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S56 Maine Timber Interested Prospects thread

1. What kind of a player are you building? Is there an FHM archetype you are trying to follow?

2. Do you have any previous experience with the Franchise Hockey Manager? (we are just interested whether we need to help you with the builds, don't be afraid to put in no)

3. Do you have any plans regarding SHL? Do you prefer staying down or will you try to push your way up into the main stage?

4. How much time do you expect to be putting into the league? Do you think you will be the top of the class guy or someone who takes it a bit easier?

5. How much do you think you would participate in our Discord LR? Also if possible include the link to your discord aswell, so we can invite you if we draft you ASAP.

6. Cats or dogs?

Manhattan Rage | General Manager
[Image: LSZLcjq.png]
thanks Sulovilen for the sig!
D | Manhattan Rage | Czechia

[Image: 8NuVFvj.png]

1. What kind of a player are you building? Is there an FHM archetype you are trying to follow?

I'm building to be able to switch between Rushing Defenceman and Mobile Defenceman in FHM terms. I want to be a quick, puck carrying defender able to go end to end, while also being able to backtrack for defensive plays.

2. Do you have any previous experience with the Franchise Hockey Manager? (we are just interested whether we need to help you with the builds, don't be afraid to put in no)

Minimal. I've tested it out a bit and I had Will Windsor, but I don't know it like I did STHS.

3. Do you have any plans regarding SHL? Do you prefer staying down or will you try to push your way up into the main stage?

I'd like to hit the SHL when I can, but only when I'm actually ready to do so. For that to happen, I'll need a lot more TPE than I can get in a couple seasons, so in all likelihood my player will have a lengthy junior career.

4. How much time do you expect to be putting into the league? Do you think you will be the top of the class guy or someone who takes it a bit easier?

I would like to be able to say that I'll be hanging around the top of my class, but given my previous player, I can't say that I'll manage. I'm going to put in an effort to develop as much as I can, but I failed to do so last time.

5. How much do you think you would participate in our Discord LR? Also if possible include the link to your discord aswell, so we can invite you if we draft you ASAP.

More this time around, I hope. I wasn't very active on Will Windsor but I plan to be on Heikkinen.

6. Cats or dogs?

Dogs of course.

[Image: hqBRlWW.png]
Berserkers Blizzard Usa


1. I am building a power forward left winger. I want to be a great passer and setup my teammates for easy goals. I also plan on being a solid shooter.

2. I have played FHM for a few years, and have been a sim sports fanatic for decades. (OOTP, Solecismic FOF, DDS, etc)

3. I will play in the minors until I am ready or when I am called up. I plan to be very active and getting all TPE tasks done in a timely manner.

4. I expect to a star in this league. I take pride in my effort in these leagues. (currently in PBE & ISFL)

5. I enjoy a positive discord locker room experience. My discord "post" activity never affects my ability to earn. I am on discord many times a day, but am not always posting, but always reading and staying up-to-date. My discord is username is TheZodiac#8707

6. Dogs!

1. What kind of a player are you building? Is there an FHM archetype you are trying to follow?
Transitional/Playmaking D, not really following a specific archetype closely, just trying to get some tpe in some useful stats.

2. Do you have any previous experience with the Franchise Hockey Manager? (we are just interested whether we need to help you with the builds, don't be afraid to put in no)
Not really, played it a bit, but the UI is so bad I can't do it man. Looked into the stats and stuff though.

3. Do you have any plans regarding SHL? Do you prefer staying down or will you try to push your way up into the main stage?
None at the moment, no idea.

4. How much time do you expect to be putting into the league? Do you think you will be the top of the class guy or someone who takes it a bit easier?
I will be doing all the PTs and Training etc. I should be near the top naturally if I keep up with all the weekly stuff. I have a bit of time outside of work so I should be able to keep up.

5. How much do you think you would participate in our Discord LR? Also if possible include the link to your discord aswell, so we can invite you if we draft you ASAP.
I would be on discord often but probably post a few times a day if it's active. I usually am the type to chip in or answer questions, don't often start the conversations unless I have something specific come up. spooked#8888

6. Cats or dogs?
dogs i think, but not the huge ones, yuck

1. What kind of a player are you building? Is there an FHM archetype you are trying to follow?

Playmaking LW. Fast.

2. Do you have any previous experience with the Franchise Hockey Manager? (we are just interested whether we need to help you with the builds, don't be afraid to put in no)

I do not. It wasn't used here last time I had a player.

3. Do you have any plans regarding SHL? Do you prefer staying down or will you try to push your way up into the main stage?

Will try and be the best that I can be

4. How much time do you expect to be putting into the league? Do you think you will be the top of the class guy or someone who takes it a bit easier?

Top Class. I'm a tad late to the class, some people have a small jump on me but I plan to be very active.

5. How much do you think you would participate in our Discord LR? Also if possible include the link to your discord aswell, so we can invite you if we draft you ASAP.

I do! Bluesflash#4587

6. Cats or dogs?

I like turtles.


1. What kind of a player are you building? Is there an FHM archetype you are trying to follow?: I'm a mobile defenseman.

2. Do you have any previous experience with the Franchise Hockey Manager? (we are just interested whether we need to help you with the builds, don't be afraid to put in no): I like to goof around with it (and cheat a lot), but I don't really know it all too well.

3. Do you have any plans regarding SHL? Do you prefer staying down or will you try to push your way up into the main stage?: I plan to be a star player to be built around.

4. How much time do you expect to be putting into the league? Do you think you will be the top of the class guy or someone who takes it a bit easier?: I intend to put as much time as I need to be a quality top pairing defenseman, and will always be around the locker rooms.

5. How much do you think you would participate in our Discord LR? Also if possible include the link to your discord aswell, so we can invite you if we draft you ASAP.: I'm on discord a fair amount. Not as much I used to be, but I'm still around.

6. Cats or dogs?: I used to be a cat guy, but I'm starting to enjoy dogs more and more and cats less and less.

[Image: T8nB5Dn.png][Image: KXZ8h4k.png]
[Image: duderino.gif]

Clint Eastwood, Jun 10 2018,  09:36 AM Wrote:Can't buy love, but love can buy a lot.

1. What kind of a player are you building? Is there an FHM archetype you are trying to follow?

A JT Miller esque player

2. Do you have any previous experience with the Franchise Hockey Manager? (we are just interested whether we need to help you with the builds, don't be afraid to put in no)

I've played 4, 5, and 6

3. Do you have any plans regarding SHL? Do you prefer staying down or will you try to push your way up into the main stage?

Eventually I want to go to the SHL

4. How much time do you expect to be putting into the league? Do you think you will be the top of the class guy or someone who takes it a bit easier?

I'm certainly trying to be a top class guy this time around

5. How much do you think you would participate in our Discord LR? Also if possible include the link to your discord aswell, so we can invite you if we draft you ASAP.

I'm really active on discord

6. Cats or dogs?

[Image: izzy.PNG]
(This post was last modified: 09-08-2020, 08:21 PM by Jepox.)

1. What kind of a player are you building? Is there an FHM archetype you are trying to follow?
A sniper

2. Do you have any previous experience with the Franchise Hockey Manager? (we are just interested whether we need to help you with the builds, don't be afraid to put in no)
Not much

3. Do you have any plans regarding SHL? Do you prefer staying down or will you try to push your way up into the main stage?
I'd prefer to go up as soon as I think I'm ready

4. How much time do you expect to be putting into the league? Do you think you will be the top of the class guy or someone who takes it a bit easier?
Top of the class

5. How much do you think you would participate in our Discord LR? Also if possible include the link to your discord aswell, so we can invite you if we draft you ASAP.
I'm pretty active on discord

6. Cats or dogs?

[Image: Jepox.gif]

1. What kind of a player are you building? Is there an FHM archetype you are trying to follow?
2. Do you have any previous experience with the Franchise Hockey Manager? (we are just interested whether we need to help you with the builds, don't be afraid to put in no)
3. Do you have any plans regarding SHL? Do you prefer staying down or will you try to push your way up into the main stage?
go pro
4. How much time do you expect to be putting into the league? Do you think you will be the top of the class guy or someone who takes it a bit easier?
try for the top so 2-4 hours I guess
5. How much do you think you would participate in our Discord LR? Also if possible include the link to your discord aswell, so we can invite you if we draft you ASAP.
6. Cats or dogs?

[Image: bVSLWwI.gif]
[Image: zdXC6eb.png] [Image: r6dZEGN.png] [Image: 8b7dmkE.png]

1. What kind of a player are you building? Is there an FHM archetype you are trying to follow?
two-way D Victor Hedman type

2. Do you have any previous experience with the Franchise Hockey Manager? (we are just interested whether we need to help you with the builds, don't be afraid to put in no)
Probably should be ok to build on my own but this is my first active player on it

3. Do you have any plans regarding SHL? Do you prefer staying down or will you try to push your way up into the main stage?
no plans, will do what SHL org thinks makes sense

4. How much time do you expect to be putting into the league? Do you think you will be the top of the class guy or someone who takes it a bit easier?
top of the class

5. How much do you think you would participate in our Discord LR? Also if possible include the link to your discord aswell, so we can invite you if we draft you ASAP.
probably a lot, but it depends on how much i like talking to the people in the LR obviously. Waters#4269

6. Cats or dogs?
i like dogs

[Image: ili5NZ2.png]


1. What kind of a player are you building? Is there an FHM archetype you are trying to follow?

I am hoping to build an offense focus with plenty of scoring skill.

2. Do you have any previous experience with the Franchise Hockey Manager? (we are just interested whether we need to help you with the builds, don't be afraid to put in no)

I do not have any experience with Franchise Hockey Manager.

3. Do you have any plans regarding SHL? Do you prefer staying down or will you try to push your way up into the main stage?

I have no strong preferences at this time.

4. How much time do you expect to be putting into the league? Do you think you will be the top of the class guy or someone who takes it a bit easier?

I plan on being as active as possible in terms of earning TPE. I have enough flexible free time that this should be possible.

5. How much do you think you would participate in our Discord LR? Also if possible include the link to your discord aswell, so we can invite you if we draft you ASAP.

I am working on being more active on discord! Calliope#9190

6. Cats or dogs?

Both. I simply refuse to choose between two equally wonderful animal companions.

[Image: unknown.png]

[Image: zFE0mSA.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png][Image: HKi05IH.png]

1. What kind of a player are you building? Is there an FHM archetype you are trying to follow?
Center screener.

2. Do you have any previous experience with the Franchise Hockey Manager? (we are just interested whether we need to help you with the builds, don't be afraid to put in no)
I do not. I have used EHM, though. They are similar, I believe.

3. Do you have any plans regarding SHL? Do you prefer staying down or will you try to push your way up into the main stage?
My plans are to take down the entire organization from the inside.

4. How much time do you expect to be putting into the league? Do you think you will be the top of the class guy or someone who takes it a bit easier?
69 hours.

5. How much do you think you would participate in our Discord LR? Also if possible include the link to your discord aswell, so we can invite you if we draft you ASAP.

6. Cats or dogs?
I don't want to marry either. I think it's weird you'd even ask me.

Platoon Rob Wright Battleborn
(This post was last modified: 09-09-2020, 08:11 PM by ToeDragon84.)

1. What kind of a player are you building? Is there an FHM archetype you are trying to follow?
defensive F, shadowwww
2. Do you have any previous experience with the Franchise Hockey Manager? (we are just interested whether we need to help you with the builds, don't be afraid to put in no)
none no okay
3. Do you have any plans regarding SHL? Do you prefer staying down or will you try to push your way up into the main stage?
go up asap, maybe idk. 5 years down perhaps. jk, like 2 at most alright
4. How much time do you expect to be putting into the league? Do you think you will be the top of the class guy or someone who takes it a bit easier?
easy easy for sure.
5. How much do you think you would participate in our Discord LR? Also if possible include the link to your discord aswell, so we can invite you if we draft you ASAP.
all the time, maybe. Or not. maybe never. sometimes, sometimes not idk idk.
6. Cats or dogs?

[Image: 4sN9yMR.png]

(This post was last modified: 09-09-2020, 07:56 PM by Ruggsy.)

1. What kind of a player are you building? Is there an FHM archetype you are trying to follow?
Im aiming to build an extremely defensive defense, while maintaining speed and passing 

2. Do you have any previous experience with the Franchise Hockey Manager? (we are just interested whether we need to help you with the builds, don't be afraid to put in no)
Yea, I was a big fan of EHM but I've done a bit of FHM

3. Do you have any plans regarding SHL? Do you prefer staying down or will you try to push your way up into the main stage?
I'd rather stay to go up at my full potential, and have some extra time to hang out with the team

4. How much time do you expect to be putting into the league? Do you think you will be the top of the class guy or someone who takes it a bit easier?
I'll be very active I'm on discord all the time. Trying to get as much as I can out of everything 

5. How much do you think you would participate in our Discord LR? Also if possible include the link to your discord aswell, so we can invite you if we draft you ASAP.
A lot I love discord, currently hanging in the colorado LR as uDFA and its been a great time. Ruggsy#7042

6. Cats or dogs?

This is a tough question. If I was going to get a pet right now I would get a cat, because they are so much more independent and I would feel so bad not having a ton of time for a dog. With that said, man do I love dogs. My parents have a boxer, Finn who is an amazing little beast

[Image: Z8yXihx.png] [Image: U0nD2Rt.png]

1. Line Shooter, Pass first then get in position to take a clapper from the line. Offensive defenseman

2. Complete newby

3. Not sure, probs gonna take a while to figure that out

4. Not sure how much the average time is, but id plan on about 4-5 hours a week. Is that good?

5. Goober-Patrol#0457

6. Large dogs

   [Image: d2EaZfr.png]
Former Player

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