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S48 PT #4 - Guest Star

I was contacted by Dick Wolf to appear on the season 21 premiere of Law & Order: SVU as an undercover detective of the 18th Precinct in New York. I was undercover in a drug operation transporting from Mexico to Los Angeles, Miami, New York, among other places. During a drug deal gone wrong, I was arrested by Detective Tutuola (Ice-T) where I had to reveal I was undercover when I was in custody, away from the criminals I was investigating. After this I became an integral part of the investigation as it had been portrayed to the group I was undercover in that I was being extradited to San Diego where I was "wanted for 7 counts of drug trafficking." It was at this point where I joined the fight to stop this operation. At the end of the episode we close in on the head of the operation. When I go to arrest him, I get shot in the back by one of his subordinates, but Detective Olivia Benson fires on him before more damage can be done. At this point, I'm being aided by Detective Benson until an ambulance arrives.

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Harvey Danger fell down some stairs recently and bumped his head pretty bad. When he awoke, he was back in 1994 and wandered around aimlessly for a bit until he was rescued by a big shot Hollywood agent. Not concerned with the obvious concussion, the agent liked the look of Danger and offered him an acting job on the new show "Friends" as the character "Ross". Clearly out of his mind, Danger declined, because he was not a huge fan of the name Ross. Annoyed, the agent still really liked Danger's look, and offered him a job on another new show coming in 1994 called "Fortune Hunter", where he would play an ex-government agent whose high-risk assignments take him to exotic locales and into extreme danger. Because his name was Harvey Danger and he was in extreme pain, he agreed to play "Carlton". The show only lasted 6 episodes, mainly due to the fact Harvey Danger was not an actor, and in fact travelled back in time with a major head injury. Friends ended up doing really well though.

Username: ADwyer87

So for whatever reason, my mom decided to dig up an old VHS of me on Kid's Jeopardy back when I was in middle school and send it to my agent. This gave him the brilliant idea to volunteer me for a special edition of Jeopardy for Athletes, but fortunately he was a day late with his submission. This didn't stop him however, and he did the next best thing - put me in as a guest host for Cash Cab. Here I am trying to get ready for the playoffs and he has me driving around Buffalo picking strangers up, driving them around, and asking them trivia questions. Overall I had a good time with it, and was even recognized by one dude who for some weird reason asked me to sign his Monkey D Luffy @TnlAstatine jersey (how did he even get one of those when he's still in juniors?). They didn't give me a specific date to check the show out yet, only that it would be on Bravo (not Discovery?) next winter on a Sunday evening.

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Well, it all started on June 22nd when a certain captain named @BDonini fired shots via Twitter. "Clowns around in practice", he says. So what am I going to do to prove my physical prowess, balance, and athleticism? Get on American Ninja Warrior of course. I pitched the idea to my agent and he let out a howl, but for the publicity, he figured that this can't do any harm as long as I don't get injured. So on this coming Monday on NBC, prepare to see Noah Tedla make a guest appearance to take on this grueling task. Now of course, my time won't be counted along with the 30+ competitors who are trying to beat the clock, but I would hope not to make a fool of myself on national television, or possibly get injured in the middle of the playoffs.

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Growing up in Canada, Lyle Odelein III was able to watch reruns of the Red Green Show.  A Canadian masterpiece.  Watching this show, Lyle learned how to be a ‘handyman’, the benefits of duct tape and most importantly to always keep your stick on the ice.  When the creators of the show decided to have a reunion special this year, Lyle’s agent contacted Steve Smith (Red Green) and his people to ask for a favour, to see if Lyle could make an appearance on the show.  Being the hockey fan that he is Mr. Smith said yes immediately. Lyle was written into the special, as a member of the famed Possum Lodge, he was able to assist Red on his Handyman Corner segment, in which they attempted to fix a pair of hockey skates that the blade had fallen off of, they first attempted to reattach the blade properly, but ended up using the Handyman secret weapon, duct tape.  Lyle was even able to join the cast on the final shot of the special and spoke the iconic phrase with Red Green himself, ‘Keep your stick on the ice!”.  Lyle couldn’t wipe the smile off his face for a week after the show was taped and now always carries a roll of duct tape in his hockey bag, just in case.

[Image: Ci4nm13.png]sig by @Bruins10 
Scarecrows   Specters   Canada 

PBE PT 12-5

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nsfl pt affiliation

Ola Wagstrom was allowed to make a cameo on Marvel's Agents of SHIELD as one of the SHIELD agents in the background that were gathered around the director before a major fight scene. His character did not speak a line in the episode, but he enjoyed watching such prominent television actors at work and was amazed by how much of what you see on the screen is green screen and CGI. The actors were actually quite friendly to him and Clark Gregg even apparently was a big fan and asked for his autograph, which Wagstrom willingly gave out, but he surprised by the request. The cast all ate lunch together in a cordial event and then everyone dispersed about their own separate ways. Overall, he was glad he did it because he got to meet some actors he looked up to, and it helped him realize the extent of the fame that he is starting to acquire among SHL fans.


I was invited to be a guest star on Celebrity Family Feud competing to win money for charities and since it was a good cause of course I went for it. I was glad I did it, it was very fun and Steve Harvey is hilarious. The live audience almost made the game show have like a hockey game sort of feel so I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be on something like this. I got a few of the top answers and helped my team win the round on a steal at one point, and then we advanced to the fast money and won. Everyone was so happy and it was a very enjoyable experience, it made my social media blow up and I got some new fans from that so I would say it turned out pretty well. I would definitely go on a show like this again if given the chance.

Boruvka Banananak was recently on an episode of "Brooklyn 99" as a rich criminal who could get away with anything because he was a sports star. He put Jake Peralta on a wild cat and mouse game, causing the gang to have struggles with the system and the fact that people in positions of power are very likely to get away with bad things. Banananak played "Christian Bananer", and during the episode he deals directly with both Rosa Diaz and Charles Boyle, both of whom cannot help Jake with the issue. It turns out that the silly and considered incompetent Norm Scully was able to save the day because Bananer was very fond of a specific restaurant, and with Scully's knowledge of random food facts he was able to find a way to catch him in the act. Banananak found it to be a very fun time, and would definitely do so again.

When Lil’ Manius got booked on the “Big Manius and Slappy McDoodle’s Season Preview Extravaganza” which is essentially the television show I told you about during PT 2. He knew it would not go well but he had no idea how bad. The interview itself started off simple enough but it quickly deteriorated as Big Manius proceed ask about random embarrassing stuff from Lil Manius youth. Hitting him with such hard-hitting questions as “How did my bottle of vodka get emptied in 2002?” “Could you tell me again about how you lost your pants hiking with your high school girlfriend and procced to get poison ivy on your nut sack?” and “Could you elaborate on how you backed your car into my garage last thanksgiving?” It was terrible and it went on and on. Sure Slappy tried to get Big off topic by bring up the coming SHL season to no avail. At least Big did not ask which puck slut Lil’ lost his virginity too.


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Sigs by @FlappyGiraffe,  @Steelhead77,  @ToeDragon84, @slothfacekilla, @Wasty and other dude I need to find your name

Lil' Manius

Big Manius

Barret McCarthy wasn't exactly sure how to feel about having a guest starring role on Altered Carbon's second season on Netflix. He enjoyed the show, which was the first problem. Could having a guest appearance and seeing the behind the scenes ruin the illusion of the show for him? Well, he won't say. He will say that his part did require some nudity. He wasn't shy about stripping down for the role. Hell, the majority of the cast was naked on the show in the first season for one reason or another, why not him? He was happy to find out his guest spot spanned 2 episodes so he wasn't a simple flash in the pan so to speak, but he did end up meeting an unfortunate end. No, he won't tell you if he lives or dies, in a show like that unfortunate could mean a lot of things, but he will say he had a great time and expects his fans to enjoy him in all his glory.

Being from Sweden, Jøln DuBølk got to make a cameo in the Swedish crime drama Bron (The Bridge). The scene took place at an outdoor rink, and Jøln would be playing the roll of a general hockey player. Mind you, of course, it was a crowd shot. He had no lines, no other direction other than to just do his thing. However, when "ACTION!" was given, he began to absolutley dominate the extras playing their roles as casual players. Shot after shot, he kept scoring despite not being that good at it in the SMJHL. The director asked him to tone it down a few times, but it got to the point where they just gave up and let him dunk on some scrubs. Given his tallness, it's pretty easy to spot him in the crowd. The scene will be played in the 5th series, on March 5th, 2020 on STN.

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Written Task: you have been contacted by your agent to guest star on a television show! in 150 words or more tell us how it all went down! what show was it? How were you involved? how did it turn out?! give us all the juicy details!

When my agent contacted me about potentially being a guest star on a tv show, I was kind of excited. And I think that was my first mistake. I was just excited that I got a call of that nature that I didn't really care about the details. And that was my second mistake. I didn't even want to know what the show was, I just wanted to be apart of it. So i told my agent that I wanted it to be a surprise. And that was my third mistake. Honestly, I really thought i was going to be like a guest judge on on cooking show or something on those lines. So when they sent a helicopter at the pick-up point, I was both happy and worried at the same time. Where could I possibly be going that needed a helicopter, I think a car would have been fine. Boy was I wrong. They put a blindfold on my face and told me not to worry. And when I took that blindfold off, I was immediately regretting every decision that I had made up to that point. That was when I realized I was on Naked and Afraid and on a remote location with a stranger. Those next couple days were some of the strangest days I have ever been through. I will let you imagine what happened on that island. At least a lesson was learned. Always read the contract.

243 words

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