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S48 PT #5 - SHL Appreciation Week

- Tell us about some of the most enjoyable moments you have had on this site. (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)

@Steelhead77 is 100% to thank for it, but all of these cups I had with the Calgary Dragons are easily the best moments I have ever had on the site. Esa built the team, brought Michael Boychuk aboard, and turned the Dragons into a god damn dynasty after taking over as GM. I don't know exactly how he did it, but he is a master. Michael Boychuk definitely never would have been as active of a player if not for the motivational efforts of Esa. We won 5 cups together, and all of those runs are memorable. My first cup, including Esa and a lot of our teammates as well, was in S27. We were what was considered down and out, down 3-0 in the finals, and came roaring back to win it in Game 7 in OT. I cannot imagine how that felt for Hamilton losing the finals after being up 3-0, but on our side it was obviously crazy. The Calgary Dragons organization has spoiled me as a member, putting forward so many contending lineups over the seasons.....with many more to come!

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for the appreciation one,

there are too many people that I cant think of them all to thank. Of course in the beginning there are people like @caltroit_red_flames  and @Blastmeaway of czechia who made czechia my home and really want to get them the gold soon. There are the people who took a chance on my in the 4th round around this time actually in @adamantium @Glyc  and @DrunkenTeddy  and I will always appreciate for that, Vancouver is the SMJHL Team, hands down. Then people like @39alaska39  Ive beens friends with on the site since like, we were drafted. Then people like the Kovacs are there which I appreciated. @mcgriddleluver  is also someone who was great when I got drafted to SFP, of course @King and @Muerto as well. All of the SFP people I was drafteed with were great. People that I now game with @"cpetrella" @SlashACM @Scrufdaddy @nour @Good_Ole_Kimmy @walter1975 shoutout to walter @nykonax @MCP_ @efiug @FuzzSHL @dmills3 @Nictox 

Switching gears shoutout to the Mentors in the S43 SHL Discord, espcially @Pris 

Shoutout to everyone in Vancouver, too many people to @ but I appreciate all of you, youve made my experience being a GM there great.

I know im missing some great people as well, but thats as many as can think of right now, and the word count is passed 150 so im outtie.

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Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
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07-20-2019, 09:30 PMBeaver Wrote:
Quote:- Tell us about some of your favorite SHL posts of all time. what were they about? what did you enjoy about them? how did they turn out!? (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)

All of my favorite SHL posts involve extremely dramatic shit storms so for this point task allow me to tell you about the first major thunderdome shit storm of my simulation hockey league career which was the portland rookie contract shit storm you see it all began with a thread titled something like "wally comes on men" which detailed how wally had renegotiated agreed upon rookie contracts after realizing that the team didn't have as much cap space as he thought and I believe all the rookies were okay with this but it's possible that he did it without their knowledge either way it's not cool and hundreds of replies poured in with some serious indignation and blah blah blah anyway I spent that entire day of work f5ing the thread and basking in the dramatic glow and in fact that night I was playing d&d and was talking about the drama and that's how @[keygan] was recruited to sim leagues true story anyway later that day the portland co general manager @tweedledunn got on and made a video where he went through the thread in a humorous manner critiquing the jokes and memes and such and then posted it as a podcast and said to split some of the pay with the rookies who had their pay docked LMAO so anyway that was hilarious and one of my favorite SHL posts of all time and it re-ignited the shit storm so we got several hundred more juicy posts so ya enjoy this incredible piece of SHL history and a major piece to one of the greatest posts of all time:

brb writing my PT in appreciation of Jakub/meg Lightbulb

[Image: fm4oNHu.png]    Aurora  norway  Raptors     [Image: YHC5qMO.png]
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Over the past few years on the site (since s30) I’ve stayed committed to one SHL team in Portland/San Francisco and I’ve had the great pleasure of chatting with and appreciating many of my teammates over that span. But even before the SHL… I had an amazingly formative time, in a couple of short seasons, with the Kelowna Knights. @Jenny and @ej27 were killer GMs, my fashion twin @twils, @Zoone16, and captain @bilbo. Had lots of fun with that squad and they all kept me engaged early on trying to learn how our crazy forum fake hockey league works. I had a great time eating chicken and watching the Redwings irl with Bilbo and lucked out as co-gm of SFP drafting both Bilbo and EJ. Early on Portland days @Wally, @MWHazard, @BANNING, @tweedlebrumm, and @Tanner all come to mind as super teammates. Tanner and @Rich sim mechanics posts helped me and my build with Otto. BIG FEELS for @Snuffalupagus and @Shadowz1797 sticking around with me in Portland after HO body slammed us. I’ve had a blast in the front office of SFP for a long while with @Grapehead and @Beaver and @Muerto – future is very bright here and yeah I could gush about SFP peeps for days on end but I’ll save that for some future retirement post when Simon T antics inevitably drive me insane and I retire.

[Image: fm4oNHu.png]    Aurora  norway  Raptors     [Image: YHC5qMO.png]
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Have you met a person or a group in the SHL that you are friendly with? or someone that you appreciate here on the site? give them a shout out and tell us why you appreciate them! (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)

There are two main people on this site that I have to give a major shout out to.

The first is 100% @Carbine. Without him I would never have found the GOMHL and then the SHL. He has helped guide me through me early days in the leagues and has always been a great mentor both on the site and in real life. I know he has taken a step back here and there but we both help boost each other up! So happy that he was able to join the Cudas this past season!

The next person would have to be @jcfbey01 for being apart of the squad since day 1. He was the first GM I played for and has always been a strong presence in my careers. It is great to have him with me in Tampa Bay, along with Carbine, as the three of us spent some good seasons together in Philly in the GOMHL.

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- Have you met a person or a group in the SHL that you are friendly with? or someone that you appreciate here on the site? give them a shout out and tell us why you appreciate them! (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)

So, I'd want to take this opportunity to shout out the people we welcomed me onto the site and really got me to stick around - some through simply reaching out and saying hello and others by always being willing to help out.

@StamkosFan - You were probably the first dude to get in touch with me and get me involved with my first subcommunity, the Swedish national team LR.

@Mack, @James Truong, @LarksTongue and the rest of the Militia boys I played with - I really enjoyed my first taste of a team LR and you guys were a really big part of that.

@BarnabasCollins - Thanks for always putting up with my questions and giving me a shot at the GMing gig, I really enjoyed every bit of it (except maybe the finals loss).

@Tomen, @WannabeFinn - You guys have done an amazing job with building our current Buffalo team, team is filled with guys that really cool to be around. Thanks for always putting up with questions and being helpful!

@Mayuu - My Swedish brother amidst a sea of Americans and Canadians. I remember when you made me a sig when I first joined up thinking you were really nice for doing that. Now that I'm disillusioned and know that you simply did it for the $$$ I'm not quite as stunned by it, but still cool. :-]

And lastly I'd like to thank the entirety of the Buffalo LR, I'm not even going to attempt to tag every single one of you, but you're a cool bunch.

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I've had a few really enjoyable moments on site. As anyone reading this probably knows due to their lack of knowing me, I spend most of my activity online in discord, so I'll say a few memorable moments on there as well, just because I simply don't have a huge remembrance of site events. One site event that I do remember, or I guess two site events, were the two "An SHL Tale" point tasks. I thought those were really fun and well done. Another memorable moment for me was when I first got ranked in the top 100 of the SHL. My first player, Jeremy Anderson, was my first foray into sim leagues, and everything overwhelmed me and I sort of fell out of it quickly. However I spent some time in other sim leagues maybe six months to a year after, and then decided I wanted to come back to the SHL and try again. Getting ranked in the top 100 was sort of a confirmation of all of that work. Another memorable moment for me was of course draft day. There is such a huge (and maybe disproportionate) weight put on recreates in the draft, that when I finally got drafted by Manhattan I knew I'd found my team for my career. Getting drafted in a sim league always feels like the start of something big to me, so that can't help but be one of my most memorable moments.

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(This post was last modified: 07-21-2019, 10:43 AM by Flareon.)

Welp, been putting off this for a long while but It's finally time to get around to it. I've met some great people around this site so expect this to get pretty lengthy. 

First and foremost is @King, one of the first people I met on this website in the GB LR. Turns out he was an SMJHL GM and thus I was drafted to the Raiders in S45, this alone I am thankful for as it introduced me to some real great people. At the very top of that list is @bilbo and @slothfacekilla. Back at the start of S45 and the 16 game loss streak, the three of us were appointed as the Raiders' leadership core, and our friendships took off from there. They are great people and I am thankful we ended up together in Halifax, even if Perry did develop slight alcoholism. 

Next is my classmates in Halifax from that draft. @slothfacekilla (again), @Kalakar, @sharksisback, and @Citizen of Adraa . It was a tough couple of seasons, and being forcibly called up into the SHL definitely put a dampener on our time together and a potential shot at a cup in S47, but I'm still glad for you all and wish you all SHL success some day. 

Next up is the Wolfpack, @Ace took me in the mid-first round and as a first gen in a deep draft that felt huge. This also opened the doors to some great friendships. @goldenglutes being very near the top of it. He's my countryman and faithful partner on the 2nd defence pair, he's a rival but also a great friend. My other classmates in New England (@5ympathies, @gordieboom) have also been great faces in the LR, and hopefully we can all go get a cup soon. The picks the following seasons have also been great people. Notably @hotdog who has stepped up in to the co-GM job in the Wolfpack. @Lunatyck, @The__Y-man__100 and @ProjectSaint are great young studs and I'm excited to watch them develop. 

@Jearim also gets a huge appreciation from me. He let me fuck around his Co for a while and that has opened the door to where I am now, as Head GM of Halifax and Federation Head of Great Britain. As a side note, thanks to all the SMJHL GMs (I'm not tagging you all, there's like 40 that I've met at this point, except @SpartanGibbles because I'm in his for some reason), you've all been super great to work with and look forward to the mass amount of new hires coming through the offseason.

Finally, thanks once more to @Citizen of Adraa for stepping into the co-GM role of the Raiders and already being a huge help around the front office.

I'm sure I've missed someone, so apologies if so but there is way too many

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There are a ton of people who make the SHL a great place to be. But I'm not going to tag everyone, because it is everyone. Sometimes it is a funny meme or post or discord joke, other times it is a person people down right wrong and watching people unite against them. The "I can't believe I am agreeing with (blank)." Everybody who shows up, stays semi active and honestly makes this place enjoyable, you are the star.

I also want to give a shout out to the Montreal boys from the failed league, I'm not going to tag you, but you know who you are. You made sim hockey fun by our ruthless winning. We got points for discord posts, we pushed those points to the G D limit, great job boys!

Lastly, Mike Izzy gets a huge shout out, because I've never hated these pts. They are almost all homeruns instead of bunts. You rock my man.

[Image: TROYMCCLURE.gif]
Colorado Raptors Capitan S42-Until Forever!
Czechia Wants you! Ask about a transfer!!

There are probably three major moments on the site that have really stuck out to me. The first is probably the season when I was nominated for the Stevens award. It was that moment of realizing that all the work I had put in over the last year and a half or so to build this player was finally coming to fruition, and it felt pretty good.
The second was becoming Co-GM of the Panthers. I had never planned on, nor expected, to become a GM in any form of this league. But when the job came up and Wasty gave me a little nudge I realized it was something that maybe I did actually want to do. It has certainly paid off for me I think, but if it were any other team than the Panthers I probably would not have taken the job.
Third and finally, is not one specific moment but a culmination of a bunch. To me the best moments on this site are those late night conversations on discord with the buds you've made. I don't think there is much better than that, and although it is a simulation hockey league, I think it's these conversations and the relationships you've made that makes the league so great.

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Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

Player Profile | Update Page

When I first joined SHL a few years ago my tenure lasted all of maybe a week and I didn't talk to anybody. When I made my return I figured I would just be there to update my player and not make much conversation, until I learned the site had shifted to using Discord as the platform for locker rooms rather than using the site. When I was signed to Detroit right after the draft I was given a warm welcome by everyone there but a few people made a big impression on me. First is @Mayuu , he greeted me with his load of custom Hippo emojis and a warm, "welcome my dude!" Since we have been teammates I have watched his Twitch streams and have gotten to know him as a person, often making conversation about videogames. Next we have @Snussu one off-season I wrote about how Snu and I have been playing Golf With Your Friends on Steam together. Since then we have grown to be Rocket League players together and make a pretty good duo. He always passes a friendly hello to my wife and when he finally visits America he has a place to stay with us.

Last is my real life best friend @WannabeFinn. WBF was the one who introduced me to the site and used to help me with countless updates until I finally figured out how to do it myself. He's given me plenty of advice with my skaters and has put up with my countless stupid questions.

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Finland  Stars  Berserkers

Okay, this is great. As of late I haven't been around that much because of real life stuff and this PT comes in at a great time for me. This league has given me so much joy over the last 7 months and it's mainly because of the awesome people I have come in contact with.

@39alaska39 @Good_Ole_Kimmy  Thanks for drafting me to Colorado back in season 45 and believing in me, you too are a huge part in making be feel welcome here and for sticking around.

@hhh81  Thanks for all the help and explaining you did for me when I was fresh here, you are a great leader and you make everyone feel included.

@StadiumGambler  my draft class buddy, you are an outstanding person. I'm hapoy we got to share a locker room and I hope we will do it in the future. You are a leader and I'm sure you will wear the C some day in the SHL.

@xDParK @O4L  @Kylrad  You all are great guys, as the whole COL locker room you made be feel welcome. We had a good run in s45 and maybe some day we will be reunited.

@Grapehead  @tweedledunn  Thanks for drafting me to the Pride, at 17th oveall, it means alot to me. The biggest thing you did for me was letting me stay down for as long as I wanted in the J and I am forever grateful for that.

@wumaduce what can I say, you are one of my favorite guys on here, I'm happy you are back and that we got to play a season together in Colorado even though I wasn't much of a Captain or presence the past season. Take the Raptors to the finals and win that cup!

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- Tell us about some of the most enjoyable moments you have had on this site. (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)

I'd say that my SHL career so far can be split into three different periods of memorable moments. The first period was when I first joined the site and I think that was the most fun I've ever had on the site. The activity on the website was insane and every game had a PBP, which was something I really enjoyed doing. The rivalries were extremely fun and I always enjoyed it. Then came the second period with my second player that I think I had the most success on the site. I was able to become a GM of an SMJHL team, which I really enjoyed doing. Being able to draft players and watch them grow was a great accomplishment for me. My player was able to win 2 Challenger Cup Trophies and was in the playoffs for most seasons, so that made my time on the site that much more enjoyable. And then comes the third period, which is the present. Being able to get drafted back to the team that I was on with my last player has made me want to continue to be active on the site and I think that there will be more enjoyable moments to come in the near future.

208 words

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- Have you met a person or a group in the SHL that you are friendly with? or someone that you appreciate here on the site? give them a shout out and tell us why you appreciate them! (*Tag anyone relevant to the topic)

Well, the story is famous within the Crows LR but not sure how known it is around the site. I was picked 87th overall in the SMJHL s42 reddit draft, the last pick, and for good reason. I didn't have an update page or any posts, I looked like I would be inactive. I received an email from a PM from Joe and I remembered that I signed up for this site and fought through a lot of social anxiety to join the discord. I had never been on discord before so I didn't know what to expect. What I found was a great group of dudes with whom I felt comfortable being myself. These guys were tight knit and looked out for one another, and I'll always appreciate the bond we formed in my juniors LR.

I also really appreciate the LR that Ace and Karl built in EDM, it was awesome and kept me engaged in the site even when I was playing in the juniors for 3 seasons. Lots of good guys and fun games in there that got me hooked on this site. In no particular order some of the people who have made my time here memorable: @"cpetrella" @JKortesi81 @"luketd" @Scrufdaddy @Ace @karlssens @ErM @Obsidian311 @CptSquall @Good_Ole_Kimmy @Blastmeaway @Dude @TML99 @artermis (for being patient with me as WJC commish) and of course my best friend on the site who will probably be the ONLY reason I stay with NOLA for the forseeable future, @Nictox

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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.