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SMJHL Draft Scouting Report
(This post was last modified: 05-16-2020, 02:45 PM by Rancidbudgie.)

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Hello everyone! A few others have done SMJHL scouting reports like this already, but I’m throwing my two bits in! Hopefully this helps any of the GM’s with their scouting, and provides a spotlight on the prospects in an insanely large draft!

Player Name: Devin Basher @HanTheMan_
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Canada

Devin looks to impress with his stickhandling skills, and looks to be a pass-first winger with some shooting skills thrown in. Good 200-foot game, but don’t look to see too much physicality.

Player Name: Liam Slate @Tylar
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Wales

Hailing from the hockey hotbed of rural Wales, Slate does not translate his name to his hockey skills, as his hands are anything but stone. A well-rounded forward, Slate produces from all areas of the ice, but looks to be a more offensive-minded forward. Likes to throw the body, and usually excels along the boards in the neutral zone rather than in his own end.

Player Name: Mack Daddy @Mack
Position: C
Country of Birth: Timeless Halls

One of the first hockey players to come from beyond the 4th dimension, Daddy will be a highly sought after prospect for the upcoming draft, and not because his alien bones are made from a rare mineral that is unobtainable within our material realm. Excellent on the dot, and well-rounded across the board, Daddy will be chipping in some offense while locking down a defensively responsible game.

Player Name: Johnny Shuffleboard @mee
Position: RD
Country of Birth: United States

A fast-flying offensive defenseman, Shuffleboard does anything but shuffle along, relying on his blinding speed and ability to turn on a dime to put himself in a position to create a goal for his team. Shuffleboard is a cunning quarterback, and can be lethal on the powerplay when used efficiently. Scouts have knocked his defensive game a little, while he has good positioning instincts, his 5 ft. 10, 180 lb frame is sometimes bullied a bit when hemmed into his own end.

Player Name: Florentin Rauseus @teddyperra
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Sweden

A pure offensive winger, the swift Swede can take off down the ice, and has a plethora of offensive tools at their disposal. Superb stickhandling and a good offensive IQ, Rauseus excels at setting up teammates and has a nose for the net themselves. Skatework is phenomenal, but the defensive game is near non-existent. Hopefully Rauseus learns to backcheck, but will likely be utilized as a power play specialist and paired with defensively responsible linemates to cover for them, so that their offensive prowess can be put on full display.

Player Name: James Kimanje @VTRXL4S3R
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Uganda

One of the few Africans to declare eligibility to the SHL, Kimanje brings a sandpaper element to a good offensive game. The stocky 6 ft. 3 Ugandan is a prototypical power forward, with good offensive instincts, great stickwork, and is an excellent net-front presence that gets the dirty goals that might not be pretty, but are necessary to win hockey games. A bit of a brawler, Kimaje is also a steady defensive player, with good positioning and a solid physical presence. The only knock on Kimanje so far is his need to work on his first couple of strides, as it takes him quite a while to get to his top speed, or catch someone off-guard with one of his big hits.

Player Name: Rudy Gay @rg_8522
Position: LW
Country of Birth: United States

The Brooklyn Boy wowed the scouts with his offensive flair in minor league games, and his offensive instincts are some of the best in the draft. The hulking 6. Ft. 8 power forward is hard to knock off of the puck, and Gay isn’t afraid to throw his weight around to get it. With very good skating for someone of Gay’s frame, the skills he needs to focus on now are the more defensive sides of the game. Gay is sometimes caught out of position, and sometimes goes for the hit and the wrong time and is out of position.

Player Name: Martin Nedved @Medis
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Czech Republic

A high-scoring winger with a scrappy style of play, Nedved was great in the minors at racking up the points, and his additional pest potential was not unnoticed. While he brings flair and physicality to his game, Nedved falls a bit short on the defensive side of the game, and really is utilized better in the opponent’s end.

Player Name: Juan Fernandez @skurlexx
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Mexico

The dual-citizen of Mexico and the United States is another power forward who excels at taking names and scoring goals. Fernandez has a toolbox of top scoring skills, and a creativity to his style of play that gives him a great range of ways to score on opponents. You are just as likely to see him score a wrap-around goal as you are a top-shelf snipe, or a garbage goal crashing the crease, or a sharp-angle shot that can fool a goalie. Fernandez isn’t as creative while defending, however, and is clearly stronger on the ice when the puck is on his stick.

Player Name: Soulless Ginger @soullessginger
Position: LD
Country of Birth: United States

The soulless man from the Windy City comes to the SMJHL draft as one of the more well-rounded prospects, having good foundations on most aspects of a defensman’s game. While the red-haired blue-liner has solid positioning and speed to compliment a great physical game, Ginger doesn’t have any skills that particularly wow any scouts watching. He is the kind of player to get things done the methodical, grinding sort of way.

Player Name: Rusty Willows @Omega
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Canada

Willows is great with stickwork, and is a true dangler, using good agility and puckhandling to make his way around multiple defenders. Goes for the fancy goal a bit too often sometimes, and can get a bit lost in his own end.

Player Name: Skipper Joe @Cuffy
Position: C
Country of Birth: Canada

The Newfoundland pivot comes into the already stacked and large draft as one of the highest touted prospects. One of the few forwards this draft that can already boast a good 200-foot game, Joe comes equipped with a pinpoint accurate shot and weaving magic in the offensive zone. His faceoff game is solid, but he isn’t the most physical player, so don’t expect to see Joe dishing out any big hits. Could work a little on his defensive game, but look to see the player with this kind of work ethic and pedigree prove themselves worthy of a top pick this draft.

Player Name: Terrence “Big Terry” Smith @Puljujarvi98
Position: RD
Country of Birth: United States

The lanky 6. Ft 7 defenseman has more in his kit than a long reach. Arguably one of the fastest skaters in this draft, the Big Ter’ Bear can zoom across the ice at a speed that belies his size. His first strides are great, and more often than not Smith can use this gift to get himself into position, and looks to put up great offensive numbers in his rookie year. What training camp will hopefully address is the minor holes in his defensive game, as he doesn’t utilize his physical gifts as much as you think someone his size could when in his own end.

Player Name: Antoine Bergeron @Yakupov64
Position: LD
Country of Birth: United States

Out of rural Montana comes the offensive defenseman Antoine Bergron. A gifted power play quarterback, Bergeron dances with the puck around opposing players and finds his open teammate with thread-the-needle passes. Bergeron has a great shot as well, and uses swift skating to get where he needs to go. Scouts have knocked his low hockey IQ, as his offensive talents are sometimes wasted by some ill-thought out plays in either the defensive or offensive zone. Bergeron has great offensive tools and talent, but needs to minimize the costly mistakes that sometimes cost games.

Player Name: Peter Ramsey @Hoovuh
Position: G
Country of Birth: England

One of the top prospects, and arguably the best goalie available in the draft, Ramsey has the mental acuity and the workhorse stamna to take a starting role right away in the SMJHL. An athletic goalie, the Englishman excels at kicking the puck away and snapping back into position with lightning speed. A quick-working set of hands and the hockey IQ to make intelligent plays when dishing back dump-ins, Ramsey has a full and well-rounded kit of skills. Look for Ramsey to be the first goalie taken in the draft on Sunday.

Player Name: Ryan Rieley @Brandon
Position: LW
Country of Birth: United States

The hard-hitting grinder comes into the draft highly touted, with some of the best physical plays on his highlight reel out of all other forward prospects. Not to be outdone on the scoresheet either, Rieley contributes as a net-front presence and a finisher, with a deceptively good wrist shot. Reiley’s physical play has bailed him out of tricky situations, but sometimes finds himself behind the play with some suspect defensive abilities. Getting caught, combined with his aggressive playstyle, might lead to a lot of penalties until he gets his discipline under control. Look for Rieley to be a lock in the first round, and one of the top picks in the draft.

Player Name: Justin Smith @Canuckmale1988
Position: C
Country of Birth: Canada

The second Smith on this list (No relation to Big Terry, as far as my sources indicate), Smith is a natural-born leader on the ice, always willing to stick up for teammates and throw down the gloves when necessary. A hard hitter, Smith defies the enforcer tag with excellent offensive skills, a heavy shot and a good eye for open teammates. Being 6 ft. 4 and over 290 lbs has it’s disadvantages, however, as Smith is arguably the slowest skater in the draft, and needs to work on his edgework and footing if he wants to use his talents without becoming a liability behind the play.

Player Name: Colin Lambert @rum_ham
Position: LD
Country of Birth: United States

A swift-skating two-way defenseman, the smaller Lambert looks to impress with wis offensive flair and tireless style of play. A workhorse on the back end, Lambert also brings pedigree and competitiveness to an SMJHL team that will have scouts on the lookout. The main concern with his style right now is a lack of physicality, and the knack of falling over at inopportune times. Lambert projects as one of the best defenseman available at the draft, and expect to hear his name called early.

Player Name: Ismael Sanchez @Ismael8907
Position: RW
Country of Birth: United States

The Utah deserts are typically an unusual locale for ice hockey, but that didn’t stop Sanchez from developing into an intriguing prospect for the SMJHL draft. Blessed with dynamic offensive talent and vision, Sanchez destroyed minor leagues with blistering speed and dramatic flair. Scouts are wary of the one-dimensional nature of Sanchez’s game, as he drifts around without the puck sometimes, and is almost invisible in his own end. Defensive liability, but lethal in the opponent’s zone and on the powerplay.

Player Name: Wile Coyote @Brucehum
Position: C
Country of Birth: Canada

An offensive forward, Coyote is also a feared prospect on the dot, as one of the better faceoff taker available in the draft. Brilliant offensive IQ, and good hands to match, make for a player that is always an offensive threat on the ice. Defensive awareness might be lacking somewhat, and Coyote is by no means a physical player, but he is a craft offensive talent that has caught the attention of more than a couple of scouts.

Player Name: Ivo Lux @motzaburger
Position: LW
Country of Birth: Germany

The first German prospect to appear on this list, Lux is a pure sniper. With the best shot in the draft, Lux excels at scoring from the dot, with a wicked snap shot that has been known to blow holes in the netting. Good speed, acceleration, and the ability to stick it out there on the ice all add to the offensive package Lux offers. The thing to look out for in Lux is that his play tails off in his own end, and really is the type of player to wait for the puck. Lux will work best with more physical and pass-oriented players, to better utilize his cannon of a shot.

Player Name: Asclepius Perseus @CaptainCrazy
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Latvia

The Latvian with the Greco-Roman name, Perseus joins the list of snipers in this draft as a player with the skill to pick a corner. His stickwork and dangling is impressive, and Perseus has many a highlight-reel goal from his times in the minors. He doesn’t contribute a lot defensively, and scouts worry about his lack of awareness or positioning. With his offensive tools, as well as the pedigree that comes with him, expect Perseus to be an early pick in the first round.

Player Name: Ginger McAlester @Ginger56
Position: C
Country of Birth: Ireland

One of the few prospects with a full, bushy soup strainer, McAlester’s moustache is the best in the draft. Besides the top facial hair/60 of the prospects, McAlester offers a good overall game, with great aspects in the offense department. A pass-first center with a respectable shot, McAlester really needs to work on his IQ when it comes to defensive plays. He has some good tools to be a 200-foot player, but is usually just a bit behind the play.

Player Name: Rikard Bjerg @AgentSmith630
Position: RD
Country of Birth: Sweden

The stocky Swede brings a tight shutdown game every night, and scouts have been extremely happy watching IQ on display, particularly when breaking up dangerous plays. He may not have a mean streak, but Bjerg is skilled at throwing clean, heavy checks, and is hard to knock off the puck himself. Bjerg is already capable of solid minutes in the SMJHL, and the workhorse has decent speed and puck-carrying abilities. He has a solid, but not crazy shot, and can get a good first pass in, but otherwise won’t dazzle offensively. Bjerg’s defense and physical play is what will sell this prospect to the scouts, and could be an exciting pick for any franchise looking for help on the back-end

Player Name: Blip Blop @ThatDamnWookiee
Position: LD
Country of Birth: Finland

“He Blips! He Bloops! He Blops! SCORES!!!!” A common phrase heard in the Finnish minor leagues, where Blip Blop dominated last season. A two-way defenseman with a good hockey IQ and good hands, Blop is looking to be more than just a Blip on SMJHL scout’s radars this draft. Blop can also throw a hard body, and uses his 6-foot 213 lb frame around. Blop is solid in his own end, but can sometimes be hindered by his lack of foot speed. He’ll want to work on his skating speed if he wants to be more than a Blop in the bucket going forward.

Player Name: Blunt Man @Obsidian311
Position: G
Country of Birth: Czech Republic

Another highly-touted goalie in this season’s draft, the 6ft. 9 Man has fast hands and lightning reflexes. He doesn’t play the puck very much, and prefers to stay within his own crease, but otherwise there are very few holes in the big Czech’s game. Man comes with some pedigree, so look for scouts to have him high on their lists, and whoever is looking for a goalie will take him early.

Player Name: Alexander Oscarsson @Zema
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Sweden

A pure playmaker, Oscarsson has a high offensive IQ, and can find the open teammate better than any other prospect in the draft, and can protect the puck like a dream. That is unfortunately where the strengths end for Oscarsson, literally. He is not a physical player by any means, and is less effective in his own end in most situations. He has a great first couple of strides and brilliant edgework, but relatively slow wheels overall. Skating and bulking up will benefit him the most come training camp time, but if you have a team full of snipers - Oscarsson could be your best pick of the draft.

Player Name: Big Drincc @LB.
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Latvia

This tall glass of water, coming in at 6 ft. 8 and 245 lbs, is a great offensive talent with a solid shot. Drincc’s slapshot is one of the more feared cannons of the draft, and the bulky winger is hard to knock off the puck. His read of the game is very good, but Drincc’s skills are better in the o-zone. Defensively, he doesn’t use his big body much to help out, and can be ineffective trying to break up a play. For his size, Drincc has good speed, and can get there quick. The Latvian brings an intriguing toolbox, and combined with his great reported work ethic, will be one of the top picks in the coming draft.

Player Name: Zelma Zuntnere @Jogurtaa
Position: LW
Country of Birth: Latvia

The Latvian Locomotive has a quick set of wheels, and is most known for her blinding speed. Likely to be a first-round pick in the coming draft, Zuntnere brings a solid offensive game with her hard snap shot. Playmaking is not in Zuntnere’s strengths, and angles more as a finisher. The Latvian throws the body, but sometimes is shrugged off by other players while doing so. Bulking up on strength and polishing small holes in her defensive game will make Zuntnere a star in the SMJHL.

Player Name: Keisuke Suzuki @rieksts
Position: G
Country of Birth: Japan

In a country desperate for goalie prospects on the international stage, Suzuki is a bright ray of hope for the land of the Rising Sun. Suzuki has the quickest reaction time out of all available goalie prospects this draft, and has solid positioning skills. Suzuki likes to contribute to the play and come out of his crease, which has led to some great assists and some unfortunate mishaps. Suzuki doesn’t look ready to take a starting workload right off the bat, and will need to build up to the 50-game SMJHL season. Look for Suzuki to be one of the top goaltenders to go early in the draft.

Player Name: Axel Foley @Mazatt
Position: LD
Country of Birth: Canada

Foley brings a balanced game to the ice, and always finds himself in the right place at the right time. Not afraid to bring the body or carry the puck up, Foley’s only glaring weakness is his shot. More of a pass-first defenceman, Foley doesn’t take many shots, and fewer find the net. Scouts will be keeping an eye on Foley this draft, as he brings a lot of good things to the table between his passing, skating, and solid defending.

Player Name: James Gogol @GamesJogol
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Canada

The well-rounded winger has a lot of tools out on the ice, but has a reputation for being a bit of a hothead. Gogol’s aggressiveness has been well noted, and there was one incident where he bit a Tim Horton’s employee after they gave him a steeped tea instead of a black coffee. The draft will reflect whether scouts noticed that or not.

Player Name: Loser Dude @LoserDude
Position: LW
Country of Birth: United States
The unfortunately named Loser Dude (Pronounced Doo-Day) is anything but on the ice, with great passing flair and a solid overall offensive kit. Just don’t ask him to play defense, otherwise the short-tempered Dude might but his fighting skills to use against you.

Player Name: Hunter Scott @I’ll change this later
Position: C
Country of Birth: Russia

The pure sniper from Mother Russia, Scott is great at getting himself into position for one-timers, and specializes in the slap shot, which is deceptively accurate. Scott’s play defensively leaves a fair bit to be desired, but his speed and skill come second to none in this draft.

Player Name: Ethan Smith @Esmith4358
Position: G
Country of Birth: United States

A well-rounded goalie from the United States, and the third Smith on this list so far (No relation, according to my sources). This Smith has the distinction of starting every one of his minor league’s 113 games last season. Smith defines “workhorse”, with incredible resilience to fatigue. His mental game is strong, and he has solid foundations in positioning.

Player Name: Boris Bison @tylerw30
Position: RD
Country of Birth: Russia

The legacy of big Russian defenseman with a mean streak continues is Bison, the 6 ft. 4 bruiser on the blueline. With well-rounded abilities and a penchant for throwing the body, Bison plays a wrecking-ball style of game that compliments teams that need a bit of sandpaper.

Player Name: Mlervaldis Nemiers @Gukis
Position: C
Country of Birth: Finland

The Finn with a mouthful of a name also brings high offensive flair to his game. The fast-flying center is a skilled faceoff artist, as well as being equipped with a good shot and a solid penchant for crashing the net. He flubs on passes sometimes, and scouts take note of his woes in the defensive zone. Those areas will likely need to improve to help Meniers take it to the next level with his high-octane office.

Player Name: Juan Hunna-Pussent @AdamS
Position: LW
Country of Birth: Unknown

The player set to always give it his all, Juan Hunna-Pussent is a well-balanced winger, with a strong frame that he sometimes throws around, as well as good offensive skills. While his defensive skills are slouching a little, Hunna-Pussent makes up for it with great footspeed and skating skills.

Player Name: Young Logo @Loganjj21
Position: RW
Country of Birth: United States

One of the faster and tireless skaters in the draft, Logo displays the stamina and speed to be anywhere on the ice at any time. He is good at keeping the puck on a string, and finding the open spaces. Scouts will lament the lack of defensively responsible talent amongst the offensively gifted forwards in this draft, and Logo is no exception. Look to see Logo go early in the draft, as he comes with flair and pedigree.

Player Name: Jax Gracie @Im_A_Boonana
Position: LW
Country of Birth: England

While not the most physical player, Gracie makes up for his lack of strength with a reliable two-way game, one of the better forward prospects in the draft in this regard. He has good offensive skill in both shooting and passing, as well as strong positioning and an okay read of the defensive playbook. Combine that with good speed and skating, and you have one of the more balanced forwards in the draft, that can slot anywhere on an SMJHL lineup. GM’s need to be careful, Gracie might go earlier than expected, and be off the board before he can be stolen.

Player Name: Theo Kondos @Ohtaay
Position: LW
Country of Birth: Austria

Another top pick for the upcoming SMJHL draft, Kondos a decent two-way game, leaning towards being a primarily offensive player. Kondos has a knack of knowing where to be, and can score from a variety of angles and methods. Kondos lacks physicality in his play, but otherwise is a talented workhorse of a player, who puts in hard minutes and gets results.

Player Name: Joker Leblanc @CablePlays
Position: LW
Country of Birth: Canada

Leblanc is another prospect that falls into the category of fast, offensively gifted, but defensively lacking. His first couple of strides are near the top of the draft, and he has a great set of wheels, but avoids much of the physical side of the game.

Player Name: Biggs Secksy @BadLck
Position: LW
Country of Birth: Finland

Another strong speedster in the draft, Secksy adds the talent of keen edgework and turning on a dime to his toolkit. A pure dangler, the Finn’s stickwork is second to none. Like other wingers in the draft, he falls short on defensive skills, and his physical game is nowhere to be found. Building those skills up a bit might allow Secksy to fully display his highlight-reel outplay ability.

Player Name: Juli Schneider @RiderLAK
Position: LW
Country of Birth: Germany

A rare case of a true two-way forward up for grabs this draft, the German-born Schneider has a hard shot as well as a swift backcheck. Not afraid of getting in the dirty areas, Schneider is sometimes outmuscled for the puck, but otherwise has a great read for the flow of the game, and a noticeable hockey IQ. The exciting prospect is more of a pure sniper in the offensive zone, so make sure they are paired with player who compliment their skills.

Player Name: William Reynolds @sharksisback
Position: RW
Country of Birth: England

A highly-ranked prospect coming into the draft, the speedy winger from Manchester wowed scouts with fast wheels, high-octane offense, and a defensive game that, while in need of improvement, is much better than the average winger in this draft. Reynolds also brings some physicality to his game, and combined with his pedigree, will make him a sought-after commodity for SMJHl teams.

Player Name: Am Sory @soryantyler
Position: RW
Country of Birth: United States

The apologetic winger has no regrets about declaring eligibility for the SMJHL, and brings high-powered offense to the table. His pinpoint accuracy is one of the best in the draft, and combines this with lightning speed. He rarely uses this speed on the backcheck, however, and is usually found behind the play, hoping for a breakout pass. Look for training camp to bulk him up and get him in those defensive plays as well.

Player Name: Max Ripoff @guy
Position: LW
Country of Birth: United States
Scouts are hoping for a steal in Ripoff, and the sleeper pick might be highway robbery for a potential SMJHL GM. Ripoff is a fairly well-rounded winger, with some defensive shortcomings and a slow couple of strides, but otherwise plays a decent two-way grinding game that most prospects don’t mimic.

Player Name: HeHateMe DanglesForDays @Vorshayla
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Canada

True to his Reputation Name, DanglesForDays is a pure dangler, with some of the best puck handling skills in the draft. Speed, agility, and stickwork are all talents of the winger, but his defensive game is woefully behind his peers.

Player Name: Young Cowboy @desruial
Position: C
Country of Birth: United States

The rough riding prospect is hoping to wrangle up a high draft position this Sunday, and if he continues to wrangle up pucks and points like he did in the minors, he should have no problem. A good offensive player with a surprisingly solid defensive responsibility, Cowboy brings his skills to all 200 feet of the rink. He’s not the most adept at throwing the body, but can be a scoring threat from anywhere on the ice.

Player Name: Aston Martin @Warner
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Finland

This Finn brings a rare two-way game from the wingers in this draft, having decent offensive talents as well as solid backchecking skills. The fast Finn doesn’t check much, but is hard to bully off of the puck, and even harder to catch.

Player Name: Stan Q. Next @iamslm22
Position: C
Country of Birth: Dominican Republic

A rare prospect from Mesoamerica, Next is slated to go as a top prospect in this draft, and will likely end up as the highest drafted prospect to the SMJHL from his home of the Dominican Republic. A well-rounded pivot, not only is Next one of the few centers in this draft, but also a rarity in being touted as offensively competent and defensively responsible. Next also brings a little bit of physicality that many coaches like. His skatework is fundamentally solid, but a little bit behind in speed and quick turns. But with a work ethic like Next’s, expect him to be one of the best players out of the draft when looking back.

Player Name: Pavel Kharlamov @RippleLuck
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Russia

The scrappy winger from Russia makes for great pest potential, weaving around defenders to find the open areas, and not afraid of getting a little physical, despite his smaller frame. Kharlamov thrives in the offensive situations, being a decent setup man and a lethal finisher. His game is complemented by good foot speed, and what will likely be worked on most in training camp will be some defensive drills, but Kharlamov is in no way abysmal at it. Look for Kharlamov to climb up the draft board then the time comes.

Player Name: Domenic Alessandrini @kylecorbett42
Position: LW
Country of Birth: Italy

If the IIHF ever considers another expansion, Italy will be near the top of the list, with a small but growing number of young players. This draft is not exempt from that, with Allessandrini being one of the exciting new prospects in the SMJHL this season. A gifted offensive winger, the Italian has a well-rounded kit of offensive tools, with more of a focus on shooting than passing. Despite being a winger, Alessandrini is one of the better faceoff-takers of the draft, and has some decent defensive skills. The main knock scouts have on Alessandrini are his slower foot speed and lack of physical play, but an SMJHL training camp can easily help him pick up the pace. The team that nabs Alessandrini will only be happy with the skilled Bari native.

Player Name: Emery Khan @ChromiumKnight
Position: RD
Country of Birth: United States

One of the few defenseman up for grabs in the draft, Khan is a physical specimen, and while only coming in at 5 ft. 8, his strong defensive game and great hitting abilities have impressed scouts, and more than make up for his milder offense

Player Name: Conner Hutton @overdoo
Position: RD
Country of Birth: Canada

A well-rounded two-way defender, Hutton relies on swift skating and a high hockey IQ to help his team. Scouts have praised Hutton’s largely flawless game, with no glaring holes in his game. He won’t overwhelm with offense or blind you with skating acumen, but Hutton can contribute to every aspect of a gameplan, and coaches will love his Swiss-army knife skillset, giving them the freedom to slot him anywhere in the lineup and compliment a variety of defensive partners.

Player Name: Videl Satan @ValorX77
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Japan

Another potential prospect for Japan, Satan is arguably the most well-balanced forward in the draft. Equally skilled at dishing and burying the puck, Satan is also skilled at clearing the puck from his own end and getting into the dirty areas when needed. Good footspeed compliments his grinding style of play, and the Japanese winger can chip in from anywhere in the lineup.

Player Name: Randy Everist @reverist
Position: LW
Country of Birth: United States

Arguably one of the smarter player in the draft, scouts have praised Everist’s read of the ice and the flow of play. The well-rounded winger plays a tight two-way game, and his hockey IQ always seems to put him in the right place when he’s needed. He’s not the most bulky player, and doesn’t throw the body much, but can contribute anywhere else on the ice.

Player Name: Moritz Muller @Brojoh456
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Germany

While not one to lay out hits, Muller displayed great offensive talent. He’s responsible, but not outstanding in the defensive zone. Muller is blessed with a good set of wheels, and his skating work is a great asset of displaying his offensive skills and getting into the open slot.

Player Name: Zakkira Diporov @TheSparkyDee
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Russia

A gifted offensive player and excellent snipr, Diporov boasts an accurate, hard snap shot and a penchant for getting around defenders. His defensive play falls behind a bit, and scouts have been so-so on his skating ability, but the offensive boost the Russian can bring to the table will pique some interest.

Player Name: James Hagan @CampinKiller
Position: LW
Country of Birth: United States

In a stacked draft, Hagan has still managed to shine as a top prospect going into Sunday. An offensive juggernaut, with the ability to score goals at will, and solid skating to back it up. Training camp will likely address some of the defensive woes, but you can bet that Hagan will contest for the rookie scoring race this upcoming season.

Player Name: Sven Gunnar @Southle
Position: C
Country of Birth: Sweden

A rarity amongst centers in this draft for being a pure sniper, Gunnar is absolutely lethal with any kind of angle or shot. The potential to rack up points is clearly there for this dynamite prospect. Much like other forward prospects this draft, however, he will need to watch a lot of tape to pick up his defensive game. The hockey IQ is there, but Gunnar really goes thrive more in the opponent’s end, and has some trouble getting back. Look for Gunnar to be a sneaky good pick for this season.

Player Name: Jed Mosley Jr. @ JayTee
Position: RD
Country of Birth: United States

The son of an architect, Jed Mosley Jr. inherited his father’s analytical mind, and can read the game quite well. His puck protection and offensive drive in very good, and he knows his role very well. A fast skater, Mosley Jr. is more of an offensive defenseman, bordering on a skilled two-way style of play.

Player Name: Malik Wilkins @Fizzy
Position: RD
Country of Birth: Canada

A raw defensive defenseman, the towering Wilkins stands at almost 7 ft tall, and is known for his enforcer-style play. Very few prospects bring the package Wilkins offers, a tough brawler who doggedly pursues opponents with the puck. He is hard to move from whichever spot his picks, and his mean streak is feared amongst the junior players. His offensive game is not his focus, and he excels at hard checks and good defense, but scouts are hoping he picks up his game pace. It’s hard to get a 300 lb. frame going, but Wilkins suffers a bit defensively from being very slow on his skates.

Player Name: James Boxman II @siddhus
Position: C
Country of Birth: England

The second prospect so far from the metropolis of Manchester, England, Boxman II is a lanky centreman with a good offensive read and excellent shooting skills. He skates quite fats, but struggles with the tight corners. His defensive game is almost completely absent, save for his good face-off skills.

Player Name: Travish Mann @WildfireMicro
Position: C
Country of Birth: Scotland

The first Scotsman on the list so far, Mann is a reliable two-way pivot that holds a balanced game. His skating skills are a little behind some others in the draft, but his good blend of offense and defensive abilities keep him relevant.

Player Name: Adrik Baranov @Jorec
Position: LD
Country of Birth: Russia

A pure offensive defenseman, Baronov makes use of his blinding speed and explosive first couple of strides to fly past defenders. He has a deceptively fast wrist shot, and can pick an open player pretty well. The biggest question around Baranov is why he is slotted in as a defenseman by the coaches, because he barely plays defense at all. Baranov has the mentality and skillset of a great offensive winger, but will really want to work on his defensive skills if he is to excel in the SMJHL.

Player Name: Eric Garza @Gmixx36
Position: LW
Country of Birth: United States

Another day, another prospective winger with great offensive flair and next to zero defensive responsibility. Garza at least has some physical edge to his game that gives him a boost.

Player Name: Alex Marshall @DonutDefender
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Canada

The extremely fast winger suffers the same lack of defensive awareness as most of the draftees, but hopes to rise above the pack with a high-octane mix of pure sniping ability and extremely fast skating, as well as a penchant for throwing his weight around.

Player Name: Victor Ball @jcfbey01
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Latvia

One of the few Latvians of the draft, Ball has a great blend of stickwork, shooting, and defensive responsibility for a winger. Overall, Ball is well-rounded is most skills, and has a refreshing blend of skill and physicality that lends itself to slot anywhere in an SMJHL lineup/

Player Name: Joorgustraad DuBolk @MCP_
Position: LD
Country of Birth: Sweden

The hulking defenseman from Sweden is an interesting blended two-way defenseman. His vision and passing game is highly touted by scouts, and he has a steady and stable game that can eat up the important minutes for a team. He’s not one to throw the body, but otherwise is a powerhouse player that will likely go early in this stacked draft.

Player Name: Sammy Blaze @hockeyfan
Position: C
Country of Birth: United States

Another talented prospect, Blaze is one of the top young centers entering this draft, with high pedigree and a considerable work ethic. Scouts are also happy with his leadership on the ice, as a forward willing to give up the body to either block an important shot or lay out a big hit. The grinder has a good toolbox, and can chip in offense as well as being a heavy-hitting checker.

Player Name: Walton Stromberg @sulovien
Position: C
Country of Birth: Finland

The young Finn has been prolific in the minor leagues, flashing his impressive playmaking skills and responsible two-way play, highlighted by his swift backcheck. His shot is good, but could use some polish, and he won’t be throwing too many checks, but is a skilled pivot with excellent vision.

Player Name: Alexei Yashin @LockdownDefense
Position: C
Country of Birth: Russia

Yashin is a well-rounded prospect with plenty of useful tools. He’s definitely more of a shooter than a passer, but is solid in most aspects on the ice. Doesn’t have a “wow” factor in any specific part of his game, but is a balanced skater.

Player Name: Sam Collins @flyingmonkeys2020
Position: C
Country of Birth: United States

Collins is a workhorse, and has insanely fast skating, but that’s about it. Currently has hands of stone and mediocre defense, but he is probably the fastest skater in the draft.

Player Name: Guomundur Kristjansson @Fluw
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Iceland

The first Icelander on this list, Kristjansson is a gifted playmaker with great skating abilities. Defense is not something within his wheelhouse, and he isn’t the most physical specimen with his lighter stature, But his offensive instincts and pedigree make him a high pick in the upcoming SMJHL draft.

Player Name: Jesse Seppanen @crutch
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Finland

With a few Finns declaring eligibility, the IIHF squad must be happy with the crop of talent, none more so than Seppanen. The hardworking winger is highly sought after going into the draft, and with his smooth skating and hard to stop shot, it’s little wonder why. He’ll need to pick up his defensive game a bit, but otherwise Seppanen is a good bet to go early.

Player Name: Lord Raiden @Jumbobone19
Position: C
Country of Birth: United States

One of the best net-front presences in the draft, Raiden can crash a crease like no other. While he defense is lacking, his offensive instincts are solid, and he is one of the better prospects on the dot when it comes to faceoffs in the draft.

Player Name: Kyle Reinholt @kylereinholt
Position: RW
Country of Birth: United States

The Colorado Crusher is a hard-hitting winger with a good edge, who would add sandpaper to any lineup. His offensive contributions aren’t small either, but his defense lags behind the average a little bit.

Player Name: Nolan Theurer @ntheurer
Position: RW
Country of Birth: United States

A good offensive talent with an also impressive mean streak, Theurer also fails to impress with his defensive skills. A good scorer and checker though.

Player Name: Walrus Walrus @ThePandaGod
Position: G
Country of Birth: Canada

Koo-Koo-Kachoo! A well-rounded goalie, Walrus has solid foundations and technical acumen. He doesn;t play the puck much, and can get into his own head a bit after letting in a soft goal, but letting in that first goal doesn’t happen much with Walrus.

Player Name: Kojo Murata @j-malz
Position: G
Country of Birth: Japan

The second Japanese goalie on this list, the IIHF nation is hopefully thrilled to have some options for the future. Murata Has cat-like reflexes and a wicked quick glove, and is technically sound. Murata also is fond of playing the puck, and is good at joining the play and making it hard on opponents who try to dump the puck in.

Player Name: Nicolae Antonescu @Rancidbudgie
Position: G
Country of Birth: Romania

The only Romanian up for grabs in this draft, Antonescu has great positioning and athleticism. The Sibiu native also has a solid mental game, and is consistent. He shys away from playing the puck, and the times he does ends up messy, but otherwise is a solid technical goaltender

Player Name: Jonas Muller @Simmie58
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Germany

The Leipzig winger styles as more of a playmaker, but with a decent shot as well. His two-way game is quite good, and his poise when skating is remarkable. Muller also isn;t afraid to take the body when needed, and offers a range of tools.

Player Name: Clayton Carlsen @sharkaiders
Position: RW
Country of Birth: United States

The Windy City winger is dynamite in the offensive zone, with great passing and a solid shot. His skating is also solid, but his defense falls a little flat.

Player Name: C.D. Qwig @qwig
Position: RW
Country of Birth: United States

Another prospect who is a fast, prolific scorer, but a bad defender. Good puck skills, and okay hockey IQ, but doesn’t join back in the play enough.

Player Name: Jonathan Lilehammer @Scheetzzy
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Denmark

One of the few Danes entering the SMJHL, Lilehammer brings a respectable two-way game and excellent playmaking skills. The diminutive Dane is quite the scrappy player as well, sometimes throwing the body and sticking up for his teammates, giving his good pest potential as well.

Player Name: Danill Nikiforov @DELIRIVM
Position: C
Country of Birth: Russia

A great playmaker and skilled pivot, Nikiforov excels at winning faceoffs and setting up big plays. The Russian avoids most defensive situations, and won;t throw the body. He is also somewhat slow, but can maneuver on his skates like a dream.

Player Name: Harry Walker @chilidawg
Position: LD
Country of Birth: England

One of a small number of defenders up this draft, Walker boasts an intimidating frame and a hard-hitting game. Bone-crunching hits and tough firsts are his specialty, but he’s no slouch in other departments. Walker has a decent two-way game as well, and can carry a puck with some speed while being hard to knock off of it.

Player Name: Hennesey-Gallchobhar O’McGuiness @the_paytonium
Position: RD
Country of Birth: Ireland

A swift two-way defenseman, O’McGuiness has some serious speed, as well as one of the best defensive minds in his class. His IQ is top of the line, and he makes smart plays, finding himself in the right place he needs to be.

Player Name: Bob Poppinfresh @bluebob22
Position: C
Country of Birth: Canada

The well-rounded winger specializes in crisp passes, quick bursts of speed, and clean checking as the core of his game. Scouts think he could improve a little on some defensive pieces, but there really are few holes in Poppinfresh’s game.

Player Name: Igor Victory @Wearingabear
Position: LD
Country of Birth: Finland

A prototypical two-way defender, Victory has a well-balanced all around game. He is solid defensively and offensively, and throws the body when he needs to. The only tweak his game needs is taking tight corners or changing direction suddenly, but Victory has a solid overall game.

Player Name: Tokamir Ripovski @FEVX
Position: LW
Country of Birth: Czech Republic

One of the few Czech skater in this wide pool of prospects, Ripovski is a two-way winger with more of a lean on the offensive side of the game. He is physically punishing, and a workhorse to boot, but needs to pick up the backchecking slightly.

Player Name: Turk Turkleton @Turkleton
Position: RD
Country of Birth: United States

A decently-rounded offensive defenseman, Turkleton currently excels at taking hard shots on net from odd angles, and really anywhere on the ice. His defense could use a boost, but isn’t too suspect, and he has a physical element to his game.

Player Name: Junior Guarda @Loco
Position: G
Country of Birth: Mexico

The Mesoamerican is one of the most well-rounded goalies in the draft, with virtually no weaknesses in his game. He is mentally tough, and good all across the board. The minor leagues in Mexico don;t operate much of the year though, and it’s apparent that Guarda is not used to a full 50-game schedule. He’ll need to get some stamina built up to tackle bigger minutes when he reaches prime time in the SMJHL.

Player Name: Bud Light Lime Bud Light Lime @travis.stoffer
Position: RD
Country of Birth: United States

The drink so nice they named… him twice? BLL is a swift two way defenseman, with a good shot and decent first pass. High strength and checking are a little weak, but otherwise he offers a refreshing repertoire of skills.

Player Name: Cody Spinka @CapoPirate
Position: C
Country of Birth: Canada

The Canadian is good on all ends of the ice, but particularly the offensive zone, where his shot is great and his passing clean. Skating is solid, but not amazing, and defense is a little lacking, but Spinka is ready to step up to the SMJHL and find the pen spaces.

Player Name: Ryu Jones @SFresh3
Position: LW
Country of Birth: Japan

A skilled offensive talent, Jones is great at protecting the puck and setting up highlight-reel plays with teammates. He has a swift stride and good technical skills, but might need to pick up the back end of his game a bit, in comparison to his sparkling offense.

Player Name: Nathan Thomas @KaleSalad
Position: RD
Country of Birth: Canada

Thomas is one of the more well-rounded defenders in this draft, with good skills in his toolbox across the board. There are no weaknesses to his game, and is a steady player that doesn;t yet have the “wow” factor for any one aspect, save maybe his solid shot.

Player Name: Lonnie O’Donoghue @Good_Ole_Kimmy
Position: RD
Country of Birth: Canada

Likely one of the top picks in the draft, O’Donoghue is an intelligent, hardworking player with a great combo of pedigree and a high hockey IQ. While not very physical, the Canadian is great at most other aspects on the ice, and will be a top defender available come the draft.

Player Name: Teddy Park @trashae
Position: LD
Country of Birth: United States

Another balanced defenseman, Park’s skating is nearly flawless. The heavy-set defender also has a hard-hitting game, and is known for his fierce fighting skills. Park doesn;t shoot much, and has a solid first pass, but really it is the defensive side of the game that Park focuses on, and excels at.

Player Name: Mertin Brodeur @KarrdisBored
Position: G
Country of Birth: Canada

The son of a stellar goalie and a General Motors salesman, Mertin Brodeur has insanely fast hands and a great athletic style. Brodeur also plays the puck quite frequently, and well, preventing any easy dump-ins from the other side.

Player Name: Brett Connelly @bcp91
Position: C
Country of Birth: United States

Connely is a good two-way pivot, with blanched skills all around. He’s got good stains and great footspeed, but falls behind a little on the defensive side of the game in favour of the offense.

Player Name: Cam Nosreh @Mac
Position: RW
Country of Birth: Canada

Likely one of the top picks in the draft, Nosreh leads a stacked draft class with a balanced game and an incredible work ethic. Nosreh could work on some edgework in his skating, but otherwise has a complete game, with scoring, defense, and physicality all rolled into one.

Player Name: Nicco Mull
Position: LW
Country of Birth: United States

The winger has an amazing shot, one of the best in the draft, but doesn’t get much opportunity to use it. Mull has amazing tools, and is decent on defense as well, but in the o-zone he is usually two steps behind the play. He’ll want to watch some tape to but hi amazing offense to good use.

Player Name: Hubert Andrews @hughesab
Position: C
Country of Birth: United States

A gifted passer and excellent faceoff taker, Andrews plays his position very well. Responsible on the defensive side of the game, Andrews is one of the few forwards in this draft who excels at defending over offense. His weak part of his game is his shot, but with smooth skating and a good hockey IQ, Andrews offers a unique skillset amongst the forwards of this draft.

Player Name: Juris Berzina @ThoProce
Position: LW
Country of Birth: Latvia

The young Latvian offers a well-rounded playstyle, and with great physicality. There isn’t really a huge advantage from one skill over others, but Berzina has few weak points of his game, and comes to the draft as one of the better grinders as of now.

Player Name: Neato Jimbo @ScorpXCracker
Position: LD
Country of Birth: Gumba

The Land of Gumba produces another talent (the last I remember being Lunga Gumba), but this time with a much more well-rounded talent. While Lunga Gumba was feared for his shot and fighting skills, Jimbo is a defensive stalwart on the back end. His offensive skills are low, but Jimbo is excellent at keeping the puck away from opponents, and laying devastating checks. Jimbo also has respectable skating, and has the potential to be a premier shutdown defenseman from this draft.

Player Name: Nicolas Aquino @Chargers4L
Position: RW
Country of Birth: United States

A late addition to be eligible for the SMJHL draft, Aquino is one of the best pure snipers in the draft. Pinpoint accuracy highlights his strong offensive game, and his swift skating gets him all over the ice. His defensive play falls somewhat behind, but Aquino can make up those goals against with goals of his own.

Country Breakdown:
United States: 33
Canada: 15
Great Britain: 7
Finland: 7
Russia: 7
Sweden: 5
Latvia: 5
Germany: 4
Japan: 4
Ireland: 2
Czech Republic: 2
Mexico: 2
Austria: 1
Italy: 1
Dominican Republic: 1
Romania: 1
Denmark: 1
Uganda: 1
Gumba: 1
Timeless Halls: 1
Unknown: 1
Norway: 0
Switzerland: 0

A rough draft for the Norwegian and Swiss Federations, but a banner year for Mexico. The usual suspects in the Unites Sates and Canada overwhelm the pack, but there are some good numbers for IIHF nations like Great Britain, Japan, and Latvia.

[Image: antonescu.png]
[Image: BKGrppM.png]
Thank you to Ham and Sulo for the sigs!
Scarecrows Chiefs Renegades Dragons Stampede Panthers norway
Scarecrows Specters Switzerland
Scarecrows pride Switzerland
  Armada pride Ireland



[Image: Dextaria.gif]

[Image: Niz2wua.png]  [Image: iB9r7kM.png]  [Image: 6by0kBi.png]
Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

That's a lot of words

[Image: rum_ham.gif] [Image: ox6aAot.png]
[Image: 62428_s.gif]
[Image: ddIlIkT.png]Colin Lambert ll Left Defence ll Barracuda[Image: NA3IV5m.png]

Awesome work man, well done!


[Image: Oats.gif]

[Image: 401.png] [Image: S42cup1.png] [Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png][Image: WuTGq5J.png][Image: XUMDqMO.png]

Nice! Good work!

[Image: WnIxdNc.png]

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Nice Job and a good read!

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