Create Account

Contract Deposits
(This post was last modified: 04-26-2019, 07:30 PM by Tomen.)

@DannyMethane Adam Taylor $2,000,000
@im mr barbie Barbie Tanner $500,000
@Allen Bernard Freeman $3,000,000
@ckroyal92 Cory Knouse $5,000,000
@DonutDefender Derrick Glover $4,000,000
@Evan_Cordes19Evan Cordes $500,000
@Leafs4ever Hercules Rockefeller $5,000,000
@bluesfan55 Joseph Lombardi $6,000,000
@Clark91 Logan Crosby $500,000
@cpetrella Teddy Cuddles $5,000,000
@tommysalami Tony Pepperoni $3,000,000
@Mack Willy Mack $3,000,000
@caltroit_red_flames Brady McIntyre $3,000,000
@Whikadoodle Chippy Chiclets $3,000,000
@Keygan Connor Tanner $3,000,000
@jRuutu Ensio Kalju $4,000,000
@ErM Tor Tuck $5,000,000
@Unicorn Viktor Valentine $1,000,000
@britishcanuck99 Mark Stewart $500,000
@Muford Tommy Tuck $5,000,000
@PeanutButter Borůvka Banananák $3,000,000
@linsangeles Cant Eykhil $2,000,000
@"james truong" James Truong $2,000,000
@Julio Tokolosh Julio Tokolosh $3,000,000
@karlssens Karlstraße Scholz $1,000,000
@CampinKiller Marc Hagan $2,000,000
@ItssYoBoiDaLegend Savoli Tankovic $3,000,000


[Image: LB6bY06.gif] [Image: tanner.png]
(This post was last modified: 04-26-2019, 08:29 PM by Tomen.)

Kolja Seppanen - $2,000,000 - @ntuttle
Kevin Kazarian - $4,000,000 - @Harry Hans
Cash Savage - $3,000,000 - @Cash savage
Flacko Lagerfield - $3,000,000 - @JSS
Lillie Jacobs - $1,000,000 - @Benson
Boris Denisovich - $5,000,000 - @Deng
Xavier Cross - $500,000 -@i'mbeingforced
Samuel McVay - $500,000 - @Dickbutt19
David Fantobens - $4,000,000 - @Fantobens
Cameron Carter II - $7,000,000 - @Boomcheck
Shoyu Kikkoman - $3,000,000 - @Soy
Maui - $3,000,000 - @UncleLeosKomrade
Blaine McElroy - $2,000,000 - @D-man05
Michael Owens - $500,000 - @thoroth
Benjamin Bleu - $3,500,000 - @BoucherFan12
Lunga Gumba - $1,000,000 - @Pingy Pingu
Matt Kholin - $3,000,000 - @Kalakar
Nolan Sawchuk - $2,000,000 - @Jepox
Olivier Cloutier - $3,000,000 - @Jenny
Jøln DuBølk - $3,000,000 - @MCP_
Kristaps Ball - $3,500,000 (500k retained from NEW) - @jcfbey01
Van Morrison - $500,000 - @3nko
Joseph Gagnier - $500,000 - @mcjosd
Matthew Guzman - $500,000 - @GodM18
Akashi SixNine - $3,500,000 - @FourFour
Gunnar Söderberg - $3,000,000 - @sköldpaddor
Miikka Salo - $3,500,000 - @mcgriddleluver
Austin Roenick - $3,500,000 - @XLeafer
Espen Knutsen Jr. - $1,000,000 - @Randominoe
Cullen Gray - $3,000,000 - @Gray

Barracuda Barracuda Barracuda


[Image: 3.png]

(This post was last modified: 04-29-2019, 11:58 AM by prettyburn.)

@39alaska39 - Alex Winters - $3,500,000
@Inf1d3l - Barret McCarthy - $3,300,000
@hats_4_days - Craig Finley - $3,250,000
@hewasajazzman - David Kastrba - $2,500,000
@Loco - Dwayne Wyder - $2,000,000
@Angels_Otani - Eri Arai - $500,000
@Dawegg - Friedrich Schmidt - $1,000,000
@Esso2264 - Jakub Novak - $3,000,000
@monkey10pts - James Dekens - $3,000,000
@JayWhy - Jax Aittokallio - $3,000,000
@"luketd" - Luke Thomason - $4,000,000
@BadWolf - Mika Mayfield - $2,000,000
@GoonerBear - Reginald MacIntyre - $4,000,000
@Yurt6 - Reginald Rove - $7,000,000
@bamba1jl - Ryan Mason - $500,000
@Jala - Sachimo Zoidberg Jr. - $1,000,000
@Tylar - Sami Owens - $4,000,000
@Kmarko - Scottey Crawfling - $4,500,000
@MyLittleHexx - Sulak O'Hritea - $5,000,000
@GeckoeyGecko - Tokek Takshak - $2,000,000
@to12143 - Yannick Berger - $3,000,000

@Citizen of Adraa - Andrej Doskocil - $3,000,000
@ImShiny - David Vent - $3,000,000
@Tomasnz - Peter Larson - $3,000,000
@ontanis - Tauras Karazijas - $1,500,000


An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
[Image: DOF5tXM.png]
[Image: tjyuut.jpg] 
Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!

(This post was last modified: 04-29-2019, 12:22 PM by prettyburn.)

Crossfit Jesus - 4M @CFJ
Dayymo Ralchankinov - 5M @damienj10
Dani Forsberg - 7M @Insayne
Florence Clijsters - 5M @enigmatic
Steve McGirthensons - 500k @Chody716
Mirio Togata - 500k @TwinTailedOtaku
Shaquille Desrisaka - 5M @Kevin Juice Bieksa
Trevor Wilson - 3M @twils
Gabriel Wong - 4M @Wongy
Yuri Starkonov - 3M @no goals all assists
Alex Light - 4M @Zoone16

Ethan Ross - 500k @JR95
Karsten Kardinger - 3M @Allegiant
Sven Brokstad 4M 59% retained = 2M @Bzerkap
Nat Emerson 3M @Thelastheraclid
Ludwig Koch Schröder - 5M @Rabidsponge21
Rex Kirkby - 5M @Acsolap
Ted Glass - 500k @Theo667

Beaujeaux Biscuit - 4M @.bojo
Willis Vincent 500k  @RainDelay

Gaspard Boone - 3M @Im_A_Boonana
Petr Mikulak - 3.5M @efiug
Aleksandr Scherbak - 2.5M @jjaybs
Taisei-Tiikeri Wawazat - 3M @Wawazat
Tony Ford - 1M @Fordyford

(This post was last modified: 04-29-2019, 12:35 PM by prettyburn.)

Xander Green - $3,000,000 @"Green"
Herb Robert - $5,000,000 @r1c3bowl22
Cam Ouelette - $3,000,000 @Camo
Jack Daniels - $2,000,000 @TheNextGreatOne
Dick Clapper - $2,000,000 @5ympathies
Mattias Enqvist - $3,000,000 @Reynolds
Rafe Ulrich - $5,500,000 @Raven
Thomas Reynolds - $500,000 @tpreynolds
Artemi Berezin - $4,000,000 @drodger91
Hugh Manatee - $500,000 @hughmanatee
Max Hansen - $500,000 @mbhansen
Manuel Gotze - $6,000,000 @Mavfatha
Maximilian Egger - $3,750,000 @Moosecop
Tigole Bitties - $5,000,000 @Ace
Guy Zheng - $3,000,000 @goldenglutes
Jacob Géza - $2,000,000 @Meursault
Jimmy Cahill - $1,000,000 @Jlysohir
Perry Morgan - $2,000,000 @"Flareon4043"
Johannes Leitner - $3,000,000 @"AndrewWarren13"
Ben Holtby - $2,000,000 @Ben
Gordie Boomhover - $2,000,000 @gordieboom
Joseph Laraque  - $2,000,000 @blix900
Slap McShotty - $2,000,000 @bbjygm
Boris “The Beast” Poroshenko - $1,500,000 @The__Y-man__100
Eko van Otter - $1,500,000 @"bwrabbitt"
Przemysław Brzeszczyczkiewicz - $2,000,000 @Lunatyck
Zach Laliberté - $2,000,000 - @soyna87


[Image: vb2mTMZ.jpeg]
[Image: 1n0REYx.png]

RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother
(This post was last modified: 04-29-2019, 12:53 PM by prettyburn.)

CaptainCrazy - Gvidas Kazlauskas - $5M
chetib - Tibuk Soonika - $5M
CookieMonster - Helmuts Akmenlauks - $5M
Count Chocula - Mikkel Haugen - $2M
Cyanide - Svatoslav Bodnar - $2M
emBARK - Kire Yelkrab - $3M
Jaymay - Jay Bae - $3M
JNH - Martijn Westbroek - $500K
Jogurtaa - Eva Lykke Aparjode - $1M
joslaker- Joe Ackroyd - $2.5M
JRed94 - Jack Kennedy - $5M
Kit - Kit Smeb - $1M
kobel9 - Muhammad McLovin - $3M
Kylrad - Daniel Smeb - $1M
Hanson94 - Gunnar Petrov - $2.5M
LB. - Jules L'Éclair - $1M
Lem - Steve Craig-Smeb - $500k
mdubz - Mikhail Petrikov - $2M
nykonax - Jules Watt - $3M
O4L - Parker Smeb - $1M
oddly_colored_beef - Billy Sorokin - $3M
rieksts - Romualds Loks - $4M
Rindlee - Quick Mafs - $2M
SDCore - Corey Kennedy - $3M
Sir__Magoo - Liam Hutchinson - $3M
stud - Khan Smeb -$500k
Teztify - Fredrich Koenig - $3M
Tharix - Roberts Kļaviņš - $500K
Timeconsumer - Buck Maverick - $2M
Velevra - Luke Atmey - $4M


[Image: 60354_s.gif  ]
[Image: 1yZYUXK.gif]
Sig Credits: Gorlab and Kylrad
(This post was last modified: 04-29-2019, 01:03 PM by prettyburn.)

Dragons S47 Calgary Dragons Contract Deposits Dragons

Esa Parmborg (Steelhead77) - 1M
Nickys Pedersen Jr (Mstuk41) - 5.5M
Mike Izzy (Coach Biz) - 4M
Hunter Jones (Thunder39) - 4M
Shooter McGavin (c00kies) - 4M
Mikail Choybuk (DollarAndADream) - 6M
Brock Nuck (NUCK) - 4M
Maxime Bouchard (Weretarantula) - 4M
Mason Hudson (Blues) - 1M
Rainbow Dash (Eggy216) - 3M
Paddy O'Sullivan (TML99) - 3M
Barry Batsbak (Katth) - 3M

Chuck Goody Jr (Nike) - 2M
Casey Creller (Mook) - 4M
Ostap Maksimov (Ohtaay) - 4M
Otis B Driftwood (slappydoodle) - 4M
Benois Minuscule (Chewbacca) - 2.5M
Brennan Kennedy Jr (bk1689) - 2M
Chico Smeb (xDPark) - 3M
Bernik Vzrala (Off) - 3M
Oliver Klozoff (Alex Mack) - 2M
Olin O'Dowd (Sour_Chin_Music) - 1M
Your Overlord (Daybe) - 500K

Richard C. Hocolate (Your Mothers Favorite Goalie) - 2.5M
Kate Vilde (BarnabasCollins) - 4M


---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
[Image: cgv4vCv.png] Goal[Image: 95lCCDx.png]
[Image: parmborg.gif]

[Image: steelhead77.gif]

#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite
(This post was last modified: 04-29-2019, 02:27 PM by prettyburn.)

[Image: Winnipeg.png]
Winnipeg Jets Contracts - S46

Jason Visser - ToeDragon84 - 3,000,000 -- HTD
Corey Bearss - Cbear - 5,000,000
Ignatius Blunt - Gaia Mormont -  5,500,000
Lil' Manius - Bonk - 3,000,000
Ola Wagstrom - StamkosFan - 3,000,000
Ace Redding - grimreaper - 3,000,000
Vladimir Vaskov - snappy - 1,000,000
Nolan Snipez - nolan887 (i think) - 500,000
Jensen Trygg - barca - 500,000
Andrew Hawkins - rockbman - 500,000
Chase Byron - schewbacca - 500,000
Max Weber - MWHazard - 4,000,000
Max Poulin - galatix - 3,000,000
Gary Grease - flappygriaffe - 3,000,000 -- HTD
Troy McClure III - Troy_McClure03 - 3,500,000
Juulius Smonk - storm - 500,000
Hypolact Asia - ballbornosboy - 500,000
Noah Gallagher - Fever95 - 3,000,000
Slip McScruff - scrufdaddy - 5,000,000
Nick Brain - StadiumGambler - 3,000,000
Michael Scarn - Trautner - 6,000,000
Commander Shepard - Larkstongue - 3,000,000
Dylan Karlsson - dilispickle - 6,000,000
Vivian Leblanc - Psanchez - 5,000,000
Jax Duggan - secondsucks22 - 4,000,000
Cedric Moreau - Treant - 3,000,000


[Image: wMFFUe4.gif]

Barracuda S56 1st Overall Barracuda

Gary Grease Career Stats: Click Here
Graphics Shop: Click Here

[Image: CsnVET2.png]  Barracuda Russia Barracuda  [Image: c8B2LE3.png]

(This post was last modified: 04-29-2019, 02:46 PM by prettyburn.)

pride S47 San Francisco Pride Contracts pride

Dakota Reid (jiggly_333) - $5,000,000
Kyler Gill (thisseemsfishy) - $2,000,000
Howie Dewitt (sethtrollins) - $2,000,000
Fedor Shirobokov (Confusion) - $4,000,000
Isak Odegard (prettyburn) - $5,000,000
Leshaun King (King) - $3,000,000
Goku Muerto (Muerto) - $3,000,000
Cleo Green (Creature Survive) - $500,000
Ray Bork (tweedledunn) - $3,000,000
Jack Tanner (beaver) - $4,000,000
Chris Partridge (Mackkz) - $3,000,000
Dustin Evans (AsylumParty) - $500,000
Charlie Schieck (Grapehead) - $3,000,000
Vince Reaper (ViN) - $3,000,000
Jeff Brogen (flowseidon) - $3,000,000
Richard Metcalf Jr (lazyeye) - $3,000,000
Steven Moyer (CanadianDuck) - $3,000,000
Andy Kerr (Snuffalupagus) - $1,000,000
Leopold Lockhart (ej27) - $1,000,000
Dominic Montgomery (bilbo) - $2,000,000
Ty Hoover (hoovuh) - $2,000,000
Dionyz Vyskoc (artermis) - $5,000,000
Knute Knurtsson (ason94) - $2,000,000
Nathan Explosion (micool132) - $2,000,000
Yoshimitsu McCloud (thunfish) - $2,000,000
Patrice Nadeau (Fluw) - $2,500,000
Filip Zadina (jjlangabeer) - $2,000,000
Jaguar Johnson (Shadowz1797) - $2,000,000
Vadim Malichov (lizzywho) - $2,000,000
Spencer MacLean (birdwatcher69) - $2,000,000


[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Highlanders Specters Usa
(This post was last modified: 04-29-2019, 02:48 PM by prettyburn.)

Additional Rage contract deposits for IFAs:
@TheRealBK - Brett Kennedy - $3,500,000
@bsellis14 - Andris Dzerins - $500,000


An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
[Image: DOF5tXM.png]
[Image: tjyuut.jpg] 
Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!

(This post was last modified: 04-29-2019, 02:56 PM by prettyburn.)

Specters New Orleans S47 Contracts Specters

Nictox - Nicholas Williams - $3,000,000
TheDangaZone - Roman Augustus - $5,000,000
JKortesi81 - Joe Kurczewski - $5,000,000
Carbine - Alex Andani - $3,000,000
Slowpoke - Vasily Horvat - $3,000,000
tlk742 - Soren Kierkegaard - $1,000,000
Blastmeaway - DeMaricus Smyth - $5,000,000
Paq - Xavier Paquette - $3,000,000
majesiu - Piotr Czerkawski - $4,000,000
Evok - Oisin Fletcher - $5,000,000
Primeapple - Chuck Bernstein - $500,000
zuumijs - Krists Zommers - $500,000
CptSquall - Richard Physt - $4,000,000
gfridge - Karl Hefeweizen - $4,000,000
Obsidian311 - Sean Stevenson Jr. - $3,000,000
Clint Eastwood - Clint Eastwood - $4,000,000
tweedlebrumm - Patrick Brumm Jr - $1,000,000
Ghost - Adam Kaiser - $4,000,000
JuOsu - Julian O'Sullivan - $2,000,000
SlashACM - Aleister Cain - $3,000,000
FuzzSHL - Michael Fox - $2,000,000
slothfacekilla - Jimmy Slothface - $2,000,000
Rancidbudgie - Basil Magnicotta - $2,000,000
BWIII - Osbert Whacker - $2,500,000
Serpe x 13 - Charlie Serpe - $5,000,000


[Image: JKortesi81.gif]

Update Page
Player Page
(This post was last modified: 04-29-2019, 03:03 PM by prettyburn.)

Panthers LA Panthers Contracts S47 Panthers

@Dweaves - Matthew Auston - $3,000,000
@goilers - Sophia Bennett - $5,000,000
@soulja - Yuri Boyka Jr. - $5,000,000
@Glyc - Joshua Woodcroft - $4,000,000
@DanbyRem - Geoff Higgins - $3,000,000
@Jedi - Lightning Jones - $3,000,000
@Andybj - Shouta Aizawa - $3,000,000
@Fire-Bred - Mason Brown - $500,000
@RomanesEuntDomus - Philipp Winter - $3,000,000
Wasty - Max Mauldin - $3,000,000
@Marley - Hiro Fujikawa - $3,000,000
@BigTittySmitty - Kenji Yoshimura - $6,000,000
@ArGarBarGar - Borromini Cannelini - $1,000,000
@jaimeac - Max Rockatansky - $2,000,000
@Otrebor13 - Theo Morgan - $1,000,000

@Torbvo - Toivo Kosonen - $4,000,000
@NYRangers - Matthew Leetch - $2,000,000
@academydropout - Maurice Picard - $4,000,000
@JT3 - Jon Toner - $5,000,000
@Ragnar - Willie Fisterbottom - $2,000,000
@Mongoose87 - James Johnson - $4,000,000
@vbottas17 - Thomas Bathory - $500,000
@leafssteen - Jay Boom'Boom - $1,000,000
@Toast - Zach Holt - $500,000

@Vikian - Evgeny Marmaladov - $4,000,000
@Ask - Eddy Ask Jr - $3,000,000


[Image: NiclasWastlund26.gif]
#40 Niclas Wastlund - W - VANCOUVER WHALERS Whalers / TORONTO NORTH STARS Stars
[Image: vlPUU9v.png][Image: ammBPLt.png][Image: rnZeas5.png][Image: V9MXpXR.png]

(This post was last modified: 05-03-2019, 12:51 PM by prettyburn.)

S47 Stars Deposits
Anders Christiansen $6,000,000 @NorwegianDemon
Ben Turska $3,000,000 @Banjo
Bob Bergen $3,000,000 @Nobody
Callum MacElroy $500,000 @IAmAGoatAMA
Carter Manning $3,000,000 @CDub2
Chris York $4,000,000 @Symmetrik
Halfdan Thorstein $6,000,000 @dnL
Jill Jellybeanov $500,000 @JigglyPuff
Jordon von Matt $4,500,000 @JVMjrDOT
Konstanin Voloshin $1,500,000 @InciteHysteria
Lyndis Vakarian $6,000,000 @Cynthia
Markus Kane $500,000 @OldTimeHockey
Mercer Church $2,000,000 @STZ
Michael McFadden $4,000,000 @Abdeezy
Mikhail Lokitonov $3,000,000 @ml002
Roger Baston $3,000,000 @yoye
Steven Moore $500,000 @maxcrazy
Wolfhard Richter $2,000,000 @Plastic Bowl
Zakhar Turakov $500,000 @Zaitsev
Zander Rhys $5,000,000 @ThePandava

Send Downs
Troy Reynolds $3,000,000 @sharksisback
Mike McKorsy $3,500,000 @Flames1848
Valeri Tikonov $2,000,000 @mel24
Donny McMasters $3,000,000 @Mantroll
Harry Carpet $3,000,000 @Carpy48
Ja'Aj Coitus-Wagg $2,500,000 @Jaemistightdabs


[Image: ml002.gif]
Credit to Copenhagen, Wasty, FlappyGiraffe, InciteHysteria, and caltroit_red_flames
 [Image: MM4nqx6.png] [Image: Niz2wua.png][Image: egAspOO.png] Knights
[Image: GZ9XvkA.png]

(This post was last modified: 05-03-2019, 01:04 PM by prettyburn.)

S47 Steelhawks Deposits
Zivan Zidek @Samee 2,000,000
Robert Phelps @DrunkenTeddy 3,000,000
Angelo Odjick @QuantumCowboy 4,000,000
Alexander Zajac @StaticShocked 4,000,000
Clifton Outlaw @theshinymew64 500,000
Vijanupatan Singh @Waters 4,000,000
Donnie Dicks @Gooney 5,694,206.90
Baron O'Beefdip @Someguy9500 500,000
Ēriks Skalbergs @Ashes 3,000,000
Nikolaj Boyle @NateAndStuff 500,000
Andrew Martin @Good_Ole_Kimmy 5,000,000
Dank Boija @Snussu 3,000,000
Ben Dover @ThatDamnMcJesus 3,000,000
Jean-Pierre Gay @JumpierPancakes 1,000,000
Finn Kruger @adamantium 4,000,000
Nour Harrak @nour 4,500,000
Nikolai Evans @ztevans 1,000,000
Tig Murphy @notorioustig 3,000,000
Vegeta Muerto @Vegeta 500,000
Brando Sando @BrandoSando18 2,000,000
Geezus Kryyst @Narconis 6,269,696.90


Anastasia O'Koivu @Pris 1,000,000
Aleksi O'Koivu-Volkova @Wally 1,000,000
Kalvins Zvejnieks @Gobbles 3,000,000
Jakub Hasek @Jakub 1,000,000
Gabster TheMagnificent @Barboustache 3,000,000
Brock Emmerton @lueiGi 1,500,000
Jake Peralta @GoldenKnight 1,500,000
Aaron Wilson @aaronwilson 500,000
Dale Miller @dmills3 3,000,000
Sami Raanta @Sami 1,000,000


[Image: ili5NZ2.png]

(This post was last modified: 05-03-2019, 01:16 PM by prettyburn.)


LOUIE GARRETT $6,000,000 - dizzyDC
ANDREAS KVALHEIM $3,000,000 - raymond3000
NICO GROSS $3,000,000 - Brandon
IAM ESSELLEM $4,000,000 - iamslm22
CONKLIN OWEN $2,000,000 - Phobospwns
LOGAN JENSEN $6,000,000 - Loganjj21
VLADISLAV KONSTANTIN $3,000,000 - Justice
NOAH KONN $4,000,000 - NJBadApple
I SHATTENKIRKSBED $500,000 - sphincterboy
MIKEY PICKLES $500,000 -

DANIEL KARLSSON $8,000,000 - dankoa (See "Contract Changes" Thread)
THÉ DUDE $5,000,000 - Dude
PIERRE LAROCHE-DUROCHER $3,000,000 - lespoils
HARVEY DANGER $4,000,000 - hockeyfan
LIAM O'CALLAGHAN $5,000,000 - Dangles13
KARNO GRONKJAER $3,000,000 - Copenhagen
CHUCK CRUTCHFIELD $4,000,000 - ligma

WALTER HOBBS $3,000,000 - Jearim
REECE ARTOIS $500,000 - duskyquack

NICOLAS FLEMING $3,000,000 - Nereus
TYLER TOUGARD $2,000,000 - Durden
ALEXANDER ANDERSSON-GRANDE $2,500,000 - SwegButthole


[Image: VkRiFym.png]

[Image: dankoa2004.gif]

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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.