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PGS S53 Game 4 - Detroit vs Anchorage
(This post was last modified: 04-06-2020, 01:14 PM by SAwful.)

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(Click Above Image For Link To Game)


Period 1
The Armada take advantage of their opportunities and put up two on Detroit goaltender A. Jobin courtesy of center Mitchell van der Heijden (@11:14) and defenseman Matthew Sawful (@13:41).
Offense production and chances would stay close, with the Armada just edging out the Falcons with a 10 to 8 shot advantage at the end of the period, several "A" quality chances being produced by both teams.

Period 2
A quiet second period from both teams in terms of scoring, offensive chances did slow just a bit. Both Detroit's A. Jobin and Anchorage's Sergi Potvinov saw a small bit of quality rubber this period and stood tall.
Sergi Potvinov and the Armada penalty killing crew specifically deserve credit here as around 3/4ths the way through the period, Anchorage find themselves down 2 men in a 5 on 3 situation and are able to come up big, snuffing out every opportunity.
This could have been a major turning point, but Detroit failed to capitalize and get a foothold back in this game.
Shots this period end 16 to 14 in favor of the Armada.

Period 3
Things began to come to life up as Detroit makes a push to get back into the game. With 5 minutes remaining, Detroit's Burlok Sulfurgold takes a slashing penalty, but the Armada are unable to put the game away on the man advantage.
That inability to capitalize would haunt them as in short succession Falcons center Cassidy Lhotsky (@17:05) and right winger JmMac NCheese (@17:54) would both light the lamp and breathe life back into the team.
The period would end and head to overtime, with the Falcons turning up the heat in the 3rd and leading the Armada in shots 28 to 21.

OT Period
Hats off to Detroit goalie A. Jobin in this overtime, as he rebuffs 7 Armada shots. The push from Anchorage did not result in a win in this overtime period, but the effort from Detroit felt lacking, having only produced 2 shots during the five minute frame.
That being said, this extra five minute period was not enough to settle the game, so it headed to the shootout.

Adept goaltending on both ends of the ice left this shootout rather quiet. Our game winning goal comes from our "First Star of the Game", center Mitchell van der Heijden on the Armada 2nd attempt.
A sweet deke and a pretty goal from van der Heijden would push the Armada over the top and lay down a compelling win for the team over an absolute juggernaut in the Falcons.

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Armada  ||  Uk  ||  Wolfpack


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Detroit no longer undefeated
A dramatic shootout victory for the Armada means that the Detroit Falcons are now no longer undefeated after winning every one of their first eight games. The Falcons were seemingly unstoppable during this period, winning all but two of those games by more than one and putting up at least three goals in every single one of them. But it was Anchorage, who had come close to beating Detroit in a 4-3 loss earlier in the season, who would come out on top this day. They were able to slow down the high-powered Falcons offense to two goals (and completely shut them out in the first two periods) while a first-star performance from center Mitchell van der Heijden guided the Armada to victory.

How do the Falcons respond?
The two goals in the third period weren’t enough to bring it back, and Anchorage’s victory brought their winning streak to a screeching halt. So does this mean the Falcons are within reach of the rest of the league, or is this just a blip? We’ll have to see as the season goes on, but the Falcons have looked very comfortable in their three wins against Kelowna since the loss. Theoretically, an unprecedented season without losing in regulation is still possible. But it’s likely that Detroit’s early dominance will be slowed at least somewhat as the rookies across the league start to adjust and develop more and more. As things stand, the Falcons are still the comfortable favorites to win the Four Star Cup - and whether or not they’ll achieve that depends on how they respond to setbacks like this.

Past players:
(S3) C/D - Turd Ferguson (HOF)
(S7) LW - Anton Wagner
(S13) RW - Christian Bauer
(S18) D - Turd Ferguson, Jr.
(S30) D - William Goddard

Beast Mode van der Heijden

In my opinion the 6'1" centerman from the Netherlands needs no introduction to the SNJHL.  An elite veteran of the league, in 7 pre-season games was voted 1st star and now in the first week of action into the regular season has seen him get 2nd star honors of the week.  His game tonight versus a dominant Falcons teams was nothing short of spectacular.  Although had a slow and rough start to the game, we saw him pick it up a notch right after a lucky bounce off the stick of Detroits Justin Womack, a turnover and van der Heijden directs himself to the "hurt zone", the slot, gets a nice fee from Cvitkovich and burries it home for his 6th of the season. 1-0 Ancorage!  That seemed to have opened up his game a tad, we then see him later hustle off the puck Detroits Jack Kanoff and directs a puck on net where Armadas rookie Mathew Sawful pops in the the 2nd Ancorage goal and thus giving Mitchel va der Heijden his 2nd point of the game.  Looking at some of his numbers in this game, he had 5 big time hits, 5 scoring chances in the slot, setup 6 other scoring chances with some set plays and out hustled/won 7 foot races to loose pucks!  If that wasn't enough of a clinic, he ends getting the shootout winner as well!  Beast Mode!

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    [Image: d9J5DHT.png]        norway      [Image: d9J5DHT.png]

Detroits undefeated steak ends at 8

What is one of the most dangerous things in a game like this? Whenever you have a team thats undefeated for this long it's never the teams of 'equal' standings you have to look out for, but always those middle of the pack ones. Why do I say this? It's almost the perfect storm to cough up the win when you have team that is cruising vs one that it still trying to find its game and push itself about the water line (.500). For Detroit, they got caught sleeping his a bit coming up against the 4-4-2 Armada in what many had likely penned as their 9th win, just to have this go to extras and end up with just the loser point. Detroit will continue most likely their success but they need to be a bit more respectful of all opponents and keep their foot on the gas all season if they want to sweep the league for 1st overall seed.

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(This post was last modified: 04-09-2020, 11:57 AM by hockeyiscool.)

Comment 1: Infographic
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Comment 2: Shootout for the Armada's shooters

With overtime ending in a stalemate the scoreboard still reads 2 to 2. Looking now to break the tie through a shootout. For the Armada, Braden Lowrie has the first shot--he's currently 0-1 in shootouts. He picks the puck up from the center dot and carries it in and wrists it in from between the circles. Only to be stoned on a low blocker save by Jobin. Next up for the boatmen is Mitchell van der Heijden. He's already displayed a clutch factor netting a shoot out winner already this season. He picks the puck up at center ice. Carries the puck into the zone, makes a little move and beats Jobin for a GOAL!!! Third for the Armada is Ryan Cvitkovich. He gets the nod for his first shootout after displaying some sick moves in practice and already having a goal in hand for the club. He picks up the puck from center dot. Skating in quickly, brings the puck from the left side to the right. Wrists it to the upper corner. Jobin makes a flailing glove save. Now putting pressure on the final Falcon shooter.

Comment 3: Shootout from the Falcons' shooters
Kaarlo Kekkonen picks the puck up from center ice. Walking in he makes a fancy move and tries to put it five hole on Potvinov. Potvinov falls on it. With the pressure on after a Mitchell van der Heijden goal. Jmac NCheese slowly picks the puck up and Wrists it right into Potvinov's Chest. After Jobin keeps them in with a save Cal Labovitch sets up for his first shoot off of his career. He picks the puck up and takes a low percentage shot from the top of the circles and it hits Potvinov's facemask. The pressure of being behind looked to get the best of the Falcon's shooters. The Armada send Detroit home with their first loss of the season.

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Big OT Saves
Both goaltenders stood on their heads this game well into overtime and into the shootout. Falcons goaltender Jobin ended up with an impressive 0.929 save percentage while Armada goaltender Potvinov had an even more impressive 0.933 save percentage. The goalies certainly stood on their heads in overtime when the pressure was on as just over a minute into overtime, Jobin robbed the red hot van der Heijden off of the faceoff circle. Then back the other way just a minute later had Potvinov making a huge save on Guy O’Shea with the knob of his stick. It is certain to say that without the stellar save by these two goalies, the score would not be as close as it would have.

Detroit Held to Only 2
Heading into this game, the Detroit Falcons were firing on all cylinders. Most notably, their offensive group had led to an average goals per game of over 5. However, it is clear that the Anchorage Armada were able to stop this offensive threat holding them to only 2 goals. Looking at the stats, it was a team effort in keeping the Falcons at bay. However, Armada players Ulrik Bergstrom, Cyril Vyskoc, and Santtu Rasanen really took the lead defensively. They blocked shots and were able to take the puck away from the other team. Furthermore, the Armada’s penalty kill really came in clutch, stopping the Falcons’ lethal powerplay units when James Yzerman took a holding penalty early in the second and when Berry Blue took a hooking penalty late in the second. For the remainder of the game Anchorage remained disciplined which helped in preventing Detroit from gaining any momentum.

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

Banging Hard
It's everyone's favorite post game analysis, that's right it's time to count the amount of people banged on the ice tonight. Yup, we are talking about all the hits between the two teams tonight. Tonight's game saw a total of 41, some big and some small. Anchorage bullied Detroit in hits, out hitting Detroit 26 hits to Detroit 15. Detroit had a total of four different players throw hits tonight, with Burlok Sulfurgold having seven hits out of Detroit's fifteen. For Anchorage, Stan Hanson led his team in hits with five during the game. A total of twelve different Anchorage players dished out hits during tonight game.

Schmuck of the Game
The schmuck of the game, given to the worst player on each team. Poor defensive play, awful passes, really just being a pylon. The players that were out on the ice, leaving a trail of disappointment for each play. For Detroit, Burlok Sulfurgold was the schmuck of the game. He had two muffin passes, giving it away like it was candy on Halloween. On the faceoff dot, he couldn't get anything going. Burlok was zero for three at the face-off dot. For Anchorage, Thorbjorn Gunnarson had a bad game. Ending up being minus one for the night, his defensive play was less than ideal for the Battleships.

Fight Night
WE GOT A FIGHT, GET THE POPCORN! Lando Norris and Edward Williams are dropping the gloves after Norris sent a crisp pass to start an offensive rush. Williams finished his check, then looked to give a little extra shot when skating away. Norris had some words for Williams, and squared up. Both players dropped the gloves and removed the helmets before locking up. For the first 15 seconds, it was pretty even. Both players landed a few big punches, as well as dodging a few big punches. Williams get the edge, as he landed a few big bombs at the end of the fight before both players were gassed and forced to seperate.

Sven Holmberg

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(This post was last modified: 04-10-2020, 10:02 AM by leafsftw1967.)

How did the Anchorage Armada finally end the Falcons winning streak?
It seems like from the start of the season the Anchorage Armada matched up well against the Detroit Falcons coming close to beating Detroit in a 4-3 loss earlier in the season. This time around there was another hard fought game between the two teams except this time the Armada were able to use their physicality to wear down the Falcons offense on the way to victory. By getting in the Falcons players’ face and playing a completely two hundred foot game the Armada were able to force ample turnovers and limit the Falcons deadly offense. In addition, they had outstanding goaltending from Sergei Potvinov who has arguably been one of the best goaltenders in the juniors with a sub two goals against average and a .925 save percentage.

Mitchel van der Heijden goes off to will the Armada to victory
While a strong team forecheck, a team commitment to playing a two way game and great goaltending were factors in Anchorage’s win, Mitchel van der Heijden was the most significant reason why the Armada won the game. He put a one goal and an assist in the game, as well as, a crucial shootout goal that helped the Anchorage seal the victory. Van der Heijden has been one of the Armada’s best all around forwards and they will need him to continue playing at an elite superstar level if they want to continue to play well against top teams in the SMJHL.

How will the Detroit Falcons respond to no longer being undefeated in regulation?
A shootout victory for the Anchorage Armada that went down to the wire meant that the Detroit Falcons are now no longer undefeated after winning eight straight games to start the regular season. SMJHL teams lose all the time but the media and members of the league have paid close attention to Detroit after their hot start. From day one of the season it seems like the Falcons have been placed on another level in the SMJHL in which heavy scrutiny will come with every loss. However, as the most experienced team in the juniors with the most high end skilled returning players, I expect the Falcons to continue their winning ways and stay at the top of the SMJHL standings. In the grand scheme of things this loss should not impact the team at all.

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Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars

The Faceoff Circle

In a very close game where Anchorage finally came out on top, a similar situation happened at the faceoff level. The Armada won 37 faceoffs to their opponent's 30, a small triumph that might just have made the difference in beating the dominant Falcons.

Faceoff Hero
Mitchell van der Heijden Armada
The first star of the game had, amongst other things, a great game faceoff-wise. He won 10 of his 15 challenges and this 66.7% rate is only one of the many reasons why he was the key player of this victory.

Faceoff Zero
Reid Sutherland Falcons
Sutherland's performance wasn't all that bad. However, the Falcons needed more from their second-line center, who won just under half of his faceoffs : a 46.7% performance of seven faceoff wins and eight losses.

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(This post was last modified: 04-13-2020, 10:06 AM by Rotti.)

Rotti's Roundup
Flight turbulence
Detroit has started out the season like a bullet shot from a gun, is this where they start faltering? Every team has to lose eventually...I think...and tonight was Detroit's time to do so. The Falcons play a quick paced, flashy game, and the Armada are the perfect counters to that. Want to deke our back-checking forward? Here comes a burly defenseman to knock your socks off as soon as you get into the zone. Detroit had no match to that physicality tonight, and when the shots aren't falling, there's really nothing you can do to claw your way to a win.

Angsty Armada
Anchorage showed a big bad bruins, or broad street bullies kind of physicality out there tonight. They can't dance around and move the puck like Detroit can, but they sure as hell can body up and grind out a goal. After 4 periods of play the Falcons were clearly gassed, and the grinding Armada still had another gear left for the shootout. Detroit may say that if the Armada have to take a game to the shootout to win against them they'll be confident, but with the Armada holding Detroit to two lone goals it might be a mental block going forward. We can all be sure about one thing, the next game between these two is must watch sim.

Van Der Heijden struts his stuff
There's nothing like a 1 on 1 between goalie and skater. Say what you will about shootouts deciding points, that pure 1 on 1 showdown is one of the most exciting moments in sports. Van Der Heijden took perfect control of his moment, and showed the league why he's one of the most brilliant stick-handlers in the league. A datsyukian deke was in his pocket, and he pulled it out to cross up Detroit's stellar tendie Jobin. While Detroit is more known for their speed and finesse, it's nice to see an Armada player get in their bag, and show some nasty skills off to take a dub. Van Der Heijden joins Jack Kanoff as one of my must watches for the rest of the season

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(This post was last modified: 04-18-2020, 02:22 PM by Snoopdogg.)

Easy Two Points
This being the second meeting between the two clubs this season, while Detroit leading the league with 8-0-1 record versus Anchorage record of 5-4-1. Anchorage put up a fight the last game but lost by a score of 4-3, was this game setup in Detroit minds for an easy win and picking up a quick 2 points?  Maybe not, as they did start their number one goaltender in A Jobin but they showed a lack luster start to their game!  Playing catch-up hockey till the very last period to salvage 1 point.  Ultimately Detroit's slow start to the game had them keeping up with their adversaries and could never take a lead to hold on to.  

Difference Maker
In a game with a decent amount of shots from both teams 30 to 28 in favor of Detroit.  The high powered offense of Detroit  would falter as they stare down a goalie who was on a mission.  Sergei Potvinov reserved his best stuff for the shootout period.  Stopping back to back to back all three Falcon snipers in order, Kekkonen, NCheese and Labovitch.  He gets enough of a piece from the Kekkonen shot to smother it up in the crease, stops one square on the chest from the stick of Jmac NCheese and to end it off, Labovitch sends one straight into the mask of Potvinov for the difference maker and gets the win for the Armada!.


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    [Image: d9J5DHT.png]        norway      [Image: d9J5DHT.png]
(This post was last modified: 04-18-2020, 07:46 PM by honkerrs.)

1) The turning point of the game in this was definitely the fight between Lando Norris of ANC and Edward Williams of DET 8 mins into the 2nd period. Detroit was definitely looking sluggish, after already being down 2-0 on top of being out shot, so DET’s star player Edward Williams decided to take it old school challenging Lando Norris to a bout. After winning the fight Detroit seemed to start to get their legs back under them. Now with their legs back under them, Detroit started to outshoot Anchorage the rest of the game and led to two very early goals in the beginning of the 3rd period to get the time tied at 2 goals apiece.

2) The unsung hero of this game in my opinion was Sergei Potvinov, the Goaltender for Anchorage. Although Anchorage’s team defense is one of the best in their league, their goaltending duo have one of the lowest combined games of experiences in the junior league. So in order to be the first team to take a point away from Detroit during the year, would require one of their goalies to come up big time. Potvinov definitely rose to the challenge this game stopping 28 out of 30 shots. He definitely had to stand on his head late in the 3rd period when the shots were 14-5 for Detroit and in the shooutout he saved all Detroit attempts in order for Anchorage to come home with the win.

3) The highlight of the game was Anchorage’s penalty kill with 7 minutes to go in the 2nd period. The game started to be a bit chippy after the fight between Lando Norris and Edward Williams so Berry Blue got called for 2 minutes on a hooking call. Anchorage’s meaty forward Stan Hanson showed why he is one of the top Penalty Killers in the league by absolutely abusing Detroit’s top power play unit. Most of his 5 hits of the game came during this penalty kill. This was a great team effort by Anchorage to stop a bit of a momentum swing by Detroit after the game started to get a little chippy.

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Armada sink Falcons undefeated streak
The Anchorage Armada come into the game 4-4-2 as complete underdogs the 8-0-0 Detroit Falcons. What would be on paper a runaway game for the Falcons comes down to a hard fought battle between these two teams.  Hot start to the Armada going up 2-0 on the Falcons. Falcson find away to claw back into the game in the 3rd to tie up the game and send it to overtime. Five extra minutes added the Falcons goaltender, Jobin, fights off a relentless attack by the Anchorage Armada. What a way to end this battle with a shoot out. It would go down with an Armada upset with Mitchell van der Heijden sinking a shot on the 2nd attempt after a clean deke to find an opening.

Turning Point
After a daunting comeback by the Detroit Falcons you could have said this would be Detroit's night to carry on to 9-0-0 on the season. As it would turn out to not be the case. Turning point comes during the overtime period Detroit could not keep the offensive front of the Armada from taking countless shots at Jobin in post regulation time. It was only a matter of time that the multiple shots take would slip by. This we saw in the shootout as Mitchell van der Heijden was able to get one by Jobin to seal the deal.

Bruiser of the Night
There is one person that will come to mind for the Detroit Falcons when they wake up in the morning. We look at Right Winger Stan Hanson of the Anchorage Armada who was putting the hurting to the Detroit Falcons tonight. Hans was not there tonight to shoot shots, make pretty passes for the assists. Stan Hanson was there to inflict unrelenting pain to the Detroit Falcons by recording 5 total hits but that does not show the entire story as Stan Hanson was jaw jacking and applying pressure to anyone who came near him with the puck. For this type of presence and tenacity. I reward you Stan Hanson with bruiser of the night.

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1. Star of the Game – Sergei Potvinov
In what was an epic game between two Junior giants, my Player of the Game has to be Anchorage Armada’s goalkeeper Sergei Potvinov. The electric goalie was the definition of clutch against a Falcons offense that to this point has averaged 5 goals a game. Potvinov had 28 saves against a total of 30 shots that the Falcons generated. A number that could have been much worse if not for his teams 11 blocks shots. The Armada keeper rarely looked shaken against what is undeniably the best team in the league at the moment. So when the game went to a shootout, the Anchorage fan knew that their keeper was more than game against some of the potent scorers in the league. And he rewarded their faith with 1, 2, and 3 massive saves in succession to give the Armada a win, and hand Detroit their first loss of the season.

2. Dud of the Game – Joseph Fantobens
The Falcons were looking for a big game from defenseman Joseph Fantobens, but got anything but that. Normally when we talk about defensive islands, its in a positive manner. The ability to take certain players out of the ice with your defensive prowess is something that most players strive towards. And Fantobens was halfway there! Unfortunately, he forgot the part where you’re supposed to take some with you. Instead, the defender often found himself far behind the play, and struggled to get involved. He had just 1 shot with no other contributions anywhere else on the ice in his 17 minutes on the ice. No doubt his coaches will be asking for him during his next outing.

3. Stat of the Game – Hits (ANC 26-15 DET)
You hear it all the time – “Hockey is a physical game”. There’s a reason that coaches preach that, and it’s not because it doesn’t work. Big hits have the potential to change the game, to change a team’s energy, and to change a mindset. This game in particular had a some of the biggest hits of the season. Detroit’s winger Burlok Sulfurgold had 7 of his teams 15 hits and was pest to deal with all night, as well as a batter for his squad. On the Armada side, Stan Hanson filled the role, registering five hits. However, the rest of the team chipped in as well, with nearly half the team having 2 or more bangers through the game.

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Battle of the Titans: With teams such as Carolina, Maine and Vancouver expecting a rebuild - teams like Colorado, Anaheim and Newfoundland being somewhere in the middle, there is room to speculate: who exactly are the best teams in the SMJHL this year? At 8-0-1, Detroit is the bonafide favorite for a 4 star championship. In the west, there is no clear winner, however, this game may have been a preview for what is to come in the four star cup finals this year: Anchorage vs Detroit. Nothing is set in stone when it comes to the SMJHL. If i were to place my bet early based off of this game, I'd say Anchorage vs Detroit.

Rivalry Report: Edward Williams of the Detroit Falcons and Mitchell Van Der Heijden of the Anchorage Armada are arguably two of the most productive point scorers in the league at this time. However, Lando Norris got the better of Williams. But how? Lando lost the fight - but when you take the best player in the league off of the ice for 5 minutes, momentum surely shifts. Anchorage knew Williams was heated and capitalized as Williams was held off of the score sheet save for a 5 minute major. Mitchell Van Der Heijden however, registered two points to earn the first star. Anchorage produced defensively and shut down various power play attempts.

Heavy Hitting: Burlock Sulfurgold of the Detroit Falcons registered a phenomenol SEVEN hits this game - the kid is a physical and defensive beast. In a world where points are paramount, I feel like it's necessary to shout out the unsung heroes who put their bodies on the line for the entertainment of the fans. With that being said, Anchorage depth player Stan Hanson deserves a shoutout for his big body presence, registering 5 clean hits. The physical play, tension in the standings, and The Lando Norris and Edward Williams fight made this game a must-watch. Perhaps we will be blessed to see a four star cup finals between these two squads - maybe Anchorage can upset the favourites this season - we will see.

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