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S55 SMJHL PT #6 - Season in Review

1. How would you describe your first full season?
It was a roller coaster of emotions. It is always really fun playing with a team that no one has seen before, but you have to know that there are going to be some struggles since there are already established teams that got to keep their players when you have to pretty much start from scratch. I feel like the team embraced that and really used that to fuel a lot of what we did, especially in the playoffs. I have to say, we made an impression on the league in a good way, so you have to feel really good about that. I felt like I could have made a bigger impact, but I always feel that. I am a rookie, so you just have to keep growing and learning.

2. What was it like playing with two fellow Petrovs in Quebec this season?
It was really cool, man. We always said that we wanted to play together, so it was really awesome playing with them. I knew it was possible to have two of us on a team as you saw in a few instances around the league, but to have 3 of us, it was cool. We have to see what happens at the next level as well.

3. How are you feeling heading into the upcoming SHL Draft?
I am feeling pretty good. I have no idea where I am going to be going, honestly. I have only heard from a couple teams which is pretty disheartening to be completely honest, but it is okay. Those teams know my expectations and won't be surprised with what they get from me. I am ready.

4. What are your expectations for the Citadelles next season?
Watch out. You saw what we did this year, wait what we will do next year.

Thank you to @ztevans for the questions!

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Thank you OrbitingDeath! <3
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2020, 09:05 AM by Ragnar.)

Questions by my boy @honkerrs

How did you like your personal performance this season?
I’m pretty happy with it. I definitely played a much more limited roll, simply because I was the back up, but in the ten games I played, I feel like my stat line was pretty decent, especially for a rookie.
How did you like your team’s performance?
It was an incredible sight to see, really. Like a well oiled machine. It was the best performing team in Armada history, and though once again I had a limited roll, I’m happy to at least be a part of it in some capacity.
How confident were you in your starting goalie and why?
Scoochie was insane this year. The top goalie in the league by far, and a huge reason we did so good in the regular season. I was incredibly impressed by his play and it’s huge for Tendy to have such a stud to look up to and train with.
How do you feel about playing for Anchorage?
It’s great. I came right in to a winning culture and got to be there for the ride. I couldn’t picture myself back stopping any other team in the juniors. I’m very happy where I am.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
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Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

ISFL PT Affiliate

Questions from @Festinator

1. What were your goals for this season? 

My biggest goal for this season was to produce to the best that I can in my role on the Berserkers. I know that on a star studded team like the one we have, that I would mainly be a 4th line guy that's out there to let our top guys have some rest before their next shift, but I have to make the most of every shift that I ended up getting. I didn’t really have high expectations, outside of hopefully potting a goal or two, which I did, and getting a handful of points.

2. What was your favorite moment? 

My favorite moment is either my first goal of my career, which was on a cheesy rebound right in front of the net, or what I think was my first career point, which was a game winning assist in overtime versus Colorado. Given that I didn’t score many points this season, every time that I did was quite a memorable one.

3. If you could go back and change one thing you did, what would you change? 

I probably should have purchased more training and done some more point tasks before the draft. I think I was a little bit behind a bunch of rookies, and it may have set my development curve behind just a slight bit.

4. What are your goals for next season?

I think the Berserkers are going to have a ton of top guys graduate into the SHL full-time, so chances are I’m going to be playing in a larger role for next season. I think I’m likely going to get at least third line ice time, so I’m hoping to step up my game next season and at least double or triple my point total from this season at the bare minimum.

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(This post was last modified: 09-01-2020, 05:45 PM by Ronniewalker.)

Questions by @Ragnar

1. How do you feel about your player’s season, given the limited minutes you got?

As I said in one of my first PTs, my season goal was to try to stay positive, both on and off the ice and also in the stats column. Didn’t really succeed in that and ended with a pretty hefty minus on the stats sheet, so there’s definitely room for improvement there. But I scored my first goal and some assists as well, so I’ll just have to build on that.

2. How do you feel overall about the team’s success this season? 

It’s was wonderful to be a (albeit small) part of the best regular season in Armada team history and we had great hopes of going far in the playoffs as well, but unfortunately as we found out tonight, it was not meant to be. Leaves a sour taste of unfulfilled potential, the way we dominated almost every game against Maine, but lost to superior goaltending despite coming into the series with the best goalie in the league ourselves. But that’s sports and if all the scores were predictable then it sure would be a lot more boring, wouldn’t it?

3. How do you like life in Anchorage?

Anchorage has been a great place for me to start out! The city and its surroundings are fascinating and the Armada team has been super helpful in getting me up to speed and settled in! Can’t thank them enough! Smile

4. Who are you hoping to be drafted by in the SHL? And at what position in the draft?

To be honest, I haven’t yet had much time to even think about the draft. I know it should probably be the first and foremost thing on my mind now that our playoff journey has ended and I’ll try to get more into it now. The Anchorage experience has already shown me how important a good locker room can be in keeping things fun and hopefully I end up on a team that also has something similar to offer in that sense. Of course the potential of getting a spot in the big league lineup at some point is important as well, but maybe not my first priority, since I realize that it’s going to take me a while to work myself up through the depth charts in any case. Not to downplay my own ambitions, but I think I’m the kind of guy who would rather be a valued depth guy on a good team than an out-of-his-depth top line guy on a bad team. Although of course sometimes you have no choice in the matter and then you’ll just have to do what it takes to make things work somehow.

5. Are you hoping to return to Anchorage next year and hopefully get some more minutes?

Definitely! As I already said, it’s been a great place to start out and I wouldn’t mind a bit if I had to spend a few more years there gathering skills and experience in preparation for the next level.

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Forge  S69 Challenge Cup Champion - Philadelphia Forge   Forge
Renegades Renegades  S59 & S62 Challenge Cup Champion - Texas Renegades  Renegades  Renegades 
 Armada  S57 Four Star Cup Champion - Anchorage Armada  Armada 
Finland  Finland  S57 & S58 WJC / S62, S64 & S66 IIHF Gold Medalist - Team Finland   Finland  Finland
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After 69 shots on net with still no SHL goals to show for it, even the opposition started to feel so sorry for Lemo, that they decided to help him out :D
- Bad pass by Jack Klompus, he gave it right to Lemo Pihl.
- Lemo Pihl rips it to the net...
- Lemo Pihl will find the empty net, that should do it!
TEX @ MAN, S59 game 31

ISFL Affiliation

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thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3

Questions from @JSS

1. How would you like to personally see take over as Tigs successor and why?

I think there are so many fantastic choices in the Detroit LR. Honestly, Nour has been co for so long and has such experience in the SMJHL as a GM, one of the best to ever do it. He could absolutely carry that torch with a great co that will take over one day. Otherwise I think a guy like Zoltan could do it, incredibly active in the LR, loves the team, wants to see it succeed. He could run this team with an experienced co and I think do a fantastic job, I would trust him at the helm

2. How did you deal with growing pains coming into the league as a rookie and not being able to be as effective as you might've wanted to be?

It was difficult coming in as a rookie in the SMJHL. It has been a big culture shift over the last 40 seasons or so. The league used to exist to only allow 1 season or 2 seasons in the J which allowed you to flourish the first year you played. Players would be able to put up over a PPG seasons in their first year. Not anymore. Growing pains exist now, earning your ice time exists, it's crazy. You must play up to a certain level to survive, it's so much more cut throat. It's hard a rookie but so rewarding as a sophomore or junior

3. What does Detroit need to differently next season to not finish the way they did this season

Need to survive the season. Our stamina wasn't high enough and we lost a lot of games in the latter half. It will help with more experienced players, and comes with time, but we absolutely need to survive a full season. As well, jsut extra age and bringing in some good rookies to round out the roster will be huge.

4. What type of off season training do you plan on doing?

I plan on making sure my strength is high enough and my cardio is up to snuff so I can be a leader the whole year. I felt great about my play the first 19 games, putting up 11 points and being one of the top rookies, but my lack of stamina kept me back like I feel it did the whole team. Instead I plan on making sure I am consistent for 50 games instead of the first 19 and invisible for the last 31.

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ISFL Affiliate PT

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My questions to @JR95

1. Best part of last season?
I think the best part of last season for me was the draft. It was a super exciting day and things couldn't have gone better as I ended up being selected by the first team on my list. I went a little higher than expected but I'm gonna make sur eit was worth it for the Timber.

2. Worst part?
The worst part of last season was definitely my offensive production. I'm not too bummed though as I made it a point to prove myself through my defensive play to help the team keep possession as much as possible. That said I definitely could've helped out a little more in the offensive zone and that's something I will be looking to work on in the coming seasons.

3. Your biggest contribution to the team?
I think my biggest contribution was my defensive play as a forward. I've always took pride in my defensive abilities and i feel i was rewarded with a hefty amount of PK minutes this season. I'm hoping to be able to play just as good defensively next season while upping my offensive production. 

4. If you could, anything you would have done differently?
I would've probably worked on my physicals a little earlier in the season. I've seen some great improvements in my game since i started working out a little harder and I think getting on that earlier could've helped the team a bit early on.
and now for you...

Question from @JR95 to me

1. What was your biggest surprise about the league coming in as a rookie?
How much fun it is and how engaging. I've had a blast both on and off the ice. Amazing teammates and players in the league! Can't wait for next season!
I didn't expect myself to be so drawn in directly.

2. What do you feel was your biggest strength on the ice this season?
I think it would be my passing game, as can be seen in my 11 assists, which is also what I wanted to develop and contribute to the team.
But I would also say my defensive game got a lot better once I started training some more on that during the season.

3. you put up 15 points as a rookie this season . What were your expectations for points heading into the season?
I had no major expectations, being completely new I didn't know anything about any of the teams. I had hoped for 20 points, but I am glad I managed to reach 15 points with the limited ice time I have with our talented roster

4. Having scored 4 goals, which was your favorite or most memorable?
It's gotta be the first one.. our 7-2 win against the Battleborn, ended the game 1+2 and 2nd start. That's a night I won't forget

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credit to amazing @Carpy48, @Ragnar @sköldpaddor, @the_paytonium & @sulovilen !

Questions from @JumpierPegasus

1. How do you feel your rookie season went?

Expectations were high going into my rookie season, maybe too high. I was hoping to net somewhere between 20 to 25 points and be a respectable defenseman on both ends of the ice. Safe to say, I should've lowered these expectations as I only finished the season with 2 goals and 10 assists as well as being a -20. Hopefully I play a better game come next season with the Falcons.

2. Obviously Detroit had a not great season here, how long until you think they are contenders again with this core of young players?

I think we stay the same in the standings come next season as we are going to lose a lot of key veterans like Edward Williams, Zoltan Topalo and more. However after next season, I fully expect us to bounce back and become a top team in the J again with hopefully being a top contender for the cup in my 4th season.

3. Did GM Tig getting an SHL expansion position have an affect on yourself or the team?

No, I was aware that the days of Tig as the Falcons GM were numbered during the beginning of the season and I fully support his choice so I was ready to accept it and start to develop a relantionship with the co-GM to get to know him.

4. What was your favourite moment of the season?

There is not much that sticks at to me as a potential favourite moment really but the SMJHL Entry Draft was a fun expirence overall so I would point to that as my favourite moment of my rookie season.

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(This post was last modified: 09-02-2020, 02:39 PM by Arayvenn.)

Questions from @funk

1. So, this is your first season participating in the SMJHL. How do you feel about Nevada and the league as a whole?

I feel fantastic about Nevada. I've been lucky enough to join a really active group of first gens and the vets that are on the team have been great mentors. Special shoutout to Andy who has answered every question I've thrown at him. I'm thrilled with the league itself as well. The last time I joined a sim league I lost interest very quickly because by two weeks in more than half our team had gone MIA. This has not been the case in this league and I love the general tone of the forums.

2. Nevada had a rough inaugural season. Where did the team's losses come from and how will they be remedied in seasons to come?

You know, looking at just how disappointing the season was I think you have to accept that we were just a really fresh team up against all odds. I can't say the losses came from any one place. We just all needed to grow together and find our place in this league. I think a weak expansion draft left us particularly vulnerable to be a bottom team this year. I am not worried moving forward. Our management has been transparent about their plans and this is such a fiery group of young players. I think we will definitely be the most improved team in the J next year.

3. Da
nger put up some great numbers this season after a rocky start. What was the turning point in your season?

Probably right around the 20 game mark. In my first 19 games I had only 7 SOG. This improved considerably when I was moved to sniper from perimeter shooter. I also starting pumping up some offensive stats again. I came into the league with 5 in all my defensive categories, so I spent a decent chunk of time early in the year just pumping those up. I think I have a great shot at breaking 30 points next season.

4. What are your goals for the next Battleborn campaign?

My personal goals include 30 points and 15 goals. For the team, I'd love to see us win a playoff series. I think that's a huge rite of passage into our contending years and as optimistic as I am, I don't think we are favourites to win next year. I think that's a solid place to start as we look to contend in the future, but obviously my #1 goal for each and every season is to win a championship.

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(This post was last modified: 09-02-2020, 03:08 PM by Wawazat.)

My Q’s to him...
Q’s from @Wawazat

1.Favorite game from S55?

- I’m not sure which postseason game this was exactly, but one of the games I attempted 6 shots. I didn’t hit any unfortunately, and we lost, but at least it showed I had heart.

2. Personal Goals for S56 ?(ie;Score more, Hit harder, better D positioning)

- By joining so late, this season was mostly a wash for me. Next season the biggest goal I have is to score more and be more efficient. This season I had 10 points but 9 of them came from assists.

3. Favorite Pregame Psych music ?(ie; Rap, KPop, Rock, Country, Didjeridoo instrumentals)

- Probably some form of electronic, probably trap. Just anything high energy really .

4. Any superstitious rituals before games? (ie; Always tie the right skate first? Eat only green m&m’s? That kinda thing)

- I do, actually. I have to put a sock on my left foot first.

Bonus Q-
5. Would you rather be trapped in a stuck elevator with Bane after He finished a 56 oz protein drink? -or-  stuck in the last seat on delayed coach flight one row behind Afalava after He won a Kimshi and Balut egg  extreme eating contest?

That’s a good one.. I think I’ll go with Bane here, solely for the fact that going off of the Dark Night Rises, Batman can survive a nuke at this point. He’d have a shot at saving me if/when things go down... Oh you meant Bane on the team lmao. I still need to get familiar with everyone’s player name.

His Q’s to me...

Q’s from @Huskies311

1. how do you feel about what Nevada did this past season?

Mixed emotions , seriously unimpressed & miffed that we lead the league in all the worst ways..But,  I believe there’s a spark on the horizon and the Battleborn will be a force in the next couple seasons.

2. Do you have a role model? Could be a non-hockey person as well

NO..I’m not into the cult of celebrity ..I DONT FOLLOW...I’m into making me the best I can be..there are personalities and talents or skills I can and do appreciate and respect. But, I’m gonna be me

3. Do you see Nevada going further than the 1st round next season?

HELLS YEAH..We’re gonna improve the talent we have and we’re gonna add to that . AND We’re gonna make our name ‘Battleborn’… every other team in this league....that fiery enough for you??..…F yea.

4. How has scouting season been for you?

Honestly, haven’t done any ..Besides, I’m a goalie not a coach or a scout....I’ve been busy training and trying to get new gear that fits ..Being a tall goalie has some drawbacks. But, looks like I’ll be making a deal to use Bauer for S56.

5. Bonus Q- Is a hot dog a sandwich?

Bonus Bogus A-  Hot dog....Pretty sure that’s a GM of an SHL expansion team

***Not sure we post both of them or just your own Answers …but here you go..***

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“Our third award is one that is dear to my heart as a SHL goaltender… The Peter Larson Award for the Top Goalie! This is voted by the GMs and considers both the round robin and medal rounds. The S56 Winner of the Peter Larson Award is….…
C.K. Supernaw! “

Battleborn Usa


PBE Affiliate PT
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2020, 05:09 PM by funk.)

Questions from @Arayvenn

1. You spent your rookie season in an expansion city during their inaugural season. Did this present any unique opportunities/challenges you may have avoided on an established team?
Well, the challenges have to be the losses. It's hard to take so many Ls between every win. The fantastic locker room culture in Nevada was a huge help in keeping spirits high in our droughts, and we definitely have a lot to look forward to next season with how loaded up we are on young players.
On the bright side, playing for an expansion team has allowed me to fit in as a key piece on an up-and-coming roster. I've locked myself into a budding defensive core and I'm always going to be looking to help bring us more success.

2. Nevada has a lot of talent on the back end. Where do you see Funk fitting into that D core and what unique abilities do you bring to Nevada's blue line?
Great question. I feel like I can be a cure-all in the defensive core. With my speed, puck handling, and defensive stick work, I think I could be an impact player anywhere on our depth chart. If I'm needed as a shutdown third pairing player, I can play that. If I'm needed to run the offense for a little while, I can do that too. Versatility is the name of my game.

3. Players typically spend 3-4 seasons in the SMJHL before graduating. Do you think Nevada has the pieces to build a championship squad before your graduation? What do they have and what are they missing?
Not only do I believe that Nevada can build a championship team in the next 3-4 seasons, but I expect it. This team has such a strong foundation of active rookies with a few great, active veterans. When our rookies start to hit their second and third season caps and when we bring in a few more pieces to fill out the roster, I'm positive we'll be a contender before my graduation.

Right now the biggest missing pieces we have is down the middle and depth wingers. When we can build up that aspect of our team, we'll be a juggernaut.

4. What is the part of your game that you feel is the most untapped at the moment? What else is Funk going to surprise us with?
The offense. No doubt. I feel like I've established a fairly solid reputation as a shutdown defender, but going into my second season I want to make more use of my speed up the ice. My passing is getting to a point now where I feel like I can place the puck in good areas to score. Definitely look for my point totals to climb next season.


(This post was last modified: 09-03-2020, 12:11 PM by bigbluex02.)

Questions from @GCool  Cool

1. What was your favorite part of your first full season in the SMJHL?
My favorite part of my first full season was definitely just learning the ropes and getting my feet wet. It was exciting to log in every week and see how well I was performing, I loved popping into the LR and talking with everyone, meeting brand new people, and seeing the updates help Thomas Rose as the season progressed. 

2. What was your best game this season? Do you expect more of those sorts of games next season?
My best game this season was definitely game 4 in the playoffs against Quebec! Although we got the loss, I was able to put the puck in the back of the net, as well as assist one of my teammates, while racking up a 73 offensive grade! Not the most stat heavy, but it got me excited for next season and how well I can produce. If all goes well, and I keep updating well, I hope to have plenty of games like this one! 

3. Do you have a desired SHL destination?
This may sound cliche, but I would love to go anywhere! I just want to show that I am worth the pick and for a GM to take a chance on me. I know I can be efficient for the right team, I just need my shot to prove it.

4. How do you think the Outlaws will be next season?
I think the Outlaws will be back in the playoffs next season for sure. We have a solid core, we won't be losing too many guys, and we have a great management team in Anaheim that will get us to the next level!

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