and tell me that he is trying to model his game off someone who has already done it. Honestly, it's an insult that you'd suggest that he is trying to copy someone else instead of creating his own style, his own legacy. I mean if you wanted to compare him to someone, I guess Vasily Horvat is probably about what Sulak will look like when he finally hit's his peak. They both play the same type of game; hard, fast, and in your face. They both play the body hard, and play the body often. A bad shift for them is when they don't finish their checks.

Sven Holmberg

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Leshaun King is an up and coming two-way centre in the SMJHL, who one day will hopefully be bringing his two-way game to the SHL. When looking at two-way centres in the SHL none is better than Winnipeg Jets super star Jason Visser, so it goes with out saying that it is a huge compliment to Leshaun King to say that he one day could be a player like Jason Visser. When beginning the comparsion we first see that both are shoot first centres. Leshaun and Jason both have incredible wristers that are very dangerous when given time and space. Both players are also excellent two-way players, they have a weel rounded game and can be used in every situation, even strength, power play and penalty. Both are great skaters with excellent puckhandling skills. Visser is on the smaller side at 5'10 while King is more of a giant on skates. Despite the size difference both are not players who get very physical, checking is definitely a weakness of both of theres. Lastly, both are known for their leadership qualities, Jason Visser has been wearing the A in winnipeg for quite some time now and Leshaun in his first SMJHL season is already the captain of the Halifax Raiders. Visser still has a lot of gas left in the tank so we may have the privelege of watching the two centres square off one day.

237 Words

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Thomas Speardane's favorite hockey team historically has been the West Kendall Platoon, so it should come to no surprise that he named Sven Brokstad as the current SHL player he looks to emulate as he makes his debut on the SMJHL stage. Like Brokstad, Speardane is a two-way defenseman that is comfortably over six foot in length. Contributing to a team's offense while remaining defensively responsible is a hard balance for many players to strike, but when executed properly, there are few that can top their impact. Often referred to as "puck-moving defensemen" both Brokstad and Speardane are natural passers, making them valuable commodities in an increasingly agile game. Relying on their ability to handle the puck over using the body allows them to quickly adjust to ever-changing schemes. Just don't expect either one to engage too much in the physical checking game. 

Brokstad played a pivotal role in their recent cup run, boasting an impressive stat-line:

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"His play was insane" admired Speardane. "If I can contribute to a playoff run to that extent, I'd be very satisfied. Not too many people have the honor of lifting the Cup and Brokstad was a major contributor to that outcome." 

Thomas Speardane currently plays on the Halifax Raiders' top defensive pairing after enjoying a successful preseason there. Speardane left the preseason among the top ten rookies in points coming in this season. Taken in the seventh round (49th Overall), Speardane looks to make an argument that he should be considered an elite prospect and following the example of a champion like Sven Brokstad will only help his case. 

(266 words)

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Just outside downtown Detroit, in a studio apartment, is where we find ourselves. An old, beat up kitchen table with mismatched chairs and an overpowering smell of baby powder. I sit here across the table from SMJHL rookie, David Fantobens, winger for the Detroit Talons.

"The baby powder is to cover the smell of the Indian food downstairs, and the crazy amount of different perfumes my neighbors use to cover up said Indian food." He says before i could even ask. He seems anxious. Most kids do during an interview. They are not used to much scrutiny at this age.

How are you adjusting to your life in Detroit?

"it's different, that's for sure. It's loud, all the time. I spend most of my time at the rink or in the gym, but my nights are usually spent here," He points to a recliner. The only thing in the apartment that looks like it was not bought a flea market. "Playing games, or watching Netflix."

Detroit's front office said they selected you because of your shoot first mentality, are you always looking for a shot?

"i mean, yeah. goals win games."

What player, past or present do you model yourself after?

"I'm a big fan of (Dionyz) Vyskoc, on West Kendall. Just in your face offense. He is much better than i am, but it gives me smoething to work twards. I don't think i will ever be as good as him with the puck on my stick, but i can keep working at it, right?"


"Just a smooth skater, great passing, great vision, and a crazy good shot. It helps we are the same size.

Vyskoc is a player many draft scouts had high on their board when he was drafted. Do you think that you could be a high SHL draft pick? Or will you sink like a brick like you did in the SMJHL draft?

"My draft stock will rise if i put the work in. I will do the best I can. Probably not as well as Vyskoc though. Have you seen his hair?"


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Hello dis is Brady. Am SHLer.

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[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
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Watching from overseas, Vladislav Konstantin has always felt drawn to the play style of Conklin Owen from the Texas Renegades.

Despite being a left winger, Konstantin finds a lot of similarities between his and Owen's game. For one, they both have the exact same weakness/strength makeup, being strengths of skating, puck handling and scoring with a weakness being checking. Although Konstantin plays on the opposite side compared to Owens, he feels as though his style is something he can model his own after down the line. Conklin Owen has had the remarkable opportunity of being drafted to a team and spending the entirety of his career there, as he was drafted to Texas in S30 and although his career is far from over I highly doubt Texas is going to let him go until he eventually retires and will certainly have a banner be hung from the rafters. This is the type of career Konstantin wants for himself, as he does not want to be moved around his whole career and would much rather be settled in long term to wherever he is drafted to.

There might even be a chance that Konstantin plays on the same ice as Owen one day, and the prospect of that excites Vladislav to make it to the SHL very much.

artermis,Feb 2 2017, 04:11 PM Wrote:9gag pretty lit tho

07-17-2018, 11:06 AMJustice Wrote: Watching from overseas, Vladislav Konstantin has always felt drawn to the play style of Conklin Owen from the Texas Renegades.

Despite being a left winger, Konstantin finds a lot of similarities between his and Owen's game. For one, they both have the exact same weakness/strength makeup, being strengths of skating, puck handling and scoring with a weakness being checking. Although Konstantin plays on the opposite side compared to Owens, he feels as though his style is something he can model his own after down the line. Conklin Owen has had the remarkable opportunity of being drafted to a team and spending the entirety of his career there, as he was drafted to Texas in S30 and although his career is far from over I highly doubt Texas is going to let him go until he eventually retires and will certainly have a banner be hung from the rafters. This is the type of career Konstantin wants for himself, as he does not want to be moved around his whole career and would much rather be settled in long term to wherever he is drafted to.

There might even be a chance that Konstantin plays on the same ice as Owen one day, and the prospect of that excites Vladislav to make it to the SHL very much.

I endorse this very intelligent and very elegant post.

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