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(This post was last modified: 07-31-2018, 10:00 PM by Nictox.)

  [Image: StLouis.png]  ST. LOUIS SCARECROWS VS. KELOWNA KNIGHTS  [Image: Kelowna.png]
Scarecrows 2 - 4 Knights

Tonight we look at two teams on the opposite side of the Standings, St. Louis Scarecrows versus Kelowna Knights.
The Knights are coming into this game at the top of the standings looking to change their two game win streak to 3. St. Louis is looking to build off a 3-2 win over Halifax and finally get going this season.

Starting things off in the first period, we see the Crows score early at 1:11. Goal came from Goku Muerto after Jack Daniels' shot hit the post and bounced right to his stick. The rest of the period would see good hockey played by both teams. At 15:27, the Knights take a double minor for roughing when Knights' defenseman Darren McCarty decides to take 2 Scarecrows out after the whistle.
Kelowna's PK unit did alright for most of the time, but were unable to stop a shot from Jack Daniels at 18:29.
The period would end with St. Louis leading Kelowna 2-0.
Shots for the period are, 7 - 9 in favor of Kelowna.

Building off the momentum from the first, St Louis comes out strong taking a lot of shots early, but unable to beat Knights' goalie Kata Vilde. With another power play opportunity at 2:19, the Scarecrows are unable to convert and find themselves loses battles all around the ice. With 0:21 seconds after the power play, Kelowna answers. At 4:40, Cash Savage has his shot blocked by Lil Manius, but is able to recover the puck for a second chance which he buries behind Crows' tender Friedrich Schmidt. Deku Izuku is called for Slashing at 6:42 and Kolowna is once again down a man. St. Louis is still not able to get passed Vilde and the frustration starts to sink in. At 10:26 Daniel Karlsson gets called for hooking and St. Louis goes down a man for the first time tonight. Unable to score on Schmidt, Kelowna keeps the pressure up and ties the game up at 14:55, when Daddy Mack deflects Michael O'Dowd's shot. The Knights have tied the game up and the whole game has shifted.
The Period Ends with a tie at 2-2.
Shots for the Period are 13 - 10 favoring St. Louis

With the game tied at two a piece, both teams needed to play top notch hockey to beat the other. With Jack Dekens getting called for Holding at 0:24, the Crows get the early advantage. Unfortunately for the Crows, they are unsuccessful on their early man advantage. Fenton Uriel of Kelowna is able to scores at 2:25, 1 second after their PK ended. This really demoralized the St. Louis bench. Their PP unit could not control the puck and allowed this opportunity to blossom. Again, St. Louis would find themselves on the power play, eager to show they are not out of the game yet, when Xaiver Paquette is called for holding 3:37. They played on the heels throughout most of the time, but managed to let off 2 shots, both missing the net wide. Things start tilting when Goku Muerto is called for roughing at 7:45. Kelowna's O'Dowd wins the faceoff against Jack Daniels, getting the puck to winger Ryan Gardiner who slaps it right past Schmidt at 7:47, for a power play goal. St. Louis would now get another chance at 8:43 when Matej Elias is called for Slashing, but once again cannot beat Vilde. With half the third gone, St. Louis' team seems deflated but manage to keep Kelowna from adding to their lead. With two more penalties coming from Jack Daniels at 12:13 and Deku Izuku at 15:33, neither team would produce any more goals.
The Period would end with Kelowna winning 4-2.
Shots for the period are 3 - 5 favoring Kelowna.

Scarecrows Friedrich Schmidt, Saves 20/24 (0.833)
Knights Kata Vilde, Saves 21/23 (0.913)

3 Stars Of The Game
1 - Fenton Uriel Knights
2 - Daddy Mack Knights
     3 - Michael O'Dowd Knights

While St. Louis came out strong, Kelowna was able to hit their stride later in the game. Kelowna extends their winning streak to 3. The Knights were making the most of their chances and not letting the pressure from taking a lot of penalties affect them. St. Louis needs to work on their special teams, as they had 8 chances with the man advantage and only able to convert once. I look forward to the next match up between these teams to see if they can battle it out again.


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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

TSN Turning Point For our tsn turning point we take you to early in the second period. The Crows are up by two and are ready to pull off the upset against the first place Knights. Steven Moyer has the puck shoots, high and wide and Kevin Maddox picks up the loose pack is skating it back up the other way. The pass to Fenton, Fenton with it in the neutral zone... into the Crows zone, passes it over to Elias, Elias back to Maddox, Maddox to Uriel, Uriel to Savage, MY GOD the Knights have the puck on a string. Savage lets one rip and Lil Manius with the fearless blocked shot. Savage picks up the loose puck and he makes no mistake! 5 consecutive passes and the Knights get a huge momentum swinging goal to spring the come back.

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158 Words.

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In today's game the St. Louis Scarecrows visited the Kelowna Knights whom won the game 4-2 and a big player responsible for Kelownas victory also happens to be the Barstool Player of the Game. Fenton Uriel had a big part in today's game and it's not hard to see why. Fenton had the primary helper 4:40 into the second period to put the Knights up on the board as the Scarecrows had a 2-1 lead. Moving onto the 3rd period it didn't take long for Fenton to put the puck in the back of the neck as he did just that with 2:25 into the third period and it was a big goal as it was the game winning goal. A stat line of 1-1-2 isn't bad but what really stands out was his ability to win in the faceoff circle as he won 15/19 total faceoffs. A remarkable statistic for the Barstool Player of the Game.

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Rage Usa raiders

Week Three.  Game 40. St. Louis Scarecrows Scarecrows  versus Kelowna Knights Knights

First Star Analysis:  Fenton Uriel Knights

While the Scarecrows came out fast and hard in this one, Kelowna didn't seem too stressed about it.  They let the Crows tire themselves out and eventually scored 4 unanswered goals to easily win the game.

Fenton Uriel led the way for the Knights with 5 shots on net.  He scored one and assisted one securing himself the first star.

Cash Savage came out flying in the second and Uriel kept him pumped by giving him pass after pass until finally Savage managed to bury one behind the line.  It was the beginning of the comeback for Kelowna.  Uriel later scored a majestic goal after taking a straight edge pass from Michael Fischer who had been passed to by Daddy Mack. The contribution by Fenton definitely helped buck up the Knights leading to their victory.

Great job Fenton!

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In today's quick recap, we will be talking about Game #40 of the season.

St. Louis  Scarecrows  vs Kelowna  Knights
St. Louis looks to put some wins together after winning their last game, while Kelowna looks to add to their 2 game winning streak.

Key Moments
The Scarecrows key moment was at 18:29 of the first period where (on the powerplay) Jack Daniels scored giving his team a 2-0 lead. Kelowna would come back in a huge way and at 14:55 in the 2nd, Daddy Mack would score and tie 5 he game, the Knights would go on to score 2 times in the 3rd and win the game.

Top Star of the Game
Fenton Uriel is the Star of this one with a goal and assist for the Knights.

(Word Count: 130)
(This post was last modified: 08-01-2018, 04:21 PM by Radsin.)

Rookie Spotlight
This game was mostly ran by veterans, and due to that, and the distinct lack of rookies on the Knights roster, this will be my first Rookie Spotlight focused on a losing teams rookie. This will also be the second spotlight focused on a rookie who was taken in the top 5 overall, but I digress. Today we will be focusing on Goku Muerto Second Line Center for the Scarecrows, he got himself an early goal just over ONE MINUTE into the match up. Just a fluke right? You'd expect for Kelowna to answer right back, yeah? You'd be mistaken and, just before the end of the first period St.Louis would go on to score again. Now St.Louis, a team with 12 rookies if I counted correctly. They have a 2 unanswered goals going into the second period and their riding high, but it wasn't going to last long. Muerto himself never could get it going when it comes to face offs going 8/24, this was a running trend throughout the  St.Louis roster and it, really started to show. In the end the veteran experience beat out raw talent with the Knights racking up a total of four unanswered goals to close out the evening leaving the team full of young talent with a bitter taste in their mouths. Fact of the matter is the amount of potential Goku has in comparison to the rest of his draft class in almost unparalleled and, I believe he and the rest of the squad will bounce back from this loss like it was nothing.

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Muertos quick shot for an early lead

(Word Count 272)

Panthers  Militia   Militia   Panthers

Comment 1:
Jack Daniels Numbs the Pain, But Doesn't Solve St. Louis's Problems
The game imitated life this week as Jack Daniels gave some temporary hope and good feelings to the St. Louis faithful. St. Louis defied all odds ending the 1st period up 2-0 on the heavily favoured Kelowna Knights. This was in large part thanks to Jack Daniels himself assisting on Goku Muerto's first of the season while potting his own with a little more than a minute left in the first period. Gordie Maple also assisted on both goals, giving St. Louis fans the confidence that a bottle of maple flavoured whiskey would give most. In the end, it came back up as fast as it went down. Kelowna scored 4 unanswered to win the game, leaving St. Louis wondering why they drank in the first place.

Comment 2:
Michael O'Dowd leaves it all out on the ice for the Knights
Michael O'Dowd helped out his team a lot when they needed it in this game. He assisted on tying goal and the goal that put the Knights up by 2 in the third. More importantly than that, Dowd suited up for almost 8 minutes in penalty kill time. He won draw after draw, winning 27 of 40 he took (67.5%). He led all Knights forward with nearly 23 minutes played and he never took a second off tonight. O'Dowd's penalty killing saved this game from getting out of hand when they were down 2-0 early. While his best work won't show up on the scoreboard, his influence was a huge reason for the Kelowna Knight's victory tonight.

Comment 3:
Vilde Calms the Storm
A moment that may go overlooked by most took place in the first 30 seconds of the 2nd period. St. Louis is up 2-0, and Kelowna is ready to get back into the game. They quickly break into the Scarecrows zone only to turn over the puck. St. Louis quickly counter-attacks making crisp passes, eventually giving Falk a prime scoring chance that Vilde turns away. Crisis averted? Not yet. Kelowna wins the draw again. They quickly work it out of their end only to turn over the puck once more. The Scarecrows once again counter-attack and get another great chance on net that Vilde turns away. 4 minutes later, Kelowna scores their first of the game and would never look back. You have to wonder if they would have had the ability to climb out of a 3 goal deficit if Vilde had not been up to the task early in the second.

Scarecrows  Waiting in the wings  Knights

Week three in St Louis as the Knights charge into town. Following in our series of reviewing how the new boys and girls are getting along tonight we will be looking at the wingers attempting to set out their stall and make a push towards being drafted into the SHL.

Nicholas Williams (-1, 1 shot, 2 hits, 8:21)

Not a hugely eventful night for Williams grabbing only slightly more than 8 minutes of ice time which was comfortably the least of our rookies wingers on display. His performance wasn't much to write home about either, making barely more than 50% of his passes (6/11) and also twice having difficulty controlling the puck on his stick. He did make three interceptions to somewhat counterbalance his poor passing and he also used his body effectively. Overall all though needs to show more out there.

Nicky Pedersen Jr. (+1, 3 shots, 2 hits, 1/2 FO, 18:01, 7:30PP)

Good evenings work for Pedersen Jr. finishing a +1 and being a general nuisance in the offensive zone all night putting three shots on target. In general he was very tidy around the ice completing and impressive fifteen of seventeen passes as well as picking off a pass to set up an odd man rush. At times needs to get his head up as he was twice rocked by big hits that resulted in the puck being turned over but other than that a very positive game for Pedersen Jr.

Lil Manius (-2, 2 shots, 1 block, 22:59, 6:58PP, 2:24PK)

It was a mixed night for Lil Manius. Finishing a disappointing -2 he still managed to log more minutes than any of the other rookies wingers. Like Pedersen Jr. he got a significant amount of power play times while also contributing to the penalty kill. He had an below average passing game (13/23) and will need to work on his accuracy. He was more successful on the back foot making more interceptions than the other first season wingers with five and also blocked a shot which none of the others managed. 

Adam Taylor (-2, 2 shots, 0/1 FO, 14:50, 1:02PP)

Taylor had a fairly similar night to Lil Manius albeit with less ice time. His passing was more accurate finishing with 66% completion rate (18/27) and breaking up the opposition play four times. One time that Taylor needs to work on is his shooting accuracy, although he had two good shots he also missed the net entirely three times and miscontrolled the puck once on a rebound which could have led to a promising chance. Taylor needs to do more if he wants to earn himself a greater share of the ice time.

498 words.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

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What happens on the dot with Mr. Faceoffs

Faceoffs takes up a big role in today's hockey. Everytime you win a draw you get possession of the puck. The more your team have the puck, the more scoring chance you get and vice-versa. Which is why Centers take pride in winning them draws and why coaches love center men who do win them.

St. Louis Scarecrows: 39 wins on 96 faceoffs taken ( 40,6%)
Kelowna Knights: 57 wins on 96 faceoffs taken (59,4%)

Huge win in the dot for the Knights here. Amazing performance.

The winner and the loser for today's game:

Winner: Kelowna Knights' center Fenton Uriel with 15 wins on 19 faceoff taken (78,9%)
Loser: St. Louis Scarecrows ' center Goku Muerto with 8 wins on 24 faceoff taken (33,3%)

[Image: Faceoffs-sig1.gif]

Defensive Forward of the Game sponsored by Trojan Condoms

The Knights came out strong against the Scarecrows tonight and defeated them 4-2. One of the biggest reasons is Micheal O'dowd, the center for the knights. O'dowd was able to tally two assists on the night, but that's only half the story. Out of the 22 minutes hen played tonight, 7 minutes and 52 minutes were played on the penalty kill. Despite having 8 powerplay opportunities, St. Louis only scored on one of them, and O'dowd was a major factor in that. He was also able to dominate the dot; in a staggering 40 faceoffs, he was able to win 27 of them giving him almost a 75% winrate, O'dowd showed great offensive and defensive skill tonight.

Word count: 117

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The SMJHL Bust of the Game Award

What a game this was. Both sides played a hard fought 60 minutes, with Kelowna coming out on top 4-2. The biggest surprise of this game was our bust - Daniel Karlsson. As the captain for the Crows, the team needed more from Karlsson. He was lacking in almost every area of his game tonight, posting a -1, with no points, in 22 minutes of ice time. The biggest fault tonight, was the special teams - which had no help from Karlsson, who played 7 minutes. St. Louis is a young team and they need every bit out of their veterans to be successful. Unfortunately, Daniel couldn't provide that extra step tonight, and the team hurt as a result. There's no doubt that he is an elite (perhaps franchise) player for St. Louis - but he didn't show it tonight.     

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As suspected, the Kelowna Knights take down the St. Louis Scarecrows. While the score and the shot totals may not show it, Kelowna was largely held back by their discipline today. They took 8 penalties which was consistently taking their offence out of the game and putting them in a tough situation. The penalty kill performed very well, going 7 for 8 in man down situations. While only afforded 3 chances themself, they managed to make good on one of them. They were dominant in the faceoff circle winning close to 60% of all the faceoffs. to add insult to injury, not a single Scarecrow was chosen as one of the 3 stars of the game.

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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Goalie Grades-
Friedrich Schmidt (STL): 20 saves on 24 shots, .833 Save Percentage
1st period: 9 saves on 9 shots
2nd period: 8 saves on 10 shots
3rd period: 3 saves on 5 shots
Goalie grade: D

Kata Vilde (KEL): 21 saves on 23 shots, .913 Save Percentage
1st period: 5 saves on 7 shots
2nd period: 13 saves on 13 shots
3rd period: 3 saves on 3 shots
Goalie grade: A-

Goalie of the Game: Kata Vilde
After a shaky first period, Vilde completly outplayed Schmidt, facing an onslaught of shots from the Crows but keeping them off the scoresheet. His team found no difficulty scoring at the other end, and overall it was a fantastic performance by Vilde.

120 words

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UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

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Closer Than You Think

Game 40 between St. Louis and Kelowna was closer than the score appears. It was a back and forth affair but Kelowna got hot at just the right time. The Scarecrows struck first in the first two minutes as Goku Muerto scored his first of the season. Jack Daniels would close out the period with a power play goal late to give the Crows a 2-0 lead.

The Knights dusted themselves off and went to work. Cash Savage and Daddy Mack tied things up and Kelowna were back in it despite their terrible discipline. Eight penalties in all. They're lucky St. Louis could only capitalize once.

The Knights broke away early in the third thanks to goals from Uriel and Gardiner. This looked much more like last season's champions.

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Renegades  raiders  Finland
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