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S53 Awards Predictions
(This post was last modified: 03-24-2020, 11:03 AM by JayWhy.)

Sergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader): Jax Aittokallio
Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader): Ola Wagstrom
Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player): Max Mauldin
Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs): Slip McScruff
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman): Rex Kirkby
Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman): Reginald MacIntyre
Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season): Aleistar Cain
John McBride Trophy (Best goalie): Peter Larson
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie): Alexei Rykov
Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee): Luke Thomason
Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players): Ola Wagstrom

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
[Image: DOF5tXM.png]
[Image: tjyuut.jpg] 
Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!


Sergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack
Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack
Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player): Jimmy Slothface  Specters 
Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs): Akashi Sixnine
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman): Leopold Lockhart pride
Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman): Poopity Scoop Stampede
Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season): Peter Larson Rage
John McBride Trophy (Best goalie): Aleister Cain Specters
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie): Alexei Rykov Dragons
Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack
Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack

Sergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader): Lil Manius Specters
Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader): Luke Thomason Rage
Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player): Nicholas Williams Specters
Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs): Lil Manius Specters
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman): Corey Kennedy syndicate
Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman): Lyle Odelein III Specters
Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season): Aleister Cain Specters
John McBride Trophy (Best goalie): Aleister Cain Specters
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie): Alexei Rykov Dragons
Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee): Lil Manius Specters
Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players): Luke Thomason Rage

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(This post was last modified: 03-20-2020, 12:00 AM by Briedaqueduc.)

Sergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader): Philipp Winter Panthers
Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader): Aaron Wilson Steelhawks
Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack
Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs): Bjorn Leppanen Renegades
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman): Rex Kirby Wolfpack
Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman): Tig Murphy Steelhawks
Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season): Peter Larson Rage
John McBride Trophy (Best goalie): Aleister Cain Specters
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie): Ryan Shepard syndicate
Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee): Philipp Winter Panthers
Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players): Rex Kirby Wolfpack

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|Canada |Steelhawks| Armada|

|Canada| Inferno| Knights|

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(This post was last modified: 03-20-2020, 12:00 AM by Nokazoa.)

Sergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader): Ola Wagstrom
Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader): Ola Wagstrom
Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player): Lil' Manius
Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs): Bjorn Leppanen
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman): Rex Kirkby
Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman): Poopity Scoop
Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season): Aleistar Cain
John McBride Trophy (Best goalie): Aleistar Cain
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie): Augustus Wang
Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee): Ola Wagstrom
Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players): Aleistar Cain

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Sergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack
Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack
Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player): Hippo Passamus Stampede
Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs): Akashi Sixnine
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman): Leopold Lockhart pride
Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman): Poopity Scoop Stampede
Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season): Peter Larson Rage
John McBride Trophy (Best goalie): Aleister Cain Specters
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie): Alexei Rykov Dragons
Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack
Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack

[Image: jackkanoff.gif]

[Image: jeffiesigs.gif]
Nour is pretty hot ngl

ergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader): Ola Wagstrom [Image: wolfpack4.png]
Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader): Ola Wagstrom [Image: wolfpack4.png]
Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player): Tony Pepperoni [Image: blizzard.png]
Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs): Viktor Marius  [Image: stampede.png]
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman): Tig Murphy [Image: steelhawks.png]
Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman): Poopity Scoop [Image: stampede.png]
Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season): Peter Larson [Image: Rage-Emote.png]
John McBride Trophy (Best goalie): Peter Larson [Image: Rage-Emote.png]
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie): Kaarlo Kekkonen [Image: renegades.png]
Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee): Ola Wagstrom [Image: wolfpack4.png]
Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players): Ola Wagstrom

Sergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader): Ola Wagstrom [Image: wolfpack4.png]
Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader): Ola Wagstrom [Image: wolfpack4.png]
Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player): Hippo Passamus [Image: stampede.png]
Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs): Slip McScruff [Image: jets.png]
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman): Leopold Lockhart [Image: pride-new.png]
Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman): Poopity Scoop [Image: stampede.png]
Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season): Peter Larson [Image: Rage-Emote.png]
John McBride Trophy (Best goalie): Aleister Cain [Image: specters.png]
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie): Alexei Rykov [Image: dragons.png]
Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee): Ola Wagstrom [Image: wolfpack4.png]
Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players): Ola Wagstrom [Image: wolfpack4.png]

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Sergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader): Ola Wagstrom  Wolfpack
Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader): Ola Wagstrom  Wolfpack
Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player): Hippo Passamus
Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs): Akashi Sixnine
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman): Leopold Lockhart
Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman): Poopity Scoop
Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season): Peter Larson  Rage
John McBride Trophy (Best goalie): Emiko Spector  Blizzard
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie): Alexei Rykov
Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee): Ola Wagstrom  Wolfpack
Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players): Ola Wagstrom  Wolfpack

WolfpackBlizzardRaptors  raiders Switzerland  FINN RHYS  Switzerland raiders Raptors Blizzard Wolfpack

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[Image: iOjAcRd.gif]

Sergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack
Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader): Viktor Marius Stampede
Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player): Andreas Kvalheim  [Image: renegades.png]
Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs): Brady McIntyre  [Image: blizzard.png]
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman): Leopold Lockhart  pride
Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman): Otis B. Driftwood  [Image: dragons.png]
Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season): Aleister Cain Specters
John McBride Trophy (Best goalie): Kata Vilde  [Image: dragons.png]
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie): Alexi Rykov  [Image: dragons.png]
Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee): Luke Thomason  [Image: Rage-Emote.png]
Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players): Ola Wagstrom  [Image: wolfpack4.png]

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

[Image: cgv4vCv.png] [Image: 95lCCDx.png] [Image: GATPRRX.png]
S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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Sergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack
Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack
Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player): Luke Thomason Rage
Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs): Slip McScruff Jets
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman): Tig Murphy Steelhawks
Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman): Harvey Danger Renegades
Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season): Peter Larson Rage
John McBride Trophy (Best goalie): Aleister Cain Specters
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie): Alexei Rykov Dragons
Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack
Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack

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[Image: 7MO9RpC.png]  [Image: gdppv5N.png]

Sergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader): Ola Wagstrom  Wolfpack
Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack
Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player): Hippo Passamus Stampede
Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs): Akashi Sixnine
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman): Leopold Lockhart  pride
Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman): Poopity Scoop  Stampede
Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season): Peter Larson  Dragons
John McBride Trophy (Best goalie): Aleister Cain  Specters
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie): Ivan Maximus   Renegades
Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee): Ola Wagstrom  Wolfpack
Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players): Ola Wagstrom  Wolfpack

[Image: MrStennett08.gif]

Scarecrows Usa Blizzard Panthers Patriotes Stars

Sergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader): Ola Wagstrom
Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader): Ola Wagstrom
Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player): Andreas Kvalheim
Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs): Geoff Moore
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman): Rex Kirkby
Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman): Rex Kirkby
Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season): Johannes Leitner
John McBride Trophy (Best goalie): Aleister Cain
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie): Ivan Maximus
Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee): Ola Wagstrom
Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players): Ola Wagstrom

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(This post was last modified: 03-20-2020, 03:21 PM by Pandakazi.)

Sergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader): Philipp Winter  Panthers
Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader): Aaron Wilson  Steelhawks
Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player): Ola Wagstrom  Wolfpack
Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs): General Hammer  Barracuda
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman): Rex Kirby  Wolfpack
Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman): Tig Murphy  Steelhawks
Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season): Peter Larson  Rage
John McBride Trophy (Best goalie): Aleister Cain  Specters
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie): Ryan Shepard  syndicate
Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee): Philipp Winter  Panthers
Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players): Rex Kirby  Wolfpack

Sergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader):Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack
Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader): Luke Thomason Rage
Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player): Andreas Kvalheim Renegades
Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs): Poopity Scoop Stampede
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman): Corey Kennedy syndicate
Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman): Rex Kirkby Wolfpack
Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season): Peter Larson Rage
John McBride Trophy (Best goalie): Harry Carpet Stars
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie): Alexei Rykov  Dragons
Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack 
Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players): Ola Wagstrom Wolfpack

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