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S49 PT #4 - The Record Book


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syndicate Outlaws Switzerland

To me the hardest record to beat is highest TPE reached in a career. When Toe got the record at about 2270 TPE, he had a few advantages that future players will not. The post game show system that is in place for first year players was available to everyone for 5 seasons, so that alone is an extra 60 TPE. On top of that seasons used to take longer and off-seasons too, finally play by plays used to be available for all games 5-7 in the playoffs, not just the finals. When you combine all those factors I don't think it's going to be possible for someone to surpass the record. Unless some sort of TPE inflation happens its really a record that can't be broken even by the most hard-core TPE earners on the site and that's probably a good thing since TPE is already inflated enough.

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[Image: Tqabyfh.png]  |  [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

Let’s be real here. The most underrated record around here is longevity in the league. This is why I think that the only record that is truly untouchable, and will be for a long time, is Esa Anrikkanen’s record of seasons played. 29 seasons across 4 decades of SHL hockey is a crazy feat to accomplish and with how competitive the league has grown; I doubt we’ll see someone reach that amount in the coming years unless they are an inactive being kept around for way longer than they should be.

Based on when Esa first played in the SMJHL, his player started around May 2015, and went until April 2019. That’s right. 4 years of Esa Anrikkanen. 4 real life years. I don’t think anyone is willing to invest this much time into a player, and although some have come decently close (a few at 24-25 seasons played), they could not keep up with the ageless wonder.

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All leagues have their records, some are likely set to live forever and some are just waiting to be obliterated. When it comes to the SHL, I see a few records that fit both descriptions. A record that I fully expect to be dethroned is the current +/- career record held by David Winter. A + 275 is great, but with some players getting closer to it every season, I don't see it lasting many more season. As far as a record I feel will be around for almost an eternity, the current career high in Penalty Minutes held by Taylor McDavid with 1558 won't be going anywhere with the way the newer players have all seemed to focus on either a more offensive or defensive game and only a small few actually going around causing chaos all over the ice. Records are a sense of pride for those that have them, even for myself. I was lucky enough to score the very first SHG against the new expansion team New Orleans Specters, Nobody can take that away from me.
(This post was last modified: 08-31-2019, 12:13 PM by Massive Coiler.)

The record that I think looks to be the hardest to break would be the Most Shutouts in a Season record. All the way back in season 13, goaltender Tom Corcoran managed to collect 11 shutouts for the Edmonton Blizzard. Playing 45 games, he averaged a shutout nearly every 4 games played. Even crazier, he only had 26 wins on the season, meaning in 42% of his wins, he shutout the opposing team. Several things need to come together to make this record happen, including just plain luck. This record took place in an era considered to be part of the "realism era" which took place from S12 to S20, and again from S25 to the present day. Unlike many other records, this one has no appearances from any goalie in the top 5 ranking since S32. The game seems to have moved away from crazy goalie stats like this one, which makes me believe that it would take some otherworldly goalie with the luckiest season of his life to come anywhere near this one. Best of luck to those trying to break it, but I would personally focus my efforts on something more obtainable.

[Image: Flusso.png]
Sig by @Evil_AllBran

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Quote:Which record would you say will be the hardest to break? Explain yourself!

As much as I’d like to see the record broken (because ArGar’s a wildly unpleasant person), I can’t fathom Alonzo Garbanzo’s career blocked shot record of 1882 ever being surpassed by a current player. Garbanzo holds a 477 block lead on second place all time, Ben Dover.

For comparison’s sake, Alexis Metzler sits at 4th all-time with 1352 blocked shots (including his so far 54 this season). To match Garbanzo’s record, he would have to play 6 more seasons averaging 88.3 blocked shots. That’s not likely.

The gap is so stupidly large that, unless someone specifically endeavors to try to break it through their career, hanging on for dear life deep into regression, I can’t fathom it happening. Actually, let me do some math. So far in ~3 seasons with Buffalo, I have 139 blocked shots. If I also played 24 seasons, I would need to average 83 blocked shots a season the rest of the way to match the record. Considering no one (thus far) has been able to give me any clear picture of how to build to maximize blocked shots (where’s Torts when you need him?!) it seems SB are just a crapshoot. I want to sit here and say I state my goal to break that record… but I’m not crazy. I’d be better off aiming to play 1500 career games and blast past Esa Anrikkanen for OOAT (oldest of a time).

P.S. a record I do plan to take before too long is career playoff shots blocked. Darrow has it for Colorado, and I’d like to nab it for Buffalo. Coming for ya @Avakael.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
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Which existing record (e.g., most goals, most wins, most hits, etc.) do you think will be broken by a currently active player? Explain yourself?

I think Mike Izzy of the Calgary Dragons has a shot at the all-time Hits record of 3,434, currently held by Taylor McDavid. It's a pretty huge number and would be quite an accomplishment if Izzy could break it. He's on a great pace, currently sitting at 2,356 in the books and should add around 175 more this season, putting him at roughly 2,530. That will leave him about 900 hits away from the record. To make it simple he would need to play 5 more seasons while throwing 200 hits a season to rack up 1,000 more hits. He has a ton of tpe and will obviously play longer than 5 more seasons. Even if he throws let's say 150 or so hits a season, that'd be about 6 seasons to break the record. Mike Izzy is currently finishing up his 13th season in the league and having reached 2ktpe he's pretty much a lock to play 20+ seasons. Even with a modest hit total, if he plays longer than 20 seasons he should be able to break the record. Now factor in that I know he'll be on the only hitter on his line at least the next few seasons, so his hit totals should be close to the 200 area again, giving him a nice boost toward the record. I think when it's all said and done Mike Izzy will be the all-time SHL Hits leader.

---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
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#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite

I think the record that will be hardest to break is Alonzo Garbano's record, who retired in season 44, as the top scoring defense man. Although the record books list him as being active and holding 950 points, Alonzo actually retired several seasons prior and finished, according to his hall of fame profile, with 973 points. The second closest listing to Garbano as far as defenseman go, would be Darian Scherbluk who retired in season 29. Scherbluk had an unknown amount of points as the link to his career stats on his hall of fame profile is now broken, however the all time scoring leaders list which doesn't always appear to be accurate, had him placed at 753 points. The third place holder for this record, is Bubba Nuck with 675 points, and retiring in season 43. Maybe one can argue that as the seasons go on, defenseman are starting to score more and more but the next two in line behind Garbano show just how quite a big of a lead he had on them is. These couple defenseman had amazing careers offensively, yet are still so far behind which leads me to believe this will be one hard record to break or even come close to breaking.

Anthony Archer - S49 12th Overall
1x IIHF Silver Medalist (S51)
2x WJC Gold Medalist (S48, S49)
2x Four Star Cup Finalist (S48, S50)
SMJHL: 42G 40A 82P 304HIT // SHL: 17G 17A 34P 326HIT

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Which existing record (e.g., most goals, most wins, most hits, etc.) do you think will be broken by a currently active player? Explain yourself?
I think Jason Visser has a real strong shot to overtake Esa Anrikkanen as the all time leading point scorer in the SHL. Visser is still sitting at 1400 TPE and after this season he will only be about 160 or so points behind Anrikkanen. If he has the motivation it should be no issue for him to catch up, especially if he puts up another point per game season or two. I think he can beat the record while probably playing 6 or 7 less seasons than Esa.

Which record would you say will be the hardest to break? Explain yourself!
I'd say two of Alonzo Garbanzo's records will be really tough to beat. One of them is his 765 assist tally, which leads the next highest player, Joe McKeil by almost 200 whole assists. And he did this as a defenseman (Although perhaps it is easier to put up assists as a defenseman). He also has 1882 shots blocked over the course of his 24 season career, which leads the next highest player, Ben Dover, by 477 shots blocked. That's like 7-8 seasons of putting up an average ish tally of 60-70 shots blocked.

[Image: jjfrankiejj.gif]
Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

Player Profile | Update Page

I'm a sucker for hits stats.  I think it's reasonable for players to be built around getting tons of hits, especially when they are taking the pressure off a scorer on their line.  While the bar is very high at 3434 by Taylor McDavid, I think we could see that record broken by the one and only, Mike Izzy.

Izzy recently reached 10th all time at 2356 hits and is still climbing.  This current season has been a regression as he has 162 hits with only 3 games left.  In half of his 12 seasons, he has hit over 200 times, and only twice has he fallen below 180.  Like the blip in season 42, it's only somewhat optimistic to expect his hits to still hover around 200 going forward.

Assuming he gets no more hits this season, he needs 916 more to break the record.  If he stays active until his 20th season, he only needs an average of 131 hits per season, definitely within reach.  If he hovers around the 200 hit per season mark, he needs to play four and a half more seasons, but the full fifth season actually lowers the average required hits to 180.  On the condition that Izzy plays five more seasons, I think this record can be his and it gets drastically easier with each season after that.

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credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

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using The Bojo Box as reference, a record that i believe we wont see broken any time in the near future is Seth Plaut's 185 major penalty minutes in s6. granted this was a completely different era of the SHL, 60 games played a season, i did the math and that's about 0.62 major penalties a game. compare that to Turd Ferguson's 130 major penalty minutes, 0.59 major penalties a game (44GP) in s5. another huge reason i don't think this record will ever be touched is because the league seems to be straying away from enforcers... much like real life leagues. i definitely understand why but that doesn't mean i don't think it adds something. from what i can see it's just part of the game. i mean... my team has a fighter and i think we're doing just fine, don't you think? it's a camaraderie thing which is the biggest part of hockey. anyway, i think it's pretty clear to see that this is a record that will stand longer than most of us will be around the site.

Which existing record (e.g., most goals, most wins, most hits, etc.) do you think will be broken by a currently active player? Explain yourself?

I've had a history of making some incredible goal scorers and I plan for Fujikawa to follow that same suit. Now, this is only in dreamland that we speak of this, but he's going to go all the way with the chedz and take the all-time scoring leader away from the current #1. It's a big accomplishment and likely, a very hard one to do but imo, possible. For Fujikawa to do it, I shouldn't have fucked up his TPE earning and actually ran out of the gates with him. But hey, I'm older and less time on my hands. I'm doing what I can, okay?

Which record would you say will be the hardest to break? Explain yourself!
Most Seasons consecutively by a GM. I don't know if this is actually a record and I don't remember or know what the record is. I know Leafs or whatever was with Winnipeg for a very long time and that was pretty impressive. Was always weird to see him step away etc. Never cared for the Jets on here much though but never ever had any form of a connection with them (random fact I guess). Los Angeles has Wasty. That's the biggest one for me that comes to mind. GM stats are impressive to me as I love GMing on these types of sites. An amazing amount of fun. Similar to Wasty, I am a longer tenured GM on the VHL (currently on my 19th season straight - 24 if you count the VHLM). Wasty has been a GM for a long ass time. It's unlikely, imo, that someone beats that record - especially since he's still going hard in the Mac.

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08-31-2019, 12:32 PMhhh81 Wrote:
Quote:Which record would you say will be the hardest to break? Explain yourself!

As much as I’d like to see the record broken (because ArGar’s a wildly unpleasant person), I can’t fathom Alonzo Garbanzo’s career blocked shot record of 1882 ever being surpassed by a current player. Garbanzo holds a 477 block lead on second place all time, Ben Dover.

For comparison’s sake, Alexis Metzler sits at 4th all-time with 1352 blocked shots (including his so far 54 this season). To match Garbanzo’s record, he would have to play 6 more seasons averaging 88.3 blocked shots. That’s not likely.

The gap is so stupidly large that, unless someone specifically endeavors to try to break it through their career, hanging on for dear life deep into regression, I can’t fathom it happening. Actually, let me do some math. So far in ~3 seasons with Buffalo, I have 139 blocked shots. If I also played 24 seasons, I would need to average 83 blocked shots a season the rest of the way to match the record. Considering no one (thus far) has been able to give me any clear picture of how to build to maximize blocked shots (where’s Torts when you need him?!) it seems SB are just a crapshoot. I want to sit here and say I state my goal to break that record… but I’m not crazy. I’d be better off aiming to play 1500 career games and blast past Esa Anrikkanen for OOAT (oldest of a time).

P.S. a record I do plan to take before too long is career playoff shots blocked. Darrow has it for Colorado, and I’d like to nab it for Buffalo. Coming for ya @Avakael.

Good luck. Tongue

[Image: avakaelsig.gif]

> Which record would you say will be the hardest to break? Explain yourself!

For me, it would be the most awards won by a team in a single season. Essentially, that means any team trophies (Challenge Cup, President's Trophy, etc.) and individual awards won by players on the team (Stevens, Dar, GM and Coaching awards, etc.). The circumstances needed for that to happen would be incredibly hard to come up with: the team would need everything to go absolutely right, from players not crapping out near the end of the season, to any skids Simon may grace upon the team. The current record holder (or at least from what I could find, all these team's record pages aren't streamlined the same way) is 11, set by the S4 Edmonton Comets. Yes, it's been that long. Plenty of teams have been able to do 10, such as the S48 Tampa Bay Barracuda, but no team has been able to do it all like they have.

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