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van der Heijden Presser
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2020, 07:17 AM by bluesfan55.)

ready to be graded, 1402 words minus questions

Also known as I need money and would like to answer any questions you all have for me. Fire away!

01-21-2020, 04:31 PMWeretarantula Wrote: How has life as a Spector been so far?

What's better, chocolate or vanilla?

Was the penalty in the Sharks v Vegas game a major?

How many times have you thought about recreating before you did?

What's the best thing about being in the best J discord?

How often do you wonder if the SHL is a waste of time and you should quit?

I've really enjoyed my time as a Specter so far! Since I know most of the people there from my time as a Scarecrow, I didn't have to do much assimilating into the LR, and they really believe in me and have been supportive. I can't wait to play with them in S54.
Vanilla by far. I just never really vibed with chocolate as much as I have with vanilla.
No. I just don’t think it was, and the refs totally screwed that one up big time.
Not much, really. I just kind of knew my time with Lombardi was coming to an end and wanted to start a new player. It's really reinvigorated my interest with the SHL.
The sheer amount of activity in it. The chat is bumping all throughout the day, which is fucking nuts. I've never been in a discord that active, and after starting off with some bumps, I really love it there. Everyone there is great, and I think it's safe to say that I've enjoyed my time as a boat more than I did as a Scarecrow.
Back in my Minnesota days (S41-42 I think, look at my dropdown to correct me pls), I really did think about quitting. It was just dead there, and I lost basically all of my passion for the site. Thankfully, I got traded to Seattle, and it really got my back into the site. At this point, with me making a lot of friends because of the SHL, I see no reason to stop anytime soon.

01-21-2020, 04:41 PMsoulja Wrote: how do you feel about the s51 draft in general? Many say its a bust

Who are the top 5 players from that draft and why?

How do you see yourself performing in the future?

I do personally think that our class is weak, with not a whole lot of SHL talent spread across.  Having joined in a reddit class and seeing how close we were and then comparing that one to this one doesn't exactly paint it in a good light, but there are some really good players in there.
Not in any real order but Grum, you, me, Mook, and Zoone are the only players to my knowledge who have passed 500 TPE (may be missing someone, let me know if I am).
Good. Probably a decent first line center capable of a ppg, but I'm not sure.

01-21-2020, 04:42 PMWinstobick Wrote: If you weren't a Canucks fan, would you be a Blues fan?
Would you be a Kings fan?
Who is your favorite player of all time and why?
What are your thoughts on the Armada's new draftees?
What are your thoughts on Sergei Potvinov?

Yes. My nucks come first, but I admire the blues and was happy for them when they won the cup this summer.
No. I just don’t like them, and never will.
Probably TJ Oshie. Man's a shootout king and him getting traded actually made a young me cry.
Love them all. de Siren is going to be a steal, as is Lowrie (dude's churning out media like a boss right now). White we know is going to be good from his time with us last season, and I'm interested to see what Vladdy, Salomon, and James can do as well. I think if they all stay active, they'll be a bunch of SHLers in the future.
Povitnov is going to be our starter sooner rather than later. He's progressed real well, is a super chill guy in the LR, and looked good last season. He'll start in the SHL soon. I really think he's that good.

01-21-2020, 05:04 PMtedlamotors Wrote: Is @hotdog a sandwich

A hotdog is a sandwich, but @hotdog is a human being, not a sandwich

01-21-2020, 05:08 PMHuck24 Wrote: What are your predictions for the follow:

S52 Four Star Cup winners
S52 Champions Cup winners
2020 Stanley Cup winners
2020 Westminster Dog Show winner

Armada go back to back as they romp through the league
Specters finally break duck and win the Cup for the first time
Blues go back to back with David Perron scoring the winning goal against the Penguins
A dog. Just a dog.

01-21-2020, 05:20 PMdylanjj37 Wrote: Hellooooo Blooooos, my favourite roooookie and my best boat brooooo. Here is a question for you.

1. dylan?

dylan. you chastised me for only answering this with one word in the discord so fine, I'll answer it for you buddy. dylan is a swiss guy who you see on the site being big british meme boy despite being swiss boy sallo lellman. he is very good at faking you out in vc. he'll join the call, say in chat that he's gonna talk, and then doesn't talk. @dylanjj37 if you pull this stunt one more time i will tell ass to trade u to newfoundland where clean andrei kostitsyn can tell u about his totally drug free life so pls speak to us for once you brighton bellend. im happy we beat u 3-1 today, your wee seagulls have nothing on the mighty cherries

01-21-2020, 09:41 PMgolden_apricot Wrote: Chicken, waffles, or chicken and waffles?

Better smjhl franchise Anchorage or anyone else?

Scoring title this season?

WJC medal?


What's the most terrifying thing you have encountered at 3am on a Saturday night?

Chicken and waffles is the shit, and I will hear no arguments against this statement.
Anchorage by far. We're the goats of the SMJHL and rightly so.
I'd say Bischoff again. Dude's a stud and won it last year, I see no reason why he can't win it again.
Gold. DACH is the best, and we stack up well against every team.
Yes. Dylan is Dylan and no one else except for Dylan.
Nothing, I am asleep at 3am on Saturday nights. I don't do all-nighters.

01-21-2020, 09:43 PMLeppish Wrote: Why did  your dumb mind only capitalize Heijden and Presser but not Van Der?

That's how my name is spelled, dumbo. Dutch people spell it as van der, not Van Der. Example: the man who I picked my player's last name after: Jan-Arie van der Heijden (look him up, trust me he exists).

01-21-2020, 09:45 PMfrithjofr Wrote: Can you read?

I answered your question. That means that I am in fact literate, and am not illiterate. Also Lightning got swept hahahahahah

01-21-2020, 09:49 PMej27 Wrote: How much has the Armada discord warped your fragile young psyche?

How cute is my dog?

What do you wanna be when you grow up?


Are the Pride gonna suck again this year? 

Why is this hellhole so devoid of Stars fans? 

Do u even lift bro?

Oh, my young psyche had been warped even before I'd joined the Anchorage discord. It's just gone further from there.
Sadie is the cutest dog on earth and anyone who thinks otherwise should be stripped of their title as human. She's so adorable. I'm not even a dog person, but SHE'S SO FUCKING CUTE.
I don't know. Journalism sounds fun, I do model UN so diplomacy may be a future field, lawyer is always a shout because my parents are both lawyers. I have a lot of choices, and, thankfully, time to make them.
Yes. I made Dylan sad today and I'm sorry. @dylanjj37 sorry for cursing at u in the ANC discord, i was being big bully boy
I hope not. I've got you, Brogen, and Tanner on my fantasy team. It's always nice to see your old team do well too, so I'm rooting for ya. Adding Czerkawski helps too.
Good question. @MCP_ is a Stars fan, and that's about it. It's a shame about that 2OT loss though...
No, actually. My hockey coach suggested I lift during our game on Sunday because my shots are notoriously weak, so I probably should.

01-21-2020, 10:04 PMLairdButler Wrote: Boxers or Briefs?

And just how much Hell are we gonna raise this season now that we are the MF'n Champions?

OH yeah, and favorite doughnut?

Briefs any day. Boxers just ain't comfy in my opinion.
Apple cider donuts are fucking fantastic.

01-21-2020, 11:14 PMCptSquall Wrote: Do you think MVDH will go into this season with an air of arrogance now that he has a Four Star Cup Ring?

Maybe. I mean, I'd never won anything on the SHL before the Four Star, and I think Anchorage as a whole is going to go in feeling themselves. So I'd say partially. He'll have confidence in his abilities now that the Armada have a ring, but I don't think he'll be that arrogant straight away.

01-21-2020, 11:50 PMBDonini Wrote: who's your favourite swiss player and why is it lallo selman?
will the teams who didn't draft van der heijden regret it?
why didn't you wanna play in chicago?
Lowercase or uppercase?
thoughts on jruutu?
thoughts on dylan?
bloos or nyko?

Probably Lallo Selman. Him transferring in from Finland changed the outlook the Swiss had, adding a star to help captain the team and mentor the young talent. Great dude.
Of fucking course (except for Texas and Calgary, you know why). I felt slighted that I fell to 13th, and I'm going to make all of the other teams pay. They'll regret passing on me.
I guess because of their expansion draft. I always saw Chicago as a clown organization because of that. Looking back on it, I don't believe that now. The Syndicate have a bunch of good guys like you, chetib, and sdcore (among others), and I feel bad for being so anti-Chicago at the time.
lowercase is so much easier but i like to be formal sometimes so both
No comment. I'm not going to reveal something that he'll jump on and TD me again. Let's just say I used to like the dude until he became what he is now.
I feel like I've elaborated on this twice before, so I'll just say that he's the best swiss 425 capped player in the SMJHL.
bloos by far. he's just cooler in any way.

01-22-2020, 12:13 AMGrum Wrote: Favorite song?
Dylan, Ferda, or Apricot?

Why must you ask me this very hard question? I'm into a TON of good shit right now, but I'd probably have to say Country House by Blur. Big bop energy, it has.
Apricot. I'm just saying this so he won't suspend me.

Armada Monarchs Germany

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

How has life as a Spector been so far?

What's better, chocolate or vanilla?

Was the penalty in the Sharks v Vegas game a major?

How many times have you thought about recreating before you did?

What's the best thing about being in the best J discord?

How often do you wonder if the SHL is a waste of time and you should quit?

[Image: first.png]
Maxime Bouchard
Armada Dragons Info - Updates  Dragons Armada
Richard Dickbutt McFudderdudder II
Armada Info - Updates Armada

how do you feel about the s51 draft in general? Many say its a bust

Who are the top 5 players from that draft and why?

How do you see yourself performing in the future?

[Image: pnI7R5r.png]


If you weren't a Canucks fan, would you be a Blues fan?
Would you be a Kings fan?
Who is your favorite player of all time and why?
What are your thoughts on the Armada's new draftees?
What are your thoughts on Sergei Potvinov?

[Image: 6yGtNq1.png]
Sig by Carpy48
[Image: ZdvabGY.png]
Sig by Carpy48

Is @hotdog a sandwich

[Image: noahshl.gif]

         Switzerland Outlaws Chiefs  Player Page  Updates  Chiefs Outlaws Switzerland

What are your predictions for the follow:

S52 Four Star Cup winners
S52 Champions Cup winners
2020 Stanley Cup winners
2020 Westminster Dog Show winner

[Image: Ci4nm13.png]sig by @Bruins10 
Scarecrows   Specters   Canada 


Hellooooo Blooooos, my favourite roooookie and my best boat brooooo. Here is a question for you.

1. dylan?

Chicken, waffles, or chicken and waffles?

Better smjhl franchise Anchorage or anyone else?

Scoring title this season?

WJC medal?


What's the most terrifying thing you have encountered at 3am on a Saturday night?
(This post was last modified: 01-21-2020, 09:43 PM by Leppish.)

Why did your dumb mind only capitalize Heijden and Presser but not Van Der?

[Image: lebbish.gif]

Can you read?

[Image: czfogRW.jpeg]

How much has the Armada discord warped your fragile young psyche?

How cute is my dog?

What do you wanna be when you grow up?


Are the Pride gonna suck again this year?

Why is this hellhole so devoid of Stars fans?

Do u even lift bro?

[Image: 45029_v.gif]

Sigs by: King, Tweedledunn, Me
Player Page|Twitter|Update Page

Guess i'm the dumb mind here then, cheers mister van der Bluesfan55.

Also why tf is your username not in caps.

[Image: lebbish.gif]

01-21-2020, 09:51 PMLeppish Wrote: Guess i'm the dumb mind here then, cheers mister van der Bluesfan55.

Also why tf is your username not in caps.

i dont care tbh, im just a lowercase guy i guess

Armada Monarchs Germany

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

Boxers or Briefs?

And just how much Hell are we gonna raise this season now that we are the MF'n Champions?

OH yeah, and favorite doughnut?

[Image: Spicy_Funko.jpg]
Player Page             Update Thread

Do you think MVDH will go into this season with an air of arrogance now that he has a Four Star Cup Ring?

[Image: 3GX9nYb.png]
[Image: CptSquall.gif]


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