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Barracuda Clean-Out Day Coverage
(This post was last modified: 12-03-2019, 12:11 PM by sköldpaddor.)

Barracuda Locker Clean-Out Day Coverage
By Betty White, senior sports correspondent

TAMPA, FL --- This week, the Tampa Bay Barracuda took a commanding lead in a seven-game series, only to fall just short of the championship that seemed to many people to be all but guaranteed. The team, consisting largely of younger players and the handful of veterans they look up to, faltered in all four attempts to win that final game necessary, and suffered a devastating loss at the hands of the Calgary Dragons in front of the home crowd in Tampa.

It wasn’t the ending anyone wanted, but here on locker clean-out day, the atmosphere, despite the disappointment, is also one of hope for the future. I had the chance to speak with several members of the team, reflecting on this past season and looking forward to the next.

David Fantobens (@Fantobens)
David, you’ve been a veteran leader for a very young Barracuda squad here these last few seasons. Would you say there have been some growing pains there?
There have been plenty of growing pains. When the organization brought me in from Texas, they kind of gave me the “bear with us “ speech. I knew a couple of the guys that were here and they just built up with young guys. Then they slapped the “C” on me and told me to go lead. Waiting for them to grow has been the only pain thus far....have you seen these kids skate?

Are you happy with the amount of growth you’ve seen from the younger players, or is there something you’d want them to focus on to come back stronger next year?
No. They are all better than me already. I’m just trying to be a calming presence as these kids grow into being adults.

Circling back to this game you’ve just played - things looked rough for your team after the first period, but you all really came together and made it a real battle to the finish. Was there something you said to the team during that first intermission that seemed to resonate with them; what was your strategy there?
The strategy was to put pace them which we did in the first 3 games and the 2nd and 3rd period of game seven. And just too many damn penalties. Every two seconds the refs arm was up. That comes with age tho.

Your goaltender Ben Blue has put on quite a show during these playoffs, with at least a couple of people throwing his name around for awards. Are you hopeful he’s going to come back with another strong season next year as this young team really starts to find their game around him?
Blue is great. He’s been great and there’s no reason he won’t continue to be. I don’t get a say in awards but he knows and the rest of the team knows he’s our mvp again. There’s no doubt about that.

Anything else you’d like to add?
I would just like to add that this league better not sleep on us again. We are only getting better. You have been warned.

Anastasia O'Koivu (@Pris)

Anastasia you’ve been known as a player who brings a lot of grit to the team, but after the big trade that brought you and Nikolai Evans here from Hamilton, you also occasionally provided the Barracuda with some much-needed offensive spark when some of their main point-getters were struggling to produce. Is there anything you can point to that gave you that offensive push, and has it motivated you to get back on the score sheet next season?
If I’m very honest, I think I just wanted to prove a point. I had a fair number of people tell me, to my face or in my presence, that the trade had way overvalued me, that Tampa Bay got robbed, and things like that. Maybe this time around, with everything on the line, I wanted to prove that I can sometimes be more than just a goon. Besides, Kolya wasn’t scoring for shit, god knows one of us had to be useful. For the future, though? No, that’s somebody else’s job. I’m in the business of hitting and killing, that’s why I’m here. I’ll leave the glory to the boys, they eat it up.

Going back to that trade, there was a bit of controversy in the media, a lot of back and forth about who “won” the trade. Aside from all of that debate, do you feel like you personally have enjoyed the transition to your new team?
I love Tampa Bay. Everyone has been so loving and welcoming, and it’s made me feel so happy and comfortable in our locker room in a way I don’t think I ever quite  reached in Hamilton. I trust management. They look out for us and care about what we have to say, about what we think. It’s really nice. And it’s nice to be with people my own age. I played against a lot of the boys in juniors. It’s cool to share the ice with them on the same side this time. They’re great.

Is there anything these guys could do to help you settle in for next year?

If they could stop stealing my vodka, that would be lovely.  I need that for games. It’s the Russian way.

Anything else you’d like to add?
Y’know, I would be lying if I told you it wasn’t absolutely gutting to get as close as we did and have nothing to show for it, but. I’m really proud of my brother. Shout out to Aleksi for his first cup. Family always means more.

Uh... yeah, on that note, go Russia! That’s what I’m looking towards now. Time to go chase a gold. My folks will be thrilled to see me more regularly again, even if it’s just to yell at me to skate better.

Gunnar Söderberg (it me)
Gunnar, you had a pretty successful rookie year but lost out on a rookie of the year award to your teammate Olivier, who spent a year longer in juniors than you did. Do you regret not spending that extra time developing your game before joining the team here in Tampa?
I mean, not really, you know, it’s - well, first of all, Olivier is the kind of guy who just makes the guys around him better, so I’m not even sure if I would have gotten that nomination in the first place if we weren’t on the same team, honestly. But to answer your other question, no, I don’t really regret it. Different people develop their game differently, I mean, I’m sure staying in the J would have given me some more experience, but I think I learned really valuable stuff here my first year, too.

You’ve also gotten some different experiences with international play - you play at forward here in the SHL but slid into a defensive role with the Swedish national team to address a need there. Do you think that’s given you some more flexibility as a player, and how difficult is that transition when you move into that spot from a whole season at forward here?
Yeah, I definitely think it’s made me appreciate my teammates a little bit more. I mean, it’s not necessarily the first time I’ve ever done that, you shift around a lot when you’re younger before you figure out what you’re really best at. But I definitely don’t mind doing it, and having Jøln there and already knowing him from here, that helps too for sure. I’m always bothering him for tips because I know he knows what he’s doing, so I’m sure I drive him crazy.

You came up in some conversations prior to this series, drawing comparisons between you and Mike Izzy; there seemed to be a little debate there over who would have a more dominant series. What was your reaction to that?

Yeah, it wasn’t much of a debate, was it? [he laughs] Seriously, though, I don’t know where that came from. I don’t think half the guys in the league even know who I am yet, so getting compared to a guy who’s been such a dominant player for as long as he has, that’s just really flattering in itself. My mom got really excited, but then she got mad at everybody picking him over me and I was like…Mom, this is my second season, I don’t even know how I got involved in this conversation.

So you don’t think you’re in the running for MVP this year?
No, that’s…first of all, I really had a tough time producing in several games this series when we really could have used it, and I feel like a real trademark of an MVP is being reliable in those situations, so I definitely need to work on that. I also took some really stupid penalties at pretty inopportune times that cost us, even if they didn't score it put us down a man at times when we really needed a goal ourselves. But if you’re looking for an MVP you should talk to Blue, I think everybody knows we wouldn’t have gotten as far as we did without him.

Benjamin Blue (@"BoucherFan12")
Ben, everybody I’ve talked to on your team so far has had nothing but the highest praise for your play this season and throughout these playoffs. This season didn’t end the way any of you wanted, I know, but your individual stats are pretty impressive. Are you satisfied with your level of play, and what are your plans for the off season so you can come back with another strong performance?
Well, although I am very happy with my performance over the postseason, I am still not satisfied. I was so close to the cup, literally a handful of goals away. Despite the fact that Kata Vilde and I had the highest save percentage of all goalies at a .920, I feel that I should’ve been able to preform higher, maybe at a level where my save percentage would be .925 to .928. For this season, (despite Simon T’s inevitable plans), I will strive to preform at an even higher level than last season.

You signed a pretty big contract extension this season to stay a Barracuda through S56. Given the outcome of this series, are you still as excited for the future of the team, and still happy to be in Tampa for the foreseeable future?

Oh I am very excited for the future of this team. Ball, Lagerfield, Kholin, Soderberg, and all the other talented teammates I have make up for a young, talented, and great team that I hope to deliver for in the near future.

Looking back at this season, your team was a lot more successful than many people predicted. What do you think really helped you guys to put things together the way you did this year?
The thing that really put this team together is our core. It glued all the parts of the team together and now we’re preforming to the level we should be. And it can only go up from here.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I love everyone who is currently reading this article.

Miikka Salo (@mcgriddleluver)
Miikka, this being your rookie season, how do you feel about your experience this year?
I thought the experience was pretty surreal. 5 years down in Detroit then to the big leagues is a huge change. It was awesome to be apart of this teams championship run and I hope next year we can snag the cup.

Was there anything that surprised you about your team or the league, anything you weren’t expecting?
The skill gap is pretty huge between all stars and rookies like myself. Just watching people like Lagerfield zoom up and down the ice is pretty cool actually.

What do you think has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned this season, and how do you intend to apply that to your play next year?
Always stay positive is the biggest lesson I've taken. The way the room banded together all season especially after that game 7 loss was exactly what we needed.

Has there been anybody on the team you’ve looked to as a mentor, who’s helped you develop your game and adjust to the transition from juniors?
Yeah our captain Fanto was a great mentor. Always encouraging me to keep my head up when I was having a down season and just being a great guy. He let me stay in his place for a bit until I found somewhere on my own.

Jøln DuBølk (@MCP_)
Jøln, you spent a lot of the season paired with Nikolai Evans, but your coaches mixed it up a little in the playoffs and you also played alongside rookie Miikka Salo. I think last year you were part of several different d pairings as well. Do you consider yourself pretty flexible when it comes to these changes, or is there an adjustment period when things get shuffled up?
Oh yeah. We got a lot of physicality, and we kinda have to spread that around, y'know? Plus, I like all the guys and gals, so we're doing alright eh?

Speaking of changes, you and Gunnar Söderberg are both slated to play for Sweden at the upcoming IIHF games. I talked to him a little about playing defense, and he said…I don’t have the quote right now but he mentioned that it was helpful to be able to look to you for guidance there. Do you consider yourself a leader on this Tampa team as well as the Swedish national team, and do you seek out those opportunities to mentor younger players?
I try. I always think back to the days in Lethbridge and being Alternate Captain and all, and I feel like I have a role in getting these young guys prepared.

Back to the series you’ve just finished - I know this wasn’t the result you were hoping for, but I’ve gotten this sense from some of the other guys that this is just the beginning for this team. Do you share that sentiment, do you feel like you’re still on the upswing personally and as a group?
I think we're already there. We just need to perform for 4 games in a 7 game series. [Jøln goes back to his silent demeanor]

Nikolai Evans (@ztevans)
Nikolai, I already spoke to Anastasia about this, but there was a lot of controversy in the media surrounding the trade that brought the two of you here. All of that aside, do you feel that you personally “won” the trade? Aside from the heartbreak of this most recent loss, are you happy with how your season went?
Every trade has its give and take.  For Hamilton, they gave up one of the budding future superstars in the league.  Tampa took on one of the largest disgraces to professional hockey - I guess you spoke to her before me, certainly an interesting choice on your part, Betty - to acquire that superstar.  You take the good with the bad.  Despite that, I firmly believe any team that acquires the Russian Prince in a trade wins the trade.

As far as this season, it was great to finally be on a true Cup contender.  Growing up in my family, I know how special these moments can be and how difficult it is to reach the pinnacle of the league.  We didn’t quite get there this season, but that will only make us hungrier to go one step further next season.

A couple of your teammates have commented on the positive locker room atmosphere of this team - would you agree with that assessment, and do you feel like you’ve fit in well here?
It’s the best locker room I’ve been in.  Hell, I think you look around now and you see … some disappointment, sure, but nobody’s broken by what happened in this Finals.  It’s going to make us better, we’re going to grow from it, we’re not going to let it beat us twice.  That’s the best testament to this team.

Do I fit well here? You’d probably have to ask other people that.  I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to win trophies.

You assisted on the goal that got the offense rolling in the second period, when things were looking pretty grim for you guys, and after that the momentum was really on your side. What was going on in your head coming out from that brutal first period, how did you keep yourself focused on the task at hand?
You have to have a short memory, win or lose.  Like I said, you can’t let a disappointment beat you twice, you’ve got to move on to the next play.  That’s what we did after that first period, and we made a game out of it.  Credit to Calgary, you have to play a 60-minute game to beat them and we didn’t.

Anything else you’d like to add?
We’ll be back.

Matt Kholin (@Kalakar)
Matt, you’ve usually played at center. Last year you spent some time on the wing, but moved back to center the first line this season. How has that adjustment back and forth been for you, and do you feel like it’s made you a more versatile player?
I don't really feel like one right now. It's been a rough season, I did think I would perform better, but the challenge of playing versus the best players in the league day in, day out had me struggling a lot towards the second half of the season. When the coach put me on the wing, it helped me a lot to focus on other parts of my game so I didn't have to spend so much time working on my faceoffs, which have been atrocious all season long.

Some of the guys have mentioned that you’re pretty hard on yourself after some of these losses. What are you looking to improve on next year, and what do you think you really excelled at this season?
I really need to focus more on my passing abilities and being able to throw that perfect saucer pass or a pass right on the stick between defenders to generate more scoring chances is really what I need to do. I'm playing with two incredible players on the first line and they've got the skill to put pucks in the net. I just need to get that puck to their sticks so they can do what they do best. As for what I excelled at, I guess I improved the defensive aspect of my game. Last season was pretty bad being a sophomore playing on the first line. I went from -23 to +2, but to be fair I was getting carried pretty hard by Lagerfield and Cloutier this season. I just hope I can pull my own weight next season.

This team has been something of a dark horse the last two seasons, finishing ahead of where a lot of people expected you too. After this year’s playoff run, do you think the league has caught on to the fact that this is more than a fluke, that this team is legitimately good, and do you think you might face some additional adversity next year because of that?
I think there are people on both sides. Some people still think we're some bottom dwelling team that will never amount to any success in the SHL, but I don't believe them. On the other hand, I hope we've gained some new fans after our playoffs run, although it didn't end the way we wanted it to end. We have a great young team, our core is getting solid and I think we'll be up there to contend with the very best for a long time. Next season, some teams might start to target us, I know we've started to develop a rivalry with Hamilton so for sure teams will start to ice their best players when they play us to get those 2 points.

You scored a key goal near the end of the second period, and the team seemed to maintain that momentum going into the third. What was the atmosphere like in the locker room during that second intermission, knowing that you were coming back out with the man advantage to start the third period?
We really felt like we were beginning to turn things around, to bring the game back towards our side and be able to win it all. We had 2 goals to score and we knew we could have done it. The guys were hyped in the room, we knew what we had to do, we just had to execute our plays well to score on Vilde. The captain delivered a beautiful speech and we knew we had to start the third period strong since we were on the PP. We had to close the gap if we wanted a chance at the cup. Some of the guys have superstitions so while Fanto was delivering his speech,  I saw Lagerfield eat cubed feta cheese like it was a snack, Cloutier was saying some gibberish in french, DuBølk was practicing his ability to stand incredibly still and I think I also saw O'Koivu punching the walls nearby.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?
First off, thank you Ms. White for the interview. I want to take a moment to thank my teammates. We never expected to make it so far in the playoffs, let alone win the first 3 games in the Challenge Cup series. Those 3 wins don't really matter now I guess, but they all played at their peak throughout the playoffs and I'm really proud of our group. This was only one of many deep playoffs runs during our careers, and I hope we'll be right back in the finals next season. Finally, as we say in our neck of the woods, CHOMP CHOMP WATER DOG.

Olivier Cloutier (@Jenny)
Olivier, coming off of a rookie of the year win last season, did you feel like there was any added pressure on you to excel this season, from yourself or from the team?
Definitely, yes. I was very happy to be able to make an impact with the team right away, especially after those last few seasons where I was back in Anchorage instead of here, and I was honoured to be recognized for that. Anytime you see success you want to keep improving on it, so I felt very much like I needed to live up to the game I was able to play last year--or, not live up to, but perform even better and keep growing as a player. And of course the GMs and coaches expect me to be able to continue doing good work in the roles they give me, so there's that pressure. My teammates make that easy, though. There's a lot of healthy competition in the locker room and of course a lot of support for each other, a willingness to... prop each other up when needed and to put in the work together. I think that kind of supportive pressure is very important to building a successful team.

Your contract is up this coming season, have you had the chance to talk to management about the next step, and are you hoping to stay here in Tampa?
I've been focusing on my game and letting my agent handle the business side of things. I have heard that management is happy with my work and there have been some casual conversations about re-signing me that I think will get a little more serious here now that the season is over, so I'm optimistic about that. I don't know anything about what they might be offering for money or term right now, but I'm enjoying playing in Tampa and getting to know the city and the fans, so we'll see what happens.

You and Flacko Lagerfield played on two different lines together this season, and you both managed to produce pretty consistently. Do you think getting to play with him with two different centers helped you two perfect your own on-ice chemistry?
Yes, though I think it's more about consistently getting that ice time together all season. Whether it's Matty or Sawsy in the middle, we're used to playing with them both and with each other, so we're able to work off each other during the play and hopefully generate some chances. The more we do it, the better we get at it. And bonding off the ice helps, too. Flacko's lucky he's better at hockey than he is at having opinions about American Idol, and that's all I'm going to say about that. [laughs] So, yeah, It's been pretty fun.

Looking forward to next season, is there anything you’d like to focus on specifically to ensure the same kind of success you enjoyed this year?
I'm really just hoping to continue playing with this squad. Assuming I'll still be here, I think the most important thing for us to focus on is continuing to build our relationships and chemistry and, um, be supportive like I've talked about. This is a team I've really appreciated playing with and I think that's reflected in how we played and how far we got this season. We're definitely not done here, so I hope I'm standing right here next season with these same people around me and a better result to celebrate.

Anything else you’d like to add?
Thanks for talking to me, Betty, I appreciate it. I just want to add on a big shoutout to the fans for cheering us on this season, especially through the playoffs. Your energy and love doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated. We play for you. A little bit for ourselves, but mostly for you.

Kristaps Ball (@jcfbey01)
Kristaps, you led the team in scoring during the regular season with fifty-six points, and tallied another seventeen during the playoffs. A lot of people would say you’re easily the most impressive offensive defenseman in the league. As your career advances, do you feel like you’re still going to be able to prioritize that offensive aspect of your game while remaining effective defensively?
Defense always comes first if you're a defenseman, you always want to make sure you won't be a liability when you are out on the ice. But, later in my career when I get less playing time, I could see myself focusing more on offense than defense, so even though I may not contribute much, I can play on possibly the power play and still put up points. But I wouldn't do that if my defense was so bad where even my offense was outweighed by my bad defense.

If I’m not mistaken, this is your fourth season with the Barracuda. You’ve watched this team go from the bottom of the league your first season here, to a seven-game championship series. Do you think this team has what it takes, or do you think there’s something still needed to pull it all together?
This team definitely has what it takes. Even though we sucked my first year here, I saw the commitment and talent and potential any team needs to win a cup. The players that were in Tampa and those in the minors, everyone showed talent and the desire to win and bring us a cup. We haven't lost that desire or commitment, and our talent has only gotten better, so we for sure have what it takes.

You have one more season left on your contract with Tampa Bay. Has this season’s success had any impact on your desire to stay with the team beyond that, and are you optimistic that you’ll still be here after next year?
I love Tampa Bay, I love this team, the players, the GMs, the fans, and I don't want to leave. The only way I would is I get a massive underpayment of what I think I'm worth, which won't happen. I want to finish my career in Tampa, hopefully with my name on the cup as well. I'm very optimistic I'll be here after next season.

Anything else you’d like to add?
I love the Cuda and the cup will be in Tampa soon!

Nickolas Klaus (@Noble)
Nickolas, you’ve been here before, your last year in Kelowna, when the Knights lost to St. Louis in game seven of that final. Is it any easier to swallow this time knowing that you’ll be back with this same team to try again next season?

Yeah, obviously losing when you're that close is heartbreaking no matter the league you're in. Back in the SMJHL, it was hard because I had grown up with that team and come into my own as a hockey player. Losing that year meant I would never hoist the Four Star Cup, which was a hard pill to take down. Of course that's different with Tampa Bay. We have a young, ambitious team that's not going to forget where we were, or how we got there. We're all in it for the long run, so I guess it's easier to accept failure when you have so many chances to feel success in the future.

This has been a hard fought series, but there had to have been a time there after the game three win where it felt like the championship was in view. If you make it back to the final again, what do you think you’ll do differently to make sure you get the job done?
A big problem I saw in the locker room is we got cocky. We didn't ease off the gas pedal but we started to see Calgary as less of a threat, and with a team as experienced as them that's always going to be a mistake. They know how to capitalize on weakness, so as soon as we showed a gap they took their shot. We need to make sure there are NO holes in our game next year.

The past few years have been pretty busy for you personally - getting called up to play in Minnesota, signing in Tampa after your rookie year, and welcoming a child, among other things. With all of those changes, has it helped to have some of your old juniors teammates here as well, has that helped give you a sense of stability, and does that influence your desire to re-sign here when your contract is up after next season?
A ton of changes, I know. Moving on from Minnesota was a hard decision, but it just wasn't the place for me. Tampa was the perfect option, especially with Nolan [Sawchuk] being here. When I heard Sanyi [Kocsis] was leaving Minny, I thought there was a chance the trio would reunite, and it almost happened but he ended up in Texas. Having the guys I played with down in Kelowna beside me has definitely made it all easier. Gunnar [Soderberg] and Nolan are both big shoulders to lean on, along with other guys.

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. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

ily :bluelove:

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06-11-2021, 05:33 PMKenitohMenara Wrote: [Image: BLUE.jpeg]
Welcome to the hall, Ben!




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chomp chomp water dog Heart Barracuda

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@sköldpaddor is this ready for grading?

[Image: 0K3YdqN.png]

Former Agent of Nick Brain: Center/Right Winger -  Aurora  Stars

12-03-2019, 01:14 AMStadiumGambler Wrote: @sköldpaddor is this ready for grading?

Just edited in the rest of the interviews, ready now! Smile

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

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