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S43 PT #3
(This post was last modified: 09-23-2018, 06:42 AM by RomanesEuntDomus.)

A wide shot of lush green hills with a few small villages sprinkled in between. The sun is shining brightly in the blue sky, blessing us with some lens-flares even, as the camera zooms in into a row of grapes - we are in a vineyard, apparently.

Cut to a group of happy and attractive people of all ages, sitting on the back of a trailer behind a tractor that slowly moves through the vineyard. They are laughing, talking, smiling, sitting around an improvised wooden table. The sunlight reflects in their glasses and the almost golden wine in it.

The camera zooms out again and we see the tractor moving through the vineyard as it approaches a small tower by a hillside. By the tower, a lone person is waiting, watching the river that flows below.

Another cut and the camera is right behind the driver now as he approaches the figure. The person turns around.

Cut, we are now behind the figure who is wearing a Colorado Raptors jersey with the number #17 and the name Winter on it.

The camera makes one final cut that let's us see the persons face. Unsurprisingly, it's young hockey player Philipp Winter who has a big smile on his face as the tractor comes to a halt and some of the people on it jump of the trailer to great him enthusiastically. After a few seconds of hugs and smiles, Winter gets passed a glass of wine and they get on the trailer together. Everyone is having fun.

Everyone exchanges toasts and laughs as the tractor starts moving again. Only now do we see that two people, sitting right next to each other, had remained on the trailer this whole time. Philipp Winter looks up and sees them. It's his father Nicolas and grandfather David, both sitting their with a cheeky smile and greeting him with a knowing nod.

The tractor rides into the sunset.

Voiceover and caption: Rheinhessenwein - In der Welt zuhause.

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

[Image: winter-500.png]

Quote:Written Task: Write the script for your commercial. It can be for a car dealership, snack, whatever. Task must include the description and/or name of at least one product. Must be at least 150 words.

*view of a peaceful village covered in snow*

*vivaldi's four seasons (winter) starts playing*

*Rafe Ulrich is spotted walking around in his shirt and shorts*

Line Rafe: *make sound as if cold* wow it sure is cold here

Line Commericial male voice: Sounds like you could use a Jasper Clayton patented winter jacket!

* Jasper Clayton patented winter jacket drops from the sky next to Rafe Ulrich*

Line Rafe: Oh wow let's see how this feels.

*Rafe puts on jacket*

*Camara zooms in on rafe's face*

*wavy lines appear, indicating a dream sequence*

*Scene changes to a cosy cottage, fire place roaring, a clearly hot cup of coffee on an end table, Rafe is back in his shorts and shirt, laid back in a rest chair, clearly enjoying the warmth*

Line rafe: This feels amazing, it's almost like I'm not even outside in the cold.

*scene changes back to snowy village*

*Rafe is just standing around, clearly daydreaming about the cosy cottage*

Line commercial man voice: *cough* you alright?

*Rafe snaps back to reality*

Line Rafe: I've never felt better.

*Rafe runs off into the sunset*

*jingle starts playing*

~ Jasper Clayton Patented winter jackeeeet ~

[Image: 43436_s.gif]
Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

You know, it's an odd thing. I thought I was coming in for a simple commercial shoot, and I guess that was correct. However, instead of being for a specific product, it was an advertisement for the local news?

Imagine my surprise coming in and being asked to stand with news anchor Dick Bleu for a quick spot. I was told to bring my jersey and a stick and puck, so of course I followed through. The news anchor would not stop asking me about my dad and my brother, though. He asked to wear the jersey, it was awkward. I will say, I am definitely declining the next time Anchorage sets up a television spot for me.

So they line us up on these taped down X's next to each other and shine these bright, stupid lights right in our face. I honestly should've worn my sunglasses. They count down and it's my queue to go. All my line is -- "I'm Jax Aittokallio, and you're watching WTTQ Fox!"

They then said there was a second one they're going to run. They have us line up again and have us do a 30-second spot that literally felt like an hour. The anchor listed off all the "awards" they've "won," which I'm pretty sure were mostly made up like the "News Station of the Year in the City of Anchorage who has a Male lead anchor and Features Other Reporters 2011." I can't really say that it's not real, but it's oddly specific.

I do a quick speech on saying you should be tuning in to WTTQ Fox to see all of your sporting highlights, and while your at it to hold in for the weather. They gave a little laugh about the improvisation, and said it would definitely be in the commercial. They then finally took the anchor away (thank god), and had me line up with my stick in different poses for them to film as b-roll for the first part. It was relatively quick. We finished up, I was told I could finally go. Before I went, I did grab that cute reporters number. But that's a story for another day.

(Also, if I could say, hated this PT when it was first posted. Still not a fan.)

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
[Image: DOF5tXM.png]
[Image: tjyuut.jpg] 
Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!


Hi, I'm Shooter McGavin, winger for the Calgary Dragons.

Do you get bored during the long off-season, watching Calgary beat your team and steal your Cup? Well I've got the solution for you!

Introducing the new Happy Shooter Hybrid. No, it's not a car, but it will help your driving skills (insert close up of corny winky face here).

This club is unique and first of its kind, inspired by Happy Gilmore's club and style of golf, but with an even closer relationship to hockey. You hold the club just like a hockey stick and tee-off like a slapshot to an empty net. The velocity of your shot helps propel your ball further, while helping you maintain your hockey form.

In addition to the driver, you will also receive a set of clubs called Wristers. These clubs help you with your wrist shot, as you use them for chip shots, approach shots, and even putts!

These clubs are a must buy for hockey enthusiasts looking to improve their game during the off-season and take their skills to next level. These are also great for those new to either sport and just looking to get started.

As a bonus, if you call now you will receive a second set of clubs for free, signed by me!!! Additionally, you will also get my training tutorial on blu-ray, which is great for beginners and veterans, and heck, I'll even sign that too! Finally, you will receive footage of the first 9 holes of the open tournament, and see my great skills in action, as I build up a four stroke lead on Happy. Unfortunately, the footage of the last 9 holes has been lost in a fire accident (insert huge smirk here).

Call Now!!!


[Image: JKortesi81.gif]

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(This post was last modified: 09-23-2018, 11:37 AM by Bobby Watson.)

“Announcer” When you’re hungry and you’re about to face a mountain of opposition, try the new scorpion power bar, made with more than 10% scorpions and real apples. Those bars will give you the energy you need to dominate “insert physical activity or sport”. They are good for you and healthy. Ask Bobby Watson, a hockey player with only one kidney.

“Bobby”: Yeah, they are good. I always eat one before a match. They help a lot with my energy level and my bowel problems, the fiber in them help me hold a whole 20 minutes, a whole period before I get the call of nature.

“Announcer” Don’t wait, go get some scorpion bars. They’re a only available at Costco in a 120 bar box format, so you can save more !!! Become the champion you always wanted to be.

**note : bar uses scorpion proteins but not real scorpion. If you find a real scorpion, please go see your medical professional.

Castillo over here

[Image: 4sN9yMR.png]


Hi, CFJ here promoting you the new Best of the SHL moments DVD and Blu-Ray set with a 3 disc collection of your favourite SHL Shield moments in a Jets uniform as well as when CFJ was in MAN and the events leading up to the reunited of the SHL Shield in the off-season. There will be also a video tribute in the 3rd disc showcasing the best career moments of the Lunatic Fringe Luke Fleming up until his final game with the Jets in the playoff cause the Calgary Dragons. This collection will also be posted on streaming sites such as Hulu, Netflix and Amazon Prime on a week by week basis if you are already subscribed to those streaming services and aren't willing to buy the disc set to binge watch the entire disc set. The first two discs will be the best moments, sound bites from the lockerooms and interviews from the players, while the 3rd disc will be the Luke Fleming tribute and past and present Jets teammates of Luke Fleming reflecting the moments they had with Luke Fleming.

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[Image: CFJ1.gif]

Thanks to prettyburn, TML, Carpy, JNH, Jepox, Engi, Karey, Flappy, Skolpadder, Mook, DollarAndADream, Smirnov and Toe for the sigs.

Crossfit's First Career SHL Goal, 4. Manhattan Rage , Crossfit Jesus 1 (Pedro Sarantez, Nucky Toohoots) at 5:51

Devitt's First Career SHL Goal, 5. Calgary Dragons , Prince Devitt 1 (Barry Batsbak 21, Mike Izzy 14) at 10:43


Chevrolet Camaro Dealer in Hamilton: What car do you think has the most reliability?

Actor: Obviously the Honda Civic, isn't that what everyone says?

Actor: I'm personally a big fan of the Nissan Versa.

Actor: I love my Camry, personally. It's just a great car.

CCD: Well, let's bring out a somewhat expert on reliability.

Actor: Is that Vijay Singh?

Actor: It is!

VS: As the most reliable player on the Hamilton Steelhawks, I'm not flashy. I don't score a lot of goals, I don't get a lot of points. But you can count on me to get the team over the hump. And that's exactly what I look for with my Chevrolet Camaro. It's versatile, it's reliable, you know what you're getting no matter the day, no matter the night, it's the me of cars.

CCD: The Chevrolet Camaro, the official car of Vijanupatan Singh, out now. Get your 2018 Camaro today!

[Image: ili5NZ2.png]

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Hello there, it's me, Harvey Danger of the Texas Renegades.

Is life getting you down? Feeling sad and low, pushed to the brink and don't know where to go from here? Well look no further!

Introducing Danger Candles! It is a large bucket of wax with a few wicks on top and it smells like all your favourite...smells! There's coconut! Wildberry! Marshmallow! Human hair! The smells of your childhood will bring you out of that depression that you've found yourself in, because who doesn't love a good whiff?

Now, as you may have guessed, Danger Candles do not actually cure depression and we have had complaints about the candles getting out of control and lighting full homes on fire. So please be careful!

Danger Candles! Call now! 1-800-555-0924! Limited quantities last! Just kidding, we have loads left. Please buy the candles! Texas doesn't pay me much.

150 words

Hey kids! Do you like enjoy a pipin' hot burger fresh off the grill like me? Well I implore you to come on down to Jack's Bar and Grill! Open daily, sports games on all TV's, it is THE go to place to enjoy the game with the family!

Here at Jack's Bar and Grill, we make our signature sauce in house that'll leave your mouth watering for your next bite! And for the grown ups in the house, we keep all your favorite local crafts and domestics on tap so you can enjoy a fresh, ice cold pint while you watch your favorite Renegade snipe a goal! On a vegan diet? Then I gotta point you in the direction of our vegan pizzas! With numerous gluten free options, you'll find a perfect, inclusive experience great for everyone here at Jack's Bar and Grill.

artermis,Feb 2 2017, 04:11 PM Wrote:9gag pretty lit tho

You must be wondering?

How do i become a true person from Texas who likes hockey?

Well now you can with the brand new Texas Renegades cowboy hat, you can walk across the street to be true Texan and Renegades fan. The Texas Renegades cowboy hats comes in different colors to find get what fits you! We are so confident in our product, we will give your money back in the first week of your purchase, but we'll doubt you came back as these hats are just too darn good. So what are standing around for, get these cowboy hats today.

Hold on just a second, if you are the first 100 people to buy a Texas Renegades cowboy hat at your local clothing store, you'll have a chance to get your signed by a Texas Renegades player, it can either be star rookie Daniel Karlsson or even by Thè Dude. So get in there as fast as you can.
~160 Words

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Bojo Box (C. Knouse)


So today on the RiotCast, we have a special sponsor. Ever feel like you were lacking in the bedroom? Like, you couldn't grind it out. You couldn't keep up with the physicality, the roughness of it? You are out of stamina 30 seconds into your shift, so to say. You're sitting on the bench, breathing heavily, trying to figure out how you're going to get through the rest of the night. Well our friends at Viagra have partnered with the RiotCast to help you stay in the game for longer, which in turn will improve your point production. That's right, you'll get more time on the PP. You'll be able to stay in the game for longer, without having to worry about soreness later. You'll be able to score five-hole all night, and those back door chances will increase. Stay in the game longer with RiotCast, using offer code "RiotCast" to get 50% on your next order of Viagra.

Sven Holmberg

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