08-12-2019, 08:15 PMluketd Wrote: Okay so you’re dodging the center issue that you aren’t one, and having them all less +/- than you say more about you or them
Alright. Do you truly believe CC2 is the issue there? It's actually CC2's fault that he has a poor +/-? Out of the entire league he is #3 in driving his line on 5v5, he is clearly the problem here 5v5?
Nobody gave a flying hoot when CC2 lead his team in +/- 3 seasons in a row before this one, even the 42 and 40 point campaigns didn't garner him any votes despite him having one of the best defensive point shares during his time in Hammy.
And they have less because they get rotated off the top line and face lesser competition. You know the logic behind that is sound.
But if CC2 is clearly the issue here 5v5 then by all means keep at it.
The awards are for this season only, and still didn’t mention anything that VM is a CENTER and has more defensive capabilities that are better than you. You got a bit more points but it isn’t enough to outweigh your defensive liabilities
08-12-2019, 10:17 PM(This post was last modified: 08-12-2019, 10:19 PM by Boomcheck.)
08-12-2019, 10:09 PMluketd Wrote:
08-12-2019, 08:43 PMBoomcheck Wrote: Alright. Do you truly believe CC2 is the issue there? It's actually CC2's fault that he has a poor +/-? Out of the entire league he is #3 in driving his line on 5v5, he is clearly the problem here 5v5?
Nobody gave a flying hoot when CC2 lead his team in +/- 3 seasons in a row before this one, even the 42 and 40 point campaigns didn't garner him any votes despite him having one of the best defensive point shares during his time in Hammy.
And they have less because they get rotated off the top line and face lesser competition. You know the logic behind that is sound.
But if CC2 is clearly the issue here 5v5 then by all means keep at it.
The awards are for this season only, and still didn’t mention anything that VM is a CENTER and has more defensive capabilities that are better than you. You got a bit more points but it isn’t enough to outweigh your defensive liabilities
He doesn't.
CC2 had the toughest zone starts of any of the top 50 scorers. Just because he's a center doesn't mean he actually took up a defensive role. 'A bit' more points is undercutting it, CC2 outclassed Marius offensively.
But like I said it's not that big of an issue. CC2 is clearly involved in way more plays than Marius as well. It's all good. I expect proper treatment for next awards voting season. Wonder if they'll be consistent.
so I just put the numbers into my own advanced metric ALoSSAUItOMSS/20 which for the uninformed stands for Alot of Shitty Stats Added Up Into One Mega Shitty Stat per 20 minutes played. The higher the number the maybe the better.
08-12-2019, 10:09 PMluketd Wrote: The awards are for this season only, and still didn’t mention anything that VM is a CENTER and has more defensive capabilities that are better than you. You got a bit more points but it isn’t enough to outweigh your defensive liabilities
He doesn't.
CC2 had the toughest zone starts of any of the top 50 scorers. Just because he's a center doesn't mean he actually took up a defensive role. 'A bit' more points is undercutting it, CC2 outclassed Marius offensively.
But like I said it's not that big of an issue. CC2 is clearly involved in way more plays than Marius as well. It's all good. I expect proper treatment for next awards voting season. Wonder if they'll be consistent.
cC2 hAd tHe tOuGhEsT ZoNe sTaRtS Of aNy oF ThE ToP 50 sCoReRs. JuSt bEcAuSe hE'S A CeNtEr dOeSn't mEaN He aCtUaLlY ToOk uP A DeFeNsIvE RoLe. 'a bIt' MoRe pOiNtS Is uNdErCuTtInG It, Cc2 OuTcLaSsEd mArIuS OfFeNsIvElY.
bUt lIkE I SaId iT'S NoT ThAt bIg oF An iSsUe. Cc2 Is cLeArLy iNvOlVeD In wAy mOrE PlAyS ThAn mArIuS As wElL. iT'S AlL GoOd. I ExPeCt pRoPeR TrEaTmEnT FoR NeXt aWaRdS VoTiNg sEaSoN. wOnDeR If tHeY'Ll bE CoNsIsTeNt.
The Jeff Dar Trophy has nothing to do with defense, it has everything to do with "Forward who has the most hits". So you need, at minimum, 200 of those to qualify anymore.