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S55 SMJHL PT #2 - Looking Ahead

Ayers 425 TPE Build

See above link for Adrian Ayers' potential 425 TPE build. It might change on a few places, but probably not by much. My focus lies on building around the Speedy Forward archtype. That means improving mostly on the offensive and physical ratings. The only skill i had like to bring to 14 is Offensive Read, which i consider the most important skill. Most skills should not be pushed over 13, because of the update scale. My build resembles that of a star in Carolina, named Jimmy Wagner. It is not completely the same, but Jimmy has great success with his build, so it would be foolish not to mirror his build. My build is not exactly 425 TPE, but 421. I am struggling to decide where to put in the extra 4 TPE. I am maybe thinking of putting it all in Screening, but i am not entirely sure if that is an important skill.

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(This post was last modified: 08-04-2020, 09:20 AM by Ragnar.)

At 425 TPE I’d like to have a lot of it put into my glove, blocker, low shot and rebound control, as these seem like the foundations of any good goal tender in the SHL or in hockey in general. I’m not super familiar with this new sim engine so I may be way off base here, but I would hope that that is some basic common sense. I feel like the other stuff like poke check and skating are complimentary, so I’d add to those as well, but the main focus would be on those four fundamental things and would ensure my player had a really solid base to continue building off of and maintaining some consistency with his performance. I haven’t really talked to anyone about how to build the best goalie possible, because I’d honestly rather learn it on my own as I go. I’m sure reflexes would be another important factor to consider.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
[Image: 64012_s.gif]
Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

Kobo at 425

When building my ideal Juniors capped build for Kobo I think I mostly want to make a balanced build. With how expensive going up past 13 is on any Attribute, I don't think it's worth going above 13 for any Attribute. So I'm self imposing a rule that while in Juniors I will not increase any Attribute above 13. It's also relatively cheap to get an Attribute to 11, so I've decided to get all of my Attributes up to 11 before taking anything above 11. That'll help Kobo be a balanced player that can contribute both offensively and defensively. I'm not going to worry about Fighting, Aggression, or Bravery at this time. Those might come later, but they seem unimportant. After I've gotten everything else to 11 I've still got a decent amount of TPE left over, so it's time to increase the most important stats. For my build those will be mostly offensive Attributes. I'm going to get Getting Open, Screening, Puckhandling, Shooting Accuracy, and Offensive Read up to 13. Passing and Shooting Range I'll also increase to 12. For Defensive Attributes I leave everything but Defensive Read at 11 and increase Read to 12. For Physical Ratings I increased both Acceleration and Speed up to 12. After this I had exactly 1 TPE left over, so I increased Bravery to 6.

[Image: Ugn5gZg.jpg]

Calvin at 425 will be a dangerous playmaker that the opposing team will find difficult to mark with his good passing, speed and acceleration. 
But he's no stranger to finishing the opportunities himself if the opponent is successful in blocking all the passing lanes Calvin is trying to create and open. He's often finding openings the defensive side does not see and will create great chances for his line mates.
He is a strong and speedy player, generating opportunities for both himself and his team, with stamina to spare, enabling him to be able to play heavy minutes in important games.
With his dedication on the faceoffs he often wins the puck for the Timbers right off the dot, giving the team lots of puck possession and possibilities to play the game the way the Timbers want to play.
While Calvin is mostly an offensive player, he can hold his own and will be a tough opponent to beat defensively. 

162 words

TPE: 425

Offensive Ratings
Screening: 11
Getting Open: 13
Passing: 13
Puckhandling: 12
Shooting Accuracy: 12
Shooting Range: 9
Offensive Read: 13

Defensive Ratings
Checking: 10
Hitting: 7
Positioning: 10
Stickchecking: 10
Shot Blocking: 10
Faceoffs: 13
Defensive Read: 12

Physical Ratings
Acceleration: 13
Agility: 12
Balance: 11
Speed: 13
Stamina: 13
Strength: 13
Fighting: 5

Mental Ratings
Aggression: 5
Bravery: 8
*Determination: 15
*Team Player: 15
*Leadership: 15
*Temperament: 15
*Professionalism: 15

*Indicates attributes that cannot be edited.

[Image: m59RPb7.png]   [Image: FcWmVTl.png]
[Image: krazkoSEA.gif]
credit to amazing @Carpy48, @Ragnar @sköldpaddor, @the_paytonium & @sulovilen !

LW Lemo Pihl at 425

Since Lemo has been profiling himself as a balanced counterattacking forward from the start and his team also generally plays a very defensive style and thus seems to be a good fit for him, he will aim to improve mostly in the areas brought out for that role - particularly both offensive and defensive awareness, passing, stickchecking, the skating attributes: agility, acceleration and speed. Offensive attributes of the attacking zone will perhaps not be as prominent, but he will also try to improve those areas enough to be considered a well balanced player without any glaring shortcomings, except maybe in fighting skill and faceoffs. Although realizing the need for aggression in game situations, he likes to think of himself more as a gentlemanly skill player rather than a rough and tumble agitator.

[Image: 63647_s.gif]
Forge  S69 Challenge Cup Champion - Philadelphia Forge   Forge
Renegades Renegades  S59 & S62 Challenge Cup Champion - Texas Renegades  Renegades  Renegades 
 Armada  S57 Four Star Cup Champion - Anchorage Armada  Armada 
Finland  Finland  S57 & S58 WJC / S62, S64 & S66 IIHF Gold Medalist - Team Finland   Finland  Finland
[Image: kLRJavo.png]       [Image: ZjgHcNL.png]
After 69 shots on net with still no SHL goals to show for it, even the opposition started to feel so sorry for Lemo, that they decided to help him out :D
- Bad pass by Jack Klompus, he gave it right to Lemo Pihl.
- Lemo Pihl rips it to the net...
- Lemo Pihl will find the empty net, that should do it!
TEX @ MAN, S59 game 31

[Image: agYf6Ag.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-04-2020, 12:07 PM by LimJahey.)

Boris' 425 TPE Build

The goal I have for Boris Petrov is to turn him into the most devastating and feared player in the SHL. To do this, he will be trained up as one of the most brutal hitters, and have the ability to lay some devestating screens. But unlike most defenders, he will have the speed and agility to fly across the ice to lay devastating hit after devastating hit. Eventually when his opponent will get frustrated or upset and try to fight Boris, his secret weapon will come out. Boris is one of the best fighters in the league, and he looks for fights whenever he can. The two downsides to Boris is his complete inability to shoot the puck. He couldn't hit the broadside of a barn if he tried. The inability to shoot and the amount of PIMs he will be racking up as well. But when you strike fear and despair into an opponent like Boris can, it'll make it that much easier to win. 

167 words

[Image: boriscontestsubmission.jpg][Image: bashbros.jpg]

Fight Record: 39 Fights, 28 Wins, 2 Losses, 9 Ties/Breakups

Hits Tracker

SMJHL S55: 326 Hits (Record)
SMJHL S56: 164 Hits
SMJHL S57: 30 Hits

Total Hits: 520

The build is available here

This built is based off of a conversation I had with my GM and developed from there. He wanted me to develop some of my hitting and checking. Makes total sense you can't just shift one way gotta be useful on both ends to get some serious minutes on the ice and help the boys out. After that we're bumping the passing up and the puckhandling up under Offensive Ratings. Pretty straight forward decision. First we get the puck, then we do something with it. If we can pass well and keep the puck moving we'll be helping out to chip in a couple assists or keep the possession. Physical ratings is where we've dropped bank, however, Acceleration and speed are our heavy investments, mainly because every sucker on the planet has heard some tired old coach mantra. Can't coach speed, speed kills, some other nonsense about speed. And we've fully bought in. Move quick, move the stick, get apples. It's a straight forward development formula.

[Image: zdoMJuR.png]

So this was the build that I plan on going with. When building Goodman, I wanted to make a strong two way defenseman with a particular strength in passing, making him additionally viable in the offensive end as a quarterback type player. Thankfully, my GM's had my back and helped me with my build pattern as well as actually putting me in the position that I want to play. Looking over the build, the first thing that stands out will be the 14 in passing, which is pretty high even for a junior player. It's complimented by a 13 in puck handling and a 13 in offensive awareness, meaning that I'll be looking to toe the line and play with the puck as much as possible. Defensively I don't sacrifice anything, with 14 defensive read and 13 positoning, meaning I'll never be caught out of my spot during an offensive rush or defensive backcheck. Skating wise there are definitely some areas that I wish could be higher, but I opted to go for a balanced 12 across the board to make him a solid skater without any real weaknesses in his mobility game. Finally, making sure that Goodman has high bravery at 11 will ensure that he's never afraid to get dirty in a corner and really dig in to fight for a puck. This is my design.

Offensive Ratings
Screening: 5
Getting Open: 8
Passing: 14
Puckhandling: 13
Shooting Accuracy: 11
Shooting Range: 8
Offensive Read: 13

Defensive Ratings
Checking: 11
Hitting: 11
Positioning: 13
Stickchecking: 11
Shot Blocking: 11
Faceoffs: 5
Defensive Read: 14

Physical Ratings
Acceleration: 12
Agility: 12
Balance: 12
Speed: 12
Stamina: 12
Strength: 12
Fighting: 5

Mental Ratings
Aggression: 7
Bravery: 11
*Determination: 15
*Team Player: 15
*Leadership: 15
*Temperament: 15
*Professionalism: 15

[Image: 62048_s.gif]

[Image: quebeccity.png]
[Image: kcP9WEd.png][Image: DNLeeu0.png]

My 425 Build

The game plan for my 425 build isn't all that different from what I tried to do with my initial build. I wanted to build a solid, very smart two-way defenseman, so I focused the majority of my points on positioning and offensive and defensive read. The biggest change in strategy that I made now that I have been playing the game for a few weeks was to try to add a little more balance to some of my other attributes, especially the physical attributes. I also tried to place a little more focus on the offensive ratings, because while I've mostly been happy with how my player has performed on the defensive end, I haven't been as productive offensively as I would have liked. My player had very good passing in my initial build, but hasn't been able to use that ability as much, I think because my Getting Open attribute was so low. Once I reach that level, I think I'll be able to start racking up more assists for my team.

Da build

I asked for help with my build in the Québec locker room because I have never used this engine before and what's worse than being totally useless when you're capped with a crap build I wonder? (the answer is nothing)

So basically I want to be offensively minded, be a good powerplay option for my team or be the guy you'll put on the ice if you need a goal. But at the same time, I play on defense, so I didn't want to be completely one-sided.

That build is pretty well-rounded with a small focus on offense. I'm trying to work on the physical ratings first because they seem to be useful in being a somewhat decent player faster.

The plan is to then improve defensively to help the team right away there because we are already focused on the offense a lot so better defense would give us an edge. I would use the big offseason updates so improve offensively. That's just the plan I have in my head. I'll do whatever my team needs to win.

[Image: Oqsvuu4.png]

(This post was last modified: 08-04-2020, 07:55 PM by budweiser.)

TPE: 425

Player Attributes

Points Available: 0

Offensive Ratings
Screening: 5
Getting Open: 5
Passing: 11
Puckhandling: 9
Shooting Accuracy: 6
Shooting Range: 7
Offensive Read: 8

Defensive Ratings
Checking: 14
Hitting: 11
Positioning: 14
Stickchecking: 11
Shot Blocking: 13
Faceoffs: 5
Defensive Read: 12

Physical Ratings
Acceleration: 11
Agility: 12
Balance: 14
Speed: 11
Stamina: 14
Strength: 14
Fighting: 10

Mental Ratings
Aggression: 10
Bravery: 10
*Determination: 15
*Team Player: 15
*Leadership: 15
*Temperament: 15
*Professionalism: 15

*Indicates attributes that cannot be edited.

The goal is to be a physical defenseman while being strong defensively. The theory behind that is, if they can't score, they can't win. The other goal is to be able to deliver some punishing hits. Bud’s top attributes are checking, positioning, balance, and stamina. These will allow him to play a significant amount of minutes each game and deliver the big hits along with not losing control or being out of position. The area of his game significantly lacking is his offense, which is almost non-existent. These will be areas of improvement has Bud develops into the best defensive defenseman in the league.
Last week I actually talked to teammates on help of what attributes to increase and was recommended to keep my Stamina a 12 and potentially increase it and then focus on getting Defensive Read and Positioning up to 12. After those, I was recommended on increasing checking to 12. Overall, I have reached these goals and exceeded these. Shot blocking should be important too, which is the reasoning for that increase. With being physical, you may have to drop the mits a bit so those attributes were improved. 

[Image: budweiser.png]

TPE: 425

[color=red][b][u]Player Attributes[/u][/b][/color]

[b]Points Available: 2[/b]

[u]Offensive Ratings[/u]
Screening: 10
Getting Open: 12
Passing: 11
Puckhandling: 13
Shooting Accuracy: 13
Shooting Range: 9
Offensive Read: 14

[u]Defensive Ratings[/u]
Checking: 12
Hitting: 9
Positioning: 11
Stickchecking: 5
Shot Blocking: 9
Faceoffs: 5
Defensive Read: 13

[u]Physical Ratings[/u]
Acceleration: 12
Agility: 12
Balance: 14
Speed: 14
Stamina: 13
Strength: 10
Fighting: 5

[u]Mental Ratings[/u]
Aggression: 5
Bravery: 7
*Determination: 15
*Team Player: 15
*Leadership: 15
*Temperament: 15
*Professionalism: 15

*Indicates attributes that cannot be edited.

I have chosen this build because it matches to the archetype that I picked when I created Alexis. I want my player to be a speedy forward who scores goals, but so far I have focused a lot more on offense than any other part of the game.

As I earn more TPE and add it to the player build, I will need to improve his defense and physical attributes in order to come in line with the offense.

There is not much improvement between my build as it stands at 224 TPE currently and where it would be at 425 TPE when it comes to offense. There are only a few increases in some very important attributes.

I think the offensive attributes are good enough to succeed in the SMJHL as they are already and Alexis just needs to improve in the other areas in order to become a complete and successful player in the junior league.

[Image: W8ZyU0w.png]
[Image: EilhEKw.gif]

Wolfpack Canada Battleborn

TPE: 425

Player Attributes

Points Available: 0

Offensive Ratings
Screening: 5
Getting Open: 11
Passing: 15
Puckhandling: 15
Shooting Accuracy: 11
Shooting Range: 9
Offensive Read: 13

Defensive Ratings
Checking: 11
Hitting: 5
Positioning: 11
Stickchecking: 13
Shot Blocking: 6
Faceoffs: 5
Defensive Read: 11

Physical Ratings
Acceleration: 13
Agility: 13
Balance: 13
Speed: 11
Stamina: 13
Strength: 11
Fighting: 5

Mental Ratings
Aggression: 5
Bravery: 9
*Determination: 15
*Team Player: 15
*Leadership: 15
*Temperament: 15
*Professionalism: 15

*Indicates attributes that cannot be edited.

As a setup man, Grape Fruit needs to have high passing, puck handling and offensive reading stats. This prioritization allows for successful completed passes with minimal risks of turning the puck over. Other stats I have chosen to prioritize would be acceleration, agility and balance, leading to even better puck control and effective transition play. Defensively, Grape Fruit shouldn't be a liability either with high stickchecking stats and decent positioning and defensive read. While not necessarily a true two-way player, Grape Fruit will be able to contribute effectively defensively and cause turnover, leading to quick transition passes to scoring players. Hitting, screening, shot blocking and faceoffs were not prioritized because a winger does not need to win faceoffs often and Grape Fruit would rather win battles of skill with the puck on his stick than strength by battling in front of the net. This should provide Grape Fruit with decent base stats to continue to specialize in the passing game, hopefully resulting in an assist machine that can be deadly at even strength and on the power play.


TPE: 425

[color=red][b][u]Player Attributes[/u][/b][/color]

[b]Points Available: 0[/b]

[u]Offensive Ratings[/u]
Screening: 6
Getting Open: 13
Passing: 13
Puckhandling: 12
Shooting Accuracy: 11
Shooting Range: 12
Offensive Read: 14

[u]Defensive Ratings[/u]
Checking: 12
Hitting: 7
Positioning: 12
Stickchecking: 11
Shot Blocking: 7
Faceoffs: 10
Defensive Read: 12

[u]Physical Ratings[/u]
Acceleration: 12
Agility: 12
Balance: 12
Speed: 13
Stamina: 13
Strength: 12
Fighting: 5

[u]Mental Ratings[/u]
Aggression: 5
Bravery: 7
*Determination: 15
*Team Player: 15
*Leadership: 15
*Temperament: 15
*Professionalism: 15

*Indicates attributes that cannot be edited.

The projected build that I have for my simulation major junior hockey league player and member of the simulation major junior hockey league franchise known as the Carolina Kraken is still very up in the air, but the code above shows what I currently have in mind. The build is very strong offensively boasting a 14 offensive read, and 13 for getting open as well as passing. There are lots of players on the simulation major junior hockey league franchise known as the Carolina Kraken that can score lots of goals, so I am hoping that my simulation major junior hockey league player will be able to become a premier playmaker in the league and make it easy for them. On top of the strong offense, my build will not be a liability in the defensive zone, as it has very balanced defensive attributes across the board. Skating wise, it is on par with what most 350 builds have and will be able to compete with other 425 players built on their speed alone.

[Image: wMFFUe4.gif]

Barracuda S56 1st Overall Barracuda

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