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S56 SHL Entry Draft
(This post was last modified: 09-12-2020, 08:11 PM by SDCore.)

Date: September 12th, 2020
Time: 6:00 PM EDT
Location: Mississauga, ON (behind the Skyzone)

Round 1

1. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda - Aleksander Kozlov
2. Stars Toronto North Stars - Evangelos Giannopoulos
3. Chiefs Minnesota Chiefs - Rock Strongo
4. Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (Inferno -> Steelhawks -> Wolfpack) - Calvin Hobbes
5. Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (Argonauts -> Wolfpack) - Grandmaster Funk
6. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda (Platoon -> Barracuda) - Vladmir Petrov
7. pride San Francisco Pride - Yngve Simonsson
8. Panthers Los Angeles Panthers - Jonas Kahnwald
9. Jets Winnipeg Jets - Jasper Maximov
10. Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks (Wolfpack -> Steelhawks) - Sarah Burke
11. Renegades Texas Renegades - Slava Petrov
12. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda (syndicate -> Barracuda) - KnockedOut ByOvechkin
13. Dragons Calgary Dragons - Sachimo Zoidberg III
14. Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (Rage -> Wolfpack)- Teylora Petrov
15. Argonauts Seattle Argonauts (Steelhawks -> Wolfpack -> Argonauts)- Dee Centerman IV
16. Panthers Los Angeles Panthers (Blizzard -> Panthers) - Vili Afalava
17. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda (Specters -> Barracuda) - Phillip Weaver
18. Argonauts Seattle Argonauts (Stampede -> Wolfpack -> Argonauts) - Zdenko Beranek

Round 2

19. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda - Valtterri Kauppinen
20. Platoon Baltimore Platoon (Stars -> Platoon) - Tanjiro Kamado
21. Specters New Orleans Specters (Chiefs -> Specters) - Zbynek Dobrovsky
22. Inferno Atlanta Inferno - Michael Withecheck
23. Argonauts Seattle Argonauts - Vaseline Poscalzone
24.  Platoon Baltimore Platoon (Platoon -> Barracuda-> Platoon) - Zebulon Leavitt
25. pride San Francisco Pride - Chad Danger
26. Panthers Los Angeles Panthers - Grape Fruit
27. Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (Jets -> Wolfpack) - Alexis Vermette
28. Wolfpack New England Wolfpack - FORFEIT
29. Renegades Texas Renegades - Lemo Pihl
30. syndicate Chicago Syndicate - Mat Smith
31. Dragons Calgary Dragons - Thomas Rose
32. Chiefs Minnesota Chiefs (Rage -> Chiefs) - Kynwyl Pearce
33. Stampede Buffalo Stampede (Steelhawks ->  Stampede) - Walter Burke
34. Panthers Los Angeles Panthers (Blizzard -> Panthers) - "Long" John Donair
35. pride San Francisco Pride (Specters -> pride) - Patrik Money
36. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda (Stampede -> Barracuda) - Boris Petrov

Round 3

37. Dragons Calgary Dragons (Barracuda -> Dragons) - Logan Wong
38. Stars Toronto North Stars - James Kimanje
39. Chiefs Minnesota Chiefs - Anna Maier
40. Inferno Atlanta Inferno - Kenji Sugimoto
41. Stampede Buffalo Stampede (Argonauts->  Stampede ) - Jst Maro
42. pride San Francisco Pride (Platoon -> pride) - Daedalus James
43.  Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard (pride -> Steelhawks ->  Blizzard) - Bane
44. Argonauts Seattle Argonauts (Panthers -> Wolfpack -> Argonauts) - William Salming
45. Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (Jets -> Wolfpack) - Mikhael Petrov
46. pride San Francisco Pride (Wolfpack -> pride) - Kev Kevens
47. Stampede Buffalo Stampede (Renegades -> Stampede) - Chimkin Tendy
48. syndicate Chicago Syndicate - Bud Weiser
49. Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (Dragons -> Wolfpack) - Adrian Ayers
50. Panthers Los Angeles Panthers (Rage -> Panthers) - Ragnar-Alexandre Ragnarsson-Tremblay
51. Panthers Los Angeles Panthers (Steelhawks -> Panthers) - Jonas Caspari
52. Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard - Rikki Petrov
53. pride San Francisco Pride (Specters -> pride) - Raivo Helminen
54. Stampede Buffalo Stampede - Eero Makinen Jr

Round 4

55. syndicate Chicago Syndicate (Barracuda -> syndicate) - Damien Vertigo
56. Stars Toronto North Stars - Pass
57. Chiefs Minnesota Chiefs - Pass
58. Inferno Atlanta Inferno - Josh Dolphin
59. Argonauts Seattle Argonauts - Monkey Mann Jr.
60. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda (Platoon -> Barracuda) - C.K. Supernaw
61. pride San Francisco Pride - Valtteri Aalto
62. Stars Toronto North Stars (Panthers -> Stars) - Pass
63. Jets Winnipeg Jets -
64. Panthers Los Angeles Panthers (Wolfpack -> Panthers) - Pass
65. Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks (Renegades -> Barracuda -> Steelhawks) - Čeněk Iqbal
66. syndicate Chicago Syndicate - Pass
67. Dragons Calgary Dragons - Pass
68. Stars Toronto North Stars (Rage -> Stars) - Pass
69. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda (Steelhawks -> Barracuda) - Unga Bunga Lemme Smash
70. Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard - Markleesio Hopscotch
71. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda (Specters -> Barracuda) - Pass
72. pride San Francisco Pride (Stampede -> pride) - Pass

Round 5

73. Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks (Barracuda -> Steelhawks) - Pass
74. Stars Toronto North Stars - Pass
75. Chiefs Minnesota Chiefs - Pass
76. Inferno Atlanta Inferno - Max Goodman
77. Argonauts Seattle Argonauts - Yuuto Kira Cloudera Jr.
78. Platoon Baltimore Platoon - Jimmy Dekens
79. pride San Francisco Pride - Pass
80. Panthers Los Angeles Panthers - Pass
81. Jets Winnipeg Jets - Pass
82. Wolfpack New England Wolfpack - Pass
83. Renegades Texas Renegades - Pass
84. syndicate Chicago Syndicate - Pass
85. Dragons Calgary Dragons - Pass
86. Argonauts Seattle Argonauts (Rage -> Argonauts) - Pass
87. Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks - Pass
88. Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard - Karl Schaufelberger
89. Specters New Orleans Specters - Xavier Doom
90. Stampede Buffalo Stampede - Halldor Ragnarssson

Round 6

96: Platoon Baltimore Platoon - Lucas Johansson

[Image: bjobin2.png]
[Image: 9tINabI.png][Image: c97iD9R.png]

**First GM in SMJHL history to win 3 Four Star Cups back-to-back-to-back**

Hoping Chimkin gets drafted this season.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
[Image: 64012_s.gif]
Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

Can we opt out?

[Image: 8PlNwDd.png]


wolfpack now own both expansion team picks :monkaW:

[Image: bjobin2.png]
[Image: 9tINabI.png][Image: c97iD9R.png]

**First GM in SMJHL history to win 3 Four Star Cups back-to-back-to-back**

Dragons Dragons Dragons Dragons Dragons Dragons

Looking forward to meeting our newest Baby Dragons!

[Image: OnGNB1G.gif]

[Image: cgv4vCv.png]|[Image: 95lCCDx.png]|[Image: KgwtJeY.png]

@Mike Izzy can you post the tom wilson walking gif

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

09-11-2020, 11:40 PMSlashACM Wrote: @Mike Izzy can you post the tom wilson walking gif

[Image: tumblr_oofhkfs9sk1rbjg0vo1_500.gif]

#Retired-Izzy walking into the draft VIP room where he’s going to get some.. massages ... before the Event.

[Image: OnGNB1G.gif]

[Image: cgv4vCv.png]|[Image: 95lCCDx.png]|[Image: KgwtJeY.png]

09-11-2020, 11:48 PMMike Izzy Wrote:
09-11-2020, 11:40 PMSlashACM Wrote: @Mike Izzy can you post the tom wilson walking gif

[Image: tumblr_oofhkfs9sk1rbjg0vo1_500.gif]

#Retired-Izzy walking into the draft VIP room where he’s going to get some.. massages ... before the Event.


[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

We Are Live!

[Image: 60133_s.gif]
[Image: W3cWGCN.png][Image: 3XEVZeB.png]
 Timber Steelhawks Norway Norway Steelhawks Timber  
Knights  Renegades Norway   Norway Renegades Knights

Enjoy everyone. Cheers

[Image: giphy.gif]

Player Page || Update Page

Good luck boys! Shoutout to all my desert dogs we're gonna be watching a few of you go in the 1st for sure! PogRam

[Image: qqfzCsq.png]

(GIF of some homeless guy walking into the draft area)

Chimkin Tendy has arrived.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
[Image: 64012_s.gif]
Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

First, I'd like to congratulate the Buffalo Stampede on their Challenge Cup Victory, very well deserved.

Now, with the FIRST overall pick in the S56 SHL Draft, the Tampa Bay Barracuda are excited to select...

from the Carolina Kraken...


Welcome to the team @FlappyGiraffe Barracuda

[Image: OAwTLCd.png]

[Image: pppoopoo.gif]
[Image: 7925.png]
Thanks to @karey and @JSS for the sigs!

Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM

[Image: Toronto.png]

With the 2nd overall selection in the S56 SHL Entry Draft, the Toronto North Stars are proud to select defenseman from the Detroit Falcons...

Evangelos Giannopoulos!
Welcome to #StarGang @JSS!

[Image: ml002.gif]
Credit to Copenhagen, Wasty, FlappyGiraffe, InciteHysteria, and caltroit_red_flames
 [Image: MM4nqx6.png] [Image: Niz2wua.png][Image: egAspOO.png] Knights
[Image: GZ9XvkA.png]


Chiefs Chiefs Chiefs Chiefs Chiefs

[Image: YvFogwo.png]

With the 3rd Pick in the S56 SHL Draft. Minnesota is proud to select

Rock Strongo

Chiefs  Chiefs  Chiefs  Chiefs  Chiefs

[Image: spartangibbles.gif]
Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  

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