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S47 PT #1 - The Big 4

1. Eggy - He is actually a solid commissioner. He has changed the league and improved the activity and development. The HO is making this league a fun and entertaining sim league so props to him. That is why I am still here or else I would not be here.

2. Bojo - The bojo box is like a blessing and so good for us and makes our lives easier. Gathers up stats for us for every system. Also pushkin is good luck and I need to see it everyday. He is hated but he is bae.

3. Mike Izzy - I do not think I have ever seen anyone more active than Izzy. Ever since kelowna drafted him way back in the days, he has been involved and he is everywhere. Whoever hates can go fuck themselves. He is definitely one of the face of this league, why isnt he in HO.

4. TheDangaZone - Ireland won 5 straight gold.

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B. Let us know the 4 members who should be on the SHL's Mount Rushmore from the time that you joined the site! and in [u]150[/u] words or more explain why you chose them.

I'm gonna go with:

@Rich - Rich and Lil were GMs of Kelowna when I joined and drafted me in my first SMJHL draft. Rich also taught me a lot about building a player and I've been in a good number of locker rooms with him since. Always a nice dude to have around.

@Jenny - Jenny came to Kelowna in free agency right after I was drafted there and we went on to GM that team together, which was one of the more rewarding things I've done on this site. Was also a good time, largely because of my partner in crime.

@Ohtaay - Oats was a Knights alumni when I joined, was always really awesome in the room and was probably one of the main reasons I got drafted to WKP, honestly. I think I remember him saying he vouched for me pre-draft. So he shaped a huge part of my life on the site with Linna.

@Slappydoodle - Slappy! One of my favorite people on the site. He was also around the Kelowna locker room as an alum when I joined. This was back when chatzy was a thing, but most of the communication happened in onsite locker rooms. I don't have proof of this, but I would bet money that Kelowna's was the best just because Slappy was in it. And then I was fortunate enough to share the WKP and Calgary locker rooms with him.

Pretty badass mount rushmore if you ask me.

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(This post was last modified: 04-22-2019, 08:05 PM by O4L.)

Wouldn't be here without all 5 of the following members and didn't want to have the exact same 5 as everyone else.

1. @c00kies, criminally underrated as a member. Longest tenured player for any team on the site at over 40 years and one of the most winning members of the site ever with 7 cups while winning 5 as a GM (all with the Dragons). Really deserves a hall of fame spot when he's done as what he's accomplished is insane while getting very little outside credit while doing. Dragonite

2. @xDParK : In general I feel the site has always struggled with ignoring good ideas and remaining status quo just because it's easier to do so. It gets hard to remain innovative and creative due to suffering burnout by the time you get to a position of power in the league. Dpark was the most innovative commissioner we've had and was constantly looking at new ways to improve the site. Although he always stole a lot of my ideas and tried to pass them off as his own, he still had original ideas like the fantasy draft and activity checks.

3. @gorlab : Was an underrated member at his peak and has become even more underrated since due to his banning overshadowing all that he did for the site. Reworked both media and the budget to be 1000x better than they were. Also had the most legendary final season in SHL history when he got banned then proceeded to win his first cup and carry Canada to IIHF gold. Fun Fact: He recently donated 50 dollars to an animal shelter for my birthday.

4. @spidey / @Steelhead77 : There's a good chance I would have never remained active without spidey being my GM. Not only did he build one of the GOAT players in Kain Webb but also gave me my first chance on the site to be a GM after only three seasons and was one of the nicest members in SHL history./ Esa is the GOAT GM and the best decision I ever made as GM was trading up to draft him in S17. Is consistently able to build great teams without needing long rebuilds which is how GMing should be done.

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SMJHL Commisioner S17-S26
Calgary Dragons GM S14-S23

172 words
I am choosing the four players to be on Mount Rushmore like I would select the greatest all-time four on four line up. With this in mind, I will select two forwards, one defenseman, and one goaltender. The first forward to have his likeliness etched in rock will a surprise to no one. The overall SMHL points leader, with twenty nine years all for the same team, from the Calgary Dragons-- Esa Anrikkanen. The next forward also played his entire twenty-three year career with one team. The player is Toronto's Kristian Eriksson. His 489 goals and 523 assists place him second in points all time and with a better points-per-game than Anrikkanen. The defense to dawn Mount Rushmore is Bojo Biscuit for his contribution on and off the ice. His defensive ability was unparalleled, hence the trophy named after him. The bojo box has also changed the SHL so much for the better. In net I will take Quebec's Jakub Aittokallio. His 53 shutouts and 402 wins are what earns his place.

Head 1: @hhh81 Cass Darrow. The Captain of the Raptors and now a member of the big club, Buffalo. Just an amazing guy overall, extremely friendly and helpful when it came to building my player into the one I wanted to be. Not only that, an amazing player on the ice who is going to do amazing things for Buffalo this year. If were going to repeat, its going to be because Cass put the group further over the top.

Head 2: @WannabeFinn. The GM of the Stampede. Always hits me up on Discord to see how I am getting along. Always prods me into posting on Discord. Admittedly, I don't post too much, I just love to see whats going on and jump in when I can. Amazingly friendly and always keeps my spirits up. An overall chill person who I am grateful to know.

Head 3: @39alaska39. The GM of the Raptors. Took a chance on me when I was new and helped me grow into a productive member of the team and made me comfortable from day one here on the site. 

Head 4: @karey. Cool dude, reached out to me recently when I had a serious issue crop up IRL. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner, but I appreciate that you reached out to see if I was ok. It means more than you know.

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C.  If you are relatively new, in [u]150[/u] words or more let us know what players from your team, from discord or whom you have noticed around the site who you think may have the attributes to one day be apart of the SHL's Mt. Rushmore conversation.

@"luketd" Would be my first pick to be on SHL MT Rushmore. Luke is a very active person on the site and in all his discords. He is super helpful to the new players while still being one of the top tpe earners in his draft class.

@caltroit_red_flames Would be my second pick.  When I first joined the league and I joined Czech Cal was one of the first people to welcome me. He has been really supportive of me and my player and has helped me out countless times looking through the forums and building my player.

@JayWhy Would be my third pick. He has helped me probably the most with my player since I have come into the league. Even though he is my SHL gm he is also a really nice person and very helpful to anyone. 

@Zoone16 Would be my final pick. Zoone is the first person to ever draft me and I'm very glad he did. He is a very happy person in the discords and he knows how to keep his team entertained and also win games.

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@DrunkenTeddy aka internet jesus aka rush-killer aka the man who drafted my dumb ass aka internet jesus
Rush killer is my favourite nickname, but for real? This man made us an entire damn website. He should be on every one of these mountains. Not even just these mountains, actually - carve him onto every mountain.

@.bojo why are you so hard to tag aka internet holy spirit aka pushkin (bojo is pushkin, the human we think is bojo is actually @JSS)
This dude is gonna make banking so much less garbo thank jesus
Thats not even his biggest contribution though (wack), he also made an entire website for us. Carve him on the really big hills, because the mountains are taken.

@karey aka sigfather because he said he'd help make mount geck look really pretty if i put him on it
I dont think I've seen Karey do a single thing to which i went 'oo i wouldnt'. he's such a good person, and his sigs are a bloody inspiration. You keep being you, karey. Carve his face on glaciers or some shit.

@Eggy216 because he said that he'd ban @JayWhy if i put him on mount geck
please do it i'd die laughing and then luke and alaska can take over manhattan

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PBE Welfare

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(This post was last modified: 04-23-2019, 12:01 AM by trella.)

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Thanks to @karey and @JSS for the sigs!

Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM

The four people I'd have on the SHL's Mount Rushmore are:

@JKortesi81  - The man, the myth, the legend himself. Joe has had an incredible run as a player and a GM. He has taught me many lessons since I joined almost a year ago. He is the George Washington in my opinion.

@"luketd" - Luke is from the same draft class as me and has done a phenomenal job improving the site experiences for many users. His work with the TPE tracking, GMing, and updaters shows how much he cares about the site. 

@Blastmeaway - He was one of the guys who taught me how to SHL my rookie season. He answered all the questions I have had and still gives advise as needed.

@SlashACM  - Slash is one of my favorite people on this site. I feel like he is building a future Hall of Famer goalie and I am exciting to continue playing with him in NOLA. He has taken on the World Junior tournament and has done an outstanding job with it.

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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

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C.  If you are relatively new, in 150 words or more let us know what players from your team, from discord or whom you have noticed around the site who you think may have the attributes to one day be apart of the SHL's Mt. Rushmore conversation.

There are a few players on the Outlaws which I believe could be in the Mount Rushmore conversation when all is said and done. Mathias Seger is one, he’s a great two way defensemen who is great in every aspect of the game. A lot of defensemen might get overlooked but Seger does it all, he puts up a lot of points which I think is crucial. He’s been the most important player in our Defense.

Another player I think has it in them is Tibuk Soonika. He’s Anaheim’s starting goalie and has been really reliable for us. I think he has what it takes to be a great starter in the SHL. He’ll definitely be in the goalie Mount Rushmore conversation. Tibuk won the starter job last year and has really developed since the first year we spent together in Anaheim. He was a big factor in the team’s 3rd place finish last year and he’ll be very important again this year if he can bring that level of play again this year and as his career continues to develop he should have no problem at all making it into the conversation.

193 words

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Since I join the league for the SMJHL Season 38, a few members have distinguished themselves by their involvement in the league. Here are the four who I think had the biggest impact:

1. Eggy216: He has done a massive job as the SHL commissioner since I join the league, I feel the player experience has been improved by him and he is open to every new idea that other members suggest which is a must for the position he holds.

2. Nobody: He came to the site in the same draft class as me and is probably the member of this draft class who had the biggest impact on the site. The SMJHL has improved a lot thanks to his work as commissioner.

3. JR95: He has been a simmer since I came to the league in either the SMJHL or the SHL and has done an impressive job. Since I think simmer is probably the most important job on the site, I think he deserves a place on Mount Rushmore.

4. Mike Izzy: The change he made to the Point Tasks and all the other way player can earn TPE has made the player improvement experience more enjoyable.

200 words

Nor Ge
norway Citadelles

Salzberger Lillehammersson
norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
[Image: inferno.png] [Image: dragons.png] [Image: wolfpack2.png] [Image: stars.png] [Image: Dxdffra.png] [Image: hGKuRrv.png] [Image: sAx3Llh.jpg] [Image: firebirds.png]


The four members that would be on it for me would be Eggy, Drunken Teddy, Mike Izzy, and Luke. Eggy is fairly obvious. He's the commish, he leads the league, he is always active and doing stuff for the site. He of course belongs on the mountain. I choose Teddy because of how he helped move us to the new site. This site has changed drastically the SHL and was an amazing move, and without him it may not have happened or at least wouldn't have been as smooth or good of a move. I choose Mike Izzy cause he leads our PTs and those are arguably one of the most important parts of the SHL working. Without them, there is no getting TPE, and Izzy makes them fun to do and read other responses. I finally choose Luke cause of his Uber activity and the way he has done medias that has changed how many do their medias.

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First Ever SHL Goal:
5. New England Wolfpack , Kristaps Ball 1 (Piotr Czerkawski 1, Cameron Dubois 2) at 16:27

First Ever Hat Trick:
S45 Game 46 NEW vs TOR
6. New England Wolfpack , Kristaps Ball 1 (Artemi Berezin 3, Tigole Bitties 5) at 5:21
9. New England Wolfpack , Kristaps Ball 2 (Artemi Berezin 4) at 18:58
10. New England Wolfpack , Kristaps Ball 3 (Tigole Bitties 7, Manuel Gotze 2) at 19:38 (Empty Net)

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My personal SHL Mount Rushmore would be SO MANY people. I don't think I've ever had so many friends in one place before, and I'm grateful for my SHL community all the time. That said, here are four of the really cool ones.

1. @ej27. EJ and I knew each other a bit before, but we became close partially because of our first SHL children, and we had some of my best times on the site raising baby Knights together and yelling during drafts.

2. @prettyburn. She drafted me to my first home in New England and is generally the nicest and most welcoming person, and I have a lot to thank her for in that regard. Heart

3. @"Torbvo". He's a terrible GM whomst I would fight any day, but a really great listener and friend, and I'm grateful for him.

4. @Eggy216. I know practically everyone's got the egg on this mountain, but idc about his contributions as commish, I just care about how lit ye olde pack chat gets when Eggy and I go hard to 1D's Heart Attack. OWWWWWWW.

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