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S54 SMJHL PT #1 - Training Days

After arriving at the St. Louis practice facility, Nicolae Antonescu was ready for his first set of drills on North American ice. However, when pulling up to the address given, he discovered the building was an indoor paintball course. There was no ice, rink, hockey equipment, and definitely no management. After checking in at the door, the entire Sacrecrows Squad was divided into four teams, given high-powered paintball guns, and set them loose. After the initial confusion, the Crows were forced to work together in their smaller teams in order to not get absolutely destroyed in paintball. The team with the senior players eventually cleaned house, and it was a valuable lesson in teamwork and chemistry leading to better results. This is a tradition the Crows do every year, and this year it went no differently, with the returning players utilizing their familiarity with each other to succeed as a unit rather than relying on individual talent and skill.

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Thank you to Ham and Sulo for the sigs!
Scarecrows Chiefs Renegades Dragons Stampede Panthers norway
Scarecrows Specters Switzerland
Scarecrows pride Switzerland
  Armada pride Ireland


Hi, this is Walton Stromberg writing!

The best team building exercise we've had so far was without a doubt the dinner where we celebrated our brand new contracts, that have more zeroes that I have ever seen. I was a bit worried at first when Roach told us that us rookies would pay for the whole night and we would go to the finest restaurant in the state of Maine. But when I realized that there's a shitload of rookies and the most expensive thing on the menu was a 30 dollar oyster plate, I wasn't too worried.

It was a fun dinner, and later in the night - after a few too many shots of vodka - we ended up having a brotherly wrestling match outside the restaurant. It was me and my fellow Finn Seppänen against the Swedes, Bjerg and Oscarsson. I probably don't even have to tell who was last man standing. It was our goalie Suzuki. He came out of nowhere with his karate moves, apparently thinking that it was a serious fight, and laid us all down. I think I may have broken my nose, but it sure was a night to remember! For those of us who do remember something, anyway.

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Oh boy, I don't know if I'm allowed to say this.... fuck it, I doubt my fellow rookies can read anyways. So as a rookie class to get to know each other we took a weekend away and camped out on top of Mount Kilimanjaro. For a lot of us it was the first time leaving the country, let alone the continent and boy oh boy did things get out of hand. Before I go into what happened I just want to say that after this whole ordeal we are all a lot closer to each other and as long as the shaman's blessing wasn't a scam we're going to put up historic numbers this season. But anyways getting to the mountain was a breeze. Chris Goodname as the highest drafted guy took it on himself to plan the logistics and so it was about a 2 day trip, but we made it to the peak and got our camp set up without any real issues. Things got out of hand the next morning when the lemur tribe started going through our stuff and Blip... nah I shouldn't say it.

Word count: 197

(This post was last modified: 05-25-2020, 03:07 PM by SFresh3.)

It’s been a whirlwind past week for Ryu.  Many new faces and names to learn before the beginning of Preseason, but his teammates were very welcoming to him and the other Rookies from the latest Draft.
After a shortened practice on Saturday, the Veterans took all of the Rookies out on the town to show them around and point out some of the best restaurants in Anaheim and the greater Los Angeles.  They went by burger joints, some fancier restaurants, and a couple Asian spots as well. 
They then led them to the second greatest attraction in Anaheim, behind the Outlaws stadium “The Saloon”, Disneyland Park.  The team went on many of the roller coasters and other attractions the park had to offer.  It was a blast, everyone was laughing and cracking jokes about one another. 
As the day drew to a close, they all walked towards their apartments, splitting off when they neared their own.  They all grew closer together as the Preseason drew near and their chemistry was to be tested on the ice.

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Credit to @Symmetrik
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(This post was last modified: 05-25-2020, 03:43 PM by DELIRIVM.)

The Vancouver Whalers rookies have not gotten too close yet, especially Alessandrini and Nikiforov, both players have a language barrier keeping them from becoming good friends yet. But the teammates did have a fun outing that started developing some chemistry between the group. Over the last week all the rookies were brought to a local Vancouver boxing gym and given time with all the trainers. After some time with trainers the youngsters were pitted one-on-one in two minute boxing matches. Nikiforov, despite not fighting much in his life, looked the most imposing at 6'3", while the rest of the class, who are 6 foot or under, looked at a size disadvantage.
Through the matches Kyle Izzy showed his experience fighting, easily throwing hands and taking down O'Donoghue, Alessandrini, and Shuffleboard in successive matches. Jason Desrouleaux suprised after he took out Coyote, Basher, and Nikiforov in successive rounds. The final match of the day saw Kyle Izzy rain down blows on Desrouleaux. Everyone had to cover Izzy and Desrouleaux that evening when the group went out for dinner. 
The time spent at the gym helped develop some friendships between the group. Hopefully they will continue to develop and Izzy can rain hands on opponents all season long.

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Alex Marshall went on his first team building exercise with his new team, the Maine Timber, the other day. The team went for a walk through the forest, as they were educated on the history, and different kinds of trees all around them. It is a tradition in Maine to teach the rookies about their pride and joy, the trees. Little did they know what was about to happen. I suppose some of the rookies didn't take to kindly to being forced into this journey, or perhaps they were tired of being hazed by their teammates. Either way, Hennesey-Gallchobhar O'McGuiness (@the_paytonium ) had a few to many Guinness's before hand, and showed up drunk, alongside his rumored defensive partner Nathan Thomas (@KaleSalad ), and forward William Reynolds (@sharksisback ). Intent on proving that he was back and more dangerous then ever, as well as tired of being overshadowed by some of the other rookies, William Reynolds agent @sharksisback had tricked him into believing that he had to strike the fear of god into his teammates for them to respect him. With his agent backing him, Reynolds lead the charge, with support from O'McGuiness and Thomas, to make this a trip to remember.

It didn't take long for things to get crazy. A drunken O'McGuiness hurled insult after insult to his fellow teammates, until Thomas suggested they stop, and everyone decided that some of them would take him home. It was then, that Reynolds would decide to begin his war path. With O'McGuiness and Thomas causing the perfect distraction, Reynolds snuck away from the group, dug up a previously buried chainsaw, and quickly got to work. While a couple of teammates had left to take O'McGuiness home, the rest of them attempted to carry on with their tour of the forest. Unfortunately for them, it was cut short, as they heard the revving of a chainsaw in the distance. As the more experienced members of the team started to realize what they were hearing, they told the rookies to cover their eyes, and looked on in horror as tree after tree was cut down. O'McGuiness had cut down all sorts of trees, and by the end of it, he had successfully scared the team away, and the tour was over. It is to be determined whether or not the forest will recover, or the team will continue with this tradition moving forward, but the actions of those involved will not be forgotten.

While O'McGuiness, Thomas, and Reynolds will surely be punished, it was a successful mission for the rookies. Reynolds proved to everyone that he is more dangerous then ever, and everyone is aware of him and his agent being back in Maine now. For O'McGuiness, he had an excuse to get drunk. And finally, for Thomas, he had a chance to work alongside his new defensive partner, O'McGuiness, and gain some favor from him, while also appearing as the good guy to the rest of the team, for stepping up and calling O'McGuiness out on his shit, then suggesting they take him home.

It was a trip to remember for the Timbers, and one can only hope that the tradition lives on.

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Neg Rep has been hitting the gym hard in preparation for the S55 SHL Draft. While in the weight room, he has found a mentor in 83 year old bodybuilder Toshisuke Kanazawa. Teaching him proper form has been key in Neg Rep's strength development, and his experience training in bodybuilding competitions has given him the necessary background to coach a superstar player like Neg Rep in the weight room.

Since his upper body strength is already so high, as he is likely the toughest player not in the SHL on the entire planet, Neg Rep has been paying special attention to building his legs up to speed. It isn't just about lower body strength but also lower body flexibility so that Neg Rep can keep up with the speedy and agile forwards in the SHL. With his world famous teacher the young defenseman is primed and ready to be an SHL superstar on his very first stride on the ice.

162 words

04-18-2020, 01:58 PMnour Wrote: we received 2 complaints from Site Member @caltroit_red_flames about his site rep being brigaded

A long standing tradition in the Anchorage locker room has been the “Rookie Ice Man Challenge”. This year the rookies, we're blindfolded and taken into bus and driven 4 hours outside the city. Dumped in the middle of nowhere, with only 6 gatorade bottles and wearing their track suits, they were instructed to walk back to the Sullivan Center prior to the commencement of the preseason, or else they would be cut! Luckily there was some hope, Igor Victory had already spent months in the Finnish wilderness, and was able to use the sun and stars as a compass. The group reluctantly began the trek, day and night only stopping when Turg Turg needed to drop a turd and to take quick water breaks. Finally, on the evening of Sunday May 24, they took a nights rest, having already covered 190 km in the past two days, they felt confident they would be able to finish the final 20 left tomorrow. As they continued on the path back to Anchorage, suddenly 4 players, Müller, Gervais, Kondos, and Victory fell into a massive ravine. TURG TURG didn’t fall because he had fallen way behind prior to this, and Gunnar was holding on to a tree root by the tips of his fingers.

Gunnar was able to be rescued quite quickly by TURG, but the others were stuck 100 m down with no safe way up. Gunnar and TURG quickly ran back to Anchorage, while the other group attempted to navigate the ravine that they had fallen into. When the group was walking through ravine, they discovered some of the remains of various other players that came before them, and were cut from the team because they couldn’t make it back. Around this time, TURG and Gunnar arrived in Anchorage, and after a long argument with the Armada General Managers and the SMJHL board they were able to have preseason postponed to Tuesday, enough time to “rescue” the rookies. The group in the ravine found a ladder, and as they emerged from it they were met with a bus full of Armada veterans all laughing and making fun of them for needing to be rescued to survive. It was a very eventful team building exercise, but the rookies were quickly able to laugh it off to prepare for the preseason that begins tomorrow.

With the new season on the way, our GMs decided a good way to test our mental, physical and emotional strength with a mini-game of Survivor. Similar to the TV series, we were split up into tribes but instead of voting each other off, we play to save our team members and keep them on the island. We were thrown into several challenges that required us to use our strength and our brains. My team consisted of Desrouleaux, O’Donoghue, Izzy and Gretsky. One of our challenges was to untie 4 balls that were tied to a rope underwater, each farther down than the last. Once they were untied, one of us threw the ball at a hoop that’s set up in the water while two team members are in the water collecting the rebounds. The challenge was tough but we came out on top. The five of us worked well together and were victorious.
(154 words :3)

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Training camp was finally here, the scarecrows hit the ice and got to meet the new draftees. It was a bit tense in the ice for the first day as the players got to know each other. The crows from last year were nice to the new crows but still did not know how these new players would react. Some of the new crows were quite like Kharlamov, and it wasn’t until the team building exercises happened that they started to open up more. You had your standard trust fall, interdictions, but then came more hockey related ones, like favorite goals, drills and players. It wouldn’t be until the next day that more openness would be shown by the older and newer players. After that started to happen the team was more organized on the ice, passes were made, positions were covered and teamwork was had. By the third day they were finally a team, no more new or old just Scarecrows.

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We played games me and my friends have played games. Devin Basher big buy, big heart, big cock and balls. Vancouver is a good city i also played Lonnie O Donnie Houe in a game of horse hockey. I won of course so that makes Lonnie O Donnie Houe a horse haha. Why the long face Lonnie O DOnnie Houe? Egg on your face on thate front. Now ytou might think that is where our team building ended. Wrong we did a lot more than that. Kyle Izzie also attneded. Name Recacted also intended into the team building exercize. Augusuts Wang also inteded as a surpisre star visit to rally the gang. What a fun moment that was. Thanks coach for inviting Augustus. He showed me a lot about team buildikng., we played twister and our balls touched :#. What a moment that was haha. I love to do team building activities with my team it helped us build our team building.

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Zakkira is new to this big city of Detroit, so the rest of the roster greeted him with some delicious American food. Zakkira ended up eating some chicken tender. He said “I have never had a tender before! This is delicious.” Zakkira knew deep down he was happy where he was going to be playing for the future. He sat down with the other rookies he was wondering how he was going to fit into the team as one of the new guys. But coming into the locker room day one, it was a fantastic experience for him! He wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. The guys have helped hike through training, where to go out to eat. Zakkira is now realizing how important his teammates are to his success, the front office as well. They all have been so nice to Zakkira Diporov, he hopes to thank them by scoring goals and winning games!

Drafted 2nd round 21st Pick by the Winnipeg Jets in S55 SHL Entry Draft 
GM of the UCORCAL in the WJC S55
S55 WJC Gold Medalist GM/Player for UCORCAL
Management Role for Russia in the IIHF
Recent Management Role / Head Coach for Winnipeg Aurora in SHL 
CO-GM St. Louis Scarecrows S57-S60
GM of the St. Louis Scarecrows S61-S72
S72 Challenge Cup Champion
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In the Vancouver Whalers training facility, of the Simulation Major Junior Hockey, it was time for the rookies of the season fifty four draft to get to know their new teammates. We started the day off with a team breakfast, I sat next to my fellow draft mates Devin Basher and Jason Desrouleaux. At the breakfast I had a hearty breakfast consisting of frosted flakes, because they are grrrrreeeeeaaaaattt, along with some apple juice and performance enhancing drugs. (My agent told me not to say that part but I think its so sick.) After about an hour of eating everyone finished their breakfast and we went into the first team building exercise was climbing a rock wall, this is effective because it pairs two random people and forces them to work together. It was a lot of fun. Overall it was a great to learn and meet my new team, hopefully we do well this season!

(156 words)

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(Sig Credit: toedragon84)


When all us Raptor Rookies got to Colorado, we wanted a task or an activity that we could all do together and that it would test us in some way. So it was decided that we would all watch the Jurassic Park Movies back to back. All 5 of them for a total of about 600 minutes or 10 hours. Most of the rookies have already seen them. But some have not. So we stocked up on Red Bull, some alcohol, and ordered some Pizza for the day. As we started this journey, the classic first movie grabbed our attention and drew us in immediately. We all love it and felt really good about our day initially. But we found it was hard to keep focus especially during the movies that sucked (Jurassic Park III). Some started to fall asleep (they didnt sleep long...), but then Jurassic World brought us a little back to feeling better as Chris Pratt is to die for. But Fallen Kingdom ended us on a little bit of a sour note as it just didnt have enough. But we all stuck it out together and we held each other accountable to the end. We all got a little bit closer to each other and ended up better teammates because of it. We also ended up taking a poll and ranked the movies. Here is our list:

Ranking of Movies
1. Jurassic Park
2. Jurassic World
3. The Lost World: Jurassic Park
4. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
5. Jurassic Park III

will update when Jurassic World: Dominion comes out in 2021. 

(Word Count - 265)

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM @sköldpaddor @Merica for the Sigs

Well let’s just say this...after spending a night locked up with the team we are for sure close. After the draft,  in order to get the rookies familiar with the team, we went out to grab a drink or two. Eric and Danny were busy trying to get the rookies to let loose and have a good time...finally Grapefuit Lizard brought out the good stuff and the night finally began if ya know what I mean. 

After an hour or two of pounding down beers and bar hoping, I completely passed out. I didn’t get the full story until Nicolae Antonescu filled me in. 

Long story short we got into a lot of fights, played a bunch of drinking games to “become king” whatever that means, Axel decided we should steal a tiger because we’ve all watched The Hangover too many times and Mega Tron ended up puking all night in the streets. How we ended up in a cell though...I won’t throw names around but sooooomeone decided to dress up in just a banana suit, run down the street screaming f*** the police and ran right past a cop and slapped him in the face. Only got worse when the talk of donuts with the cop got out of hand. Why all of this occurred I’ll never understand because it just doesn’t make sense. 

Needless to say we all had a blast and have stories to tell for awhile now in the locker room. Interested to see how the rest of the season goes that’s for sure.

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