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S51 PT #1 - The Delay

Shepard’s stance is neutral on the lockout. He sees both sides of the story and thinks each have good and bad points and thinks the SHL and SHLPA will do what’s best for the league and the players. No one can blame a team for looking for ways to win that follow the rules or tow the line of what is legal that’s just sports, it’s what teams that want to win more than anything. But at the same time no one can blame the SHL for recognizing a team could be exploiting a loophole in their own rule books. It’s the same reason rich CEO’s don’t get “busted” as they always push the line with how they move money. It is time for the SHL to evolve and seems fitting that S50 is when the league decides to do it and re brand into a more diverse league of players of all different skill levels. Shepard continued to train hard as if nothing was going on but Shepard also spent time relaxing with the Normandy’s crew this off season.

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Thanks to @FlappyGiraffe and @ToeDragon84 for the making these sick sigs!

Quote:                            First Goal (3rd Game): Commander Shepard 1 (Nick Brain 1, Noah Gallagher 2) at 8:48


The impacts of the lockout weren't too terrible for Bobby Sharp. He got some extra time to recover from the IIHF World Championship where him and team USA played all the way until the end and brought home the gold. Recovering from the hockey was one thing, but recovering from the week long bender him and his teammates went on after their win was a totally different thing. At one point, he was pretty sure he'd need a few IV bags to rehydrate.

After getting back down to earth and resuming his function as a non-depleted human being, Bobby got back into the swing of things in Buffalo with his buffabros. After last seasons poor showing in the playoffs, Bobby is determined to step his game up this year and bring another championship home to Buffalo. This means time spent at the rink every day, an extra time on the weekends since they aren't suiting up for games yet. Bobby wants to make sure that when the lockout does end and everyone gets back to it, he hasn't slowed down at all.

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  Knights Usa Stampede Patriotes Inferno Argonauts Aurora Renegades Stampede   

During the lockout Al grabbed his bag and hit the road. While he had been in Canada now for nearly a year he had never been able to travel due to the intense schedule he had been on to improve his game play from Coach Balls. Free of the constraint, and aware that he had to keep his cell on in case the lock out ended, Al grabbed a ticket to Toronto, where he was convinced he'd meet a Canadian beauty. Turned out however, that being a SMJHL player was not exactly the selling line he had thought it would be when he got to Toronto. A few women even scoffed at him and told him to let them know when he got his training skates off. Depressed and alone in Toronto Al got drunk one night and threw a bottle through a mirror. When he sobered up the next day in a holding cell for drunks, he vowed to show Toronto what he had one day. Stupid city.

(170 words)

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(This post was last modified: 12-02-2019, 04:33 PM by BarnabasCollins.)

During the lockout Kata Vilde decided to embark on a journey sure to get him in trouble with Calgary management. He decided to go on the competitive eating circuit in an effort to compete with team gluttons Otis B Driftwood and Esa Parmborg since he was quite happy to have the extra time off for the lockout. His first stop was a pizza eating contest in Las Crusis, NM. Vilde didn't fare well here. eating only 2 16 inch pies and didn't even make the top ten. He then went to a chili pepper eating contest in New Mexico where he made it to the Carolina Creeper before he had to bail, good for a 9th place finish. He then tested his sweet tooth with a Twinkie eating contest in Baltimore where he scored a 5th place finish, eating 152 Twinkies in 10 minutes! Then it was back to Vegas for a donut eating contest where he once again crapped out, eating 4 dozen in 20 minutes, again not good enough for a top ten. He really needed to either win or take top 3 to have something to brag about in camp so he picked his final event carefully.  He went to Seacaucas NJ and Sopranos con to enter the cannoli eating contest. The time limit was 6 minutes and Vilde started off a bit slow and at the halfway point he was only at 12 cannolis. Then he started to get pissed and thinking about the shame walking into the Dragons lr having fared poorly in his contests. Something kicked in, like facing a power play in an overtime game 7 in a cup final. Vilde went berserk and started eating 2 at a time. With a minute to go he was up to 25, 7 shy of the world record. It was at that point reality set in and the spectators in front were spewed with a projectile stream of cannoli cream as Vilde thought his stomach was coming out his mouth. Vilde showed up for camp 25 lbs overweight and was in such bad shape that GM Steelhead was forced to play backup netminder O'Koivu for 3/4 of the preseason. Vilde was told in no uncertain terms his future contracts would include clauses to prevent this happening in the future.


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Written task: Talk about your player's views on the "lockout," what they did to pass the time and deal with the anticipation, or a combination of both. (150 words minimum)

For my player, the lockout was one of the worst times of my professional career. After being down in the SMJHL for so long, the organization and myself had finally thought that it was my time to showcase me skills on the big stage in the SHL. It was finally going to be my first shot in the major level but this lockout has caused me to way for my moment. The entire offseason, I had all this anticipation built up in me and now that I have to wait is causing me a lot of stress. During the delay, Crudelli was always out there practicing and getting ready for the season. I think that preseason went extremely well for Crudelli but there's no telling what is going to happen when the games actually matter. I think that once Crudelli is able to get his first point, his first goal and his first team win, then the stress and anxiety will begin to fade and he can focus on the success of his team.

174 words

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As a newer player, and someone who has yet to play a game in the SHL, Ryan Shepard doesn't have too strong of a viewpoint on the lockout. It sounds like it was a necessary thing, and that there was something wrong with players wanting to be a pass first mentality. This benefits him as he would have to completely change the way he plays the game and could take several seasons to fully transition. Shepard had a long offseason with a first round exit this season in the SMJHL playoffs so he spent some time going home to visit his family before the start of WJC. After a couple weeks at home and watching the SHL and SMJHL on tv, Shepard started his preparations for WJC and the upcoming SMJHL season. With the large delay before the start of the WJC as well, Shepard managed to improve himself in every aspect of his game from offense to defense to intangibles.

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Canada Knights Canada Knights Canada

The lockout was at first seen by Vrzala as a massive upset. Having just won the cup and playing some great hockey, he was ready to begin again and go after more and more achievements. He then remembered that the Czechs, his brothers in arms, were planning something for this specific instance. In no time, the Czechia Extra Liiga was up and running and all the big Czech names came out to play. It was easy to assemble the arenas and there were quite a few games put on with an actual sense of pride for the players as they were competing to win, instead of just staying in shape. Vrzala as well as several of his mates formed team Bohemia and were one of the four competing teams in the mix. There was such a sense of pride and enough players that they kept players who weren't distinctly natives out of the event, and boasted about how much fun they were having while the SHL was a burning hulk thanks to some smelly fish.

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The lockout for Nicholas Owens was something that was really needed. It allowed him to have more time to polish up his game before he hits the ice for his sophomore season, but besides that boring stuff he took a much needed break away from hockey. Owens spent time with his friends and family which he would have otherwise not have had time to with all the traveling and training that comes with being a pro hockey player. Mostly just catching up and playing video games.

As for Owens stance on the matter. It's a shame something like this would happen as there will be players and general managers alike who are going to be unhappy about the solution reached but overall something that was very necessarily for the future of this league. The solution that has been going around the league seems like a very promising one and Owens is excited to see what comes next in the SHL.

Being a leading member of the SMJHLPA, Jack Wilson did not take the lockout as a time for inactivity by any means. The young Irish 2-year player spent nearly every day in talks with the HO trying to hammer out a deal that would allow everyone to get back to doing what they love, playing hockey. Being the public face of the SMJHLPA, Wilson was often contacted for interviewed through such well-renowned news outlets such as Yahaa Sports and ESPN the Ocho. "We are working day and night that will strike a deal that will be acceptable to both parties", Wilson said in one interview "our main goal is to represent the players that make the SMJHL what it is, that means focusing on bread and butter issues such as free TPE, shorter word requirements for PTs, and rigging Simon so we all score 200 goals a season". So far these demands have not been met

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the lockout meant more time to train for Petr Mikulak, who sees this upcoming season as his breakout year where he will finally become a valuable member of his team rather than being little more than a role player. Mikulak's training began after the season ended in preparation for IIHF play. After just barely playing his way onto a team with tough competition he had two goals throughout the entire tournament. This pushed Mikulak to work even harder, he knew that he needed to step his game up for not only future IIHF championships but also for the rebuilding West Kendall Platoon. However due to the delay in the SHL season's start Mikulak and many of his fellow countrymen played for Czech clubs to keep their level of play up. With the HC Lions Bohemia Mikulak put up 13 points in 30 regular season games and 2 point in 5 playoff games, and although a near 0.5 ppg pace should be enticing for a 4th round SHL Draft Pick, Mikulak wanted more, using the little time between the end of the CELH season and start of the SHL season to train and practice as much as he could. Expect Mikulak to push his way up West Kendall's lineup and cement himself as a top player in the SHL this season.

At a recent workout of Kalevolaripaavo Käspertommevisnapuu’s, some reporters asked him what his thoughts on the lockout are.

“Personally, I think it sucks. I have worked a very long time to get where I am now. Now, on the precipice of achieving a life goal, it could be taken away from me. Just because one team decided to try some shady new practices and tactics, the whole league suffers.

In an era where many of the players are similar in nature, myself included, the aforementioned team went in a new direction that would have had real potential to create waves. Ones with ramifications league wide, as many other teams would have had to change their current tactics completely. But by the time the other teams would catch up, this team would have been seasons ahead. Many players would have rethink and therefore retrain their games. Still seasons behind this team of players that had already tried this radical new approach. And while dynasties are always admired, they can also bring imbalance and more importantly a lackluster spectacle for the fans.

While I do applaud a team for trying something different, their approach to it is reprehensible. I, for one, would be happy to see the league find a way to resolve this problem that benefits the league on the whole, while not necessarily punishing the team for their efforts. If are not cheating, than you’re not trying.”

And with that Kalevolaripaavo went back to his workout.

~240 words

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Gunnar spent the break doing a variety of things. It was important, of course, to keep on top of training, so he made sure to spend time on the ice and in the gym. There were also the usual things between seasons, like international play and training camp, so he participated in those. He spent some time back in Sweden with his family as well - he took his boyfriend Noah home with him for a little while, and worked out on some of the same ice that he used to play on when he was a kid. In addition to all of that, the Barracuda took a team trip to Disney and made sure to keep up with team bonding (because everyone knows that off-ice bonding is important for on-ice chemistry). There was plenty of time left over for some home renovation, so Gunnar also updated his bedroom furniture and installed some artwork of dogs on the walls.

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Lockout shmock-out. All Bobby cares about is getting fat W's. It just happens that he does it best on the ice. But during the lockout he had to get a little creative where he would cull the weak and prove his elite abilities in everything he does.

Bobby went home to Dublin and challenged everyone walking by to a one on one in basketball. While most were perturbed by this deranged man yelling a challenge at them; one did accept. Bobby got absolutely embarrassed on the court but there was no way it was his fault. He concluded that the basketball was deflated and thus his loss was nullified.

His cousin later was talking up his Fortnite game, but Bobby was going to have none of that. With his Gunnars on, MT DEW GAME FUEL TM in hand, and neck facial hair grown out he was ready. Bobby went on the longest winning streak known to man, winning enough Chicken Dinners to end world hunger.

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Mathias Seger at first could not really comprehend why the season was being delayed. How could one fuck up something so essential as a fixing a date for a season opener? But it quickly became clear that there were some higher powers influencing the decision, so he soon learned to live with the circumstances. He did delay his flight from his native country of Switzerland back to Minneapolis and was able to call up some old contacts to arrange some additional on ice training with a couple of his former teams as a Swiss junior player. First, he went for a visit of his home village team EHC Flawil, where he skated with the junior players and took a lot of photos and signed a lot of jerseys, sticks and pucks. Next up were stops in Rapperswil and Zürich, where Seger got some training sessions in with two teams playing in the highest tear league of Switzerland.

[Image: outlaws2.png]  [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]  Mathias Seger #15 | Player page | Update page [Image: outlaws2.png] [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]
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Sigs by Donini, RainDelay, Fever and OrbitingDeath

The lockout actually made LeBlanc anxious more than anything. Yes he had more time to prepare for his first season in the SHL, but he quickly grew impatient and stressed. He had anticipated this debut for so long that he couldn't bear with the pressure of being delayed. At some point, LeBlanc was even afraid that the league wouldn't get back at all! The WJC was also delayed, which didn't help with LeBlanc's anxiety. To deal with anxiety, LeBlanc usually finds something to distract him. In this case, LeBlanc decided to do what he does best : play hockey. He trained almost to the point where it was unhealthy. He would train for at least 6 hours every day. He also took a week to go see his family back in Montreal, but he found a way to train over there too. Also, when he wasn't training, LeBlanc took some time to organize his new apartment, even though he's been in his new place for a while now.

167 words

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