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Raiders Host First LGBTQ2+ Pride Night

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Raiders Host First LGBTQ2+ Pride Night
Montgomery and Slothface Open Up About Queer Representation
Biased News with Bilbo Jr.

Here at Biased News with Bilbo Jr. (BNB Jr.), we try to bring you the greatest and latest developments in most things important to bilbo in the SMJHL. BNB Jr. is a for-profit news organization dedicated to getting that sweet, sweet TPE.

Note: This article is backdated to Game 171 because I’m great and was very prepared.

The Halifax Raiders still have enough games left in season 46 to be named a true contender for the playoffs, but with 11 losses in a row, it hasn’t been looking good. The team is having flashbacks to last season, Troy Reynolds is back to his old tricks in the Halifax Gazette, and even captain Dom Montgomery who is usually calm and collected in the locker room has been, up until today, looking quite uneasy. However, the Raiders found themselves at the top of the league earlier this season, and there’s no reason they can’t get it back. With fourteen games lost in a row at the start of last season, the Raiders have a lot to be happy about with that not being the case this season and so do their fans. Not only are the Raiders making changes for the better on the ice with the last two wins, but they have made some great moves off the ice as well.

In an effort to be more inclusive, the Raiders named game 171 against the Detroit Falcons as their first official LGBTQ2+* Pride Night. All season long, the Raiders will be having different pride nights to highlight the diverse backgrounds of those in the Halifax community and of hockey lovers in general. For this game in particular, the Raiders sent the message that regardless of one’s sexual orientation or gender identity, you are free to be yourself. For hockey players, the message is simple: “If you can play, you can play.

Someone on the Raiders who was very excited about the Raiders first LGBTQ2+ Pride Night and has been involved with the queer community since he was young is Dom Montgomery. As someone raised by two mothers, Montgomery has been vocal about his acceptance of the LGBTQ2+ community even before getting drafted to the SMJHL. His mother Karin is from Boston, Massachusetts, and grew up cheering for the New England Wolfpack. His mother Tina was born in Cambridge, United Kingdom, and was a hockey player herself, but it wasn’t until she went to study in Boston that she found a love for both Karin Montgomery and the Wolfpack.

With his mothers’ love for the Wolfpack, Montgomery was able to see not just a lot of queer representation in his personal life growing up but also in the SHL thanks to the league’s support of the LGBTQ2+ community.

Before the game, Montgomery explained, “I was lucky enough to grow up with Nathan Russell, captain of the Wolfpack and Boston’s hometown hero, marrying Dieter Dominique by the time I was skating pretty well on the ice as a young kid, same with Mikke Laukkanen and Mikael Talo. Not to mention, Mainio Mäkinen identifies as queer, my hero growing up was Mia Landvik and she’s bi, so I guess it worked out that I happened to cheer for the most outwardly queer team in the league, at least through season 45.”

Whether or not the Wolfpack currently have anyone on their roster who identifies as part of the queer community, the accepting culture left by the players of the past remains intact.

When asked what it meant to him to see queer representation in the SHL now that he’s a prospect, Montgomery paused for a moment, nodding at someone behind the cameras in the locker room. With a few players looking back, we cannot say for certain who the nod was for. “I actually forgot that it meant something extra to me until I started questioning my own sexuality. To know that you can be yourself in the SHL and the SMJHL makes it a lot easier to just focus on the hockey and being a good teammate, and to see the Raiders make an effort like tonight makes me even more proud to be a part of this organization.”

Montgomery went on to state that he identifies as bisexual, and when playfully asked if he would ever consider dating a teammate, Montgomery quickly said, “Anyone from the Raiders? Absolutely not.”

Troy Reynolds was caught off camera saying he was “absolutely livid” about something. We are not sure if he was upset about Montgomery’s comment about never wanting to date a fellow Raider (Sophia would probably be hurt by Troy if this were the case) or if he was reading something from SMJHL media. It was probably about the latter.

While the Raiders finished getting ready in the locker room for pre-game warm-up, there were a few new colors in the room thanks to the Raiders using rainbow Pride Tape.

When asked about the Pride Tape, the fiery yet lovable Troy Reynolds ( @sharksisback ) had this to say: “"Listen, I like the Pride Tape. First of all, one color on the blade of my stick isn't complex enough for me. And second of all, everybody should be able to play and I like to think that's an overwhelming opinion in the SMJHL. Anyone, regardless of their preferences, should be able to play. The only exception is if they play in Detroit. Then they're dead to me.” Since the Raiders were playing the Detroit Falcons this night, BNB Jr. editors asked us to take that part out of his quote, but as a die-hard Raiders fan, we would like to clarify that Reynolds doesn’t discriminate when it comes to his hatred of the Falcons, they are all hated equally.

We quickly let Reynolds finish doing his thing and found a friendly face in permanently frowny face Perry Morgan ( @Flareon4043 ). When asked what he thought about the night, Morgan said, "I'm not a member of the LGBTQ2+ community myself but representation is real important, I'm glad the higher ups at the Raiders are taking notice and supporting a good cause."

It seemed like everyone we spoke to in the locker room was feeling this way about the night, and the feeling of relief was evident on Jimmy Slothface ( @slothfacekilla ) when we spoke to him.

"It's honestly a big thrill and an honor to be a part of the first Halifax Pride Night,” Slothface said. “One of the things that makes hockey a great game is that it truly is indeed for everyone, and events like this show that everybody is welcome in our community. Hopefully this event helps anybody that feels like an outsider or feels alone to see that we have a supportive community in Halifax that loves everybody for who they are. As someone who has dealt with feelings like this, the confusion and apprehension can really build up inside ourselves if we don't let it out, and these events are a great way to show everyone they are not alone. Hopefully we do this every year so we can continue to celebrate a part of our community that makes us so unique and strong."

Slothface became momentarily distracted when his Roomba’s babysitter called to let him know that Rupert the Roomba had indeed been fed dinner with no issue, but he went on to say, “Growing up, I never spent much time thinking about dating or relationships as I was always pretty driven to focus on hockey. I never felt normal in high school around my peers, and I largely focused on sports as a way to not have to deal with reality. Once I moved to Halifax, I found I had a lot more free time on my hands and I felt like I needed to address the feelings I had stuffed away years ago. Without the help of Dom and Perry, I don't think I would have been able to be honest with the media, but I also think our pride night is the perfect time to be honest with myself as well. I'm bisexual and I hope I can use this platform I've been given to show that this doesn't change a thing about who I am, and hopefully I can help teach others to love themselves as well."

It took every member of the media in the locker room a few moments to consider what they had just heard. Jimmy Slothface is actually capable of deep reflection, not to mention complete sentences. You’ve heard it here first.

Before the Raiders went out to pre-game warm-up, Montgomery made a point to come over and fist bump Slothface—maybe because they both just came out to the SMJHL media as bisexual or maybe because that is part of their game ritual—and with that, the Raiders were hoping for a win.

Unfortunately for the team, this was a home game, and they are terrible at home. However, some highlights from the game:
-Jimmy Slothface opened scoring in the first period with an assist by Dominic Montgomery and Matt Kholin.
-The Raiders tied it up coming out of the second period with goals by Joseph Laraque and Gaspard Boone, Montgomery and Andrej Doskocil assisting on both.
-Troy Reynolds opened scoring in the third with help from Doskocil and Kholin.
-Perry Morgan once again received no points, but at least he hit some people.
-Mike McKorsy did his best with 17 hard saves, but the at-home curse was too strong for his magic.
-Doskocil and Montgomery were first and third stars of the game respectively.

Even after the loss, Montgomery still seemed in high spirits, knowing that the team didn’t give up. He said the usual hockey responses to how to prepare for next game, but then with the last question of the night, we asked Montgomery what his advice would be to SMJHL and SHL players who are still struggling with their identity.

“It’s obviously not the only thing about you, and we’re lucky enough to be living in a time where you no longer have to choose between living authentically and playing the best sport in the world. It doesn’t always seem like that though. League support is important, but it doesn’t mean support is everywhere. If you can’t find support from your family, reach out to your teammates, your friends, or your community. Don’t stop until you find that support, because you deserve it. And just because guys like me and Jimmy publicly came out tonight, it doesn’t mean you need to rush to do it. There is no correct way to come out. Live your truth in whichever way is safest for you to do, but just know you’re not alone. I used to not believe people when they said it, but it’s true.” In true Raider fashion, Montgomery ended his talk with the media with a “let’s good.”

And there you have it folks, a wrap on the Raiders’ first ever LGBTQ2+ Pride Night. Stay tuned for next week when our bread department rates players in the SMJHL.

*For those unaware of the LGBTQ2+ acronym that is largely used in Canada, it stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and two spirit. The plus sign is used as a way to recognize that there are more identities and experiences inside of the LGBTQ2 acronym as well as outside of it. If you just got confused by any of those terms, you can learn more about many sexual orientations and gender identities here, an easy visual of gender here, and two spirit people here.

Just a couple extra resources that I don’t need to get word count for since they’re basically quotes:

Pride Tape (mentioning again for the weirdos who play more than just simulation hockey): “Show your support for teammates, coaches and fans in the LGBTQ community by wrapping your stick with Pride Tape.”

U.S. 24-hour, toll free confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQ youth (Unfortunately I don’t know any non-U.S. resources that I can personally recommend, but if someone does, please comment below or message me!): “The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning youth.”

Educational resource: For more than 25 years, GLSEN has been the leading national education organization for LGBTQ+ youth. Their “mission is to create safe and affirming schools for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.”

If you would like more resources or information, message me on here or PM me on Discord (bilbo#3423). Thanks to the Raiders for being great and to those who weren’t lazy enough to give quotes. You the real MVPs.

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sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
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Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

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. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

This... This actually made me like Halifax a little...

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 [Image: OgNASDg.png] |  | [Image: JvdaXOj.png]
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03-20-2019, 02:07 PMSecondSucks22 Wrote: This... This actually made me like Halifax a little...

[Image: PdV3mWkm.gif]

I told Troy to be nice to u until Friday but idk if it'll stick.

[Image: 56791_s.gif]

sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

03-20-2019, 02:11 PMbilbo Wrote:
03-20-2019, 02:07 PMSecondSucks22 Wrote: This... This actually made me like Halifax a little...

[Image: PdV3mWkm.gif]

I told Troy to be nice to u until Friday but idk if it'll stick.

Aren't you the sweetest

[Image: xVW1vec.png]

 [Image: OgNASDg.png] |  | [Image: JvdaXOj.png]
[Image: lUeg4KM.png]

03-20-2019, 02:12 PMSecondSucks22 Wrote: Aren't you the sweetest

[Image: AcceptableDeficientHochstettersfrog-small.gif]

[Image: 56791_s.gif]

sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

03-20-2019, 02:07 PMSecondSucks22 Wrote: This... This actually made me like Halifax a little...

This made me like you a little

[Image: hw6Eojc.png]

[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

At least when I forgot to make a statement to the media, I made one on the ice. Thanks, brain, you failed me once again with remembering stuff ._.

Manhattan Rage | General Manager
[Image: LSZLcjq.png]
thanks Sulovilen for the sig!
D | Manhattan Rage | Czechia

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[Image: x17WALp.png]||[Image: uNh8ZtE.png]
[Image: luff.png][Image: luff2.png][Image: luff.png]
(This post was last modified: 03-20-2019, 04:18 PM by BDonini.)

Sacha Selman sliding into Montgomery and Slothface's Twitter DMs after this article like
[Image: x1cz0o.jpg]

[Image: selm.gif]
[Image: sig.gif]



03-20-2019, 04:18 PMBDonini Wrote: Sacha Selman sliding into Montgomery and Slothface's Twitter DMs after this article like
[Image: x1cz0o.jpg]

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: hw6Eojc.png]

[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

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