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S49 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2019, 01:47 PM by Tate.)

PBE Welfare - 3 TPE

Task 2 - 3 TPE:

The commercial I’m pitching involves the emergence of a player who had a respectable regular season but has made a strong statement for being the playoff MVP, and that is Gordie Boomhover @gordieboom . While it is true that Gordie posted a regular season stat line of 5 goals and 19 assists in 50 games he has shone in the post season with a whopping 6 goals and 12 assists in 11 games.

We open on the ice with game action in full swing, Boomhover is passed the puck and as he clears the first opposing player who charges him, the video slows down as Boomhover begins to narrate, “I’ve never been a believer in luck,” the video picks up in speed again only to slow down as Boomhover again dodges another attack, his puck handling and smooth skating clearly on display, “I knew that if I wanted to succeed, I would have to work for it.” The video picks up back in speed again as Boomhover races toward the Edmonton goalie, with no Blizzard player in sight. The video slows down again as the focus switches back and forth between Boomhover and Edmonton Blizzard starter, Tommy Tuck. “They told me that I should give up,” Boomhover continues to narrate, “That I would never make it.” Boomhover pulls off a perfect deke and sends the puck flying past Tuck, and as he does the video returns to full speed. The goal horn goes off as the red-light flashes and Boomhover is surrounded by his celebrating teammates. “But hard work pays off.” The camera pans out from the celebrating Wolfpack to reveal a thunderous crowd, “I don’t believe in luck,” Boomhover continues as the camera falls back on him, a wide smile on his face, “But I’ll work for it.” The SHL Finals logo flashes on the screen with game 1’s date and start time on it. Fade to black.

319 words

Task 4 - 2 TPE:

One of the teams Knox Booth seems to perform well against is the Kelowna Knights. When I first created and explored the site one of the first GM’s to contact me was from the Kelowna Knights. The Knights had a need for goaltending and if I had fell to the 3rd round of the SMJHL draft I would have been selected by them. The goalie that Kelowna ended up going with was Marquees Brownlee, who famously claimed in one of his media spots that he could easily surpass me in TPE and become a better goalie than me. That statement alone served as extra motivation for me to be a better goalie and especially when it came to facing Kelowna, because I knew I had a true adversary staring back at me from the opposite end of the ice. Flash forward to today and I have 437 TPE and he has 197… guess we know who beat who.

158 words

Task 8 - Podcast - 4 TPE:

**note to updater, I highlight my s49 season, do a finals breakdown as well as talk about CW and my offseason build.

Task 9 - 5 TPE:

Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.

A. The team I am learning toward winning the championship is New England so I will focus on their players. Initially I was impressed with what I had seen Konn do in that he is more than a PPG player and has been a very helpful addition since being acquired. However, the player that really stands out is Kalju due to his offensive production in the post season. Currently Kalju has 9pts in 11 games with 5 of those points being generated on the PowerPlay. It’s clear here that Kalju has significantly helped New England’s special teams and he will continue to play a key role in helping lead New England to a championship win.
114 words

B. When it comes to choosing the right group, I want a healthy mix of offensive and defensive qualities so first I will start with the forwards:
F #1: Gordie Boomhover – Right now in my eyes it is Boomhover who is the playoff MVP, he’s put together an impressive stat line and has emerged as a leader both on and off the ice.
F #2: Rafe Ulrich – Safe alternate choice after Boomhover, as produced almost the same amount of points as Boomhover and is solid on both ends of the ice. It’s clear also that Boomhover and Ulrich have chemistry so I want to bring together two players that know each other.
F #3: Teddy Cuddles – If it weren’t for the outstanding post season of Boomhover I may have pointed to Cuddles first, and while he has done well from an offensive standpoint it hasn’t been enough for him to edge either Boomhover or Ulrich for top spot. The great thing also about Cuddles is his name, so he’ll likely make for a good partner in case either Boomhover or Ulrich need a hug.
D #1: Brady McIntyre – This man is an offensive dynamo and cannot be ignored, I want a defender who is going to quarterback my PP and it looks like McIntyre is more than capable of the task.
D #2: Ensio Kalju – What would a backend look like with a top pairing of McIntyre and Kalju? Could it possibly be the best defensive pairing in the history of the SHL? For the purposes of fantasy I would love to see this duo pass the puck back and forth to each other.
G: Tommy Tuck – In this case the veteran wins the net and we go with Tuck from the Blizzard. He’s played well and can be counted on to be a reliable netminder when the time comes for him to make a quick save.
316 words

C. The advantage for me goes to the veteran of Tommy Tuck. The Edmonton Blizzard netminder has experience in the post season and understands what he has to do to maintain consistency and be reliable for his team. While Leitner had an amazing season and has potential to keep his run going deep into the post season I do believe that from a statistical category that Tuck will edge him out when all is said and done. That being said I do believe that New England will win the series.
89 words

D. The choice for best name was easy to spot for me, Tony Pepperoni. I really like the name for two specific reasons, first of all I love how it rhymes. It’s a lot of fun to say, “Tony Pepperoni,” out loud as it has a nice sound to it and flows quite well. The second reason is because it features one of my favorite pizza toppings, who doesn’t love pepperoni? Thanks Tony!
72 words

E. I hate to say it, but this is again a really easy choice, and it’s a hotdog. First of all, hotdogs are delicious and can be consumed for any meal of the day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Also, you can put just about anything you want on a hotdog and it’ll still taste good, so I could have a hotdog with salami on it and still enjoy it. Now I want a hotdog.
73 words

= 17 TPE (Claiming 16)

Thx! Smile

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(This post was last modified: 09-13-2019, 01:01 PM by slothfacekilla.)

1. NSFL PT - 3 TPE

1. Written, 3 TPE
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Boston or Games 3 and 4 in Edmonton? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (150+ words)

To be honest I would rather avoid the finals, and I'm not sure why I would be considered for any sort of VIP status, but if I have to make a choice here I guess I will go to one of the first two games in Boston to get it over with.  Plus, I am still a little confused if I am allowed back across the border into Canada after some shenanigans I pulled after our loss to Edmonton, so I might as well play it safe and go to Boston.  I would choose the most expensive hotel first to start ringing up that tab on Eggy's dime.  I'm going to eat at all the finest restaurants, but no chowder or sea food for me.  I may even go and have a few new suits tailored, claiming that I need to look good as a VIP.  And I'm not going to sit front row or anything, I'll be up in a luxury suite eating and drinking all I can get my hands on.  I'll throw out a few cheers for Perry Morgan and then promptly black out from all the booze. (191 words)

3. Written, 3 TPE
As a professional hockey player, you have made a name for yourself. So much so that college, high school and hockey players even younger then that are taking notice! If young players wanted to model their game after you how would you best describe your playing style? What specific traits does your player possess that younger players should try to emulate?(150+ words)

Wow players really want to emulate me?  Are you sure?  Uhhhh I guess they may have noticed how big of a bust I am?  Well I guess if I have to answer...  I would mostly describe my playing style as "a whole lot of nothing."  First, you have to make sure that you lose a majority of the faceoffs that you take.  I was never good at them, but after switching to center my lack of skill was really on display!  So great, now the other team most likely has possession because I lost the faceoff... should I hit somebody?  Nahhhh, I'll just skate around aimlessly.  I may not even watch the play but sometimes I will watch like I'm a fan or something.  If the Specters do manage to get the puck, I mostly try to hide because I know if I try to shoot the puck I most likely will shoot wide.  I definitely would not score.  And do not get me started on my passing ability...  If there is one thing young players should try to emulate from my game, I guess it would be stand near the net and hope someone bounces a puck off of you for a cheap assist.  That is how you make the big bucks. (213 words)

2. Written, 3 TPE
Companies will have to pay a whopping $3 million dollars to run a 30-second ad during this seasons Challenge Cup Championship series. That lofty price tag might be worth it, as hundreds of millions of people across the globe tuned in for the SHL finals in season 48!
Task: The league is now accepting commercial scripts for the Challenge Cup. Create a grandiose commercial script involving a player in the finals or something promoting an SHL related product! Script should detail the setting for the commercial. (*tag anyone involved) (150+ words)

I am here today to pitch a commercial for my new SHL related product: Sloth's Tamper Repellent spray. The setting for the commercial would be a deep and dense forrest, it would be sort of dark but the viewer can definitely make out the shape of a young SHL send down player wandering through the brush. The camera would jump to a close up on the player's face. A faint voice over is heard as it blows through like the wind... "Hello there young RFA.... imagine if you were not blocked by players on your SHL roster..." it whispers to the player who begins to look alarmed. A new voice blows in, "Hey read this reddit comment about needing a goalie, wouldn't you like to play for my countryyyyyy....?" The young send down player starts to weep, this oppressive tampering is breaking their willpower. Suddenly, there is a brilliant flash of light and a loud explosion. Jimmy Slothface appears in a cloud of smoke, hovering before the player. Reggaetron horns go off. Slothface is holding a bottle of Sloth's Tamper Repellent spray, he silently hands the bottle to the player before disappearing into thin air. The prospect sprays it into their own face and the forrest is gone. The voices are gone. They are back in his SMJHL dressing room. They are safe. (223 words)

9. Written, up to 5 TPE
Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.

A. Each of these teams has acquired some big name players recently and, with each in the CC finals, it's tough to argue with the results. Edmonton brought in TJ Bayley, Jordan Von Matt, and Terrance Nova; New England acquired Noah Konn, Ensio Kalju, and Anders Christiansen. Which of these six players will have the biggest impact on this series?
B. Build your ideal SHL Fantasy Team (F, F, F, D, D) out of the players appearing in the finals and explain your choices.
C. Johannes Leitner was a stud in net for the Wolfpack this year, posting one of the better statistical seasons for a goaltender since..... Tommy Tuck, of Edmonton, back in S45, one of the best goalie seasons ever. Who has the advantage in the crease this season?
D. What's your favorite player name on either team? why?
E. These two teams are both sporting SALTY MEAT as co-GMs - Tommy Salami for Edmonton and hotdog for New England. Which would you rather eat right now - a salami or a hotdog?

B. My finals fantasy lineup would be as follows: Dick Clapper - Teddy Cuddles - Julio Tokolosh - Perry Morgan - Guy Zheng. I am choosing Dick Clapper because of his name, let's be honest. That is a great name, any fantasy team would love to have him. Next I would pick Teddy Cuddles, because he seems like he would be good in my fantasy locker room. Next, Julio Tokolosh because having a cow on the team would be freaking awesome. Can you imagine? For defense I picked the Morgan / Zheng combo to support one of my old teammates and two of my draft class friends. Plus they are good so that is a plus in my opinion. (113 Words)

C. I am going to give the Wolfpack's Johannes Leitner the advantage in the crease for the finals this season merely because he had his good year this year and Tommy Tuck's was back in S45. Mostly just a what have you done for me lately sort of thing. This prediction could come back to bite me in the ass though as Leitner didn't even appear in the top 10 for shots faced this past regular season, so there is a good chance his good season was a result of the team in front of him. Perhaps the Wolfpack aren't able to suppress shots in the finals? Maybe Tuck shows that he still is the better goalie despite not appearing in the individual leaders for the regular season. (127 words)

D. My favorite player name from either team has to be Przemyslaw Brzeszczyczkiewicz because it looks like a cat just walked across a keyboard to get that name. I definitely copy and pasted that bad boy to write this. I am going to guess that it is Polish? I'm also guessing that New England has a pretty big budget for the letters on their jerseys, imagine having to fit that beast of a last name on a name plate. The equipment managers must have nightmares about it. I cannot imagine the announcers' frustration with having to try to pronounce that name correctly too. I personally would just cough into the microphone and hope no one noticed that I have no clue what I am saying. (124 words)

E. This is tough because it really depends. I would choose hotdog if I could add some chili and cheese to it, hold the onions please. This is really the only way I like my hotdogs, unless I am at a baseball game then I load that bad boy up with relish... and ketchup. I have not had it in a while, but when I was younger salami was my go to in a sandwich with some cheese and what not. I would take that over a plain hot dog, but a chili cheese dog would win in this scenario the more I think about it. Now I am just hungry though so thank you for putting this evil in me Mr. Hotdog. (122 words)

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(This post was last modified: 09-13-2019, 01:39 PM by DrunkenTeddy.)

1. Written, 3 TPE 
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Boston or Games 3 and 4 in Edmonton? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (150+ words)
Pretty clear that the preference would be to go to Boston, who the heck wants to go to Edmonton except maybe in the middle of summer? I haven't really been to Boston so I'd see the sites and do some tourist stuff, but I'd do it all in a limo filled with booze, after all I've got to drowned the sorrows of missing the playoffs. I don't really know what there is to do in Boston, but if we are trying to spend league money there would probably be strippers in the limo too, because why not? I'd definitely still go to the game, it would be fun to be at, even if I might get some heckles from some of the new england fans, are we rivals? Oh well, who knows. This does sound like a great time, hopefully there are enough seats for the strippers to come to the game too.

3. Written, 3 TPE
As a professional hockey player, you have made a name for yourself. So much so that college, high school and hockey players even younger then that are taking notice! If young players wanted to model their game after you how would you best describe your playing style? What specific traits does your player possess that younger players should try to emulate?(150+ words)
Up until this point I've played a 200 foot game, with lots of defensive responsibility, assists on the offensive side and the occasional goal. I think players would be trying to become a very well rounded player if they were trying to copy my style. I have some physicality to my game as well, so I think I'd have to say I'm an all-around sort of player. I like to think I play a similar game to Crosby for a real life comparison. I think the most important trait a young player could emulate would be defensive responsibility. All the offense in the world doesn't make up for massive defensive gaps in someone's game, so that would be the first thing I'd suggest a young player work on. Be responsible without the puck, always get back to help defend, because you'll never have a chance on offense if you don't get the puck back and have the ability to break out of your own zone.

8. Podcast, 3 or 4 TPE
Record a mini-podcast on any of the below topics!
- Highlights of the S49 season (on or off the ice)
- S49 playoff round-up
- S49 Challenge Cup finals Breakdown
- Offseason outlook

1 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 5 minutes or 4 TPE for 7 Minutes
2 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 6 Minutes or 4 TPE for 8 Minutes
Post the direct link to your podcast. (7 minutes)

9. Written, up to 5 TPE
Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.

A. Each of these teams has acquired some big name players recently and, with each in the CC finals, it's tough to argue with the results. Edmonton brought in TJ Bayley, Jordan Von Matt, and Terrance Nova; New England acquired Noah Konn, Ensio Kalju, and Anders Christiansen. Which of these six players will have the biggest impact on this series?
B. Build your ideal SHL Fantasy Team (F, F, F, D, D) out of the players appearing in the finals and explain your choices.
C. Johannes Leitner was a stud in net for the Wolfpack this year, posting one of the better statistical seasons for a goaltender since..... Tommy Tuck, of Edmonton, back in S45, one of the best goalie seasons ever. Who has the advantage in the crease this season?
D. What's your favorite player name on either team? why?
E. These two teams are both sporting SALTY MEAT as co-GMs - Tommy Salami for Edmonton and hotdog for New England. Which would you rather eat right now - a salami or a hotdog?
C. I think the edge here has to go to Tommy Tuck. He's been in this situation before and knows how to handle himself where as Leitner is fairly new to making the playoffs and I don't believe he's had finals experience. Tuck seems like he would be up for this challenge and has the track record to prove it.
D. I'm gonna go a bit off the board here and go with Barbie Tanner. He's not really active anymore, but it takes some balls to use the name Barbie as a guy (is his player actually a guy? I don't think I ever found out). He is the youngest of the Tanner brothers, but this name clearly would have had him as the focus of many jokes growing up.
E. I'd go with the salami, though a hot dog is more of a meal than just a chunk of salami, I feel the salami would have more flavour to it and just be a better experience than your average hot dog. Can I have it in a sandwich though? Just on it's own might be okay, but a salami sandwich sounds great.

12. 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - Casual Member Special - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR"
A. Name 3 players from the EPIC S47 SHL draft class who will appear in these finals? (there are 7, you must name 3 for credit)
B. How many times have the Edmonton Blizzard won the Challenge Cup AS the Edmonton Blizzard? (franchise cups won under a different team name do not count here)
C. Name 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Wolfpack and 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Blizzard
D. Who did the New England Wolfpack select 7th overall in the S27 Draft?

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “S49 CW" - Do not send it to my personal account; those will not be graded. Do not post the answers in here; you will not get credit for the task.
PM Sent

[Image: DrunkenTeddy.gif]

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Good thing manatees are in water cuz they look like they’d have a smelly ass

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Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

1. Written, 3 TPE
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Boston or Games 3 and 4 in Edmonton? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (150+ words)

Leo Lockhart will absolutely be attending games one and two in Boston, because who wants to go to Edmonton, am I right? Not to mention the fact that Lockhart is a Massachusetts boy who grew up going to New England games as a kid. His favorite player of all time is Wolfpack legend Mia Landvik. Lockhart is gonna stay in the Boston Harbor Hotel, with room rates that run along the lines of $720 a night, and that's if you can get a deal on Priceline. But honestly, since it's on the commissioner's dime, he's not all that concerned with trying to get a good deal, so he'll probably book directly through the hotel's website. Before game one, Lockhart is going to invite his closest friends and family to join him for dinner at the chef's table at Menton, which will cost a pretty penny, but again, he's not gonna worry about the cost. The league can afford it. Before he heads home, he'll probably take his mom and sisters to a spa for a day of pampering and relaxation.

2. Written, 3 TPE
Companies will have to pay a whopping $3 million dollars to run a 30-second ad during this seasons Challenge Cup Championship series. That lofty price tag might be worth it, as hundreds of millions of people across the globe tuned in for the SHL finals in season 48!
Task: The league is now accepting commercial scripts for the Challenge Cup. Create a grandiose commercial script involving a player in the finals or something promoting an SHL related product! Script should detail the setting for the commercial. (*tag anyone involved) (150+ words)

[Exterior: On a beach somewhere, wearing swim trunks and looking kinda oily]

Hello hockey fans! Leopold Lockhart here, defenseman for the San Francisco Pride. You may be wondering why I'm here instead of a relevant hockey player. Well, the truth is, all of the relevant players are busy with playoff hockey. So you're stuck with me, a scrub who is pretending to enjoy an extra long off-season. After all, what's the one benefit to missing playoffs? More time on the beach! Am I right? If you're like me and your team didn't make the Challenge Cup Finals, join me for some fun in the sun, and don't forget to stock up on new SHL brand sunscreen! Choose from a range of scents and SPFs, each sporting a bottle design with your favorite shitty team on the front! The shittier the team, the higher the SPF, because us losers will be getting a lot of extra time out in the sun this year! Don't be bitter and sunburned, folks! Get your SHL Sunscreen today! Only $9.99 a bottle.

3. Written, 3 TPE
As a professional hockey player, you have made a name for yourself. So much so that college, high school and hockey players even younger then that are taking notice! If young players wanted to model their game after you how would you best describe your playing style? What specific traits does your player possess that younger players should try to emulate?(150+ words)

If a young player really wants to emulate Lockhart's style of play, he or she should work really really hard on scoring and then only ever score on the power play. Bonus points if you don't get any power play minutes at all, and therefore are completely useless to your team in every way. Plus/Minus should be at or below -12 at all times, and you should really work on wracking up those penalties. Especially at inopportune moments, like when your team is down by 4 points with no hope of battling back. You should be dead on average at blocking shots and you should throw an average amount of hits. Basically, you shouldn't stand out in any way, unless that way is bad. Make sure you kill it in juniors, though. Because it's impossible to be as big of a bust as Lockhart if you don't get drafted at first overall! Don't start sucking until you make it big, kid. That's the ticket!

9. Written, up to 5 TPE
Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.

A. Each of these teams has acquired some big name players recently and, with each in the CC finals, it's tough to argue with the results. Edmonton brought in TJ Bayley, Jordan Von Matt, and Terrance Nova; New England acquired Noah Konn, Ensio Kalju, and Anders Christiansen. Which of these six players will have the biggest impact on this series?

Based on stats from the previous rounds, I think New England's Noah Konn has got this in the bag. He played 5 less games than anyone on the Blizzard and only had one less point. He didn't take any penalties in the previous round and he did a little bit of hitting, too. So yeah, I'm gonna go with Konn.

B. Build your ideal SHL Fantasy Team (F, F, F, D, D) out of the players appearing in the finals and explain your choices.

For my forwards, I'm gonna go with Toni Pepperoni from the Blizzard and Gordie Boomhover and Rafi Ulrich from the Wolfpack and for defensemen I'll go with Perry Morgan from the Wolfpack and Brady McIntyre from the Blizzard. Why did I choose these five players? Because they have the best stats from previous playoff rounds in my opinion, based on a cursory glance at the SIM.

C. Johannes Leitner was a stud in net for the Wolfpack this year, posting one of the better statistical seasons for a goaltender since..... Tommy Tuck, of Edmonton, back in S45, one of the best goalie seasons ever. Who has the advantage in the crease this season?

I'm gonna go with the New England goalie, just because he had such a killer season, and I think he has a more solid team in front of him. The Edmonton goalie had a higher save percentage in previous playoff rounds, but he also had a higher goals against average and the team took more games to get it done than New England did. That might be because New England had better matchups, but I'm not really sure because I don't care enough to look, honestly.

D. What's your favorite player name on either team? why?

My favorite name, hands down, is the Wolfpack’s Hugh Manatee. Why? Because who doesn't love a manatee? I went on a cruse to the Bahamas once and got to watch some kids feeding manatees lettuce. That was pretty fun. I love land cows, so why wouldn't I love sea cows? I almost chose the name Przemysław Brzeszczyczkiewicz because holy christ on a cracker, that's a lot of letters.

E. These two teams are both sporting SALTY MEAT as co-GMs - Tommy Salami for Edmonton and hotdog for New England. Which would you rather eat right now - a salami or a hotdog?

I'd rather eat a hot dog right now, because I don't have time to build a nice quality sandwich and I'm pretty sure I don't have any veggies in my fridge. You can eat a hotdog plain with just mustard and it still tastes great, but eating a piece of salami between two pieces of bread without any lettuce and tomato and pickles just seems gross. Plus, I love hotdog.

12. 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - Casual Member Special - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR"
A. Name 3 players from the EPIC S47 SHL draft class who will appear in these finals? (there are 7, you must name 3 for credit)
B. How many times have the Edmonton Blizzard won the Challenge Cup AS the Edmonton Blizzard? (franchise cups won under a different team name do not count here)
C. Name 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Wolfpack and 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Blizzard
D. Who did the New England Wolfpack select 7th overall in the S27 Draft?

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “S49 CW" - Do not send it to my personal account; those will not be graded. Do not post the answers in here; you will not get credit for the task.

Answers sent to PT Director account

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Sigs by: King, Tweedledunn, Me
Player Page|Twitter|Update Page
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2019, 02:10 PM by NONAME.)

Quote:1. Written, 3 TPE
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Boston or Games 3 and 4 in Edmonton? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (150+ words)

This is an easy decision. I am a Canadian boy and Toronto is my hometown and due to that, I grew up a fan of the Leafs in the NHL. So I'm sure you can guess my attitude towards Boston due to the rivalry there. I'd much rather be back in Canada in Edmonton with my fellow Canadians especially since I have been in Colorado for 2 years now. So game 3 and 4 would be my preference. Since this trip is completely paid for by the commissioner I'm going to be staying in the JW Marriott in their most expensive room. I'll be ordering that room service with the most expensive steak and a ton of alcohol. I might even have to go out and enjoy the nightlife in Edmonton if that is also included in the all expenses paid trip. I gotta experience that in every single city possible.

Quote:3. Written, 3 TPE
As a professional hockey player, you have made a name for yourself. So much so that college, high school and hockey players even younger than that are taking notice! If young players wanted to model their game after you how would you best describe your playing style? What specific traits does your player possess that younger players should try to emulate?(150+ words)

If a younger player is a fan of me and would like to model their game after me I would say go watch Auston Matthews as well as that is who I've modelled my game after. The key traits I would say to practice early on is your skating, snap shot, hands, and passing. Skating has become one of the most important factors in professional hockey lately. If you cannot skate, you will get left behind. The snap shot is the most important trait for me personally and what I'm best at. The more lethal the shot you have the better the opportunity you will have to not only score goals, but to open up ice for your teammates. Hands are also very important as you'll be moving and playing at a fast paced. You need to be able to keep control and to react to opposing sticks. Lastly, passing is important as if you are the most lethal shot on the ice you will have the most attention. You need to be able to pass off the puck effectively as there will be more open ice for team mates.

Quote:4. Written, 2 TPE
Right now both coaching staffs are creating game plans around the players who have performed historically well against the forthcoming opponent. The reality is that every player has some teams they play better against than others. Which team from the SHL or SMJHL do you seem to do extra well against every time? and why do you think that you play so well against that team specifically? (100+ words)

The Detroit Falcons are the team I'm going to say. They are an excellent team and playing them makes me rise to the occasion and play at an entirely different level. Some stats to prove my case on this are the fact that the Colorado Raptors scored their most goals against a team against the Detroit Falcons. They scored 21 goals in 5 games. There are teams the Colorado Raptors played 7 games against and they didn't score as many goals. They also went 3-2 against them which is very impressive considering the different state of each team this season.

Quote:9. Written, up to 5 TPE
Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.

A. Each of these teams has acquired some big name players recently and, with each in the CC finals, it's tough to argue with the results. Edmonton brought in TJ Bayley, Jordan Von Matt, and Terrance Nova; New England acquired Noah Konn, Ensio Kalju, and Anders Christiansen. Which of these six players will have the biggest impact on this series?
B. Build your ideal SHL Fantasy Team (F, F, F, D, D) out of the players appearing in the finals and explain your choices.
C. Johannes Leitner was a stud in net for the Wolfpack this year, posting one of the better statistical seasons for a goaltender since..... Tommy Tuck, of Edmonton, back in S45, one of the best goalie seasons ever. Who has the advantage in the crease this season?
D. What's your favorite player name on either team? why?
E. These two teams are both sporting SALTY MEAT as co-GMs - Tommy Salami for Edmonton and hotdog for New England. Which would you rather eat right now - a salami or a hotdog?

A. I'm going to say Terrance Nova and Jordan Von Matt will have the biggest impact in this series. Jordan Von Matt helps solidify the backend for the Edmonton Blizzard while Terrance Nova adds elite skill to the Edmonton Blizzards forward core which will increase the difficulty of line matching New England.

F - Teddy Cuddles
F - Tony Pepperoni
F - Hercules Rockefeller
D - Brady McIntrye
D - Tor Tuck

I selected these players simply off their point production in the playoffs. Teddy Cuddles, Tony Pepperoni, and Hercules Rockefeller are the point leaders currently in the playoffs for forwards and Brady McIntryre and Tor Tuck are the point leaders for the defenders. Not only are these players putting up big points for their teams but they also contribute in other categories such as hitting.

C. The easy answer to this question would be saying Tommy Tuck due to his incredible resume up to this point, however, I think the correct answer is Johannes Leitner because he is having an incredible season currently and playing the best he ever has. At this point it will take a lot for him to cool down so I imagine he will be riding this success for the rest of the playoffs.

D. My favourite player out of the two teams has to be Tommy Tuck. For some reason I have a soft spot for goaltenders and Tommy Tuck is as good as they come. He is likely a lock for a hall of fame by the end of his career and you just have to admire that type of talent and dedication.

E. There is only one correct answer to this question and that is a hotdog. Who the hell doesn't like a hotdog? Especially when you get a nice juicy ballpark hotdog and you toast up that bread as well. Hotdogs are so good I don't even put condiments on them usually unless I'm feeling really fat and I do bacon and BBQ sauce.

Quote:12. 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - Casual Member Special - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR"
A. Name 3 players from the EPIC S47 SHL draft class who will appear in these finals? (there are 7, you must name 3 for credit)
B. How many times have the Edmonton Blizzard won the Challenge Cup AS the Edmonton Blizzard? (franchise cups won under a different team name do not count here)
C. Name 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Wolfpack and 1 SHL hall of famer who played for the Blizzard
D. Who did the New England Wolfpack select 7th overall in the S27 Draft?

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “S49 CW" - Do not send it to my personal account; those will not be graded. Do not post the answers in here; you will not get credit for the task.

Completed and sent!

Falcons Canada

Task 1 (3 TPE)
If I could go to either games 1 and 2 in Boston or 3 and 4 in Edmonton, I'd take games 1 and 2 in Boston without hesitation. Those first couple games in the series are always exciting. The fans are going to be absolutely bonkers there to open up the series since the Wolfpack haven't made a cup run since S42 and haven't won the cup since S33. On top of it being a great atmosphere inside the arena, I would just much prefer to visit the city of Boston instead of Edmonton. There's a lot of American history in the city of Boston that I'd love to get a chance to check out, and I get a real kick out of hearing those authentic "bahston" accents. I'm a big baseball fan as well, so I'll most likely swing by Fenway Park to see one of the most iconic features in any ballpark - the green monster.

Task 3 (3 TPE)
If I had to describe my playing style, it would be a shut down defender that takes pride in his ability to jump start the offense and break the puck out of our own zone with a nice stretch pass up the ice. I'm a defense first type of defender and I couldn't care much less about my point totals as long as our team has scored more goals than the opposition at the end of the game. I get a great deal of joy from laying my body on the ice to block a shot from point blank, and I get an equal amount of joy from sitting an opposing forward on his/her ass if they try and cut into the middle of the ice or if I catch them with their head down as they try to dangle there way up the ice. One trait you'll need to have to be a shut down defender is always knowing where everybody is on the ice. You can't get locked in and focus soley on the puck carrier. You need to know where that puck carrier's teammates are to block passing lanes, and you need to know where your own teammates are and communicate with them to make sure you're all pulling your weight in coverage.

Task 4 (2 TPE)
I personally feel like I play really well against the Detroit Falcons. There's something about playing in a hardcore rivalry that gets the juices flowing just a tad more on gameday, maybe it's the locker room chants of "fuck detroit" before we take the ice. Whenever we go up against Detroit, I find myself pouring a couple extra ounces of sweat out on the ice. I don't like losing in the first place, but I especially don't like losing against a big rival. If there's anything I can do to give our team the edge in the game, you know I'm going to be going all out and putting 110% into it whenever we're facing Detroit.

Task 9 (5 TPE)
A. I think you'll want to keep an eye on Noah Konn in this series. He's been a big factor in the success of the Wolfpack during their playoff run, registering 12 points in 11 games. Playing on the first line, Konn will have plenty of opportunities and will be relied upon heavily by his club to pull out the win.
B. Forwards: Gordie Boomhover (NEW), Teddy Cuddles (EDM), Tony Pepperoni (EDM). Defense: Tigole Bitties (NEW), Tor Tuck (EDM). Goalie: Johannes Leitner (NEW). All three of the forwards that I selected here are high scoring players. These guys simply know how to put the puck in the back of the net. Tor Tuck contributes in that department from the blue line, while Bitties is my choice for a shut down defender. Leitner has had the superior season in my mind.
C. Johannes Leitner has the advantage in crease here. He's been amazing all season long, posting an incredible .926 save percentage and only allowing 2.18 goals per game. Tommy Tuck is still a great goalie and has been for some time, but he simply does not compare to Leitner this season. Leitner will surely be tested in this upcoming series, but I would take him over Tuck.
D. Tony Pepperoni. I'm a big fan of greasy meat, and pepperoni is one of the best in that category. Pepperoni is one of the most common and greatest pizza toppings in the world and is certainly my personal favorite. Hell, just thinking about this name makes me want to go out to the store and pick up a bag of sliced pepperoni to snack on. Plus, who doesn't love a good rhyming name?
E. This is a tough choice because it really depends on the situation. Am I just eating the meat straight up with nothing else? If that's the case, then I'm picking salami all day every day. But if I can throw that hotdog in a bun and throw some condiments on there? Then I'm going with the hotdog for sure.

Task 12 (3 TPE)
Submitted answers via PM to the PT Director.

[Image: DrbPYHV.png] [Image: UDyqktK.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE
VIP Status babyyyyyyyy - your player has been invited to attend one of the first homestands of the CC finals as a VIP guest - all expenses paid, front row seats, any hotel you want - and it's all on the Commissioner's dime! Are you going to Games 1 and 2 in Boston or Games 3 and 4 in Edmonton? Why are you picking there? And what are you going to do in that city to run up Eggy's tab?? (150+ words)

Since I am actually playing in the Challenge Cup finals for S49 I will let my good friend back from my hometown of Vancouver to be part of the VIP guest treatment, all expenses paid, front row seats and hotel of their choosing. I'm assuming he will choose games 3 and 4 in Edmonton as the atmosphere in our home building will be thunderous and the fact that we are in the finals after struggling to even make the playoffs this year has gotten us a lot of extra attention in Edmonton. 

My friend is known to be a big spender when I have hung out with him in the past and the fact that this is an all expenses paid experience, he is likely to stay at a 5 star hotel, order a lot of room service, dine out at all the fancy restaurants and perhaps partake in some SHL gambling. I can't blame him though since this is all on Eggy's tab!

This is how my friend will be enjoying his VIP guest experience in my place (since I am playing in the CC finals).

3. Written, 3 TPE
As a professional hockey player, you have made a name for yourself. So much so that college, high school and hockey players even younger then that are taking notice! If young players wanted to model their game after you how would you best describe your playing style? What specific traits does your player possess that younger players should try to emulate?(150+ words)

It's still hard to fathom that people would even consider me as a hockey player they would want to model their game after because I am still young in my professional playing career and I feel that I still have lots of areas in my game to improve upon still!

However, if young players wanted to model their game after mine I highly suggest they work on their defence first. This was something I learned halfway through my first season in the SMJHL and I only recently started to feel myself being a good player in my defensive zone. Also, having good vision and awareness on the ice at all times is something that will help you produce more as well. My skating and passing are traits that I want to be my strengths and I always work on them during scrummages and practices. 

These are some of my specific traits that younger players should try to emulate if they hope to one day play in the SHL. 

4. Written, 2 TPE
Right now both coaching staffs are creating game plans around the players who have performed historically well against the forthcoming opponent. The reality is that every player has some teams they play better against than others. Which team from the SHL or SMJHL do you seem to do extra well against every time? and why do you think that you play so well against that team specifically? (100+ words)

Playing for the Edmonton  Blizzard we seem to always have success playing against the Texas  Renegades We faced them four times this season in S49 and won all of the games. Three in regulation and one in overtime. Texas finished 2nd last this season overall with a record of 19 wins, 26 losses and 5 overtime losses. In Edmonton we finished 8th overall and Texas finished 15th overall out of the 16 teams in the SHL. Texas struggled this season as a whole, so it is not a big surprise that we were able to sweep the season series against them this year, but as we know things can change quickly in the SHL and Texas could be a whole new team this time next season. 

9. Written, up to 5 TPE
Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.

A. Each of these teams has acquired some big name players recently and, with each in the CC finals, it's tough to argue with the results. Edmonton brought in TJ Bayley, Jordan Von Matt, and Terrance Nova; New England acquired Noah Konn, Ensio Kalju, and Anders Christiansen. Which of these six players will have the biggest impact on this series?
B. Build your ideal SHL Fantasy Team (F, F, F, D, D) out of the players appearing in the finals and explain your choices.
C. Johannes Leitner was a stud in net for the Wolfpack this year, posting one of the better statistical seasons for a goaltender since..... Tommy Tuck, of Edmonton, back in S45, one of the best goalie seasons ever. Who has the advantage in the crease this season?
D. What's your favorite player name on either team? why?
E. These two teams are both sporting SALTY MEAT as co-GMs - Tommy Salami for Edmonton and hotdog for New England. Which would you rather eat right now - a salami or a hotdog?

A. As of now, it is difficult to determine which of the new players Edmonton and New England have brought in will have a bigger impact on the series because Edmonton has played 8 more games so far in the playoffs compared to New England so their numbers are a bit inflated compared to the players on New England.

That being said I believe that all six of these players will in some shape or way make an impact for their respective teams in the Challenge Cup finals for S49. 

B. My ideal SHL fantasy team for the Challenge Cup finals in S49 would be the following: 

F - Teddy Cuddles  Blizzard
F -  Tony Pepperoni  Blizzard
F -  Hercules Rockefeller  Blizzard
D - Perry Morgan  Wolfpack
D - Brady McIntyre  Blizzard

Edmonton's players have been playing phenomenally throughout these playoffs and I believe they will continue to be big contributors in the finals! Perry Morgan made it into my fantasy team because of his +13 rating and his ridiculous 13 assists! The forward core of teddy cuddles, tony pepperoni and hercules rockefeller is a stacked forward group and with Brady being on the blueline behind them, there should be an explosion of firepower when these players are all on the ice.

C. The battle in the net is always a big story going into the Challenge Cup finals and this year we will see Johannes Leitner from the  Wolfpack  take on Tommy Tuck from the  Blizzard Johannes has posted a 8-2-1 record with a .900 SV % and a 3.06 GAA. Tommy has a 12-6-1 reocrd with a .902% and a 3.19 GAA. Keep in mind that Edmonton has played 8 more games compared to the New England  Wolfpack I will have to give the edge in goal towards Tommy and the  Blizzard because Tommy has been here before and in S45 had one of the best performances and can rely on that experience to propel his team to the championship. 

D. My favourite player between the two teams for the Challenge Cup finals for S49 would have to be Willy Mack from the  Blizzard I got the chance to play with Willy back in our  Militia days and he was a great player for us on and off the ice. It was devastating for us when he got called up to play in the SHL and I had to lose one of my close friends and mentors in the SMJHL. However, when i found out I got drafted to the Edmonton  Blizzard to join Willy I could not have been more ecstatic and I could see my friend again! Also in these playoffs he has been a big player contributing 9 goals and 6 assists in 19 games so far in the playoffs. We will need Willy to keep playing like a truck for us if we want any success in the finals. 

E. This is an interesting choice because I am on the  Blizzard and Tommy Salami is my Co-GM. I have always been a hotdog type of guy, but salami is our team meal ever since I have been part of the team and once a week we go to a restaurant to eat some salami. At first I was not a big fan of the choice, but after some time I began to actually salami and now it is one of my favourite meals to eat while on the road. 

11. 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - Casual Member Special - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR"
A. Name 3 players from the EPIC S47 SHL draft class who will appear in these finals? (there are 7, you must name 3 for credit)
B. How many times have the Edmonton Blizzard won the Challenge Cup AS the Edmonton Blizzard? (franchise cups won under a different team name do not count here)
C. Name 1 player from the New England Wolfpack hall of fame and 1 player from the Edmonton Blizzard hall of fame.
D. Who did the New England Wolfpack select 7th overall in the S27 Draft?

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “S49 CW" - Do not send it to my personal account; those will not be graded. Do not post the answers in here; you will not

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Thank you @High Stick King @OrbitingDeath @Ragnar @Tesla @MattyIce for the player signatures! 

12: PM sent.

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[Image: zcOwSzN.png] [Image: b1AwZLU.png]
First ever Yukon Malamute draft pick (1st overall S65)

[Image: ezgif-3-597e9990a5.png]

(This post was last modified: 09-13-2019, 06:11 PM by 5ympathies.)

Task 1 (3 TPE) - Being invited to the Challenge Cup finals should be a great prize right? You would have to be super lucky or a well known figure to be allowed that opportunity. So why am I complaining that I get front row tickets to two of the games? Well, it's because I have something better than front row seats. I get to actually play in the game on the ice and make a difference in the outcome instead of just sitting, watching. That's right, I play on the New England Wolfpack as a second line winger and sometimes even a fourth depending on how much the coach needs me. I would love to just relax and enjoy myself in the stands, specifically in New England (cause nobody likes Deadmonton), but I don't think Ace would be too happy with that. Maybe they can reward the tickets to someone else, or preferably they'll let me auction them off and all proceeds will go to me. 

Task 3 (3 TPE) - Faceoffs don't matter. Like at all. Leave that to someone who has to focus on them for their career like a centreman, and focus your efforts elsewhere. I think this past season I finished about 34% in the dot, but I make up for it in other aspects of my game, because faceoffs don't matter. My playing style in the game is near identical to my playing style in relationships. Shooters shoot, and don't give up. You need shots on net for the shots to go in and that doesn't happen unless you shoot. I focus heavily on skating and shooting, and I'm no slouch with passing either. These forward capabilities are just one aspect of the game, however, you can't make as much of an impact as you think only playing on one side of the ice. No coach is going to put you out there if you're a defensive liability and so while I'm currently at a good level, I hope to increase my defensive capabilities in the upcoming seasons.

Task 4 (2 TPE) - This season was a surprise to me, and I'm sure a surprise to many others in the league. We made the playoffs!! Our goalie had a superb season, and so because of that we tended to beat most of the teams in the league. Not really going to confirm the actual results with the sim schedule, but from I can remember we had a good amount of difficulty matching up against West Kendall Platoon. Beating Toronto on the other hand was easy peasy, because they were tanking intentionally? or maybe just really bad (hard to say). Regardless, this matchup should work well. We are going to beat Edmonton!

Task 9 (5 TPE) - 

A - In my opinion, and this is solely based on the fact that I know their players and the results that they have had, Noah Konn and Anders Christiansen are going to pave the way for us. Both of them have found their place on the first line for us and the chemistry is unbeatable. 

B - F - PB aka "Kielbasa Kock" aka "Pussy Blaster", F - Dick Clapper, F - Eko von Otter, D - goldenglutes, D - Tigole Bitties. I had to pick all New England players else I would be labeled a locker room cancer and traded. I went off first by picking best names, foreshadowing some possible answers to the later question, and also went against the grain by not picking the top TPE earners on the team, besides Ace. 

C - Leitner has to have the advantage over Tommy Tuck. Tuck is old now, he's the past. Leitner is the future. He may be a sieve, but I'm pretty sure that he is not yet regressing. Who cares that Tuck had one of the best seasons. That was S45 and we're in S49 now.

D - The favourite player name of mine is on the New England Wolfpack. It's mine. My name is my favourite, that's why I named myself that. A couple runners up are, in no particular order, hotdog (not even his player name but wtv), PB aka "kielbasa kock" aka "pussy blaster", and goldenglutes. 

E - I would much rather prefer to eat a hotdog over a salami. To be specific, a Costco hotdog for $2. No drink though, unless it's water, because I don't need those extra calories in my life. Sorry Chicago, but I enjoy ketchup on my hotdog, mustard too, relish sometimes, onions always. Brb im on my way to get a hotdog now. Salami is just not the scene. 

Task 12 (3 TPE) - PM Sent

[Image: j2h9XpS.png]
Thanks to JSS for the signature

[Image: ohmEd0h.png][Image: apAE8qn.png]

(This post was last modified: 09-14-2019, 06:02 PM by Mavfatha.)


Sent PM with Casual Member Special answers

3. My playing style is all about being a physical presence on the ice. If necessary I am perfectly happy to leave the puck sitting out on the ice in order to go over and check the crap out of an opponent, as opposed to gathering the puck and trying to score. If I do have the puck, I definitely don't want to pass it off to a teammate, much preferring to constantly deke around defenders or shoot from basically anywhere on the ice. Anyways, I would definitely try to teach any young players to be very selfish with the puck and with their goal scoring stats, along with the hard-hitting tendencies of course. I would also show them that the best way to trick your coaches into letting you get away with all of those techniques is to also be a two-way player that really helps out on defense. So basically you fake being a team player on defense in order to do whatever the heck you want in all other phases of the game.

9. A. Anders Christiansen has been a great pickup for the Wolfpack and should continue to be that throughout this series. He is a top-quality playmaker at forward that the team was lacking previously, and is able to succeed in all facets of the game, even winning faceoffs at a high rate. If he can continue doing that it should lead to some easy goals for the Pack.
B. If you couldn't tell this already, I'm all about the big hits and physical style of play. With that in mind, I'd take the biggest hitters from each team as my fantasy squad. Up front, we'd have myself, Rafe Ulfrich, and Teddy Cuddles. None of us can really take faceoffs all that well, but you don't need that when you can just check the other team to get the puck back. On defense, it kind of saddens me that I have to take two more Blizzard in Tor Tuck and Brady McIntrye.
C. Leitner has been leits out all season long and into the playoffs, so I definitely see him having the advantage in this series. We're able to play strong defense in front of him of course which helps out, but this man is in his prime as a goalie and despite the historical success of Tuck he's better able to keep the puck out of the net at this point in time.
D. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that if you pick anyone other than Przemyslaw Brzeszczyczkiewicz for this task, you're dead wrong. The man has a legendarily complex and interesting name, and also goes by many great nicknames such as kielbasa kock. I call this category completely cut and dry and challenge anyone to a fight over it if necessary.
E. As much as I love my GM hotdog, I've gotta go with Salami on this one. Salami just has a superior flavor and quality to it compared to the vast majority of hotdogs that I have encountered (other than this delicious breakfast dog, hmmm I could actually go for that right now). Anyways I pretty much grew up on salami and bread and nothing else sandwiches so this is an easy choice for me.

[Image: gotze_team_siggy.png]
[Image: lKRNHAn.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-17-2019, 06:09 PM by Gwdjohnson.)

4 (2 TPE). Written, 2 TPE
Right now both coaching staffs are creating game plans around the players who have performed historically well against the forthcoming opponent. The reality is that every player has some teams they play better against than others. Which team from the SHL or SMJHL do you seem to do extra well against every time? and why do you think that you play so well against that team specifically? (100+ words)

Johnson seemed to have his best showings when the Montreal Militia were in town, or hosting the Armada. This season, he put up a goal and 7 points in just 5 games against the current finalists, one of those games being a 4-assist showing when the Militia lost 7-3 coming to visit in Alaska, and another being a goal and an assist in a 7-2 Anchorage demolition job in Montreal. Being a Montrealer himself, Johnson will always be ready to show his hometown (including his parents) how good one of their own is, so he is always amped up for a game against his home city. (106 words)

8 (4 TPE). Podcast, 3 or 4 TPE
Record a mini-podcast on any of the below topics!
- Highlights of the S49 season (on or off the ice)
- S49 playoff round-up
- S49 Challenge Cup finals Breakdown
- Offseason outlook

1 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 5 minutes or 4 TPE for 7 Minutes
2 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 6 Minutes or 4 TPE for 8 Minutes
Post the direct link to your podcast.

Link to Podtask (done with frithjofr)

9 (5 TPE). Written, up to 5 TPE
Pick up to 5 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words to qualify.

A. Each of these teams has acquired some big name players recently and, with each in the CC finals, it's tough to argue with the results. Edmonton brought in TJ Bayley, Jordan Von Matt, and Terrance Nova; New England acquired Noah Konn, Ensio Kalju, and Anders Christiansen. Which of these six players will have the biggest impact on this series?
B. Build your ideal SHL Fantasy Team (F, F, F, D, D) out of the players appearing in the finals and explain your choices.
C. Johannes Leitner was a stud in net for the Wolfpack this year, posting one of the better statistical seasons for a goaltender since..... Tommy Tuck, of Edmonton, back in S45, one of the best goalie seasons ever. Who has the advantage in the crease this season?
D. What's your favorite player name on either team? why?
E. These two teams are both sporting SALTY MEAT as co-GMs - Tommy Salami for Edmonton and hotdog for New England. Which would you rather eat right now - a salami or a hotdog?

Part A:
I have to go with New England's trio of Konn, Kalju and Christiansen. All three of them are well-established players in their primes, and have fit in very well. While Edmonton's trio has done quite well, too, NEW's 3 have a combined higher points-per-game over the playoffs, with around 0.88 PPG, compared with Edmonton's dudes having just over 0.63.

Part B:
F - Rafe Ulrich: Ulrich put up 23 goals, 48 points, and a whopping 176 hits this season, leading New England in all 3 categories. No brainer.
F - Teddy Cuddles: Cuddles has been a mainstay in the fantasy picture for a while now; and with his 20 goals, 45 points, and 149 hits, he's clearly shown why.
F - Manuel Gotze: Tough choice between him and Tony Pepperoni, who had 55 points this season compared to Gotze's 39, but Gotze just had a slightly off season and, due to having over twice as many hits as Pepperoni this season, remains a safer bet for next season.
D - Tor Tuck: Tuck, known for his grit, led the Blizzard in hits last season with 175, while also putting up a huge 43 points. He had a very slow start to the season, but upped his offensive numbers a lot to solidify himself as one of the best fantasy dmen last season.
D - Brady McIntyre: Now this is a hot take, and a tough one as well between him and Tigole Bitties, but McIntyre, like Gotze, also suffered from having a worse previous season than expected, but still led the league in shots blocked, and next season could be the Stevens contender he's meant to be if performing as expected offensively.

Part C:
You have to go with New England, eh? Leitner had an absolutely crazy season in net, as he is the almost guaranteed winner of the Sarmad Khan trophy, and although he was leaky at times against Manhattan last series, this season showed his ability to rise to the occasion when needed, and I'm sure the Wolfpack can expect that from him at the crunch time now.

Part D:
It has to be Eko van Otter for me. The diminutive forward came up rather earlier than expected, after spending just two seasons in juniors, and although he found things tough in his rookie season, he has been finding things a bit more comfortable this season. Of the 9 goals he has this season, 3 were game winners, and he has a GWG in the playoffs as well, showing that his battling on the ice pays off. He is very close to reaching the point where we can expect him to break out into a bona-fide top-6 player.

Part E:
I guess my personal bias is showing, but fuck if I'm ever not down for a good ol' hotdog lmao. There's a great little hotdog place right near my house that does a great hotdog and poutine combo, and it's just absolute heaven. Whenever the UEFA Champions League (soccer, gross I know) is into the knockout stages, it was always a habit for me to make a run there to grab some hotdogs and poutine to eat while watching the game...ffs hotdog now I wanna go there again.

10 (2 TPE). Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other. (150+ words)

The easy choice for series MVP for me has to be Hercules Rockefeller. He had an incredible 4 goals and 4 assists in Edmonton's sweep, to finish with 25 points in 23 games overall in the playoffs. Cases can definitely be made for Brady McIntyre and Tommy Tuck as well, but 8 points in 4 games in a final is really incredible. Rockefeller had a rather disappointing regular season, falling rather short of expectations with 30 points, but undeniably had an enormous impact this postseason for the Blizzard and was a driving factor in their finals dominance. He was especially good in game 3, putting up two goals and an assist in an absolutely devastating 7-0 display in Edmonton. His impact was most definitely felt in the Challenge Cup-clinching game as well, as after the Blizzard went 2-0 down in the first, he scored and made a great assist in the dying minutes of the frame to suddenly ensure a level score headed into the 2nd. Rockefeller's boost in that period may very well have been the biggest factor in Edmonton seeing out this series in a sweep, and his clutch factor is why I dub him series MVP. (199 words)

12 (3 TPE). Answers PM'd


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(This post was last modified: 09-13-2019, 08:59 PM by O4L.)

1. Written, 3 TPE
Since I'm actually from Edmonton I'll go to games 3 and 4 in Edmonton. Eggy should already be completely broke from covering the expenses involved with Edmonton hockey tickets but just to make sure he stays broke I'll make sure someone orders a BOBBY NICKS burger at the Blizzard game, I'll also be staying in Hotel Macdonald. I'll run up the tab by going to "Taste of Edmonton" and eating literally anything. I'll follow this up by booking a private party at the water park at West Ed Mall for a day. I'll take the most expensive package which should cost around 25K and fit a maximum of 2k people but I won't be inviting anyone else and will just sit by myself contemplating why I'm bothering going to games in a finals between teams like New England and Edmonton in the first place. I'll then sell my finals tickets without telling Eggy and make a profit before flying back to Korea.

3. Written, 3 TPE
Quite frankly, if young players want to emulate me then they should just give up now and emulate one of my brother's instead since emulating me would be a complete waste of time. There is no other player like me, only me. All my brothers have tried their entire career to emulate me and have failed at every stop and some of my brothers that tried to emulate me didn't even make it to the SHL. I am the most successful Smeb for a reason and the only Smeb with a statue in Korea. If I had to recommend modelling your game after another Smeb I would recommend Chico or Kit as their games are fairly easy to emulate as they don't involve producing points. My mind works too fast for most people to comprehend so attempting to copy my game would be completely impossible for young players. I am the modern-day Akira Hokuto reborn for hockey.  

4. Written, 2 TPE
I've always performed well against Chico Smeb going back to playing hockey as a young lad in Korea, Chico Smeb has always been the Smeb with the most attitude and is constantly talking a cocky game despite rarely backing it up on the ice. Parker Smeb has scored 4 goals and 1 assist against the Dragons since he was called up from Colorado. Meanwhile, Chico Smeb is a -6 since Parker Smeb joined the Syndicate and a good portion of those minuses have come while Parker Smeb was on the ice. Parker Smeb has even spoken to Korean media about Chico Smeb needing to step his game up the next time he plays the Syndicate cause right now Parker is absolutely destroying him in the matchups.

9. Written, up to 5 TPE

A. I think this is close and historically the best player out of any them is Nova but I think New Englands players have the edge here, Christiansen and Konn are very good players but Kaiju played a very long period with the Blizzard and knows the ins and out of their game and team complexion, He also knows all their players secrets so he can threaten to blackmail them if they try to win.
B. Ulrich, Cuddles, Pepperoni, Morgan, Tuck. As a 5 time fantasy winner this is the team that will win me finals fantasy. I have a good combination of scoring and hitting and have the best overall players at each position IMO. I considered including Boomhoover but his lack of hitting hurts his fantasy value and my other forwards produce similar points but hit a lot more. My defence includes the best defenders in the finals in Tuck and Morgan.
C. Since neither team has a McZehrl patrolling the blue line this series is up in the air and could be taken by either goalie. I'm going to ignore regular season stats since they aren't relevant in the play-offs. Both goalies have very similar stats but Leitner has played 8 less games in the play-offs than Tuck so I'm gonna give the advantage to Tuck as his team has had more time to work out all the kinks in their games.
D. I guess since GOD McZehrl is not in the finals I'll have to choose another name. There's some decent names like "Tigole Bitties" and "Dick Clapper" that are decent and deserve honorable mentions but unfortunately, those names aren't that original when it comes to SHL and are definitely not for virgin eyes like mine so I can't choose them. New England has a player named HUGH MANATEE and this is the first Hugh Manatee I can ever recall seeing so I'd have to choose him.
E. Why not both? Seriously have you ever tried salami on a hot dog? I know I haven't, but now that I think about it sounds tasty af. If my HOT DOG is wrapped in a bun then I'd take the hot dog but otherwise, if I'm just eating it on its own I'd rather have the salami.

12. 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer - Casual Member Special - SEND ANSWER IN PM TO "PT DIRECTOR"

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