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S54 Championship Week

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Personally, I fell like I had a great season, 2 points short of a PPG as a defensemen is nothing to be ashamed about, on top of that I feel like the defensive aspect of my game was very solid as well. I attribute my individual success to the team that my GM's have built around me. We are a very strong team and it makes it easy to play the kind of game that allows me to put up the numbers I do. Next season, I think I will be working more on the defensive part of my game as obviously the offense is there. Our team lacked a bit defensively and being one of the top earners on my team, I should be more responsible defensively in order to shut down the opposing teams top lines, Ideally next year, I'll be in the front running for both of the D awards instead of just the offensive one,

7. Written, 3 TPE
Write a sonnet about an SHL-related topic. Be sure to follow the proper ABAB-CDCD-EFEF-GG rhyme structure or your HS English (or equivalent any-language Writing teacher) will track you down and give you a failing grade.

Ode to the Steelhawks
A Sonnet by Anonymous
My crazed Steelhawks, you inspire me to write.
How I hate the way you hoot, sleep and look,
Invading my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about the prayer book.

Let me compare you to a jolly eye?
You are more chemic, amazed and deadly.
Fair drought dries the dark picnics of July,
And summertime has the unfazed edley.

How do I hate you? Let me count the ways.
I hate your academic Eyes and smile.
How your personality fills my days!
My hate for you is the benchmark sundial.

Now I must away with a medley heart,
Remember my dazed words whilst we're apart.

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. These are absolutely two of the best goaltenders in the league in Cain and Kryyst - which team has the advantage in net in this series?

[b]I think New Orleans has the advantage in between the pipes in this season, Alestair Cain has been so consitently good every season and has never had any success, I feel like this is the year he will put his team on his back and carry them through to the cup.[/b]

b. There are two Johnsons in this series - Gabriel (HAM) and Darnell (NOLA). In fact, the two used to host the Johnson & Johnson Podcast together, but they're now on the ice as bitter rivals. Which team has the better Johnson?

[b]I think this is not even a contest, Gabriel Johnson is without a doubt the better Johnson in this series.they both play the same position and all it takes is one quick look at the stats between the 2 and it's quite obivous that Hamilton has the best of the 2.[/b]

c. The Specters won both regular season matchups, but Hamilton finished with better team stats overall. Do regular season head-to-heads provide an accurate forecast for a playoff series? (answer predictively if it hasn't happened yet; reactively if it has.)

[b]Now thatt the finals are over, I think it's obvious that regular season matchups can kind of predict the outcome. In both games, New Orleans won over the Steelhawks kind of prediciting their win of the cup. Did I think they would sweep? Not at all, but I think this proves that you can look at regular season and make an accurate prediction.[/b]

d. If SDCore offered you an all-expenses paid week-long vacation to either New Orleans or Hamilton, which city would you choose to go to? (tough choice I know lol.) How would you spend your time there?

[b]LOL, Hamilton or New Orleans? Choice is quite obvious I am going down to Louisana and would honestly question the sanity of anyone that would choose Hamilton. New Orleans ahs to be one of the biggest party cities in atleast North America if not the world. It would be a blast to say the least.[/b]

14. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

There are so many people on the Specters that are deserving of the MVP of the playoffs, the whole top line and most of the second line could make a decent case for it, however I think the case has to be made for Lil' Manius. Tied for the lead in playoff goals with 9, 3rd with 12 assists, 1st with 21 points then on top of that leading by quite a bit in hits it's very hard to aruge against Manius as playoff MVP. I think this postseason he threw the team on his back, although he ahd help, he was a monster in the postseason.

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

[b]Verification = bk1689[/url]

[Image: Bk1689.gif]

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Personally, I fell like I had a great season, 2 points short of a PPG as a defensemen is nothing to be ashamed about, on top of that I feel like the defensive aspect of my game was very solid as well. I attribute my individual success to the team that my GM's have built around me. We are a very strong team and it makes it easy to play the kind of game that allows me to put up the numbers I do. Next season, I think I will be working more on the defensive part of my game as obviously the offense is there. Our team lacked a bit defensively and being one of the top earners on my team, I should be more responsible defensively in order to shut down the opposing teams top lines, Ideally next year, I'll be in the front running for both of the D awards instead of just the offensive one,

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It has been publicized a decent amount on this site but Hamilton prospect Andrei Kostitsyn's brother Sergei appears to be missing. Does anybody know where Sergei? What have you done/what can you do to help Andrei track down his brother?

Unfortuantely I don't know where Segei is, if I did I would tell Andrei for sure. He asks quite constantly in the Newfoundland LR if anyone has seen his brother and no one has seen him yet. It sucks for him as I couldn't imagine losing your brother. Ultimately I haven't done much to aid in the search of Sergei, however I will change that. I've got enough in my bank account that I feel like I can contribute quite a hefty amount to a search party to find this pesky Belrussian. I'll put up a significant reward and aid in the funding of a team to find him.

7. Written, 3 TPE
Write a sonnet about an SHL-related topic. Be sure to follow the proper ABAB-CDCD-EFEF-GG rhyme structure or your HS English (or equivalent any-language Writing teacher) will track you down and give you a failing grade.

Ode to the Steelhawks
A Sonnet by Anonymous
My crazed Steelhawks, you inspire me to write.
How I hate the way you hoot, sleep and look,
Invading my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about the prayer book.

Let me compare you to a jolly eye?
You are more chemic, amazed and deadly.
Fair drought dries the dark picnics of July,
And summertime has the unfazed edley.

How do I hate you? Let me count the ways.
I hate your academic Eyes and smile.
How your personality fills my days!
My hate for you is the benchmark sundial.

Now I must away with a medley heart,
Remember my dazed words whilst we're apart.

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. These are absolutely two of the best goaltenders in the league in Cain and Kryyst - which team has the advantage in net in this series?

[b]I think New Orleans has the advantage in between the pipes in this season, Alestair Cain has been so consitently good every season and has never had any success, I feel like this is the year he will put his team on his back and carry them through to the cup.[/b]

b. There are two Johnsons in this series - Gabriel (HAM) and Darnell (NOLA). In fact, the two used to host the Johnson & Johnson Podcast together, but they're now on the ice as bitter rivals. Which team has the better Johnson?

[b]I think this is not even a contest, Gabriel Johnson is without a doubt the better Johnson in this series.they both play the same position and all it takes is one quick look at the stats between the 2 and it's quite obivous that Hamilton has the best of the 2.[/b]

c. The Specters won both regular season matchups, but Hamilton finished with better team stats overall. Do regular season head-to-heads provide an accurate forecast for a playoff series? (answer predictively if it hasn't happened yet; reactively if it has.)

[b]Now thatt the finals are over, I think it's obvious that regular season matchups can kind of predict the outcome. In both games, New Orleans won over the Steelhawks kind of prediciting their win of the cup. Did I think they would sweep? Not at all, but I think this proves that you can look at regular season and make an accurate prediction.[/b]

d. If SDCore offered you an all-expenses paid week-long vacation to either New Orleans or Hamilton, which city would you choose to go to? (tough choice I know lol.) How would you spend your time there?

[b]LOL, Hamilton or New Orleans? Choice is quite obvious I am going down to Louisana and would honestly question the sanity of anyone that would choose Hamilton. New Orleans ahs to be one of the biggest party cities in atleast North America if not the world. It would be a blast to say the least.[/b]

14. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

There are so many people on the Specters that are deserving of the MVP of the playoffs, the whole top line and most of the second line could make a decent case for it, however I think the case has to be made for Lil' Manius. Tied for the lead in playoff goals with 9, 3rd with 12 assists, 1st  with 21 points then on top of that leading by quite a bit in hits it's very hard to aruge against Manius as playoff MVP. I think this postseason he threw the team on his back, although he ahd help, he was a monster in the postseason.

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

[b]Verification = bk1689[/url]

[Image: Bk1689.gif]
(This post was last modified: 07-09-2020, 12:13 PM by BrewskyBoy.)

Quote:1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

This season was easily my best season so far in my SHL career. This was my 5th season playing in the SHL for Texas, and admittedly it was the first season where hockey was fun again. The guys in the locker room have always been great, but our performance on the ice has left a lot to be desired. This season, the team actually competed for a playoff spot down to the very last day. Me personally, I set career highs in goals and points. It felt good to feel like I was actually contributed to the team's win total. While I have to give myself some credit for continuing to better my game week by week, I owe a lot of the credit to my performance this year to our assistant GM/coach Puoli. He worked magic over the past offseason to help restructure my game to better help the team and improve my personal stats. Here's hoping that next season I can continue to take the next step forward in my career and help the team make their way back into the playoffs.

Quote:2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Well, dang. Your team didn't make the finals this season - my condolences to you. Are you and your teammates planning on watching the finals even though you're not in it? If so, what are your watch parties like? If not, are you still following the finals or trying to ignore it completely? What are you and your teammates doing together (if anything) instead of following along? (if you're on Hamilton or New Orleans, or either of the 2 SMJHL teams that soon will be playing in the finals - congrats and sorry :p this one isn't for you!)

When Calgary passed us up on the final day of the season to steal a playoff spot from us, I'll admit it was a hard pill to swallow. Pretty much everything that could go wrong in the final day of sims went wrong, and it took a lot of playoff interest out of me this season. I couldn't bring myself to watch any of the playoff games. All I did for the first round was sit on the sideline and listen to my teammates give the good news after each Calgary loss. I didn't watch any of the games in the conference championship round, though in hindsight I wish I had. With both series going the distance and nearly two reverse sweeps, that would have been a crazy scene to witness. I do not plan to watch any of the finals, despite knowing what I missed out on in the conference championship. I know others on the team will be keeping on eye on it, but I'll just get the lowdown from them. (Spoiler - knowing how the finals turned out, now I had also wish I watched it just to see Hamilton get dumped on.)

Quote:3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It has been publicized a decent amount on this site but Hamilton prospect Andrei Kostitsyn's brother Sergei appears to be missing. Does anybody know where Sergei? What have you done/what can you do to help Andrei track down his brother?

Oh god I can't believe this has made it into the CW prompts. I have not spent a second of my time looking for Sergei, and whenever I see a new request to help find him I immediately ignore it. I don't know who Andrei is, but knowing that he is a Hamilton prospect makes me not want to know him at all. His brother Sergei is probably living it up in Russia still, not sure why Andrei is so bent out of shape about where his brother went. Those crazy Russians know how to survive, so I'm sure Sergei is fine. Just give it time and he'll show up. I won't be helping with the search though.

Quote:4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
S54 IIHF Predictions - with one FHM IIHF season under our belt, we've got a bit more of a sense of how the tournament might play out in the new sim engine. What are your predictions for the S54 IIHF or WJC tournament - how do you think your team will fare this season? Who do you think are the biggest contenders to take home the hardware and why?

I don't think it'll matter that we have a season of FHM IIHF under our belts. I think we all know that the IIHF will be dominated once again by the likes of Canada and USA. Both of those teams are just so stacked up and down the roster, it's impossible to picture either of them failing to make a splash in the tournament. The only hope of one of them not taking home the gold is if they run into another hot team and someone comes away with an upset in the medal round. Keep an eye on Germany to be the team to pull off that upset. Last season we saw Germany making waves in the round robin, only faltering on the last couple games before heading into the medal round. They went on to be upset in the first round of the elimination rounds, but I think they could have made a strong case for medal contention. The core of Germany still remains at its peak, so I think they still have the potential to throw a wrench into Canada/USA's plans of taking home gold.

Quote:14. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

I'm going to go off the cuff a bit here and not pick a player. This series MVP for NOLA has easily got to be the coaching staff, led by Joe and Nick. The way they absolutely dismantled Hamilton was a sight to see, and I'm glad I was around to witness it. To so completely out-coach your opponent, an opponent who for the entire season was tagged as a favorite to win the cup with "unbeatable" tactics, means you had to have some great talent up your sleeves to beat them. Honestly, congrats to new orleans. You've made the entire league happy by taking down Hamilton.

Quote:16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word: sneeze

3 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 16 TPE

[Image: DrbPYHV.png] [Image: UDyqktK.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-12-2020, 08:49 AM by UrsinZ.)

8) [+3 TPE]
[Image: billboard.jpg]

9) [+3 TPE]
[Image: LeJet.png]

10) [+3 TPE]
[Image: magazine.jpg]

Quote:13) The Specters won both regular season matchups, but Hamilton finished with better team stats overall. Do regular season head-to-heads provide an accurate forecast for a playoff series? (answer predictively if it hasn't happened yet; reactively if it has.) [+1 TPE]
Well this depends on the team... If the team adapts tactics a lot these wont mean much. And i think the Hamilton Steelhawks are a team that are pretty good in tactics in FHM. So thanks to this i thought they would change them up... But considering NOLA won 4-0 it shows that HAM didnt change their tactics enough or nola did the same pretty well.

15) [+3 TPE]
[Image: Final.png]

16) [+3 TPE]

[Image: Bananabread.gif] 

Thank you @Carpy48, @honkerrs
(This post was last modified: 07-09-2020, 01:10 PM by fever95.)

9. Graphic, 3 TPE
The SHL has been outspoken about reducing its carbon footprint, which made it all the more surprising to see the unveiling of a brand new custom private jet for Head Office members. Not the type of move we like to see, to be completely honest. Anyway, what does the jet look like? Create a graphic of SHL HO's custom private jet (inside or out).
[Image: VT7JIgy.png]

10. Graphic, 3 TPE
Create a magazine cover that highlights either a player in the finals or a standout player from the regular season.
[Image: zMdVxrY.png]

11. Graphic, 3 TPE
Design a Challenge Cup/Four Star Cup Championship banner for one of the teams in the finals, like those which appear on the side of the site.
[Image: 6XqbsW5.png]

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
d. If SDCore offered you an all-expenses paid week-long vacation to either New Orleans or Hamilton, which city would you choose to go to? (tough choice I know lol.) How would you spend your time there?
Yeah, this would be a very hard decision on where to go! (haha). I would take a trip to New Orleans of course and visit some of the historic places there as well as taking in the atmosphere of Bourbon Street and catching a Specters Challenge Cup Final game. It would be a great time and I definitely would enjoy myself!

15. Graphic, 3 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and you also like doing graphics instead of writing. That's cool, too! Create a Series Recap broadcast graphic - the contents can be whatever you want, but your graphic must list both teams and at least 3 stats for each.
[Image: s4y8Ocg.png]

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

[Image: fever95.gif]
[Image: LpkqUbe.gif]

(This post was last modified: 07-11-2020, 10:33 PM by luke.)

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
S54 IIHF Predictions - with one FHM IIHF season under our belt, we've got a bit more of a sense of how the tournament might play out in the new sim engine. What are your predictions for the S54 IIHF or WJC tournament - how do you think your team will fare this season? Who do you think are the biggest contenders to take home the hardware and why?

I predict that Czechia takes home the gold. Im very biased of course as I am a player on the Czechia team. but we have a ton of players that are above 1k that are on our roster, and we got some great coaches taht will get us to victory. There are other teams like Team Canada, USA, and teams like that. They have some great rosters over there, but we have the heart and the drive to get the gold. We have been chasing our first gold since S47, and we are going to keep on chasing that dream until we get taht gold. For the WJC, I will choose UCORAL because they are also apart of the Czechia umbrella, and I root for the Czechs. I won 2 WJC golds, so I know the deal of winning our golds. And I want our younger Czechian Brothers to win that as well

12. Podcast, 3 or 4 TPE
Record a mini-podcast on any of the below topics!
- Highlights of the S54 season (on or off the ice)
- S54 playoff round-up
- S54 Challenge Cup/Four Star Cup finals Breakdown
- S55 predictions

1 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 5 minutes or 4 TPE for 7 Minutes
2 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 6 Minutes or 4 TPE for 8 Minutes
Post the direct link to your podcast.

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. These are absolutely two of the best goaltenders in the league in Cain and Kryyst - which team has the advantage in net in this series?
b. There are two Johnsons in this series - Gabriel (HAM) and Darnell (NOLA). In fact, the two used to host the Johnson & Johnson Podcast together, but they're now on the ice as bitter rivals. Which team has the better Johnson?
c. The Specters won both regular season matchups, but Hamilton finished with better team stats overall. Do regular season head-to-heads provide an accurate forecast for a playoff series? (answer predictively if it hasn't happened yet; reactively if it has.)
d. If SDCore offered you an all-expenses paid week-long vacation to either New Orleans or Hamilton, which city would you choose to go to? (tough choice I know lol.) How would you spend your time there?

a. Cain had the advantage because he is used to the getting mocked endlessly, getting called Swiss Cheese, and stuff like that. So he is used to getting rattled in net, so he can battle back and save some shots. Kryyst is also used to the pressure, winning 2 Challenge Cups, but he isnt getting bullied to death so I choose Cain.

b. Its pretty obvious that Gabe Johnson is teh worst Johnsons in the world. Everyday on the ice we yell at "FUCK GABE JOHNSON" as everyone cheers. Darnell Johnson is the superior Johnson as he is way way more handsome than Gabe, and has everything better. A better Hitter, Shooter, and everything else in between.

c. Well now knowing that the Specters won the series, its obviously the specters are going to dominate Hamilton. THey will allow a lot of high volume shots, but not a lot of prime time shooting shots. So its a lot of from the point shots. The Specters can just find their line and get a lot more quality chances.

d. I would choose to go to New Orleans obviously. Who the fuck wants to go to Hamilton? the Armpit of Toronto. Down south, New Orleans has everything people want. Good drinks, great food, and a great culture down in new orleans. Their food is some of the best food in the world, so 100% for the food.

14. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

Oh Wow I cant believe NEW ORLEANS Swept the Hamilton Steelhawks. I would put Aliester Cain as the series MVP. Shot after shot he faced he saved a ton. Mostly getting outshot every game, Cain stepped in and shutdown the Hamilton Offense. New Orleans had a good time in shutting down the Steelhawks, and Karma is a real bitch for Hamilton. Even though they won 2 cups in the last 4 seasons, stopping them for the 3rd time, which is great. After breaking the STHS sim they come in and also dominated FHM as well. So its nice to see.

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]

(This post was last modified: 07-12-2020, 10:55 PM by JNH.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

My season was kind of crazy, I didn't expect at the start of the year to finish second in the scoring race.  If you told me that I'd be breaking league assist records, I would've told you that you were crazy.  If you told me that that was going to happen AND I was still going to finish second in scoring by 8 points, I would've probably laughed you out of the room.  I obviously met my individual player goals for the most part - but my greatest goal was to reach the cup finals and win with Chicago.  We fell short, which means I fell short.  I'll be better next season and so will Chicago, and I will do my best to ensure that we can get a couple steps closer to the promised land.  I'll be as much of a team player and continue to keep working my ass off without getting complacent.e

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It has been publicized a decent amount on this site but Hamilton prospect Andrei Kostitsyn's brother Sergei appears to be missing. Does anybody know where Sergei? What have you done/what can you do to help Andrei track down his brother?

Where Sergei is, nobody know.  Andrei look many years for brother Sergei but not find brother Sergei. 

Rumours have circled about the location of the mysterious Kostitsyn brother.  Was he recruited into the KGB?  Was he playing in the KHL under a fake name?  Was he super in deep as Undercover Boss at a meat factory in St Petersburg?  Still hooked up to the Russian gas in a defunct league in Russia?  No one really knows, and we may never know.  Andrei has exhausted many options and we still haven't figured out where brother is.  Will we give up? Never.  Sergei is the missing piece to eternal life.  Find him and you find forever. 

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
S54 IIHF Predictions - with one FHM IIHF season under our belt, we've got a bit more of a sense of how the tournament might play out in the new sim engine. What are your predictions for the S54 IIHF or WJC tournament - how do you think your team will fare this season? Who do you think are the biggest contenders to take home the hardware and why?

I predict that Japan will have a real high impact tournament and surprise a lot of people.  Now you're going to say - didn't you predict this last championship week too?  Yeah... probably.  But this time for real.  I mean look at the roster that we have made up and I don't think it's a far stretch to see this team perform well.  You have Parker Smeb on D who was a monster leading the SHL Dmen in points last season.  You have Westbroek who somehow grabbed 2nd in SHL points last season.  You have Daniel Smeb who is a hell of a two way player and finished top 10 in points last season.  Oh and don't forget about the TPE leader from S46 in Luffy who came on real strong in the second half to have a great season last year.  Factor in guys like Dayudie, Ren, Chico Smeb and the tandem of Saarinen & Nadeau in net and Japan's looking hot.

7. Written, 3 TPE
Write a sonnet about an SHL-related topic. Be sure to follow the proper ABAB-CDCD-EFEF-GG rhyme structure or your HS English (or equivalent any-language Writing teacher) will track you down and give you a failing grade.

There once was a team called the Newfoundland Berserkers
Who moved to the rock to escape the dumb prairies
Now their locker room is full of pictures of tez's burgers
and Clean Andrei Kostitsyn's camping scaries

They gave it their all for the cup this year
But they fell short to an assortment of imported squid
And so they embarked on a never ending binge of beer
And throw up in his brand new house, their boy Toast did

Sad they were as their discord names changed
Fondling bollocks became their captain Rindo
Not only had they lost, but their friends call up was arranged
Juke bid them goodbye as he stared out the window

yelled by the masses: "goodbye our fair juke"
with Toast giving a wave as he continued to puke

14. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

So the New Orleans Spectors came in hot and won the Challenge Cup this season.  To fulfill the tradition of naming a series MVP, I'd have to look down the roster and give it to none other than Thomas Vanice.  Vanice is a Lethbridge Lions legend and has continued that strong play with the Spectors.  Even if JuOSu didn't tear it up on the ice, Vanice is a positive contributor in the locker room and you can't win without those kinds of people around your team.  Spectors lose without Vanice, no doubt.  Now you might be like "what about GWG dude" or whatever, well they're not Thomas Vanice so they don't get series MVP.  NOLA's goalie?  Lol.  Vanice all day baby.

b. There are two Johnsons in this series - Gabriel (HAM) and Darnell (NOLA). In fact, the two used to host the Johnson & Johnson Podcast together, but they're now on the ice as bitter rivals. Which team has the better Johnson?

Obviously a lot of people are going to hop on the "fuck Gabe" bandwagon but I'm going to have to go against the grain and say that Hamilton in fact has the better Johnson. Realistically, Gabe's done a lot for the league and between being a co-GM he also holds some jobs and positively contributes. Darnell? Outside of whining in Thunderdome threads and really not offering much... I'm not sure what he does. So I mean solely based on that, I'd take Gabe 10/10 times and I don't know why anyone else wouldn't when answering this question seriously.

d. If SDCore offered you an all-expenses paid week-long vacation to either New Orleans or Hamilton, which city would you choose to go to? (tough choice I know lol.) How would you spend your time there?

Easy, I wouldn't take it.  Corey has been plotting my death for the last two years.  You say "But you only met Corey a year and a half ago".  Yes, I'm very aware but the prophecy foretold my return and Corey is very tight with the oracle.  Now you're thinking okay oracles... Spectres don't go to New Orleans.  But that's exactly what you'd think Corey would think so then you think he'd expect you to go to Hamilton. But Corey wouldn't be waiting in Hamilton or New Orleans to kill me.  Corey's in Paris.  That's where he hid the chandelier.

I still wouldn't go because Hamilton's a shithole & New Orleans has Slash.


[Image: NCQjJT2.png]
Berserkers     -       syndicate      -     Berserkers

1. Axel Meszaros had literally his worst point production season ever. The kid is awful and it's truly magical how each season as most players improve and add to their game that he manages to regress despite his young age. He'll be up in the SHL next season so prepare yourselves for that shitshow, though to be honest I don't know how much worse he can play. I don't think you can blame anyone but Axel for his performance as a rookie in Colin Lambert put up almost double his production. Next season, Axel will embrace his inner goon and focus on laying the body on all the SHL forwards that think they can dump the puck into Toronto's end of the ice and leave the points to players who actually know what they are doing. Hopefully he can be the best hitter in the league and add much needed physicality to the North Stars. (3 TPE)

2. After St. Louis' tough game 7 loss to Carolina, Axel and his teammates were devastated and Axel felt awful about the breakaway miss he had in Game 6 that would have allowed for them to win a game that ended up going to overtime. After Game 7 Axel got the call that he should pack his bags and get ready for next season in Toronto, as he was being called up for S55. He made the journey up to Toronto with Danny Marston as both are Stars prospects and it saves gas. They listened to the playoffs in the car ride there. They stopped in Detroit on the way to pick up Jack Kanoff, who was also joining them in Toronto for S55. Once they all arrived in Toronto they hung out watching the finals since they were practicing together waiting for the other call ups to get to the city. (3 TPE)

3. The disappearance of Andrei's brother, Sergei, had remained as one of the great mysteries of the SHL in recent years. I think we all have to share the hashtag #WhereSergei. It's a shame that he hasn't been found yet, but we as a community have to step of the search for a great person in this community's family member. Hopefully we can come together to help find Sergei and bring him back to his brother back into his life. I say we start a social media campaign to find him, buy ads, blast the hashtags, and find Sergei! Let's bring him home! (2 TPE)

4. After last season's IIHF, it's pretty obvious that the bigger teams are gonna continue to be dominant versus the smaller nations. The likes of Canada, the USA, Czechia, and Great Britain are most likely to be candidates to win gold this season for IIHF. Playing for Norway this season, I think we have a solid chance to make it out of the round robin and into the medal rounds. We have a decent number of guys moving up to the SHL this offseason, and will uncap for the tournament. I think that Canada and Czechia are the two favorites for gold this season, as both have loaded rosters with the best players in the SHL. Canada is lead by great scorers in Jeff Brogen and Matt Kholin, while having a great, deep defensive corps. Czechia is very similar to Canada in terms of roster construction and I expect a matchup in the finals between them. (3 TPE)

C. Apparently it was dead on going based on the regular season record. The Specters definitely wouldn't have been favorites in the eyes of many, despite having probably a better team overall, but it seems superior coaching helped them coast by the Steelhawks in a rare finals sweep. I'm glad I picked them to win it all.
D. Devil's advocate here, but I'd go to Hamilton. I've never been outside of the US before as an adult and a chance to see our brothers up north would be sweet. Worst case scenario I duck out and go to Toronto since it's only a few miles away and I have friends that live there. (2 TPE)

16. Verification Word: Apples (3 TPE)

[Image: ml002.gif]
Credit to Copenhagen, Wasty, FlappyGiraffe, InciteHysteria, and caltroit_red_flames
 [Image: MM4nqx6.png] [Image: Niz2wua.png][Image: egAspOO.png] Knights
[Image: GZ9XvkA.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?
I can’t tell if my player over performed in his rookie season in the SMJHL but based off his rookie numbers it was pretty disappointing to see almost the exact same stats in year 2. With better attributes and being given some more ice time I almost expected to see some better production but what actually happened was a season where Sutton finished with a -28, good for second worst in the league. Sutton started out on the first line but after things weren’t working out, got bumped down to the second line.

If I had to attribute anything to the lack of success of my player, and our team in general was just a lack of stamina for the schedule that we had. Most of our top players were playing at nearly 0 fitness levels and you could see us getting blown out most of those games. Hopefully a friendlier schedule and some stamina training can help turn Sutton and Maine’s woes around. (164 words)

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
S54 IIHF Predictions - with one FHM IIHF season under our belt, we've got a bit more of a sense of how the tournament might play out in the new sim engine. What are your predictions for the S54 IIHF or WJC tournament - how do you think your team will fare this season? Who do you think are the biggest contenders to take home the hardware and why?
I love dynasties and repeat champions, and with a little bias I am going to predict another gold for Team Canada at the WJC. Pretty bold prediction since according to a media piece put out by wearingabear, Team Canada has the lowest TPE count by quite a bit, 1,188 to be exact. That makes it a bit of an uphill battle for us, but it wasn’t like Canada was expected to win last tournament either. We have a few returning players from that gold medal winning team including who I would call the top goaltending prospect, Frans Eller. They alone can dictate Canada’s success.

Outside of Canada, I know Alexander Roach is pretty excited about the team he put together in the British Isles, and Maine’s own captain Valentin Kalashnikov is confident in UCORCAL’s chances.

At the end of the tournament I wouldn’t be surprised to see Team Dach and Team Canada fighting for Gold with USA and World battling for Bronze. (162 words)

8. Written (150 words min.) or Graphic, 3 TPE
With only one champion in the SHL and the SMJHL per season, that means the other 26 teams came up just a bit short (or a lot short). Team owners know that fans can get frustrated by shortcomings, so they're always trying to keep optimism high in the fan base. Written option: give an excerpt from an ousted team's owner's press conference at the end of the season focusing on the team's bright future or however they can keep fans' optimism high. Graphic option: the team has rented a billboard in town with an inspiring message to fans to keep optimism high; show the billboard (must include team logo and whatever the optimistic message is).

It gives me no joy to be standing here in front of you all today delivering this season end recap. Here in Maine we all believed in ourselves and this team, we could have and should have made the playoffs. Unfortunately that didn’t happen and instead are watching teams on their quest for the 4 Star Cup for the second season in a row. I am disappointed, management is disappointed, the players are disappointed, and the fans have every reason to be as well.

It isn’t all doom and gloom though. We need to see the forest for the trees. As big of a loss as it is having Roach going to Quebec in the expansion draft, he is the only player we are losing. Last season we saw a few of our seedlings grow into saplings and will be playing larger roles this upcoming season. Players already rooted with this team are only going to be better. The sky is the limit for us in S55, its time to chop the competition down bring home a championship. (178 words)

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. These are absolutely two of the best goaltenders in the league in Cain and Kryyst - which team has the advantage in net in this series?
b. There are two Johnsons in this series - Gabriel (HAM) and Darnell (NOLA). In fact, the two used to host the Johnson & Johnson Podcast together, but they're now on the ice as bitter rivals. Which team has the better Johnson?
c. The Specters won both regular season matchups, but Hamilton finished with better team stats overall. Do regular season head-to-heads provide an accurate forecast for a playoff series? (answer predictively if it hasn't happened yet; reactively if it has.)
d. If SDCore offered you an all-expenses paid week-long vacation to either New Orleans or Hamilton, which city would you choose to go to? (tough choice I know lol.) How would you spend your time there?

a. Honestly you’d expect a name like Geezus Kryyst to be the absolute best and be a lock as top goaltender in the series. However, on the other side you got Cain who you know is just going to kill it. Looking at their regular season and post season numbers, I’d have to give the advantage to Cain. (57 Words)

b. I’m going to have to give it to the bigger of the Johnsons (Gabriel). While I am sure both play important roles for their team, Gabriel is an absolute threat on the power play and was almost a ppg player in the regular season while still putting up as good or better defensive numbers. (54 words)

c. I based all my post season predictions based off regular season matchups and I got burned for it. In the case of NOLA vs Ham, despite the Specters winning the season series I don’t think anyone could have looked at that and predicted that they would sweep the Steelhawks. Sure the head to head can give you an idea of how it will go, but play-offs are a different species from the regular season. (74 words)

d. I’ve been to Hamilton already, so I will have to say that New Orleans is where I am headed. Id take in some of the more historical sites, visit some museums. It also wouldn’t be a trip to New Orleans if I didn’t do any ghost walks or visit the Saint Louis Cemetery. (53 words)

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word: Moist

[Image: CrazyMojitoSHL.gif]
Canada Blizzard Stars Citadelles Citadelles Stars Blizzard Canada 
[Image: d9J5DHT.png][Image: 16PgOBm.png]

(This post was last modified: 07-12-2020, 11:59 PM by Blastmeaway.)

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It has been publicized a decent amount on this site but Hamilton prospect Andrei Kostitsyn's brother Sergei appears to be missing. Does anybody know where Sergei? What have you done/what can you do to help Andrei track down his brother?

During a somber cup finals for the HamiLLLLton Metal Birds, it has appeared that signs of the (Unclean) Comrade Sergei Kostitsyn have been appearing in news outlets around the Greater Boston Metro Area. Just minutes after a rousing OT finish for the Bayou Boo Bois, there were a handful of major blockbuster trades announced, including Andrei being moved to the New England Wolfpack alongside Troy McClure, Krišs Dārziņš and 4, yes four, First Round Picks for Guy Zheng and Dick Clapper. Leaving many to wonder if the recent news was one of the reasons that Andrei was apart of this deal.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which player from the Steelhawks or Specters has a great chance to make the Hall of Fame when their playing days are up? Make the case for that player's HOF bid.

This one is pretty easy Joe K. has been around the SHL now for over two decades, including winning the Challenge Cup in S32, in what would be his first of five Challenge Cups. In his short 22.andchange season career, Joe, has been to the Finals nine times, six of those came during the Calgary Dragons Dynasty of the S30s. In what is his twilight years as a player Joe K. announced earlier this season that the S55 season would be his last season playing in the SHL. On the heels of this dominant Cup win, can the Specters put it together for one more for the Legend?

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. These are absolutely two of the best goaltenders in the league in Cain and Kryyst - which team has the advantage in net in this series?
b. There are two Johnsons in this series - Gabriel (HAM) and Darnell (NOLA). In fact, the two used to host the Johnson & Johnson Podcast together, but they're now on the ice as bitter rivals. Which team has the better Johnson?
c. The Specters won both regular season matchups, but Hamilton finished with better team stats overall. Do regular season head-to-heads provide an accurate forecast for a playoff series? (answer predictively if it hasn't happened yet; reactively if it has.)
d. If SDCore offered you an all-expenses paid week-long vacation to either New Orleans or Hamilton, which city would you choose to go to? (tough choice I know lol.) How would you spend your time there?

A. Easy. The specters because Cainer is my goalie and has been my goalie for 8+ seasons now. Whomst even is krysst really? Cainer is absolutely the best goalie in the league especially as the game wears on. Bring in Overtime and you might as well call Cain the 60+ minute man.
B. Once again easy. Darnell is the better weiner. who even is this Gabriel kid besides some shmo that Darnell does his podcast along side. To call them bitter rivals is cute more like Gabe hates Darnell and Darnell is the better of the two so he just shrugs him off.

Trivia: Blast

Shout out to ml002, schultzy, slashacm, tedward!
[Image: blastmeaway.gif]

[Image: f4IDm9I.jpg] I [Image: specterspp.png] I [Image: czechup.png] I [Image: gs89eGV.png] I [Image: f4IDm9I.jpg]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]

09-05-2018, 10:04 PMBeaver Wrote: Wow look what the PT affiliation has done to our pristine league.
12-19-2018, 12:31 AMBeaver Wrote: I personally blame the PT affiliation for handing out massive amounts of free TPE to all these players, inflating the TPE they're at when they get called up.
[Image: Capture21.PNG?width=400&height=90]


1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

When Jakob decides to do something, he does it to the fullest of his abilities. This season in Tampa Bay, I can say without a doubt that I went full send for our mission. Not only did I lead the team in hits, not only was I second in the league in blocked shots, but I also had second worst +/- rating. While that may seem like a bad thing to the layman, they do not understand the ways of the tank commander. Myself and my defensive partner O’Callaghan were able to be on the ice for more goals conceded than any other pairing in the league. It isn’t even particularly close if the other Tampa players are discounted. To get given the task of tanking and come out having conceded so many goals and managed the perfect season of 0-50-0 is truly a dream come true. If I were to go back I would change nothing.

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Well, dang. Your team didn't make the finals this season - my condolences to you. Are you and your teammates planning on watching the finals even though you're not in it? If so, what are your watch parties like? If not, are you still following the finals or trying to ignore it completely? What are you and your teammates doing together (if anything) instead of following along? (if you're on Hamilton or New Orleans, or either of the 2 SMJHL teams that soon will be playing in the finals - congrats and sorry :p this one isn't for you!)

We will very much be watching finals in Tampa. I will be cheering wholeheartedly for New Orleans. Even though I was traded from there I still have many good friends on that team, and harbour no ill will there. This is not the reason I am cheering for New Orleans thought. In the trade that sent me from New Orleans to Tampa Bay, one of the stipulations was that if New Orleans wins the Challenge Cup this season, the S57 3rd round pick they traded to Tampa Bay becomes a second round pick. We’re trying to build a dynasty in Tampa and only have 5 draft picks in the first round this season. We have our own first round pick, and despite the best tanking season in league history, we’ve somehow walked away without the first overall pick. So, we’ll need to make that up elsewhere. Hopefully, that comes in the form of an S57 second.

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
S54 IIHF Predictions - with one FHM IIHF season under our belt, we've got a bit more of a sense of how the tournament might play out in the new sim engine. What are your predictions for the S54 IIHF or WJC tournament - how do you think your team will fare this season? Who do you think are the biggest contenders to take home the hardware and why?

My answer to these two questions is the same. Czechia will win it all in both competitions this season. You may be thinking, Jakob, you have no grounds to say that, after all, your team just went 50 games without even managing to bring one to overtime let alone win. However, you forget that the object was to lose. In this battle for national superiority, there is only one option: to win it all for the great nation of Czechia. The team surrounding Jakob is stupendous, the locker room is a fantastic place, and the passion our team has for the homeland is unmatched by any other nation in this league. Passion is what wins international tournaments. How can the players come together and play as a unit. Team with the best individual players may not win. Team that works as a collective towards the same goal will. Czechia is a united front, and we cannot be moved or swayed.

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It has been publicized a decent amount on this site but Hamilton prospect Andrei Kostitsyn's brother Sergei appears to be missing. Does anybody know where Sergei? What have you done/what can you do to help Andrei track down his brother?

Jakob does not mean to be cruel, only realistic when he addresses the issue of Sergei. We are well past the first 48 hours since Sergei has gone missing, and as most people know, that is the crucial time to find the missing person. At worst, you at least need an incredibly hot lead in the first 48. In this case, I’m afraid that hasn’t happened. I don’t want to say that Sergei is dead or worse, but it does seem that he was taken to a secondary location. Anyone with street smarts knows that you never agree to be taken to a secondary location, or your chances of being found plummet.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which player from the Steelhawks or Specters has a great chance to make the Hall of Fame when their playing days are up? Make the case for that player's HOF bid.

Jimmy Slothface deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. Now, Jakob knows very little about the SHL, and there is a chance that this is completely off base, however, he is an excellent dude, great in the locker room, and the highest TPE player on New Orleans. I know his playoff run started out pretty rough (I believe it was -4 after the first 5 games), obviously he turned it around and was able to bring the cup back to NOLA. A staple of a team, I’m sure he has gotten many points over the years both in the form of goals and assists. I’ve had him on my fantasy team before and I almost got fantasy TPE that season. That alone is worth it.

[Image: tomhanks.gif]

[Image: TH-Sig_.gif?width=479&height=337]
(This post was last modified: 07-11-2020, 01:22 AM by LairdButler.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

Coming off of what could only be described as a lackluster Season 53; Season 54 in the SMJHL has turned into nothing short of a rollercoaster thrill ride for Stan Hanson. Spending his off season doing intensive training both on and off the ice has resulted in a big payoff for the Right Winger. Hanson has posted his highest ever point totals for a season, with 9 Goals and 18 Assists for a grand total of 27 points. While falling a bit shy of his All Time record, Hanson still posted a respectable 97 Hits this season. Following a last minute trade to the Carolina Kraken, Hanson has now found himself in line to win his second 4 Star Cup. Hanson is truly shaping up to be a solid player and with the call up to New England next season, one can only wonder how much better he will become. Hanson has been quoted as saying “Last season really showed me where I needed to improve, and I trained hard to do it. Now that I’ll be playing in the SHL next season, I intend to work even harder to try to become one of the best                          players on the ice.”                                                                                                                                          201 Words

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

S54 IIHF Predictions - with one FHM IIHF season under our belt, we've got a bit more of a sense of how the tournament might play out in the new sim engine. What are your predictions for the S54 IIHF or WJC tournament - how do you think your team will fare this season? Who do you think are the biggest contenders to take home the hardware and why?

S54 of the WJC is now upon us and for one final time I am lucky enough to Captain my brothers on Team USA in our quest for the Gold.  Maybe I’m going out on a limb here, maybe I’m not, but I’m going to have to say that this Season we bring it home to the good ole US of A. As it has already been pointed out, Team USA is leading the WJC in total TPE this year. While that may or may not be a factor in things to come, it certainly has to give Team USA a bit of an edge going into the medal rounds. Also Team USA is loaded up this Season with some pretty hefty defense in the form of Pojo Biscuit, Bork Lazer, and Elwulf Jericson, along with goal tending by Strom Chamberlain and A. Jobin.  Team USA’s offence is also stacked this season with players like Ethan Price, Ethan Duncan, and C.T. Carrgher. This is truly an All Star line up for Team USA this season.                                                                                    175 Words

8. Written (150 words min.) or Graphic, 3 TPE

With only one champion in the SHL and the SMJHL per season, that means the other 26 teams came up just a bit short (or a lot short). Team owners know that fans can get frustrated by shortcomings, so they're always trying to keep optimism high in the fan base. Written option: give an excerpt from an ousted team's owner's press conference at the end of the season focusing on the team's bright future or however they can keep fans' optimism high. Graphic option: the team has rented a billboard in town with an inspiring message to fans to keep optimism high; show the billboard (must include team logo and whatever the optimistic message is).

[Image: billboard2.jpg]

9. Graphic, 3 TPE

The SHL has been outspoken about reducing its carbon footprint, which made it all the more surprising to see the unveiling of a brand new custom private jet for Head Office members. Not the type of move we like to see, to be completely honest. Anyway, what does the jet look like? Create a graphic of SHL HO's custom private jet (inside or out).

[Image: Gulfstream2.jpg]

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. These are absolutely two of the best goaltenders in the league in Cain and Kryyst - which team has the advantage in net in this series?

b. There are two Johnsons in this series - Gabriel (HAM) and Darnell (NOLA). In fact, the two used to host the Johnson & Johnson Podcast together, but they're now on the ice as bitter rivals. Which team has the better Johnson?

c. The Specters won both regular season matchups, but Hamilton finished with better team stats overall. Do regular season head-to-heads provide an accurate forecast for a playoff series? (answer predictively if it hasn't happened yet; reactively if it has.)
d. If SDCore offered you an all-expenses paid week-long vacation to either New Orleans or Hamilton, which city would you choose to go to? (tough choice I know lol.) How would you spend your time there?

D.  All expense paid vacation on SDCore’s dime to either Hamilton or New Orleans. Where to go? Where to go? Seems like it should be a tough decision, right? Its really not. I’m going New Orleans all the way. “Why?”, you may ask. Why not! Since SD is paying, that means all you can drink on Bourbon Street. When I’m not partying on Bourbon Street, I’ll be hitting up the Ghost Tours and checking out all the Hoodoo and Voodoo down in the French Quarter.  Awww yeah, baby!           87 Words

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification Word: Meatloaf

[Image: Spicy_Funko.jpg]
Player Page             Update Thread

PBE +3

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

After an unexpectedly fantastic SMJHL career filled with many individual and team awards, I definitely felt I had to manage my expectations in my rookie SHL season. As excited as I was to finally join the San Francisco Pride, life on the 3rd line is a bit different than being one of the leaders of the team. My time will come for all of that in the big leagues, but it was a bit like starting over again. That being said, I felt like I could definitely hold my own out there and made some good contributions to the team, maybe even a little more than I was expecting. That's about the best I can ask for at this point. I know that time and hard work is the only thing that's going to make me better, and I know that when it's time for me to move up in the lines I'll be ready for that opportunity and able to help the team in any way I can. (169 words)

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Well, dang. Your team didn't make the finals this season - my condolences to you. Are you and your teammates planning on watching the finals even though you're not in it? If so, what are your watch parties like? If not, are you still following the finals or trying to ignore it completely? What are you and your teammates doing together (if anything) instead of following along? (if you're on Hamilton or New Orleans, or either of the 2 SMJHL teams that soon will be playing in the finals - congrats and sorry :p this one isn't for you!)

It was a bit of a down year for the Pride, so not only did we not make the finals, we barely missed the playoffs. After so many years of exciting postseason play with the Anaheim Outlaws it was a little bit of a bummer, but I know great things are coming for us soon. I'll probably catch a bit of the SHL finals here and there but to be honest my attention is definitely more focused on the SMJHL finals as the Anaheim Outlaws are back in it! Many of my teammates from our S52 victory are still there and I am so excited to cheer them to victory. It's a bit of a bummer to not be with the team at this point in the season, but the team has all the tools to go all the way. It's going to be a hard fought series, that's for sure, but I'm hopeful my team can bring the Four Star Cup home. I don't have any big plans for watch parties or anything but hopefully the victory will look nice on my big screen TV at home.  (188 words)

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

It has been publicized a decent amount on this site but Hamilton prospect Andrei Kostitsyn's brother Sergei appears to be missing. Does anybody know where Sergei? What have you done/what can you do to help Andrei track down his brother?

Missing? Sergei? Where could he be? What a mystery! It must be tough for poor Andrei to get himself on the rink with all he must be going through with his brother being missing and all that. I know if I was him I'd just be out at bars until the wee hours. You'd hope he wouldn't be dragging his teammates along, though, because you don't want to have your behavior bring your teammates down and all of that. Look, if Andrei has any signs he wants me to post, I'm happy to help. Where was Sergei last seen? Perhaps we can start there. Have the authorities been notified? We need to get to the bottom of this. (118 words.)

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

Which player from the Steelhawks or Specters has a great chance to make the Hall of Fame when their playing days are up? Make the case for that player's HOF bid.

Obviously both finals teams are loaded with talent. How else would they have made it all the way? Hamilton in particular has been playing championship hockey for years and one of the main reasons for that is the play of Robert Phelps, someone we'll likely see in the Hall of Fame when his career is over. He'll be primarily remembered for his goal scoring prowess, having been among the top in the league in that category for several years now. But he is perhaps an underrated passer, particularly for his position, and has made significant contributions on defense as well. His steady play is one of the main things that has lead to Hamilton's success in this league, and it would be a mistake not to recognize him for all of that in the hall. Hamilton has many great players, but Phelps is definitely one of the best. What a career he's had. (153 words.)

Trivia verification word: sloth

[Image: traphag2.gif]
(sigs courtesy of Carpy48, BDonini, Turd Ferguson, FlappyGiraffe, and Sulovilen)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Reflection on your season - how did your player fare on the ice this season? Did you meet or surpass your individual player goals or did you come up short? Whether you excelled or disappointed - what can you attribute that to? What will you try to do better next season?

I haven't quite decided the best way to describe this season for Bobby Sharp. Bittersweet comes to mind. Jebaited comes to mind. Sharp had a career year in terms of regular season team and individual performance. Sharp finished with a career high 62 points, 3rd on his team and 11th in the league overall, with less than half the powerplay time everyone else in the top 20 had. Sharp's team success was also excellent, posting 84 points which easily put them in first place in the league and nearly tied a record for most points in a season ever. Huge season for everyone. Very sweet. Playoffs though... playoffs roll around and the first round has some bumps and confidence wanes slightly, but the team pulls through. Then in the second round, Buffalo faces an opponent that historically has their number. Game 1 happens though and wow, Buffalo absolutely smoked them. At that point it looks like fate has a different outcome for the Stampede, only to quickly take away hope with 3 consecutive losses. Somehow, Buffalo comes back and ties the series, only to lose game 7 in double overtime. Bitter for sure, jebaited for sure.

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Well, dang. Your team didn't make the finals this season - my condolences to you. Are you and your teammates planning on watching the finals even though you're not in it? If so, what are your watch parties like? If not, are you still following the finals or trying to ignore it completely? What are you and your teammates doing together (if anything) instead of following along? (if you're on Hamilton or New Orleans, or either of the 2 SMJHL teams that soon will be playing in the finals - congrats and sorry :p this one isn't for you!)

So this one stings worse than most early playoff exits in the Buffalo locker room. Lots of expectations set by an incredible season only to be dismantled, piece by piece, period by period, goal by goal, by the hockey gods of FHM. So most of us are spending our time healing, both pysically and emotionally. Some of us are practicing our golf game, something we've gotten quite good at the past few years if you know what I mean. There are some of us keeping up with the occurances of what's happening in the finals but lets be honest, as soon as most of us catch a glimpse of what's happening we all just instantly think that we should be there. It's time that we all channel these feelings and use it as motivation to one up our regular season next year and two up our playoffs by winning the whole damn thing next year.

3. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
It has been publicized a decent amount on this site but Hamilton prospect Andrei Kostitsyn's brother Sergei appears to be missing. Does anybody know where Sergei? What have you done/what can you do to help Andrei track down his brother?

It's terrible to hear about a young man like Sergei disappearing. I have reached out personally to my entire hockey network, even several players from their home country, to see if they have heard or seen anything about Sergei but so far have come up empty. I am currently in the process of designing milk cartons for Sergei with a picture of his face surrounding by stacks of money, which hopefully tricks people into thinking there is a reward for information about his location when I am way to poor to afford giving anything. Come home Sergei, your brother misses you. Or if you're avoiding him, don't come home.

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
S54 IIHF Predictions - with one FHM IIHF season under our belt, we've got a bit more of a sense of how the tournament might play out in the new sim engine. What are your predictions for the S54 IIHF or WJC tournament - how do you think your team will fare this season? Who do you think are the biggest contenders to take home the hardware and why?

As a member of Team USA there's no chance that I would bet on anyone except for ourselves (can players actually bet on themselves? seems suspect). We took home the gold last time around with some occasional resistance, but outside of a close OT game in the playoff rounds that yours truly somehow found a way to score in, USA had a relatively dominating performance in the gold medal game and most of the time along the way. Outside of USA though, I think both Canada and Great Britian have a real good shot at getting their name on those gold medals (is that a thing? probably not but it sounds good). Canada had a dominating round robin performance last time around and Great Britian had USA on the brink during that overtime game right before the medal game. USA may face some repeated competition again there, or perhaps a new contender will develop. I expect the standing to remain relatively the same as the last time around though.

13. Written, up to 4 TPE Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. These are absolutely two of the best goaltenders in the league in Cain and Kryyst - which team has the advantage in net in this series?
b. There are two Johnsons in this series - Gabriel (HAM) and Darnell (NOLA). In fact, the two used to host the Johnson & Johnson Podcast together, but they're now on the ice as bitter rivals. Which team has the better Johnson?
c. The Specters won both regular season matchups, but Hamilton finished with better team stats overall. Do regular season head-to-heads provide an accurate forecast for a playoff series? (answer predictively if it hasn't happened yet; reactively if it has.)
d. If SDCore offered you an all-expenses paid week-long vacation to either New Orleans or Hamilton, which city would you choose to go to? (tough choice I know lol.) How would you spend your time there?

a. Based on my experience with Kryyst I would have to give him the nod here. Kryyst has somehow defied the laws of what it means to be hot and cold by not losing a single heat through 3 losses in the second round, including getting pulled and having a lower save % than a traffic cone. Kryyst and his heat is unstoppable, he's going to burn a hole in the ice that the net falls into to lower the scoring area by 2 square feet.
c. It definitely does. The season head-to-head shows how the teams match up against each other and rarely will a team success at drastically changing their gameplan to catch up to someone. I honestly didn't expect a full on sweep (now that I'm actually looking at the series), but I feel like that's in line with how this game works, where if a team beats you semi-reliabily in the season you really don't stand a chance against them in a best of 7.
d. I mean does anyone want to actually go to Hamilton? New Orleans is somewhere I've always wanted to go on vacation. Everything from the atmosphere, the food, the music, what's not to like? I may try to convince the entirety of the Buffalo squad to just forgoe the next game down there and spend that time exploring what the city has to offer.

16. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is now completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


[Image: On57CfR.gif]
  Knights Usa Stampede Patriotes Inferno Argonauts Aurora Renegades Stampede   
(This post was last modified: 07-10-2020, 01:07 AM by Emiko.)

PBE AFFILIATION (Username = Emi) +3

1. This has been my first full season as a Starting Netminder for the Edmonton Blizzard. I have had a mix bag of results in this role honestly, i haven't been the best of keepers and was not able to help the team in the playoffs however i have been able to just keep slowly earning and getting my player better. I have passed 1100 tpe this season and i will hopefully continue to get higher in total points earned.

The reason i do not think i improved massively is due to the massive amount of points needed to upgrade stats. So this season has basically been a lot of ups and down. I think next season i will be continuing to get my player better. I will be getting my pay again and i can be buying better weekly training again. I think that should help me with a lot of TPE. After this i think i am in my contract year too so that means i need to show why the team should keep me around!

Words: 177

2. We didn't make the finals this season and as a result we all decided to just not watch it this season. We decided that a better thing to do would be to play NHL all day instead. We set up little tournements to try and find out who the best player. We had spotify playing in the back as the music on the game is not the best. We would take turns putting songs on and having drinks between. I put on Plastic Love by Mariya Takeuchi, nothing better than a bit of City Pop to lighten the mood. I sadly got really hammered while playing the NHL games and as a result i was out pretty early. However, i did win against FinnRhys and that was something i found pretty hilarious as it was a own goal that was a mistake. The entire thing was won by Keygan and as a result we decided it had to be fixed... it didn;t help that he was playing as the NHL alumni team. So he basically had 99 overall most of the time.

Words: 183

12: Rune Rambles Podcast 8 Minutes long +4

16: Validation Code: Poopie +3


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