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S51 PT #5 - In The Kitchen

Simon isn't really a lot into cooking. Having many good restaurants around in LA, LeBlanc only cooks when he has to and when he has the time too. So, cooking is not really a hobby for LeBlanc, it's more a chore. He can do basic stuff, follow instructions and short recipes, but he can't really cook things without instructions. He's pretty competent in the kitchen, he rarely burns food or make a mess. What he cooks is consistently decent, but rarely perfect or terrible. His favorite thing to do is pasta, because it's really simple to do and he really enjoys eating it. Also, pasta is pretty hard to miss, so it's really the best dish to make. He doesn't really have stories of either good things or bad things happening in the kitchen, because he never really tried to have guesses at his house and make food for them. He really prefers to go to the restaurant or to his friend's house if he wants to eat dinner with his friends.

172 words

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|Canada |Steelhawks| Armada|

|Canada| Inferno| Knights|

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In the days leading up to New Years Eve, the Dutch bake something that's called oliebollen (translated: oil balls). Oliebollen is a dough with raisins or small apple chunks deepfried. Sort of like a beignet. Barry Batsbak went back to his parents house and baked oliebollen with his dad and play some backyard hockey on their selfmade rink. After baking like a hundred of these oliebollen, Barry went to the neighbours to hand out some of them. This tradition started when the Batsbaks moved to Canada from the Netherlands.

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Barry is not a real star in the kitchen. Most of the time he let's his girlfriend do all the work as he's affraid of messing everything up. He occasionally will cut an onion or peel a potatoe, but that's about it. Though when it comes to the barbecue or deepfrying, he knows his stuff.

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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Benjamin Blue of the Tampa Bay Barracuda is not a big food person. He likes most food and all food. BUT, he only eats fish when it is part of sushi. Soup? Yup. Meat? Yup. Chicken? Yup. Dairy? Yup. Candy? Yup. Fish? No! Sushi tho? Of course. Blue, though he doesn’t care much about eating, does get enjoyment from having a nice meal. Whether it is with friends, or whether it is by himself, making a nice instant ramen noodle soup. Just sitting at home binging some YouTube. But, Blue does want to learn how to cook. He want to learn how to cook some nice meals like, for example, spaghetti, pasta, soup, pizza, hamburgers, hotdogs, and many other foods. Despite this, Blue ends up going to restaurants with friends a lot, usually not for the food, but for the time he spends with his friends in the restaurant because that’s what he usually enjoys most. c:

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06-11-2021, 05:33 PMKenitohMenara Wrote: [Image: BLUE.jpeg]
Welcome to the hall, Ben!

Tony Ford is a culinary God, I won't lie. His meal of choice, just to carbload, is a large bag of pasta, cooked with a jar of tomato sauce and 500g of pregrated cheddar cheese. That's a nice easy one, but he can also do advanced meals. When the boys come over for a quick dinner, he loves to make a lasagne or just a bolognese, but that's just cos it always goes down well. When the iihf team who are all brits come along for a nice drink before or after the tournament, they're always greeted at Tony Ford's house with a "cracking cuzzah mate" which is brimming with flavour, and other dishes he considers his specialty are homemade burgers (secret ingredient is a nice stout, half a pint, the other half to be drunk by the chef) and many more dishes to go with that...

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Thanks to @Carpy48 , @sköldpaddor, @Weretarantula, @Bruins10  and @Wasty  for sigs
Extra special thanks to @Julio Tokolosh for the sick gif one

Just like his style of play, Ricky Bobby's skills in the kitchen involve speed and quickness in order to get in and out as quickly as possible with as much food in his belly as physically possible. This tendency to focus on fast food often leads to poor satisfaction from the many lady friends that Ricky Bobby courts around the Carolina Town where he currently plays. Once Ricky Bobby moves to Winnipeg as apart of being called up in S51, his focus will have to shift towards colder foods while continuing to cook fast to avoid frostbite. While he will continue to order fast food on the frequent, Ricky Bobby's New Year's resolution is to cook more home-cooked meals from his home state of North Carolina, but he pledges not to lose his quickness in all aspects of life so speed will remain relevant to his cooking talents. Never forget the Shake n' Bake chicken his brand is so famous for.

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[Image: DaNnVpo.png]   [Image: CfsNrQZ.png]   [Image: ZZLBWWZ.png]
Kraken | Switzerland | Jets

Igor is a rather... bad chef. He once made a salad, but forgot some of the ingredients, so he had to go back to the store to get the missing ingredients. When he returned, his other ingredients had gone bad, so he went back to get those, and then back and forth, oblivious to the fact that things were going bad as he was browsing the store. He's sort of an idiot in this regard. Generally Igor trusts his teammates more than himself. Most of what he eats is stuff where it's hard to get it wrong, like popcorn or jello. If Igor wants a salad, he goes to a restaurant or to his teammates and trusts them to make him a salad. Igor swears he'll become better at cooking, but alas, his attempts end in failure, much like his chemistry experiments. This is why Igor is a hockey player and not a chef. If he were a great chef, he would have never signed with an SHL team in the first place.

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S48 Four Star Cup Champion (Vancouver Whalers)

My player is like me, I love to cook. I make everything from steak to ribs, fish to even a nice tossed salad. Though I wasn't always so great, granted I never burned any bowls of cereal like Homer Simpson but I did have one great mishap. I blew up a microwave, like full on flames, fire department, good natured ribbing from my family. I put a potato in the microwave for 20 minutes, not only did it not come out baked but came out looking like a meteorite squished into what could only be described as "essence of potato". So my player, being like me eats in regularly. But when you're a pro, you can't just hit the grocery store. So he orders instacart, orders some good food, green beans, potatoes, carrots. Some good meat, steak and ribs and chicken of course and whips up a meal for himself that costs much less than eating out.

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Lekberg Osterman loves to cook, and to bake for that matter. There are few things that are as therapeutic and rewarding as creating something yourself, just the way you like it, and getting to enjoy it with friends and family. Unfortunately the pro-hockey life means that there is a lot of eating out and the time you have at home is better spent on chores or catching up with loved ones but every now and then when there is a longer break between games Lekberg Osterman loves to bake a nice sourdough or put together a nice long slow-roast. Maybe even smoke his own brisket. Cooking and food has always been something that he has enjoyed, although its not something that he was always good at. His first big misadventure in the kitchen was around the age of 8 when he was going to bake a chocolate cake for his mother. He had no idea what the different measurement units meant so he ended up using the same one for all the ingredients. One dl Cocoa, three dl sugar, 1.5 dl baking powder..... 1 dl salt... You get the idea. Not a particularly tasty cake but he kept at it and today cooking is one of his favourite things outside of hockey.

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(This post was last modified: 01-03-2020, 12:56 PM by SDCore.)

Corey Kennedy doesn't love to cook but he does love to entertain. Usually he hosts his teammates and friends for late night drinks and some fun at his place. This leads to a lot of hang overs and rough mornings in the off season *wink wink*. So Kennedy makes something that is very near and dear to his heart. The full Irish, is a staple where he grew up and he still has portions of the meal sent to him from home. Now if you aren't familiar with what a Full Irish is, it is the most delicious breakfast you could ever have. Two eggs (how you like it, but should be over easy), rasher (back bacon), mushrooms, beans, tomato, black and white pudding, and toast. This is the ultimate hungover food, mash that with a cup of Irish Black Tea and you have the perfect breakfast. The best part, the weirdest to most, is the black pudding. This is a blood sausage with spices and is absolutely incredible. Once you have this breakfast you will pine over it for a long time. This is how Kennedy treats his friends, because it is the best thing you could eat. Especially getting the ingredients flown in from the old country.

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Player Page [Image: berserkers.png] [Image: syndicate2.png]Update Page

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I had received advice from my older brother early on in my dating career to make sure that you always had one or two 'more impressive' dishes that you could nail on short notice to impress someone you're bringing over (date, boss from work, etc), so as I was young, I started setting out for a few different dishes that I could throw out there that would be flavourful, and look like a ton of effort was put into. As a result, I've honed my cooking skills to a degree where I'm no slouch, but I wouldn't consider myself someone who should be applying for masterchef either. My current go-tos for company are some crispy shrimp tacos with a kimchi mayo and some salsa. Another classic that I've gone to again and again is a mushroom risotto. Risotto really requires quite a bit of attention, but once you've made a specific one a few times, you're able to bang it out pretty easily and hopefully without Gordon Ramsay yelling at you.

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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Nobody starts off perfect, or really knows what to do. For a while there, I was good for just grilled cheese, microwaveable meals, maybe sticking something in the oven for 20 minutes. Nowadays, things have changed greatly.

My go to meal is usually Stuffed Peppers, just in that it's delightful and includes great gravy. However, over time, my significant other has shown an affinity for some of my mother's recipes that I have stolen. Recipes like Chicken Stuffing, which makes it like a casserole with stuffing layers on bottom and top, cut up boneless chicken breast in the middle and chicken gravy over the breast and then on top of the entire thing. Similarly, she loves the mistake stir fry we've made which is prepared like City Chicken but with ramen noodles added in.

I'm cautiously adventurous in the kitchen anymore, but that's what makes it fun.

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
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Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!


Stav was never really much of a cook - i mean, he didn't even know how to frickin READ til he was FIFTEEN years old! When he went to junior, he was eating raw chicken wieners and pudding cups (with no spoon), or he'd get some Nigerian food from Uber Eats. Thankfully, his good buddy and roommate in Anchorage (Dilk) taught Stav how to boil an egg, and he was hooked. After eating nothing but boiled eggs and potatoes for a year, he became a god of the kitchen. Now, Stav will cook a nice pork shoulder with dumplings before a game - he claims this helps him maintain his powerful haunches. His specialities also include a nice spicy chili but ya boy still goes with Nigerian food from uber eats half of the time. If you ever want a nice feed of boiled eggs, pork shoulder with some spicy dumplings, drop into Stav's L.A. condo and eat with all of the hottest dudes/celebs out west.

My food preparation ability is... rudimentary... to put it nicely. As a professional athlete, there is a certain level of diet and care I am supposed to take with my meals to ensure I stay in peak physical shape. This would be much easier to accomplish if I ate more than cereal and cold sandwiches. This is where I place most of the blame for my slow development. As I am finally heading into the SHL, I am hoping to take full advantage of meal prep at the highest level. As long as I don't need to prepare a single meal again, I should be able to have a long career, boosted by my diet. I have been known to drink egg out of a cup like Rocky, which had an unintended negative effect on my on ice performance during my 3rd and penultimate SMJHL season. Needless to say, I try to avoid the kitchen at all costs and just eat whatever might be lying around at the rink.

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Sig by @Evil_AllBran

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Geoff Moore is not a great cook, but he's been learning more recently. In the past all he used to make was simple stuff, like pasta & meatballs with some sauce, or different soups. But now he's expanding his culinary skill into new territorities, starting with more italian foods. Moore is known to cook a big lasagna for team parties most of the times, his lasagna is usually a bit soupy and very mucho cheesy, with plenty of fresh Mozzarella used. Occasionally he will also make his signature pizza, minced moose meat, salami, bacon & ham, topped with tomatoes and mozzarella cheese and some oregano. He's also very into spicy, Tex-mex style foods. Moore loves to cook Chili, and often holds tortilla nights for his teammates. Although some of the european born players on the team can't handle the spicy foods so he makes them more mild versions, namely Daniel Bischoff who almost threw up from eating some Jalapenos.

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Given the general ineptitude of Slip McScruff, it may come as a surprise that he is accidentally a very capable chef.  I say chef and not cook, because rarely is he following some prescribed recipe.  He's really bad at shopping for ingredients, but MacGyvers every last bit out of whatever he has like a regular Joel Gamoran.  He just gets into a flow, pulling some things from the compost and some things from the back of the bottom drawers in the fridge (you know what I'm talking about), and the end result looks like some little food you'd be overcharged for in the city.

He brings his lunch to the rink before every practice and the contrast is alarming.  Imagine a rocket ship lunch box with food packaged in greasy paper bags but when he finally digs out the food it's lobster bruschetta mascarpone and foie gras torchon.  He also brings sparkling water instead of still.

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credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

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