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S56 SMJHL PT #3 - Adversary Analysis

There's always that one team that you can't seem to beat, and it seems like no matter what you do they just have you figured out. Likewise, every season there is always a team that your squad is just well-suited to play against so it ends up being a fun encounter. Who are those teams for you so far? Feel free to ask your GMs if you need any information!

Written Option: Write about teams that your SMJHL team or player have either performed especially well or poorly against so far this season. What do you think are the reasons for the results going like they did? (150+ words)

Graphic Option:  Create an infographic comparing your team and a team you did especially well or poorly against. Include 3+ stats from games between each other.

4 TPE for doing the thing. (Just one of the things, not both.)

Only S56 SMJHL Rookies (S57 SHL Rookies) are eligible for this PT.

Do not claim this TPE until a post is made in the claim thread.

Deadline  Sunday, October 11th @ 11:59 pm Eastern

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Sean Gatez is currently in last place against all S57 Rookies. While the Timber as a whole are doing alright in the standings with 14 points (6 wins and 2 OT losses) Sean cant seem to get his footing in the games. So its not like he is playing poor against just the Battleborn or the Citadelles, he is playing like garbage against everyone. He is currently standing at a -7 with 0 goals and 0 assists. What is causing this? Well the rookie seems to have been impressive enough to play with the big boys on the first 2 lines and because of that he is getting worn out quickly. He is not used to playing so many minutes with a top line, then combine in all of the back to back games and its a recipe to wear out a fresh faced rookie. Here is hoping he can shake off this awful start to his career and find his footing.

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Former Player

The Newfoundland Berserkers have had a decent start to the season, but our worst loss came at the hands of the Vancouver Whalers. On October 11th, we were shutout 6 to zero on the Whalers' home ice. They scored their 6 goals on only 33 shots. They were the aggressor in that game as well, outhitting us 15 to 9. Vancouver is one of the better teams in the league, and they really showed it that night. They have scored 49 goals through 12 games, good for 2nd best in the entire SMJHL. They will be one of the franchises fighting for the championship this season, and our play against them will need to get better if we want to defend our title. We looked like we were in different leagues that day. All we can do as a team is get better each and every day, and the hard work will pay off against not only Vancouver but the entire league.

(162 words)

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Tyler Ward is currently the back up goaltender for the Quebec City Citadelles. And as such he hasn't seen a lot of action this season, as of yet. Which is to be expected of a rookie just trying to help out the team. With two games started Tyler is currently sitting at 1-1. With a total of 37 shots against, 32 saves and five goals allowed. Thankfully not all in one game.

A lot of QCC's loses this season have come off of close games. Currently sitting at 4-7-1, QCC is sitting in the middle of the pack in terms of standings at the moment. One team that they haven't been able is the Carolina Kraken. Having faced them twice this seasons, both being 1 goal loses. QCC is going to have to look for a way around them. One major flaw has been the slow start that QCC's players have got to start getting more shots on goal in the early stages of the game. And while they usually catch up in shots come the third period, it is often too little too late.


Michael Scotch has come into this season expecting to face tough competition and the SMJHL has certainly delivered! So far this season our coaching staff seemed to have a good game plan against the Maine Timber.  We've played them two times this season and the second game was a comfortable 5 - 2 win.  The first game started off well as we led 3 - 0 but a couple goals rattled our team early.  After we let in a couple goals our team collapsed in the third period and our coach really chewed us out for that.  We ended up losing this game 7 - 4 when we deviated from the game plan.  That game was a good learning experience but Maine seems to be a good matchup for us and we tend to play very well against them so far into this early season.  As long as our team follows the game plan our coaching staff puts out we seem to be one of the best teams in the league, and Maine has let us realize this.  Additionally it seems our team has an outstanding offense so the other team needs to match our offensive pressure which isn't easy to do.

Robert Feltersnatch has been drafted as a S57 SHL draftee, but he never expected the league to be that tough on his confidence. Still pointless after 13 games, Robert post a +- of 3 with 15 shots on goal. With a PDO of 100.3, let's not expect better outcome for the rest of the season. Robert needs to focus on having fun before having his name on the scoring sheet. With a great coaching staff, we expect a team to be heavily reliant on veteran presence to give the youngters a good environnment to grow in. We seem to be outshotting many teams, yet we can not get those 2 needed points. One reason why Robert Feltersnatch seems to not get any point is because of his little playing time(and the coaches aren't to blame). He has yet to show any particular skill that would give him any powerplay time or top 4 minutes.

157 words

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Things have started out a bit rough for the Detroit Falcon rookies. By all means they are trying their gosh darn hardest, but oh boy are they being trampled by the bigger bois. But there's not room for feeling down! Every game Jimmy talked with himself and his teammates about how to never give up, about how to stay strong, and play your best. Not everyone always played their best, but you can't be perfect each time. The Detroit Falcons had finished their 10th game and were about to go up to play their 11th - they were up against the Kelowna Knights, a feisty team. A worthy opponent indeed. All suited up and gatorade coursing through the blood of the Detrois Falcon rookies - they were on the ice. A pass here, a shot there, it was a wild game! And by god it was close. They hadn't won a game before, and it was no one's surprise that they were going to lose this one. Something caught Jimmy's eye and no it wasn't his teammate absolutely bulging cock, he saw an opening. Jimmy in defense, grabbed the puck, and managed to take control. He takes a breath, shooting it towards the net. He waits. He watched. The puch weaves and slides and - it goes in! The Falcons scored a goal by Jimmy Nutcluster!!! Go Falcons! screamed the crowd. The time ends, and the Falcons won 3-2 against Kelowna Knights with Jimmy Nutcluster in the clutch. Here's to a season of improvement powered by will and gatorade.

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(This post was last modified: 10-05-2020, 06:18 PM by Arkz.)

Vancouver has played in 15 games so far this season, and have amassed an impressive 11-4 record. They've primarily taken advantage of two teams during that stretch: the Anchorage Armada and the Kelowna Knights. In the four games against Anchorage, Vancouver has put together a 3-1 record. The Whalers are also undefeated against Kelowna, 3-0. The story of both games has been a combination of stout goaltending and an outpouring of shots. Against Anchorage, the goal differential is 17-7 in favor of Vancouver, and that's with a 4-0 Anchorage shut out in the mix. You pull that out, and its 17-3 in favor of Vancouver over three games. Vancouver likes to pour it on the net, keeping it out of the defensive zone as long as possible. When looking at the games against Kelowna, a similar pattern emerges with a 14-8 differential. The games here have been generally closer, minus a 6-1 Vancouver victory, but still the Whaler strategy is clear. Get pucks on net early and often. Fortunately for Vancouver, veteran goaltender Name Redacted is having a strong year, with a 7-3 record and a 2.39 GAA and .907% SV%. Just as important, however, is that the Whaler backup, rookie Jon St. Ark, is 4-1 with a 1.44 GAA and SV% of .939. The sample size is small, but if Jon St. Ark can continue to offer strong performances when Redacted is out, it will be difficult for other teams to catch up to Vancouver's lead.

Word count: 247

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The Kelowna Knights have committed to their youth movement and its showing in the early season Standings, as they sit with 3 wins, 9 losses, and 2 OTLs for a disappointing 8 points thus far. However, they've gotten decent production from their rookies up front with a combined 12 points from Vlastislav Malik, Cian McFelter, Brennan Huff, and Anna Pontecorvo in 14 games played. The Knights have had their moments, but have unfortunately struggled thus far against a divisional rival, the Vancouver Whalers. The Whalers are 3-0 in the 3 games against the Knights, outscoring us 13-5. The Knights will quietly wait for their opportunity to turn the tables against the Whalers, whether it comes in the 2nd half of the season or next season when their budding rookies have more games under their belt and are capable of contributing on both ends of the ice. We won't stay down for long!

Word Count: 152

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(This post was last modified: 10-05-2020, 08:41 PM by Demolish.)

So this will not be easy as it is my first ever SHL experience and have nothing to go on besides the 16 game sample thus far in the smjhl s56.  That said, Colorado Raptors as a team got off to a great start out of the gates but have stumbled pretty hard as of late.  Prior to our severe losing streak, we did manage to come across a staggering Detroit Falcons team.  We happened to play them twice in a three day span during our winning days.  Needless to say we spanked them pretty good and that's why I have chosen them as the team we perform surprisingly well.  In that 2 game span we out scored them 9-0, felt great even though I was riding pine for both shut out wins.  A major contributing factor to the demise of the Falcons versus ourselves has to be the lack of veteran experience. Falcons are rostering 8 rookie skaters and 8 more sophomores.  On a 20 man or so roster having 16 players just getting their feet wet will have its set backs.  On the other hand, the Raptors can count on numerous veterans who have important roles on the team combined with a good mix of rookies to support the future.

889 characters / 214 words

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The team which has posed the biggest challenged to Arsene in his debut season so far has been the Quebec City Citadelles. In two games verses Quebec City, he only managed to score a single point, being an assist in game 10. This may seem fine for a rookie, one points in two game, but for the rate Leclerc is scoring that is below average and as he his showing himself as a goal scoring blueline quarterback, it is unusual for him not to find the back of the net at least once against Quebec. That also comes with the fact that in the Outlaws first game against the Citadelles Arsene put up a whopping -3, with no points, in what was his worst performance in the SMJHL so far. I am not sure why there has been issues against QCC, as against some stronger performing lineups nothing quiet like this is happening, but if anything QCC is a solid team and it is not surprising that they would be able to at least put some pressure on a rookie D-man. As the season goes on Arsene will only get stronger, and hopefully he can make his presence more impactful against not only Quebec City, but the whole league. 210 Words.
(This post was last modified: 10-06-2020, 02:58 AM by retuperkele.)

Carolina Kraken having played 13 games this season so far, have faced the St. Louis Scarecrows 4 times already. The records stands in their favor 3-1, the Scarecrows managing to clinch their first win just a few days ago. One of two main reasons why the Kraken have been succesful thus far lies beneath their rookie depth. Promising youngsters like Freyja Hellström and Luukas Lilja have proved themselves worthy among more experienced players. Second and the more important of the two is their tactical aspect. After falling to the Newfoundland Berserkers during day 2 of regular season, they changed their game for the better, managing to clinch a notable 6 win streak, before the mentioned scarecrows came out on top of them. Surely there is more to their game, but these two things are currently most prominent. Only time will tell if the Kraken still have it in them to go for a long postseason.

Edit: word count, 155

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Unfortunately for me and my Quebec City Citadelles, the season hasn't gotten off to the start that we had hoped that we would see. The games have seemed close, so we could just attribute it to bad luck or something, but I'm not sure if that's a valid excuse haha. Looking at the schedule, it appears that two teams have given us the most trouble. One of those teams is the Colorado Raptors. They beat us in the season opener in Colorado 2-4, and then they beat us again in our own arena with a score of 3-0. The other team that has given us fits is those dang Carolina Kraken. Our first meeting with them was a home game in Quebec City, and it was a loss, scored at 2-3. Our second was in Carolina and was a 3-4 loss. I'm not sure what's going wrong exactly. I'm just a rookie, so I'm trying to do my part, but maybe I need to step up more!

178 words

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This season have been so rough and rocky to Detroit Falcons yet. We have very young, but talented core to coming and they are get better and better every week. Anton Mihailov already make his first point and it means that he's starting to be more and more effective every week. Mihailov is focusing to training very hard and intensive, that's the reason why it's may show as poor performance at games. We have to remember that Mihailov is the most potential hockey player from Vartican since 1900-century. Here in Detroit we don't stress about losses or wins, because we know that there is coming more bright day to us at future. Of course it's little bit hard to upkeep motivation if you lose basically every game, but the situation is not that hopeless. There is a lot of hope here in Detroit and our locker room. We are ready to continue!

152 words

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Off the bat, the Nevada Battleborn have had LOTS of success against Colorado. Usually we have everything clicking against them and players are playing at their finest. Plus some reasons why I think that the NEvada Battleborn are doing better is because of NOAH JOHNS III! A GEM! His dad was a Colorado Raptor and Noah Johns III is able to get into the Colorado players heads!!! Noah has also had very good success against them. Plus Noah's dad played for the Battleborn in his last season so Noah was used to the team off the bat from past stories from his dad! But really good goal tending from the Battleborn has also boosted the success for them. Another few reasons for the success are the captains! They boost the morale of the team to push it to their limit. I think I would call Colorado a rival to Nevada. Just because mainly everygame is exciting in it's own way against Colorado. And very close finishes.

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