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PGS Game 63: Halifax Raiders vs St. Louis Scarecrows
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2018, 06:39 PM by ViN.)

 raiders 5 - 3 Scarecrows

Hello everyone! Welcome to our post game recap of the recent game between the Halifax Raiders and the St. Louis Scarecrows. The Raiders were on fire offensively tonight scoring five goals between two of the Scarecrows goaltenders. Both teams didn't have all that many shots on net only putting up 18 each, however the Raiders were able to make more of those shots count tonight.

First Period:

This game got started very quickly! Just 0:21 into the first period Nikolaj Boyle for the Scarecrows was able to break into the zone and beat Geezus Kryyst early to get his team up 1-0.

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Nikolaj Boyle 2 (Jack Daniels 4, Daniel Karlsson 4) at 0:21

Not too long after Boyle's goal, Snipperri Baardownen for the Raiders was able to tie the game up at 2:23 after an awful turnover by Daniel Karlsson in his own zone.

Second Period:

Following the end of the first period, the Raiders were able to continue building the momentum from their last goal from Baardownen. Just 3:50 into the second period, Kristof Kovacs was able to get another puck past Friedrich Schmidt after some pressure by the Raiders. Shortly after that, Vince Rieper is able to score an amazing goal off of the faceoff after a great faceoff win from Kristof at 5:48.

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Vince Rieper 4 (Kristof Kovacs 5) at 5:48

For about the next ten minutes it was pretty conservative by both teams, neither taking any penalties or trying anything fancy. That was until Tony Snow was able to get another past Kryyst off the faceoff at 14:44 to bring his team back into the game at 3-2. The momentum built by Snow's late goal however was diminished shortly after as Nicky Pedersen Jr. got caught for hooking and the Raiders would have their third powerplay chance of the night. Just twenty two seconds into the powerplay for the Raiders, Oliver Kovacs was able to break through and put the Raiders up 4-2 which would also ultimately be the game winner.

Third Period:

The Raiders didn't stop after the second period. Early into the third, Crush Cile was able to follow up on the already great night the Raiders were having and put one past Willis Vincent at 2:06 who came in to replace Friedrich Schmidt at the start of the third.

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Crush Cile 5 (Thomas Speardane 6, Quinn Cullen 9) at 2:06

Just one minute and eight seconds after the goal by Cile, Tony Snow came in for his second goal of the night at 3:14 to try and get his team back into the game. Ultimately Snow was unable to do this as this would be the final goal from either team.

The Raiders went on to win this game 5-3.

Three Stars of The Game:

3rd Star: Tony Snow  Scarecrows
2nd Star: Oliver Kovacs  raiders
1st Star: Kristof Kovacs  raiders

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(This post was last modified: 08-03-2018, 04:40 PM by I Am a Coupon.)

[Image: 8UXppdh3UUI3WPJZuPYaNRjVp5D3vInIh3KwC4FA...SiFZRTpwJb]Jonáš Seagull
C.H.E.W.  (Czechoslovakian Hockey Entertainment Worldwide)

Seagull here yet again ,with the post-game CHEW report! Today, my fellow Czech brothers and sisters, we are covering game 63 of the SMJHL season with the Halifax Raider vs St.Louis Scarecrows. Meeting for the 3rd time at this point of the season both teams with a win another this would be a tie breaker. The game was close with 5-3 to the Raiders, a very high octane game!

Today we are going to be looking at one of the Czechoslovakian nationals, Kristof Kovacs! He is one of the pair of brothers who were drafted this year by Halifax. Kristof had a great game record 1 goal and 1 assists winning 13/17 faceoffs. This season Kristof has been doing decent for a rookie, not breaking any records but a very serviceable 2nd line centre. It looks like this season he will be in the shadow of his brother Oliver in terms of points but Kristof after a dull start to the season has steadily been improving. He may not have the natural talent of his brother but he is a player that will put his nose to the grindstone to get those results.

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(This post was last modified: 08-04-2018, 08:31 PM by Acsolap.)

raiders  Rookie defenseman spotlight: Pierre Laroche-Durocher  raiders

G:0 A:1 P:1 +/-:-1 PIM:2 S:1 SB:0 H:2 TOI:19:27

Pierre Laroche-Durocher has been one of the stand out rookies of the season so far. Despite picking up another assist to take his total to six he had a below par night by his high standards. He was often picked off while looking to move to the puck, particularly by Kiko Rytmeyr, completing less than 50% of his passes (20/41). He also iced the puck three times which was more than any other player on the ice. He did make 20 interceptions which somewhat alleviated his poor passing but overall he will be hoping to iron out the kinks in his game and make sure that Halifax make a concerted push for the play off spots.

176 words

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

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Deke of the week.

Every week skilled players weave their magic in an effort to bamboozle opposition and fans alike. We check out all the dekes from around the league, weigh them up and then bring you the best. This weeks top deke belongs to Tony Snow of the Saint Louis Scarecrows. Midway through the third period Snow robbed Thomas Speardane in the neutral zone, laid the puck off to Kiko Rytmeyr and got on his bike. Rytmeyr saw Snow break free and duly completed the give and go. Snow bore down on Geezus Kryyst, faked the wrister before stick handling between his legs to score on the five hole. Simply incredible and worth of our deke of the week! 

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141 words.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

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Tonight's: Was it really just a 2-min?
We look into a knee at the wrong place

[Image: tumblr_m4gmnzdUrT1ql5bibo1_500.gif]

Kiko Rytmeyr sure out did himself with this knee right here.
Knees are sharp and hard, that's why it's popular to use in martial arts. It's hits hard and cuts deep.

When playing a fast game like ice hockey there isn't much that separates a 
Slow skate to the bench and long lasting injury is small. 

This could have ended the carer of the receiver. It should have been a major and game atleast. 

What are your thoughts?
Tweet your opinion and add #SHLhockey and #2-min



The SMJHL Bust of the Game Award

St. Louis is not having the greatest season, but their veterans seem to be taking a lot of the blame, given the majority of the team was drafted this season. Perhaps the pressure is getting to our Bust of the Game - Nicholas Falk. Falk is usually at the top of the stat sheet, has good special team numbers on the season, and is able to create magic out of nothing. Unfortunately, it looks like he used his last magic bean, because tonight was anything but magical. As a corner stone of this team, Falk needs to step up down this home stretch to help his team squeak into the playoffs. He only posted 1 hit and 1 block tonight, while going -1 and eating up some penalty kill time. The positive from this performance was his defensive prowess and discipline on the penalty kill. It's too bad the offensive side was lacking or else the score sheet might be completely different.

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Punching Bag Of The Game
Mr. Faceoffs

Mr. Faceoffs makes his third appearance on this list this season, however, he is the first player to solo repeat as a winner this season. It looks like he can thank Nicky Pedersen Jr. for that distinction. Nicky took it to him all night, hitting him three out of the four times he was hit during tonight’s game. Clearly something got under Pedersen’s skin, either tonight or the last time they played. Rumors have been circling the waters surrounding these two who, historically, are good friends in the off season. Either way, it would be great to see these two faceoff in the playoffs, though both teams are going to need some help getting there.


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Goalie Grades-
Geezus Kryyst (HAL): 15 saves on 18 shots, .833 Save Percentage
1st period: 7 saves on 8 shots
2nd period: 7 saves on 8 shots
3rd period: 1 save on 2 shots
Goalie grade: D-

Friedrich Schmidt (STL): 10 saves on 14 shots, .714 Save Percentage
1st period: 4 saves on 5 shots
2nd period: 6 saves on 9 shots
Goalie grade: F
GOALIE CHANGE!!! Willis Vincent: 3 saves on 4 shots, .750 Save Percentage
2nd period: 1 save on 1 shot
3rd period: 2 saves on 3 shots
Goalie grade: N/A (relief goalie)

Goalie of the Game: Geezus Kryyst
This was another rough game for goaltenders, but Kryyst played better than either St. Louis goalie, and secured the win for his team. Not much left to say.

131 words

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UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

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Clutch Play of the Game

Geezus Kryyst was on top of his game, standing on his head, whatever metaphor you prefer--he was brilliant.  Late in the second period, he secured the game with a series of clutch saves.  With 40 seconds on the clock, rookie forward Goku Muerto pulls up in the zone and lets a shot loose.  He misses wide, but Kryyst tracks the puck around the boards.  Milo Momoka picks up the loose puck and throws it at the net with a spinning shot, but Kryyst stuffs him with a lunging glove save.  Faceoff starts in the zone and Muerto wins it back to Tony Snow, who immediately releases a huge one-timer, but Kryyst slides in and deflects the shot off the knob of his stick!  With three big saves in less than 10 seconds of game time, Geezus Kryyst secures the period for his team and sends the Scarecrows back to the drawing board after blanking at the end of the period.



SSPN Key Player

It has to be Tony Snow, right?  A rare day in which a player on the losing team wins our Key Player honor, Tony Snow near singlehandedly kept the Scarecrows in this game.  With two goals on six shots, Snow's two goals make his forward line the only three St. Louis players with a positive plus-minus.  Add to that 2:30 of penalty kill time, and you can see Snow's impact on both sides of the ice.  Snow comes away from the game with first-star honors, and he has to take some solace in his individual performance--he did everything he could to keep a team backstopped by the struggling Friedrich Schmidt in the game as long as possible.



A Book by its Cover - Key Stat of the Game

The penalty box is powerful and enigmatic.  Some find zen in there.  Others say it's where you go and feel shame.  In this game, it was the judge, jury, and executioner.  St. Louis fought through four penalties to the Raiders' one, and that has to be a deciding factor in this game.  Teams can't mount a traditional offense while they're a skater down, especially when they're a skater down for nearly 15% of the game.  Halifax took advantage with a power play goal and a suffocating offense for the other three power plays.  If you're a coach in St. Louis this week, you have to be thinking about how to work your special teams and prevent these situations in the future.  And if you're a Scarecrows player, you've gotta be afraid of that little glass cubicle.



"Alright ladies and gentleman, I'm Devin Haydar and welcome to the AT&T post-game show for this game between the Halifax Raiders and the St. Louis Scarecrows. Alongside me is Kevin Weekes and boy Kevin, as a former NHL goaltender, mus your heart be bleeding tonight."

"That's right Devin, tonight was a really tough game for our goalies and that includes all three of them who got to hit the ice tonight. If you look at a games shot totals and see an 18-18, you wouldn't expect the game to end 5-3 but that's exactly what happened here. Geezus Kryst's 83,3% save percentage would be seen as terrible in most other games, but in this game it still makes him the best goalie because his counterparts on the Scarecrows had an even worse day. I can only hope for these guys that they'll be able to put this game behind them soon and bounce back with some strong performances because if there is one thing that can shatter a goalies entire career within weeks, it's the loss of confidence in your own abilities."

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
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Blues' Goon of the Game

Earning Goon of the Game honours for the first time tonight is Nicky Pedersen Jr. of the St. Louis Scarecrows. The elder Pedersen, who played in the S20s and S30s, was salso known the throw the bod around quite a bit and it looks like he’s been giving lessons to little Nicky. This was a hell of a game form the young Pedersen, with an assist, a plus one rating, four solidly earned penalty minutes, and NINE BIG HITS. If this kid can get out there every night and put up that kind of line in the box score, he’s gonna be an SHL star one day.

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Pivonka's Pick

While everyone is focused on the Raiders vs the Scarecrows, there's only one matchup to really watch and that's Leshaun King versus expectations. The future first overall pick in the SHL Entry Draft, King went largely unnoticed this game. No points, no PIMS, even rating...he did manage a shot and a hit but in 17 minutes you would expect better from such a star player. This is where the expectation and pressure comes into play. Now maybe its just the jitters of being in the spotlight but maybe its his true form shining through. What if King is the more bust than all-star? Leshaun went 9/24 in the faceoff circle and that's not going to be enough for the scouts in attendance. So is this a bad game from a rookie or a sign that the boy wonder is not worth the hype?

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