Show: SHL Pre-Game Meals
Time Slot: 6-6:30pm Mon/Wed/Fri
Pre-game meals are an important part of every SHL players routine. It can be the difference between having energy for a great game or feeling bogged down and having a poor game. Health and nutrition are very important in today's game. Some players may do it differently that others and we're here to find out what fuels our SHL stars. We go behind the scenes with SHL players each week and find out what kind of food they power up with before games and how long before each game they eat for maximum output when they hit the ice. The show will be hosted by two of the leagues biggest food experts, Esa Parmborg and Kata Vilde. These two beauties will also be eating the same meals and grading the stars on their pre-game meals based on how they feel after eating and also on taste. We expect vegetables to receive low scores and parm-laden meal to rank highly.
#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer - First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - - First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History - - Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History - - First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups - Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34 Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45
FourFour Registered
S20, S21, S51, S53 Challenge Cup Champion
Posts:9,685 Threads: 382 Joined: Mar 2013 Reputation:11
Pronouns: He/Him
Player: Jordin FourFour III
In honor of the hit show on CBS "Big Brother" starting out for another season, I think a show the SHL should introduce is one that resembles that of Big Brother, except - make it only high name Free Agents that are allowed to be in the house. Essentially, everyone fights all season long, for a MAX CONTRACT with the team of their choosing, this contract would be paid out by the bank, but would NOT count against that team's salary cap. The show would be televised to the public every Saturday night at 9 PM EST, and it would showcase that weeks events, the leader of the house at the time, and who would be eliminated that week - except unlike Big Brother, this has no social game and it is all about your skills on the ice, or with things that relate to hockey. It would be a neat idea to see and I wonder what the MAX deal in the SHL would be like
06-26-2019, 02:53 AM(This post was last modified: 06-26-2019, 10:32 AM by Gwdjohnson.)
Title: Abandon Ship!
The premise of the show is that in each of the episodes in a season, members of the Armada are competing against each other in trying to complete a given escape room, in 5 groups of 4, groups that are randomized every episode. Each episode is a half-hour long, and consists of a compilation of the best moments from every team, concluding with the presentation of the winner. As an example, for the first episode, a prison escape, here's what the randomized teams are:
Team 1: Colt Beckett, Andris Dzerins, Spencer MacLean, Olivier Cloutier
Team 2: Stavros Halkias, Frederik Jensen, Jake Primeau, Ashburn McAllister
Team 3: Darnell Johnson, Joe Kerr, Jonas Larsen, Peter Larson
Team 4: Gabe Johnson, Raphael d'Alcott, Tony Ford, Kalevi Karhunen
Team 5: Brock Emmerton, Victor Toeman, Elijah Jones, Johnny Sins
Through the results, I see it playing out with:
-Team 5 coming last, as the 3 big and tough inactive groupmates of Jones intimidate him and make him unable to carry the load.
-Team 2 coming second last, as Stavros and Primeau are unable to get their inactive teammates to help them escape.
-Team 4 coming middle of the pack, as despite Ford and Karhunen putting their heads together for some great progress, Gabe and Raphael spend the whole time wandering aimlessly and pretending to be onto something.
-and finally, team 3 takes all, as Dzerins abandons Cloutier's team in order to join his fellow Latvian Joe Kerr in team 1, and, much like with S48 thus far, MacLean is nowhere to be found, failing to show up for the episode. Beckett is there, but not in the right frame of mind to solve puzzles after letting in 3 goals on 3 shots in his last game. Cloutier gets very close to soloing his way to victory, but the 5-to-1 advantage for team 3 sees them take the pilot.
06-26-2019, 03:57 AM(This post was last modified: 06-26-2019, 03:57 AM by goldenglutes.)
Listen up, I've got a fantastic new idea for a TV show based around the New England Wolfpack. The show is going to primarily revolve around a bunch of New England's past and current stars huddled around a campfire, telling each other that their team is going to be better very soon and next year's the year that they make the playoffs. That's not the only premise of the show, either: once in a while, they'll even start making bets on the awards they're going to win! Talk about delusional. Other times, they may even talk about how their SMJHL teams are currently somehow almost as bad as their SHL one. In a show that will almost certainly be more entertaining than watching paint dry, this is one you won't want to miss. Structured in episodes of an hour each, starring stars such as @"Flareon4043", @5ympathies, and alumnus @bilbo, this show is guaranteed to have you mildly entertained and probably falling asleep after a while, which is perfect because it will usually air in the 11pm-12am time slot.
Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
Premise: We've all heard of Ice Road Truckers, right? It's a reality TV show following a group of truck drivers that are driving over the most dangerous arctic roads in parts of Alaska and Canada. As the premiere sports team in the state of Alaska the Anchorage Armada has been slated to take up the mantle of those drivers and we will follow them as they brave the dangerous roads that these brave truck drivers do. To heighten the drama they stick two players together, with one to hold down the passenger seat and help with directions. Unfortunately the show was canceled after it's pilot episode due to the Norwegian duo of Jonas Larsen and Peter Larson who shared a truck speaking entirely in their mother tongue for the length of the trip, making the footage of the fan favorite goalie completely unusable.
06-26-2019, 07:49 AM(This post was last modified: 06-26-2019, 07:50 AM by PenKnight.)
A mock show of Around the Horn... Now called Around the Boards! Hosted by @Slappydoodle and @Bonk 4 stars of the show: @Mike Izzy , @Evok , @ztevans and @JKortesi81 First Show Topics: Podcast Wars, SHL Casino, Alesiter Cain @SlashACM and the Return of the @King A PenKight Production
We all know the Smeb's are hockey gods, we also know that Daniel is clearly the best when it comes to hockey, but what other skills do the Smeb's have and who's the best at those. (Spoilers it Daniel for most). Introducing a brand new show that will be airing Saturday nights all over the world.
Smeb Vs Smeb
A show that will feature all the Smebs currently in the SHL as they compete in a variety of different activities to solving riddles, playing video games, eating food and competing in other sports, In the end the Smeb with the most points will be crowned the overall supreme Smeb and there will be no doubt of their supremacy over the others. (Spoilers it will be Daniel). The show will also feature guest appearances from other prominent SHL figures whether it be as judges or in other roles such as Chico Salmon and Steven Jalopski.
Premiering this Fall on SHL Network, we are proud to present The Beard Hour with Host @Weretarantula. Owner of a most impressive beard himself, WT will host the weekly show that'll feature pictures of some beards I guess and also interviews with impressively bearded players from around the SHL. It's called The Beard Hour because that sounds better but it's really only 15 minutes (10:15-10:30pm Eastern Time on Thursday nights) - with all the other great content pitched in this thread, SHL Network is loaded with shows right now so The Beard Hour fits perfectly in its 15 minute slot. Tune in next Thursday to watch WT interview Corey Kennedy @SDCore about beard upkeep and keeping a big ol' facebush in prime condition out on the ice. Every episode ends with the fan-favorite segment Finger My Beard, when a number of local neighborhood kids storm the set and run their hands through the beards of WT and his guest, but it's cute and endearing and not creepy despite it sounding potentially creepy
Ladies, gentlemen, and all who spend precious 1:1 time with your favorite SHL players: have you ever wished your hockey player spent more time on their appearance? Have you been embarrassed by his fashion sense (or lack thereof?) Does his hair look more like a wild raccoon than a millionaire athlete? If you said yes to any of these questions, does the SHL Network have the show for you!
Welcome to “Pimp My Guy”, a chance for the significant others of your favorite SHL players to turn their drab athlete into a fab, stylish hottie. Imagine Punk’d meets Queer Eye meets Intervention—the SHLer shows up to what he thinks is a date… to instead find their significant other alongside drag queen and hair stylist Kynda Funny, life coach Jackson Dupree, and stylish NHLer PK Subban. Over the show’s 50 minute format, the SHLer goes through a whirlwind day that will hopefully change their lives and their relationships for the better.
On the first episode, Manhattan Rage forward Jakub “Hats” Novak’s @Esso2264 girlfriend/model, Mona Harrak, tricks the young Czech forward into meeting with the Pimp My Guy team. Task one: get rid of some of his hats! Task two: update his wardrobe from “baggy shorts, Nike slides, and frat tanks” to the look of a modern gentleman.
Will it work? Will it be a dumpster fire? Time will tell. Tune in Thursdays at 8pm on the SHL Network for Pimp My Guy.
Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs!
The SHL Network, in collaboration with ABC, presents:
The BaSHLor
A Slapshot At Love
This season, on The BaSHLor, an eligible unrestricted free agent, Joseph Lombardi @bluesfan55, courts 16 beautiful general managers, in pursuit of the perfect contract signing. Through group dates, one on ones, cocktail parties, and more, Joseph will narrow his search down to a final four GM's. At the home town dates, Joe will meet separately with each GM and their fan base and vie for their respect and fanhood. the final three are eligible for the fantasy suite, where the GM's and Joe have a little privacy and can give a little preview of what their ledgers have to offer. Finally, Joe will narrow it down to a final two in front of the entire SHL, where he gives one franchise the opportunity to sign him. It's going to be a wild season of powerplay minutes promised, under the table dealings, and everything else that is just outside of the rulebook's explicit tampering rules.
Airs Monday nights, from 8PM - 10PM
200 words
I really wanted to do a graphic for this, but i don't have enough time this week. i offer $500k for the best graphic rendition of this.
Show: A Night Out with ________
Time Slot: 11 - 11:30 PM on Wednesday nights
Ever wondered how your favorite SHL/SMJHL does in their dating life? Well, wonder not anymore! We take a random player from the league and play match-maker for them, to give you, the viewer, the most in-depth look into how your favorite player handles the infamous first date. The first season is set with 4 episodes, and many more to come! Watch as Jax Duggan (@SecondSucks22) sleeps through his date, only to have our producer break into his house to drag him out! Will Bobby Bobcalf (@nubbedindaribs) be lucky enough to get a second date? Follow Skao Anazibf (@nour) on his quest to get a girl (or guy. We don't discriminate.) to actually pronounce his name right. Theo Morgan (@Otrebor13) is actually smooth as fuck!? Find out starting next Wednesday! Also, don't forget to send in who you want to see on the show (1-800-696-9696) and we will try our best to get them on!
JKortesi81 SHL GM
S32, S40, S42, S45 Challenge Cup Champion
The best series that I think could made for would be a documentary called “Making a Dynasty: The Calgary Dragons”. Essentially, this series would go behind the scenes with @Steelhead77 and it would start from the day he was named Dragons GM until the present. He can go over roster moves, trades he made, line up changes he made. He can go over what he saw in certain draft picks. He can basically give all of his secrets away when it comes to making lines and what he means by “trusting his gut”. It can get into the fun stuff too like where the chicken parm nonsense came from. I think this series would be really fun to watch to see how he took Calgary and turned it into the SHL’s most successful franchise. He wouldn’t want to give inside secrets away, but you know that stuff would make for good TV. (153)
you know what's super popular? fantasy sports. good thing here in the SHL we already have a pretty well established fantasy platform. the SHL Network could obviously use a show to cover the Fantasy SHL. you already have a ton of content to use from PT #1 for the show during the off season and on to drafting. once the season starts you can do all the current fantasy rankings: overall, positional, categorical, whatever. could have bits about which players are sustainable and which aren’t, who you should use your one add/drop on and when. hell, you could even go as far as covering our SHL Fantasy groups in a part. people really do go nuts for that kind of stuff and will do anything to get a leg up in fantasy. im sure there are all sorts of members who could have a hand in the show but my mind goes to cal or blast. it would most likely have a midday slot some time before pregame and game time shows.
Lets be real we all love going on the internet and watching celebrities with more money than everyone else buy stupidly expensive stuff. My show idea would have us take SHL superstars to shoe stores. We would talk about their season and get to know the player as they peruse the shelves. The shoes the players buy will also say alot about them. For Example Dale Miller @dmills3 is a huge Nike fan. Bobby Bobcalf @nubbedindaribs is all about Adidas. Jax Duggan is a huge Converse fan, and Petr Mikulak @efiug actually franchises several "Crocs" Stores, god knows why. At the end the players will be able to pick out some shoes they want to buy and we can do a sick graphic running down just how much money they choose to blow on shoes. We can even choose to have multiple people on at the same time, whether theyre team mates, old friends, or rivals, this could lead to some funny banter or just all out brawls, which could boost our ratings.