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S55 PT #5 - Playoffs (Remix)

My commercial would be all hype, all the time. It would need some music that's relentlessly high energy, so I have chosen It's Time by Steve Aoki and Laidback Luke to be the song of choice. I'm thinking airhorns, everywhere. All of the most intense highlights you can find, high-speed goals, desperation saves, huge open-ice hits. The song "lyrics" as it were contribute to the them of other teams taking a shot at the crown held by the defending champions, the New Orleans Specters, who captured last season's Challenge Cup. The idea is to capture the tension and energy of playoff hockey in a way that gets the fans hooked and ready to fill the stands, or crowd around their TVs waiting to see what happens next. Anything can happen in the playoffs and it's that same crazy, energetic nature of the sport that makes predicting it all very difficult. When they see this ad, people will be excited to just be along for the ride.

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On the song GIANTS by True Damage, you’d have promo of each team’s last cup run. Following the beat of the song, each clip would move to the next. During the chorus, you’d see the current highlight of the S55 season. We’d have some shot of the cup in between each beat. Words would appear on the screen with the song. ‘We are running this world’ ‘we are bigger than giants’ ‘I got a giant team, big as my self-esteem’ ‘You though that we were weak, but we coming right back, this time ya gonna see how we do it like that’. All the lyrics that demonstrate that it’s a clash of giants and will be a hard-fought battle would appear on screen during the clip. The clip would finish by the shots of every team in the playoff when they raised the cup and the words on screen displaying ‘Who will be the last giant standing?’


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(This post was last modified: 08-29-2020, 10:49 PM by Jorec.)

The commercial would start with the chorus of “Live to win” by Paul Stanley blares as the commercial starts with a long shot of a generic ice rink. It’d stop in the middle of the rink though and as the music continues to play, all of the logos would cycle through the centre ice as if it was a home game for each of them. The scene would change then, switching to highlights from every team, taking the best moments of each series that has already finished and compiling them into a long highlight of just how exciting this current seasons play-offs has been and what the viewer might have been missing if they haven’t been watching each game. The commercial would start to taper down then, the music getting quieter as an announcer speaks over the last few highlights that are playing “They all live to win. Support your team these play-offs and watch them give it all as they try to get the ultimate prize.” With the commercial ending on a picture of the rotating cup.

178 words

Andren Akerson (Present)
Adrik Baranov (S55 to S70)
Rurik Razin (S32 to S44)
Roy Razin (S17 to S32) (HOF/Rage HOF)
Audun Wissink (S5 to S15)
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2020, 12:31 AM by Paq.)

The TV commercial that I have designed is so epic and beautiful that it will bring a tear to the eye of any who watch it. It will re-purpose the famous NBA on NBC song, "Roundball Rock", written by the immortal John Tesh. Only this one will have lyrics, and they'll be about hockey. It will go something like "S-s-s-s-sim hockey, gimmie gimmie gimmie the puck, because I'm gonna shoot it!". Over and over. The featured teams will be all teams in the SHL because this ad will be wide-reaching and usable before every game. It will feature all of the star players in the league, who's names I absolutely know so don't even think about quizzing me. There will be no messages, other than that the commercial fucks and it gets you jazzed up as all hell to see some god damn hockey. I'm all revved up just thinking about it.

ISFL/PBE: speculadora

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For this season, Joorgustraad DuBolk did a local commercial to get fans ready to cheer on the team for the playoffs. The commercial itself is pretty simple: a family in Anaheim is having dinner, and they are having Poutine, a quebec classic. They talk around the table, talking about how cool it would be to move to Quebec. All of a sudden, the Outlaws, most prominently Joorgustraad DuBolk, bust into the room. They stare at the family, before shifting their attention to the poutine on the table. DuBolk then shoots pucks at the table, knocking the poutine off the table (missing the family in the process of course). The poutine then flies out the window, never to be seen again. They then dress the family in Outlaws merchandise, such as jerseys, hats, face paint, and pretty much anything red and black. It then cuts to the family watching the team on the ice, with DuBolk checking a defenseman into the boards, cutting to the team logo.

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For my commercial for the playoffs there would be multiple commercials, one for the start of the game, inter period, and the end of the game , while another one for in between the game breaks. For the first commercial it will have highlights of the best plays from the regular season and the playoffs, while the other commercial will have highlights from the current game. Both commercials will have the same song playing during them and that is Ladies and Gentlemen by Saliva. It's a great hype up song that will get stuck in your head after you hear just a few times. The commercial can be changed the deeper into the playoffs to show the teams still left. Of course the bigger stars will get more time during the commercials. When we get to the Finals we will let the players playing in the Finals talk about how it feels to be playing in the Finals.

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Scarecrows Russia Wolfpack

Rest In Peace Dangel

1st SHL Goal - S52 Game 1 vs Tampa 3. New England Wolfpack , Jakub Bruchevski 1 (Eko Van Otter 1, Delver Fudgeson 2) at 8:10

Scarecrows Platoon Russia

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When tasked to create an SHL Playoffs commercial, Collin Gibbles was honestly at a loss. He had only played 1 minute of playoff hockey at the SHL level back in S46 as a newly drafted rookie called up to experience the playoffs. Since then he has only been on the outside looking in. That being said, Gibbles decided to take what he envisioned of the playoffs and make a commercial based off of that.

An empty arena on the day of game 1. We see the players in the stands, watching the ice being maintained and prepared for later that night.

Slowly the players disappear into the LR, leaving only shadow and a single light on center ice. Slowly the Challenge Cup is wheeled out onto the ice.

The lights around the stands slowly start to come to life as 1 fan sits down, then another. On and on until the stadium is filled to capacity. All of their eyes trained on the Cup.

The Cup is lifted up into the rafters as 8 players hit the ice, each sporting a jersey of 1 team that made it to the post season. They circle center ice.

Each first round match-up lines up for a draw... the puck is dropped and they all drop the gloves. 4 teams fall, the remain line up again for another draw. The same eruption happens as the fans fill the arena with cheers. Only 2 remain, bloodied and bruised.

They each skate to their respective goalie nets, as the Cup is lowered. The whistle blows as they both make a made dash to the cup.... the arena goes silent and the lights flicker off for a second. We hear a thud as one player hits the floor. A spotlight illuminates the darkness.... not showing who won, only the cup being hoisted in their hands as the crowd erupts one again before the scene fades away.

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Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  

 The F1 intro has been stuck in my head for the past two years, and I think that the song and the way that it shows off each driver is perfect for the Maine Timber Playoff Hype Video.

The first beats of the intro will show off the Head Office (GMs and Coaches) of Maine, and after that, once the melody drops, each player on the Maine Timber squad will be given the hero treatment and shown off. There is no order to the players showing up on the screen, unlike the F1 video. The only ordering the hype video will have will be at the end with the leadership core team, starting with the assistant captains, Alexander Oscarsson, Mikkel Asmus Sondergard, and ending the video with the Captain Valentin Kalashnikov looking boss staring into the camera. Interspliced into the video between player introductions will be highlights from the season, from crushing hits, jaw dropping dangles, unbelievable saves to filthy snipes.

The Maine Timber logo will be the lost shot seen with the whole team staring at the camera.

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(This post was last modified: 08-30-2020, 10:17 AM by UrsinZ.)

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Thank you @Carpy48, @honkerrs

PBE affiliate

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The TV commercial that I make is going to be epic. I'm going a different route than most commercials have gone in the past. We're going to take a couple players from each team and have them dancing around their city with cuts of them messing around on the ice together added in. We're going to have this song played during the commercial:

Since round 2 has already started we're only going to take players from those teams.

From Buffalo we'll have Monkey D. Luffy, Hippo Passamus and Matt Kholin.

From Edmonton we'll choose Theo Morgan, Karlstrasse Scholz and Emiko Spector.

From Hamilton we'll ask Flacko Lagerfield, Aaron Wilson and Dick Clapper to help with the commercial.

From New Orleans we'll have Mika Mayfield, Boris Poroshenko and Olivier Cloutier.

The commercial will end with them meeting at the rink on the ice glaring at each other in their street clothes.

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[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
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ISFL Welfare

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I would shoot a Playoff Commercial based on the rivalry between Buffalo and Hamilton. Lately it might be one of the biggest rivalries as these two teams have been playing in the playoffs for 5-6 seasons in a row. It has been able to go either way with Hamilton being up 3-2 lately. It is one of the biggest rivalries and they have been able to meet in the playoffs every season. I think the two stars of the commercial on both teams would Robert Phelps and Tig Murphy, they represent the old veteran leadership of Hamilton. Awhile for buffalo I would pick, probably Luffy and Hippo as they are the two biggest stars on a very good Buffalo team. I would show these four players fighting each other and people physical against each other over the years as the rivalry heats up every season, the current series just ended in 5 but Hamilton will be back next season and stronger.

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StarsnorwayRenegades // PLAYER PAGE || UPDATES \\ RenegadesnorwayStars

Fade in. Daytime. Exterior. Some sick hip hop tunes are blasting. A drone flies through downtown San Francisco at about 60 meters height. Cut to goals by previous pride squads that made a playoff run. Show every game winning goal with announcers and crowd going wild.

Fade out.

Fade back in.

The drone is now flying in over the water towards the chase center. Show the squad standing on the ice for the anthem. Show goalie warmup in slow Mo. Show the game winning goals from this season. All eight of them.

Record scratch.

Start playing the theme from Curb your enthusiasm and start showing footage of game winning goals against and embarrassing collapses.

Just when its starting to get unbearable, cut the music and change scene to the boys on the driving range, all taking a hot at the same time. Cut.

White text on black screen.

See you all next season!

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