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League Personal Conduct Change / Slash Suspension

wait is my sig bad now


Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

09-14-2018, 10:09 PMbluesfan55 Wrote: wait is my sig bad now

Yes u must delete all of it

Not to be a total hack and shill, but I will definitely be arguing the case further on tonight’s Big Slappy Hour if anyone is interested.

Ok, so I’m shameless, sue me.

[Image: nQDbTbM.png]

[Image: hA5o4UG.png]

@Slappydoodle absolutely understand your concerns and the same was expressed by a few individuals I did speak with prior to all of this being posted. In a sense, the rule governing Discord is merely in place as a means to tell users that as a league we won’t accept one user offending another on there. Before the rule, in the terrible threads over the past few days people continued to claim that the SHL has no reach in supporting its users, should they feel attacked in various ways. The rule is merely stated to tell those who feel it necessary to be disgusting to others that we do have reach and will in fact support those who feel attacked in ways that are not acceptable. We aren’t asking teams to let us in the locker room on Discord as the only way we find out is something being reported. I don’t feel protecting members is overreaching when the offense will be brought to us.
(This post was last modified: 09-14-2018, 10:21 PM by DeletedAtUserRequest.)

the one thing to take note of if discord is now in play is the fact that discord is communication in real time.. people type the thoughts of there mind and its way easier to say something in joke or in anger that you take back after thinking it through. this could lead to allot of baiting or allot of infractions from those that said something in the moment and then regretted it after.

[Image: OnGNB1G.gif]

[Image: cgv4vCv.png]|[Image: 95lCCDx.png]|[Image: KgwtJeY.png]

This rule needs some revision. I'm sorry, but 'gay' isn't a slur. Treating it as such only reinforces the negativity that this rule seems to be trying to undo.

[Image: hqBRlWW.png]
Berserkers Blizzard Usa

Fuck we are going to get suspended.

[Image: bonk.gif]
Sigs by @FlappyGiraffe,  @Steelhead77,  @ToeDragon84, @slothfacekilla, @Wasty and other dude I need to find your name

Lil' Manius

Big Manius

what about people who use the term ***** for a cigarette

Also how long untill the SHL bans words like "DLC" and "white man"

09-14-2018, 11:09 PMWhite Cornerback Wrote: what about people who use the term ***** for a cigarette

Someone gets it.

Although if you say "I'm smoking a . . "

Someone can really take that the wrong way

09-14-2018, 11:21 PMClint Eastwood Wrote:
09-14-2018, 11:09 PMWhite Cornerback Wrote: what about people who use the term ***** for a cigarette

Someone gets it.

Although if you say "I'm smoking a . . "

Someone can really take that the wrong way

To be fair I could've also went with the fact that the term "*****" is often used the same as idiot/eejit here in Ireland and especially so up north. I'll be honest in saying I don't have a horse in this race and HO could've made a rule stating the sky is blue and 50% of the people here would argue that the sky is green and pink.

09-14-2018, 08:53 PMSleepy Wrote:
09-14-2018, 08:02 PMWaters Wrote: I'm ???


Well then. I guess that settles who gets the payout for my recruitment.

[Image: L3tGU51.png]

09-14-2018, 06:36 PMBzerkap Wrote:
09-14-2018, 05:57 PMSnussu Wrote:
09-14-2018, 04:49 PMBzerkap Wrote: I like turtles
Me too

I don’t understand your name.....but I understand



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                                           [Image: Snussu.gif]
                                                 Thanks to everyone made sigs to me!!!! (Gif made by myself)

09-14-2018, 04:29 PMThatDamnWalrus Wrote: HO are a massive bundle of sticks

Jesus, you're an idiot.

[Image: Marius_buffalo.png]

08-24-2018, 01:08 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Ah yes, the veteran meme player. A surefire bet for maybe 400 TPE Tongue
05-23-2020, 02:25 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Scoop AINEC
[Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif]

[Image: Poppity.png]
^^^^^ Thank you JSSSSS
[Image: Poopity_Scoop_1.png]
^^^^Credits to Snussu^^^^

[Image: Scoop.png]

09-14-2018, 09:42 PMThatDamnMcJesus Wrote:
09-14-2018, 09:37 PMWally Wrote:
09-14-2018, 09:32 PMThatDamnMcJesus Wrote:
09-14-2018, 09:08 PMWally Wrote:
09-14-2018, 08:53 PMSlappydoodle Wrote: I would like to preface my comments by saying for the record, I am not someone that courts trouble on this site or any other. I do not tend to use inappropriate language on the boards and rarely, if ever, get into fights or even disagreements around here. I am virtually certain none of this will ever effect me directly. This is about principle and fairness.

While I don’t have an issue with much of this, the above three aspects are troubling.

People are going to have disagreements on the site. They will say mean and hurtful things to one another, on occasion. Who’s to say what constitutes baiting or drawing in. People are responsible for their own words and actions. To blame one party for another’s use of a banned word is nonsensical. Allow people to be responsible for their own actions and not hide behind claims of provocation and inducements.

This second bit is truly outrageous and dictatorial. You are granting yourself the power to retroactively add words to the banned list and punish people for using them before a ruling is ever issued on their acceptability!? This should not be surprising from the same HO that punished c for doing something you felt should be illegal even though it clearly was not. The ex-post facto precedent was set then and apparently is thriving under this regime. It is frankly disturbing and ridiculous that anyone feels they can just change rules after the fact and punish indiscriminately whatever behavior they feel like.

The Discord thing is also egregious. How far does this power extend. If I e-mail someone privately, does the league have the power to punish me for what I wrote? If I meet someone in real life and call them hateful names, can I be banned for this? If I PM someone on Discord in a private conversation, you feel you have the right to punish me? What if it is on discord but completely unrelated to the SHL, like a wrestling or gaming area, or whatever else? How far does your reach extend?

I understand the HO is trying to sanitize the league and create a safe space here. I am not trying to cast doubt as to your motivations. However, I find it deeply disturbing how easily this HO slips into abuses of power and despotic tendencies. The answer always seems to be making up new rules to justify the results you want and then applying them to past behavior. It is keeping in step with the recent decision to take over the GM hiring process. Freedom in the SHL has been dying a slow and painful death for years now. You can not justify anything at all by merely claiming it is in the service of a kinder, gentler SHL.

I think my thought process can be summed up in what I recently sent @“wumaduce” :
We don’t have an age restriction and with that being the case we merely educate those that may never be on a path of bigotry and hatefulness that it is okay.

In saying that Discord is a public domain and is representative of the league as a whole hence it being an extension of the SHL.  We use team names, logos, player names... all of it league related.

As for the retroactive... go to the SHL discord. There is already a handful of people trying to think of terminology that still tries to find a loophole of what you can and cannot say. If you can’t stop yourself from being an asshat then you will face the scrutiny of facing a penalty retro actively. Why does one need to be a bigot to offend someone? We both know damn well we’re arent going to punish someone for calling them an asshole... or a fuck nugget. In 2018, we shouldn’t need to have this... it is common sense. I know many that do this stupid shit know exactly what they are doing. They will always push the envelope. Why? Who knows.

I think they are just pointing the hole through the rule and are unhappy with how badly worded the rule is.

But why? In fear of being suspended for being a bigot? Just don’t be one and there will be nothing to worry about.

no They are just wanting to know to what extend is this rule. Is posting rap videos going to be an issue or is having someone with the last name gay going to be issues. I know the intent of the rule is not to use slurs at all or what if there are two black guys calling each other the n word would they get banned too? You need to be more literal when you are making rules or people are going to question them. Just like the Marius Rule where again the intent of the rule is that you need to include you capped tpe in every post but why doesn't it clearly say that in the rule?

Holy shit this is a dumb argument. Brb gonna post a rap video to test this stupid ass strawman theory people who want to use homophobic/racist slurs are making.

[Image: Marius_buffalo.png]

08-24-2018, 01:08 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Ah yes, the veteran meme player. A surefire bet for maybe 400 TPE Tongue
05-23-2020, 02:25 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Scoop AINEC
[Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif]

[Image: Poppity.png]
^^^^^ Thank you JSSSSS
[Image: Poopity_Scoop_1.png]
^^^^Credits to Snussu^^^^

[Image: Scoop.png]

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