So let's look at the whole escort/blocked alpha situation again, as logically as possible...
First of all, how sure are we that the escort actually blocked the alpha? Are there other things that could have led to this, aside from the Wolves not getting a message to Durden in time or choosing not to kill? There are other ways how no one dies during a night (like the Knight being targeted), but then the post by Durden would have been worded differently I assume. So are there any other ways that we might be missing? I don't see one right now so the Escort theory is the one I'm going with.
And if we are reasonably sure that the escort found the Alpha, now the big questions obviously becomes whether we want him to reveal himself?
My first instinct would be no, because:
- The Wolves can't target him and would have to get quite lucky to kill him
- Even if he dies, there still is a medium that can talk to him and which could reveal the Alpha to us
- The Escort can cancel every second night killing while alive
- If the Escort feels that he is close to being eaten or lynched, he can still reveal his role later to try and save himself
Then again, there are some arguments for the yes side as well:
- We know the Alpha and can kill him right away, so one wolf down early on
- The wolves might try to kill the escort if he reveals himself but there are other roles in the game that can protect him so it's possible that he could stay alive another round or two
Feel free to add to this list, but for me it's tilted to the "don't reveal" side at the moment.
Sleepy out here makin moves. The reason I voted Luke earlier was because I thought it would be funny to see the reaction it got, Im now realising it makes no fucking sense lmao.
also @"luketd" I cant get the SMJHL GM role to work for me and IM FURIOUS :(
01-08-2019, 08:09 PMGood_Ole_Kimmy Wrote: Sleepy out here makin moves. The reason I voted Luke earlier was because I thought it would be funny to see the reaction it got, Im now realising it makes no fucking sense lmao.
also @"luketd" I cant get the SMJHL GM role to work for me and IM FURIOUS :(
01-08-2019, 08:09 PMBadWolf Wrote: Could be a knight
Theoretically yes, but I think the way Durden does these games is that he likes to use a bit of flavor and "roleplaying" in his announcements. So if it was the Knight who was being targeted then the wolves wouldn't have turned around before they got to the door, but there would have been some sort of fight where the Knight was injured or his armor destroyed. We probably would've even learned who the Knight was that way.
01-08-2019, 08:06 PMRomanesEuntDomus Wrote: So let's look at the whole escort/blocked alpha situation again, as logically as possible...
First of all, how sure are we that the escort actually blocked the alpha? Are there other things that could have led to this, aside from the Wolves not getting a message to Durden in time or choosing not to kill? There are other ways how no one dies during a night (like the Knight being targeted), but then the post by Durden would have been worded differently I assume. So are there any other ways that we might be missing? I don't see one right now so the Escort theory is the one I'm going with.
And if we are reasonably sure that the escort found the Alpha, now the big questions obviously becomes whether we want him to reveal himself?
My first instinct would be no, because:
- The Wolves can't target him and would have to get quite lucky to kill him
- Even if he dies, there still is a medium that can talk to him and which could reveal the Alpha to us
- The Escort can cancel every second night killing while alive
- If the Escort feels that he is close to being eaten or lynched, he can still reveal his role later to try and save himself
Then again, there are some arguments for the yes side as well:
- We know the Alpha and can kill him right away, so one wolf down early on
- The wolves might try to kill the escort if he reveals himself but there are other roles in the game that can protect him so it's possible that he could stay alive another round or two
Feel free to add to this list, but for me it's tilted to the "don't reveal" side at the moment.
Killing the alpha just creates a new unknown alpha. Right now we have the high ground on the wolves since, hypothetically, we can focus on eliminating suspect people while they can only strike every other day
Credit to Copenhagen, Wasty, FlappyGiraffe, InciteHysteria, and caltroit_red_flames
01-08-2019, 08:06 PMRomanesEuntDomus Wrote: So let's look at the whole escort/blocked alpha situation again, as logically as possible...
First of all, how sure are we that the escort actually blocked the alpha? Are there other things that could have led to this, aside from the Wolves not getting a message to Durden in time or choosing not to kill? There are other ways how no one dies during a night (like the Knight being targeted), but then the post by Durden would have been worded differently I assume. So are there any other ways that we might be missing? I don't see one right now so the Escort theory is the one I'm going with.
And if we are reasonably sure that the escort found the Alpha, now the big questions obviously becomes whether we want him to reveal himself?
My first instinct would be no, because:
- The Wolves can't target him and would have to get quite lucky to kill him
- Even if he dies, there still is a medium that can talk to him and which could reveal the Alpha to us
- The Escort can cancel every second night killing while alive
- If the Escort feels that he is close to being eaten or lynched, he can still reveal his role later to try and save himself
Then again, there are some arguments for the yes side as well:
- We know the Alpha and can kill him right away, so one wolf down early on
- The wolves might try to kill the escort if he reveals himself but there are other roles in the game that can protect him so it's possible that he could stay alive another round or two
Feel free to add to this list, but for me it's tilted to the "don't reveal" side at the moment.
Killing the alpha just creates a new unknown alpha. Right now we have the high ground on the wolves since, hypothetically, we can focus on eliminating suspect people while they can only strike every other day
I don't know how the medium works tbh. Can they reveal anything or just what Durden wants to put in his message to us? I feel that Durden will leave patchy messages that we have to decipher so that was why I suggested that we may want them to reveal their info.
01-08-2019, 08:17 PMDangles13 Wrote: Knowing who the alpha is allows us to ignore their messages as well as seeing what they said prior to being found out.
It's not that simple tho. It exposes one our best assets to the ww's and as soon as they kill the doctor, it's game over for the escort. Keeping them in the dark for as long as we can until other roles can work their magic and start to narrow down the group is, imo, our best strat
Credit to Copenhagen, Wasty, FlappyGiraffe, InciteHysteria, and caltroit_red_flames