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jRuutu Punishment
(This post was last modified: 06-23-2020, 12:56 PM by Samsung virtual assistant.)

06-23-2020, 12:34 PMBDonini Wrote:
06-23-2020, 12:12 PMスウェグキング Wrote: Google twink.

I know what a twink is, thanks.

It’s not a derogatory term, nor does it have a history of being used as one against the gay community. How is it anywhere close to the same as calling gay people gross and saying that a restaurant full of femboy hooters would make you feel unsafe? Saying LGBTQ people make you feel unsafe has historically been a way for people to legally murder LGBTQ people and get away with it by invoking the gay or trans panic defense, which btw, is still not banned in over 40 states to this day.

It's used in a derogatory way of you say shut the fuck up twink, Just as it would be if you said the longer version "shut the fuck up young-looking gay man", or simply "shut the fuck up gay".

As the OP states he wasn't suspended for saying he was feeling unsafe, he was suspended for the two clips. I would say that posting the "ha Gay" clip, followed by the "gross" clip, which is what he was suspended for, is as bad as posting "stfu twink" which translates to "shut the fuck up young-looking gay man".

EDIT: Or well, maybe not AS bad, i don't like ranking derogatory shit, lol. Still bad.

Also pls don't suspend me. Then again apparently it isn't suspension worthy when you actually say it to someone, i guess i'm in the clear.

[Image: ezgif-6-09c631572c.gif]

(This post was last modified: 06-23-2020, 01:02 PM by Samsung virtual assistant.)

TBF i didn't even see the unsafe comment because the OP only stated the clips, so i didnt look any further. All of it combined i'd say is worse for sure.

But again, ranking derogatory shit.

[Image: ezgif-6-09c631572c.gif]


06-23-2020, 12:22 PMCampinKiller Wrote:
06-23-2020, 12:21 PMPremierBromanov Wrote: seems pretty cut and dry. If you can't say "Ha, gay" in an ironic sense, you cant say "stfu twink"

because here's the kicker: No such thing as doing something ironically. You're just doing it.

I mean I suppose if you yourself were homosexual, you could say it ironically. I think. It's too early for thinking

maybe in your own personal dealings, but not in a community where we have explicitly designed guidelines for language. The same way we don't condone using "autist" ironically, because even if it's between two people who are cool with it, it's not cool to everyone else. If we'd like this community to be a welcoming one, we have to, at the very least, condemn specific language that is derogatory. I'm not saying Slash needs a week off or that we should revisit this crime, but the HO needs to have a firm response to this.

it is not up to individuals to say whether or not they are fine with it. Even if someone who identifies as a twink gives us the okay. That would be completely beside the point, in the same way we wouldnt respect an "N-word Pass". Not to equivilate the two words, but as an example of how we treat a "free pass" to use whatever words we like.

[Image: premierbromanov.gif]

Fuck the penaltys
[Image: EePsAwN.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: eaex9S1.png]

06-22-2020, 08:13 PMTheHockeyist Wrote:
06-22-2020, 08:09 PMSpartanGibbles Wrote: But how can you suspend him when I haven't even regressed my own player?!?!
Suspending him is a necessary prerequisite to regressing your own player, bud.

@SpartanGibbles the fact that you don't know this shows how big of a problem it is.

[Image: 5PYmCAe.png]
[Image: doubtfulalpha.gif]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]

06-23-2020, 12:20 PMCampinKiller Wrote: Twink: A "twink" is usually considered a homosexual male with attractive, boyish qualities

The post in question:

Made by someone who, as I recall, has previously been suspended for homophobic comments. But when he's a teammate that doesn't matter

this me btw

@SlashACM call me an attractive gay again pls im striving for it

[Image: pppoopoo.gif]
[Image: 7925.png]
Thanks to @karey and @JSS for the sigs!

Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM

06-23-2020, 01:21 PMcpetrella Wrote:
06-23-2020, 12:20 PMCampinKiller Wrote: Twink: A "twink" is usually considered a homosexual male with attractive, boyish qualities

The post in question:

Made by someone who, as I recall, has previously been suspended for homophobic comments. But when he's a teammate that doesn't matter

this me btw

@SlashACM call me an attractive gay again pls im striving for it

@nour would appreciate that brockhampton shirt

Armada Monarchs Germany

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Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

06-23-2020, 12:40 PMスウェグキング Wrote:
06-23-2020, 12:34 PMBDonini Wrote: I know what a twink is, thanks.

It’s not a derogatory term, nor does it have a history of being used as one against the gay community. How is it anywhere close to the same as calling gay people gross and saying that a restaurant full of femboy hooters would make you feel unsafe? Saying LGBTQ people make you feel unsafe has historically been a way for people to legally murder LGBTQ people and get away with it by invoking the gay or trans panic defense, which btw, is still not banned in over 40 states to this day.

It's used in a derogatory way of you say shut the fuck up twink, Just as it would be if you said the longer version "shut the fuck up young-looking gay man", or simply "shut the fuck up gay".

As the OP states he wasn't suspended for saying he was feeling unsafe, he was suspended for the two clips. I would say that posting the "ha Gay" clip, followed by the "gross" clip, which is what he was suspended for, is as bad as posting "stfu twink" which translates to "shut the fuck up young-looking gay man".

EDIT: Or well, maybe not AS bad, i don't like ranking derogatory shit, lol. Still bad.

Also pls don't suspend me. Then again apparently it isn't suspension worthy when you actually say it to someone, i guess i'm in the clear.

The word itself is not a slur, it has no history of being used in a derogatory or oppressive way. It's not the same as saying "shut the fuck up gay" for that exact reason. Twink doesn't 'translate' to anything, you can't just plug in a definition and call it derogatory when it's missing the history and experiences that make derogatory words what they are. It's a gay slang word that was put into use by the gay community and has generally mostly been used by the community. I'm not "ranking derogatory shit" it's just easy to see why one is suspension worthy and the other really isn't.

[Image: selm.gif]
[Image: sig.gif]

(This post was last modified: 06-23-2020, 02:00 PM by Samsung virtual assistant.)

06-23-2020, 01:34 PMBDonini Wrote:
06-23-2020, 12:40 PMスウェグキング Wrote: It's used in a derogatory way of you say shut the fuck up twink, Just as it would be if you said the longer version "shut the fuck up young-looking gay man", or simply "shut the fuck up gay".

As the OP states he wasn't suspended for saying he was feeling unsafe, he was suspended for the two clips. I would say that posting the "ha Gay" clip, followed by the "gross" clip, which is what he was suspended for, is as bad as posting "stfu twink" which translates to "shut the fuck up young-looking gay man".

EDIT: Or well, maybe not AS bad, i don't like ranking derogatory shit, lol. Still bad.

Also pls don't suspend me. Then again apparently it isn't suspension worthy when you actually say it to someone, i guess i'm in the clear.

The word itself is not a slur, it has no history of being used in a derogatory or oppressive way. It's not the same as saying "shut the fuck up gay" for that exact reason. Twink doesn't 'translate' to anything, you can't just plug in a definition and call it derogatory when it's missing the history and experiences that make derogatory words what they are. It's a gay slang word that was put into use by the gay community and has generally mostly been used by the community. I'm not "ranking derogatory shit" it's just easy to see why one is suspension worthy and the other really isn't.

Well i mean, we can agree to disagree, i know there are several other people who also think that it's fucked up to say "stfu twink" because it is a term for a young-looking gay man, and telling someone to shut up and adress them as such makes it look like it's an attack, even if it's said in a playful way like it was now(which nobody who doesn't know that they are friends would). I've definitely heard people use twink as an insult on multiple occasions and had to look the word up when i was younger, so i guess maybe i'm just being influenced by real life events.

And i didn't imply that you were ranking, i was saying that i kind of did and i don't like doing it. And i wouldn't say its "easy to see", as i wrote earlier i know several people mentioning it being a bad look. But you do you.

[Image: ezgif-6-09c631572c.gif]


Has anyone wondered if he would flip his lid if we called him GayRuutu?

[Image: 8PlNwDd.png]


06-23-2020, 02:04 PMJumpierPegasus Wrote: Has anyone wondered if he would flip his lid if we called him GayRuutu?

JP suspension incoming


[Image: CampinKiller.gif]

(This post was last modified: 06-23-2020, 02:07 PM by hockeyiscool.)

06-23-2020, 02:04 PMJumpierPegasus Wrote: Has anyone wondered if he would flip his lid if we called him GayRuutu?
I think it's a family name

06-23-2020, 01:57 PMスウェグキング Wrote:
06-23-2020, 01:34 PMBDonini Wrote: The word itself is not a slur, it has no history of being used in a derogatory or oppressive way. It's not the same as saying "shut the fuck up gay" for that exact reason. Twink doesn't 'translate' to anything, you can't just plug in a definition and call it derogatory when it's missing the history and experiences that make derogatory words what they are. It's a gay slang word that was put into use by the gay community and has generally mostly been used by the community. I'm not "ranking derogatory shit" it's just easy to see why one is suspension worthy and the other really isn't.

Well i mean, we can agree to disagree, i know there are several other people who also think that it's fucked up to say "stfu twink" because it is a term for a young-looking gay man, and telling someone to shut up and adress them as such makes it look like it's an attack, even if it's said in a playful way like it was now(which nobody who doesn't know that they are friends would). I've definitely heard people use twink as an insult on multiple occasions and had to look the word up when i was younger, so i guess maybe i'm just being influenced by real life events.

And i didn't imply that you were ranking, i was saying that i kind of did and i don't like doing it. And i wouldn't say its "easy to see", as i wrote earlier i know several people mentioning it being a bad look. But you do you.

[Image: 463ebs.jpg]

[Image: selm.gif]
[Image: sig.gif]

(This post was last modified: 06-23-2020, 02:34 PM by Samsung virtual assistant.)

06-23-2020, 02:11 PMBDonini Wrote:
06-23-2020, 01:57 PMスウェグキング Wrote: Well i mean, we can agree to disagree, i know there are several other people who also think that it's fucked up to say "stfu twink" because it is a term for a young-looking gay man, and telling someone to shut up and adress them as such makes it look like it's an attack, even if it's said in a playful way like it was now(which nobody who doesn't know that they are friends would). I've definitely heard people use twink as an insult on multiple occasions and had to look the word up when i was younger, so i guess maybe i'm just being influenced by real life events.

And i didn't imply that you were ranking, i was saying that i kind of did and i don't like doing it. And i wouldn't say its "easy to see", as i wrote earlier i know several people mentioning it being a bad look. But you do you.

[Image: 463ebs.jpg]

Well, i don't know what your sexuality is, and what is offensive to one is not to another. As an example usually used, Some black people give "N-word passes" all the time but that doesn't make it okay to say. You not taking offense to something doesn't mean nobody does. Just like how i don't really care if people say things about my heritage but the majority of the others that share it does, and it's considered offensive here.

[Image: ezgif-6-09c631572c.gif]


@"cpetrella" ur my twink tiddy bf

[Image: unknown.png]

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06-23-2020, 12:20 PMCampinKiller Wrote: Twink: A "twink" is usually considered a homosexual male with attractive, boyish qualities

The post in question:

Made by someone who, as I recall, has previously been suspended for homophobic comments. But when he's a teammate that doesn't matter

STFU bootlicker

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

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