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S53 PT #2 - April Fools

April fool's day, a day Vorian has always dreaded. He doesn't seem to be a guy that appreciates foolish jokes and humor. So the times he tries to prank people himselves are both very unexpected and horribly performed. He just doesn't have it in him to pull of a proper prank.

At the start of the day when the Panthers came in to the locker room, Vorian had changed all the skates to speed skating skates instead of hockey skates, all but himself. So everyone was like. "Vorian, get us our goddamn skates back". Which he did.
He realized that once again his joke has failed and that this only caused him to do more work. He was glad that this day was almost over and he wouldn't have to worry about this for another year, but after 10000 years of existence, the amount of succesfull april fool's jokes, can still be counted on a hand of a fireworks victim that blew his fingers off.

Words: 170

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Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


For April Fools Day this year Kaarlo Kekkonen has big plans to pull off a spectacular prank on his Detroit teammate Jack Kanoff. For this prank, he will lure Jack to a location far from civilization and without any viable means to get back. Kaarlo then plans to get out of the car, inviting Jack for a walk. When Jack is a safe distance from the car, Kaarlo will run back to his vehicle and drive off before Jack has a chance to realise what has happened. The humour of the situation stems from the fact that Jack will be stranded with no means to get back home. This situation could prove to be potentially very dangerous for Jack, dependent on where Kaarlo decides to carry it out. It's still in the planning stages at this point, but Kaarlo has some really fun ideas of where exactly he can abandon Jack, all with varying levels of inherent danger. It's customary on April Fool's Day to carry out goodhearted pranks, and I believe this lies firmly within the category of "fun and enjoyable for all involved".

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Nour is pretty hot ngl

Gunnar's prank for his teammates is going to be the prank of making them believe that there is a prank all day. He is going to bake them delicious baked goods for breakfast and everyone will think that there's something wrong with them, but in reality they will be perfectly baked and delicious. He will offer to put away equipment for them, and everyone will turn him down because they think he's going to do something to their stuff. He will offer them rides to and from practice, and they will probably say "no thanks" because they are sure he's going to drive them off somewhere and leave them stranded. He will invite them all over for dinner and they will be afraid to accept because they'll think he has some giant prank planned. And then at 11:59PM he is going to text the team group chat and tell them that there never was a prank, and the real prank was all the stuff they missed out on because they were too busy worrying about a prank.

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. : [Image: U66t7Jy.png] : .


Hamilton defenseman Tig Murphy used to be known for his consistent mediocrity as he was getting exactly 34-35 points each season, then season 50 became his breakout year and he went on to score 149 points in 150 games over 3 seasons, got nominated for the Stevens award 3 times and eventually won it in s52. Now you might be thinking that multiple seasons of tpe earning have made Murphy good but that is actually not the case. Once I was named Hamilton head coach I decided to prank Tig by tricking him into thinking that Murphy is an elite defenseman, then letting him fall back into mediocrity. For 3 seasons I've been doing my best to inflate his stats by implementing systems and strategies that always resulted either with Tig shooting the puck or with Tig touching the puck before someone scored. With the season 53 starting (almost) on April 1st, it's time for the final stage of my plan; our offensive game will no longer be built around Murphy, thus you can expect Tig to score 34-35 points this season and never get a Stevens nomination again.

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Since the rookies have been so good this season I decided that I can't pull a prank on them for April Fools' Day. I am also captain, so I don't think the team higherups would enjoy me pranking the new guys who have worked their asses off to get to this level, so I decided to prank resident tough guy/cheese curd lover Stan Hanson (@LairdButler) instead because I knew that he would not only take the joke but also most likely get me back because let's face it; who doesn't enjoy a prank war from time to time? I decided to start off by removing his cheese curds from the team fridge (fairly easy t find because there's a postit note on it that says "do not touch or i fight you in practice"), and then, and this may be a bit disgusting, slipping bagged dog poop into his locker (where he can't see it) to smell it up a bit. I'm not that creative but I think that could get the job done.

Armada Monarchs Germany

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

My best prank I've pulled on a teammate was when I told our goaltender Mike Hroch that he was going to come up to play with the Wolfpack. Then I proceeded to tell him and his GM, Fuzz, of the Carolina Kraken, that he would not in fact be coming up, but will go down for one more season. After doing some more budgetary analysis I had to break the news to both of them that despite my previous back and forth, he WOULD be coming up to play with the big squad after all. That little bit of whip lash wasn't exactly enjoyable for the Kraken management I am sure, but looking back at it I think it is certainly worth a chuckle or two. Hroch took it all in stride and is positioned to be one of the better backup goalies in the SHL. I look forward to seeing how the Leitner-Hroch tandem works out.

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RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

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Me watching as @Rangerjase stomps on some poo.

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I'm going to look past all of the baby powder in my helmet and taping my pads together which is an occurrence every other night in the Kelowna locker room. I'm not much of a jokester myself but we have a few funny guys on the team that like to liven up the bunch with a few pranks here and there. 

There's one slippery fellow we just got this season that I think takes the cake when it comes to jokes; Simon Takshak. Also causing some type of mischief in the locker room before and after games. He probably has the time to think about his pranks during the game because of his low level of ice time. Simon has on multiple occasions hid players buckets and gear looking to get a quick rise out of some of his teammates. Nothing was funnier than the time Simon filled Rocco's water bottle up with tomato juice right before the drop of the puck. Of course Rocco had a hell of an opening shift, came back to the bench and you should have seen the look on his face. "What the fuck is this shit?". We were away so we all thought it was Detroit's rink management team playing the prank but of course Simon was behind it. 

[216 words]

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My prank is something that I will be working on all year... Starting with game 1, I will put a little bit of water into the hollow end of @roastpuff stick by cutting off his tape, and then re-doing it. Each game I will put a little more water into his stick, so that he won't notice the difference. Eventually, he will get used to the heavier stick, and I will put even more in there. Then, at one of the last games of the year, I will empty all the water, and watch as he swings the stick around like it is made of paper! Hopefully he does not break the twig during play, as then my plan would have to go back to square 1. This is a classic prank played by Jim on Dwight in The Office with pennies in his phone headset. To make the prank even more dubious, maybe I will do it for @Mediocre_Fred and @Rangerjase too..... Falcons

Thanks Wasty, Carpy, JSS, TurdFerguson, Geekusoid and Awesomecakes for the sigs!
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I will never forget Michael Fitted day.  This was a prank that we pulled back in the time of our juniors.  We were a bunch of hot-headed cup winning jerks like 3 seasons ago so of course, we got up to no good.  This prank was a delicate one as we had to finesse him into it.  So, of course, this meant going out and getting trashed on March 31st to prime him for our great reveal the next day.  All throughout the night, we talked about hilarious things that we wanted to do as the new Krakens. There was so much room for tradition so we said we should start one off where someone skates on to the ice as our mascot when we line up for games around April 1st.  Being the obvious first choice to do it, it had to be Michael Fitted, but we knew that our Managers and Coaches probably would not find it as fun as we would so we had to hide our intentions.  So all day were making sure that the mascot costume and our managers were in separate locations.  When we had our pre-game talk we made an excuse for Michael Fitted to slip away. I had arranged with our announcers that this was going to be an epic prank and they were prepared.  Nevertheless when Michael skated on to the ice as Kracky the Kraken the whole crowd went wild and the other team couldn't help but laugh.  Our managers on the other hand were a little livid after the initial shock.

Next year we had decided we had to one up ourselves


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Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
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This year for April Fool's day, knowing full well that people really need a good laugh right about now, especially Toronto players, Mika is planning a classic hockey prank. Every day before practice leading up to April Fool's day, Mika has been taking Carpy's equipment and making some very slight alterations. He's been taping quarters into the butt end of Carpy's stick, just a couple at a time and growing the butt end just a little every day. He's also doing this in Carpy's glove. Over a few days, he won't really notice any difference. But by the time April Fool's day roles around, he is going to be finding out in practice that all of a sudden he's a little behind each shot. Of course, everyone on the team is clued in on the joke so we can all have a big laugh by the time he figures out that his stick and gloves have a bunch of quarters inserted into them. Then to make it even better, after he figures it out and take them out, everyone can go to the arcade together.

Mika Kandinsky Stars 

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Last year with the Falcons we had the legendary pickle juice water bottle prank that rocked the whole team at training camp. This year I want to up the stakes a little bit and do something that'll put old Burlok on the chuckle map! So on the last day of preseason, I bribed our equipment manager to let me take everyone's socks. I spent all day yesterday soaking the whole lot in a bath tub full of pickle juice. I hung them up to dry last night, and now I'm folding them up nicely to give back to our equipment manager. If all goes well, everyone will be skating with a salty sour smell that they can't shake off! I did my own socks too, of course. I love the smell and I don't want anyone to sniff me out. I also told the manager not to run socks through the wash for a week, so the mysterious pickle scent should be inescapable for our first few games!

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It was like any ordinary Wednesday, but today was the day Zoltan would do something nice for the team. After trying for so long to find the best Pastrami sandwich, it was time to share everything with the team. I ordered a big haul of Pastrami sandwiches and rye bread from my favorite Deli right outside downtown Detroit. After the morning skate we were all hungry and I couldn’t help but giggle in suspense. @"Awesomecakes" looked back over his shoulder when he heard, but  I don’t think he suspects anything. The buffet was setup and ready to go. The delicious Kosher sour pickles, the freshly baked rye bread and a heaping 10 pound platter of warm pastrami ready to be eaten, more than enough to feed the entire team as well as the trainers and staff. As the team lined up and started making their sandwiches and sitting down to eat chatting amongst themselves. Once everyone was sitting I yelled APRIL FOOLS!!! HAHAH THERE WAS NO MUSTARD! YOU CAN’T EAT WITHOUT MUSTARD! Everyone just went back to eating….

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