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S53 PT #2 - April Fools

For my april fools prank this year, I decided to both pull a joke on one of the rookies, Patrick Shepard, while also massively flexing on people during the toilet paper shortage during COVID19. It was a pretty harmless prank, all things considered, but also a classic. I had visited his apartment the day before, took all of his toilet paper he had just bought, stashed it in my backpack, then threw it all over his car. To make things even better, it rained the next day. I got to sit and watch him scrape wet toilet paper off of his car, and it was hilarious. Once he got it cleaned off of his car, he had to deal with the mass of toilet paper all over the inside of his car as well. He told me that he saw a couple people obviously upset over a waste of such good toilet paper.

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Tor Tuck has pulled off one of the greatest pranks in league history and he is just going to spill the beans on it now. You better buckle up because this one is going to be a doozy with at least two twists. There is a goalie in the league named Tommy Tuck that has garnered a lot of attention and praise over the last stretch of 10 or so seasons and now that his career is coming to an end let me let you in on a secret. Tommy isn't actually a good goalie! Tor Tuck convinced him to come to Edmonton and got him surrounded by top tier defensive talent to carry him and pad his stats just so you all knuckleheads would thing he was actually good. Now, I know what you're thinking holy moly can it be?! Well I have another twist, behind the goalie mask of Tommy Tuck there is no Tommy Tuck, it's just Tor Tuck's face because they are not actually brother. They're the same person!!! I know a lot of you are probably shocked that a Tuck would pull a classic prank like this but he did. Got you guys again!


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Jamie T Wrote:But I wish I'd been a little more exceptional
And I wish I'd been a little unconventional
But I was not enough, no, I'm not enough

Lyle had never been involved in any Aprils Fools tomfoolery, spending the majority of his life at the rink or the gym, Lyle never really had any pranks pulled on him or pulled any pranks himself.  This year though, with the IIHF trading prank, Lyle started to understand what this day was.  He lost his shit when he had heard that some of his Team Canada teammates had been traded to other countries and it took him a while to realize that this was in fact an April Fools joke.  He then decided he would join in the fun as well, but he is obviously very new to this, and his idea of a prank was to sharpen all of his teammates skates.  He thought that he was pulling a fast one on everyone, but he basically just helped everyone out.  Hopefully next year Lyle will be a bit better at this and actually pull off a real prank.

[Image: Ci4nm13.png]sig by @Bruins10 
Scarecrows   Specters   Canada 

so since seemingly this year that april fools has been cancelled world wide, luffy has decided to just show up to work (hockey at home) and not do any pranking this year. Pranking has never been his strong suit as he has always been thirsty for being a better hockey player. We all know that if dermot was back on the team tho he couldn't resist to start wanking this wankers chain in some kinda way, usually like making his sticks really easy to break or something like that. There is not a lot of laughter these days as the pandemic has made it really hard to be able to prank. Maybe this year everyone should think of better things to do next year. Maybe pranks that are actually funny and don't hurt somebody or makes everybody laugh, as it seems a lot of pranks nowadays are always to somebodys detriment or something similar.

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Jukka doesn't really care for April fools pranks, and he was planning on letting the day come and go without giving it a second thought. But his GM approached him with a prank that required almost no effort on his behalf to help pull off, so he figured what the hell? Together, they spun a tale of a trade to Anaheim, a trade that somehow both teams would simultaneously think they were the losers of. It didn't take much to get people in the league to buy it, and Jukka helped move the rumors along by leaving the ice early at practice that day, and sending a group text to the boys telling them what an honor it was to play with them, and be their assistant captain for 3 days. To cap it off, he even took the incredibly long flight from Newfoundland to Anaheim to join their locker room for just a few hours, and did his part to pretend to settle in. It wasn't long before the trade was reveled as a joke, but NLB got the last laugh from it, as Jukka arrived back home with a list of Anaheim secrets and strategies that he gathered in his very short time spent with the Outlaws.

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Sigs: Thanks JNH, Lime, Carpy, and ckroyal92 

The Velveteen Dream is not much of a prankster. In fact one could say that the Dream loathes April fools as it is a day for people to mess around when the only thing the Dream cares about is being the best in the game at everything he does. The Dream's idea of a good prank would involve some convoluted way to explain to the whole team and every other team in the league how great he is. Though if the Dream had to participate he thinks the best way to prank would be to mess with other teams to get them off their game more so then his own teammates. Having opposing team player's wives air brushed on his pregame warmup pants is one way that's worked before and he would willingly do again. The Dream also loves to recite the phone numbers of their wives on ice, especially in big moments. Might not be exactly seen as a prank to some but the Dream loves the look on their face as he scores while they slowly put together what happened.

182 words

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April Fools day was rather eventful around the Big Parm this year. So many pranks pulled by so manmy people, where do I even begin. First off, goaltender Kata Vilde got Esa Parmborg good, Esa went for his hourly chicken parm and insteaad was greeted with a chicken parm sandwich with no parm sauce. Oh the humanity, sticks were flying, words were being tossed out, names were called and feelings were hurt. It became quickly obvious you do not mess with Parmborgs food intake. Next someone, I believe it was Otis B. Driftwood, hired someone to clean the casting couch in the party room. When Mike Izzy walked in and saw the couch sparkling clean, many tears were shed as he said the memories were cleaned away. I'm just happy to see all those stains finally wiped away though. Finally, I relieved Linda of her duties of hosting the party room and providing "favors" to the team. Unfortunately, for the first guy that walked in, Maxime Bouchard, I had replaced her with a disease riddled homeless prostitute. This has caused a sever amount of stress for Bouchard as he is now riddled with many STD's. I really should have thought that one through better.

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A while back an SHL debate sparked a debate in the Panthers locker room, one which has divided the team. The debate is simple: do you pee in the shower? There are some very strong opinions on both sides, and these people cannot see eye to eye. What perfect way to use this to the advantage of an April Fool’s Day Prank.

Theo Morgan, who freely admits to peeing in the shower, decided it was time to prank his very stubborn teammates, Simon Leblanc and Philipp Winter. When the team finished practice, Morgan had some warm apple juice ready and went beside them in the shower and made it stream on their leg/foot. I don’t know how he thought it would play out, but I’m pretty sure I heard both of them ask Niclas Wastlund for a trade, or to have him removed from the team or they weren’t going to suit up for the Panthers. I guess some people just can’t take a little joke.

@Briedaqueduc @RomanesEuntDomus

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Björn isn't really known for being subtle or reasonable. Here is photo of him taking one of @Jearim White Goodman's cars to test drive on first of april.

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Sigs by @Carpy48, @Nokazoa and me

For this april fools, the veteran Blizzard members, including your own Karlstraße Scholz decided to pull one over on the GM's latest recreate Conor Tanner and several of the other fresh faces to the team. One by one, each rookie and sophomore was told a team meeting would be held at a certain location. They were also told we were playing a prank on several other teammates who was told we would meet elsewhere, so be sure not to discuss it with anyone else so as not not spoil the prank. As the vet's would have hoped none of them mentioned it to one another and each of them went to a different corner of Edmonton only to find out the meeting was being held at the typical location at Rexall. To top it off each of the locations was a restaurant with pickup ready for the team, so the young guns paid for and delivered a lovely lunch to the rest of the team.

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Let's put it this way, I'm not really fond of April Fools. I just haven't really been a participant before, and I feel like the majority either aren't clever or are distinctly cruel. It feels at the very least unnecessary, as true humour can come about in normal situations and it doesn't take a specific alignment of events to cause this.

What I will say is, there was a prank pulled on me. It was relatively harmless, sure. Every player nowadays has a stick for every situation and occasion, labelled clearly to be pregame, 5v5, powerplay and in my case penalty kill. I use these sticks for a variety of reasons, sometimes a sharper flex, sometimes something of a strong material for stick checking or blocking shots. However, in this case, my teammates knowing that I'd be able to tell probably switched around the labels on my sticks. It took me a solid ten minutes to fix!

It was pretty easy to spot, considering the moment I stepped on the ice for pregame the stick didn't have the same flex and had a bit of a heavier feeling. It was humorous, and thankfully was something I could change quickly. Granted, I did score in that game so maybe I should change what stick I use for pregame.

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
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Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!


For April fools, Doyle decided to prank all of her oldest teammates. This include Yamamoto Mitsuharu, Sasha Dangelchek, Flash Gordon, Luc-Pierre Lespineau-Lebrunette and Ruslan Zaporozhets. She did a different prank for each one of them. For Yamamoto Mitsuharu, she decided to fill his stick with water during the practice. It wouldn’t be easily noticeable, but it would sure be more heavy than normal, so after a few times on the ice, Mitsuharu would start to wonder what’s happening. For Sasha Dangelchek, she decided it would be funny to put 100 rolls of tape on his stick and hide the others, which left him stuck with a behemoth of a stick during practice. Flash Gordon got the classic tape on the skates which made him faceplant on the ice. Luc-Pierre Lespineau-Lebrunette got glitter in all of his equipment’s. This included gloves, helmet and skate. Ruslan Zaporozhets got a small Bluetooth speaker sewed in his jersey and Doyle played distracting song all practice long.

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(This post was last modified: 04-04-2020, 02:54 AM by notorioustig.)

For April Fools day, Tig Murphy decided to really get Gabe Johnson good. He had learned that Gabe had a date planned with an absolute smokeshow of a supermodel, and decided to enlist some paid help to fuck with his teammate. Tig rented a sketchy looking van and hired several burly German actors, and supplied them with intimidating mercenary outfits and balaclavas. Their instructions were simple - kidnap Gabe Johnson on his way to his big date and scare the shit out of him for several hours. During this entire ordeal, they were not to speak English unless specifically ordering Gabe around. The operation went off without a hitch, and they successfully intercepted the target before he reached the restaurant. They drove him to an abandoned warehouse Tig had selected, and proceeded to psychologically torture Gabe for awhile, demanding ransom as well as credit card purchases. Tig knew it was a success when he got a text from one of the actors saying Gabe had pissed himself at least twice. After a few hours, Tig burst in to surprise a weeping Johnson and reveal the hidden cameras that would no doubt be the source of endless entertainment for the Steelhawks locker room. But what about the supermodel, you ask? Also a paid actress, Gabe could never pull a supermodel lol

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